Vlandia Unit Guide: Troops Ranked Worst to Best (UPDATED)

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Mountain Blade 2 has six kingdoms to choose from and within those six are a smattering of units that you'll be training from lowly recruit all the way to their tier 5 Giga chadly goodness in this video today I want to reboot an older series I did during the early axis of battlelord and review the entire unit tree of each respective Kingdom today we'll be focusing on volandia this is of course not a guide of Min maxing but a means of giving you an idea of how well a specific Kingdom soldiers would stack up against other soldiers of similar rank I'll be assigning each unit a rating of low mid or high this will this way you'll be able to get an idea for how well that unit performs compared to its peers based off of the use case perhaps the skills and weapons are all over the place making it a low grade unit or perhaps it has the best of the best across the board making it that high grade Charles you can quickly navigate to any tier of soldier by using the chapters in both the timeline and the description as always guys if you end up enjoying the content please don't forget to to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things help helps out any content creator you watch in a huge way to Aid in combating the dreaded YouTube algorithm let's get started here on the valondian unit guide for Mountain Blade 2 Banner Lord opening us up with tier two we're going to talk about the Blondie and footman I'm not going to talk about the blondian recruit or any Tier 1 for that matter in most of these videos unless they're tier one is significantly bad I think all tier one units are pretty much that just same level of playing field and it's worth noting too that the tier 2 soldiers of almost every single faction are somewhat operating on the same Baseline that did not used to be the case they used to have actually atrocious stats or terrible armor whatever it is but the vladian footman is a really nice just center of the field character it doesn't it does not Excel above a whole bunch of other units when it comes to its armor it's got a good 13 body armor with three arm and leg forearm here five leg here this is a 14 head armor item but then these other two are pretty low at nine and add 11. it does have a spear which is nice because not every single tier 2 soldier gets that a lot of them do not um and a really good shield with leather bound kite shield and a great sword with the iron arming sword looking at Stats every single one every single tier two foot soldier has the exact same 40 in athletics one-handed and pull arm so it's nice to see that that's kind of a nice standardized across the board and I think that this is just a nice mid-tier unit it doesn't or I'm sorry mid-rank unit I don't think it really excels above everyone else I don't think it really falls short if you take a look at say the sturgian warrior who has the same amount of skills does not have a spear has a tapered Blade with a length of 83 a good Shield but it has terrible body armor uh and pretty middling uh months of hand and foot and head armor it's just it's really well actually it's pretty goddamn good head I thought I thought this was the crappier one um it's it's definitely a low tier by comparison just to kind of give you an idea of what would be a low tier versus this or even a high tier which has more armor across the board and has maybe better weapons here wooden Hammer wooden Hammer which actually gives it a little bit of threat range into um higher tier units but just to get to kind of paint that idea of what that tier two looks like let's now pivot over here to the levee crossbowmen who is also in that tier two as well and we get a great unit because it is the only tier 2 crossed woman in the game not good armor though in fact really harshly bad armor to the point that it will struggle to survive into tier three if you don't keep it protected and I think in the earliest portions of a valondian campaign that can actually be pretty punishing especially if you're new to the gaming you don't really know like oh I've got like I've taken my recruit and I put three of them into crossbow and why do they keep dying well it's because they just have no armor and your army just can't hold a line yet but they do have a good crossbow um they do have good bolts and they have a decent enough sword the same exact sort of the villanian foot footman had so with there being no one above them or below them because there's no other Levy cross swim to compare I'm just gonna put these guys at Mid tier because or mid-rank because they still she's for sure man dude uh it's a mid-rank because their Armor's not great they don't really have that great survivability but again a tier two most archers do not so it's kind of worth considering those things when you kind of take a look at it and if you're just trying to decide between archers or crossbows crossbows really thrive in Mass if you have 50 crossbowmen they will outperform the damage that archers can do archers are really good when you don't have a whole ton of them like if you have 25 fiens well 25 fans will just take any Castle