Mountain Man Breakfast

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[Music] hello folks welcome back to the horse pin ranch channel my name is justin hey we're making a mountain man breakfast this morning so stay tuned hey i'm excited to share this recipe with you this morning on this early july morning we're trying to beat the heat out here this is called like i said a mountain man breakfast cowboy breakfast dutch oven breakfast whatever you want to call it okay and so this is a pretty simple uh recipe we're gonna do it outside on the cold we're gonna show you about that here in just a second but uh we start with sausage in a 12-inch shallow oven so it's not a deep oven deep ovens are about this tall okay this is what they call a shallow oven and so 12 inch we're going to start off with some pork sausage we're going to put that in there this is from the ranch so this is homegrown pork sausage we're going to put little green chilies in there we got eggs already beaten ready to roll and we've got some hashbrowns we're cheating on that we're using already done ready to go hashbrowns and we're gonna throw some cheese on it too so we're gonna get started right here by putting our sausage okay into this dutch oven and we're gonna fry this sausage until it's nice and ready to roll cause that's how we're gonna do it right there you can use any kind of pork sausage you want jimmy dean uh potters whatever you got in your area that you're at but good pork sauce you can use hot regular medium sage whatever you want to use this is just a good old-fashioned homegrown sausage from the ranch here all right so there we go got some sausage everywhere but that's okay it cleans up all right so here we go we're gonna come over here we got a good hot fire over here and we're gonna put it on this fire we'll use these coals in a minute but here we go that's also gonna fry up and then we'll go to the next step okay guys we're going to show you a few things that we use on the uh chuck wagon when we do dutch oven cooking number one we have to have a shovel this shovel is a normal shovel as you can see a spade shovel uh flat shovel and it's got a holes in it we drilled holes in it and that's for getting the ashes out of the coals and so we don't use charcoal briquettes we use coal straight out of the uh fire like they did in the old days and that's how we do it here and so you gotta have the ashes out of the coals we also use these trivets quite a bit to raise our dutch ovens off the ground uh you know they have legs on them but they're not tall enough legs if you will and there's also we use these lid lifters and this is very handy when you've got hot coals on there we have all kinds of lid lifters this is my favorite one uh and you just kind of grab it squeeze it and lift it up uh we've got some homemade ones we've made some with horseshoes and such but that's what our favorite one to use so that's some tools that you'll be seeing us use today [Music] all right guys our sausage is done we're gonna bring it over here to the wagon box chuck box here and we're gonna get this sausage out of here for now we've got a visitor here waiting on some food this morning all right now we've got our sausage out we got our sausage grease still in the dutch oven we're gonna put our uh hash browns in okay we're gonna brown these things these are uh you can get these at most your local grocery stores i love these things better than frozen because they're not frozen and they they cook faster and they are really good just like you just uh shredded them this morning okay so they are very very good we're gonna pull throw these on the fire and we got our brown sausage we still gotta add our eggs we still gotta add our green chilies and our cheese so we got a package of cheese that we're gonna add okay we and so by the way this recipe will be in the description below so check it out okay guys we're going to put this together we got everything ready to roll now we've got our hash browns and they are kind of browned up a little bit not too much just a little bit first thing we're going to do hashbrowns on the bottom here we're going to take these green chilies these are out of a can they were whole green chilies out of a can and all i did was kind of split them in half with my hand we're going to layer them in there you can skip this step you do not have to put green chilies in this but these are mild so they're not hot and they really bring a lot of good flavor to this dish i really believe so kind of see what i'm doing that's pretty much it we're going to throw them all in there we're going to make room here so there you go green chilies we put the sausage on a paper towel to drain some grease off we're going to throw that in next just like so we're going to spread that sausage around on top of the green chilies and the hash browns okay now we're going to pour these eggs in here we got a dozen eggs beaten with salt and pepper in there and a splash of milk okay we're gonna pour these eggs just all over as even as we can get it here all that egg mixture to kind of seep in and seep around and to the bottom and everything else okay there you go homegrown eggs homegrown pork and look at there i see a shell y'all watch out for shells in here look at there i don't want no shells and i lost a little bit of sausage too okay we're gonna finish this off with some cheese about two cups of cheese all over the top because everything is better with cheese am i right just spread this around like so you can put more cheese in it if you want to you can just cheese it up this is about two cups of blended cheese all right that is it guys we're gonna put a dutch oven lid on this notice this has the uh the lips on it keep the coals on okay we're gonna get coals around it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are 10 minutes in guys we are 10 minutes in notice i'm putting this lid on something i'm not sitting on the ground you don't want that to be on the ground we're going to peek in here and look and see how we're doing them we're doing pretty darn good really good actually we have egg though as you can see that's not cooked so we are doing real well our outside's looking done our middle is not so it's getting close though getting real close so what we're going to do is we are going to put this lid back on we're going to rotate this lid okay i'm going to rotate this lid a little bit because the heat is not necessarily all the same we're going to rotate the whole dutch oven as well like so and we're going to pull some of these coals back a little bit because we saw how it was getting done on the edges so we're just going to pull some of these coats back off of it a little bit some edges are getting done real fast so we're just going to pull these coats back a little bit like this and concentrate from the cook from the top and we're actually going to throw some of these more in the middle too as well and you just kind of got to adjust as you go it's not a big thing but it really will help when it's all said and done all right concentrate a little bit more of that heat in the center okay we're gonna give it another five minutes and check it again hey we're done it took us about 15 18 minutes is all on the coals and we are done we're going to dish some up here and gotta have gotta do a taste test don't we gonna do a taste test so here we go look at there oh son it's gonna be good right there okay let it cool off a minute i want to remind you a couple of things like i said this can be done inside in a casserole dish a 13x9 or or a dutch oven with no legs inside however you want to do it fry your sausage up uh take your sausage out drain it throw you uh some hash browns in there preferably not frozen if you do froze you need to brown them uh all the way pretty good um you all we're just brown in the hash browns though and then we're layering the green chilies on there you don't have to use them but you can if you want to back with the sausage pour some egg on there and then top it off with some cheese and put in the oven for probably about 20 minutes on about 350. so that's your conversion you can actually make this up the night before too and put it in the refrigerator take it out throw it right in the oven so there's a lot you can do with this dish it feeds a lot of people and people love it we don't have biscuits out here with it we're going to try it anyway and so you get the cheese going on in there as you can see i'm going to get a bite right here i just lost a bite look at that goodness gracious it's okay we got a puppy dog running around here that will be happy i did that there you go right here mm-hmm good eggs done hash browns are perfect get a green chili bite in here too lemon green chilies make a really good flavor to this i'll tell you because they're not hot but they bring good flavor to it so thanks for joining us it's getting hot as you can see the sun is getting on me i'm starting to sweat uh here in oklahoma we have some hot hot july so we got up early this morning started this fire and we'll do this video for you hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something make this let me know how it goes comment below and we'll see you next time on horseband [Music] [Applause] ranch [Music] you
Channel: Horse Pen Ranch
Views: 8,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mountain man breakfast, dutch oven breakfast, dutch oven cooking, cowboy cooking, chuck wagon cooking, horse pen ranch
Id: ic3At7cigGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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