MrFeast RUNS OUT OF MONEY, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Music] what's up guys mr feast here and today we're trying our very own mr feast burger now this is a first bite reveal so let's get in here [Music] wait we gotta cut dude what's wrong i just realized this is exactly the same stuff as mr beast's burger whoa dang it dude look it's got beef american cheese pickles onions ketchup mustard no i see all that but doesn't matter yes he's gonna know you're copying him we need to think of something else um all right oh it's barbecue sauce hey yeah that's a good idea i think so completely different burger 50 000 what in the world did you buy this time nothing i don't think who's the vendor apps in a flash llc oh that's the 50 down payment for the mobile app we're building to sell our burgers you're selling burgers now like mr beast uh not like mr beast because these burgers got barbecue sauce on them that looks exactly the same i tried to tell him man you don't know what you're talking about it's a completely different burger regardless i'm glad that you're actually selling something now because your bank account is getting low and those hundred ps fives in the building that you gave away certainly didn't help mr beast gives away all his money so why can't i [Music] you're not mr beast you're mr feast his videos get hundreds of millions of views and your last one barely broke 10. maybe you should stop trying to be like him and you won't go broke how about you just don't worry about it because once our burgers launch we're gonna have way more money than we know what to do with [Music] i hope so you know i've worked with a lot of youtubers i've seen all the ways that it can go wrong [Music] okay okay boys how many burgers we got i don't know probably like a hundred only 100 that's not gonna be enough what's going on charles dude you're gonna have to move faster okay the doors are about to open this is way harder than i thought you're gonna have to stall there is no stalling then get some people to help me because i can't do this by myself where do you expect me to find somebody to help you right now huh here give me that you're going to help me burgers what but i don't want to do that yo figure it out go there you have enough people try to have a thousand burgers done within the hour what that is impossible you need a whole army of trained people to get that done here give me that you're gonna help make food i've never cooked before it's easy just put a patty between two buns and if it turns out bad use a bunch of barbecue sauce all right you got enough people now charles hungry people come on go go [Music] i thought running a restaurant be easy it's actually kind of hard [Music] do you see that big mob of people outside sweet that means our plan's working i'm glad we went for the bigger restaurant yeah how much did this place cost to rent 25 100 000. timmy you can't keep spending money like this stop overreacting you just said there's a swarm of people out there i'm having a hard time containing the crowd want me to start letting them in now in just a minute okay now fish your job is to give away as many burgers as you possibly can give away i'm sorry i thought you said that you were selling these how are you gonna make money read baby do i have to explain everything to you our goal is to get a million views on this video they'll see it download our app buy our burgers and that's how we'll get the money okay how is the app coming along fish oh good just finished check it out nice oh but we still need to pay the developers the rest of the balance oh yeah all right can you send a check for 50k 50k sir there's the cash you wanted sweet now handler your job is to give away all this cash well no no no timmy i told you we are already so low on funds you need to take this back to the bank and redeposit it right away yeah we can't do that you are already giving away free burgers you do not need to give away free cash to uh mr beast does it and i can't let him out do me you are not mr beast and you need to stop trying to compete with him i will compete with him cause you don't know the history between us lost people are getting impatient perfect let him in all right are you boys ready to give away some free stuff yeah and what about you buddy huh all right never mind let's go yo thank you hey there's no cheese in this is there oh i think there is why ah i'm allergic to dairy oh shoots what do we do i think they all have it in it just give them some cash hamlet okay uh there you go hey sorry about the cheese man what are you guys serious yeah wow thank you so much hey is it cool i still keep this sure i don't see why not oh sick how many burgers have we given away guys a lot cash if we give it away guys a lot oh man i think i'm gonna go broke you could just charge people money get out get out charles get back in there and make burgers without jesus time sir sorry to interrupt we got a situation you need to come outside you guys take care of the customers you guys sorry what's going on [Applause] hey guys are you okay no i was just trying to park and some car came up and hit me this just happened yes and the driver took off and i'm just not in a place where i can't even afford to fix this someone filming this oh my god there it's already rolling hey guys mr feast here and i'm standing here with i'm so sorry what was your name denise denise i'm standing here with denise and her car it just got wrecked and that's bad news but denise you wonder what the good news is what he says i'm going to buy you a brand new car what no no you can be for real well i'm being dead serious because it's kind of what i do how much do you think this car costs i don't know i can't even think right now uh how about 25 000 what oh my god yes oh thank you so much that will be so helpful it's all good you're welcome it's denise armspoker arms it's a pretty uncommon last name there we go there you go denise armspoker oh my god thank you so much god bless you god bless you oh man that almost made me cry all right look i know that you don't like me lecturing you but why is that woman crying oh because i may or may not have bought her a car what hey let's go okay timmy i need to talk to you come here privately please what's the matter what you are in very real danger of running out of money stop overreacting reid i'm not kidding around here timmy okay and as your manager i would recommend that you stop spending money immediately you're blowing things out of the water i'm not even spinning that much man thanks again mr feast yeah