NEW PATCH! OSTRIV! The GOAT of Colony Management Sim Games has a new update!

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we get a new subscriber oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] for all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet and everyone in between to some more ostv here we are here's our little uh little town from before still have people kind of pissed off about food variety but we are building a farm it looks like and then three more houses and a smeltery so it's all coming back to me now okay so we want to get our farm done absolutely and we definitely need more populations so these houses coming in after that are going to be very important Market stalls up here selling anything we are [Music] indeed got our little uh Cemetery out [Music] here so we'll be able to start farming next year would be good I mean if these guys move out um these guys I mean they are rich 111 wealth um if they move out then unfort that's unfortunate but there will be new families to move in what's up ninja how you doing buddy I am the honored one what's that mean nuh-uh I was here first will you you're just sitting in chat with me you stupid ass okay fine I'll load the stream Yay see now that's better now you can be second I'm doing all right man doing all right had a rough couple of days had to I was pretty pissed off the last couple of days for uh personal reasons so not going to get into that on stream but sufficed to say I had uh plans to stream last couple of days it just fell through because I got pissed off and I didn't feel like [Music] it best that I didn't [Music] FTW right so now things down a little bit let's plant out our Farmland here Gojo reference what got to enlighten me on what the hell Gojo is now now you started something here we plan on making more housing around here I think probably so start our Farmland uh we could bring it all the way over here but they they'd have to travel pretty far you know um not really I don't know if they're going to be working or not be honest we're just going to hope that they are cuz uh oh boy didn't really have time to mess with [Music] me the other day like fairly small farmlands here actually [Music] 20 by [Music] 30 cuz you can go up to 50 by 50 but man that it just seems like there's no real reason cuz you you end up having way too much way too much stuff going on here 20 by 30 we'll just keep that that idea here [Music] occupy little more here we go 21 by 30 but that's okay live with it uh Juju Su kaisin no I do enjoy myself anime but I have not heard of that one so what I want to do with the farm is get the proper [Music] crops [Music] to basically feed our livestock and get ourselves some wheat so um wheat and buckwheat we need Buck we we will need barley later but much later Sun Flowers would be nice but it's not necessary flax would be good for chickens buckwheat's good potato is good generally so wheat potato and buck wheat would be these three I think we'll start there once we get a manager in here we can we can do crop rotations which we definitely need to do the wheat buckwheat and potato and we need one bow because we're going to suck up all the nutrients with these three I I love the way that they did the farming system here so this one we're going to rotate and do buckwheat potato bow field and then wheat here we'll have potato phow wheat and buckwheat so we're always going to have excuse me U we're not always going to have a phow field for our our cattle and our sheep and stuff we are going to rotate the crops like this and um you know keep the soil fresh and uh nutritious for the crops small fields we don't need anything crazy cuz we'll just end up having way too much stuff and I think now would be a good time for a trading post we can do a trading dock or a trading post I think Trading Post will be smarter start with we can just kind of settle settle this guy in right here I don't know what we would do with this little triangle area there all about Space Management this game I think right here would be good h no maybe just tuck it in here be okay [Music] maybe tuck it in there that way we can we can bring in things that we need like animals and then we can uh Outsource things that we have an excess of it would be nice to do I think I'll do three more two more Fields reason is I want to do sunflowers and really just sunflowers right [Music] now make these active [Music] these two you would only really want sunflower and hemp sunflower takes all of this uh nutrient about half of the green we could do hemp and flax both here actually one more field put it out here what's your favorite anime Ninja [Music] sunflower [Music] Alo we might as well make these active as well so this this is going to force our hand a little bit here um we're going to need a lot more Granary space these are not going to we only have a little bit of space left [Music] here garlic good and so we're going to need a lot more Granary space we're going to need um going to need the sunflower seed oil Workshop makes oil from sunflower seeds may as well flop that down in here somewhere nice if it would fit in here just kind of but it's not going to oh it will it will barely look at this we can squeeze it right there and I think we will that's going to be fine uh Hitman Reborn stream schedule for today is we're going to stream Oster for a little bit however long that is what we're sick of it I guess and then we're going to switch over end the stream and then switch it to uh hell divers too they've had a lot of new content lately [Music] the new chat command that I put in here was it clip there we go so you can do clip exclamation mark clip and then space and then a a number between oh Max is 60 seconds so anywhere