Mount Your Friends 3D - Polygon Will Reach The Peak

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Jenna yeah I feel uncomfortable me too I can't really look at what's happening right now which is good that means we're playing Mount your friends 3d a good sorry a hard man is good to climb that is the full name of this game that we are about to play it's all about mounting your friends and getting up real high and we've got a very fun stream for us today because we've got five whole people from the polygon office here today we've got myself Brian me Jenna and then we also have Clayton and Russ and Patrick who are going to be joining in in just a moment so then you can hear them in the background there they're yelling out sweet nothings to us yeah well we're all super excited to mount our coworkers and we're gonna do on air yes so oh it looks like I'm I don't have in mouse mode right now we're gonna we're gonna figure that out in just a moment okay so yes we was under the impression that we would be having D okay ready and and get my hands oh okay it's it's on now whoo we're switching back and forth okay so we are good everything is going great here in the polygon office not a single ood no technical difficulties I'm supposed to get I've only got 12 seconds left to get up on top of this goat and get as tall as possible and so let's just get myself way up okay so that's that's the platform and it's been nice streaming with you hi this is Jenna welcome to mount your do it do it get up there I'm gonna god Clayton I'm gonna jeez this is I've played the PC version but that only had two DS and this it's a lot more DS alright one of these buttons tragedy I was trying to figure out which button there's a button that will allow me to end my turn early is that it did I hit you did it okay so what is the button to end early generally I think it just starts counting down if you're high enough Oh interesting this is smart actually immediately gonna say this is much easier okay yeah because the last one was very tricky anx okay and I am going to use the triggers hi Russ it's me Patrick Gill from yeah I think the triggers are more fun yeah the triggers were definitely more fun oh wait I'm remembering how to play this and I was bad at the other one but I'm gonna be great no you have to swing yourself here yeah the physics is very different because you can kind of float in ways that you couldn't before come on come on come on come on now come on now thank you oh god no I'm wrapped around his a leg okay it's all good just got to stay calm I'm just gonna go with that cuz I'm gonna take it and succeed and be happy with myself alright hi my strategy here is just gonna I'm gonna go for some slings that sounds like a really good strategy Patrick I got greedy I got greedy that's okay how's your morning it's been going really well I've had no digestive distress everything is perfect none at all none at all Oh almost there good good oh this is a good try force it's been it's been real Patrick hey Brian hey how's it going pretty good how you gonna do what's your strategy for this round so my strategy is to get real high up okay but I'm having great I seem to be having some trouble with the there we go the left stick is not doing so hot I have to remember that oh come on we're really building a staircase here yeah I wasn't intending to do that but I hope everyone here is a mature audience what a great game to play here coworkers yeah air and there we go that's beautiful all right thanks but no okay here it is here it is here it is I think the can anyone confirm I think the DC version hey Clayton had you had to do multiple limb I'm pretty sure yeah and that's that's a lot hmm so apparently the last time I transformed from Brian to appear on on-camera we are aware that some things are happening maybe they'll stop happening what things are happening there's some some the matrix is alive and I'm I'm a computer okay yeah claims he's got skills this is the second time I'm oh I like that guy with the teeth and the love eyes who's that guy with the teeth yeah that was beautiful I'm so bad at this game okay so I'm gonna come in and be with you today rest here hi welcome to polygon comm we're playing Mount your friends 3d if you're just tuning in we've had some technical dish issues but we're we're back in it and we're we're climbing our friends as high as we can do it this is a very good move right there oh right in the arm there we go there we go there we go well done I want to get higher get a little getting greedy you know you love it yeah there it is good work all right here I go yeah hi again Jenna we're just having some there we go I would say more than anything oh wow the picture that we're creating makes me think of da Vinci oh yeah yeah sort of like Vitruvian Man creation of Adam or that I don't know if that's the name of one of his paintings I think teen chapel I think that was Michelangelo but okay okay one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I'm just looking at all these buff dudes and out as though trying to touch the faith of Jesus oh come on I'm doing so poorly right now I gotta I gotta move my camera better I'm sorry I thought I could I can catch my friend here what what's happened I'm so sorry we're doing okay that is interesting so alright almost there and pretty high up that's good enough for me good really love to talk to you about art history