[MSFS] UPDATED! FlyByWire A32NX Landing Tutorial|Drawyah

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hey there drawer here and welcome to this tutorial where we shall take a look at the flyby a32 and x and go through the descent and approach procedures aircrafts this means setting up the mtdu with art star and approach runway going through the efbr electronic flight bag for our descent calculation and brake usage and going through both a manual and autoland procedure within its aircrafts it's highly recommended that you have a simbri flight plan to follow along and so if you don't have flight plan ready or not in brief is i recommend you click on the item top right corner and go through that first before you proceed to the landing however if you are a cruise and race lighted sense then feel free to follow along or now go through procedure so here we are at flights level 370 or 37 000 feet we're continuing along with our flights from london heathrow to helsinki vanta and right now we're about 160 miles away from the airports a quick reminder what we're looking at on our left hand side we have our primary flight display our pfd which shows your basic flight information such as air speeds altitude and artificial horizon your right side you've got your navigation display nd which has your routine to the airports and then you have your upper and lower ecams which gives you your flight information keep your aircraft in the air the first thing you want to do is head down to the mcu and we're going to do is print out an updated weather sheets we can do this by going over to the mcd menu i'm going to add suit go into the aot menu weather request and send what this is going to do is request the weather information in the meta string and send nets to your master prints we know it's arrived when you look at the upper ecam and you'll see they'll receive the company message just like that so look back at the mcdu we'll return to the oc menu we'll go over to receive messages select the new message that's arrived and just press on the print button if we head down to the lower right hand side of the pedestal you'll see that the printer is now printing out sheets just click on that when it's done return to the mcd menu position and have a look at the updated weather so right now we're looking at wind speeds of eight knots heading two seven zero plus ten visibility broken clouds reportedly six hundred feet thirteen degrees centigrade two point thirteen with qnh of niner niner two so as it stands it's not too bad tons of clouds some low coverage but clear visibility temperature is quite warm at the moment and the winds relatively light heading in the 270 direction so we're landing on runway two two left which is currently the active runway and therefore that should work in our favor what we're now going to do is set up our star so head back to the flight plan we'll select our destination airport with helsinki echo functional hotel kilo click on the arrival index and we can now see it's different list of approaches these are all the runways and all the approach options available for them generally in the form of localizers islet approaches and vor points ios and localizers are relatively similar in how they work in that for both of these you'll hook onto the ios frequency of the runway and on the localizer it will just focus on your heading as opposed to altitude and your ils will combine both your altitude and your heading together the oils work a little different in that's what you're doing is pointing your aircraft towards a non-directional beacon and ndb and points your aircraft towards that of your approach those could be a little trickier to perfect but enough practice it's not too difficult to do for this tutorial we'll cover the ils for both landings but generally eyelashes and localizers do work in very similar ways so right now we're looking at runway two two left is active helsinki you can fight your active runway based on your symbol flight plan or if there's active tower on a network such as ivan vatsim check the meter and i'll give you the active runway but there's no active tower or you're flying offline and seeks your symbol flight plan is your defaults so we'll be landing on the ils runway two to left we can select that and we now get is a selection of stars our standard terminal arrival routing and so this is a pre-defined set of waypoints that tao can give to you and essentially guys the aircraft from your final waypoints to the runway on an efficient route away from other traffic departing as well as different airspace rulings so if this rival will get the lacquer iv alpha arrival we can scroll down to the lacquers now on this occasion we have got a lag quarter five alpha as well as four hour plot on this occasion that's no problem it's not always gonna be the same in terms of the number and the actual routing so for example different rivals different routings can give you slightly different number or approach routing but essentially we're looking at the lakota arrival which is the most important parts as the texts from the la quartz waypoints to the runway so lag quartz five alpha brings us from the final waypoint of la court to runway two to left which you got selected so select it we're not going in by any approaches so we'll clear that inside flight plan and as you can see we now have a longer flight plan with much more waypoints and routings included we can also look at the navigation display switch over to plan mode and zoom in slightly just to see how our approach will work so using the up down arrows to go step by step