Kentucky Horse Property with Organic Blueberry Farm for sale

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everyone wants privacy and seclusion but nobody wants to be removed who wants to be 30 minutes to a jug of milk or a restaurant so this farm is really private as you can see this road is not much of a road it's just a little country road and we've got gates here I hope I can get in so I used the right combination to get in so now I'm in hey who doesn't want the privacy but you just don't want to be so far away from everything here you're literally just two three minutes to the stores and the hospital and good restaurant it's all blueberry farm 92 acres there's so many details on this property I'm not going to be telling you a whole bunch of stuff on this property because there's so many details you just got to come in if you're interested you see what the price is you see the land is absolutely gorgeous wait till you see the house it's special just come on in Kent I'll show you around we'll give you a full tour of the place it's all paved driveways all paved all the way back I think it's like 1,800 feet I'll put the details right there then you've got this creek running here this called triple Creek farm so there are three trick three creeks obviously coming through this is one of them there's the house is a real entertaining house if you entertain a lot of guests is the place for you three car garage on the side then this is the front here's where we just came up this driveway here and then of course you get the circle drive this farm has I don't wants a fully staffed but it's got the farm manager it's got farmhands so you can plug these people right in if you want it's all underground power you see the pad transformer right there so you can you got your own people bring your own people but don't be concerned about maintenance there's equipment there's there's labor so all those components are in place and again you really got to come and see this place it's really special too many details for me to even talk about let's go on in this is a owned by double professionals and they travel a lot so there's a lot of travel decor that sort of thing obviously this staircase is hand-built brought in I believe it was built in Wisconsin and these are all hand forged iron they have just had twin babies so this library which I'll insert a photograph right here is absolutely gorgeous as you can see but it's full of twin stuff right now a lot of details in this house by the fireplaces a lot of sofas and a lot of room if you have a large family this place is absolutely spectacular if you like to entertain again spectacular so the kitchen is laid out like this it's really a cook's kitchen let's lay it out with this back back cabinet here then you've got a center island and then you've got this other island out here so you're really set up to cook here you've got all these on pullout drawers all Electrolux icon this is a convection oven and it's got two bosch dishwashers I forgot I want to turn these on how cool is that so you've got rope light within the countertop again picking that up oh yeah garbage disposer compactor and then it's got this really neat passage through here into the dining room a pretty phat and it's actually leaded stained and leaded glass I get to photograph a lot of houses a lot of really way cool houses but it's not often I get to photograph a house of this level so this this is really I mean the amenities this house has is amazing and these cabinets were all made by hand the fellow who actually lives in the town I live in and he does a fantastic job show you the laundry room and got a bathroom here and it's huge this is an extremely large upright freezer click the biggest one they make and you're going to love this if you're a cook you're going to love this look at this pantry this is a pantry nicer than grandma's and even the crown molding in here another freezer while the gardening goes on here this house they have organic gardens and something you really wanted to talk to you about with the organic thing all the blueberries or organic it's been at least 15 years that these people know of that nothing nothing nothing has been put on these fields so you know to become certified organic I've just been looking it up for another client and you have to certify that nothing's been put on the fields for three years and to me that's just not enough but obviously the government thinks is enough so I'm good with that but this place is I don't want to say more authentic more genuine organic and they have applied for their certification national certification here at this farm so it's kind of a really cool thing so so you don't have to feel icky about anything being put in on the grounds for the gardens or anything like that or the whole farm for that matter ninety acres 92 acres sorry 92 acres you know everything is done right this was a bow system here I don't have to tell you what what that is I can't remember the number if I if I have it I'll put it right there it's like a lifestyle 4,200 or something like that oh I want to show you this care kitchen such a highlight here and I really love this kitchen so I kind of forget so this is not a fridge and freezer this is a double fridge check that rascal out and then a double freezer down there little coffee station here little bar sink yeah all that stuff cost money you know when you build a house like this the plumber they'll charge you so much money per opening well that's an opening right there here's another opening it just keeps adding up and adding up who wants to build anyway it's fun but boy it can be exciting sometimes I don't want that much excitement in my life here's um here's the dining room very nice French doors reason I mentioned about building is why would you build when