Mountain property with Waterfalls, Cheap land in Kentucky for sale

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I still think we got another two miles ago what'd you say it was three miles soon as we hit the dirt yeah there's a couple cabins back there that we're really really nice yeah one guy had $500,000 worth of toilets with a $5,000 shift but they were just camping kind of like a picnic looked like they had horses and wheelers and then another guy they weren't there looked like a barn but it's got a wood stove a dag two stories in the back but this is this isn't full-time employees how far do you say from Lexington that's probably how far from Cincinnati - two hours that's two hours what county is this it is in Lee County Lee led dated is 128 acres and when you lay the survey pins out on an aerial comes out - we know it's at least 128 you have the calls from the surveying or no yeah the pins that are in the ground hopefully we'll see some its actual stamped pants okay yeah so you throw the calls and software now I'm sure the date looks like a row of hickory trees down to the bottom of the creek down to a couple bushes no Stones Throw to the to the 20 inch oak tree it's absolutely beautiful and great Road which is three miles right a couple tiny little stores I mean you're not gonna commute Dollar General is not too far for me to mention that bike out far I ain't Einar okay so maybe like 15 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes that's your milk get your eggs yeah tell our generals of one by our house that has beer cue of course if you come out here and you don't have enough beer with you that's your own damn fault you better bring you yet from Artic or whatever if they buy this property you give them free or die crank I love your purposes a good place to get away spend time with your wife and kids you're looking for and a big one on your list is inclusion you can't see your neighbors once you're driving on this road for about five minutes and you still can't see anybody that's a pretty good indicator of private and secluded both all this crap going on we're in the middle of this pandemic and walk down the mall and jump it really makes you think your power what's really important and you know keep it away from a bunch of people probably a lot of kovin here right zero cases or still zero cases still this is June 1st 2020 so the whole county or just this the whole county which is like what 12 people or I think it's like 300 oops 300 people 300 people are you serious yeah I was just joking yeah people laugh at me and I laugh at it too you know where we live well count as 28 or 29 thousand people and that's really kind of tiny but not as tiny is 300 people I know this touches BLM land well so what does that really mean I mean I know Bureau of Land Management but what is woods BLM land me walk on it like a national park er can you rent it or [Music] you can stay you can camp anywhere on BLM with pick up after yourself and you can be there for up to two weeks don't quote me on that in one spot at a time for ten to a mile yeah that's probably only one so it's preserved land BLM has millions of acres preserved so you know nobody's gonna build nobody's gonna develop now let's you say it's conjoining Hertz surrounded or what are you saying or it's close by its I think yeah so that little pink survey ribbon up to count the little gates going in here like the fifth gate or something like that there's three gates and I think I wrote down which one they usually go in three gates on this property yeah and supposedly there they're gonna bring the county is gonna bring water out here this is probably our gate here do you have a key do what I don't think did you bring a hacksaw no will you dark you always bring a hacksaw when you're showing farms to bring cheese or just the pink crocks you know why those you know what crocs have holes so your dignity can leak out Lord if your mother was here she'd kick your eyes you just told on sandy there's three three gates let's go look let's look you're nailing I think that's the smartest thing you've done all day put shoes on so we kind of need a plan here for the locked gate to lock gates a second one right just a second you have the key you know why what when was that oh yeah my Tecna remember that I will check it anyway maybe we can rip the gate off or some $60 gates better than going back home you serious even close huh there you go yeah dummy locks work don't say so if it's across the street where this tree came from you know these little tops people say they're not worth anything those guys don't grill those real grill guys pay six dollars for a little bag of those chunks all right so here's the question do we leave the truck here and be total bad neighbors or do we try to go up and turn around and pull off to the side or what are we gonna do cuz that's pretty tight and we got to get in here and I don't really feel like taking the truck in the trailer up in here I'll take the wheeler in there but I think yeah is there is there a fence up there though or not oh that should hold it up there run up there and just see you know your dad can't run run Forrest run oh poor guy so just pull up you're not gonna skunk me I he skunked me oh yeah this is good all right I'm gonna go back down here and then back home up mom back mom back he's hitting that really tight huh second thoughts it's still really tight all right it's kind of tight up there too we won't tell mom we just hit a tree I'm just kidding he didn't hit a tree no there you go that might work oh he's fine now Oh [Music] no no sir no sir we haven't had rain in probably two or three days shouldn't be this this mud front tires oh he made it oh he made it [Music] Wow your mother hands me all this loose ammo and I'm like she said you got about seven seven and clip you can hit him with this just keep pressing that button to keep pressing that one dad why are you honking shut off so you pressed it twice again the old listing has a survey called math with all the pins located and that's like 147 but you're only representing one there are pins and there's ribbon so it must have been a recent recently updated this looks like it was logged or this was a staging place for logging yeah so hopes will grow right back cowboy you know [Music] here's the skit plates [Music] what I liked about it was it's got skid plates from top to bottom front back [Music] you know like front axle all the way out [Music] it's plant [Music] Oh [Music] soon go there now this could be the property line here on this side of