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hello there and welcome to another teach from home villa hog do not ask me what week of online teaching it is because they're all blending together at this point and I have no idea but we are not done school until June 18th so we still have several weeks to go in my last teach from home vlog I did share a lot about my schedule and how I was structuring my day so if you have not watched that video make sure you go back and watch it I will link it for you down below but for today's vlog I wanted to share just some new things that I've either discovered or have started doing in the past few weeks since my last video so hopefully they are helpful for you whether your school year is done or you're like me and you're going even till mid-june or if you end up starting online in the fall because it looks like that is still a possibility so let's go ahead and jump into the day now the first hour and a half of my day is dedicated to a PD and connecting with students I do have a Google meet with my class at 8:30 I do it every single Friday but that means I have about 30 minutes until then so I'm gonna jump on and complete some online PD that is one of the best things about teaching from home there is so much PD available online I think YouTube videos are a great source of PD especially for technology because there are so many tutorials but I'm gonna show you all what my favorite PD has been lately lately I am really loving the teacher center on Google for education website because there are so many free trainings and you can even get certified if you want to so on the main page which I will link for you down below if you scroll down you can click begin training courses or you can come down there's a section of just general tips for Google products you can look into certifications or professional development programs if you scroll down a little bit more there's actually like a getting started section for a lot of the different google apps which is fantastic so you can look at any one of these if there's a specific app that you're wanting to learn more about but I'm coming up and I'm clicking begin training courses then you can see there's a section for new learners and a section for advanced learners these are actually designed to help you take the Google certification but you don't have to so if you choose to take the certification it only costs about $10 but again you don't have to take it all of the training modules that give you the information are actually free so if you click on the learn the basics of gee suite for education you can see it's 13 units and it's almost 13 hours of content you just click start training it will have you login with the Google account and then it will have you proceed through your modules and if you choose to at the end you can take the certification it's only ten dollars and you can become google certified educator level one and if you go on and take the advanced one then you can become level two so that's what I've really been loving doing in the morning I feel like it's a very easy kind of start to my day it gives me some alone time before I jump into all of my meetings now I mentioned that I have a Google meet with my class at 8:30 in my previous vlog I talked about how I use slides and I present them so that when my students joined the Google meet they know exactly what to do so I'm not gonna focus on that today but if you want to go back and watch the video the link is down in the description box I do want to talk about games that I am playing with my students on google meet I have been doing scavenger hunts with them and they absolutely love it in fact I've offered to play other games and they're always like no we just want to do a scavenger hunt so it's very easy I come up with a list of ten items these are general things that most people would have around their house and I just write it down in the Notes app on my phone and I actually keep track of all of the different items so I don't end up repeating myself but during the Google me I start by going over the roles of the scavenger hunt number one you must be safe that means you cannot be running into people in your house you can't be running into pets in your house you have to make sure you are being safe you're not hurting anyone or anything rule number two if miss break here's a parent discipline you because you are running or if you are being too loud you are automatically out of the scavenger hunt no if ands or buts the first person to come back with the item and show it to the screen gets the point the person with the most points wins a virtual lunch bunch with Miss Frey and it's actually two friends now you must clean up all of the items when you're done I have ten different items and by the end you're gonna have a big pile of stuff by you so make sure you put yourself away when you are done go ahead and give me a thumbs up if you agree to those rules and you're ready to play I'm going to type the item into the chat so make sure your chat is open what I do is I actually type the item into the chat on Google meat because I allow my students to unmute themselves during the scavenger hunt because it's hilarious watching them running around and grabbing the items and hearing the conversations in the background but that means they can't hear me very well when I try to communicate with them so by typing it into the chat and allows every student to see the item at the exact same time so it stays there then the students run around their house they go get the item they bring it back and the first student to show the item to the camera earns a point after ten items whichever student has the most points wins and they end up having a lunch punch with me and two friends a virtual lunch bunch obviously we have lunch over Google meat but my students absolutely love it I had a different student win every week it has been so much fun to watch them a lot of their families get involved the student that won last week his mom and his dad were like sitting there like ready to go run and grab items it's so much fun so if you have not tried that yet with your class I highly recommend it wait on some people that come back you will have some interesting looking dice those