I Used Alexander the Great's Tactics To Dominate The Battlefield!

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the false Gap intentionally creating a weakness in your position and baiting the enemy into attacking it then exploiting that attack to make this tactic work let's try out two different scenarios starting with an army of elite troops in this case we're outnumbered three to one our army is composed of a shield wall Cavalry and shock troops we can separate out the shock troops by adding filters to each formation here's the basic structure two Cavalry divisions on the Left Flank to counter enemy horse archers four groups of shielded infantry in the center and shock troops held behind in reserve the battle starts with the Enemy blindly charging horse archers indoor Center and veering off to our left which is where we charge both groups of Cavalry using two groups of Calvary is ideal here since we want one group to force them back and another group to stop their Retreat effectively creating a sandwich of death and destruction this cycle repeats a few times as the enemy infantry line approaches when their Shield wall is within 100 meters of ours we break apart our line into a left and right flank leaving the center complete open this is the false Gap from here a few things can happen the enemy will concentrate their troops on one of the two sides they will split into two distinct groups or they will hit both sides and send troops through the center Gap in this case because of our lack of archers in the rear they decide to split troops into two groups now we send our shock troops crashing through the center to attack both newly created flanks one big problem with this tactic is our shock troops become vulnerable to their enemy Archer line in the rear to counter this we can send any available infantry forward to attack their archers or we can direct our Cavalry to help out in this case we send our Elite Cavalry to tie them up as their line pans out we can even curl our flanks inward to surround them creating a pocket the rest of the battle consists of our side destroying hopelessly outclass troops as their Elite division was smashed in the first engagement and they are left with little more than peasants for reinforcements the Second Battle was much more difficult both sides have comparable quality of troops but the enemy outnumbers Us by about 40 and has a distinct Archer and Cavalry advantage in this case we use our pitiful group of 10 archers to hold the center of our Shield wall with two smaller units covering both flanks this will reduce casualties from both horse archers and Cavalry Charges from the side finally we hold a single division of Calvary in reserves as usual the enemy horse archers charge to the front and try to take out our Left Flank we counter by moving our Cavalry to cut off a further flank we're not looking to engage them but simply keep them out of our backfield the enemy Shield wall approaches at an odd angle but once flushed they take the bait and wipe out our weak Archer line we send in the specialized shock group division to shore up our Center and then break their line into we don't have enough shock troops to fight both sides till we help our right flank first pushing through their Shield wall and getting to the rear of their formation on a man-to-man basis they cannot deal with our shock proofs however once again the biggest threat are The Archers to the rear of their line we send in our recovery to try to distract them once the right side has mostly been dealt with we can slide our shock groups to the left to clean up the balance of power has swung heavily in our favor now since we've dispatched the majority of their High tier infantry the biggest issue now is dealing with enemy mounted units up until now our line has held up but we can't keep them from getting to the rear because our Cavalry has dwindled down and this is where I think the biggest mistake was made their infantry posed very little threat compared to their mounted forces yet the formation I used was to counter the enemy infantry the shock troops still perform well in the rear taking out enemy Calvary that tried to pass through and our front light Shield wall held off the enemy infantry with ease but with each passing cavalry charge our numbers shrink and because Banner Lord has a janky reinforcement system our reinforcements were easily swelled up by the enemy because they spawned in right behind them we did get another opportunity to deploy the shock troops to great effect though pulling them around our right flank and rolling up the enemy's right side but all good things must come to an end and our brave shock troops fought to the last man clearly this was a battle of attrition now and it would come down to small unit tactics With the Enemy infantry dealt with it was time to charge the enemy Archer line it's always painful losses are inevitable but once our line meets theirs it was over in seconds now all that's left are to deal with a handful of horse archers and melee Cavalry however it's incredibly important to remain composed and stay in the fight it might seem like an easy win from here but against repeated Cavalry Charges we have to consolidate every single unit we have and hold our ground or get picked off one by one cavalry's biggest strength is being able to hit and move so we counter by keeping his compact deformation as possible ensuring that some of their horses will get stuck with each charge we eke out one of the slimmest margins of Victory only eight troops survived while casualties totaled nearly 2 000 combined using the false Gap tactic afforded us a massive lead early in the battle allowing us to absorb the mistakes made later on in the battle let me know what formations and tactics you would like to see me try out next a big thank you to all the YouTube members and patreon supporters I don't take corporate sponsorship money so your donations go a long way to making up for that [Music]
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 2,406,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Id: HhjUfxFBlK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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