the post or back here 10 feet let's go up this way and see what's the there you go so this made me ND nothing [Music] another sizes that's an oak my god nice wood I mean both sizes you can [Music] you really should stop the video forget it still pictures yeah then you have to put your demographics in there exactly not a magician if there's a couple hundred trees like that on this farm we're gonna find ourselves where is Lawrence these oak trees fifteen inches wide by three their dollars on the stone [Music] how you've got and 2030 this isn't a timber Cruz but you've got at least 30 feet that's still 15 inches that's probably 18 20 inches at the bottom 30 feet up it's still 15 inches [Music] well you would see a lot more new stuff where were we the corner maybe maybe maybe Oh God that's round I know that's why it's still off so the two neighboring faces of property are unmarked so my guess is that Daniel Birdland [Music] [Music] land glide shows the same thing that I like with that round me [Music] we're going in well now is the outline [Music] what's a star now there's a u-turn we're gonna change my mind [Music] get better in every website as you notice I'm not laughing - trails from sweet really good shape [Music] nice [Music] that's like a we just entered in different Mike areas of the country of Jesus I hate water today as a trail it goes back that way hang on this is it's this is what they call the GoPro effect from here it looks like one slip and you're done and here just looks like a nice Hill yeah hey would you walk that hill with one beer - beer see how far is your property over there bill not a beer and a half man/half hey that way this way this a [Music] not married what's up guys you're in Reverse what's it what's the guy's name Terry Terry gone back there thank you [Music] this is like Ron painting that I don't know about that hang on all right walking room only well this is your call if you want to walk this or or drive it well this tree ain't going anywhere looks like a walking tale there's water chase some water looking from up here there's no way I would have taken this on oh yeah Viking no we called it Yamaha TW 200 yeah look at that that is almost a six-foot man huh it's so funny seeing it from here seeing you next to the tree yeah when you when you stand next to a tree you realize how insignificant you are as a person how important they are well you have permission Wow I'm gonna take some skills for Ron he can paint this stuff mistress this is right up his alley you know photography's matter of light and depth seeing this for the first time it's pretty cool what oh man dude that is cool we got to get down there it's hard to shoot from the top of the waterfall Wow there's fields and everything on this farm we should you know concentrate on something besides the creeks or the waterfalls in the big timber and all that stuff but it's just hard to pick I don't want my fat ass to get down there and break it toenail or something then you have to get a helicopter let's go let's go back up to the wheeler see if we can make it up there see if I can make it up there I was kind of joking about about you falling but want me to god forbid that would be pretty funny like so these rocks are so beard usually rocks the way these are laid out you don't dare step on them because they'll slide right out for money but these are so big they're not going anywhere [Music] how do you mark your trail when you're going deep into the woods yeah and yes every farm has old bud light cans on it there is not one exception think of this as a really expensive gym subscription this it goes up in value you gotta say you aren't you you are in shape say well I tell you I'm gonna say you're in shape while you're catching your breath I'm so actually you're in shape was that supposed to mean round as a shade oh there you go by the way like point five is not attractive on anyone I don't really want to put point these little baby oak trees out but let's talk about oak trees for about five minutes thank you from little acorns grow Jonathan D Walter for that creep just so beautiful heads up Oh going to move that or a product that's we each works oh this is going right into that Creek oh well good would be the first time that's high it's mud yeah say a prayer [Music] [Music] trees everywhere [Music] eyes [Music] firewood out that's I remember that's why we came from this delay we're not gonna go yeah we need to go back on top of the hill yeah [Music] [Music] see at up all of his fights [Music] somebody's gonna talk all right yeah [Music] you know how I like to read an oboe I like to think of it like stairs just gotta watch this sometimes those range from 10 feet Oh their husband sign all right here this fight all right miss me tell me walk dummies yeah to the right fine like better like 30 inches about 30 there's power here yeah that's a rural line right there mm-hmm yep cross is over so you got pot you got power so the Rural Electric co-ops here we'll throw a transformer there and drop you a temporary service and that way you can build the shed they charge they used to charge hunter and a quarter they might charge 175 now or something like that but they'll actually put a transformer there and then loop down to a temporary and then it's got a meter and then a main breaker and then an outlet usually just two outlets and you run an extension cord off of that and then you can run your saws and your compressor and you can build a little place then when you're ready then they'll put regular service in don't disconnect the temporary take it with them so you basically you're renting it but they put it in for you so that's pretty cool but me personally I don't want wire so I would come go down and go under then that's all on you to me that's worth it and it looks like a cabin in the woods and not just wires and they're you know they're cutting that for keep right away clear and all that jazz you know yeah all right so what are we doing we're going oh that's that little gate there so we're going straight back let's go straight back okay [Music] [Music] I mean I mean I was a kid up I'm just pulling numbers out of my butt but I spent a lot of a lot of summers cutting hay and gallon hey and I'm gonna guess this field is I don't know 30 acres 40 acres I don't know do you know 40 really yeah good guess I mean I just said it I didn't tell him hey somebody loved this area so much if they wanted to be here forever I find these graveyards sweet telling a buddy of mine I said we've got to graveyards on our farm where we live he goes oh my god