from 10 seconds to 60 seconds or whatever if you just do clip it'll do 30 seconds put that in there later I might have infectious here uh influenced gaming but I don't know he's he's neck deep in code right now and he doesn't seem to be letting off of it so that's actually why I'm on ostri right now I didn't want to pressure him to stop doing what he's doing Play Hell divers with me right now got new family moving in here they come the streety family oleski stles streski and and uh [Music] varvara are we still oh we have two pupils now the teacher's kid and then somebody else's kid the Leed leanet family maybe 10 years old is the minimum for that I don't know want another family moved in goodi family yeah they do they do but we can we can slow things down and really zoom in here a little bit to me they look Amish but this is supposed to be set in you know 1600s I'm I'm sorry 1700s 16th century Eastern [Music] Europe or uh uh 18th century I'm sorry okay now I've thrown myself all all off there whatever whatever it is is 1700 so 1723 we see up here um but the Amish here in the US still live like this like this is their normal existence you know what's the city's entertainment right now nothing they can go to the chapel but that's about it they can't really I mean there's really no entertainment going on here have our education our primary school we [Music] have we have a barber surgery that we can build later we've got uh got a Tavern that we can build that [Music] [Music] just the tavern I know it's not in production because it just sells things but for the tavern you have to have 200 population minimum so they just I mean they just throw they just play with sticks outside it's fine fine all right we need uh granaries so a couple more smaller granies we need one we'll put it put two of them right next to the farm actually like so one of those up a little [Music] bit we're definitely going to need the space love they're way over full of firewood have their warehouse yes they're storing 2,000 firewood we're just making way too much firewood basically it's fine no unfortunately it's just a colony management Sim kind of like banished was back in the day my view it's already way better than banished and it's still an alpha stage but no there's no like you know invading Villages or anything like that pretty relaxed you know it's pretty pretty calm a nice uh it's a nice break from Hell divers you know when everything is just going ballistic all the time I love how each piece of this house goes up have to put each piece of wood up for the frame very nice very cathartic that guy going doing bro oh he's getting getting rocks okay good job job Mr sheret I thought you were the the teacher [Music] D's the teacher yakiv son [Music] is okay he's he's the stone worker guy Stone gatherer I like it so uh the shered family has you know reproductive age children we definitely need more and more houses all over the place basically because they definitely need to be able to marry and yeah they they need to be able to marry and and kind of continue their lineage here get some more houses queued up here [Music] all right so we're in January 1724 do the kids skate no nobody Skates on the ice that would be good though if they made the little ice rink out here they just started swirling around that would be cool oh [Music] man all right we have a warehouse we have a granary going in next is going to be our Trading Post probably about out of of iron really want to open that and we have no iron so once we're out of nails we can't build anything else we absolutely have to get that trading post up because this um our smeltery needs needs what well it just needs ston so we we'll actually put that I'm going put that in the front we have a guy collecting Stone now he's got 2,000 Stone so we can make this smeltery now that was the only problem holding this back got a guy bringing over the stone and then we can make our own Iron and we won't have to worry about Trading Post for a little while so we'll move that to the end of the list [Music] here yeah you're running out of iron iron left 178 so where's the iron at be in the Smithy where's the Smithy so they they're just hoarding all the iron which they should and we've got 1,000 iron ore now so we've got people working out here look at [Music] this got people working out here now couple guys they just go in the tunnel and use the [Music] pickaxes nothing we delivered something here come the workers there we go get in there get us some iron [Music] ore they just disappear in there huh okay all resources collected we got three builders on the on the case here we'll just uh we'll check it out cuz I haven't seen one of these build before this is one of the new buildings for this patch before you couldn't make your own Iron you couldn't mine iron ore you couldn't do anything so you just had to uh trade for it why they have this little Rock Bridge going side I mean it was there I tried to put it over here and it said it was too the the water was too wide here so it had to go here where it could I guess touch the other side I don't know [Music] why but they they have to bring every piece of wood every stone it's just really nice how they how dude the dude programmed this stuff to build you know feed things along here oh oh we should have [Music] seen okay uh we on on season don't want January February November December but we want five hired on the on season one but we need see we have 27 open vacancies which is the farm and we need workers for the farm so we just kicked over into march here they go look at that they are on the case [Music] here SL down they just I mean they just kind of walk there's really no animation to the planting but they are planting things