Mr Birchum: A PAINFULLY Unfunny Conservative Cartoon

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[Music] Mr buram one of the newest adult animated family sitcoms on the market because we don't have enough of those already but hold up this one might be different it might have some bite to it that according to sources quote no network would touch the show for fear of offending the wrong people dang that sounds interesting I wonder who said that uh oh it's anti-woke this is going to suck isn't it my name is Mr konzi my pronouns are he him and Z I'm a heteronormative cisgendered white male for which I apologize so for those who don't know Mr burum is a series on daily wire plus a news media and entertainment website that caters to a conservative demographic the very same website that hosts chip Chilla which I spoke about in a video last year you know the conservative Bluey ripoff that features Rob Schnider how is that a sentence thank you so much Madam president I regret voting for the other guy what was that well this time around uh daily wire wants a piece of the action when it comes to adult animation and has joined forces with Adam Corolla the creator of Mr burum apparently he has had had this idea of a character for decades now but networks weren't interested in giving the concept A shot until now a concept that is basically what if we combined Hank Hill with Ron Swanson but remove all of their charm empathy and personality and replace it with a condescending superiority complex that is riddled with conservative buzzwords yeah that's Mr bur more or less I literally made a list of buzzwords that I expect Ed to see in the show and within the first two episodes I crossed off like 10 of them as a warrior for equality I wear the robe of the order who fought for social justice in a galaxy far far away boy a woke nerd for the record I'm here as an advocate for good animated shows regardless of political affiliation in my opinion the more polarized a show is when it comes to its political IDE ologies the less clever it typically is that was the case for Little Bush our cartoon president and you guessed it Mr buram Mr buram is charged with using systemic student oppression publicly shaming them and then forcing them to work on his personal property during non-school hours he literally made them slaves literally you know my timing is actually pretty good with the release of burum as I've been rewatching King of the Hill again for like the 10th time I'm not joking I watch this series at least once a year and it is the perfect example of how to properly convey political ideas and themes without sacrificing your characters in The Pursuit Hank Hill is a conservative but he is not just a vessel for conservative rhetoric Mr burum is we'll talk more about that here in a bit take a tank of propane and smack it up side buran's [Music] head you left yourself open D but real quick quick add time I want to give a shout out to this video sponsor vessie summer is here baby and I am primed and ready to run around outside like some kind of dumb puppy in a 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you're ready to elevate your summer adventures with vessie then head over to vessie dcoms saberspark to check out their full range of products and to get an automatic 15% off your first order this summer is slated to be a hot one folks just like me so let's turn up the heat with a new sizzling summer style thanks again to vessie for sponsoring this video and now back to Mr beram would you like to resume your search for Nancy Pelosi bikini pics heck yeah so to recap Mr Bertram was created by Adam Corolla you might know him as that one guy from The Man Show that one voice from Crank anchors or the voice of Spanky ham from Drawn Together you see when I hear the phrase too offensive for TV I don't think of Mr burum I think of drawn together and for good reason I just know Zender and Tim are up to something I can feel it in my God [Music] well Adam here skews more towards the right when it comes to political values though I would call him more libertarian than anything else regardless that has not stopped him from teaming up with the dailywire and other conservative folks who appear in the show too uh Roseanne Bar Megan Kelly and Brett Cooper to name a few yeah as a matter of fact this show seems more excited about who is on the show rather than the show itself charity and work circling back to the too offensive comment I found this comment from Corolla from a Newsweek article about how burum has a South Park vibe to it but without the runch that this was quote purposeful given his target audience is conservatives who frequent the daily wire end quote first off I feel that this is disrespectful towards South Park and fails to see it in the proper light yes South Park is not afraid to push the envelope when it comes to shock and awe but it's anchored by funny characters clever writing compelling messages and the ability to be introspective there is Nuance in South Park there's even an episode about Obama winning the election in 2008 God I'm old and we see both sides of the political Spectrum lose their mind wow a perspective about politics you won't see that Mr burum also uh a big thing here too South Park is funny it does not sacrifice itself for cheap laughs via loow hanging fruit to the degree of Mr burum again if my buzzword list was a drinking game I would be drunk by the end of episode 2 I'm not going to say hell I am going to say what I have been wanting to say all right I keep bringing up Mr burum but what's the show about exactly what's the premise I'm sure that many of you could guess since it follows a typical adult animated sitcom formula Mr buram voiced by Adam Corolla is the cankerous shortfuse dad he works as a wood carving teacher at a public school a public school he despises because of its new wave of students regulations and ideologies he grade shamed me name shamed me fat shamed me screen shamed