Why You Need Land In Your Real Estate Portfolio, Cheap Land with Timber, Real Estate Investing

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i've got a pretty interesting property to show you today it's uh 66 acres crazy story this lady i'm getting guess she's in her 60s maybe dad bought it when she was 12. so 50 years ago there's a little cabin on the property that she says it's not a good cabin and i don't know what that looks like to some people that's uninhabitable and other people it's just fine so i don't know how that's going to work there's been a tenant in that cabin for 50 years hmm that'd be interesting so i said to her it says have water and sewer and septic power and all that stuff she says it's got power and it's got water but i don't know that it has any indoor plumbing that's interesting of course not super unusual back 50 years ago or 100 years ago or maybe even here in this part of police reported ahead gotta watch out for the pope it's 66 acres it's going to be around 100 grand which is dirt cheap i think i don't know what y'all what do you all think about that when you have wooded land like this you're gonna need chainsaw because i'm sure it's just not much of a road and i'm sure that there's limbs and stuff all the time so if you if you're using this for a camp or just to go four-wheel a lot of people go four-wheeling out here it is in the red bird crest national wildlife management area that's a whole mouthful but it's part of the daniel boone national forest red bird crest so i said what's that all about really and she said that a lot of people go four wheeling there you get a permit i don't know how much the permit is i'm gonna look it up for you and tell you but i'm gonna guess it's probably something silly like fifteen dollars a year or something like that to ride your four wheel and you get a little sticker for your wheeler and you just ride anyway you can ride from this property and it's i think she said two miles or four miles was a lot information i wasn't writing down because i was driving two miles before miles and you go up to the top of this plateau you can see the deer and the elk and they see bear from time to time as well so that's pretty cool you can go see bear that must be uh that must be pretty fun of course the elk oh my god i love elk and the bugling if you don't know what elk bugling is i'll put a little sound clip here it's uh it's hauntingly beautiful kind of like the first time you hear a loon it's the same thing with elk just beautiful whistling they have ivory teeth in the back their back teeth are ivory and uh and that's how they whistle back there i don't know i can barely whistle like this if you're gonna come down here to go four-wheeling or camping or whatever and it's all trees so you're gonna have branches come down all that other stuff you won't even be able to get in your driveway without a chainsaw so i'm gonna personally buy you a chainsaw you got to buy the property from us call the number down there and we will take care of you we'll represent you give you a brand new chainsaw new husqvarna and if you don't buy the property and you still need a good chainsaw one of our favorites is right down there in the description below just click on that goes to uh amazon and it helps support our channel there's going to be all kinds of adventures we're going to be riding around in the woods and having some fun on this property i've got aerials and everything stick tight to the end 66 acres got 100 grand with a cabin you really can't beat that i don't care who you are okay so i had to meet i had to meet the seller here at this store he says because you never find it and they got a lot of stuff in there a little post office and some onions and of course pops and coke smokes and all that stuff i'm gonna follow him in this four-wheeler but i think he took off on me i better watch because he might be on the side of the road or something you know that's one good thing about playing with real estate it's just you just never have the same day twice so if you like the same thing over and over well that's good for you but i like things different all the time and this shirt gives it to you seems like a real nice fella i can't wait to meet him and uh i'll actually put him on here and we can kind of interview usually when we're going in eastern kentucky like this you're going through some really sketchy spots that's like you know beirut and this isn't like that we i haven't come up to one place i mean look at these these are nice homes that's manufactured there there's a church some kind of eastern kentucky mission alliance or something like that they do a lot of charity work uh even where we are they have a lot of charity work that they do for instance post cereal will have a malfunction and put twice the raisins in there and they can't sell it because then you'd be expecting it next time right so they have a whole tractor trailer full of raisin bran with double the raisins so they have to throw it away so these uh these christian appalachian projects or whatever that one was called christian mission alliance they will snag that and then make sure that people get them so it's pretty got cool nice little garden plot there oh there he is way up there yeah grass don't grow on history but lord he's going fast i'm doing 40 or 45 trying to catch up to him and he's gone he's way on ahead of me so we're gonna get in this uh wheeler and we're gonna see what's going on or i'm just hand holding this so i hope it's okay i got a dirty windshield because i do i'm busy you come on down in here you want to live nowhere buddy that's this address nowhere kentucky greatest thing about living here nobody full with you the taxes on this place she said are like 200 a year and then there's some conjoining land too i might this might be it right here oh my i'm gonna get out and i'll do like an interview kind of thing you can tell me what you know about it and that sort of thing will that work yeah all right let me let me put this window up now i've got i've got my i've got my bird and everything in here do you want me to bring all that stuff or can we fly it from here or i imagine we could fly from here there's a road that goes up right there that goes up behind these and actually if i went to the top of the hill and i don't know i've not been on a year so i don't know what kind of shape it's in right