well well there really there aren't any entertainment spots there's nothing there's I mean there's decoration they like benches they like know going to the market and sitting down and hanging out so I got benches all over the place like I said the only real entertainment building is the tavern and you have to have 200 population to even to to utilize it so it's pointless to build it right now we only have 56 population currently that's a good that's a good point you know I didn't really think about entertainment and it's it's really lacking entertainment for your population I mean they don't want it at the moment at some point when the population gets big enough this Chapel is not going to do it and they're going to want the actual Church which is much [Music] bigger and they will want is the where is the tavern dude oh it's in hous Tavern okay serves drinks to tired citizens yeah so then you have to have alcohol production uh where's your horses and carriages that's kind of a later game thing as well uh you get a um you have to get leather production going which you need um you need cows for that so you need uh you need a cattle Cow Shed which I do want to build one of those I want to get some cattle in you need cows then you need a slaughter house to slaughter the cattle and then you need a Tannery to tan the hides make leather then you can build Saddles out of that leather and the metal parts and then uh then you get a [Music] uh H where is it a stable for the horses and you got to buy the horses in from somewhere else then you got to shoe the horses and so it's like this whole long ass production line that you got to do to even begin to have horses and carriages and then you can build your uh Your Wagon Shed and then you build the wagons hook the horses up to it and then you can it's it's absolutely crazy oh you know what we don't have fishing going on we definitely need fishing going on let's put this out here yeah we need this to happen like right away right away I forgot about the fishing going to be honest with you I forgot all about it fishery there okay let's check out our our smeltery here it's coming together nicely look at that almost done building it oh we've got a little water mill uh water wheel going on here I guess for to power the child has been born to the pachnik family nice back over here and check these guys out we're almost done and it's break time of course it's break time [Music] all right you switch The Vape batteries out there we weren't going to have much more nicotine can't have that [Music] no nice little relaxing game like OST man you got to have your got to have your drink ready you got to have your nicotine you're just chilling out man having a good time keep things back along here and watch these guys put it together building stuff back here very intricate structure this is brand new to this patch so with each new building that the developer adds in it gets a little more intricate because there more there's more and more late game structures going on all right we're making a i we're kind of doing okay let's bring up the house rent a little bit it's just mesmerizing watching these guys build build the structures man I don't know what it is it's just che's kiss man that's all it is that's all I know we're in May oh look at our crops our crops are growing very nicely we need that oil Workshop pretty [Music] soon I think we're going to bring that up ahead of the boaty yard and fishing dock yeah but they got planted very nicely growing nice got our wheat got our buckwhat sunflowers obviously got our hemp flax and our potatoes very very nice oh smelter is completed okay let's slow things down a little bit here they'll collect 1,000 iron ore and 1,000 charcoal and they will make iron let's do [Music] it Monsoon whale oi what why you hiding why why am I hiding am I hiding where am I hiding from where am I where did I go what did I do don't [Music] know having a hard time keeping enough workers so bring this down to two two two build two Constructors and then we can hopefully have a guy moving out here to the smeltery we definitely need that to happen sooner rather than later we're almost out of iron and and you know pretty [Music] important Monsoon whale let me in the channel who is Monsoon [Music] whale oh is that is that Legacy who is that we're going to find out [Music] [Music] hello oh it's it is Legacy like who the who the hell is Monsoon whale man brother I I went on YouTube you didn't respond I went on buffer zone you didn't respond and I had to go on Rumble and make an account nice all right question did you use my referral link to make your account h on what rumble on Rumble no yeah of course not I guess I can I can make a new one okay I don't actually go by Monsoon way you don't oh that's a shock to me I thought that was your normal regular everyday name all right we got our uh our third Granary coming in if I can tell this [Music] one take our production already no oh apricots dude somebody's growing apricots and cherries [Music] wow do we have a market stall to sell this stuff because cucumber garlic I don't think we had those [Music] before did we no so [Music] cucumber and then garlic [Music] and then uh what was it cherries and apricots think we have those yeah have those already yeah our our two granaries are are full [Music] already no no no no we're not we're not doubling up over here okay [Music] all right we going speed things up here a little bit we got our oil Workshop coming in for the [Music] sunflowers hey Ninja's using some uh Whata call it emojis there you go buddy yeah we got we got emojis in there now every one of those was generated by AI the other day by me okay I didn't know what I was doing but I did it and