Mr. Insecure | World War Me | (Part 2) Jerry Flowers

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hello family how are you doing on this wonderful sunday nights i'm so excited and once again i've been waiting for you all week to deliver this word now let me go ahead and just tell you this disclaimer ladies you may give me a lot of amens on tonight but i need you to be prepared for thursday because tonight i'm talking to the brothers but i think everybody could tune in on this conversation i think it's going to be powerful i think it's going to be spiritually nutritious we are continuing our brand new series world war me and last week we were asking has anybody been drafted in that war even if you didn't want to you didn't ask for it you just got signed up for world war me we are continuing the series for part two and i'm so thankful for everybody who's tagging us with your bible studies taking your notes one lady had like three pages of notes saying i just kept on pause play pause play so i'm just so grateful go ahead and tag us take a screenshot let us know where you are in the world and i want to get to work because i have the word for you on tonight so our foundational text we're going to go to first samuel first samuel chapter 18. i want to read a few verses first samuel chapter 18 we're going to launch our reading at verse 5. it says so david went out wherever saul sent him and behaved wisely and saul set him over the men of war and he was accepted in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of saul's servants now it happened as they were coming home when david was returning from the slaughter of the philistines that the women had come out of all the cities of israel singing and dancing to meet look at this king saul they came to meet king saul with tambourines and with joy with the musical instruments so the women sang as they danced and said saul has slain his thousands and david his ten thousand somebody say oh then saul was very angry and this saying displeased him and he said they have ascribed to david ten thousands and they have ascribed to me only thousands now what more can he have but the kingdom so saul i'd david from that day forward our verse of emphasis our clause of concern and where we're gonna launch part two of this world war me series takes residence and lives in verse eights then saul was very angry not low-key but hockey then saul was very angry and this saying displeased him and he said they have ascribed to david ten thousands and to me they have ascribed only thousands now what more can he have but the kingdom god you're awesome we thank you for this time of coming together and dissecting and feasting on your word and we have anticipation of god that you're gonna flood the atmosphere even through the retina display even through the ipads the tablets and just watching online i pray that you anoint this message anoint me as your oracle and my typical requests allow me to be a pa system of heaven in jesus name we pray amen a man and saul was very angry and this saying displeased him for they have ascribed to david ten thousands but to me only thousands ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters what i want you to see in this biblical narrative in our foundational text is that saul is so caught up saul is so caught up with the greater accolades he's so caught up with david's popularity that his insecurity has him blindfolded to the bigger picture his insecurity has him blindfolded to the bigger picture and what is that bigger picture you won bro you won you just slaughtered the philistines you no longer have to deal with goliath you no longer have this giant coming out and taunting the armies of the living god because david handled your heavyweight you have nothing else to worry about and saul can't rejoice because of his insecurity insecurity and security and security and security and i do hope you know that insecurity has an evil first cousin insecurity has an evil first cousin who goes by the name of jealousy most of the time when insecurities in the room jealousies in the back seats jealousies in the passenger seat if insecurities in first class you best believe that jealousy's in coach they're right behind each other and so saul he really can't rejoice with the whole nation he can't celebrate with the whole nation he can't turn up with the whole nation he can't give god glory with the whole nation and he can't even worship with the whole nation because he's so insecure because he's caught up on david's number he's so caught up that he has more follows going there he's so caught up that he has more likes they have more views on their video they have more views on their message they have more views on their songs he's more caught up that he has more likes on his page the more people tag him on his page more people mention him on his page he's so caught up with what david has and david's number that he can't see the bigger picture and that bigger picture is that day one saul is infected what i like to call the judas complex yeah he's infected with what i like to call the judas complex if you don't know what the judas complex is i'm glad you asked i'ma show it to you right here in john john chapter 12 verse 3. look at this it says then mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard anointed the feet of jesus and wiped his feet with her hair and the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil but one of his disciples look at this judas iscariot son of simon who would betray him said why why was this fragrance of oil not sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor look at this this he said not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the money box and he used to take what was put in it see people who have the judas complex they can't stand to hear that you got ten thousands but they got thousands people with the judas complex they can't stand to see you rocking your coat of many colors people with the judas complex they can't stand to see you get blessed they can't stand to see you living in the overflow they can't stand to see you on that flyer they can't stand when you get the promotion they can't stand when you get the raise they can't stand when you get engaged and don't let you get engaged to a kingdom man and you just got saved in march uh i'm about to get in trouble y'all not gonna like me for about 60 seconds because there's a woman like listen lord i've been seeking your face for the last three years i've been serving you for the last four years how you gonna bless her with a kingdom man and she got saved three weeks ago here i am seeking your face in your word she is fresh off a stripper's pole and you're going to give her what i've been praying for listen listen people who are infected with the religious spirit they can't understand why you keep getting blessed especially when they feel as though you shouldn't qualify for this blessing i guess they forget that it's not by works it's not by works that any man should boast it's not by works that any man should boast people with the judas complex they can't stand to see you get promoted they can't stand to see you go to the next level and i wonder here's the question what is your posture when people get blessed before you yeah we're going all the way here what what is your posture when somebody gets blessed before you and are you really on the narrow road because you're living a life dedicated to jesus or are you on the narrow road because of what you want to get judas complex judas complex and you can have this perspective you can either get jealous you can be insecure or you could change your perspective maybe it's not that they got their package first maybe i should celebrate because this means the delivery man is on my street i don't know who that's for change your perspective maybe stop looking at the fact that they got their package first but celebrate over the fact that the delivery man is on my street but before you get too happy and before you drop the running man emoji in the chat i want you to understand you should not be expecting anything if you're not striving to live by kingdom principles see because everybody talks about the person of jesus but we don't talk about the principles of jesus the person of jesus makes sure that we're saved but the principles of jesus helps us to have an abundant life here on earth and i just felt it was necessary because if we look at saul saul was so insecure that he was blindfolded from the reality that he won and i just feel it's necessary for part two of this world war me series i think we need to have this conversation because it's not necessarily something that we hear talked about much but i'm not called to live inside of a line matter of fact every time there's a line and people say don't cross it i always want to know who drew it we don't have to follow the lines yet tonight we're going to talk around this thought from this subject mr insecure mr mr in secure and really church my prayer and my desire is that this particular message will will add some balance i'm praying that this message will add some balance because i do understand that in the christian culture there seems to be this trend rather intentionally or unintentionally there seems to be this trend that directs healing direct standards directs relational wisdom and directs for you to be whole mainly to women but i'm standing right here before you on tonight to let you know there are some brothers who need healing there's some brothers who need some standards there's some brothers who need some relational wisdom and you best believe there's some brothers who need wholeness and if we're so caught up with her being whole if we're so caught up with her having standards if we're so caught up with her healing she's gonna be healed for a wounded man we gotta talk listen i want you to consider the creation narrative the creation narrative when god put adam to sleep and he opened up his side took out a rib and closed it back usually we put so much emphasis on the fact that god took out a rib and we have so many messages about you know marriage and him being the husband but there's a very important part of the surgical operation that we tend to overlook i don't want you to just focus on the part that god took the rib i want you to focus on the part that god closed his side back because if god would have left it open y'all don't want to talk if god would have left it open it would have been a wound there and that wound possibly could have been infected please hear me there are some wounds in a man only god could fix there's some wounds due to childhood that only god can fix there's some wounds due to the molestation that he's not talking about that only god can fix there's some wounds that happened in college that he does not talk to you about that only god can fix and we have to address this womb because you're so caught up on how fine he is you're so caught up that he's so gorgeous you're so caught up with his bank account you're so caught up with how he makes you laugh you're so caught up with his fade you're so caught up with his eyes you're so caught up on how good your baby's