doesn't matter even if it's 25 to 500 I'm just kidding but still 25 fans do a lot of damage but 50 cross them and just do more because they the amount of damage they do per shot outweighs them it's it's been a thing with cross women having to kind of struggle and find their place against archers who have a faster rate of fire but now crossbow do a ton of Pierce damage they can really kind of hit through things armor and really kind of punch through and that's where their real strength is is that high volume of high damage um Range weapons moving into tier three we have a new introduction to the valondian um unit guide or unit list in the blondian light Cavalry but we'll get there in a sec starting off with our volunteer experiment we get 70 across the board Athletics one-handed and pull arm on every single unit in the game at tier three but we look at their armament we got a tall tips long spear good length on this again that solid Shield at the reinforced Oaken kite shield and then a ridge tipped arming sword with a 104 length um this is just another same thing the only difference here is the chest piece here which swaps out the arm and leg armor and to be honest it's just kind of it's just kind of that middle ground here the Blondie experiment again doesn't really excel in anything you look at the cause eight spearmint it's got amazing armor it's got a braceable step spear step sister uh long saber here and a straight saber like this is a really solid unit with just terrible head armor um or even looking over the sturgeon Soldier which starts to get a little bit better they've got really good body armor um everything else here is pretty much around the mill um looking to though with the Infantry train Soldier we start to get something with a little bit better armor all the way around but we've got throwing weapons so everything else gets something that makes it a little bit more pound per pound better like this guy's got really good head armor that's really nice always when you have really good head armor the length in their swords for the uh for Britannia is kind of something a little lacking depending on which set you get oh no we're not going there yet but I think that's kind of the unfortunate thing for the Blondie experiment is it just does not perform very well and I think that's kind of the Crux of it here is that this used to go footman into spearmen or footman into Swordsmen but now it goes footman into Spearman into then into swordsman and the Spearman I think is a low rank unit because it does not have a defensive capability to truly last the test of time or additional things to make up for it like the trained infantryman for the Imperial used to have the best armor at tier three it doesn't anymore but it still has throwing weapons to kind of make up for that you don't even have a braceable spear here to make this thing have even more uh of a strong use case against say Cavalry and it's one of the biggest bottlenecks of flandia is the fact that your recruit's okay your footman's passable right it's a good mid tier we just talked about mid-rank but the Blondie and Spearman is low rank it It suffers compared to the other rank 3 infantry and I think that's a big issue because your Sergeant's not as amazing as he was the swordsman's pretty damn good but that's kind of an issue I have with the the progression tree for volandia let's move over here to the crossbowman because it doesn't have very many competitors in fact it has nothing there's no other tier 3 crossbowmen but It suffers from the same problem that the Levee crossbowman had it has terrible armor if you compare this to say the trained Archer train Archer has good armor the sturgeon Hunter even has better armor so those things are really tragic and they do weigh against the crossbow because it makes progression for them a little bit more difficult they have a heavy crossbow does a lot of damage and they have bolts which have a good enough stack amount that's this is again why um crossbowmen in a larger quantity are better because that means you get more total shots right only 18 on these if you take a look at the Archer you've got two more stat two more shots here this guy's got two Quivers so the crossbowmen have limited shots and they have poor armor and even though they don't have a competitor I'm gonna give them a low rating because even with all the fact that they've got no competitor and all those things I still think that they just they're gonna suffer trying to push to tier three into tier four low armor at tier two is excusable but having tier three have just okay a pretty good piece of head armor it makes this unit much harder to get into tier four where their usability and their viability really pops off into tier four and five so we're gonna put them on a low tier now let's take a look at the villandian light cap being the newest unit to be added to blondia it's an interesting one because it pushes the footman into Cavalry capabilities whereas before you had to wait until you got to valondi and Cav which is nice it gives you access to nice heavy shock style Cavalry without having to use the noble line which will grade on its own and we're not going to be looking at any