10 Towns Offering Free Land (To Almost Anyone.

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'FREE' is the only lie here.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/dfgdfgadf4444 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
What is going on everyone are you like me? Do you like free stuff? most people do everyone likes a free meal most people cherish a free beer in the 1960s if you were lucky you scored some free love with that one normally you had to score some free penicillin not long after but still it was a good time while it lasted I once scored a free massage this was the best massage ever I've been married to that massage giver for 25 years now coincidentally I haven't had a quality massage from her in 24 years probably the king of all freebies is free land the United States government gave away free land back in the late 1800s with events like the Oklahoma land race basically people would register for the event the participants would meet at a starting line in the middle of the Prairie at a certain time they would fire a gun and people would race on horseback into the Prairie where the government had set up claims no less than a couple acres whoever grabbed the flag on that claim the land was theirs free land there's a lot more that goes into that one but that's it in a nutshell it's very interesting you should read about it Oklahoma land races there's a couple other events that happened over around that time but it's really interesting for all the history nerds out there I just brought brushed it ok did you know there are state and local governments that will give you free land to this day really sure there's always a reason it's free like it's out in the sticks or something like that but some people don't mind that and are happy to take the free land for those of you I give you number 10 Plainville Kansas now these are no particular order you're looking for free land so they're all going to be about the same but Plainville has a population of about 2,000 people they have lots that are 150 feet wide and 93 feet deep I did read that they only have one lot available and because of the magic of free long-distance calling all cell phones have now for you young kids that wasn't always a thing but I was told that once someone takes the available lot they offer another sort of a way to build up demand I guess they also have an airport or at least they call it an airport most people call it a field somebody smoothed out any flights heading to the plane fill Airport have the chance of being delayed the pilots normally have a crop dusting side hustle they do require all homes be on a foundation that one I find kind of strange I mean it is Kansas and the mobile home is sort of a tradition in the Jayhawk State they also require a $500 deposit to hold the property but it will be refunded once the land is deeded over your home must be completed within 18 months or they won't due to the land it's up to you you know got to get it done in 18 months a year and a half should be enough time to put a manufacturer at home on this lot right number nine Anderson Alaska about an hour and a half drive from Fairbanks is the small town of Anderson Alaska if you want to escape the rat race I found the place for you Anderson only has traffic when Sir Elton John is in town the population is 300 301 if Elton's in town if you never want to sit in traffic again Anderson Alaska's for you now I'm not saying the place is remote but they don't have a gas station or a streetlight and if you want any big city items like groceries you have that hour-and-a-half Drive to Fairbanks but you got free land coming to you if you show up you get free homestead land by applying and a $500 deposit which again like a lot of these places is refunded when the building is complete I couldn't nail down how much time you have to build it but I'm sure they have a time limit and for all of you who didn't pause the video to do some googling Elton John doesn't live here I'm sure if he did live in Anderson Alaska there'd be some news report on some newspaper that started off with WTF Sir Elton something like that I just like to keep people on their toes number 8 Elwood Nebraska Elwood Nebraska is a small village that is offering free lots of land to build a home on at least six homes have already been built on Lots that are about 110 by 150 feet they have nine left and that's as of October 2009 they require a minimum home size of 1400 square feet with a two-car garage not sure why the two-car garage is required is that like some sticking point maybe it's a cross-promotion with a car company what was that marketing meeting like okay sales are down how do we get people to buy more cars uh make better cars no no that's too hard make better-looking cars no we tried that with Pontiac Aztek didn't sell we could have towns forced people to have two car garages hold on a second I think you may be on to something but what town is dumb enough to do it oh my cousin sects wife is from Elwood Nebraska genius this town is so boring if someone has a sale people can't stop talking about it for three weeks but hey you get free land number seven Clermont Minnesota Clermont is offering free landed just about anyone that would be considered middle class get your free land you have to meet a few requirements you need a gross income of less than eighty four thousand two hundred dollars for a family of two that's per year obviously you can get into their free land homestead program if you you know like I said meet the middle class and below standard and you're prepared for a few other things people are really polite it's very very cold and they used to have a bar and now they just have a soda machine like in this picture you might also not get your mail the post office had to suspend service back in February because that too much snow had screwed up the roof it was a safety issue now they probably fixed it but I'm sure it's gonna happen again these people get a lot of snow number six Flagler Colorado now this is the first one for businesses they have a lot of people that need jobs 110 miles east of Denver's where you find Flagler Colorado this is the part of Colorado without the Rockies so don't move here expecting some mountain views you will be sadly disappointed it looks a lot like Kansas here four hundred and eighty free acres for a business to set up shop that's what you could potentially have here the amount of land you can receive will depend on the number of jobs the business will create for this small town of approximately 650 people they have a subway a liquor store and a Cadillac on a stick place I guess they also have internet so I would think it would be