S&W Performance Center Shield EZ...Better Than The Original?

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[Music] it's in our nature to protect the ones we love to stand up to any danger to be strong and courageous to always be prepared to keep our family safe to be the first line of defense we are born to protect [Music] right what's up and welcome to the channel my name is heggshot and thank you for joining us today we have the performance center smith and wesson easy and i'm going to tell you everything i know about it pros and cons me and miss headshot are going to tell you our overall opinion towards the end of the video after the shooting part of the review and just tell you everything that we know about it big big thank you to smith and wesson for sending this one out so we could uh review it and uh let's go ahead and get started uh big thanks to our shot team over on patreon the ones you see on your screen right here these are our five dollar and up patrons we really appreciate their support and all of our patrons and if you'd like to join our awesome shot team over there on patreon i have a link down in the description box below for you and you're seeing this video early and there's all kinds of perks that we do for you guys and then the video you've seen before this video so this is a part of what we've been doing uh for for pretty much this entire quarter now is trying to get people aware of what you should do as a responsible gun owner and making sure that you have somebody on your side if you ever have to draw your gun in self-defense but even before you get to that point having training tools and things that you need as a as a responsible gun owner that's what the uscca is there to do and i do have a link down in the description box below to check them out as well they are a support of our our channel and we've been with them since 2015 huge part of being a gun owner in the united states so check them out as well so let's go and get started performance center this is the second performance center we've done um in the last month so what you're gonna get you're gonna get some paperwork manual all that good stuff we're gonna we're gonna skip right over that you're gonna get the firearm put that to the side you're gonna get a lock of course and all that good stuff and it is safety check by the way two eight round mags easy to load mags then you're also gonna get a tool and you are going to get a cleaning kit actually a nice little kit there uh from smith and wesson i believe that pretty much all the performance centers come with this kit so it's a pretty nice addition there so let's get the box out of the way and talk about the star of the show here all right so let's talk about the specs then we'll go over the features so you have a 3.8 inch barrel seven inches in overall length 23.2 ounces unloaded five inches high in the grip and overall width is a little bit over an inch not much but right right there at an inch features so this is what makes the performance center very different than it's a regular counterpart you have your high visibility sights front and rear you have a single ported barrel so let me pull this back here so you have a port right there in the barrel and of course it is a polished barrel pretty much everything is this uh an anodized aluminum so they have the uh the gold features they have the black one and then the uh anodized uh aluminum look here so this one is that what they call their high bright finished barrel you have lightning cuts right here in the slide all right so you can see your barrel through the slide there so that e that lightens up the weight of the slide just a little bit picatinny rail here in the front round it off trigger guard really undercut up under the uh the frame right there so it's a good feeling gun just like the original easy it feels good in the hand it's a good size for a lot of different people and it surprises me how how popular the original ez shield was um when i actually went to massachusetts to visit smith and wesson and check it out for the first time it was i that's not exactly what i was expecting but there's been such a great response man smith and wesson kind of hit the nail on the head with that one so that's great same with their skeletonized anodized aluminum trigger here as well and it's got the pc tuned to it as well so i'll show you that after the shooting part of the review and show you what the weight and all that stuff looks like there no thumb safety on this version and then we'll flip it around again you have your accent there on the grip safety this time it is serrated and then coming to this side of the gun magazine release of course is reversible if you're a left-handed shooter front and rear slide serration additional thing they did on the ez which would be nice in the regular lineup as well as they they almost milled these little wings in the back of the slide so it makes it super easy to rack so if you're not familiar with this gun at all that's the idea of it so if you are a woman somebody that's older carpal tunnel issues which i'm very familiar with um if you are a younger person or whatever the case may be this gun a lot of striker fired firearms are very hard the slides are very hard to rack so that's what this gun is designed to be it's designed to be an easy gun to rack shoot carry all of that good stuff okay loaded chamber indicator right there so that's a a good tactile and visual indicator that you have a round in the chamber there okay you don't ever want to trust that but it's there as a backup for you as well all right no magazine disconnect or anything like that to a round mags like we already mentioned there slide stop take down lever right there okay this is an internally hammer fired gun it is not striker fired but the trigger is good enough where you would think it is striker fired so it's a pretty cool balance that they have right there let me compare it to the original so just a quick deal so you can just kind of get a an idea of what this looks like the shield the new one which is on your left here is just a little bit longer because they have that ported barrel sticking out right there and then if we look at the rears here