gonna look but you're not looking at the fact that god has not closed some stuff and if god does not close the wounds in a man you will never be able to be his wife you will only be his nurse you'll only be able to be his nurse constantly bleeding on you because there's an area in my life that i need god to close there's an area in my life that i need god to fix and there's nothing more dangerous please hear me on tonight there is nothing more dangerous than a tired and a confused man listen it is a threat to the family structure a threat to the foundation of our communities and our homes when this man is tired and or confused see when a man says bro i'm tired that's a dangerous place for a man to be in for a man to be tired now don't misconstrue what i'm saying i'm not talking about him being tired because he's lazy and he was playing nba 2k or madden all night or call of duty i'm not talking about that i'm not talking about him saying he's tired because he doesn't want to make the transition from boyhood to manhood i'm not talking about that i'm not talking about he's saying he's tired because you're causing for him to step up to a level of maturity that he doesn't want to step up to i'm talking about when he is tired in his soul weary and exhausted in his heart that is a dangerous place for a man to be in because the way god wired women you were made to be a helper and a nurturer and you're probably not going to hear any other man say this and definitely probably not going to hear them say it from a pulpit but women y'all stronger than us i said it and i don't feel like my man card is threatened at all you're stronger than us for you to know that one of your assignments is to help somebody you got to be strong to help people to recognize that you have been cosmically created to help so you got to understand you have a baby sitting on your sciatic nerve for months i'm talking about your ankles swelling up but you still have joy there have been women that have no support of a man that had raised all three children of her own all three children went off to college a man can't do that there's a strength that you have god has wire for you to be a nurturer and a helper and god is wired for the man to be a leader and a fixer and if this man does not have the sabbath principle at work in his life and if this man does not have a safe house to vent emphasis on safe if he does not have a safe house to vent and somebody who can hold him accountable his head will always end up in delilah's lap preach holy spirit i'm trying to help somebody on the night his head will end up in delilah's lap there's so much conversation about the spirit of jezebel i want to awake your awareness to the spirit of delilah it is not always a woman the spirit of delilah is when there is a spiritual attack on the area of your strength the area where you're strong women it supplies to you too wherever you're extremely strong that's where the spirit of delilah wants to attack if you're real strong with your preaching ability if you're real strong with business if you're real strong with counseling if you're real strong with worship if you're real strong with praise if you're real strong with music wherever the area of your strength is that's where that spirit of delilah seems to traffic and i just begin to wonder how is it such a strong man such a strong man kept on laying his head in delilah's lap and if you read the story of samson and delilah it's revealed in the story the number one thing delilah kept on saying was samson wake up the philistines are upon you samson if you love me samson wake up the philistines are upon you samson wake up the philistines are upon you samson wake up the philistines are upon you why does she have to keep on saying wake up it's because he was asleep he kept laying his head and her lap i'm like for the life of me why do you keep laying your head in the place that keeps you in war you keep laying your head in a place that keeps you in war don't you see brother every single time you go to sleep she keeps saying wake up the philistines are upon you this is a woman who keeps you engaged in warfare this is a woman every time she texts you your lust begins to go on warfare every single time she comes around you your anger seems to go on warfare i'm talking about somebody who activates your sinful nature how did he keep ending up in this place it's because when you're tired you do not use logic when you're tired you do not use logic prolonged tiredness prolonged tiredness is one of the tactics of the enemy if i can't take them out oh i'm gonna wear them out because hell knows it's dangerous for the leader for the head to continuously be tired because you cannot be spiritually aware and tired non-stop you cannot be continuously mentally exhausted and spiritually alert at the same time because when you are tired when a man is tired he will confuse beds but they're really bondage that's not a bed that's really bondage when a man is tired he will confuse bondage with beds that that weed that you keep smoking bro that's that's not a bed that's not going to give you comfort it's bondage that woman that you keep going to every night that's not going to give you comfort it's going to give you bondage that budweiser that heineken that vodka that beer that you keep on drinking trying to escape your reality that's really not a bed that's bondage the porn room that you keep going in because you just need a break because you do know pornography seems to be the safe christian sin right i'm not gonna get std it's not gonna get nobody pregnant but you're