now okay whose land is this here right here that's yours here too okay well we're just talking about that probably on that side of the road the burning couches that's kind of a kentucky uh tradition isn't it could be i don't know that's what they do at uk i think that's what my son said we came up here victory and there was these couches sitting here next time came they were burned don't know what's wrong with people crazy crazy all right well let me uh let's just let's just do this and we'll see how it goes yeah and we're never that far right so we can come right back no we won't wait too far here okay let's do it i can drive you up the road right here kind of show you where the property goes okay we'll get to the house but we'll get to it afterwards let me uh let me just grab my water here and see what we can do now you're not going to go real fast now are you no all right you you lost me in the dust man from the store i was like wow man i'm way on i'm way behind on times yeah i'll catch up with the go factory while i'm going through [Music] it [Music] [Music] kind of hard to get around without one of these isn't it yeah they're wonderful yeah we love i said to my wife i said no way we got four wheelers and we don't use them she said no i want one of these i said absolutely not so they had a family meeting and uh we got one for christmas it was red i said no way but you know what it's been a great thing it's been a wonderful thing we love it but now that's not included at all anymore but it goes right in [Music] just above it wasn't there but it goes right up that ridge right here okay and then there's a holland that goes back that way includes all of you okay so it starts here or it starts back there or it's still still here it comes up the road to right here crosses the creek right up that ring okay sounds good is this power steering no no we got power steering in ours and and i'm glad we did next one yeah these polarises are tough that lasts a long time [Music] yeah you're doing pretty good yeah don't forget see where oh yeah oh we always got a dog sitting next to us and our dogs love to go for rides we got a little chihuahua oh jeez okay back in the day i can only imagine what that house looks like and i don't know why vicky doesn't want to go in there what does that say please drive slowly and watch for old horses blind dogs and unruly kids now there you go anyway go drop this wheel here all right let it go let's [Music] rainbow wildlife banquet area right now okay special ones your wife says you got elk up in here [Music] [Music] um so [Music] they're using some of these neighbors here to drive the full wheelchair oh yeah so you could open this uh you could open this back up couldn't you yeah logging road is there got other guys around here with dozers yeah whether they charge for a dozer come on up here and touch this up [Music] about 15 hours you can do a lot of work in bulldozer in an hour of course you got something to start with here that helps [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] vicki said there was some pretty good-sized timber here um do you know where some of that is somewhere i'll be unlocked through here i like it her dad was in the timber business i guess huh [Music] y'all had this what 50 years [Music] [Music] okay [Music] but there's no sawmill there anymore right was that her dad's sawmill yeah [Music] okay yeah [Music] i'm pretty down in there for sure oh it's real pretty up here you just got a little bit of a stinker of a spot back there just to you know just brush or uh tidy that road up a little bit yeah and now you're back here it's beautiful back here [Music] here's some of that bigger timber too yeah [Music] would you say we're in the middle of it or most of it's up this way or yeah all right [Music] yeah let me jump out here and take a picture of it so got any snakes up here [Laughter] rattlehead copper moccasins some of each one [Music] this is a spot big enough for a cabin [Music] here me get some pictures now power's down there by the cabin right yeah okay and there's municipal water down there the rest of those people probably have water we just don't know if there's any water at the house did they have indoor plumbing in that in that house or no i don't know okay i hear you so we come up here on this trail right down here right okay and went back to the back by the pond which is up here in this holler so it's steep on this side it's deep on this side and steep over here and then it levels out of course but this is our flat spot up here you wanted to build a cabin or a place to come and camp this is it right here there's some good timber in here too now i'd probably wait myself but there's a lot of tulip there's uh there's some white oak in here there's some beech here with the little tree said to the papa tree my son of a beach or a son of a birch he says i don't know but your mom was a beautiful piece of ash i probably won't put that one in there [Music] that's right that's right there's a lot of competition out there i got to do something certainly it's gonna be with my looks [Music] my mama said i had a perfect face for radio i can see this road polished up and uh and a camp back there you got all the privacy in the world you know it's nice to have big flat areas but then you got people then too so here you got plenty flat enough area to build a cabin i always have to figure out who's going to buy this place right so that's really who i'm trying to talk to so is it is it you know whatever is it person who wants to just get away from it all probably this is probably one of them talk to me you look like you got something on your mind [Music] but we don't have to go up too hard too much higher i don't think that goes all the way to the top yeah you've been through there yeah yeah two times in 50 years yeah i don't know if i'm that adventurous i i believe you what i'll do is i'll fly it it's just gonna look like woods from the air but that's the best we can do people never find you up here you got much pot up here people grow marijuana and stuff up here by us they you know they say five plants or less and they don't bother with you so i just make wine i'm boring we don't smoke pot or do anything crazy we just drink a little wine that's as crazy as we get maybe listen to some music y'all drink any wine no we i never did until i was 35. yep then i met my wife don't tell