some other time Jenna but I have to leave did someone say art history yeah Clayton do you know stuff about stuff not a thing okay cool it's par for the course those are columns that's not really even history though that's just architectural history some kind of maybe that's a mountain mountain of Olympus in the background yeah trying to figure out what the still what the lore is for Mount your friends so deep deep and we are gonna get right into the guts no I'm just gonna lie mmm this isn't looking good for me yeah the reserve time thing is a new mechanic that wasn't the other game and I think it basically encourages people to go as fast as possible of Kazan every time cuz it the reserve will be spent otherwise and that is not a good sign for Clayton not at all he started so so strong had a lot of confidence and now he's getting a little too cocky so to speak the I get that progress oh no calamitous no you you just you that's a disaster if there ever was one come on clean and we believe in you you've got plenty of reserved time you can make it to the top of this mound of man go a little more demand errantly come on I was going a little wacky there and yeah you gotta you gotta make sure you're not wrapped around any gentleman there we go it nice made it Oh [Music] calamitous it's gonna just do some real cool sick flips here yeah that's see a lot of people would use this time to make their friends lives so much harder but you've just gone ahead and done some special moves dead sad Clayton said okay here we go Ollie Shrake here taking his turn on the large mountain of men he's best known for his turns on the giant slalom but his teammate fell out of the giant man mountain and now he has to take his turn here with the giant men Mountain great form so far the judges are going to take down for his execution on that last hold but wow very stellar straightforward beautiful thank you we've had our first elimination how is that gonna change how you're playing this game Bryan I'm just trying my best to not think about it as as much as I can I'm not doing the best at this game in the first place so if anything were to throw me off what a handhold it would be the fact that my good friend Clayton is is now gone grab them by the nose there we go classic scrap there we go and almost round and a boom goes the dynamite good form good form with two seconds left I acknowledge the fact that Jenna had a genuine mile and moment which was to say like Omaha it was a very risque hand decision that I had made there and it paid off it did it really did pay off nope oh no I'm rushing guys that's okay you got plenty of reserved time you just gotta take it easy what Oh or you could just okay you're doing it you're doing it I believe in you you're making your way oh no okay so use your reserved time to screw over everyone else is the other strategy that's a great strategy Jack how can you make some sort of like very annoying man shape that will be very difficult to climb over yeah I really want to okay I'm gonna do it a little bit further up so that by the time people get to my sure that's smart they'll be confident and then really frustrated okay this might be a good spot for it okay she's going with the perpendicular arm reach there okay I love it okay Clayton's back ringer coming in yeah second life at the big muscly men oh god I'm doing crab walks now no got a lot of time I know forget it what use your left hand and which is your right hand I just did yes it's also okay here we go yeah it's it seems less about like momentum than the other game was I think you can still land you know I always paid the price for my risky behavior but I think you can still kind of flip yourself up yeah do some cartwheels it's gonna do there okay I'm eating into my reserved time now I got nothing now don't ya just take it it's great all right Clayton that sounds great was we can we can have a nice exercise family join that's beautiful all right Clayton you could I think if you get up to the top of this you've got so much reserved time you can break you can break forty feet that's what I think I think you can you can be the one who cut myself beautiful beautiful beautiful oh yeah this is a fun little sculpture piece right there a man with a bird beak and we've almost made it come on Clayton you got it break for tea break for tea gorgeous gorgeous alright here we go just let me let me really get out there nice of you to join me Jenna yeah um I thought it was out but nobody's ever really Ellen's ever really out in everybody playing or watching this game is a winner exactly just the experience itself of playing this game is certainly a good 100 where get my forearm out of that crook you know nobody's Oprah yes that's true the the mobility of the genitalia in this game mm-hmm really spectacular it's a little bird mouth we've got right there and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna break the top just yet I wanna I wanna I want I want to be I want to be fancy with it oh look at that good leg sherry said four very nice oh look we've got a bloomin how many more actual climbers are there are we down to three oh no oh no no no the idea is that there's plate multiple players and we lost track of that yeah exactly so yeah we haven't really been following that but next round we will do that appropriately Oh Jenna you can do it [Music] I wonder what happened to be fries in front of one of the