me fashion shamed me shame sham me huh you see what I'm talking about how burum is like an unpleasant version of Ron Swanson fused with Hank Hill he has a disdain for government bureaucracy so does Ron Swanson but Ron hates the government because it's holy incompetent in his eyes well Mr burum here is just an angry Boomer we are not the same burum hates the modern school because the wokes are ruting it and basically Winks at the camera while doing so oh there's also an antagonist who is a living caricature of a new age liberal teacher well you see folks he is the Virgin wussy boy and burum is the gigachad look look at them see that with Mr burcham's Design By the way I I see that little like that lip underneath his mustache it looks like a smiling face to me that's all I see is the smiling face I'm just being real it's a bad design birim tells the audience what they want to hear which is not not interesting it's not thought-provoking and it is not entertaining it is just pandering this show knows its audience and it gives them what they want and I don't know why I'm surprised honestly but I am cuz they put in uh a gay character and I'm just I'm not going to do it I'm not going to watch it I have all I they have every TV show why not give the conservatives just one where we don't have to hear about it well I guess not exactly what they want burum has a wife who is a ditsy realer a loser son who is a twitch streamer and then a young daughter who takes more after her dad but uh is a bit of a rabble Rouser kind of gives me Bob's Burger Vibes with Louise but nowhere near as fun or interesting would you like me to help you get acclimated with the features of your new tool from you tool what's to understand turn on cut would dummy okay so remember earlier how I said that I was going to use King of the Hill as a foil for burum so I can accurately show the right and wrong waves of writing conservative characters in a quality way well here we go episode one of burum is about Mr burum teaching his new students at his woodworking class off the bat you can see the generational differences between him and his modern students Tik Tock pronouns back in my day stuff like that the class fails his course but he offers them a chance to work outside of the school and repair his deck for extra credit the liberal standing teacher spies on burum and gets him in trouble with the school board or something for like treating kids like quote unquote slaves so right away the biggest issue with this episode besides its obvious heavy-handedness is the lack of growth from the characters burum actively dunks on his students and punishes them he calls them donkeys and the students actively dislike burum and fail the class then he offers them extra credit and they miraculously have a change of heart and defend him in front of the school board why I don't [ __ ] know kids who graduated my class have gone on to extraordinary achievements framing tow houses renovating bathrooms and re-roofing strip malls my donkey workday teaches kids how to survive in the real world using actual vocational skills a this is a lovely speech it really is now let's compare this to the episode little horrors of shop from King of the Hill in this episode Hank is forced to take some time off from Strickland propane because he rarely goes on vacation and even took a half a day when Bobby was born God I love Hank he is a drift at home but finds an opportunity to substitute for a shop class at the school Bobby goes to and subsequently Peggy teaches that Peggy being the let's put it proud person that she is tries to coach Hank and give him advice so uh should I have the students call me Mr Hill or Hank oh good lord and I thought I dodged a bullet when lanne wanted to teach are you comparing me to Luanne initially the class was not very interested in Hank's teachings but they quickly changed their minds and started to have fun Hank won them over and we see that growth throughout the episode so much so that Hank becomes the most popular teacher at the school and overshadows Peggy Peggy does not like this ultimately Hank gets in trouble with the school since these students were carrying around tools that were considered dangerous Hank I caught your boy carrying these chisels and screwdrivers in this toothy pointy Keyhole saw they're tools Carl you used to know that well maybe but according to school board's Zero Tolerance policy anything that can be used as a weapon is a weapon well that's just asinine and even though Hank gets dismissed the students cared so much about him and his teachings that they go to his house in order to continue their education which is like super sweet and a wonderful ending to the story now compare this to Mr buram the students defending him was not earned it was forced and all the the while there was a friction between him and the class it doesn't make any sense meanwhile Hank built a genuine Report with his students and the show was able to make fun of the school subtly by how asinine it was to ban Tools in shop class because they saw it as Weapons more proof that King of the Hill can comment about current events without sacrificing the quality of its characters and Story by now you have probably all heard about the suspension of popular shop teacher Mr Hill and and his disqualification for substitute teacher of the year that's so unfair he lost his job oh and there was like some B plot and burum about the mom trying to sell the house but the daughter sabotaged her and then was like sorry because why not I I don't know it was so insignificant and boring to pay attention to anyway I'm really sorry Mom no I love that you fight for what you believe in this this was fun we should do it again wait till you see what I did to the basement this is why I'm going to drink barrels of wine during your teenage years the next episode of burum is about him and his Navy friends trying to score as much free food as they can during Veterans Day we're