Let's Play BETRAYAL AT HOUSE ON THE HILL | Overboard, Episode 4

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hello and welcome to overboard polygons monthly board game show today we're playing the semi cooperative horror game betrayal at the house on the hill a group of friends have gathered to explore a spooky haunted mansion what will they find and what will find them the game is divided into two phases exploration and the haunt during the exploration phase players work together to uncover room tiles and build up the house but as the name suggests not everybody can win in betrayal one of the players is destined to double-cross the rest and no one knows who the traitor is until the moment the haunt begins each character has two mental stats sanity and knowledge and two physical stats speed and might stats can increase or decrease over the course of the game a character dies when any of their stats is reduced below the lowest number each round team members discover new rooms with new traps and rewards when a player passes through a door with no room on the other side they draw room tiles until they found one that matches the house level there on either basement ground or attic when a player has either met the limit of their speed stat or a room tile has forced them to draw a card their turn is over some rooms have event cards which often force the player to roll dice either to escape doom or improve their stats others have item cards which can make characters smarter or better at fighting and some rooms have omen cards these represent useful but cursed items that have a chance to invoke the haunt every time a player draws an omen card they must roll 6 dice if the result is less than a number of omens currently on the board the haunt begins the game has 50 possible haunts ranging from classic monsters like mummies or mad scientists to eclectic creatures like a dragon or Julius Caesar the haunt the players face depends on which omen is drawn and in what room for instance abide in the catacombs as a giant spider but in other rooms it might be a horde of bugs or flesh-eating cats players consult a guide to discover which creep has been awakened it's at this point that the traders identity is finally revealed the party is now split into two groups the traitor and the heroes each group has different rules and wind conditions but typically the trader must slaughter the heroes and the heroes must find a way to kill the monster often the heroes must travel to specific rooms and roll the dice to uncover specific objects that can be used to damage the monsters all while dodging attacks from the haunt and the traitor when enemies are in range of each other they can attack by rolling dice for the relevant battle stat for combat that's usually might but depending on the weapon used and the monsters ability it might be speed knowledge or sanity whoever rolls highest wins the combat and the difference is applied as damage to the losers physical or mental stats the game ends when one group reaches their wind conditions and either the heroes mourn their fallen companions or the traitor adjusts to the reality of their new nightmare [Music] [Laughter] it was a way better little boy than you and I don't understand it I'm William I'm Jacques I like track music Shakespearean literature hi I'm Vivian Lopez Jesus I am a hall 42 years of age and you better believe I love old movies and horses yeah I'm busy and I like swimming and medicine even though I'm 9 years old yeah you know what we have to get girls into stem early so Missy was born there Missy is too into medicine first she has to survive this haunted we do have a very spooky house and this wonderful crew of people that I guess our friends somehow are gonna explore it together I think I'm the only one who's over the age of like 22 well we all live in the same housing complex okay and I bring small children into spooky houses we probably bond over worthless yes that's true because you know Missy's it works girl mm-hmm so she was a horse girl all right so we're gonna start by whoever's character's birthday is closest to this day which is you I believe me Missy born on February 14 happy Valentine's Day y'all know yes so to get around the collapsed room good strong right on in there um the good news is I'm pretty fast like little girls are known to be so I have to attempt a speed roll of five plus to avoid falling luckily my speed is 5 I just have to breaking them which I do oh yeah there we go go to work Missy off to a good start if you fail roller basement time I succeeded so I'm just gonna keep going you're taking deeper into the collapsed room yeah in the statuary corridor excellent you would like an event and I believe we're gonna have Brian read it that's right I get to read it to you hmm possession a shadow separates from the wall as you stand in shock the shadow surrounds you and chills you to the core all right Missy gotta choose one trait and attempt to roll for that trait definitely speed yeah quickest nine-year-old oh that's a three the shadow drains your energy the chosen trait drops to its lowest value does it good you don't die so yeah sorry about your speech it was very unfortunate so don't try to cross that collapsed room again this is on the verge of death oh so when did it when any one of our traits reaches zero you're done but only on the lunch yeah okay and the good news is my speed is still three all right Justin I'm gonna go upstairs all right go up