no I said yeah somebody loved it so much they wanted to be there and I think that's wonderful that's how much we love it too he goes oh well what if there are they're in anguish and I go what's what is that what is that I said what you gonna do anyway you guys I'd get it back home that'll be real good luck for you the worst thing you could possibly do on earth is probably illegal in every state in the world so 1843 to 1928 that's the fun and they've got little quotes up here to vary so you know how to find that where the house was right you just look for the daffodils in the spring or the iris right about now mm-hmm let's try to get to the waterfall is it there or there you can say well I mean yeah you don't know don't tell anyone the sassafras trees got three three different leaf it's regularly and then it's the it's the glove it's got like three fingers and then it's the mitten so if you're from Michigan you know you'll really that's right you sleep at night but no he's cracking me up what you're from Michigan Yeah right here you can almost do the same for Kentucky you can it's kind of like it we're right in the middle now this one here this one's a little bit over this way if you scrape the bark it smells like fruit loops to me anyway really [Music] [Music] all right here [Music] it's got well yeah [Music] okay there's pollen everywhere everything it's not everything that Daniel Boone National Forest now for spider-man [Music] maybe that's where you go for waterfall well let's just ride this one is good trail look see the rocks see the rocks yeah Oh up here let's look [Music] as now yes here's what I've almost ran over oh oh sorry [Music] didn't even take [Music] she had almost ran over her she wouldn't move and then she went way out in a circle and distracted us did you get that footage so it leads me to believe there has to be a nest right nearby up quail you see that yep came out of the grass you got the footage oh yeah I got the foots in an uppercut to the jaw we even get spanked as a child so I'm making up for it yeah see the big ribbon there that's the corner so this is Bess and other properties [Music] so Road is probably on somebody else or or it's right on the corner or it's yeah I gotta figure out where that trail goes [Music] maybe it's the food trail to go to the court this might be the one there's power this is part of it unless you want to be a jerk and put up fence and do not trespass signs and all that to me that's just like telling everybody how y'all but that might I mean I know a lot of people are like that in Frenzel binders was very territorial I'm left that way because I like people I'm like yeah sure leave nothing but footsteps take nothing but pictures that's why I [Music] you gotta watch out for mister so I with this contract or some money and he wanted cash was maybe like 300 bucks then all I have is 200 he goes all right you can owe me is on the back little course I forgot about it and then he forgot about it and then I don't remember I said well I'm gonna bring it to you anyway you're always good to me so so I brought him a bottle of bourbon and that was my interest payment and he said it was like eh Taylor is really nice you know it's from Buffalo Trace so you know it's probably $75 bottle or bourbon or something like that interest about $100 no but he's so good job and he says you know and since I've never had that he said I've only ever had Wild Turkey and I don't think I've ever tasted wild turkey once yeah he's a wild turkey 101 that's my thing so I think that's Jimmy Russell I got pictures of you oh yeah here in the video you and Landon oh you and Jimmy Russell the master distiller a wild turkey and I don't know if I've ever had a sip of it which reminds me I'm gonna have to get some now oh how you feelin these are tough mudder shoes so I'm doing anyway it's not I saw the rocks I'm telling you I saw the rocks follow the game trail I mean people from all over like you do we do have pretty that is I mean keep small over they said what's the best bourbon you're not gonna go if you got bourbon from Colorado well bless your heart and you're just wrong now some master distillers here from Colorado and you think I'm wrong and you just need to send me a little bit and I'll do read I'll see you prove it see how big see how big a boy you are I'll prove there's a new video I'll be a cheaper cheapest advertising your dad yeah if you're the distiller yeah all right oh my god can you picture this is even shut yep and do not worry about me I will not show myself alright I'm gonna get the gun all right I don't have insurance on yet so I've chased the cup of waterfalls recently some in the top 10 heights in Kentucky so top 10 highest tallest waterfalls and once you get above maybe 50 60 feet it becomes so deafening you can't have a conversation I had a picnic in the bottom of one of the waterfalls and it was great but we were getting bombarded with water missed it was it was very cool but it was a little rough my ideal spot would be to set up a small table right here with some chairs bring some food and some drink what have you and just sit and talk that's that's my thing while you look at this and look at this tree right there it's growing on the side of the cliff it's an overhang but it's rooted in the ground and it ain't going anywhere there is staying up so fast say come on we'll go now [Music] that's fine load up it's two hours long there's at engineer [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] I also can jump up that's number four for the day God knows your dad says enough food needs to be taken out I'll get like a 40 minute video and Whittle it down to about 20 minutes this is beautiful or we get close or nothing I had to stop the video we're getting close it's a beautiful this the place right no I don't think so I can't wait to see your comments 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Channel: Brad Simmons
Views: 597,081
Rating: 4.8745275 out of 5
Keywords: Cheap land in Kentucky for sale, Mountain property with waterfalls, appalachian mountain kentucky real estate, best real estate agent in kentucky, brad simmons, buying land, cheap land for sale, cheap land in Kentucky, deer hunting, kentucky land for sale, kentucky mountains real estate, land for sale, land for sale in Kentucky, mountain property with waterfalls for sale, real estate, real estate investing, waterfall property for sale, waterfall property for sale kentucky
Id: 7uGx5IkUQ5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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