Top 10 Cheapest Places You Can Buy Land. (Homesteading and Tiny House)

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Welcome back to the world according to Briggs a channel about the world I'm not sure if the channel name gave that away or not we mostly talk about the United States but every so often we venture outside the US border today ain't one of those days I've been getting a lot of requests for cheap land videos people want to know where they could buy land they call their own no house no mobile home just the land most the people that have requested this video want the land for things like farming homesteading or just living off the grid those who wish to live deliberately as Thoreau put it so how did we create this list well we went to a few different real estate websites and looked up lots for sale we had the websites list them lowest to highest and went from there now tell you upfront some of these counties have multiple locations that they're trying to sell land at but they're all around the same price and I'm usually around the same location so we'll only be doing like one entry per county and we won't be sticking exactly to the prices in order if we did that this video would be about Arizona in New Mexico only they have a lot of cheap land there that they're trying to unload and some of its been on the market for like three years so yeah all right let's see where you could buy some land set up your very own homestead tiny home or Ted Kaczynski Hut number 10 Klamath County Oregon we start off in my home state of Oregon prices have gone up at a good clip in the state over the last 10 years but most of our rural eastern parts still have acres of land that cost around what a millennial couple spends on coffee a year that coffee average is two thousand thirteen dollars a year per person yeah I'm not even kidding I didn't know that's how much people are spending on coffee I mean I'm probably one of them I just never added it up Klamath County in 2020 has a handful of acres selling for around $4,000 each this is just land some bushes a couple of trees and dirt most of these spots are around the big city of BD Oregon I'm just kidding they actually only have about 30 people and a mini-mart that thinks beer in all caps is a good sales strategy the land is nice though it's a nice part of the state number nine Alamosa county colorado Alamosa county is in southern colorado east of durango near the New Mexico border I drove through the town of Alamosa many years ago I don't remember the town must not have been very big back then oh it's not even really big right now but anyway I was alway to spend Thanksgiving with an army buddy and his family in a little town called Monte Vista which is nice that's nice little town it was fun trip I was around 21 I met his family and it was weird every single one of his like seven cousins were all female and beautiful all around eighteen to twenty-two ish - it's like they made these girls in a lab it was amazing anyway you can buy an acre to an acre and a half for about $3,500 in Alamosa county those would be flat scrub brush kind of lands if you want to go east pass Fort garland and into the mountains a bit you can get some wooded property in the mountains for around 4,000 4,200 somewhere in there it's not a bad place to live the whole county and past Fort Garland you have the Great Sand Dunes National Park to the north and the Rio Grande National Park to the west it's a nice part of Colorado a lot of scrub brush and stuff like that type land but it's nice number eight Mohave County Arizona just east Las Vegas you have Mohave County Arizona and the land is cheap I mean less than a thousand bucks cheap but you probably won't want those plots of land the ones you might want are going for around three thousand dollars and they have plenty to choose from there are a couple downsides of owning land here first of all it's hot as Hades here it is hot this is like one of the hottest places in the country and kingman arizona is in the county if you've never been to kingman don't I would rather purchase a chunk of land far outside of town do all my shopping on Amazon and never go into Kingman that is a good life plan now the good news is if you buy any of these lots of land you're near Vegas so that's a plus all the money you're saving on land you can go blow it in a casino if you're into hot weather and you want to do some homesteading Under the Sun take a look at Mojave County if you do take one of these chunks of land make sure you buy plenty of sunblock and get some good solar panels to run that air conditioner like if you have a tiny house there well tiny homes can get hot if you're not careful number seven Luna County New Mexico the exciting County of Luna and there's nothing going on here yeah that whole exciting thing I made that up there absolutely nothing going on here if you're looking for a place to park a tiny home and not be bothered this is a good place to look at the nearest town is Deming which looks like a town where people store their dirt I'm not kidding this place has so many dirt lots it's weird I mean nobody has grass well some people do but very few and I understand it's the desert and it's hard to have grass in the desert but it just looks like a Dust Bowl anyway they have lots of all sizes and the cheapest decent ones being around $2,200 that's it $2,200 and you get an acre of land in New Mexico if you like water I wouldn't advise moving here because they have none there's no water anywhere around no Lakes knows rivers no nothing you're gonna have to be going into Deming to get all your water but if solitude quiet and stargazing is your thing call a real estate agent around Deming or I don't know if Deming has any real estate agents number six the Kenai Peninsula County Alaska finally we're getting into some of the land that I would actually look at the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska is beautiful and very inexpensive at times this place has all the water you're gonna need and if you have a little bit of an outdoor skill you could live off the land in the Kenai Peninsula you could also become food for a bear so keep that in mind but really you have a better chance of being killed by a moose so keep that one in mind I mean that's humility it's one thing to be eaten by a super predator like a grizzly but you know when your friends start passing around the rumor you're trying to drop a deuce in the woods and you got trampled by a moose that's not a cool story anyway you can get an acre for about $1,900 here they have a lot of wild areas on the Kenai Peninsula so when