to that upper landing I can go one more nice and I find a research lab cool yeah why not have that on the top floor of my house police in the research laboratory a moment of hope something feels strangely right about this room something is resisting the evil of this house it's fighting back the superstition place a blessing token in this room each hero rolls one additional die on all trait roles while in this room oh yeah so this is the most fun part of the game it's when I look through all of the tokens and finds the blessing hey now it's pretty quick all right i flash have a speed of six so I think my coach at the track team told me I have a state of six I'm gonna keep exploring the ground floor all right I found the game room game room I love gamers only we're here I love games oh wow okay I guess gamer read me my event please oh jeez what the walls of this room are damp with blood just like all the ceilings like longer am i right I'll reaffirm ature and onto your shoes and a blankets gone nice you must attempt to sing any role I'm super not saying your coach also said hmm I'm gonna explain for the viewers that I have the stats on my phone because I do not like these little clips so if you see me messing with my phone it's definitely big Oh to zero all right I Vivian I'm going upstairs to hang out with my friends one two three I started now one two three and then I'm gonna come over here so let's uh let's talk about it oh sorry which one is it doesn't matter oh hell yeah I'm in the conservatory nice second-story conservatory webs casually you reach up to brush some webs aside but they won't brush away they cling it you must attempt to might roll oh good thing I've got too much yeah Vivian has been working out that's the 101 you're stuck keep this card okay if you're stuck you can't do anything until you're free one staring and explorers turn any Explorer can attempt to might roll to free you you can also attempt this roll repet 42 year old friends who can't brush away complex I love camping there you go oh also um anyone failing of attempts can't move for their so that turns so enjoy that Brian little girl okay gotta keep going yeah I can't go back huh dining room and we have our first go oh man all right you're omen is dog so this mangy dog seems friendly at least you hope it is so you get to gain one night in one sanity right now and you lose it if you lose track of your dogs and I'll give you this little monster token and this means your dog can go play and now let's roll well hallelujah your three years right there we go so our best friend that's true I can't wait to you demonstrate this kind of teamwork oh yeah I've been a can't wait for no one to betray anyone that was one - can I do - all right and I walk into a charm Hey you also got a companion oh you got a madman no good a raving frothing madman game - might and lose one sanity right now yes - might and gain one sanity if you lose custody of the madman do you think the madman's just there be like hey what if we're all in a simulation maybe not mad maybe he's just so hot I got into the sport impressionable Brandon there oh we have to be the role oh yeah do the role more we're clear all right exploring the ground floor going into this room and it's the imagined room buttons itís there is an open your eyes are drawn to an unsettling symbol an unsettling world you can see now yeah to sanity hey just convert to a new what religion is that symbol alright has this been the most horrifying time like you found a dog you found a mad man at least see like carry on Vivian has steeled herself from that terrible web experience I'm gonna go one let's keep it up here to tell ya the blood yeah they really got it just like x-men yeah alright cool what you found Brian that I find you found a revolver an old poking looking weapon you can use the revolver to attack with speed instead of might I want to hell yeah oh yeah and then your opponent defends with speed also good to know it's pretty good is very good for this poor weak woman yeah hey I'm gonna cycle back around and catch up with Bush hey we made a perfect ground floor which is good for you because again that collapsed around ground floors huh I oh no you leave yard while exiting you must attempt a sanity rule of four plus if you fail lose one knowledge but keep moving mm-hmm so out in this graveyard there's a revolving wall I guess the wall spins moving to another place okay place a wall switch token on the wall without an exit in this room or corner of this room if there isn't a room on the other side of the wall switch draw room tiles until you find one so we do have one it's gonna get right there which is good so then put your Explorer in that room so you're over here you hang out with your friend flash hey little buddy once during an explorer's turn if that Explorer is in either room they can do an attempt a knowledge role to do the wall switch I forgot that I had this hat for a reason and I broke a plastic flash cool so we're just gonna we're gonna hang out this is gonna be right here so if ya if you want to go through here you got to do some knowledge because you got to find the special switch she went too much to expend I think it would literally be imagining like an angel statue but you pull on the angels you don't deserve good omen you spent all your omens bite a growl the scent of death pain darkness when you draw this card something fight you [Laughter] the player on your right rolls they might