are dominoes [Music] Google meat was a success my students had a lot of fun and a different student one who had not won before which makes me happy now I have 30 minutes until my instruction time starts where I will be on Google meat with students so I'm gonna use this time to get assignments that were turned in overnight graded because I do like to get the assignments graded and have feedback in there and get it returned to the student right away that way it can help them for future assignments or they can go back and fix things as needed so I'm going to show you all like the best thing that I have discovered on Google classroom and if you're not using this you need to I love using the to do section of Google classrooms so I can easily see all of my assignments in one list and see how many students have turned it in and all of that so in order to get to this you want to click on the three horizontal bars that are in the top left corner and that is your menu once you click on that you will see classes calendar and then under teaching you will see two do students also have this and it will show them a list of all of their assignments so you can show it to them as well once you click on to do it will bring you to a page that looks like this you can click this drop down if you have multiple Google classrooms in order to select the specific one that you want to look at so I selected my homeroom and now if I scroll down you can see a list of all of my assignments now there's three different categories there is turned in assigned and then graded turned in are assignments that students have turned in that I have not graded or reviewed assigned are the ones that have not been completed by students at all or at least they haven't been turned in and then graded means I have graded it and I have returned it to them some of them say returned instead of graded that just means it wasn't a graded assignment now what I love is I just focus on this turned in column and I try to keep it at all zeros if you look at some of the older assignments you will see that they all say 0 because I have graded all of them but when you have a lot of assignments sometimes older assignments get overlooked and you forget to check them to see if students have submitted things late but this allows me to easily see which assignments have been turned in so for example this Friday math lesson from April 17th which was about a month ago I can see that a student turned that in late so I need to go back and grade it now if you scroll up to the top you will notice that the most recent assignment does not have a graded section and the turned in is at 0 that's because that assignment just posted so no students have turned it in I haven't been able to grade anyone's once someone turns it in and I grade it then I will have a new column so it'll have all three just like the other ones now one other thing I wanted to mention if there is an assignment that maybe is old or all of your students have turned it in and you've graded all of them and you don't need it on this page if you click on the three little dots on the right-hand side you can click mark as reviewed that will move it over to your reviewed column and that way it gets it off of this main page and you can focus just on the assignments that you need to focus on so I'm just gonna spend a little time going through and grading all of these assignments that were turned in what's really nice is I can literally just click on the button that says turned in it will take me straight to that assignment and I'm ready to go I did want to show you all a few little grading hacks or tips for Google classroom I'm in my sample Google classroom that I've created and I'm under the to-do list so you can see that I've had some assignments turned in by me so I'm gonna go ahead and click on this one that's the science lesson it will take me to that lesson and a list of the students that I've turned it in so if I want to grade one of the students I can just click on it now once I open up that student I can easily navigate from student to student either by using the arrows up here at the top or by clicking on the drop-down and it will show me which students have turned it in and which students have it so once I'm actually grading the assignment I do a couple of different things first of all I leave comments now this works really well for like math assignments or even their writing and you want to give them specific feedback you can actually click on any kind of a text box or in and then you can right-click and then you can scroll down to comment now on a Mac it's also command option M or I'm sure on the PC that would be like Control Alt + but don't quote me on that and that will open up the comment box as well and then I like to type in specific comments here so things like make sure you use punctuation on your writing and then I just click comment and that way the students can see the feedback that they do specifically what area of the assignment that goes to if you are not already using the comment Bank you need to if you click on this icon over here it looks like a speech bubble with a flat that is the common thing you can add comments to the bank that you can easily copy and paste into your assignments so I love to give specific feedback on the Google slides and then I'll leave a private comment to tell them to check the Google Sites so one of the comments that I add is great job on these math slides I appreciate you working so hard I left some comments on the Google slides for you to check nope check and I will click at that will now store it in the comment Bank if I am leaving a comment on the actual Google slides if I type in one of those words like great job it will actually pop up and I can click on it but if I'm going to add it to a private comment it's not going to pop up so if I start typing great job nothing's going to come up so instead I can come back to the comment Bank I can click on the three little dots I can click copy to clipboard and then I can go back to the project comments right click and choose paste and it put that private comment in there so it's super convenient I have like the same private comments that I use for most like science assignments social studies reading and