through all the way points you can see we fly to the north of helsinki for looping around and coming into the south from the north east so nice and steady approach that should look quite nice for us we'll return back to the arc modes zoom out on the map slightly and make sure that our approach routing is all visible on the map at this point we're now 134 miles away from helsinki we're now going to calculate our descents so if we head over to the efb tab on the left hand side we're going to do is head over to the calculator and we're going to do is check out where our top ascent will be so for helsinki runway 2 to left our insert how to apply slope is 3000 feet you can check these based on your chart information which can get either through never graph or can be found very easy online and so for our tents to reach three thousand feet we can start target altitude as three thousand our current attitude you can type it manually press the sync button and that'll sync it to your across targets so in order to descend from thirty seven thousand feet to three thousand feet that's a three percent a three degree descent angle what's also said at 107 miles with 126 left to go means that we've got around 20 miles to go now before we start hard sense what you also need to do is set up our approach phase click on the performance button and click on next phase and here you can see a blank template of the information we need to fill in now this information is i've found on the weather sheets that you just printed out or on your chart information so our q h our pressure on arrival is currency 992 therefore type in 992 and paste it into q and h temperature housing right now starts in 10th grade so type in 13 paste it there wind detected are two two zero it's eight knots so type in two two zero a slash three two blocks information up it's eight knots input that's transition altitude at helsinki is 5000 feet that's quantitative charts so type that in place transition altitude and our bronzer our minimums is going to be at 3 3 1. and so the airbus a320 is a class c aircrafts being a jet lineup and therefore we'll follow class c beside that crafts and depending on the approach going to do in this case an eyeless approach catch one through throne of our minimums and therefore what our minimums is is our minimum safe approach altitude in the a320 where the runway has to be visible to us before we call a go around if we blow minimums normally visible we go around if we're blowing minimums and the runway is visible then we continue our approach and bring the aircraft into land as well as this we also need to calculate aircraft's braking so back to the fb tablets click on the landing page type in your over ico code which in this case is echo factual key light pull the meter information make sure it flaps set correctly in this case we're using full flap standing there's no overweight requirements we are using reverse thrusts and runway current needs dry and we're going to do is click on calculates so as you can see runway two two helsinki if we use max braking we'll use 1 8 100 meters of the runway medium braking 1400 and no braking 2059 meters runway before contour halts now at helsinki we can use the majority of the runway before exiting in order to get to the gates and therefore i think we're quite happy to stick with low braking for this approach so return back to the center pedestal look up to the right hand side here and set your auto brake to wherever you require so in this case we're using low brakes for approach using medium use medium using max use max but use low brakes on this occasion to bring the aircraft to our halts and so what we've done is we've set up our star set up our runway checks the descent calculation and i'm now ready to sense now as we get closer to our top descent we're going to want to do is reset our mcp altitude to our target so on this occasion it's three thousand feet i'm going to scroll down the altitude on the autopilot since it reached 3000 but we're not going to press on buttons just yet we'll leave it leave the aircraft off the cruise for a little bit longer and just wait and see until we hit that one there's a marker which on this occasion we now have we can now do is press on the altitudes knob see that the whites or the yellow dots has now appeared and the aircraft will start to sense what we can also do is zoom on the nd slightly just to make sure that the entire approach and airport is also visible on the map now in terms of what the a310x is capable of doing right now is it's not so much yet on vnav but it is possible to follow constraints and so with the aircraft calculated to flow a three degree decent path down the aircraft will automatically always refer to that three degrees down as your descents right so your speed and your altitude doesn't so much matter in terms of your descents but your angle of attack certainly does so aircraft might aim for three degrees down there's a constant angle throughout your descents you can keep an eye on your descent rights based on your fms altitude at nine's nine and your tablet on the left showing 199 so as you can see we're pretty much bang on with our distance right now if we keep on tracking now series 98 on the mcp reasonably seven so bang on just about you might get a little bit too many little bit too short but as you descend the number will adjust based on your speed and your altitude so we've started a lot of sense and we are now leaving cruising attitude for your rival we are now approaching twenty thousand feet what's going to do is head over to the fed panel i'm going to