there they are I need some uh well wat out here here's here's a question for you did they fix hell divers and the uh server lag where you would be held in place after picking something up I haven't run into that lately so I think so need to farm like 900 credits dude I just broke a thousand right and I'm like yeah I got my got my thousand super credits war bond comes out new war bond so out infectious like ruined my day cuz I was so close I was just doing that a little earlier we were sitting in chat he goes yeah then you got to do a thousand more and I'm like what are you talking about for the next month and another thousand and another out of control man out of control so to keep you playing yep yep all right August is has come it is time to harvest oh you know what I forgot I forgot a windmill for our wheat got to do a windmill bro I keep seeing I keep seeing more and more things that I got to add in here I'm going to need a hay dryer for when we get cattle and sheep I believe they eat hay as well put these somewhere out here put them like out here [Music] [Music] somewhere and then we need a hay baric throw one of these over here right behind the farm I guess be a good [Music] spot we shall need that as well that's right pigs for democracy true bacon is exquisite and [Music] delectable I can never be a Muslim for that reason alone there are many reasons why I couldn't be a Muslim but the that's the main one is no bacon okay our wheed in look at that and so they they've got this much unthreshed wheat and 50 100 now threshed wheat so they've got to actually thresh the the uh cereal crops which is freaking crazy it's just a little detail man that is so good there's our wheat perfect so she's going to start storing this wheat that they're harvesting now we're going to have buckwhat we can start selling buckwhat on the market [Music] immediately guess I'll just do it manually and then we can do flour cuz we're going to we're going to make flour you know here's something funny man I I grew up in the middle of um in the middle of you know bum nowhere Indiana okay and so my grandparents have they they speak strangely okay they have like a weird way of saying certain words like um wash if you wash something if they were to tell you to go wash the dishes go wash the dishes okay so that's an example all right I I'll get into another example here in a minute but uh my grandma would say when she's baking like stuff with with flour using flour as an ingredient to make Like Biscuits or something she would say flour like you normally would expect somebody to say it but if she's talking about you know flowers that you plant outside right like bouquet of flowers she'd say Flur so so so she'd say flour correctly using the the ingredient but she'd say Flur if it's a if it's a growing flower outside and then so they went on vacation one year okay and I didn't know where they were going nobody would tell me that so so I I walked up to my grandpa one day I'm like hey where you know they got back from vacation I so hey where did you guys go and he goes har and I said U I'm I'm not bad I guess how are you he goes no no we went to Hara like where where is Hara and so he described where they went and this took like half an hour for me to figure out what he was trying to tell me he was trying to tell me they went to Hawaii for vacation he would say it Hara and I mean it's just stuff like stuff like that man me up in the head you know po buckwheat sunflower uh we need black hemp Lin seed excellent we had just enough room for that in that warehouse we have to do another yeah where's the r he just he's adding in RS everywhere there not supposed to be any RS okay but uh why to do another Warehouse pretty soon might as well queue it up while I'm while I'm thinking about it uh put this one over here maybe right there we don't need it anytime soon I don't think so we're just going to let it go soil is already exhausted that was hemp oh it's just one piece so hemp takes you look here hemp takes uh 69% of the [Music] blue nutrient resource whatever in the soil it consumes that so it's thinking hey we can't really grow flax next year because flax takes blue as well takes 60% of the blue so it's not going to have enough blue resource do that so but we don't care we're just going to let him do it anyway we've got our uh windmill coming in so we're going to be able to create some flour some flare and let our people have some of that you ever had heard someone a ask how you like a task instead of asking how much longer on that task I mean I've asked people myself U they tell me I say well what are you what are you doing they'll tell me you know some kind of chore or something they got to build or do or you know fix well how how you liking that I've said said that and I've heard people say that but it wasn't like how long is that going to take you to finish it's it's more like how's how's that going is kind of how that translates into normal speak you know um uh I've definitely heard how much longer but they don't they haven't mixed like you know they don't I haven't heard somebody say how do you like the task in place of how much longer I don't think I don't think I've ever heard anybody do that [Music] no but uh you know I don't know where you live but where I'm from we we speak in terms of distance is time okay so we are on board with Einstein okay um if if you ask me how far somewhere is from from where you're at like you know how far is that I'm going to tell you how long it takes you to get there from here that's how far okay moon in New York City huh's the distance between the Moon and New York City I was like 2 and 1/2 Weeks something like that maybe three and a half days I mean if you're going light speed