Abandoned Ghost Towns No One Wants To Buy For Any Price

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getting on the property ladder is expensive but it doesn't have to be there are abandoned places around the world where you can buy a whole town or a village for less than a price of an average home in most countries okay you would be lonely but you can make yourself the mayor you wouldn't have to worry about neighbors and you could have parties as loud as you wanted but even though some of these ghost towns are ridiculously cheap they do come with some rather odd conditions ranging from an abandoned village in Spain that's currently been offered for free to a ghost town in Colorado that used to have a population of 2,000 that now no one is willing to buy because of each tragic past so let's jump right in and take a look Ebola is a little place nestled deep in the woods of northern Spain overlooked in the Meno River it features 12 15th century abandoned homes and living here will be so tranquil you in your thoughts surrounded by nature and the beauty of the lush woodlands and you can own this little village for free that's right it's been offered totally free of charge almost there is a condition the government will only give this away to someone that can present them with an addict a plan of restoration and proof of the funds that would be needed to restore this place to its former glory it must be a good deal because so far they've received over a thousand applicants but they've turned every single one down and while I can't find the reasons why they turn them down or how much it would cost for renovations and guessing they would like them restored to keep within certain guidelines of historical buildings but they have said as soon as they see a proposal they like one that's feasible they're ready to sign over the twelve homes and the land they sit on free of charge loosen Utah this 40-acre place is an old 1800s railway stop it's been abandoned since 1936 but rain still passed by today there's not really much less stand-in here it has slowly succumbed to the elements there's one dusty home a phone booth and an oasis a piped Mountain water a few grain cellars and tumbleweed and all of this could be yours for just sixteen thousand dollars but so far no one has shown even any slight interest in buying I know it's not much to look at and most of it is on the verge of falling down but still is 40 acres I guess it is because it's so isolated and barren you would be very lonely and it would be costly to constantly ship supplies here and hard to grow your own produce but apart from that sixteen thousand dollars for your own ghost town seems like a bargain now it sits on the western edge of the Great Salt Lake desert and it's littered with rubble and old remnants of the area's mining past people used to come here and look for gold and other precious stones such as topaz and red barrel so you have the added bonus that if you did decide to move here you could maybe get very lucky spending your days hunting for gold and possibly discovering a big golden nugget and striking it rich [Music] a lot of people would pay a lot of money to settle down in a picturesque little town in the Alps for the Italian government are willing to give you that opportunity for free in fact they'll even give you $10,000 for doing so yep they'll pay you to move here that town is called like Hana and it's located in Italy's mountainous Piedmont region it's quite a small place with a mixture of modern and medieval architecture and the views here are incredible imagine waking up to this every morning life here would be almost stress-free away from the rat race though it seems like too good of a deal to be actually paid to move here but there is a reason for that the town's population has been dwindling for decades most of the residents left to look for work in big cities and now it's a ghost town so paying people to move here is part of the government's repopulation plan but there is a condition if you decide to take them up on the offer you have to agree to stay here for life you're allowed to leave a course for holidays etc but this is where you have to live for the majority of the time which doesn't seem so bad it's a beautiful place where you'd have fresh air and outdoor activities such as ice skate in tricky and fishing and rock-climbing on your doorstep if you had no commitments would you move here let me know in the comments below there's a ghost town in Australia that's been disconnected from the power grid this location has been removed from maps and the people who once lived there were forced to flee leaving everything behind this town is called whittany it's an eerie place with abandoned cars and old buildings gathering dust and no one wants to buy it even the government have given up on it and that's because the air is so toxic one breath could kill you in fact it's one of the most toxic places in the world and winter gnome has so far been linked to over 2,000 and that's because it was once an old asbestos mine in the 60s and at one point there were thousands of tons of asbestos residue left in the area when the mine closed the medical professionals say breathing in just a single fiber of asbestos could prove fatal and it's virtually impossible to clean the area to a level where it'd be considered even remotely safe for human habitation it's estimated cost of even trial would be over a billion dollars so the government just decided to basically try forget about the place and try stop people from visiting so yeah no one wants to buy this for any price but I'm pretty sure you could get it super cheap if you were prepared to live here wearing a mask for the rest of your life there's a 5.5 acre town in France nestled deep in the woods that used to have a population of 200 and it features 19th century buildings such as an old clergy house and a be a museum a fountain houses old art studios barns and shops and they all now lie totally abandoned this one's flourishing Town Hall Borden was known for its production as stoves and ovens but it was abandoned after its last forging factory closed down in 1959 leaving no work for the locals so they moved on it's been empty and left to rot ever since but now it's on the market and available for purchase but what would you expect to pay for a place like this your very own nineteenth-century ghost town which probably does come complete with a few ghosts well a first guest I thought roughly around a few million but I was way off the mark this French ghost town could be yours for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars that's incredibly cheap that wouldn't even buy an average-size home in some places here you get a whole town but there's a reason it's priced so cheap and a reason why so far no one has stumped up the cache even though they are constantly dropping the price they still can't get interest and that's because these are all 19th century buildings and they're in serious disrepair the estimated cost of renovating this place is over 220 million dollar so yeah that is a hell of a lot to pay but could you just imagine living here on your own you could make as much noise as you want and even walk down the streets naked if you so wish [Music] you
Channel: WOWsoAmaze
Views: 1,236,425
Rating: 4.8133931 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned Ghost Towns No One Wants To Buy For Any Price, Ghost Town, Ghost Towns, Abandoned Towns, Abandoned Places, Abandoned, Abandoned City, Mysterious, Creepy, Abandoned Ghost Towns, No One wants To Buy for any price, Exploring Abandoned, Wowsoamaze
Id: vkXNsBpW3lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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