reactivate the passenger seatbelt signs send them back to their seats so we also want to do is head back to the fms and head over to the radio navigation page now this bit here is important to us want to make sure that our eyelid frequency is established and make sure everything's connected it should be so as you can see automatically with connected to helsinki at 110 decimal 3. based on the chart so i can see that's correct the localizer one zero decimal three and hk is the markup therefore that is our correct approach now sometimes this isn't automatic some airports do require you to manually impede your landing frequency but on this occasion doesn't automatically there's nothing for you to input quick check of the flight on again we see that we are 53 miles away from helsinki and our descent marker is at 49 so once again we're now bang on track if anything slightly better than where we should be but we won't adjust anything just yet because as it stands the 53 miles takes us right down to the runway helsinki well in reality we want to be about 3000 feet about 10 miles away so balancing out a lot of scent right make sure i think it's still correct if you're a little bit too high then you can adjust your tent rate manually by pulling on the knob and increase your center rate slightly by pulling on the right knob and increasing your vertical speeds same slow down a bit just decrease it slightly but to keep the aircraft stable just push the knob down and the aircraft would rest automatically without any bit from the pilots and that's one of the things with the airbus that makes it such an easy aircraft to fly is the fact that systems are so automated that essentially the aircraft does everything for you you just sit back relax and let the airplane do the hard work for you we are now approaching 10 000 feet what you'll notice is the aircraft starts to have loft slightly that's what it wants to do it split off its speed to 250 knots below 10 000. you can assist it by increasing the spoilers and we'll now do is increase the rate of the slowdown and spoilers are these little flaps on the edge of the wings here that essentially break the airflow around the wing and allow you to be off speed so as you approach that 250 what we can do is bring these speed brakes back into the upper position now retract it and from there the aircraft comes to descent splits 1000 at 250 knots at 10 000 we also need to make sure that our landing lights turn back on by activating both the landing lights and the nose take off lights and also we want to activate the landing system the ls on the upper dashboard so activate ls on the left and right hand side and what that will do is start to establish connection from the aircraft to the runway so as you can see we're connected to helsinki at one business model 3 and right now we are 8 miles away from the airports as our aircraft slows and we get closer to the airport what we're also going to need to do is start thinking about our flaps now if we head over to our aircraft's performance page as you can see our approach speed will be 128 knots with our landing speed as 123. we've set our aircraft up for a full flap sanding we can switch between four flaps and config three by pressing the button on the right hand side here and all that essentially means is we either use flaps fourth landing or flaps three so this occasion we use flaps four we're going to do is lower our flaps into number one position you can monitor this by either looking at the flaps level on the right hand side or by looking at the flaps option on the upper ecam so as you can see the flaps are lower instead number one position now do be aware that by lowering flaps what you're also going to do is start to slow down the aircraft's speed so you can see we've leveled off and the speed will start to slow once again feel free to introduce some spoilers to help the aircraft slow down and once you hit that lower speed then the aircraft comes to sense don't be afraid to use spoilers especially in the last stages of the sense you do need to use it to help the aircraft getting down but don't forget to attract them every time as the last thing you want to do is hit that final approach reflect your soil is still out and potentially it rests on your aircraft outs so these waters to help you but don't be too excessive so attract spoilers continue descents and very shortly the aircraft will make a right-hand turn to bring us around to run my heading as we hit transition don't forget to reset your altimeter in this case it's at 909.2 but don't forget to reset your altimeter as soon as atc give it to you on this occasion without atc we do it at transition altitude now as we make this final turn to bring us to runway heading what we want to do is focus on our pfd there's a horizontal bar at the bottom and a vertical bar on the right this is your guidance system to the runway the horizontal shows you're heading to the runway if you do fight to left you faster the rights and your attitude if you're too lo you're too low or too high and so essentially what you want to do is make sure that the purple diamonds the magenta diamonds are centered and in the middle where we make our approach so keep an eye on the horizontal diamond for now as you fly towards the runway not quite at a direct heading as you can see our approach now low the aircraft's flaps into the second position flaps two now as you can see the horizontal diamond is now moving close to the middle as soon as that diamond makes contact with the yellow center mark here what's going to do is actually the aircraft localizer