of the noble line Cav across sturgia or Empire or even um um valondia we're only looking at the generic line uh right now we'll look at the noble line in their comparison to their own section so comparing this to The cazette Horseman and the acerai mom Luke regular the villanian light Cav is that nice middle ground it's got decent enough armor it's got pretty nice Spear and a really good ridged arming sword which has 113 lengths which is good on Horseback but take a look at this 60 riding versus the 70 writing of the other two 71-handed the same but they get 80 pull arms so they do swap some of their riding skill for the pull arm and I'll be honest I'll take that I think the the pull arm kind of fits their role a little bit better they're not going to be as quick on the draw with their writing but it's still marginal they're not going to be shooting from horseback so it's not going to be as huge of a detriment to them and I'll take that over say maybe the asteroid mom Luke regular which has terrible arms and armor um and it has one of its sets it's got an ax which is just miserable to use on Horseback we got 62 length what are you going to be doing there this thing's got a 60 174 weapon length on the on the spear I think it's not going to poke anyone so I definitely put the Blondie and light Cav at that mid rank let's move over to tier four now where things get spicy and the Blondie and hardened crossbowmen is a great place to start here we finally get one with a little bit better armor the leather scale Armor's got 16 body armors six and six on the arm and leg we get better um arm and better well marginally better leg armor but we get a hood as well as the kettle helmet over mail so we still keep that nice good high armor head piece but we now have a tier five Hickory crossbow which is great 93 Pierce damage on this missile speed of 90 accuracy 99 and bolts that are for Pierce damage as well so they do a lot of damage and the only competition Edition this has is the Imperial crossbowmen so by comparison I think you can already tell the Imperial crossbowmen definitely outmatches the character when it comes to survivability I mean look at that that's 26 12 and 12. I think it's like it's almost literally double well okay it's 10 more body armor than double arm and leg and we have a round Kettle which is 30 versus the 40. it's interesting because I'm what I'm about to say is that the hardened crosswoman I give a high grade to even though his survivability isn't that much better than the levy in the crossbowmen as far as a progression Point goes but their damage is that much better with the Hickory crossbow and with the bolts and with the pavis shield which adds a lot of survivability to this unit if someone charges it in combat it doesn't need to have as good of armor if it at least has a shield to protect itself and it can also protect itself if people are behind it say horse archers something that Imperial crossbowmen just cannot do let alone any other Archer on the list even though they've got great uh great uh severability infantry male best I'll take the vastly better bow take a look at the light crossbow over the light quarrels which are only pierce damage one versus these being Pierce damage uh four so the villanian hardened crosswoman is definitely a high rank as opposed to a mid-rank which you might have thought it would have been because of its armor next up is our valondian Billman and this is a a shock troop meaning it is a unit that has a two-handed weapon pole armor or two-handed weapon otherwise without a shield and compare it to say like a manabliton and stuff like that Billman though I'm definitely just going to let you know right out the gate I give it a low grade it has good defensive capabilities with a leather Tavern over male it's got decent enough other items on them but the bill is kind of a lackluster weapon as far as what it can do 132 length is actually very very long with 67 handling meaning it's just a little unwieldy they can't move it as fast as you can say maybe a fox or a two-handed ax or even the execution act we'll talk about in a second here I think that that's kind of the unfortunate thing with the Billman is if it's a cool purpose but I already am going to be suffering with a a pretty rough shot uh uh infantry line that the Billman doesn't add any punching power the pike but on the other hand though is very good so there is a progression Point here to have a really cool braceable pikemen but look at their stats 100 two-handed and 110 Athletics with only 90 one-handed compare this to the britannian foxman who has 100 200 100 Athletics uh ugh the foxman's on a weird place skill wise but the falseman itself the fox is a very very very very good weapon 111 weapon length with 88 handling so it's hard to really compare that so it's an unfortunate thing because the fox is very very good and the surgeon line breaker sturgeon line breaker has won 10 two-handed 130 Athletics and 100 one-handed so skill wise it gets outpaced by nearly everyone the mom Lou guard here who has a great Executioner's ax which is very strong tries been throwing axes and then 100 two-handed 110 Athletics and as well as 100 throwing in 60 um what's