you have a house this custom this gorgeous and ready to go everything's really neat you know you've got rounded edges here on the sheetrock so that's kind of nice that staircase goes up to that landing and is that just spectacular or what there are so many things to look at here architectural ewwww powder room here is that nice or what master bedroom lots of glass three I like to wake up bright lots of light streaming in welcome the day and that's a king bed so you can see the size of this room the ensuite bathroom is amazing nothing less than amazing a solid surface here solid surface there lots of windows oh here I'm going to show you the his walk-in lots and lots and lots of space for all your stuff and her walk-in is even nicer as you would imagine WC in here ample room how nice this to get dressing and makeup and all that stuff whatever girls do I have no clue that told me a long time ago you want a happy marriage have separate bathrooms and there's a lot of truth to that it's kind of a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing but there's a lot of truth to it so I don't go in my wife's bathroom I don't know what she's doing in there but if you're a lady you're going to know exactly what to do with all this space let's go on upstairs show you what's going on up there then go downstairs which is very cool my favorite part here this is all let it as well want to show you this okay it's coarse stairs okay now this is almost mirrored up here and the owners can tell you better but it appears to me that it's mirrored so everything on this side same as this side so this will take a look of course it's all decorated differently big home office up here and how cool is this little nicho full bath so you could have like a jack-and-jill so there it's a bedroom here's a bedroom and then two more on the other side same thing all these bedrooms have balconies of course house is fully alarmed as well and then this is some kind of a mahogany or something like that a wood that will endure all weather without doing anything to it I'll put that down here I know what it is and this goes around to the other balcony okay so that's one side and this in this neat if you entertain kind of see what's going on the house is on a geothermal heat pump system if you're not familiar with it call me or google it and and find out more about it it's pretty amazing so instead of deriving the temperature difference from the air it goes into wells so or ditches whichever and so it's pulling out of the the earth that which is always constant 58 degrees so you're only heating from 58 to 70 or 75 or whatever your temperature is instead of heating from zero degrees outside or thirty degrees outside all the way up to 70 you're only going from 58 to 70 so that's really cool very efficient again you get a little bit more involved and we'll give you all utility bills a lot of stuff but a house this size 9,000 square feet remarkably cheap it's it's it's only a little bit more to heat and cool this house full electric than it is to run my house with no heat at thousand square feet I live in 2,000 square foot house so that's a super uber efficient way to go and of course it's got a couple systems another balcony and then this is this bonus room how cool is this so playroom bonus room whatever you want to call it it's as big as a regular bedroom and then you've got storage this is above the garage not real tall probably only five five and a half feet into the center so you could make that more space but you have worlds and worlds and worlds of space that's just for storage every time you look at the staircase it's another beautiful line okay now down to my favorite part of the house there's something for everyone down here so don't think all it's a mancave this is not a mancave this is another entire floor of entertaining of fun recreation people go to the lake on weekends you don't have to go to the lake you got it all right here you have fireplace this is what we call a walkout basement so this is actually the basement port concrete walls and then you just walk out onto the ground got a hot tub right there here's the tub fireplace entrance for muddyfeet if you're doing something crazy out there and you want to come around the back of the house if you're gardening or whatever you just come right on around okay so the gardens right up there there's the play gym and then I don't know if you can see or not there there's the pizza oven it's a wood-fired bread oven and these retaining walls go out wing walls we call them so this is all pork concrete and you just walk right on down here and right into this mudroom we get the sink wash your dryer get your muddy clothes and come right in all right so you saw the bar you saw the big true refrigerator there's another one over here how I show to you right now heck so this guy makes cheese so this is a full-on Health Department approved cheese kitchen so you you might want to you might want to make cheese and sell it or you might want to just make cheese for yourself but it is Health Department approved just for no other reason just to make sure that everything is done right anyway it all tile here makes you splash full jam with this special soft floor now I want to show you how this is built this is all started up and then it's got this ISO in between so this is called open-cell ISO and then there's the blue stuff up there and that may be closed-cell I'm not sure so I can't say if I know I'll put it right here but that's a different kind of ISO and with the good thing about this is that it fills up and just like a cooler right so you put ice in the cooler and nine days later you still got ice well same thing here so the whole house is got that I sewing it and it's a huge expense to do it but once it's done it's amazing it's also white