Mountain Man Breakfast in The Dutch Oven

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hey good morning this morning we're making the mountain man breakfast we're gonna kind of shoot from the hip but we're gonna get the 12 inch Dutch going here and we're gonna start this thing so hang in there with us follow along and see how we get this done all righty we got our 12 inch Dutch nice and hot for stiff put the sausage in we got some Jimmy Dean sage sausage this stuff is good so let's get that in there and get that cooking set the lid aside for now let's see I need something to cut this with I just happen to have a pocket knife one of the three things a man always has to have on him I'll talk about that maybe in a later video the three things man has to have let's get this sausage in here oh yeah that's nice and hot all right words spoon just break that up we're gonna let that cook for a little bit before we do the next step [Music] [Music] alright let's just live back off a little bit just let that saucy Jew cook okay let's check this sausage and see how it's coming along oh yeah it looks good yeah that looks good so what we're gonna do here is take that sausage and transfer it to this little 8-inch Dutch for now then we got some potatoes hashbrowns that need to go in here and get thro the hashbrowns in here and let them cook in the grease here of the sausage all right let's let's throw those hash browns in there where'd they go over here these are just frozen hash brown dump those in there let them cook see you need to get the lid back on I'll take this little 8-inch Dutch sit it on top will keep the deeper sausage warm there we're getting there potatoes put the sausage back in there we have this little 8-inch Dutch well it's smelling good looking kind of good too little crumbs in there all righty there's that now we're just shooting from the hip here on this mountain man breakfast so I think now we want to get the eggs in there so we have a whole bunch of scrambled eggs right there just go pour that in there I think I think we'll just let that cook a little bit and last step we'll put some cheese on top then it's gonna be doing back let's let's check this mountain breath man breakfast and see how it's doing all there whoo there I think it's about time put the cheese on top and let that melt and we're gonna be done so let's set this lid over here where's our cheese right there get some cheese so I got mild cheddar we'll pour some of that in there this is stuff I just had in the frigerator so [Applause] and I'll see what else would go through just cheddar Jack let's pour that in there let that melt on top and it'll be ready we'll go eat this stuff so yeah won't you leave me a comment you can hit the sub button and subscribe to my channel follow along cuz I'm sure we're gonna be doing some more other there you go mountain man breakfast
Channel: Don Pence
Views: 3,009
Rating: 4.7090907 out of 5
Keywords: Dutch Oven, Dutch Oven Cooking, Mountain Man Breakfast, Cast Iron cooking, 12 inch Dutch oven, cooking outdoors, Cooking Breakfast in the Dutch Oven, kingsford, outdoor cooking, camp cooking, Dutch oven recipes, Dutch oven Breakfast recipe, dutch oven cooking ideas, dutch oven charcoal cooking
Id: fVb8RAxiBKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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