what localizer does is essentially flies your aircraft on runway heading towards the runway so you have your localizer which essentially your l nav of your approach and your approach which essentially your v nav approach and adjust your altitude to the runway so downstairs contacts will activate the localizer and aircraft now do is suggest its position to ensure that your bang on center the runway flying right down the middle as you can see the horizontal diamond is now the vertical dimension making it move down and once again as soon as it makes contact with that yellow horizontal marker acts like the approach mode and the echoes now start to flow the glass slope down as the aircraft does this all the flaps into the number three position and as the diamond makes contact we'll now access the approach mode you can see that i've now moved on to cats three single for glideslope now active so following the localizer and the glideslope down we bang perfect central runway and all that's there for us to do is bring the aircraft into land now visibility could perhaps be a little bit better but for the most part it should be clear enough for us to make landing and therefore we'll do a manual landing first getting those 1000 and bring the aircraft to land we have our minimum set to 331 feet and so as long as we have runway visibility at 331 we have to continue our approach and carry on bring the aircraft into land now the aircraft is slightly crabbing we're not flying on a straight line heading the runway that's because of the cross wind you have right now so at the moment it's texting 80 knot wins at 3 1 8 and so as we go close to the runway that should start to stabilize but once a scenario if you are crapping on the final approach give a bit of rudder sensory aircraft in just for touchdown and i'll keep you on the center line right at the end of the runway as you can see our right hand ecam is updated make sure the flats are in the landing position at about five miles without landing gear so then gets up just for now we will do the cabin check pressing the all button arm spoilers by pulling on the lever and as you cross that five mile mark up load landing gear and wait for it to mark all through as green and so if our landing gear down our pre-line checklist is now complete romwe's now in sites and as you can see right now we are banging the money two red two on the puppies that means we are centered on weight if it's too many whites so three or four whites were too high two or three or four reds into too low and therefore go around as we cross your 1000 feet we'll hear the 1000 call outs we will deflect the autopilots set the altitude so i go around tuning this case four thousand feet and now using our papi's and pfd as our guidance potentially keep the aircraft as centered as possible and touch down right on the markers now don't worry if the aircraft goes a little bit off-center a little bit of balance essentially you can make your adjustments right up to the runway to keep the aircraft the sensors but if you do feel like you are missing the approach and you're missing the mark then always go around and always try again it's better to be safe than sorry best go around try again then end up crashing too short too far the runway 200 100. gently and bring the aircraft in for a gentle touchdown reversers keep the aircraft centered and naturally bring the aircraft to a halt 100 knots 80 knots at 60 knots cut reverses exit runway when available now as soon as we curve the roaming markers we can do is raise your flaps lower your spoilers turn off your landing lights turn on your taxi lights and start your apu ready when you get to the gates now how about if you're caught out with weather like this there's low visibility all the way to the ground it's raining quite heavily outside and so performing a manual landing is perhaps not the safest thing to do what's now going to do is perform a cat story auto lens the process itself set up is very similar to standard eyelash approach but on this occasion when we set up our approach mode instead of having just the one autopilot active we'll also access the copies number two auto pilots and also instead of turning off the other parts at one thousand feet we'll leave both running until the moment hit the ground so as we did before we're keeping out on the horizontal and the vertical magenta diamonds on screen and waited for them to both hit their center points and mid points on each respective diagram so we're about 60 miles away from helsinki right now we are connected to localizer one more decimal 3 at 15.3 miles right and so what keep in mind for is first of all the horizontal the localizer hit the center you may see the vertical as well start to send but that will deal with later as the first you want to do is measuring localizer and heading towards the runway now approach terrific the bifix points that means we'll be getting close to our alignment position there you go there's your horizontal bar and as soon as that major diamond hits the yellow marker we're going to do is activate the localizer like so now as you can see we're almost with the um vertical as well on the center and so keep our finger on the approach button and as soon as that diamond touches the bar we'll activate the approach phase but also second autopilots so system one and two are active you can see count three dual is now up on the primary flight display autopilot under two is active and the aircraft will now follow to glideslope now as we did before we'll monitor the approach as we get closer to the airports we'll load flaps into