you know couple seconds no what it took three days for us to get to the moon on 11 so Oh I thought it was a I thought it was a couple weeks no those three days you heard you heard an elder tell you like you're a tribal kid or something heard an elder tell you that he had like a deer in headlights and confusion yeah I've heard that before I've looked at people like that like give one of those for like 5 seconds I can D confuse as hell like a deer in headlights man don't know what the hell's going on right are we making some iron our iron situation looking like by the way hello Legacy I do need another warehouse for iron looks like all carts need repair where's the repair man what's he freaking doing not enough metal parts for repair okay we're building metal parts now okay well that's going to slow down production by a lot if they don't have any carts to work with okay how much does he need per cart fix him I don't know we're making metal Parts I guess we do have iron now hell yeah we have 276 now more Nails we're doing okay winter is upon us we're building our hay Barrack next year hopefully we have enough people to be laborers to just mow some grass around here rip up some grass whatever they do I would assume they bring a scythe out and mow some grass and then they bind it up into little into balls and put it on here to dry but you just got the animation is they just kind of dig in the ground you know and they pull up some grass and throw it on the thing so I don't see a scy it'd be cool if they added like a scythe animation you know mowing the grass like like that you know think that would be that would be a a good thing because it would make sense in that respect all right things are coming along we got our boat yard coming up next we're probably not going to have this stuff built in time because um we only have two guys on construction yeah it's kind of like a like a Rick Shaw yeah where they just pull it behind them oh do they push it in front is like a wheelbarrow cart I don't know we'll have to look and see once he fixes one of them I can't remember now I'm freaking out but uh so we've got oh another child born [Music] excellent yeah bringing resources over here is going to take a lot longer without the carts that kind of sucks but it is what it is I kind of let the iron situation get out of control um [Music] and didn't get on top of it in time so now we get to suffer the consequences of that and we got to wait for these guys to make enough metal parts to a cart he's supposed to get 30 metal [Music] Parts no there's no musician unless you're asking if I'm like super rich or something and have my own personal violinist that I can call over no neither are true [Music] the um what was saying is I don't think we're going to have the Boatyard and fishing dock finished by March but that's okay because um nobody's crying about food um now as far as not having enough variety so I think we're doing okay we had I mean we got it influx of potatoes and buckwheat immediately and we're going to have wheat here soon get a worker in here y somebody immediately jumped on that that's good they will start doing [Music] wheat we want uh flower store here as well it took me a long time to figure out this stuff right here and all of these up here like you know took me a while to figure this out cuz it's it's you know it is what it is it's kind of complicated at first but he added these little buttons in here set resource slots automatically from production and when you buy from locals which is their Garden uh produce we so we can buy their their Garden produce put it in warehouse and then distribute that to a market stall and resell it to people who aren't growing those things themselves and that's really nice I mean the little buttons up here to do that automatically for you is Big Time amazing so she's she's got you know buckwheat flour she's going to be very popular everybody seems to like those [Music] things our boat yard going running out of iron okay well to get back to work don't [Music] we they need more iron ore and they need more charcoal I'm I'm figuring out what this what these two bars mean here okay well we've got charcoal there it's we have plenty in here plenty in storage as well I'm pretty [Music] sure cold chill [Music] man Boatyard is constructed that's good so for this guy I we only want to hire [Music] them [Music] during June and October and the reason for that is they can only repair they only all this guy does is repair boats when they're damaged kind of like the carpentry guy repairs the carts this guy repairs the boats so um we only want to hire them we don't want to hire anybody right now actually cuz we don't have a we don't have anything we don't have the fishing dock done so the boats can't even be ordered for him to start [Music] working are you talking about uh buckwheat for seasonings and sauces man I know it's a uh I don't even know what buckwheat is to be honest with you and I'm a farm kid curious now you got me you got me real [Music] Curious despite its name buckwheat is not closely related to wheat it is not a cereal nor is it even a member of the grass family related to sorl which I know what that is rhubarb my favorite pie in the world rhubarb pie um known as pseudo cereal because it seeds culinary use is the same as cereals owing to their high starch content I still don't know what buckweed is that didn't tell me a damn thing useful man what the hell put that second graner we had in Q behind the housing we want the housing way more than we want the other Granary right now they already plant yeah they sewed everything already very nice [Music] [Music] I'm I'm keeping the Trading Post pushed way back as well because we don't need to buy iron