pillars weather that causes some difficulty oh boy there you go 16 seconds plenty of time plenty of time here we go fling yourself okay I think it might be down to chew it you still got it like the color of this guy striking color oh come on here we go the first grip is the hardest one you should come on I don't feel like I don't remember last time in the original game if you had as much of a like come on like a little line telling you when you're in like range to stick yeah that's new okay it does seem much friendlier I would say yeah but I mean when we play we would build a tower like this before people really started getting eliminated I don't know if ultimately it's harder yeah I think yeah I think it does make sense with their 3d bodies there's a lot more like hand holds it makes more sense there be a lot grittier is this am I being too greedy no I'm not there it is power but I believe in Gordon Paco's ability to get up to the top just doing some warm-ups ya know it's important to stretch out your limbs before you start climbing you don't want to pull any tendons you do also want to stretch other people's muscles too by by pulling on them in the air yeah from bodies my strength that's putting to the test here it's a bear it's theirs and I'm like sure this person down here on the lower echelon of the mountain he might not get the glory but he's doing most of the work okay Wow beautiful very gore oh my goodness how clean was that oh we're almost here I have very little reserved time with abraham de winter but we are we're gonna make it up this this goat mountain one way or another would you consider this a goat mountain i think in the same way I consider mountains and earth mountain because it comes from the bottom I would consider this a goat mountain because it's all about the foundation okay so we got the goat foundation so really the goat is the MVP yeah goat goat wins always in every situation but oh I don't I don't know if my reserve time is gonna give me the chance to get up there but I'm not gonna give up give up that's the true sign of a champ on come on in the right hands grab onto that man thank you Wow I just did a few tiny little hip-hop it's a beautiful dive with point four six we're unlocking quite a few Oh a new skin very exciting it looks so different from all the other skins that we've unlocked just totally different aesthetic there oh you can see the shadow which I didn't realize of the of the goat mountain on the right there okay Jan is focusing in just trying to get that grab just kind of caught on the leg there yeah there you go nice lots of reserve time good grab there interesting choice okay we're reaching over kind of yet caught in the caught on these sinewy limbs there there we go just keep your we're getting close we're past 40 feet closing in on 50 feet 50 feet and there's the top oh you can do it come on give me an arm give me an arm give me an arm like we're gonna get to this point very soon here I have oh no I'm good I don't know what that countdown that three second countdown if you get up there and it starts counting down even though you don't have enough time Willie yeah I'm not sure I'm sure hard to say come on cuts always a little bit I know I have a tough time at the beginning okay come on [Music] just dance gonna be okay Santa ant house oh boy it's gonna be close oh four seconds okay okay no this is gonna be the clay this might be the point where it's player four oh you've just done it that's really wonderful I happened to be there come on in we're gonna scooch everyone we're gonna get nice and cozy together here make sure that we just look at that just just let's take a moment to appreciate that's very beautiful I'm I'm proud put that on a chapel walls come come over this way everyone okay so we need to institute strict harsh if you get out you're out of the game otherwise yeah Jenna if I'm sorry I'm trying to make sure your head is in the stream and not covered by this but you're gonna just have to be tall I think or get low either one or we can switch sides there we go that works great yeah super well we're gonna return to the menu and let's let's play a game we're gonna play up oh no no no what have you done we're gonna pie do you not want to meet the people that are playing this music do we want to try it to do one of these other ones what is traditional I want to know a tradition no no no story reserve I kind of prefer traditional I think reserve I'm into it default scene we need to make mint for Pete Rose and we're good to go [Music] start baby okay I start there we go I put five people and I'm sorry get back out okay it's too complicated otherwise yes we're gonna leave this match leave match no hands everyone show me your hands make sure you're not doing anything game please it's silk and checks yeah yes okay okay sounds good traditional default team two three or start right boom now we're ready to go alright I guess I'm going first because it's in my hand already so everyone is Brian I've got 60 whole seconds I can really just like goof around if I wanted to but I don't really maybe have what I want to do is is build a nice of a ramp up to the goat interesting maybe just a nice like I don't want to get it too high can you yeah yeah Antoine the goat right there that's what I want Oh No it wasn't that um we're gonna just go down this year let's see Jenna you'll go the last but left hands would be