it called a one-handed manaliaton of course just the Goliath here with tons of armor uh the manalion which is really really good 100 100 on both those Athletics and one-handed but it is a pull arm so it switched over to one-handed as well so I just think that it it just cannot compare to the rest of the line and I give it that low grade for that very reason on to the just basic infantry we have The valondian Swordsman at tier four and it's a very solid Soldier it has a hundred Athletics one-handed and pull arm it has really great armor with the male shirt 25 11 13 padded mittens and strapped male chauces even has a segmented skull cap overlay each one of those is all really really solid it's uh it does have a spiked battle ax in one of its loadouts which is unfortunately unfortunate because the same thing the sergeant has it kind of gives it a knock against them but it does have a nightly arming sword and then a mace here so it does have some capabilities to fight into other tiers comparing it to its other are counterparts though we look at the asteroid infantry which has three different weapons to use the same kind of uh um spread but a kind of a skewed throwing capability about the same comparable overall aggregate armor the sturgeon Spearman again a lot of the same stuff here uh does have a pull arm does have a pull arm does have a pull arm also a lot of really good armor here on cause eight does have a pull arm with the picked Warrior great armor really good the best stats on your tier 4 or 110 both pole arm and one-handed has 10 above its counterparts a pretty good braceable and couchable Lance which you're not going to be couching on foot and I find so capsule all these things are really good right but my point is that even the veteran and Veteran infantryman who has a pillum has a pull arm so the The valondian Swordsman I want to be a really good tier um a soldier but I think the fact that you have 100 skill wasted on a poem that they don't have they will pick a pull arm up off the ground if they can I think really works against them and I think that the swordsman needs a spear to fill the void that jumping to tier 4 creates yeah the Pikeman has a spear but just drop the spear from The Swordsman to Sergeant and that way you've got something well actually the sergeant has a spear I forgot about that I think that's a big problem with the swordsman so because of this the valondian has wasted skills all the other counterparts get pull arms or they have better skills than something or better armor at another thing I think this puts The blondian Swordsman at a low grade unfortunately and I don't want it to be I think it definitely has capabilities to be mid or high depending upon if it has a pull arm because it already has a very good defensive capabilities it does have a great Shield does have a really good weapon and has great armor it does not really kind of Hold the Line compared to other tier fours which have Spears and you don't have that weird spear void in tier 4 4. I know the billman's kind of supposed to fill that but we already said the billman's really lackluster with the fact the bill is not a reliable anti-calvary piece let alone a reliable um shock troop piece let's move now into our last unit with the blondian cab so tier 4's vlani and cab is strong 120 riding 110 pole arm 80 one-handed which is unfortunate so you kind of seen those those points dispersed across writing in pole arm which is what the cab is supposed to be right but here's the kind of issues I have with the valondian cavalry its armor is pretty good band another over mail 29 810 4 and 23 late we want we want higher leg armor on your cap a good little headpiece a non-couchable lance which I find really punishing a blondie a blondie corser which is great good speed 46 maneuver 58 and it's a warm out with 240 hit points charge damage though is 30. all great things but it's also got no armor on it that's rough man comparing it to the Scout Scout's got armor on it and it's got this it's got a more even spread 100 100 100 with a couchable lance that's such a huge difference one of the set pieces does have a broadsword too so that's really strong and really good armor across the board here um charge damage left on this one charge damage Less on this one which has armor a lance not couchable but at least this guy's so much more heavily armored and a heavy armored Lance or a horse that it makes a little bit more passable now the hardened brigand is a hard comparison to make because the character is more of a throwing character 100 riding 100 one-handed 100 throwing less pole arm focus it does have pulling capabilities so it can have that threat range but it's kind of hard to make a one-to-one comparison when the when the use case of the hardened brigging and the horse Raider is more of a harassment style Skirmish Cavalry throwing javelins and less of a one a direct one-on-one fight so I think honestly the vladian Cav goes goes to mid grade because of this I want it to be high grade but I think without the survivability of armor and not having a couchable lance what it does as Cavalry is already superseded by everything in the um in the noble line and it's just kind of a mean