gonna pollute your mind it's not a bid it's bondage when a man is tired he doesn't use logic and so this is the danger about this especially for men because if you're called to be a fixer a man is going to try to fix the problem in his soul and so what we end up doing is we try to fix the problem with third party with third-party offers instead of the original manufacturer because i'm made to be a fixer so when something's wrong i'll try to fix it but the problem is we'll try to fix it with third-party offers instead of going to my manufacturer and security see you know what reason why a lot of men are tired because we keep lying you know why we're tired we keep lying and i'm not talking about lying about where you've been and why you took so long where were you where were you why you smell like perfume uh-uh i'm not talking about that that's a whole nother sermon somebody say a hold on that's a whole nother storm i'm talking about um when you keep lying by saying this i'm cool i'm straight i ain't tripping over that man i'm good you're lying over the fact that you're hurt see when a woman is hurt for the most part now there's other selective cases but when a woman is hurt she gonna cry she might scream she might yell she might even break a dish she gonna tell her girlfriend about it she'll be the first one to book a pre-merit of marital counseling session she'll be the first one to get counseling she'll get therapy she might even post about it she'll have it in her ing story about how pissed off she is she may even write it down and cause that pain to be a new york best seller she will write it down you know why because god has manufactured for the woman to push god has manufactured for the woman to push things out you have been wired to give birth nothing can sit on the inside of you for too long eventually it's gonna come out there may be something that happens and for a season of her life her life is adjusting to what has happened her life is adjusting due to what she's carrying but after a while god has wire for you to push that out that's how god has wired women but he hasn't wired men like that has not wired men like that we lie we're cool i'm straight i'm good so what happens is we have a lot of men who are silently struggling with depression struggling with suicidal thoughts because any time we repress it causes for us to get depressed which creates an atmosphere for the enemy to let us be oppressed did y'all hear what i just said anytime we repress it will always cause us to get depressed which creates an atmosphere that's conducive for the enemy to cause us to be oppressed because you're not talking you're not talking you're not letting it out and you know what's crazy people will actually begin to treat you out of the lie you live so you'll be wondering man nobody call me don't nobody check on me during this whole pandemic ain't nobody reach out and check on me and nobody call me you know why because a lot of people believe the lie that you keep presenting they believe you cool they believe you straight ah nah they don't bother j.j strong no don't bother him he good now he he's not offended and so now the people who god has sent in your life to serve you are under serving you because you keep on presenting yourself to be so strong with this some false sense of macho masculinity and you know that you need healing you know that you need somebody to serve you but you keep acting so hard but here's the thing brothers acting hard is hard acting hard is hard you gotta talk you are talking but you keep lying and the people are starting to treat you off the lie that you keep presenting and then you wonder why there's something wrong in your soul it's because no one can serve you right because you're telling people that you don't have a headache but you're having headaches every night so now i can't give you the right prescription because you're not telling me your true symptoms and your true condition talk i'll show you this in the bible look at this james chapter 5 james chapter 5 verse 16 it says confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed and saying listen there's there's a healing that happens when you talk we said this in the try me series the mouth is the ventilation system of the heart and a lot of us your communication has clogged arteries because you're trying to act so hard and so there's an area in your life and you're literally having heart attacks there's stuff that's attacking your heart because there's nobody who could serve you you're not venting it it's it's almost like i'm allowing the enemy to keep on hitting me because i have an inflated heart something happened you ain't talk about it she left you you never talked about it that thing that happened in childhood you got raped but you never let anybody know about it all of this stuff going on in your heart you have all this pain people laughing but you're acting like it's cool this pain is in your heart so you know what happens no wonder no wonder every time every single time the enemy sends you a fiery dart your heart keeps exploding you can't have no pressure you can't handle a loose look how small this is you can't handle a small fire of temptation you can't handle a small fiery dart of a lustful woman you can't handle a small fiery dart of the of the just the smell of marijuana so every time the enemy sends a fiery dart your whole life explodes because you're walking around with an inflated heart you're walking around with the inflated heart it's dangerous when a man is tired and don't let me get started when a man is confused just