MrFeast KICKED OUT Of Store, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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welcome back guys today we're gonna buy 100 ps5s and literally give them all away now you know how much i like helping out small businesses so today we're standing outside i can't believe it's you we're big fans of your youtube channel thank you so much guys but let's ask you the important question are you subscribed uh yeah i think so i'm pretty sure yeah see what's going on let's pull those phones out what do you think bets got bets i got 10 on him you got 10 on this all right let's see and you are not subscribed you got exposed i thought it was shoes it's okay man let's see what your friends got and she is subscribed congratulations now you get to pick between this ps5 or all the money in my wallet what's it gonna be guys take the wallet take the ps5 that way we can both play fine yeah i'll take the ps5 you're sure you want the ps5 absolutely all right fish give her the ps5 all right congratulations here you go and now see it's a good thing that she picked the ps5 because i literally have one dollar guys thank you congratulations you're the best have a good day now guys we only need 99 more ps5s to go let's get it boys all right welcome back youtube we got 99 ps5s to find and we're going to give them all away hey you kids can't film inside this store uh is joey here i missed her feast my team called earlier they know get that camera out of here i said no filming allowed okay man hey we're gonna cut um handler you called before right yeah uh we spoke with joey he said it was cool if he filmed he knows that we're coming right fish yeah we just came here to buy all your ps5s but there should be more here though if we could just talk to joey then he's not here right now and he didn't mention anything about a feast or a fish coming down here uh are you the owner no joey is but i'm the manager so when he's not here i'm in charge all right but we're about to drop a serious amount of cash in here can we film as long as we don't get you in it fine but just so you know i'm keeping a close eye on you kids that works for me man thanks all right well we're gonna try that again we're rolling yeah all right here we go what's up guys i know we said we're gonna buy all these ps5s but now i'm just kind of thinking we should buy the whole store wait what no i'm being dead serious because of this video right here you guys loved it so much when we bought a store so might as well do it again right heck yeah awesome right handler go grab a couple of those cards man on it what about the ps5 oh don't worry we're still going to get those too ready awesome start filling things up boys all right well since we're gonna be buying everything in the store i might as well just start grabbing stuff yeah wait these are over a hundred dollars each what they're that expensive oh no i'm gonna go broke whose idea was this anyways yours fair point maybe the nice manager's gonna give us a discount right whoa whoa whoa stop recording you stop recording stop recording i knew you kids had some sort of angle on this you think i'm giving you a discount hey look man i was just kidding i'm happy to pay full price for everything and how do you plan on doing that do your parents even know you're racking out their credit cards hey that's mr feast he doesn't need to use his parents i'm paying for it i don't know if you ever heard of youtube but you see i i've seen all the videos where you kids prank people for views so don't think i'm falling for that no that's not what we do at all yeah he's serious when he says he's gonna buy out your entire store just trust him trust him i'm not trusting some young pranksters you boys listen here this store has been struggling enough ever since that game shop opened up across the street i don't need you all making things worse we're literally trying to do the opposite i want to buy everything in your store i mean how much does this stuff cost yeah right like you could even afford a fraction of what's in this store you kids came in here saying you want to buy video games buy the games and leave i don't need any more trouble wait so you said your store's struggling and we won by literally everything in here but you don't want us to they got a good point this could solve a lot of your problems man i don't know who you kids think you're fooling either buy the game stations or get out okay look we don't want any issues this is all you have cause i was hoping to buy a lot more uh we got more in the back but i'm gonna need to see how you're paying for these first sure it's not a problem here you can uh you put it on this card mr feast do you really expect me to believe that's your real name no man look it says ink after it mr feast is my corporation my real name like you're even old enough to start a corporation you know i should have went with my gut on this one and kicked you kids out a lot sooner he's not lying you can check out our youtube i've seen enough i need all of you to get out are you sure man we're about to drop a serious amount of money in here get out okay man before i call the cops look we don't want any problems we're going all right let's go boys [Music] that didn't go exactly his plan did it what are we gonna do now can we get some food i'm getting hungry fish you're always hungry now first we need to buy some more stuff to give away yo there's that game shop that guy was talking about maybe we can get some stuff there nice but we're gonna need a big moving van for that do any when you guys call that on it sweet let's go guys hey vic hey joey how's it going oh not good look at all these past due bills we got well hopefully things turn around soon yeah oh speaking of which i got a call from mr feast and his friends they said they might stop by today i i didn't think it was real at first but what those youtube pranksters no they're not youtube pranksters they run one of the largest youtube channels in the world and they give away millions of dollars they do yeah yeah they could literally change our lives why they didn't happen to stop by today did they my gosh those kids were telling the truth dick what are you talking about tell me what happened these kids came down here and i thought they were scamming us i kicked them out you did what i can't believe this where'd they go i don't know you don't they left a couple hours a couple out dick we gotta find him we gotta find him come on all right going keep going keep going you're good you're good you totally got this bro okay well let me help you with that though all right thanks here they are let's go mr face i'm joey the owner of the shop across the street i believe we talked on the phone earlier first off i just want to say i am so sorry for how my manager treated you i didn't know who you were and i feel terrible for everything i said it's fine don't worry about it we were actually able to get all our ps5 so oh man you shopping at our store would have literally saved us maybe in the future you could give us another chance yeah i don't know guys i don't think so well i understand sorry again about everything well what i meant to say was uh my way to the future when i could just buy out your whole store right now what oh my god thank you so much yeah no problem i mean what do you say guys you're with me yeah yeah yeah all right there's only one problem though we're gonna need a bigger truck [Applause] what's up guys and welcome back i'm standing here with my good friend joey and he gets a chance to choose between thousand dollars in cash or this key that goes with something expensive now joe the only catch is you only have ten seconds to choose between the two and the countdown starts right now ten nine eight seven six five four four seconds three two oh the key the key all right here you go joe now you just gave up ten thousand dollars in cash for a key that you don't know what it goes to i just had to go with my gut all right well let's see if your gut pays off boys cover his eyes okay all right joe you can open your eyes now but we're covering them already okay well fair point i guess uh uncover his eyes then right what's this open it [Music] wait is this yeah i know you were a little bit behind on rent so i went ahead and bought the whole building so you don't have to worry about paying anymore my god are are you serious yeah i guess how much it costs though a lot more than 10 grand yeah a lot more than 10 grand it actually costs 560 000 you don't realize how much is going to help me out seriously thank you so much yeah you're welcome man do you have anything you want to say to the fans yeah make sure you subscribe to mr feast welcome to the behind the scenes today we're gonna buy 100 ps5 it could literally change our lives the message is so positive cool and i'm excited to shoot this one i run an allure we're changing lives all righty then
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,517,776
Rating: 4.8474946 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, mrbreast, mr beast
Id: 9DdCU8-j9D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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