to get to the valondian Vanguard which is fine and all but I still think it needs that horse art horse armor that every single one does get by comparison I think that's kind of an unfortunate circumstance of laundry and cab all right we're on to tier five the the creme de La Creme of the blondian military I guess and we have the Blondie and Sharpshooter who truly is the creme de La Creme of Sharpshooters or a crossbowmen the comparable opponent would be the Imperial Sergeant crossbowmen who still has amazing armor and actually now has a really good crossbow but nothing compares to Big Daddy Sharpshooter here tier 6 100 damage bound crossbow with heavy bolts which add five more Pierce damage into this mix that's not really how it works but still less a really good sword and a really good Shield looking at the skill set too we got 130 Athletics one-handed in crossbow um there's an argument that can be made that these guys are actually the best the best infantry in blondia because they're valondia because they've got really great armor you know I mean the male shirt was the same thing that the Swordsmen have for the most part um male mittens a good arm strapped male shouse is a good leg and a good headpiece with it's just a hood it's not a big deal um but it it's a really good like whole entire kit here so they are are definitely a high grade unit that I really enjoy and can just pour out tons of damage across the field especially if you get them in mass and having that big Shield that pavis on their back they're they're gonna actually be able to hold their own in close combat if they if anyone closes the gap on them our Shock Trooper for tier 5 is the villainian vulgier and it's unfortunate too because this is a really cool seeming character with great defensive capabilities good helmet great chess piece at 34 12. good arm Good Foot armor but looking at his skills 132-handed 130 Athletics 130 pole arm with 80 throwing he has some Francesca's he can throw which are all right a good enough uh actually a pretty decent uh sword here but the volge is tier 143 length with 66 handling it just does not work in a crowded uh Battlefield it just can never get off the ground pop properly compare it to your line breaker here we've got 150 150 one throwing and this thing has got 77 handling so it's really going to be tight on the curves here uh the veteran foxman's are getting a really weird place it's got really stats by comparison uh the foxman's is hands down better than the veteran foxman in my opinion uh the mom Luke Palace guard though is just a juggernaut dude like this guy's got 130 140 130 and he's got tons of armor he's got an executioner ax like this guy is a Jugger not by comparison or or the all-armored eliteon it's just unfortunate because the volsier is got such great armor got a really good uh set of skills because it's just that bass line but he doesn't Excel with his volge because it's terrible so I put this guy unfortunately in that low grade for that very same reason I don't think I've ever upgraded my Billman to volgaies Once well maybe that it once as an experiment but I've never really done them I think it's probably one of the worst units in the game or at least the most underused unit in the game next is the vlondi and Pikeman and it's weird because in a class of its own it is I'm giving it a low grade because it really doesn't have a ton of use outside of the braceable capabilities of its fine Pike I think that that's fine and all that there is a dedicated Pikeman unit but it doesn't get a shield so it's terrible outside of being able to use the pike you can't prioritize having pikemen in the front of your of your infantry line to maximize the use of the pike his defensive capabilities are really good rough bringing dine is really solid armor he's got great uh arm and hand and head armor like it just doesn't really have much of a use in my military the Billman line in general in in blondia is just it's just not there I I don't find any reason to go this route by comparison to just these two and we've already we're going to talk about the sergeant and how he's kind of falling short of my expectations too so I think the the pikemen is something that could be really useful or you blend him in with another character to be useful the volzier used to have a two-headed sword which made him a really useful character because he could use the evolge or the two-handed sword depending on the situation the pikemen just feels super Niche and it only feels like I'm using him to take a screenshot more than anything continuing our romp into tier four we have the valondo five uh we have the villandian sergeant and uh this character too used to be really amazing because he had a one-handed a shield a pull arm and a two-handed weapon and also a a mace for most of his kits so he just had such a great threat range but now it's very weird this long steel spear which has got a really good length but it's not braceable so he can't really fill the void of a pikemen and his skill set 131 3130 is good it's not bad his armor not amazing though everyone else's armor either is match is comparable or or better than his and with better skill sets or better weapon loadouts