like saul saul is confused how are you the arm how are you the leader of the army like you the king bro bro bro you the king you're the king and you're not excited that your army won the battle you're you're not excited that you didn't just beat the philistines the bible says you slaughtered them and you can't celebrate you're confused when you can't celebrate that your own army won because you're so caught up with david's number confused man just the word confused in itself preaches khan is deception and there's several layers of fuse fuse means to be joined together so a lot of times the reason you keep living in confusion is because you're with somebody who's deceived and you're joined together with them confused or we can go the second form of a fuse like a wick right so i have deception joined with somebody who's explosive deception joined with somebody who every single time i'm with them their anger keeps exploding the rage keeps exploding it's because they're confused or we can go to the last fuse you do know a fuse like a circuit breaker the job of a fuse is to stop fires this is why every single time you're with the confused man it stop your fire of your purity it stop your fire in prayer it stopped your fire in worship it stopped your fire in fasting why because i'm with somebody who's confused they have ascribed to david ten thousands but to me a thousand and so you probably listen like okay um what what's the importance of talking about insecurity with men mrs men mr insecure ladies i'm telling you mrs insecure i might need ms flowers to help me with that one cause that one's gonna be hot but right now we have to talk about the insecurity in men because you have to understand this insecurity in that leader insecurity in that man is providing static with the way we father it's providing static with the way we love static with the way we communicate static with the way we lead static with our vision static without obedience and i can't obey god because insecurity is that antagonistic co-pilot that keeps trying to cause me to land when god wants me to descend ascend so i'm struggling on the inside because i have all of these things on the inside of me i have all these insecurities and before you log off and say you know what this ain't for me first of all i'm a woman and i'm not insecure my confidence on fleek you know what fleek means it means like good my confidence on fleek i'm good listen listen anytime god sends one of his anointed oracles to deliver a word please be attentive because i'm understanding the methodology of god is he always gives us the content before the test see a lot of people believe when they go through stuff oh god's testing me oh that's what it is god is testing me nope when god sends you a test it's because you already know what to do i'm just trying to give you a message so that if you hit this season you could have an open book test just come to part two of the world war me series it may not be your issue but what if your what if it's your unborn son's issue it may not be your issue but what if it's your nephew's issue it may not be your issue but what if it's your future husband's issue the reason i felt the need to talk about this insecurity because you may not have it right now but what you're going to do when god takes you to the next level a lot of us are content right now you feel as though yeah i'm good see you're good because you're around you're surrounded by bottom feeders but what about when god takes you higher because your gift will put you in the room with great men and you're not really great if you're surrounded by great and you're no longer great so yeah you may be killing it right now with your vocals but what you're going to do when god allows you to be in the atmosphere when everybody's killing it with their vocals are you still secure so i i'm trying to give you this word because a lot of us don't even recognize that you don't know what's coming next and see if i never trust god enough to jump in the shallow end surely i won't trust god enough to jump in the deep end what if i told you that the reason a lot of us are insecure is because you never take risk you never take risk in the word insecure i see the word cure in the word insecure i see the word cure you're cured by each jump you're imprisoned by each excuse forgiveness if god tells you to jump in the shallow end and you do it the next time he tells you to jump in the deep end you'll do it because you're cured by each jump you're imprisoned by each excuse gosh i hope y'all are getting this see trust grows when i jump in insecurity grows when i hesitate trust goes when i jump in i take the risk i have the faith and i see that god keeps on coming through clutch trust grows when i jump in insecurity grows when i hesitate when i hesitate now it makes so much sense i understand god wants us to have swift obedience because when you hesitate you talk yourself out of it just like that one time i was on this high diving board i was about to jump off this diving board in the pool some people they would just go up jump jump when it came to me i was like okay hold up hold up real quick it's kind of hot does it have a little bounce whoo it's hot hey is the water cold i don't know man i'll probably get the the more you hesitate the higher your insecurity is hesitation then leads to procrastination and procrastination is based on the belief that the opportunity will always remain procrastination is based on the assumption that the door will always remain open you don't know if you have this opportunity later so a lot of us have