anymore we're we're making it ourselves even though it's a little slow we do have a cart now so let's find somebody with a cart here's somebody right here oh no no cart nobody's using a cart see if somebody does and we'll watch [Music] him well yeah cuz we could find Salt ourselves we didn't have access to things like you know uh it is Rick Shaw look at that it's Rick Shaw Style follow him oh my did they uh increase the damage the Rover does in hellers I don't think so okay I'm just I'm just wondering cuz I just killed myself with it in like two seconds oh yeah that's normal I remember it being like that yep just zch and I just yeah I was instantly dead if it catches you in the head it's it's game over there's nothing you can do about it chops your damn head off and so it might depend on where it hits you too all right we got our fishing dock we got to we got to set this guy up as well so we only since they can't fish when it's frozen we don't want January February November December we don't want any of those months active uh we want three on the on season and none on the offseason we want to no Boatyard worker that's right we want to hire this [Music] guy and we're going to put offseason on one cuz we want him right now we have to have him right now because he needs to build these three boats then he can then he can piss off a little bit he uh later on in the year maybe he needs to repair some one thing this game needs for these sliders is a is like a just a little bar you can type into to tell it exactly how much you want so you don't have to keep doing what I was doing there if your mouse is kind of like mine where it's it sometimes it gets a little screwy um can't quite get that spot that you need to get all right let's check out our crops here we got uh buckweed here potato here hemp [Music] here not [Music] growing bow fields nothing's growing here it's replenishing the nutrients blacks and then phow here as well good see how our fish fishering Dock's doing here we just got our first boat built so he's going to he's going to bring it over this is so cool so he he brings the boat over and then just runs back over to his place then uh one of these guys can actually go fish in here there he is Boom he could not wait to go fishing bro what is he Ivan pazzy he couldn't wait all right so we need to sell fish on the market now we not oh we didn't have potato on there definitely want to get potato on there so she's going to be the most popular person in the village dude like if we put milk here or eggs she the she wouldn't be able to keep up with the people coming to buy from her no way all right we want to do fish and dried fish we don't have any we don't have any salt yet we do have fish we will eventually dry fish they just keep longer yeah juicing fruit would be nice but they would be like it'd be like um what do you call it it'd be like you know uh the French back in the day and still today Sometimes some places how they squish the the grapes with their feet they just throw them in this giant tub and they have two women up there just stomping nasty as hell man but she she can have employees this this lady here um Nadia y Yia y yalia anyway Nadia can't have employees she can hire laborers they get paid through the the state I guess or the city budget but she can bring in labors which there's one here yakiv he's going to be bringing resources to that Booth so they can hire you know laborers to fill their slots which is nice that didn't come out right uh to fill the slots of their Market [Music] stall but anyway uh they can't have employees let's see here so we're starting on our housing we need definitely need more people no doubt about that now one cool thing so we we sucked all the nutrients out of the soil here for the blue it only has 5% left and flax requires this blue like 60% to be there so if you notice it's not as full the crop is not as full and and as healthy looking as it was last season when I think it was uh hemp was growing here hemp sucked all the blue nutrients out that the flax needs this year so the flax isn't getting as so it's it's little it's so many little details like that that this developer put into the game they're just so nice and it's just a little touch but it's it's enough to make you sit back and think wow that's intricate you know you really thought of something like [Music] that once we get cows we can build plows for our farm we have three plows and they can uh plow the fields and increase the the uh the yield after uh you know during the Harvest that'll be nice we'll get our cows pretty soon hopefully not enough workers for production that is not good let's bring our fish yard down to two guys we've got to keep our iron pumping man got to keep pumping that iron ow going to run out well the tilling would be the plowing once we get uh once we get oxen to pull the plows we can create um we can order a plow from the carpentry guy and uh he'll if we have cattle so if I do it now it's going to say supply for oxin is disabled we can we can do supply for oxen but we don't have any cows or we don't have any oxin so we will be able to to you know pill or plow the land once we do that uh these guys don't have shoes that is bad they're going to move out pretty soon clothes and shoes are the hardest thing because they're like late game things you you have to have you have to have sheep which we could have gotten a long time ago if we got a a trading post a long time ago I think we're going to bring that up a little bit we we kind of need to think about animal production here for that reason we got to start making clothes we got to start getting hides for leather to make shoes uh actually this need the shoe makers Workshop produ the shoes from leather