and that's I think the unfortunate thing for the sergeant he used to be one of the best characters in the game but now he's probably the worst infantry Soldier as of the making of this video so I give him a low grade comparing him to say the dark hand which just got really great across the line both armor weapons stats everything just really solid good beat here you're legionary which is just such a an armored Juggernaut good balance of everything else or you look at your oath swarm which is can can threaten with a braceable spear a throwing ax and it's got a sword roll make one of these a sword right oh they're both axes that's right I remember when I did that video when I talked about all the Infantry and I said the thing that works again some of the fact that he's got an ax well forgot about that but yeah great armor though across the board here this the heavy Spearman who's just a super chat with 125 140 140 just does the job so well so I think it's unfortunate that the sergeant has the tools to be very useful but it just cannot get off the ground giving him that low grade our last tier five units to talk about it is the Vanguard and it's actually not a disappointing conversation like the last three units we've just talked about it has a great little Lance here at the night Lance that is couchable he's got a good shield and he's got a ridged arming sword with great length at 113. the nice thing too is there's only one set of this character so when you bring them into your army you'll only get this exact same Loadout 130 riding one-handed and pull arm too so a lot of really great applicable skills and they perform very well because they have a horse with very good charge damage here good speed good hit points it's unfortunately the same horse of the previous tier but now we get armor which would have made the previous tier been better the red tabard over mail Halbert isn't amazing because 34 12 and 12 but you get some male mittens and male chauces and a really good visor to helmet over male quaff at 52 head armor is very strong compare this to the cazette heavy Lancer who is just the best in class over here 150 riding 131 30. uh you don't you oh you got couchable Lance it didn't used to be fine steel saber here our Eastern calf shield and just really good armor like that's that's stupid good and then your battanian Horseman who suffers from being one of two with an ax in one of those locations and a non-couchable lands which is unfortunate it's also super long though kind of worth noting but I think stacking up against these three it's definitely better than the betanian horsemen it's not as good as the heavy Lancer but I think the big thing for the Vanguard is that it is not supposed to be the Sole Provider of Cavalry in your military the way it is for Britannia I think it's or the way it is for kazade because they'd have horse Archer Noble line which is also doubles as just devastating uh shock cap too with their um their pole arms but I think the volanti and Vanguard is a way to fill the ranks of cab with the noble line that will definitely become part of your military ignore my dog's squeaky toy he loves that thing so I give the villanian Vanguard a mid-rank not because it's bad but I think because it's not as good as the cazette uh heavy Lancer dude look at the like the karakan is a really good horse too um and because the valandian Vanguard of London Vanguard falls short of the noble line which I think is supposed to supplement uh the Vanguard so that's how my how I'm gonna rank that boat bad boy so let's move now into the noble line now with a noble line we get a lot of weird comparisons depending upon which point we're taking a look at right uh if you want to look at say The blondian Squire which is the first one we're looking at at tier two we get a very solid Little Soldier on Horseback now the other Noble Lions don't have a comparable Point except for the asurai and the asteri will kind of fall off this list of comparison because then the ferris becomes something that's much different than the other ones by comparison I've said comparison like four times right there Jesus Christ but Blondie and Squire has 40 writing 45 one-handed and 40 pole arm compare this to the asteroid youth who has 60 pole arm which is nice but then 30 riding and 40 throwing and 21-handed as far as actually being a good Cavalry Soldier it's very good as far as being a great combatant outside of that it's not so so great and its availability is extremely low so the vladian Squire is actually far easier to get than it used to be you can find them very very easy throughout the lands of alandia so I give this just a really solid mid-rank because it's not going to be amazing in anything and I think it's worth noting too that once you do get them they have morning stars and iron arming swords which when you get them in later difficulties allows I'm sorry I'm sorry not later difficulties later points in your game they can actually do some threat to say a cataphract with this morning star what's actually quite nice into the Gallant though we get a really crazy progression in just one tier we get a massive upgrade in armor 25 11 13 6 6 the Von B Corsair here who has