good beautiful no it's Clayton strategy here he's probably just to get home yeah it's actually oh but I like we're all trying to just curl around there's being a little bit of a flirt yeah is good oh that's a little now that is a sculpture beautiful that's beautiful we don't want to go lay high we want to just get can you wanna go wide exactly we're trying to build out and more than up exactly oh yes yeah just uh just a little dangle just don't don't get too don't get too high up there a little dangle oh oh that gorgeous Russ Oh Gerald fender weird coming in oh very nice oh I like almost you just had to gotta keep those legs let them dangle up in the air for a little bit this is very dense man mounts such a man Mound we've really built something beautiful um that goat is so peaceful - I like like a zen-like look to the goat okay just I've created a beautiful platform you just got to get yeah just laying it out or just say we're just having a good time together beautiful work right on the goat tail alright now that we've now that we've done yes okay very fun yeah it's playtime's over playtime's over it's time to time to get real let's the face to the yeah oh man I think I still think we should build out more than us I do love I love just getting it very oh yeah that's as out as I can go that's really nice that's something could you get them yes get that booty up there beautiful and it's a good move and a good luck so handprints this Exorcist walk you're doing good just a reminder that we appreciate the work that you're doing I'm not here oh that was flashy very very high-tech and here we go oh I'm just I'm taking my time to get over to this this mound right here come on that grass a little bit come on just get good right down in that grass yeah really it's springtime it's a my allergies are acting up I want to rub my face right on this grass yeah he does look like he's about to sneeze that is that face okay so don't wanna I don't wanna I'm being gentle here cuz I want to build out again without accidentally going too high up mm-hmm so let's get myself this way see if we can balance it right on that foot hmm there we go now we're into it come on oh boy yeah it's really teasing I really love that the landscape is so sparse because it accentuates the the beauty of man-made structure yeah I think they took the what is that Windows XP background right from there you've got it you've got 30 seconds left you only used half your time yeah it's good to be guilt so wide otherwise you'd be in trouble he'd be in a bad way Clayton that's okay here we go here we go you just can't do too many sweet stunts we're okay there you go Oh some good stunts coming out of clay it's no fun if you can't um look at the beautiful puckers on this fellow kiss oops hi my name is Shelby quick see and I'm ready to kiss and tell me that kiss somehow that is not a picture of 4c no no this is a different that's a different person that's the leader I guess my passport picture doesn't look anything like me so there we go cold start it's what we're trying to do that's the point of the game yeah yes we're doing another little ball of man here which is nice to have I don't remember the countdown aspect I kind of like the idea where you have to like force end it yeah because it encourages greediness yeah so I'm gonna try oh I can't swing very well I thought I could it was not again it was it was it was for the audience I was I wasn't playing for the judges right there I was just giving on a good show but here we go and good reason to hide out here there we go all right oh wow that's a good pose too good yeah you look like we're all doing sweet stunts right now and it's making them very happy there is a zero gravity mode that could be very we might need to but if you could do that momentum throw yes yes there's a certain point when it's late in the game I imagine I've got to get up in 60 seconds you got a really nice yeah that's good yeah you got to keep both the hands off yeah we're gonna do it so that's something I'm getting used to is the fact that you you don't press there you have to unclench it's a clench on to someone so it is very counterintuitive yeah um it's caught on so many men [Music] beautiful beautiful where you at where you at there we go yeah we're just gonna grab right there just right there nice it's a good bicep touch oh my gosh that's great nice look at this flip so good don't look at them to twist wow that's nice there we go nice good catch gotta move that hand opposite way right on the buttocks and onto a bicep you just punch that dudes bicep so hard he can take it I don't know if any of you have watched Bahubali which is a great Netflix what's not a Netflix movie it's a it's a Bollywood film it's the best action film I've ever watched but there's a part where the dude punches another guy right in the bicep and it's the best thing I've ever what happens it hurts him it's like but I've never seen such a good bicep punch in my own is he aiming for the bicep remain like he does a jump punch and lands right on the bicep just like that Wow y'all need to watch my who believe Oh for you sell that B aah a B you li okay baa alone is probably enough with the searched an area that was a oh and my one good reach good reach spelling waffling yes there we go oh very beautiful we've been the closest to getting the momentum shock yeah I got the point of it matters Clayton I think you