for attack against you for the mysterious something before runs away into the darkness you defend against the attack as normal by rolling dice equal to your mic oh sorry about that boy that's good hell yes you've got only two physical I would die for you Clayton you are now bit though so it doesn't mean anything it just means you can't drop trade or steal this omen so you're just gonna bite it I mean they look it battle scars really yeah if you roll our our hunt oh yeah you might maybe it was a werewolf that bit you maybe it was some sort of insane doll well now that you've ruined this for me ruin I made it perfect I found a wall hood see my movements b-26 would anyone hate me if I start expanding the dancers that's my think we can just remove - yeah give that all shift about it's like one of those Harry Potter staircases great another dead end hello yes I found a chapel oh and if you and your turn here once per game you gain one sanity and I'm about to do that unfortunately no come on tell me tell me telling the bad news as you enjoyed this most holy place and then a piece of plaster wall falls from the ceiling it's a piece of the ceiling folks attempt to speed - out of the way I'm on the track team alright they're crumbling you can't come down hold on I got this for you all the way son flash had been mortifying yet I'm gonna find an omen this time guys Vivian is seeking them out she just wants a sign in her life that she's doing the right direction bringing small children into mansions all right there we go the master bedroom hang out here you know spirit board mm-hmm a board with letters and numbers to call the dead before you move during your turn you can look at the top tile of the room stack if you use the spirit board after the haunt has been revealed the trader can move any number of monsters one space closer to you if you're a trader you don't have to move the monsters cool if there's no trader all of the monsters move one space closer to you the library there once per game if you in your turn here gain one knowledge I will do that but first I'm like oh sorry image in the mirror there's an old mirror in this room you're frightened reflection moves on its own I don't know I've read that it is you from another time your reflection writes on the mirror this will help and then it hands you an item through the mirror so go ahead and draw an item card and you get a sacrificial dagger yeah it's very nice cool so yeah it's just a twisted shard of iron covered in mysterious symbols it's not really even a dagger it's just some iron so you are now a little girl yes a sacrificial dagger and a dog and an R I'm not going to sacrifice the dog no not enough good not today okay so what this means is when making a mite attack with this weapon you roll three extra dice but first you have to make a knowledge rule or else bad things happen to you well it's a good thing I'm in the library yeah and just a little bit smart and that you love science and know all about making sacrifices real good I know where you're one of those you're one of the very old timey ones that was like hey ya know you can help with my medicine knowledge so I'm going to move on and not stay too far away from the stairs also you can choose to fall to the ball remove it's in the house if you do take one damage we do not have the ballroom so you discover in the gallery a SPEA oh dear a weapon pulsing with power sweetie we roll two additional die when making might attacks with this weapon and that's it why are you point of why aren't it strong why did the children have weapons flash has no weapons flashes are the power of God strong powerful legs kitchen this is getting very late in the game Star Trek is kind of them discovered the basement no basement yes that's right we can get there clean kitchen oddly in this haunted house as you walk around noticing the utensils and pottery you see a book a book is it a diary lab notes I think it makes sense of those recipes but perhaps an El Salto ancient script pattern ravings knots definitely gain to knowledge of cooking holy this is great I was really dumb and not saying when we started this game and now I'm very sorry the 20 year old man better than lady 5 at 11 188 uh you got a roll right right I'm starting to get out of that today over the tipping point all my knowledge you give me the ability to count let's get spooky you can read some rules I'm excited that the haunts happening in a kitchen I think that'll be that's gonna be a flavorful kitchen gonna be a flavorful [Laughter] the lowest knowledge except for the haunt revealer like something else okay so you've got a book in the kitchen so your aunt is number three please leave and come back after you've decided tray your friends Clayton frog legs do a cackling rasping laughs that goes through the house I got that covered no no no lesson hide for me my naughty little monkeys you've been very bad little totalling stealing mu Ma's book very bad I'm afraid uma is going to have to whack your little noses off or something worse much worse I know this anything they're gonna whack us off something what do you know about the bad guys the witch has cast a spell that makes her invulnerable she can also turn people into frogs will you win when you kill the witch how to kill the witch you must use the spell book represented by the book card which I have to cast a form of mortal spell on which this will make her vulnerable to attacks the spell requires a Mandrake root