no problem do you like the burgers barbecue sauce out of this world right i i don't know there weren't any burgers left so they gave me a bag full of cash instead i appreciate yeah no problem not stunning much okay maybe i went a little overboard but the beast does it it's not a big deal okay listen to me timmy you do not need to be like anybody else you just need to be yourself it's not that simple man i got i'll do them what is it with you too did something happen ever since we were kids he thought he was better than me i'm sick of it you see it all started back when we were kids and he transferred to my school anytime i get a question wrong he tried to make me look bad by answering in front of the whole class [Music] before he came i was the best at all the games and all the kids looked up to me but after he arrived all they cared about was him and to make things even worse there was this girl i really liked her name was trisha [Music] and one day i decided i was gonna go up and talk to her but before i could he came up and he stole it from me i couldn't believe it [Music] so you see that's why i have to be better than him that's why i have to outdo him this time how are you gonna let something that happened so long ago still affect you today i really like this girl man you could have ended up together okay stop spending money okay because otherwise you are going to run out and let the beast beat me yeah i don't think so thanks but no thanks dude refresh it okay the video's ranking number i one you this is a good idea man fish how are the burger cells doing oh let me check uh that's weird it says server error what mine says the same thing what are the comments on the video saying oh let's see the app won't work for me i tried to buy a burger but the app wouldn't work anyone else getting server error tired of waiting i'm buying a mr beast burger instead i don't know this is going to ruin everything fish get the developers on the phone right now on it hello hey uh hey this is mr feast why is the app down because i turned off the servers see why would you turn the servers off though i need them up right now i have a thousand people trying to buy i would if the 50k check you sent me didn't bounce i need to get paid first it bounced how the heck did it bounce i tried to warn you we need to get these people paid right now we're missing out on sales yeah yeah sure sure but uh with what money you have 32 cents to your name right now i don't know what money but this cannot be happening today this is going to ruin everything well maybe next time you should listen to your manager [Music] hey where you going timmy [Music] what do you want to read calling to tell me i told you so no no no no not at all no i'm i'm worried about you where are you right now [Music] i'm outside the donut shop across the street i'll be right there [Music] wow it is you would you mind if we got a pick i'm really not in the mood maybe next time hey you're the girl i ran into the parking lot earlier yep how's the new car is that a joke i never got a new car your check bounced i'm so sorry that's really embarrassing i'm kind of going through some small financial problems well i should have known better who do you think you are mr beast [Music] okay no reid i'm not okay i'm having the worst day of my life and i can't believe hey dar man why are you here i told you i work with a lot of youtubers yeah sorry to hear that you're having a bad day if you don't mind me asking what happened well i tried to release my own burger like mr beast but i lost all my money so i couldn't launch my app and now my video is getting millions of views but nobody can buy my burgers oh man i'm so sorry to hear that well not much i can do about it now why don't you just launch it on the mr beast burger app it's a long story but let's just say we don't talk much especially since he stole my girl in middle school mr bees stole your girl that does not sound like him at all let me just call him right now to clear all this up you don't need to do that oh it's too late it's already ringing hey what's up man i've got a random question for you you know who mr feast is right by any chance did you happen to take his girl back in middle school what's her name trisha trisha trish is your cousin yeah i agree that that would be weird okay yeah thanks so much for clearing all that up oh and one more question is there room for one more burger on the mr beast burger app there is alright cool man i'll talk to you later thanks you what are you doing here well i came to deliver your car come on [Music] and this is for you what really a porsche yeah oh my god thank you thank you so much you're welcome and sorry about the check bouncing well i thought you were having financial problems what changed let's just say my burger did better than planned people really loved their barbecue sauce oh they sure do thank you again and this is such a blessing i will never forget this mr feast oh actually it's just timmy now oh so you're no longer mr feast no i realize that i don't have to be anybody else i could just be myself [Music] well i really love that that was so sweet thanks [Music] so what should we go do now anything i've been waiting for this date for like 10 years trish hey dar man fam i hope you loved that video as much as i love to say that the burger is real and you really can't buy it on the mr beast app unfortunately all of this is just for fun what hold on are you telling me all that work i did was just for for nothing i i thought they told you that this was all fake do you know how much money i just spent on that porsche you actually bought that car yeah oh my gosh can you see if you could return it or something he's gonna hate me thanks a lot dar i'm sorry as i was saying if you guys do really want an amazing burger make sure to check out the mr beast app i actually catered lunch from mr beast burger for our entire team we said get a free burger out of this man oh actually sorry this is for the crew but your food is in the actor lounge but that was not for you you have barbecue sauce oh my gosh uh you know what cut guys cut sorry oh cut boom is high my camera's low this is domestic studio people just kept commenting about it mr bees mr b's mr beast mr b's reached out and now we're doing two videos that he's making an appearance in the making burgers
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 15,403,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: sJj0JztAoJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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