a little bit of armor on and a really good helmet also we get a couchable lance on this character with 100 one-handed 100 poor arm and 70 writing it's a very very solid character now the equity is the first level we can compare across to another uh Noble lines uh Cavalry a shock Cav and 70 riding 70 one-handed and 100 now the equite is one of the first units we can actually look at at the other kind of shock Cav uh slots right when you talk about the cataphract or the druznik so this guy's got 70 writing 7100 and 100 pull arm compare that across back here we got 170 100 and we have a very comparable amount of things the armor on the equity is not as good uh tall tip spear is not couchable the kite Shields here and this pathos here those things are great and all but I definitely give the Gallant a high ranking for just being such a Chad at tier three and a huge jump as far as his Proficiency in being a really strong Cavalry Soldier moving into the Blondie and Knight we have again a couchable night Lance a good Shield a Calvary mace an arming sword and another Calgary mace which is good and bad the maces are really good when you're fighting against other Cav but if you're fighting against infantry it's not as great thank God though they've got the couchable Lance and they've got great skills 100 100 110 so they've basically gotten 10 more pull arm and 30 more riding that's happened here so those are nice things to see also you get the heavy male shirt which is very good and the male halberk which is also quite good so all those things work very well in conjunction you can probably hear my dog crying because he wants food the time change has not been fair for him uh but the dustier he gets his amount too which is really really really nice looking back over at the Empire line with the heavy Horsemen we get something that's a little bit rougher to compare 110 riding one-handed and 150 pole arm that's pretty spicy a long fine steel spear which is not couchable worth noting and then a spatha with narrow Fuller a good piece of armor with the Cavalry male shirt 27 10 11. you can see that that they also have a very well armored horse something that you also get here with volondia because you're getting that half chain I think that's a half it usually you can see that but it used to be you could be able to see that um but it's got half chain which is comparable not not amazing but still really good I think it's a really hard decision to make here I think that the heavy Horsemen has a better threat range to both infantry and other cab soldiers my brown rice is now done but you do lose out on um a couchable lance so I think that for a unit specifically used for being like a shock Calvary style unit the valondian Knight fits the bill and I'm still gonna give it a high rating even though its skill is lower I think that it will be able to use the Lance better than uh the heavy Horsemen by comparison so let's move over to our champion now is where things get very spicy we have 130 riding one-handed end polar and that's all really solid we have a Calvary mace and then an arming sword and then a battle ax again so we're starting to kind of run into the same issues that we had over here with the Fuller Cavalry mace that is great the arming sword's good and then we're gonna have a mace again so I'd rather have two maces and one sword versus having an ax mixed in at all and ax really degrades your your your fighting potential in my opinion just they just don't do enough damage compared to a mace or a sword which has a better reach but we have really good armor on this character of gesture as well and a good helmet a good smattering of skills 131 3160. if we compare this to a cataphract who is just armored to the gills very similar uh in his skills but a coarser lance which is braceable we have that over here on the night Lance so worth noting of course uh better Shield um sword but just some tanky armor here tanky tanky armor Again by comparison just kind of showing that off actually they increase the stats on that a little bit the uh the brigandine over mail is a little bit better now than the cataphract lamular Armor than it used to be um well compare them a little bit more comparable and now we have the drusinik to show off and what's important to note about the duration compared to the other two Cav options is that this character thrives on Horseback and on foot so he has a little bit of a hybrid use than the other ones do so him having an ax here is nice for his use case but if we're talking about strictly being a Cavalry Soldier I think that the other two do a better job so I put the valondian champion at well I almost said mid but I think it's at a high rank because it just does very good at what it does I think that the the ax still is a huge kind of thing that weighs against it but it all leads to the banner Knight the banner Knights got 200 writing 220 Athletics and 260 whole arm compare this to your Elite cataphract and you have a unit has 200 200 260. so you're getting more writing and one-handed on your banner Knight than you are on your cataphract and your survivability though is staying the same jumping from tier 5 into tier six something to note as well