her that my mother says you were such a nice boy until you married her that's usually the way it is that's right mother-in-law stuff [Music] my mom does pretty good she didn't lose a son she gained a daughter-in-law i think yeah they really get along real well now this cabin down here this looks like it's got quite a good flat area yeah it's [Music] really is that part is that on this yes yeah okay really i mean for around here yeah like quarter acre or something 100 by 100 or something or yeah yeah about that well that's big enough for everything sure no way we can get back there that's pretty thick huh how far are you from like natural bridge and all those places like that [Music] 75 miles that's where they have all those arches and everything huh yeah we met up in the heart of the car i looked for here you go over here it came up [Music] yeah i'm familiar with pine mountain we went there with the school kids yeah and then there's a kingdom come take care of it that's cool okay all right this will never show up on here how crazy how crazy this is but it's crazy down in here now [Music] i'll be the ballast i'll come on over his way when you got a guy that's 275 you want him for ballast or the upper side that's right all right let's go see this cabin let's see what's going on she's burning she's burning more couches up there [Music] now do these people know that the houses are the properties for sale okay so they're cool with it you know i should probably no i'm fine we'll just we'll just do this [Music] this is cool cool cool oh don't don't eat me up now there little dog there's a dog a little log cabin there huh yeah that's a loud butter yeah all right let's do it there they got new cars and new trucks and everything they got musical water that dog looks like he gets beaten every day how you doing there doggie i'll be i'll be right back i'm just gonna walk i can just walk down hey there puppy how you doing there doggie all right i got the better camera and we can get more better pictures here all right great so you said you were here how long you been here 52 years and you got you got city water right yeah okay what does that run about how much does that run about that's right and how about electric what's that run yeah you got electric stove electric water heater you have a water heater or no i didn't want this to work right now okay and use outside house well we got a bathroom you do have a bathroom you're lucky okay don't bite me and uh you said we can get in this this or that dog's in there all right you don't mind well i had the other camera and i don't think i got enough light with that other camera [Laughter] um should go a little crazy huh you stay you stay pretty warm in here with that wood stove yeah does good job yeah we got nothing we got nothing about right now that nerf thought had lick so we're gonna move this one out put nothing in mm-hmm but you don't want it to be yeah you can just form a good one yeah yeah i bet it run you out here and wood stoves are great all right and your bathroom is where did you say it's a commode in here all right sounds good thank you thanks for letting us in your home it's beautiful all right there we go all righty all right let's go down and we'll get some aerials we can do that well here i am here in this place it's in stinnett kentucky uh essie kentucky if you want to look it up there anyway i locked my keys in the car i got the bird out i got a stick and i'm trying to get in there and you can see i've worn it right plumb off i put the keys in the back of the the car laid them down took the bird out and then closed the door because i'm stupid anyway so probably no verbal bloopers but this is a big blooper now you can see where we are i'll put a map here aaa no i don't think so i've built one three sticks off and uh this one wore this one pretty bad it was pretty bad got a little hook on this one country boy can survive right so you gotta have a leatherman leatherman tool best in the world i've had one for i don't know 30 years or more i gave it to our son landon to use snapped the blade and they just sent him a brand new one if you're looking for something to get your hubby or your sweetheart your sweetheart girl for in their truck or on the wheeler get them a leatherman there's a link in the description and uh you won't find a better tool it's fantastic now there's a lot of them out there there's a lot of other ones a lot of the brands but they're customer service second to none when you put in a warranty like that warranty in there says does it have sentimental value if so we'll fix it if not they just give you a new one well landon said no go for it they gave him a brand new one i'll show i'll show a picture of it here with a tactical pouch and everything i was pretty impressed you can't beat customer service like that it's rare today all right this nice man went got some wire and here's what what we did we got pliers and we put a little hook on there and man we could have opened 20 cars this way if i was a thief i'd be rich we can go in business together can we steal cars everywhere well we could we stuck a stick down in the in the uh the diagon window and you can't do it if the keys are in there so what a stinker anyway so the wire did it channel locks that's all you need country ball can survive [Music] we're in there we go looks like a yard sale back there remember we were cleaning out dad's house there it is it takes a while to get all that crap out of there to see you i can't wait to see your comments below like and subscribe because we've got a number of properties coming in the market that you're going to want to see don't forget to go to our website bluegrassteam.com blog for the latest properties we have you
Channel: Brad Simmons
Views: 154,935
Rating: 4.8928347 out of 5
Keywords: Why You Need Land In Your Real Estate Portfolio, Cheap Land with Timber, Real Estate Investing, land investing, real estate investing, real estate, passive income, how to invest in real estate, property investment, investing in real estate, property portfolio, real estate investing strategies, real estate investing for beginners, real estate investment, investing, bigger pockets, real estate investing 101, how to make money in real estate, brad simmons, land investors
Id: NI8jQ1VMz7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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