position three and four respectively load down the gear between five to miles and then during touchdown we'll lead the auto pilots on boardroom's throttled and it calls out the retarder so there's helsinki at top of our nd now cranial flaps three gear still up we'll lower that in a couple of moments so localize is active find the guide slope the aircraft's maintaining our speed and everything you can see right now it's all automated and been formed by the aircrafts quickly outside we still have no visibility to the ground and technically we should still be following the minimums at 331 but being autoland there is generally a little bit more leeway in regards to when you do call out your go around as it stands we're looking at a gusting wind heading around 272 so the speed itself jumps around well between at nine to about 12 13 knots and therefore we can see a turbulence definitely trying to act on the aircraft a little bit shaking on the approach once again our ecam comes live for our dan checklist landing gear we'll leave it a couple of seconds cabin we'll check spoilers alarm and the flaps full we'll do that at the same time as landing gear so you're about seven six miles from the airport now six point three so we'd load landing gear load of flaps into its fourth position as soon as the gear comes down with three green our pre-land checklist is now complete so keeping one hand on the throttle and your other hand on the stick but not applying any pressure as applying pressure will deactivate auto pilots and therefore disconnect you from the auto land so keep the aircraft steady but not actually doing any pressure to move the aircraft from its current course above the ground still not turning off water pilots and the aircraft continue on its automated approach the ground is ever so slightly coming to view but definitely nothing that you're going to do manually on this occasion what's wipers you can actually fire the two switches on the overheads minimums ground invisible will continue and so keeping on the epfd now very shortly it'll move into the landing phase like so and that will confirm that the aircraft's now coming to land 200 now we're listening for the after the pfd to show idol we'll cut throttle back and the aircraft will come for a touchdown now one thing your plans will also do is keep the aircraft on the census line it won't deviate it won't move to left or right but the brake's active first is set as well you'll slowly aircraft down and slowly bring it to a halt six knots cut the reversers cut the brakes and exit the runway when available as you apply rudder you'll swap one now disconnects and we're in full control of the aircraft from the ground and that right there is a successful awesome land in the air through to an x and night before as you look at the way flaps up spoilers up london lights off tax light's set and apu all starts now on arrival at the gates presuming it's been set up correctly you will be greeted by a set of ground services and this includes and personally the ones to guide your aircraft onto censor line so here it's helsinki or it stands two four we're going to make a right-handed turn to bring our aircraft onto the center line always look into where you're turning just to ensure that you're in the correct position turn off your tax lights it's like not blinding any underground crew and just focus on the person the ones to bring your aircraft as close to 10 line as possible so right now banging center if we're too far to the left they'll guide us to the right and for two five to the right they'll guide us to the lefts so keep their graph as censors as possible bring it nice and steady and as they start to cross their arms above their heads that would be essentially when they told stop taking a little bit further across their arms and hard position apply the parking brakes switch over to the ap bleeds cut your engines as you arrive at your destination airports and as you arrive at the airports you can also start the ground surfaces over or available switch off your beacon lights as soon as your n2 drops below 0.8 and the solar panels available you can switch over to external power and turn off the apu also don't forget which will see about sign and light passengers it's about the aircrafts i mean they're into the terminal and just like that you've successfully landed the flyby a310x in microsoft flight simulator and so there you have it a four flights through two tutorials once you get departure watching arrival for the ever popular microsoft flight sim add on aircrafts i hope you guys enjoyed these videos if you did then please do consider leaving a like and do subscribe too if you haven't already this does help channel layouts otherwise i thank you for watching and host you again in the very future take care of yourselves and many happy virtual hours take care and bye you
Channel: Drawyah
Views: 19,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Flight, Flight Simulator 2020, MSFS 2020, FSX 2020, FS 2020, Microsoft, Asobo, Asobo Studio, Asobo Studio Flight Simulator, Flight Sim, FSX, X-Plane 11, X-Plane 12, Laminar Research, X-Plane vs FS 2020, X-Plane vs Microsoft Flight Simulator, P3D vs FS 2020, P3D vs Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D vs FS 2020, Prepar3D vs Microsoft Flight Simulator, FS2020 787, Flight Simulator 747, Flight Simulator 787, Flight Simulator A320, FS2020 A320 neo, FS2020 747, A20N
Id: FH7wgpfKDrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 37sec (2497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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