so cheap to heat and cool this house here are the bowels of the house right this is where all the stuffs going on she got two complete systems and then another system here if that's so it's got to be three systems because there's three pump sets so three complete systems and then all spray-foam anyway it's done right well that's exactly what makes it so economical to run this house all right so this is the PS the resistance and you're not going to be able to see hardly anything with because it's so dark in here so the walls are painted like a space dark blue you know like a midnight blue so it's very dark in here and you can see how nice the screen shows up but this is the home theater these are built in paintings on glass you got the cool lighting and then but you can't see anything but you got one two three four five six seven or eight seats and reconfigure it any way you want to you can maybe put in any even more but you got like a big loungy chair here and then recliners double recliners loveseat recliner so and there's the projection system and of course the sound is amazing you know it boomed me right out here and again you have to come and see all the stuff and the owners can show you how to operate all this stuff I don't understand it so this is triple Creek Farm the ultimate entertaining house family compound what would you use this place for you could use it for absolutely anything you could use this place for a retreat family compound bring the family together we're all running in so many different directions anymore this this house is big enough you've got 5 full-size bedrooms you could easily do 6 but if you set it up like a lake house you could sleep a lot more than that 6 bedrooms so it's at two people at 12 people yeah whatever size family and guests you wanted corporate retreat this property really has it all it's got barns and sheds and all that farm stuff and again it's got equipment talk to Ken they just dug another big pond you know it is a working farm oh you've got the other three-bay garage here together an oversized bag and then an extra oversized bag you can fit a suburban Plus and then a short back here which would be for a you know regular-sized car maybe a smaller car or they have one of those side-by-side things like a gator but it's I think they call it a razor ginormous deck again for entertaining I'll show you how things are laid out see a fire pit over there and barbecue that's what the house looks like from the back it's just as pretty in the back as it is on the front all brick so you got waterfall I don't know how long it says but it's pretty long I'll put down here if I know fantastic bread wood-fired bread pizza oven there's actually a lot of science to this and the size of the opening and the arching and things like that and how it draws and this it does a perfect job so you can get that one going and you can heat this up or you can we always do the pits of the fire right in there you see get that going for a few hours and then it's 800 degrees and holds that temperature for a long time there there there riding around on the razor doing farmer again everything is in place so you don't have to start from scratch if you don't want to make it yours do your own thing but if you don't want to and you just want to plug and play operation this is it now I'm not much of a gardener although I really appreciate our Gardens my wife does such a beautiful job but I can't tell you what this is if I find out all that you know some kind of a hedge and gives you like real privacy raised beds here in the garden and it should there is constantly doing different things there's more raised beds out there so they raise a lot of their own food you've got Amish and Mennonite communities that are nearby and you can buy organic pork and beef from them and and chickens and they'll process them for you so you raise your own food here you get your own good food good meat from them and then you're living a really really clean food lifestyle again we talked about being private doesn't get much more private than this so you have to go down this hill up over the next hill and then the gate slowly down the road you make a left and just go a couple hundred feet to the left again is about a mile or two to the stores grocery stores Dollar General hotels restaurants Hospital McDonald's all that stuff you make a right and you're about six miles to Danville so IND ambles college town so you've got everything absolutely everything you need in Danville and it's just about 45 minutes to Lexington from here so it's got this place does truly have everything and the location is fantastic this is triple Creek Farm I'm going to end this in the backyard here because this is where you're going to spend most your time who wouldn't look at this it's amazing phone numbers right there call can ask about triple Creek for a visit again this is just way too complex of a property for me to talk to you too much about you're going to love your your visit here you're going to love your trip here you're going to love the tour of this property for you and your family to start dreaming about owning this you
Channel: Brad Simmons
Views: 525,968
Rating: 4.8158588 out of 5
Keywords: Organic-Blueberry-Farm, Organic Farm land for sale, Horse Property, Blueberry Farm, where blueberries grow, Agente de Bienes Raíces en Kentucky, Top Immobilienmakler in Kentucky, Best Real Estate Agent in Kentucky, Kentucky Horse Property, Organic Blueberry Farm, organic blueberry farm for sale, Organic farm, Danville Kentucky, homes and land for sale, farm land for sale, house and land for sale, property, Sustainable Farming, farmland for sale, horse property for sale
Id: GmP85OQg3Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 04 2014
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