represented by a pentagonal item token it's killed a witch you must follow these steps in order each hero can only attempt one of these steps each turn one find a Mandrake root if you discover a new room with a Mandrake root in it the trader will place a root in that room some might be also be in existing rooms so I assume that Clayton when he returns will be placing Mandrake roots and I'm gonna gets probably graveyard Conservatory Garden yeah I'm going into the conservatory after this if you're in a room with a root token you can attempt a knowledge roll a four plus to dig up the Mandrake if you succeed put the token on your character card if you have a root token and the book while you're in the same room is the witch you can attempt to knowledge roll of six plus two cast form of mortal okay pretty smart so we're gonna be passing this book around a lot which means there's dog that's gonna come in handy if you succeed you can then attack the which normally which means your spear my nowhere near your dagger is gonna come in handy and your revolver if you six okay attack them which normally after you cast the spell on her any successful attack will kill her if you fail the role you keep the root token and can try again next turn so I guess it's kind of relying on that being a very difficult knowledgeable to guess to achieve because X plus is difficult frogs frogs yeah hero who has turned into a frog drops all items and discards any companions that heroes might acknowledge are reduced to their lowest numbers above the skull symbol a frog cannot attack draw cards or discover rooms another Explorer who is if the Frog can pick up and carry a frog like an item just can't do anything while being carried if you're in the same room as a frog well you have the book you can attempt a knowledgeable four plus to turn the Frog back into a human the restored hero's traits return to their starting values okay special tackles the witch is invulnerable cannot be attacked until you cast the spell on her explorers can attack the cat when it appears Killick at yeah murder Clayton doesn't say anything about that am i we probably can I just I feel like although I know he's betrayed us he did save me from those cobwebs so I'm gonna need someone else to kill him for me no I mean I'll take care of that please Missy has no attachment to any of y'all Oh welcome back traitor okay are you still human yeah what kind of setup do you need to do so if Brandon is still here but now there's a witch where's the witch where's the mando okay right there so just like in the witchy ways maybe she promised you a gingerbread house yeah we know that Brandon trusts older women cuz he's friends with yeah they're better yeah you just swapped her out for like an older more evil model Wow boys these days I gotta get another bubble it's not your turn it's my turn you said then no point revealer Oh takes a turn yeah traitor sorry the traitor okay hey Leo can you move through walls just a quick question and I'm going to use my powerful magic off witch no tell me you tell me what make it make a UH a vanity role yeah you got save oh i'm hella stained the thing [Music] [Music] that's no trouble six who's trying to do the holy she just like read you 30-minute meals by Rachael Ray and you crumple no that was just a totally different thing from an attack wasn't it yeah yeah okay is it allowed for not supposed to microwave it's the only way I know how to cook unfortunately for you my might is three yeah she's more than visible that's how we just we mess her up the old-fashioned way yeah with our fashioned way coaching how dare you I'm supposed to be a night of - alrighty oh you have to take one damage though cuz you just tried to punch a witch so take a dive damage our point was just a point I think okay alright okay well we're on we're in okay Tara okay right now I think it's my turn Brandon it's me Vivian and I'm looking at you through this hallway and I see you with the fire in your eyes and the spear in your hand and a madman at your side which said you bit me Brandon please look at me what would we hurt I saved me from cobwebs I don't want to do this Brandon put you back alright you've asked for this I draw my revolver holy and I'm gonna shoot her through that air shoot him through the doorway so I roll one additional die on my speed attack and this is against your speed yes so what's your speed there my speed I believe has not changed okay and hopefully murder this small boy in one shot okay I don't think you take any damage yeah that was a very matrix believe alright very quick boy I've got still speed of four so I'm gonna go one and then I have to use two to get out of me or is it three because there's a madman in the room - I think it's just so just that's so that'd be one two three four I guess I that was a warning shot okay I shot into the air and I was like watch out Brandon I don't want to do this you're basically a child dependence all you that was bright of my heart now yeah we all call your mother Brandon miss is coming for y'all taking yes no no okay lose all items lose okay they're just in the room yeah okay yes they drop them and so your heroes might acknowledge or reduced to the lowest numbers but you're not dead a frog can't attack draw cards and discover rooms yes another Explorer who isn't a frog can pick up and carry frog like an item rabbit but something else happens no the haunting began in the kitchen right yeah suddenly no no cat Oh what