so yeah we need leather to even make shoes we need wool to make the clothing that they're soon going to start complaining about here shortly so I think that's going to have to be our next production line that we think about cuz we got our farm set up it's it's running good it's doing fine we need some animals and we need to start getting uh ready to make our own shoes and clothing so while they're building this stuff set that up first thing we need is a Cow Shed and a sheep farm so the Cow Shed we're going to move out here kind of out of the way you know if you've ever been near a a a farm you know you don't want that close to your house bro uh sheep farm we're going to bring it out here as well [Music] like so then we're going to get the slaughter house we'll bring it a little bit closer to town here let's squeeze in here it [Music] will got a new family moving in wow oh they got married so these are their parents that do not live with them CU are kind of grayed out a little bit more than usual so these two got married very nice and you'll start to see um you'll start to see uh cousins pop out in their family treat as well what's up grimsy no we're not we no weit we don't have to resort to cannibalism yet okay it's fine we're we're doing all right the piz family another child they a 5-year-old and a newborn we've got three students now the sheret kid of course the teachers his dad benett and uh velica coera nice 14 years old she might have been yeah she was part of this family that moved in recently so she immediately went to primary school that is [Music] cool yeah yet soon maybe perhaps we're going to hope not you know cuz if we got to eat the kids man it's going to be gross family's moving out yeah these guys did have shoes they didn't have shoes for too long and they're like you know what F this place man but all that really means is we got a room for a new family to come in a new family can come in here now all right we got our buck week coming in for this year yeah look at that immediately this family moves in I like it it's beautiful as long as we have like an attractive town with things going on we got stuff to [Music] uh what are you talking about oh the the webcam yeah it'll it'll follow me around [Music] yeah follow me around very high ,000 technology right there okay I spent so much money on this red redonkulous okay all right we'll fire this guy for now we'll hire him back when uh he needs to check out see if any boats need uh a fixing it's dude it's it's like at least $2,500 webcam right here okay I mean that's follows you round it's good nice yeah they I mean when they're planting they just do they just walk you don't see them do anything at least they like look like they're they squat down a little bit to pick this stuff up you're right sliced bread Tech I mean the the best thing since sliced bread bro bobing and weaving webcam it's beautiful what were we doing here yeah we were doing leather okay so we got our slaughter house next thing we need to do is get [Music] our uh Tannery here which means we're going to have to buy lime cuz we we got to make lime in order to actually do this properly let's bring this guy in here kind of put him will he fit here here yeah he'll fit here let's put him here and then we got to do our our um what's it called bowling Mill which is new from last patch this produces broad cloth from wool it's got to go in the water somewhere no water current no water current oh because we're on a lake it's got to go out here somewhere all right we'll put him right out here next to the uh smeltery then we need uh the Weaver's Workshop okay now we get a Weaver's workshop and the reason we need a Weaver's Workshop is to make like regular clothes put it in there then we need the Taylor's Workshop it it produces clothes and warm clothes from textile broad cloth and sheep skin so it's it's just it gets complicated the more like when you start really getting into this production these production chains it gets rather rather wild pretty quick but that's starting here at the Cow Shed all one two 3 four five six seven so we need seven production facilities or you know to get to the point where we can make our own clothing and our own shoes so it gets crazy gets crazy fast so you need so much population so we need more need more houses right but we have four more coming after this Trading Post is done because we're going to need lime might as well let it finish it started anyway they need 11 almost 12,000 more wood and and almost 3,000 more Clay they're Gathering the wood now our uh our forestry guys our Lumberjacks have got their hands full trying to keep up with this [Music] order we got our our our grass being dried into hay and we're going to store it in here for our animals we get there and once we get this production chain going we're going to have so many things that are being produced we're going to have to have another Warehouse just a another couple I think warehouses just to keep keep up with the things we need to store so just you know just add that to the list of things that you have to build when you want to make your own clothes and shoes you know it's it gets it gets really wild real fast man you know uh we don't have anybody working in the iron mine right now cuz we are during harvesting we're we're during yeah harvesting season so we wanted to keep every body many as people as we could on the farms that's definitely the way you want to do it so we're just waiting now we're just waiting for these two guys to build this giant ass Trading Post in the middle of town you know you did have somebody in your buffer chat too there for a minute oh yeah I think if it was today that was that was me looks like it was okay like trying to oh