math and I have those all saved into my comment Bank so it makes it super fast for me to grade I also love adding bitmoji stickers now if you have not already added the bitmoji Chrome extension highly recommend it it's free to add I will link it for you down in the description box but right up here if I click on my bitmoji extension you can see a lot of the stickers that I've already been using with my students or I could search for a new one so for example I could take this good stuff one I can right-click choose copy image then I come to the slide I can either right click and choose paste or I can do command V or control B in order to paste it right on the slide so it's like a digital sticker I love that they're free I don't have to do anything besides at that bitmoji Chrome extension and I'm good to go I had to get up and move away from my computer because I've been sitting all day in the same exact spot and that's not good now it is currently still my instructional hours and one thing I like to do during this time especially if no students need help is to record many lessons this way I can post the mini lesson with the slides and the assignments that my students are going to do even though I do embed videos into their lessons that are like instructional videos those are ones created by other people and I feel like it's more engaging when they hear my personal voice and they see my slides and things that I'm used to but one of my biggest tips with this whole distance learning thing is to use what you already have I feel like suddenly teachers are thinking they have to redesign everything when you can use what you were already using in the classroom you're just gonna use it in a new way so one thing I am doing is using my slides that I would use in the classroom to teach in order to record the mini lessons so let me quickly show you how exactly I am doing that I previously did a video on my favorite websites and apps for distance learning and one of them was screencastify which is actually a Chrome extension so right up here I can click on that I will link screencastify for you down in the description if you have not used it highly recommend it it's a great screen recorder now I want to record my desktop so it records everything because I'm going to be switching back and forth between different tasks I'm gonna turn on my microphone and I'm going to embed my webcam and then I'm just using like my normal camera on my computer I can choose if I want to have a countdown for 3 seconds and if I want to show drawing tools now I'm not gonna use the drawing tool so I'm gonna just turn that off but I do like to countdown because it kind of lets me know what's coming and then I'm just gonna hit record so I'm gonna go ahead and show you all at least the beginning part of my mini lesson I probably won't show you the whole thing but that way you all can just see what I am giving to my students to hopefully give you some ideas for your students - graders it's mr. a I miss you all so much so I thought I would hop on and do a little mini lesson before today's math lesson now I'm gonna be presenting my screen so you're not gonna see me but I promise I'll come back at the end so for this mini lesson on symmetry let's look at our lesson objective we are going to be identifying and drawing lines of symmetry in polygons that means we're gonna look at a shape and we're gonna be able to identify lines of symmetry we're gonna be able to figure out if a line is actually symmetrical and we're gonna be drawing our own lines of symmetry it is now a little bit after 11:00 and I am off on one of my daily walks for the month of May my teacher monthly challenge is to only work contract hours so that means during my lunch break before school after school I'm not touching anything score related so during my lunch break I really like to get out I like to be active because I've been sitting all day I will listen to a podcast on my walks which is just very relaxing for me and it gets my mind off of everything that's causing me stress so after I finished my walk I typically go back home I will have lunch which is mostly leftovers because Billy and I are doing all of our cooking at home and then I will just sit on the couch and enjoy like TV I'll usually try to do some chores and that's about it I try to get myself mentally ready for one o'clock when I have to be back on Google meat to help my student it's almost my office hours and one of the biggest issues I have had with teaching from home at least personally is that I don't have a lot of materials or supplies when we initially closed for two weeks I truly thought it was just two weeks and we were going to go back to school so I didn't bring home a lot of my teaching supplies and the number one thing that I wish I had brought home was a whiteboard because when I'm meeting with students on Google means I can use paper but that's wasteful it's so much easier to just use a whiteboard especially with math okay doc tried to show them different skills and strategies however I realized I could make one very easily at home so I'm gonna show you what you would need for that so all you really need is a page protector now if you don't have these they're pretty easy to find you can find them at like Target Walmart Amazon all of that it's just a very basic sheet protector and then a piece of paper now I'm actually using a piece of cardstock just because it's a little bit thicker all you have to do is put it inside the page protector and then you literally have a whiteboard you know obviously this is kind of flimsy so if I'm writing while I'm holding it up it's not gonna work very well so I actually use just a basic clip and I clipped the whiteboard the faux whiteboard should be paid protector and paper to the clipboard so now I can hold it up and write on it surprisingly enough I actually did have dry erase markers at home I had been to my parents house I think it was over winter break and we cleaned out their basement area and they found some things I have when I was younger and I actually had a baggie of little dry erase markers and an eraser so that's what I've been using but just to show you how wellness actually works I'm going to take a black marker you'll see I'll draw on it and