and I will not be able to move that cabin to my next monster turn so okay now Brandon Brandon took personal offense to your gun alright so Brandon is going to take a might roll all right on his old babysitter you never let me have dessert for dinner are you attacking me with a spear and also a madman madman go I have full night's you have eight mites are you with my bad what is this kid doing he'd been getting oh my god his management hitting the gym hard all right well six that's a zero I think you just with your spear put me and it's it's terrible i I will go down to death is what I've done and Sophia I'll go down to death Vivian Vivian in her final moments turns around to Brandon and says and then I just I died in your arms and you I hope well I guess you can role play as Brandon right now those have a glint of there's a tear it starts to well up yeah and then I pick you up oh god I love this because she she fired off the warning shot ran past him and he speared her airway remember and this is gonna be a great vignette that flash presumably walks up yeah you know get a POV shot he has a frog see remind you that there's a revolver next to my dead body alright and do you have a lot of speed I do so yeah is there a reason Brandon can't pick up that revolver I think it has to be you've always one weapon yes so you have a spear already man so I mean I guess you couldn't pick it up yeah all right so I'm gonna present you with a order of things that I should do okay I should punch this cap yes I should run upstairs and grab that gun I don't yank you should attack that I don't think you should attack the cap because if you can grab the gun how much is your speed oh it's six cuz you can go up and then back down and shoot her through the doorway you're right that's true oh my speed is 5 now don't have to transform Missy back into oh but I can shoot the witch yeah I'm gonna shoot it you can also close to 3 yeah if you can grab the gun and put it on your shoulder and then it's a 4 or 5 to leave the room you're four five and I am down here now pause real quick Desmond also count as a monster is that one too to leave this room so you are very close well I open here you I'm gonna shoot Brandon just run out of the kitchen I see Vivian's body at the foot of the staircase yes I'm coming for you now that's a good shot right there that's a nine before I can't beat that that's interesting look at kid Brandon do you also roll down and then lay with your mother figure and and in your final moments realize everything you've done wrong yeah with myself down the staircase item token this was the gun right and not now I have the gun Wow alright how am I mad man just like runs off yeah just got to real this is crazy even for me when I squatted in this on defense alright that was my turn which brings us to a frog frog doing over there yeah come for me I just wanted I wanted the detective there is a special frog special chrono trigger till the Toni dogs are still capable I want to take I do take offense to the fact that it goes down to the lowest knowledge for the frogs I think they're very close yeah okay well my speed is still three so I'm gonna come out oh that's it no because you have to leave the which sounds 1983 I just have to hang out with your court yeah glad I don't have the mental facilities oh it's a might roll oh I did not see this coming [Music] it was a one it's really nice I'm glad that all the corpses are in the same place though it's gonna make cleanup way easier she they're too many bloody rooms in this house all right let's just lash cut me out of the cat's stomach I'm still here please flash stay alive hello it's me flash just you and me better shoot you yes we only get one shot do not miss your chance [Laughter] that's pretty same right there which is very good as long as you stay alive [Music] [Music] there's no way she can come out of being a frog right there's no one else to say Oh which winds which winds could you please read that ending flavor text for me it's lyrical inaudible wonderful froggy two little froggies go on my puppet feed you're bad for all your friends to the nice kitty with you there's my precious Gosling have you do that just directly into camera we were so close there's my precious Gosling cause we did the baby Keys doesn't make a low right well actually I actually it makes it's a little bit darker for the witch but I'm gonna Brandon can you feed this nicely it's just the bad man The Wiz just gonna live together rather it's very good it's actually a resin alright well good game good game everybody it's been lovely being betrayed by you Clayton yeah it was a worthy betrayal to betray you well executed uh so this has been overboard and betrayal in the house in the hill do we have any coda is there an endline to this really match that like but occasionally we want other people to be able to gently caressed the subscribe and like button yes in memory of Vivian Lopez thank you for joining us [Music]
Channel: Polygon
Views: 945,867
Rating: 4.9565911 out of 5
Keywords: games, polygon, review, overview, walkthrough, lets play, betrayal, betrayal at the house on the hill, clayton ashley, jenna stoeber, simone de rochefort, bdg, brian gilbert, brian david gilbert, betrayal gameplay, betrayal house hill, lets play betrayal, lets play betrayal at the house on the hill, explainer, rules
Id: IrKiPrZN__I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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