as your Lance and your map pretty much everything's the same you're just getting better skills and you go from an arming sword to an ax to a mace so this is kind of a bit of point of contention between a lot of people is what's what's better they'll eat cataphract or the banner Knight and I think it depends upon the way you want to use them or think about them I'm gonna put the bannerite at a high grade here because if I'm thinking of strictly a unit that's going to get up close and personal with its Lance and do some serious damage the better Knight's gonna win it's going to do a lot of damage at 260 pole arm compared to the again to 60 poem or this guy but he's gonna do it with more speed because of his or I'm sorry he's got 200 writing I thought he had 220 writing so 200 writing but you can do it with better one-handed damage it does suffer from having that that battle ax which really is a kind of a pain in the ass I just think that the cat of the elite cataphract is better at surviving because it has so much more armor in every single spot even its horses armored the pallimation is a really good mount all those things in consideration it's very very good for survivability so high grade on your valandian banner Knight at that it brings our video here to a close so we've covered pretty much everything we uh you can see that the the units that we have across the board the smatterings of the tier V for blondie is really difficult they suffer moving from tier four to tier five because I think that volandia really loses its identity in the Infantry game is it going to be a swordsman is it going to be a volgier is it going to be a sergeant is it going to be a Billman I think that that creates a lot of dismay or at least a lot of confusion across the Infantry soldiers which results in lackluster infantry soldiers their archers or their their crossmen are good they're Cavalry even in the non-noble line at least can hold their ground and do some damage and supplement the noble line very well I think the ultimate argument you could be made here is volandia's um infantry is not good but the londis Cavalry is amazing so it kind of needs to have a little bit of a push and pull looking at them on in a vacuum on their own it's rough you have to look at them as an army composition and when you look at that Army composition having a nice just just just an infantry that can at least hold on until the Cavalry can charge I think that's the kind of developer mindset behind this Army and why it looks like that and why it feels like that and why it is not some amazing really good standout Army that's great in every single facet I don't think we should have that in every Army but I do think that the some of the reasons I've said that the unit ranks low is because of it doesn't really have a set place in the in the army or it doesn't make any sense why I would choose uh maybe of a volsier over a sergeant ever so I think that getting those things addressed would make volandia's army overall more stable and I'll think a little bit more approachable for people that are brand new to the game if you're brand new the game you're probably going what am I ever going to use the Billman should I use the Billman I've got five billmen do the Billman do anything for me I think having those actually have clear lines or distinctions or being better at whatever they're doing is going to make volandia's army operate better in the campaign that's not to say that they're a terrible Kingdom you probably have played in your own campaign and realize they're very very good the calvary is one of the strongest things in this game so it's just me kind of showing and talking about all those things and what I think kind of lacks or what could be better or what's actually really really good like of course the crossbow man or the banner Knights and stuff like that but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today if you have any kind of uh hot take on the vlandian military go ahead Blondie and Military blandia volondia whatever you want to call it go ahead and let me know in the comment section below maybe you think that the volsier has a very specific spot in the Army and this is how you use it let it be known let that information be out to the people so they can help make informed decisions on how to build out their armies but as always thank you so much for watching we'll be be on the lookout for more of these unit guides as I create them but have a good one and take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 69,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vlandia Unit Guide: Troops Ranked Worst to Best (UPDATED), bannerlord, bannerlord review, bannerlord pc gameplay, mount& blade 2: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 gameplay, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips, unit guide, best units, best troops, vlandia unit guide, vlandia, best cavalry, mount & blade 2: bannerlord, bannerlord vlandia, bannerlord guide vlandia, bannerlord vlandia guide, bannerlord vlandia units, vlandia units guide, vlandia army review
Id: tnEYqOM5doA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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