then if you don't have an eraser you can literally just use like a tissue in order to erase it but oh there's a back layer there you go so you can see and then it erases there you go super easy whiteboard that you can make with materials you most likely already have on hand fast forward an hour and a half it is now my planning time which I love having at the end of the day because then I'm able to end my day feeling prepared for the next day or the next week I'm wrapped up in a blanket because it is absolutely freezing but one of the things I noticed when I first started putting out these distance learning lessons for my students is that they were very confused by having multiple attachments on a single assignment because even giving them a list they were very confused on what to do and what order and it was just too much for them so one of the changes I have made is I've started compiling what are you doing cat I'm sorry I've started compiling all of the necessary videos and practice slides and everything else into a single Google slides assignment that way when they open it up it's just one set of slides and that's it they don't have to click on different links and things I feel like it has made it a lot better so I want to show you all how I'm doing that this is going seemed like a lot of work but the great thing is once you do it once you can just make a copy and you'll already have a template ready to go and you just change out the information so I'm in my Google Drive I'm going to create a new slideshow by clicking new and then Google slides this is going to open up a blank slide and the first thing I want to do is actually resize it to be the size of a piece of paper I feel like that is best for my students in case any of them want to print it out so I'm going to file page setup clicking the drop down going to custom and I'm gonna change it to 11 by 8 1/2 and click apply I always delete the text boxes because I feel like I just want a clean slate but I am gonna go ahead and change my background color I will do this pink click done and then I'm going to go to shapes and I'm going to select a rectangle I'm gonna go ahead and just kind of draw a rough estimate of the size of the rectangle and then in order to resize it I can right click come down to format options and I can click on size and rotation I'm gonna make it ten by seven and a half so I just subtracted an inch on either side or an inch from yeah the height and width and now I'm going to Center it I'm going oh my gosh my cats if anyone wants a cat or two you can have mine I'm gonna change the fill color to white and I'm going to change the border to black and I'm gonna change the thickness to four points yeah I think we can go even thicker I'm gonna make it eight points yeah that looks better so I usually put like a black bar at the top where I put my title however I'm not really feeling it on this one I'm gonna keep it very simple I am gonna add a text box where I put the lesson and the date so I'm gonna go ahead and center it I'm gonna say the lesson is on top so let's say math lesson 10 and then I can put the date so for example Wednesday May 20th I'm gonna go ahead and highlight the text I really like using century gothic it's nice and easy to read let's try size 75 that's a little too big so we can go down to 70 the great thing is Google slides now has the plusses and minuses so you can literally go up or down by a single size at a time which is great I'm going to Center this and that's looking pretty good I'm gonna go ahead and bold the lesson number so it's just a little bit thicker and stands out I do want to add a jet or a gift to this slide so I'm gonna open up a new tab and I'm gonna type calculator Jim because it's a mat slide and I'm gonna go to images and I'm just gonna scroll and find one that I like I like this one right here now in order to add this in I do need to save it so I'm gonna right click save image as and then I don't need to rename I'm just gonna hit save because it doesn't really matter I can close out of this tab and now I can click and drag from my downloads in order to put it on the screen so I'm gonna go ahead and center it there we go make sure that height Y is perfect okay now I'm gonna go ahead and duplicate this slide by right-clicking and choosing duplicate I'm gonna change the background I like to kind of alternate colors so we'll go rainbow on this I'm gonna go ahead and delete that but I am gonna put in some text I'm gonna Reese to take up the whole area I would put lesson objective and then I would type my objective here now I do like to add in bitmoji is just make it kind of fun so I can actually shrink it down a little bit and I already have the bitmoji Chrome extension so I'm going to click on that and I'm gonna pick out a fit mochi I like the pointing ones so I'm gonna type in pointing this one looks good I'm gonna right click and choose copy come to my slide right click choose paste but I wanted to point the opposite direction so I'm actually going to going to reverse my image so in order to do that I'm gonna make sure it's selected I'm gonna come up to a range I'm gonna come down to rotate and I want to flip it vertically nope I don't I want to flip it horizontally I can never remember which way is which flip horizontally there we go so now I'm pointing the other way I can drag it down resize it yeah that's looking good all right perfect maybe bring this over a little bit more okay so obviously it would look a little bit different if I had my actual objective but you get the point I'm now going to duplicate this slide change the background to yellow click done go ahead and delete my bitmoji typically one of the first slides is like an instructional video for my students so I might go ahead and resize this I might put many lesson video so I'm gonna delete the text and make this only the top part so I'm going to actually add in a video I'm going to go to insert video and then I have a few different options I can actually search in YouTube and add a video directly from there I can add in a URL from a YouTube video or I can add from my Google Drive I already added my mini-lesson video that you all saw earlier into my drive I can actually go into recent and it should be right there