these sales do pop up they're normally a mile or two from the nearest city so it's a lot of travel you got to go through to get supplies if you're not actually living off the land but you want to park a tiny home or a trailer or something I get build a log freaking cabin this is one of the best places to do it in my opinion number five Gordon County Georgia in and around Gordon County Georgia you can find more than a few pieces of land that are lost in the woods far removed from anything that would be considered a town or village or burg or gas station not just Gordon County this area has some really good ones starting off around 1800 dollars an acre which is solid especially for this area plenty of trees plenty of water and more than enough gnats and ticks if you've ever been walking around the Georgia outback you know exactly what I'm talking about but if you're looking for a place in the woods and you have Vito like nice bug repellent take a look at Gordon County Georgia number four Delaware County Oklahoma yeah you heard me right Oklahoma normally you won't hear people recommending Oklahoma for anything other than cheap land here we are they have plenty of it Delaware County is on the eastern side of Oklahoma near the Arkansas border it's the good part of Arkansas which makes it a little more attractive there's other parts of Arkansas that you want to stay away from put that whole Fayetteville Springdale Rodgers area that's decent now this one's a little bit different they already have the laid out roads and they have plenty of lots to sell this might not be the best for people that want to homestead or live off the grid but you can't beat the price now besides just these they do have some in the area that aren't part of this community that are a decent price too this one just comes with like the pool and all the stuff you'd get from a gated community they just have too many lots to sell and no one it seems to me is biting on them so it might be a good opportunity for a lot of people number three sharp County Arkansas sharp county is located in northern Arkansas and as of the 2010 census the population was 17,000 people they figured 2020 it's gonna be close to the same the county was formed on July 18th 1868 and is named after Ephraim sharp a local politician they've been a history of racism in this place sharp County was featured on the PBS program banished forced some events that took place in 1906 it was done by the independent lens it didn't paint a pretty picture of this community that was over a hundred years ago these days they're known for having a lot of cheap land and they got plenty of it not just sharp County they have a bunch of the surrounding areas well you can get an acre and a half of land in the woods for $2,300 it could take some digging and some timing because they go quick but they have them if you feel like spending $4,000 you could find an acre on a creek or a river away from everyone do all that fall off the grid stuff and Arkansas if you wanted number two iron County Utah iron County is out in the middle of frickin nowhere as of the 2010 census the population was 46 thousand residents that's for the whole county this isn't a city iron counties right on the border with Nevada and just north of st. George Utah this is another BYO W bring your own water there is none here if you need to find water invite me out give me a set of golf clubs and I'll find some water for you but the good news is they have really cheap land and petroglyphs yeah from different periods carved into some of the rocks out there it's really neat you can get an acre out here for a thousand bucks if you really want to fall off the grid this is your place the only people you're ever going to see out here is probably NASA training people for Mars because this closely resembles Mars but at least you're off the grid and number one Navajo County Arizona Winslow Arizona is in Navajo County and that's about the most interesting thing I can tell you about this place Winslow Arizona was made famous by the Eagle song take it easy there isn't much else to this area other than the cheap land there's one of those little towns just east of Winslow called Sun Valley it's one of those places that they lay down all the grid like they were gonna put down the roads and get everything going and it never took off there's maybe six or seven people that have put up houses there that means you could pick up a one and a quarter acre plot of land for $1000 that's dirt cheap and that's good too the dirt cheap cuz that's pretty much all you're buying it's doesn't even have a really scrub brush or anything like that great place for a tiny home again there might be water out there there might not be I couldn't find any details on it but I doubt it all right so that is today's list I hope you guys enjoyed it I know a lot of people been asking about this one that's about tiny homes they ask about home steady now I don't have all the details whether you can put up a tiny home on these but I know more and more communities or letting people put up tiny homes so chances are you can homesteading that's a different thing that goes way in depth do your research learn about homesteading and see if you could do it send these places these are the places you can get the cheapest land I will leave you some resource links if it's something you want to look up in the description below like one I use called land watch that's a good website you know there's Zillow and all those other things that you can find stuff on but I'll leave some links below so you could do your own research I'm just giving you an idea where they're at don't you know email me and asked me if I could help you get in touch with the city officials I that's not what I do one guy even asked me if I'd help them fill out the paperwork to get some property again not what I do anyway so yeah I'll leave you all the stuff below don't forget all the other links here subscribe if you haven't give the video a big thumbs up if you liked it everybody have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 1,026,079
Rating: 4.8812246 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, worst cities to live in, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Relocate, Maps, tiny homes, amazon tiny house, Colorado, Arizona, buy land, realtor, real estate, land for sale near me, kingman, cheap land for sale, Arkansas, zillow, amazon, Amazon Prime, buying land, tiny house, land for sale, 10 cheapest places to buy land
Id: axRHuOvcXF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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