were making the smart choice which was to practice the momentum 0 yeah when it comes to clutch time you already got those skills yes yeah we none of us have been training that hard on the momentum throw I would also say coach sign would be a good name for this game yes Wow the Stars okay alright ends yeah a good toss nice dismount doing kind of a crab walk six seconds to go Wow good yeah you really yeah keep that keep that momentum going swing Oh something caught okay okay and ready here we go oh you've got to have a good smooth beautiful swing [Music] Oh God and I hit the wrong button I think it's intentionally counterintuitive I think that's the point okay I gotta go yeah cuz because you have to win your you can't touch anything it's just like a leap of faith it's the thing you gotta do it yeah now think oh do you think so I think using og skills I might be able to make no you can still get this is the first man down it's okay I think this is gonna be the case for the next few things we're already up thirty feet will my sad corpse yet my safe course is there on the side there can you go reach over and comfort him before you go oh nice very good Wow that dudes lats are intense I really I haven't noticed that yet Oh arounds nice Wow you are not afraid of getting right in those nooks and those crannies you gotta get there there nice work beautiful okay very beautiful okay you know I've just played a good earnest simple game hmm no no flash no flash that's fair I'm going to play the opposite of that game right now apparently where it's all flash no no talent I'm having some trouble I just I'm to be honest though I really I got it in my mind let go I really want to come see my good friend Russ and just just gonna take a dive hey okay I feel you know I appreciate about what happened so appreciate but we we can make it through I will avenge thee I flew too close to the side let's not say the words goat mount might not be the best and catch and oh no I've been caught so he was singing about was that star man right there oh and look we got a new skin from it which is great excellent um there we go almost nice nicely done this is for the win right now it's just very alright yes it just is down between these two these folks fierce competitors very good good watch right there on the battlefield there we go great clutch grab great great okay tons of time land Oh Clayton really oh good there that's beautiful and for you and get into it okay something I feel like now is gone from the 2d version was where you started left right side oh yeah and a lot which way the food the whole town yes yes that's a good point I think that can still happen here but it's less offensive pressure to tie up what even which direction is it leaning yeah who knows oh there's that good right catch hit that you gotta let go you're okay see I'm not willing to do that gravity does it actually tells me oh very nice you two you two are our Tuesday good yes thank you oh nice we're in it Sanford Oh Ashley's brother oh there we go [Music] yeah oh good work a heel hook a nice beautiful good figure-four over here and oh nice some crimps I'm disappointed there's no tattoo functionality in this game it seems like it'd be a bad thing I mean there's just so much canvas you know like I'm to go beautiful six-second to ttg ooh there you go hey stunning mm-hmm oh that was a whiff right there but you made it you made it up and there that's it it's so tense more stressful than pub G right here tell you what I am glad the music is the same yes it's perfect it is very epic oh are you trying not good and nice that's a good place to be gorgeous coming down to it though 13 only 13 seconds on that yeah well you know you don't want to start rushing at this point yeah Clayton yeah I think it's time for you to start rushing at this point I think some real momentum going show us what you got so it's gorgeous I like cliffhanger right there and we get we are playing you're playing a loose game and I admire that as an opponent yes it's it's very showy tighten up here we go you have quite a lot of you've only you haven't even hit the pink man yet there we are pink man's there Oh almost Wow Jenna it worked yes stellar work thank you very well done that was very beautiful and look at that tower beautiful tower right there just revel in it and rest down there for me the punctuation at the end of the statement very nice composition very point I really have a nice base structure there yeah it was very beautiful so should we try low gravity one just to play offline do you fall team low gravity and here we go oh yeah what does it say on spiral if you go over to say thanks like maybe there yes two dimensions you have to reach before you're counting instead of just up maybe up into the side oh that's should we tried that yeah okay all right we're gonna we're gonna see if that was correct but we're yeah all right so again it's my turn I guess first and it seems pretty normal up till this point so I think I see the zone you have to hit though oh okay oh so it's like the next one's gonna be like okay so there you go Clayton so you have to be above that point essentially they don't really understand it might it might as you get as you get higher require something different will oh oh that's what it is I don't know okay so it builds blocks where the people were so you have to climb on the blocks as opposed to the people but that seems