A32nx Autopilot | Airbus Flight Control Unit | How to

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in this video we continue with our look into the flowerwire a320x this time we cover the flood control unit which deals with autopilot that's coming up next [Music] hello sun pilots and welcome back to another microsoft flight simulator video in this tutorial we're going to go over the a32 nx flight control unit also known as the fcu the a320 autopilot has two types of modes to guide and control the aircraft the first one is managed mode and it's controlled by the flight management guidance computer and the second one is selected mode and that is controlled by the inputs done by the pilot if we have a look at the fcu in manage mode you will see three dashes and a dot in selected mode you will see the value selected by the pilot except for the altitude window which always shows the altitude if it's in manage mode it'll have a dot next to the altitude if it's in selected mode it will not have the dot next to the altitude so before we take off and demonstrate the autopilot let's have a look at the unit and all of its buttons and knobs so starting on the left hand side here you can see we have the speed mark button which changes the display for the speed between speed in knots and its mach number the first round dial we have is to control the speed window if we put our mouse over it and we click left it will decrease the speed and right it will increase the speed both using your left mouse button just the arrows will change left and right you can also use your middle mouse wheel by scrolling the mouse wheel up it'll increase the speed and scrolling the mouse wheel down will decrease the speed to change the units between selected and managed mode we push or pull the knobs so to push you have the up arrow and to pull you have the down arrow so push for manage mode and pull for selected mode same thing with the second rotary knob increase decrease the heading push force managed and pull for selected here we have the localizer button to armor disarm the localizer here we have our heading vertical speed and track fpa button our autopilot one and two buttons and our auto throttle button the next rotary is for your altitude so again increase decrease left increase right and that you can switch between one hundreds and one thousands over here we have our expedite button to export out your climb and descend over here you have your metric altitude button so you can have the altitude displayed in metric units and over here you have your vertical speed knob or push to level off here you have your approach button to on the approach so what we're going to do now is we're going to put everything in managed mode we're going to take off in a short flight to heathrow where we'll demonstrate the functions of the autopilot so let's do that now let's release the parking brake increase throttle 40 percent let the engines pull up set together the airspeed is live there's 80 knots 100 knots b1 rotates the positive rate of climb gear up i'm going to immediately activate the autopilot by pressing the autopilot one button at one thousand five hundred feet above the ground it's going to command climb thrust there leave a climb so we're going to pull the throttle back to the climb detents let's change to thrust club so it's going to continue increasing speed once we get to the s speed we can set flaps to zero and then manage speed will automatically accelerate the aircraft up to 250 knots because we are still below 10 000 feet there is an altitude restriction of 5000 feet on this departure that we are on so we'll demonstrate that there is 200 knots so i'm going to flaps up this on the speed brakes i'm going to turn off the runway turn off lights and the nose wheel lights there's a green dot speed as you can see the aircraft is accelerating up to 250 knots now the speed has been captured alt star is going to level off at 5 000 feet as that is altitude restriction for this departure it is also the altitude we've set in the fcu there we've leveled off at 5000 feet so what we can do for this demonstration is what we can increase the altitude window then we can push for managed mode so push in the aircraft you see the dot for managed the aircraft will continue its climb up to nineteen thousand feet that we have selected in the altitude window here we can set standard on the barrow as you can see we're about to come up through 10 000 feet and what will happen is the aircraft will decrease its pitch in order to their pitcher's nose down in order to increase the speed now that we're reaching managed speed the climb rate will increase once again to continue to our selected flight level of one niner zero now that we're above 10 000 feet we can turn off landing lights and turn off the seat belt signs [Music] and we're still in managed mode with the heading as well so it's following the route sets in the flight management gardens computer okay so what we can do now is we can play with autopilot so if i decrease the altitude window to say fifteen thousand feet the aircraft will level off at fifteen thousand feet and it won't go any higher than that because that's the speed selected in the altitude window so their alt star is captured and it'll begin decreasing its climb rates in order to capture 15 000 feet so if we start here with our speed we can manage the speed by rotating the dial to the right to increase it and to the left to decrease it so let's say we wanted to increase our speed to 300 knots we'd rotate to 300 and we pull in order to take control of the speed and as you can see here the aircraft will increase speed back up to 300 knots if i wanted to go back into managed speed i would simply push the knob back in and it would go back to manage speed and the speed would decrease back to 290 knots which is the managed speed at the moment if we need to change heading we can simply turn the heading dial left or right to change heading left or right so let's say we want to turn left to heading of one four zero we would turn to one four zero and we would pull for selected heading and as you can see the aircraft will turn to the selected heading of one four zero [Music] you can also change the heading to track if you wanted to flight track you could change it let's say we want to fly a track of one five zero the heading will turn to a track of one five zero remember heading is where the nose is pointing track is your path over the ground so depending on the winds the heading and the track could be the same if you have a headwind or a tailwind but if you have a crosswind the heading and the track would be slightly different let's put it back in heading