introduced to his Pals who are indistinguishable from background characters as far as I'm concerned look at these three guys then look at boomhower Bill and Dale those three stand out these guys do do not e even with Family Guy Peter and his friends visually stand out but not here in the episode we are introduced to some rival group of veterans who are from the Army but burum and his friends are from the Navy oh that classic rivalry it's like the football game both parties challenge the other to see who can get the most free stuff that's it that that's that's the episode at the start I knew it would end up with both parties being like we might be different but we're in the US military also I hate this woke teacher again because I have to make that point in every episode wait why are you here it's called a professional development Retreat principal's discretion I'm entitled to get to know my staff on a deeper level oh okay well in that case I guess I could sit for a quick glass of non-alcoholic Rosé sorry this table's reserved for real Warriors not social justice Warriors oh still hurts like it did in high school I hate that I actually kind of sound like the character that sucks I'm Adam Cora and I'm an angry Boomer now let's compare this to King of the Hill a show that is not a stranger when it comes to discussing veterans in the episode unfortunate son cotton and His World War I buddies can't afford to live at the VFW Peggy suggests that the World War II vets should invite the Vietnam war vets over to join them as new members but cotton and the others are repulsed at the thought Vietnam boys no God dang way the VFW stands for Veterans of Foreign Wars not briefer smoking losers but they fought and died for their country just like you guys did zip it boy I'm trying to watch my nudie Channel now this is an interesting take on bats we get to see the generational differences between soldiers who fought in World War II and and those who fought in Vietnam how one group acts tough proud and unemotional while the other is traumatized vulnerable and unappreciated it's a great Dux supposition that reveals how the Vietnam war vets are actually fantastic soldiers despite losing the war and how the World War II vets act tough but genuinely could use their own therapy dirty hippie you know you could benefit from a little group therapy clear up some of that anger I haven't slept in 50 years he's so tired it's respectful it's engaging it's real and it even has some character growth between Hank and his father which also acts as a resolution between the Vets all in all it blows Mr burcham's episode out of the [ __ ] water dang it Hank don't apologize you did everything right I screwed up sometimes you can do everything right and still lose it ain't your fault you gave it everything you had that's all I ever asked of my men thanks for trying [Music] Soldier that's all we ever wanted to hear you did your best thanks for trying and then we have the third and most recent episode of burum and by far the most boring I'm that's saying something in this episode burum is trying to get new power tools in order to build a a set for a school play a school play that is presented as a modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet as Romeo and Romeo because woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke it just [ __ ] never ends I'm tired boss I'm getting tired of it anyway I've decided to direct the school play this year and you're going to build the sets more work same pay and you're my boss sign me up the rest of the episode is essentially just birum complaining back in my day I could buy a hammer at the store back in my day people used to work hard and Care back in I [ __ ] hate that I sound like him back in my day things were high quality and cheap China bad Millennials bad everything that isn't what I like is bad friends Americans Tradesmen lend me your ears I think I speak for all of us when I say PCC is like a bench viice squeezing our nuts his stepdaughter goes along for the ride and she is honest to God just just a Yes Man an echo chamber as it goes constantly reinforcing what burum says and never challenges him there is zero tension or growth like the more I think about it these episodes feel like Boomer Facebook post my child literally said why are the liberals so woke Papa don't they care about America and then everyone stood up and clapped that happens in the episodes this episode ends with burum just being quote unquote right again I also find it funny how in this episode he's upset that brick and mortar stores are gone and he blames the Chinese and Millennials yet um gosh what generation was in charge that got rid of manufacturing jobs in America and sent them overseas you know a maneuver that was done in order to maximize company profits and help them avoid ethically paying domestic workers it starts with the be Millennials it must have been them they did this that's it this whole place is a stainless steel Shrine to Millennial mediocrity there's only one way to hang a door build a cabinet and install TNG flooring it's not my way it's the way your generation thinks you just declare yourself an expert and you become one I will have no accountability whatsoever because I am perfect I'm losing my mind here folks now let's compare this to King of the Hill throughout the series The Show would take Jabs at Walmart with their own stand in megalomart at the time of writing the series Walmarts were killing off Ma and PAW General stores and local businesses sacrificing quality and customer service and exchange for options and low cost Hank constantly voiced his dissatisfaction but he never used previous generations as a scapegoat excuse me where's the hardware department where is the hardware department um H what exactly is it you're looking for the hardware department yeah but are you looking for like a tool or something what difference does it make huh what difference doesn't make okay I'm looking for