yes so I'm gonna click select and it's going to add it into my slides now I don't really mess with anything over here under format I'm just gonna exit out but I am gonna resize this so that I can fit it on the slide let me make it a little bit bigger Center it perfect however one mistake I see a lot of teachers making with adding videos from their Drive is they don't have the correct sharing settings so I'm actually going to go back to my Google Drive and you will notice my video is right here I want to make sure that anyone can view this video so I'm going to right click I'm going to go to share and then I'm going to select change to anyone with the link this might look a little bit different on your drive if you have a Google Drive that's through your school but you want to make sure that anyone with the link can view or sometimes if you have like a certain domain for your school you could select anyone within the domain can view that way any students would actually be able to watch your video because otherwise they're not gonna have permissions to watch it so I'm just going to select done and I don't need to do anything to the video on the slides once I change those sharing permissions in my drive I'm good to go so now I'm going to start adding in like the actual practice slides that my students would do so I'm going to duplicate this I'm gonna delete the video change the background to a green color and I'm gonna start adding in like pieces of worksheets that I want my students to complete I'm gonna go ahead and delete this title I don't really need that and I already have a PDF of a worksheet opened up so I'm gonna scroll down to the part that I would want to include all right here we go lines of symmetry I'm gonna actually have an example slide I like these examples here so I'm going to take a screenshot now on a Mac its command shift 4 and then that allows you to click and drag where you want to take the screenshot on a PC I believe there's a button on your keyboard that takes a screenshot but I'm not really great with PCs I'm going to insert that image by going to insert image and then choosing upload from computer and it's right there on my desktop so I'm going to open it and it's going to add it in so I can resize it so it fits perfect if I wanted to I could add text underneath so I could say check out this are these examples and I can add whatever details I want so I'm gonna go ahead and make that bigger and Center it and so on okay I'm gonna go ahead and now add in the problems that I want my students to actually complete so I'm going to duplicate this I will make the background blue let's go at that blue okay I'm going to delete that first image I'm gonna come back to my worksheet and I'm going to screenshot these two problems and I'm gonna keep this little vocabulary piece because I think that will be helpful so again on a Mac its command shift 4 and then I can just click and drag where I want to screenshot come back to my slides and actually I have it right here I can click it right in and I'm going to resize it just a little bit so that it fits perfect now I'm going to add direction so I'm gonna move it down actually no I'm gonna move it back up to the top I'm going to have my students circling the shapes so I want to add a circle that they can just click and drag over top so I'm gonna come to the shapes I'm going to select a circle and I'm going to draw my circle if you hold down shift it will make sure it's a perfect circle and not an oval I'm going to change the fill to transparent and we'll make it a nice red color and we'll make it a little bit thicker so it's easy to see carpet so I'm gonna leave this circle but they have to circle multiple shapes so I'm actually going to copy and paste this circle and then I'm just gonna move it right over top of the previous one so that way as they move the circles there actually will be multiple ones underneath so let me kind of show you what that will look like if I take and drag one of the circles off there's still more circles to move which is great so I'm gonna put those back I do want to give my students directions so I'm gonna add a text box I'm going to say click and drag the red circle to to the shapes that need to be circling and then I also want to tell them you can use the line tool to draw lines of symmetry I'm gonna go ahead and make this century gothic let's do size 24 perfect center it and I'll bold that sometimes I even like to highlight the directions just to make sure they read them so I'm gonna come to the highlight tool choose the yellow perfect and in order to bring their attention to that line tool I might even add a text box over here and I might say use the line tool to draw lines of symmetry and same thing century gothic 20 said turret highlight hit and I might bring it down a little bit and I might actually add an arrow just so there's no confusion that kind of points like right up here so they know that that is where they need to be looking obviously on different screen sizes the arrow might not be pointing directly to the line tool but it at least gets their attention to look up at the tool bar so that slide is good to go and you just have to get creative with how students will complete these things digitally one other thing I wanted to show you is actually adding a link so I'm gonna duplicate this slide again and I'm gonna go ahead and delete the pieces I don't need I can click and drag to select multiple ones but I want to unselect the background perfect okay I like to end with a slide of directions so I'm gonna actually come back to this slide I'm going to copy this text box paste it on here oh I need to change my background this one's going to be purple done I'm going to drag this over and this is gonna say when you finish so I'm gonna add a numbered list and let's make this a little bit smaller let's do size 36 okay so here I'm gonna give them their directions for when they finish I always make sure I tell my students to go back to Google classroom to submit the assignment because you cannot submit directly from Google slides so I'm going to type go back to Google classroom and turn in this assignment then we have our students go on a website called first in math so I would say go on first in