these insecurities and god wants us to have swift obedience no more hesitation swift god wants to wash us from hesitation i believe there are four ways that god washes us y'all ready four ways that god washes us he washes us with conviction he washes washes us by tension he washes uh washes us by eviction and he also washes us by affliction conviction tension eviction and affliction okay conviction is god's way of saying this is not like me tension is god's way of saying this is not from me okay eviction is god's way of saying this or they are keeping you from me and affliction is god's way of bringing you closer to me did y'all get that the way god washes conviction tension eviction or affliction listen conviction is not guilt shame or condemnation those come from hell that doesn't come from god if you're listening to a message and you're getting convicted conviction is from god guilt shame all that that comes from hell conviction comes from god and that's god's way of saying listen you're a son of god you're a daughter of god but the way you're behaving the way that you're living is not conducive with your profession okay i love you i've died on the cross for your sins but i need you to level up so i'm convicting you every time you eat that cookie i'm convicting you every time you go over there i'm convicting you every time you clap back in the comments section not out of legalism but i want you to be more god-like see conviction brings forth change shame brings forth change chains bondage i want to show you this just so you can see this because sometimes people like man this is just so convicting david said it this way listen that rod and dice staff they both comfort me i broke that down so many times the rod is correction and he said that brings me comfort because there was a time i would do my own thing you didn't even bother me you didn't really say nothing to me have you ever went to the club and you felt nothing i mean you would just fornicate and feel nothing you would just get high and feel nothing now when you want to do it instantly there's this war that's that conviction so that rod gives me comfort because it lets me know i'm yours it lets me know that you're mine and i'm yours but let's look how paul put this okay i want us to see this first corinthians chapter seven first corinthians chapter seven verse eight it says for even if i made you sorry with my letter i do not regret it though i did regret it for i perceived that the same epistle made you sorry though only for a while now i rejoice not that you were made sorry but that your sorrow led to what's that word repentance for you were made sorry in a godly manner that you might suffer loss from us and nothing for godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation not to be regretted this is so powerful listen but the sorrow of the world produces death for observing this very thing that you sorrowed in a godly manner what diligence it produced in you what clearing of yourself what indignation what fears not talking about being terrified but reverence of the lord what desire what zeal and what vindication and all things you proved yourself to be clear in this matter so what is paul saying like listen i know it hurts you but it made you get right that conviction that you felt you could be feeling during this semester message is god saying hey hey i'm not trying to make you feel bad i'm just trying to let you know there's another level i want you to get to you're made for more and so paul is saying listen i understand that the conviction bothered you but look what it produced in you conviction and when you don't understand this reality conviction feels like an attack they preaching at me let me send him a message uh i don't appreciate that you said because you feel convicted and you're confused that conviction is condemnation but there's no condemnation for those that are in christ jesus conviction second one tension i talked about that a few weeks ago but the easiest way i believe we could define tension is when we are about to run a spiritual red light what do you all do when y'all see the lights yellow when it's yellow do you like i'm a florid arty you like no i'ma slow up that that that tension that's when the holy spirit is giving you a yellow light hey hold up hold up look um this this see on i don't understand this but a lot of us keep complaining that it's hot but you keep putting yourself in situations that are preheating the oven you keep like man it's just my flavor it's just so hot why do you keep pre eating the huff preheating preheating the oven you know what that was you responded to the text hey what you doing nothing what you doing that's preheating the oven don't respond it's 11 30. it's 11 30. don't respond to it and a lot of us we keep on crying out once we're in the oven that tension is like okay i don't even want you to turn on the gas i don't even want you to step in that atmosphere and a lot of us were so caught up with the fire that were overlooking the smoke the smoke will kill you before the fire ever burns you tension is the holy spirit saying hold on slow down hit the brakes man jay you don't understand but my sex drive the holy spirit is the breaks okay some of y'all missed that all right eviction you got to understand that following jesus always comes with the breakup always when you accept christ when he lands in the terminal of your heart there is something that has to depart every single time you accept jesus jesus is not cool with you staying in contact with your ex he's not cut all them off who you talking to bro