like way easier yeah that seems bored maybe I guess we'll see what happens after this next person disappears oh yeah reach out okay so we're just building a staircase it looks like less of a man mound which I find disappointing let's see let's see where we where it ends up in a few more people and if it's not if it's not stellar we can always go back to low gravity but it was a little wrapped around this goat [Music] no no okay okay oh so it moves the blocks as you go up I guess not necessarily always yeah see I think if we'd played it right we might have been able to get it so that you can fling yourself off the stand right onto the spiral yeah that would have been way cool that's just that's nice nice for future players all right I'm trying to I'm trying to get real fancy up in here and maybe I shouldn't be can't decide if this is hard or easier it's the blocks might get smaller as we go that's fun it's gonna be enjoyable clean get that beautiful and that's the time to spin if you want if you're trying to spin to win here but what happens on the bottom there [Music] oh she's gonna do something over here come on he seems come on oh you're gonna you're gonna force us to get that block which is very fun challenge accepted because I kind of have to challenge 100% have to be accepted there you go good time to go good time to go ttg get something there you go nice boop oh you can use that Batman for this time but not next time [Music] oh you see you're gonna make it easy on everyone climb in this thing oh no I'm already off to a very bad start because I've forgotten how to press but apparently did you guys ever go to Discovery Zone yeah kinda reminds me of Discovery Zone yeah I mean I went to any interesting a large nude the Yelp reviews weren't great from my discovery zone but climbing stuff multicolored blocks and such alright no I want to come over here how do you clean the Discovery Zone like no I think you would need the birdies at the ground like I think that's doing with just so many children and so many nooks fill them up with a lot of pizza and soda then you say go run around in this rough yeah in and there's no shame because no one can see what you're doing so if you had to take a giant dump in the balls no one will know I'm just speculating look I'm sure it has happened under this Cup whether or not it was due to us anything get the odds are 50/50 so this is definitely getting harder now yeah yeah this is this is much more you got to work on this hey he's doing the wiggle nice Oh interesting generous there's a lot of good blocks right there I love that you're still going for that strat yeah someday someday oh no forgetting just gonna lay in brain just enjoy your time on this joy on the go imagine what this would be like you can also control the legs yeah okay so this is where things get interesting because I need to like crawl over to get over there come on ah nice this is trouble mmm reach the hand of your friend and there we go buddy work hey hey hey I got a there you go that's it yeah I think the more I play this game the less intuitive these controls that have you come to me yeah if there's yeah there's a period of which they make sense and then they stop making sense for a while and then see this is the hardest part that I found is like if the game is not really designed to reach deputy you need to like work with the camera you're moving your arm in 3d but your analog stick is a 2d device yeah hard to deal with it is if Alicia Ramsay are we go oh man I'm still trying to get this momentum work right it's not working as you can tell this guy kind of looks like a Saiyan Clayton he looks exactly like Nosferatu yes I usually participate in daylight yeah activities not usually that rip I was gonna say he also did not participate in the prospect for multiple months so you know he's reaching out he was realizing that people were less afraid of his like gothic persona and they was like I'm gonna intimidate them with my great strong biceps if you guys seen Dracula the movie with Gary Oldman yeah yes that's what it's called it's called there's a moment in that movie where Dracula's like I'm gonna change my form to be the most handsome man in the world and and what he picked it was Gary Oldman first of all but what he picks is like top hat like amazing mustache kind of like a Van Dyke beard mustache combo it's weird because it was the exact character that the writer looks exactly so every day and be like this is how we do it as a mortal being or a long living being at least shouldn't his idea of what handsome was be very out of time yeah yeah it seemed pretty tapped in because that movie was said in what the 1800s so that seemed pretty on point to be honest kind of good punch to show that I can afford food punch in his muscles yeah wow this is yeah no it's good it's good stuff it's getting a bit more challenging it is I never thought that it would be easier to climb mostly bodies just a lot more hand holds yes beautiful yeah tangles less man tangles yeah that's gonna cost you yeah we've we've broken we're almost breaking the forty barrier which seems to be where our limit is well we broke 50 on that first room but that was with the men yes and this is definitely harder than the five and five minutes yeah that's true very nice almost you gotta think about can I reached oh wow good stem right there oh can you make that one no just play it play