math for 15 minutes now I can actually link that website so they can click right on this slide and it will take them there I'm gonna highlight the text I want to link which is first in math I'm going to right click I'm going to come to link and then this is where I could literally just paste the URL and sometimes it even suggests things like this first in math comm click it click apply there we go so once my students click on that it will take them directly there I would finish giving them their direction so check your social studies assignment for the day and then go outside and have some and again I can add morbid modi's to kind of fancy it up so I might do like a trophy emoji you were the best trophy unlock that was full right click copy paste it on my slide put it over here I might resize this just to take up this side maybe make this a little bit smaller nope not that small huh perfect okay I might put the trophy one up here and then I might add another one underneath you rock copy image paste it on there move it down resize it whatever I need to do and then I am done making pie slides again this seems like a lot of work but I promise it's actually not I could label this math lesson I'm gonna go ahead and exit out of these slides and go back to my drive now the next time I want to make a lesson I just right-click I choose make a copy and then all of that is already done for me I just have to change out the information so once you do it once it makes it much easier later on all right I have just one final teaching related thing to show you because I feel like this video is getting very long but one of the things I have loved doing as a part of distance teaching is recording myself reading chapters of chapter books to my students there were two different books we had started reading at school that we didn't get to finish the one and only Ivan and flying the dragon the one and only Ivan thankfully I had another copy here at home it's one of my favorite books flying the dragon I had to order on Amazon but I started recording myself reading chapters of the books and posting it for my students to listen to basically like an audio book now you want to be careful with this because there are copyright laws but a lot of authors are allowing their books to be read personally my district is having us add any books that we're reading to a list and they are personally reaching out to publishers and getting permission so just make sure you look into copyright but I did want to show you how easy it is to record yourself reading and upload it to Google classroom now I'm gonna move to the side so I can insert a little recording to prop my screen for you all to see I'm just on my iPhone and I'm going to the voice memos application this comes standard on iPhones and I'm sure androids have similar applications in order to record myself reading I'm just gonna hit the red button at the bottom and I'm going to read the book and it's going to record what I'm saying whenever I'm done and I want to end it I just click stop and then I can go in and rename it so I always put whatever the book is and the chapter so for example flying the dragon chapter 25 now you can listen back to it if you want to I don't like to listen back to it because I hate hearing my own voice but when I want to share it to Google classroom I'm gonna click the three dots on the left hand side and I'm going to select share now this is going to allow me to share directly to Google classroom I'm going to select Google classroom and I'm going to select which classroom I actually want to share it to so I'm going to click and select miss phrase class and I typically just share mine on the stream page so I share it as an announcement so I'm going to click make announcement and it's going to upload that audio file I can add in any other details I want so I can add details here and then once I'm ready to go I just click the share button and it posts directly to my Google classroom so very very easy to use if you are not already doing that highly recommend it my students absolutely love it and even if you don't have books that you had started reading at school you can totally just start reading new books with them and it's just a great way to kind of bond with them because they get to hear your voice so hopefully that helps so that is it for the school day I hope you all enjoyed kind of virtually teaching with me I have a busy afternoon I need to film another video as soon as I finish this which actually is going to go up before you all see this I also have a zoom call tonight with the other authors of the edge' preneur site hustle handbook which if you all don't know that is a book that I co-authored it's all about ways to make extra money as a teacher and it actually is released officially today when I'm recording this May 15th so I'm going to link it for you you can find in a few different places Amazon our publishers website and Barnes & Noble so I cannot wait to hear from you all if you do order it please please please leave us a review on Amazon we would greatly appreciate it but I did want to share quickly before I go a game that I have been loving it could because after I finished teaching I am exhausted and I don't want to be on my computer so Billy and I have been playing a lot of games and one game that I've discovered during quarantine that I absolutely love is monopoly deal literally the most fun games they don't take very long it only takes about 15 minutes so we'll sit down and play like four or five rounds but it's literally the most fun I've ever had played it came it's just it's fantastic so I will link this for you if you want to grab it on Amazon if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching I love you all so much don't forget to put your posit pants on and I will catch you in the next slide [Music]
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Views: 229,340
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Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, distance learning, online teaching, online learning, how I teach from home, how to, teach from home, routine, day in the life
Id: LuVxlp1lCZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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