who you talking to no cut all them up why i'm your king now i'm your lord now and i don't want anything that will take you back to entertain your past eviction and the holy spirit when he steps in you best believe he hands out eviction notices last one affliction that's god's way of saying you're going to learn from this you're going to learn from this and my prayer my prayer is that god doesn't have to keep using trouble to teach us because for some of us that's the only way we learn through trouble you gotta experience something for you to pray you gotta to experience discomfort for you to pray i said okay why why this message about insecurity for the men it's because men are gatekeepers men are protectors the posture of a man should be nothing can come in this house unless it first comes through me even if i don't have nobody to protect i have to be wired to be a protector nothing could touch my family without first coming through me nothing could touch my son without first coming through me because i'm a protector and god has called for you to be bold be bold and very courageous and you cannot be insecure and bold at the same time i need you to be bold when that immoral woman talks to you i need you to have boldness i need you to be bold when you're offered to smoke that joint i need you to have boldness i need you to be bold when they invite you to happy hour i need you to have boldness because no pride wants a roarless leader preached holy spirit no pride wants a roarless leader for even the cazelles will mock you because there is nothing that you can do i need you to have a kingdom roar that will scare away the hyenas who keep coming after my cubs i need you to have a roar man of god and you cannot do that insecure you can't do that insecure a lot of us we can't obey god because we're so insecure you can't write that book because your insecurity keeps talking you out of it you can't start that youtube channel because your insecurity keeps talking you out of it you can't launch that ministry because your insecurity keeps talking you out of it you can't tell your wife you're sorry because you're prideful and your insecurity keeps talking you out of it you don't want to look weak but in the kingdom strength looks weak to culture it looks weak to culture but in the kingdom that strength you know how hard it is to be meek that's true strength insecurity is the tranquilizer for a kingdom man he's watching this thing on animal planet and this bear got loose and the park they couldn't beat this bear up i mean this big grizzly bear they couldn't touch this bear and so what if they had to they had to use tranquilizer darts i have to use something that'll put him to sleep insecurity makes your roar go to sleep insecurity you're beast in the spirit if you have the boldness of the lion out of the tribe of judah on the inside of you but that insecurity that tranquilizer dart to where you go to sleep and you're no threat to me because you're insecure so i'm not just going to give you the problem but i'm going to tell you also how to solve it number one way we get insecure is comparison comparison listen comparison is the spawning pool of insecurities and a lot of us are so insecure because we view being out of dress code as a problem we view being out of dress code as a problem if you're truly a kingdom man you should be out of dress code with culture comparison now watch it i believe how do we combat comparison we have to redefine success redefine success culture success is have many women a lot of cars a lot of money for me kingdom success is fulfilling my assignment so i'm not really comparing myself with you because i'm so caught up in my assignment you know what my competition is me yesterday y'all miss what i just said that's my competition jerry has no competition i'm in a lane of my own my only competition is who jerry was yesterday who jerry was saturday that's who i'm competing with i'm not competing with anybody else and how we can be cured from the insecurity of comparison redefine success what's your success if that's tucking in your child at night kissing them and y'all read a bible story and you didn't do that last night you were more successful today than you were yesterday if your of your view of success is just you praying with your wife and you haven't prayed with your wife in two three four years but you did it tonight that is more successful today than you were yesterday i need you to compete with your yesterday not compete with that brother's doing and this brother's doing and that brother's doing that's why you're so insecure you keep looking to your left and to your right look within and look up comparison how do i get cured from it i redefine your success i think failure is succeeding the most in what matters the least i believe that's what failure is true failure many times looks like success to culture if i went up here tons of follows tons of shares tons of people giving but i lose at home i failed i have a reit i have a different definition of success my success is me raising another son whose kingdom my success is loving my wife like christ loves the church my success is having my daughter see the presentation of god first because fathers are the point of reference to god and for her to see how loving i am how gentle i am how loving i am to her mother that is my form of success so i can care less about numbers i can care less about subscriptions i thank god for the with i thank god that he's allowing us to reach others but at the end of the day my success is at home my success is with my assignment that's