cautiously right now sometimes the body just like floats up for you out of out of nowhere oh it's just straight is you're spilling out going to little bog tower sometimes when you get it right it's the most scary thing in the world how you move when you're just flying your way around oh no I tried to let's I'm gonna you know we're nearing the end of our streams so it's time for me to start mellow yeah here we go real mischievously and well not really I'm not doing as well as if I were to actually just be like trying to claw your job is to now make the funniest position let me just give this a strong hug thank you for your work today go he's just gonna turn into blocks on the ground turning into sand it's been too short this is the story after this turn you're gonna turn into block yeah that's true oh wow are you are you one of those characters from that new aliens movie I can never remember the name of ID for annihilation not annihilation though prometheus yes are you one of those in engineers yeah that movie was terrible I want you is being chased by that giant wheel and didn't think to just run left sometimes no one understands how to go perpendicularly those movies Hey oh ho but you caught with the right again so it's actually what I needed a little more space 0% chance of you making oh you found a way with 0% well done oh now it's on to me she's still there I'm so glad oh good yeah really oh yeah really you can just this this moment here wants me to fail I can't trust his advice now trust everything Clayton says why no it's hard it's hard to get across there we go much beautiful I gotta let go elf [Music] full reach mmm nicely done okay 5 seconds left on that one so you got it got to make everything count here doing it you make make everything everything's counting or every every second counts Jenna right on the butt you got it I do want to mention some people sent me links to lambs tails yesterday after awful squad they are horrifying don't Google this your your image of a lamb will be forever ruined it's there interesting now I now I realize that naturally they have tails and I guess that get cut off or something yeah but you know what sometimes the natural world makes mistakes and this might be one of those presses in here you know I kind of like them though sometimes they're cute if the tails yeah yeah cuz they like they move around they do their own thing it's like it's kind of like it's it's much longer than it needs to be no this is trouble so just just faraway sitting way over there in a few all right finally bring us home Russ and plate oh here we go share to Mike competitions on right good start Clayton really strong start yeah I'm very beautiful now what's this game rated yeah I have because you can't argue that there's sexuality to this game it's sensual is the human body by default the section that's let me ask you this is there any time in which genitalia is touched by hands that's not I mean doctor visit doctors this is something doctor visit ask about this game to help me get wrestling match is totally fine and what what a wrestling games rated tv-14 so I more violence like I think the reason it's T is more violence it's not because there's junk grabbing thank you that was a good time to go wow very good good kind of like when speed skaters they're like oh they did a very good first first lap right there it's done it's all about that very time picking yeah yeah just like the effects what are the Olympics rated PG I guess they must be PG but there's certainly an a PG which where's the peanut where's the parental coming guidance sometimes you don't want the the ice-dancing can get very evocative pretty some and you don't I mean what up yeah the curling yelling can be very mean scares made a lot of bullying and alright clay not a good not a good time to go yet it's in the red it looks like Clayton's time to go is about two seconds below low Russ's you've got nobody's got the thing where you're mixed up about the limbs now yes the comeback kid though swing swing for the fences swing for the fences Clayton it's time beautiful good position go here we go he's got the underneath camera no it's good well that's going to pretty much do it for our stream today we hope you've had a good time seeing these muscley bodies climb upon each other we have two more streams coming up this day we have a very wonderful thing coming from Jenna which I'll let her explain but we also after that have a special overwatch thing that's coming out so and stay tuned for that but Jenna would you like to explain what's coming soon yes Jeff and I are gonna do it's a stream that we've done in the past and now it's officially branded called executables the Jeff and I are doing with cute games and we're gonna play a hat in time this it's so cute take a look at what we had I wish we could zoom in on the goat huggers down at the bottom yeah we can sort of see them yeah you've got it so thank you all for joining us make sure to LIKE and subscribe if you aren't subscribed already to polygon and we'll see you soon farewell
Channel: Polygon
Views: 92,694
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, gameplay, polygon, news, review, overview, walkthrough, lets play, mount your friends, freaky ghost, couch co op, men, climbing, sports, real sports
Id: 0rwT-NDcKos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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