mode and if you want to go back to manage mode you'd simply push the knob in and it'll go back to managed mode and then it'll go back to following your flight plan over there same with altitude window if you wanted to decrease or increase altitude you could change it like this so at the moment we're flying on a selected altitude so if i wanted to continue the climb or the descent i would simply turn the dial to the altitude i selected and i would push for the selected altitude over here your metric altitude button if you push this button here it shows your altitude in meters so as you can see there in the bottom showing 4300 descending so for the approach what i've done is i've inserted an ios and suzerain on right and what we can do is we can use the autopilot either managed mode or selected mode to fly this approach so we will use both for this demonstration so we need to decrease speed to 220 knots using selector mode i'm going to decrease and i'm going to push for selected mode so decrease speed down to 220 and we need to descend down to 7000 feet so again push for selected thrust idle open descent see speeds coming back and we're going to start the descent down to 7 000 feet so what we're doing now is we're using a combination of selected and managed selected for the speed and altitude and managed for the heading using nav mode as following the flight plan let's say for example you were flying on vatsim and they were giving you heading and altitude to fly then you would change the heading to the assigned heading that atc gives you as well as the speed restrictions that atc may give you so for now we'll continue following the flight plan as we descend and we slow down to 220 knots so we're very low rates of descent due to the fact that we need to slow down if i increase speed to 240 you'll see the rates of decent will increase because we already xp 240 so then i can decrease the speed and you can play with the speed to change the rates of descent so we'll continue descending and slowing down to 220 knots by november by bravo november november okay coming up through 10 000 feet we can turn on the landing lights turn on the faucet seat belt signs and also turn on the landing system now let's say for example atc didn't want you to fly this entire approach they could vector you to finals so let's say htc gives you a call says speedbird one two three turn right heading one seven zero for example then you would go to your heading knob you would scroll to one seven zero and then you would push down for selected one seven zero and then the aircraft will turn to that heading of one seven zero obviously if you want to fly the entire approach you could just do it on manage mode but if you fly on vatsam for example this would be a very common during arrivals depending on the traffic load and then perhaps you would give you further instruction turn right to gain heading two zero zero you would continue the turn just by scrolling through and changing the heading to two zero zero so now you're on selected mode whatever heading you select on the rotary here is the heading that's going to fly so we're coming up to seven thousand feet maybe says speed bird one two three descend maintain three thousand five hundred feet then you could scroll down you could change this to hundreds three five and push excuse me pull for selected and it would continue the descent now that we're getting close to arrival we can activate the approach in the mcdu actuate approach phase confirm yes now with the approach phase activated if you go back to manage speed the speed will slow down as you put out the flaps you can see the glass slopes coming in the localizers coming in we're very high still we're still quite far out 18 miles out so this would be a vectored approach to final so maybe you get another radio call speed bird one two three continue to send three thousand feet and you would continue to descend down to three thousand feet maybe you get a speed restriction you've got traffic in front of you you say speed bird one two three speed one twos one zero knots and you could decrease the speed to two one zero knots and so you're controlling the speed the heading and the altitude all in selected mode there we've got the cloud slope coming back to us maybe it gives us another vector turn left heading 180 turn left heading 180 the runway is down there to our left so maybe gives us a final vector saying turn left heading one four zero uh turn left heading one four zero cleared for the ils approach zero nine right then we can turn left to one four zero and at this time we can actually activate the approach and what it's done is it's gone back into managed mode and now the autopilot will capture the localizer and the glad slope and there you can see the aircraft's turning on its own to capture the localizer and it'll capture the glide slope as well so there's turning it to line up with runway zero nine right there the cloud slope has been captured so it will descend now and stay on the cloud slope all done on the autopilot so what we can do cloud slope captured localizer is captured got flaps one set so we can begin slowing down set flaps too we can actually go back to manage speed the aircraft will descend accordingly turn on the landing lights take the cabin the landing gear down select perhaps three said flaps four there's our approach speed thousand feet to go one so 500 oh 300 200. disconnect the autopilot here and we will land manually minimum i don't know why that auto land is flashing that's not correct thrust to idle flare line up with the runway and we are done reverses that manual break-in and we will exit here on the left so you have it guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial on the autopilot if you guys have any questions for me leave them below and i will get back to you hope you enjoyed this video if you did give us a thumbs up consider subscribing for the next one and we will see you in the skies thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Real Sim Pilot
Views: 12,130
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Keywords: Real Sim Pilot, Flybywire, Microsoft flight simulator, msfs, fs2020, Airbus, a32nx, a320, a320neo, a20n, flight simulator, flight simulation, flybywire a32nx, how to install the flybywire a32nx, flybywire a32nx update, flybywire a32nx tutorial, airbus tutorial, microsoft flight simulator tutorial, a320nx project, a32nx new fbw, a32nx update, flybywire update, a320 autopilot, how to setup the autopilot, a32nx autopilot, flight control unit, autopilot tutorial flight simulator 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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