success the reason you won't struggle with insecurity with comparison is when you try to figure out where can i be successful at in my life number two the reason we're so insecure is because the app is because of the affirmation deficiency affirmation deficiency sometimes people could help you with this if you know somebody's doing a good job tell them that could be a challenge for you right now after you finish watching this message text your pastor a sister a brother you know they're doing the best that they can like hey i just want to encourage you i see you grinding i like my bro always says i see your work bro just somebody to encourage you but if you don't have nobody to encourage you i want to give you an assignment on tonight i want you to make something called heart commandments heart commandments the psalmist says i command my soul i command my spirits i command myself to magnify the lord what does that mean sometimes i'm not gonna feel like it there are only two times to praise the lord when you feel like it and when you don't and i want you to write your own ten heart commandments what is that i command my heart to be grateful for each and everything i have every day that's my heart commandment i command my heart to always look for the good versus always trying to find the bad i command my heart no more negative speech i'm gonna now start speaking kingdom heart commandments affirm yourself encourage yourself if nobody else is gonna encourage you you have to encourage you anybody who's ever seen me work out or work out with me i'll be talking to myself have you noticed champions do that they talk to themselves i'm looking at floyd mayweather like documentaries i'm the fastest i'm the prettiest can't nobody stop me talking to himself muhammad ali he's going to get in trouble now that he got in the ring with me i didn't wrestle with an alligator toss it with a whale he's confident in himself because he's speaking over himself this is a principle that works for sinner or saint speak over yourself encouraging yourself affirmation deficiency number three so good you know why we're so insecure poor preparation poor preparation of course you're insecure and you haven't studied of course you're insecure and you're not being diligent of course you're nervous about taking that test when you didn't study at all when i'm up here many times and i feel as though i did not study like i should i'm like holy spirit take over holy spirit have your way but here i discover here's the benefit for me if you live in the overflow you'll never get nervous because i don't do this just because i gotta preach i was doing this when i didn't have to preach so even if i didn't prepare notes and come before you all i live in the overflow when you live in the overflow you have more confidence not in yourself but in your god this is why jesus said when you stand before them and you don't know what you're going to say fret not what you're going to say because the holy spirit is going to speak through you because i live in the overflow but naturally this is something i want you to take study yourself full pray yourself hot study yourself full pray yourself hot this is why i don't really have to just stay stuck looking at my notes because i studied myself full and i pray myself hot and a lot of us are very insecure you don't study you don't strive for excellence with anything half effort don't give 50 don't give 60 don't give 90 give 120 give your best maybe you're insecure because you're not practicing you're not training you're not striving to grow and so you're so insecure because there is no forward activity in your life poor preparation and last one the reason we're so insecure we don't see the big picture we don't see the big picture saul was so insecure and so caught up with the fact that they were ascribing to david ten thousands that he missed the big picture you won you're the first king of israel and you won you didn't just win but the bible says you slaughtered the philistines and security will have you feeling like you're losing when you're winning beautiful wife beautiful husband your health and strength and you just feel this depression on the inside of you because insecurity has you focusing on the wrong thing and whatever you magnify on will always be made bigger and the reason you don't feel as though god is blessing you you don't feel joy you don't feel contentment it's because you're looking that david has ten thousands but you're not looking that you're the king of this nation and you just slaughtered the philistines so i pray god help us to understand that you are the one that gives us security not a dog not a gun not an alarm system true security is found in you and let us oh god not be so caught up with what other people are saying how many views they got other subscriptions that they have how many likes they have and all of the mentions of their name that we forget the most important thing you know our name help us to be secure in you let us not compare ourselves amongst each other convict us oh god to pray to prepare to pray to study to show ourself approved most importantly god help us to be individuals that see the big picture set up we don't miss the blessing because we're focused on our insecurity in jesus name we pray amen
Views: 47,705
Rating: 4.9663119 out of 5
Keywords: insecurity, insecure men, mr insecure, world war me, jerry flowers, pastor flowers, pastor jerry flowers, jerry and tanisha flowers
Id: 3rMxRmzA0V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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