a great place to set up an online company maybe a factoring company data room medical coding something like that so if you want to give your company a leg up maybe Flagler is the place for you you just gotta watch out it looks awfully boring here number five Muskegon Michigan now this one I have been to a couple times the last time was in 2016 and when I found out that they were at the point of trying to coax businesses into Muskegon I thought it was a mistake what I learned is they're not in half as bad a shape as other places on this list I think more than anything they're trying to make moves to make sure they aren't like some of the places on this list in the future the city of Muskegon Michigan is offering free industrial park property for businesses to come in and operate they are open to offering tax incentive reduced water and electricity rates among other benefits Muskegon is a beauty city unlike a lot of other cities in the Wolverine state I asked one of my Instagram followers who I knew is from Muskegon if there was anything wrong with the city that I was missing I think he lives in Seattle now anyway he's about 25 or so and his response was yeah all the females are old said what do you mean by that I thought was kind of funny he said it's like they all move out when they're 18 and don't come back till they're like 30 you know old I said dude I'm 50 he said but dude you're like really childish like an uncle that buys a beer in high school apparently I'm uncle Ricky now number four Buffalo New York as part of the Buffalo New York's urban homestead program they're offering land for $1 and in my opinion that dollar may be a little steep Buffalo was a really nice city for a lot of years it took a serious turn for the worse some years back the program offers a variety of options of land some of which already have homes built on it the thing is you have to bring them up to code the first thing you'd have to do is probably spackle all the bullet holes then remove the blood-stained carpet then you would probably have to repair the bars on the windows you might be up to code then but then of course you got to go out back and chase the operators of the Breaking Bad lab out of your garage luckily the lab isn't that big because it's a one car garage they didn't get bought out by that whole corporate America thing number three Marquette Kansas Marquette is a diamond in the rough this is a decent town of 641 residents they have an extremely low cost living they offer great school system and safety not a lot of crime goes on down here it's like well it has so few people it's like one of those places if someone bumps into someone's car and decides to drive off and not leave a note you've got a crime spree this is a cute little town that I wouldn't mind visiting I love the small town Main Street they got going on here and I'm not sure what's going on with this little gas station but I really like it they require you to fill out a land application it's also required if you're accepted into the free land program that you begin building within 120 days so yeah like four months not that hard your home must be completed within one year from the date of signing the land agreement you are also required to live in the home for one year there are certain specifications that your home must meet in order to qualify but it's free land in a quiet small Kansas town again if your will those people that can work from home like much I can this is a perfect place to live number two love via Texas now here's a good one l'viyah Texas or la Villa if you're from the east coast it isn't an hour's drive from everything like most the entries on this list this quiet little town is situated in the southern part of Texas about 30 minutes from McAllen gallons a decent-size City it's offering around a hundred plots of land for residential development land is given for free however you need to pay the property taxes they also put a five-year lien on a lot should you sell the property within that period you owe the local government a certain amount of money it's usually the equivalent to the value of the property basically they want residents not developers l'viyah has certain income requirements to get that land so you might want to check with them to see what those are I really couldn't nail it down I saw three or four different things but the good news is you're right down the road from two really good taco places in else' Texas taqueria Zamora and taqueria Don Juan they're like right across street from each other and it's some of the best tacos I've ever had nominal tacos there I'm gonna make a list on the best taco places I've ever visited and number one Camden Maine this one is my favorite I think Maine is one of the best states in the country if you don't mind the cold and you really enjoy seafood Camden is just north of Rockland Maine this coastal town in May is having a tough go at finding someone to take free land it's free land a three acre plot of commercial land in Camden Maine is free to anyone that wants it the only catch is the buyer must start a profitable business within five years so far it's filled at zero offers since it was first offered in 2010 this is a nice-looking town I haven't been there physically myself to Camden but I've been to Rockland and I gotta tell you it's hard to find an ugly town in Maine it really is you actually have to go looking you have to get advice from people on where the ugliest town in Maine is you just don't wander into one Maine's a really great state I can't believe it nobody's taking this one I don't know all right that is my list places you can get some free land I hope you guys enjoyed it I hope you got some information out of it these are places that you know it's potential maybe you are looking for a place and you don't have a down payment to buy a house you know might be a good chance for someone to start a new life anyway don't forget all the links below give this video a big thumbs up tell me if you know of any other places I missed I'd love to hear about them in the comment section below subscribe if you already haven't everybody have a great day be nice to each other you
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Views: 2,793,548
Rating: 4.8608518 out of 5
Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, factoring company, Data room, Mortgage, Realestate, free land, best places to live in america, geography, worst cities, where i live, auto insurance, mortgage loans, us cities, relocate, texas, michigan, moving to usa, nebraska, new england, america, rankings
Id: 9jzukfYDauo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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