Scorpion King Mod in Among Us

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so today and among us we're going to the desert we got scorpions giant worms and the scorpion king and of course stick around till the end we are the most toxic we've ever been let's also get to 70 000 likes in uh two days please hit the subscribe button let's do this does anybody have a oh we're currently in the desert if you've ever had water hit the like button oh my god so many likes this is the like button okay it's so crusty my mouth is always crusty it's crusty i don't i need some water okay so bevel how this mod works right these little wells okay it's a sandstorm why family run [Music] we need water let me get this med kit i got the med kit i got to make it i got the med kit i need water oh water water oh no we need water if we run out of water we die oh no we need water i need water i need water oh gary okay get the water right there oh gosh oh my goodness well guys welcome back to among us gary biffle biffle there are camels we need to get our test done and then we can leave can we buy anyway before i need you to help me get all my tests on okay okay there are bad things there are scorpions i need water i need this water i need water there we go okay i'm full on water dude i almost dehydrated that drink that water bible drink the water bible okay i have a med kit i need to go i want to go find the flame thrower [Music] i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running let me grab the campfire get up the campfire i got a campfire i got to make it i am all good oh wait no it's picking me nighttime i got i got a a campfire i'll put a cam down here scorpion the scorpions come on tonight we gotta stomp on them okay okay we can we can stomp on the women of the campfire anytime scorpion fights my leg off oh we got here we got you we're good we got this night time's over night time's over it was a mirage no dude stick around for my turn to be the scorpion dude he's insane he's got some sick combo no another mirage and also keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments okay let's go this way i need more water i need water how many mirages are there oh the scorpions are out i got the flame throw a voice i got the flame thrower i'll help you does it i gotta make it i gotta i have the flame thrower uh you're in the wrong mod you don't know english yeah okay i need water give me water okay water water yes drink up evil drink up no not that not that much not that you good you're good oh henry you got a flame though henry i am all done with my tasks i have one more task oh no it was a mirage no i don't care i don't care this is making my water go down no no no am i about to die no i'm good i'm good okay can i escape the jewel room is open boys i am out of here and does it work are we gonna die please no there we go i have found the treasure and go figure loaf is the imposter let's wait for my turn to be the scorpion king everybody be quiet i'm being quiet now no be quiet right now i need some water can somebody give me water okay everybody give me some water water [Music] oh my god this is chaos [Music] guys i am the imposter as you can tell play natural complaining okay okay make sure i'm muted let's become the uh the dude perfect now let me increase my water so whenever i become out of the dude i have full water so boys as the scorpion king as you can tell whenever i'm normal mode i can set up a bunch of plays like as you saw right i can do a heat wave which makes everybody's water go down there we go i can also do an eclipse there we go makes it turn night right all right i can also do a soldier oh there's niko nico's about to die there's no water anywhere you need to get water where's the water tomorrow help help oh oh nico it'd be bad if there was a soldier holding you goodbye nico guys i need water okay i got water i got whatever guys nice water guys i have bad news what's wrong i just saw nico die to starvation of water that's starvation right that's the diet of starvation of water starvation of water just eat more water and you need more water oh yeah yeah he just died of starvation in the water yeah let's make it nighttime i'm just going to keep it nice so they can't do anything if they finish their tests they can escape out of the the top i don't care about these things here so the combos that i can set up let's do i'm just going to spam my abilities to keep them there's uh he's trapped there he has to spam the the space bar button to get out of there okay let me become the dude now the combos with this guy are insane oh let me go ahead and wall this off let me wall uh while that off and then close that door yeah now they're stuck there they're lighting fires because it's night time okay so how this works check this out let's say let's say i do a wormhole right there that wormhole is permanently there look at it now if i do a soldier wave check this out i'm gonna push lookums into the wormhole i'll do that again so the the soldier push makes it to where i push anything in the way and i push it away check this out check this out there's loaf there's loaf and hello i am let's do soldier wave i'm gonna push him out of the map [Music] the only way that they can get in is by walking this way and if i put a a trap there [Laughter] can they make it i don't think they can make it wolf is going to die to starve he's going to die to dehydration he's dying to dehydration it's counting down oh that's toxic and loaf is a pile of death i also have venom sting let's hit biffle with the venom stings because he has a medkit back there i don't want to kill him you know i want to keep it there we go there you go no no no uh hey scorpio don't mind me isn't gonna bandage myself pick up another convict where do you think you're going let me do the wall on him did i hit him oh i missed you're lucky okay okay so that's the venom sting i can just do a long range sniper shot you know and then they have to use the med kit to survive i can also do bird no please i'll drink water stop go away please let me live i'm a little boy no please no i surrender to my almighty king please mr scorpion king let me live i'm just a little boy you know what gary work you know what am i alive you can go oh no [Music] [Laughter] i love this mod so much this is one of my favorite mods this is so good scorpion cake wait please listen here's a medkit for you my liege by the way i'll do anything please please i don't like your look oh i loved it i just cut his face off oh i'm gonna hide the camel [Music] i got a camel i'm gonna go hide the camel i'm gonna go hide the camel up here nobody can use the camel there's a sandstorm of brewing pat there's a sandstorm of brewing oh no where's the water oh no oh no there's a heat wave of brewing oh no it's chaos i need water gary get get water water water carry oh my gosh that was close gary listen oh it's a mirage it's a mirage it's a mirage on the bright side i can escape you need water bad oh wait no that's not how you get water no simmy you are gonna dehydrate oh oh no oh pat pat did you die to death oh wait gary said he can escape i cannot allow this not on my wall i'm gonna sit here borrowed i'm gonna wait for gary to come this way here comes gary is he gonna get water i need water so bad i'm gonna die i'm gonna wait for gary oh no wait for gary and i'm gonna balance on him here comes gary [Laughter] oh i love this one so much okay okay i gotta be careful now wait hold on if i put a wormhole here the wormhole lasts forever that's why it's on such a long cooldown nobody can escape i just won i literally just won i i just no no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you're gonna get me i feel quick i'm gonna hit somebody into the way wait wait how did she leave no no you come here you get over here you get oh don't you leave me you're stuck here don't you you know what you know what you know what oh she's scared how are they how are they getting through a bunch of hackers you know what they can't get through the exit so we're kind of good kidding me i finished my tasks well why don't you just leave just leave okay okay okay i got this i got this dude i got this i got it you don't even worry don't even worry i got this i got this i got no no no no no just leave no just leave oh gary hello i am i got i got a med kit for you guys go ahead and bandage on up all right well who's left is it just me and who else is here it's just shimmy this is such girlfriend oh zod's still here oh oh this is mean zod and his girlfriend are here oh no wait i'm gonna put another thing down so they can't leave put another thingy down put another thingy down put another worm hole down oh i got an idea this is gonna be mean [Laughter] hey zad no hey guys i didn't stop come here is that like foreign are you making a fort come here son listen listen listen come here hold on come here come here follow me where are you okay listen sammy listen listen listen zod listen sammy can escape okay oh but there's a dilemma okay do you want to see the dilemma yeah no but like you have to do it do you want to see the dilemma yeah yeah sure let's go see this what do you do oh she can't escape come on okay are you gonna be a good little boyfriend and sacrifice yourself so she can escape for what are you gonna you're gonna you're gonna let hello can you escape if you promise me you will escape if i sacrifice myself because i have to get rid of this i can't but i don't want you to listen to me one of us have to get out of here i have no i'm sorry goodbye goodbye [Music] [Laughter] oh that's a different level of toxic guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,758,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6pCySBIUyg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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