a tap and die and some WD40 huh what is it that you're trying to do I'm trying to buy a tap and die and some WD40 and get out of this godforsaken store in the episode raise the stakes Hank is upset at how bad the meat quality has become at megalomart but he stumbles cross a co-op that has the best free range Stak he has ever had the downside the co-op is run by a bunch of hippies this is an interesting predicament hippies are like the antithesis of Hank Hill yet they do agree on one matter fresh food Hank is a man of quality he wants good tools a good truck and good meat Mr burum somewhat shares in the sentiments but where burum just complains Hank takes action and works at the co-op in order to get good meats you got me over a barrel Steve okay I'll join great I'll get an application but it'll take a few days to process the guy who does that is on a Vision Quest things of course backfire when the hippies discover thanks to Hank's excellent management that they can turn a profit and they ultimately sell the co-op too megalomart which breaks Hank's Hearts he and a hippie named Apple seed take off with a cow in order to keep their dream alive where should I go someplace where no one will find you find a field where they can graze find a stream where they can drink it's the only way to keep our Dream alive go and write me when you think it's safe I'm scared Hank there's no time to waste go on now [Music] get run Apple lead [Music] run wow a show that challenges its characters and puts them in a situation that provides entertainment and growth even though King of the Hill was obviously a reference from Mr burum they did not capture a fraction of its charm wit or Nuance also there was a a Mr Beast reference in this episode so yeah take that for what it's worth Boomer Riders making Boomer jokes Color Me surprised let me show you some Mr Savage he's the OG of viral content you want your videos get eyeballs this guy was a gaming streamer like me now he's a gazillionaire and that really is my biggest issue with Mr buram this show is a unsurprisingly an echo chamber only serves the purpose of making its viewers nod and double down on their values and beliefs Mr burum has zero growth zero change Zero friction AKA it's boring I don't care about the politics this is just bad writing plain and simple and if you can't challenge your characters then at least try and be funny but the show can't manage that either the jokes Never Land and I expect the writers at the table read for birchum losing their minds because woke bad am I right the teacher's gay pronoun Star Wars Pro gay [ __ ] you know woke pronouns please laugh [Applause] I can't believe I'm saying this velma's better I don't like Velma but it's better despite its unfunny jokes and bastardization of Scooby-Doo characters it is visually more striking creative and at least the characters experience some kind of friction even though it comes across as obnoxious there's effort and that's better than nothing speaking of zero effort the animation of burchum feels lifeless it's flat stiff and at times almost incomplete as if I'm watching an animatic for the episode like it reminds me of go animate and I mean that in the most insulting way imaginable especially with the lip syncing F de [Applause] party oh my God oh my God go ahead burum toss in your family guy cutaway gags make topical jokes in order to Pander to current events include your guitar riffs in order to remind people to laugh we are selling a dream of perfection like fashion models who never gain weight or Android phones that never crash or the green New Deal your audience doesn't want to work so hard the cowbell enables them to laugh without having to think the cowbell tells them yes the joke is over and yes it was funny why does King of the Hill work and burum doesn't because it is bolstered by empathy and kindness even though Hank is conservative he is more than just that he is a person who puts value into people regardless of their affiliation or backstory if you are a person who works hard has a backbone and conducts yourself with Integrity there is a good chance Hank will stand up for you he did so for the kids growing produce for the football team he did so for Peggy at the cost of losing a massive propane deal and he did so for a literal prostitute who lied to him because she actually showed that she wanted to change and he supported that put Mr Bertram in any of these situations and it would play out exactly how you think it would condemnation condemnation condemnation Hank is not perfect he's far from it but that's what makes him endearing interesting and real also King of the Hill actually does something with the medium of Animation well burum was animated in order to be conservative Family Guy like even if Mr burum existed in a vacuum was nothing else to compare to it's still sucks the animation is bad the designs are generic and the writing is atrocious and if your character can't follow a proper story arc and have its values challenge then what's the point unless you truly are just trying to Pander to the lowest common denominator and considering the website this show is on I think that's the case so overall don't waste your time with Mr burum it's a very bad show with bad faith and nothing of substance to offer go watch effis for family go watch the Boondocks go watch King of the Hill instead these shows are superior in every single way imaginable and actually give a damn about what they're doing unlike burum dogs are supposed to eat meat they're descendants of wolves you ever see a vegan wolf on the nature Channel I'm a vegan that makes a lot of sense a lot of nonsense [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Saberspark
Views: 1,041,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, animation, daily wire, birchum, conservative, unfunny, King of the Hill
Id: K7ymEKC3u_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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