not too much is different and then if we put them on their backs again there is not a whole lot different in that department so sights the anodizing aluminum look skeletonized trigger with the pc tune sights of course and the porting and all that good stuff those are the main differences let's break it down and then we'll head to the range and i'll show you how it did there locked side to the rear you're going to pull it up and off just like that single captive recoil spring right there and then you can well you probably can't see but there's the back your firing pin and then of course you do have your internal hammer right here the good thing about this is it's almost pre-cocked so it's not like you're drawing that hammer back and it's releasing its forward it's already got tension on that yeah so if you're a new shooter this gun is super easy to maintain take apart clean all that good stuff keep in mind that if you're putting the slide back on if you have the grip safety engaged it engages this piece right here so if you go to try to put it together you're not going to be able to do that because this piece is actually going to physically block it so see how it drops down just make sure you don't have that grip safety engaged flip it back up function check we're all good to go so let's head to the range this is a brand new range that we've never been to before but it's really nice um it's it's just an awesome place to be so hopefully you enjoy the new footage new range footage anyways here we will see all in a minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cheers [Applause] all right so hopefully y'all enjoyed that these targets they're at a predetermined spot away from us okay so we can't adjust like the targets and how far they are away but i don't think it was too much of a problem this gun actually did a really good job there are some things i want to mention here in a bit but overall it did a really good job and it's got a nice trigger on it and that's one thing i definitely want to show y'all check out the pc tune on this one so you have a little bit of take up here in the trigger you hit the wall almost immediately and it breaks reset is right there so they did a nice job it's not the lightest trigger in the world by any means but again this can be used as a carry gun that's not something you really want is like a super light trigger so let's try this i gotta of course squeeze that grip safety five pounds four ounces let's try it one more time here five pounds four ounces okay so very nice job as far as the trigger so let's flip the camera around here and me and miss hexshot will give you all our overall opinion pros and cons all that good stuff on the performance center shield easy all right so let's give you our opinion of the performance center shield easy we had a great time with this thing but we want to tell you what we like what we don't like and all that good stuff and i will let miss heggshot tell you what she liked what she did performance center easy i really enjoyed shooting the gun a lot it was really really similar to the regular easy but of course the sights were really great they were really easy to pick up i was more on target with this one than the first one just because i feel like the muzzle rise was a lot better but i feel like i was a lot better with the trigger just because it was way easier to stay on target and more focused with this it was just all real easy the only thing i didn't enjoy was the grip safety all right so that's that's basically where i want to come in at um i i i agree with all that the fiber optic sites do a such an awesome job during the day it's a huge difference than the regular three dot setup so i definitely like those um i didn't notice as much of a difference as the as far as the felt recoil like miss text shot she she noticed a pretty significant difference um but and i think that shows on camera here i didn't notice as much of a difference but it's still a difference so uh this gun surprises me again how popular it is but it it's it works for a lot of different people so that's a great thing um i like the gun all the way around i think it's a little bit big for concealed carry but for a newer shooter for somebody that wants something for their home for the range something they feel very comfortable with this is a good option what bugs me about this gun and again the slide and everything is super easy to rack and all that nothing there has changed what bugs me about this gun is the grip safety so it is actually squared off in the rear as opposed to being the rounded and smooth option like we have on the regular shield so i'm not quite sure why they decided to do this because the original one has a really nice flowing rounded spot back there where you don't even feel the grip safety but this one is serrated which i can almost live with but then it's squared off in the rear and that's one thing we were talking about at the range is like why does this hurt so much and you pointed out first it's squared and it's kind of has these sharp little edges now that can be fixed wear gloves or or any number of things i guess but i'm just not i'm not a huge fan of that i don't like what they did back there i think they made an unnecessary change even if they just did the anodizing aluminum look keeping it flat and rounded like the original i think that would have worked perfectly but the trigger and everything is so much better on this gun we need to do a comparison between the two and i'll tell you which one i like the best then but i'll tell you for now i i really like it man they did a great job on this a couple things there that i didn't like but again for what it is mags are easy to load it does exactly what it should the smith wesson ez performance center i like it i love it all right cool thank you guys for watching we'll see in the next one and as always hold them down [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Hegshot87
Views: 195,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shield ez, m&p shield ez pc, pc shield ez, performance center shield ez
Id: oxbEN0dbhWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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