yeah he was trying to get pulled into the chat here that was that was me was in YouTube oh God drum my bad chat my fault I didn't mute buffer in time I was looking over there and the IT Auto it started Auto playing the stream which is you know I don't want that to change but I had the volume on my [Music] bad Legacy said he was spamming every chat I had which I hey I appreciate it too I don't hear that see with with OBS running that turns stream REM mode on for Discord so you don't hear anything there's no notification sounds so unless you're like staring at it which is way over here for me don't see [Music] it you should make jelly you know I would like to make uh wine you know have a Vineyard out out here somewhere is right now you can make you can make uh like moonshine you can and you can make beer I think you should be able to make wine probably first before those things those are kind of complicated I mean moonshine is not that complicated but uh for for like fermenting [Music] beer would be I mean and we have honey honey honey meat or honey ale would be nice uh for a little little pickme up and then the I don't know just uh when we can sell beer on the market we don't necessarily need a Tavern but it would it would be nice to not have that 200 population limiter on the tavern because like you said there's no entertainment buildings in the game I would I would and I would assume the tavern would be considered an entertainment structure um CU they serve alcohol you know be nice to have that in the game a little bit sooner than the late game you know yeah maple syrup would be nice have a have a tree sap collector and then have a have a I don't know maybe people could just cook that in their own home and make syrup out of it and then sell it to the market like they do their their Garden crops we just have somebody harvesting uh trees you know maple [Music] sap they could go buy that you know with their own money their household money and then they could cook it into syrup and then use whatever they use and sell whatever they don't back to the city that would be interesting that'd be a nice little production chain that wouldn't be too bad because you'd have population doing it themselves I think that would be a good one [Music] wow pancakes or waffles I mean we have wheat uh here they could put in oats as a crop right in the middle of smack dab in the middle middle of December now [Music] middle still working on this um Trading Post I think we'll bring up number of workers to four in there the Constructor guys we could have it on on on March April May August the harvesting and and the The Sewing and reaping Seasons we could have it down to two during those months and we could have four guys potentially running around building stuff the rest of the time which I think would be beneficial for sure because I mean obviously um faster you can build things the better you know we can get through those 10 things we got to build to make clothes and stuff a little bit [Music] quicker the trading posst are coming along nicely now we they got uh you know four more hands working on [Music] it and to be fair we have you know excuse me we have two guys in the fishery that are that are unemployed right now when they can't fish so that would be that that would just make sense to bring those guys in to be Constructors I think definitely scrambled is my favorite it depends it really depends though uh I like a nice easy over egg with a runny yolk you know that's always good you got a little little little bacon or sausage and you got your your hash browns and you got your little runny runny yolk egg fried egg that's good right there um but I think generally speaking scrambled I'm going to have to go with man scrambled cuz you can put all kinds of other ingredients into the mixture and you know make it into whatever you want you know you can put peppers in there uh onion you can put um anything really any kind of vegetable put some tomato in green peppers hot peppers um onion garlic throw some seasoning in there and if I got to lose one I'm probably going to lose bacon between bacon or sausages dude because you can do a lot more with with sausage than you can bacon you can make a lot more variety you know what I mean [Music] that sounded like I've thought about that one before I don't I haven't I don't think all right our Trading Post is done we don't need to do anything with it right now but uh what we will do is we'll just we'll just keep it there for now we're going to have to buy in Lime cuz that's a whole another production chain that we don't have anywhere near the population to pull off especially after we're getting done with uh our clothing production line we're going to need at least one person working in every one of those buildings so we uh we're probably going to be struggling to fill up all of our jobs with people what I'm trying to days we're going to have too many jobs and not enough people to fill them uh I think now after we get that done and um we're going to need to you know focus on housing again to bring in more more population then we can think about more production chains favorite pizza restaurant or are you home I definitely don't make pizza myself so uh I would say wix's pizza in Louisville Kentucky is my favorite pizza restaurant uh I used to call that place the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pizza joint cuz you they just they didn't have like pre-made pizza recipes on their menu they just had ingredients and the ingredients cost you know however much they cost per ingredients so you can literally just tell them you know I want this this this this this this this cover the bastard in cheese and give it to me right you'd have like 10 ingredients 10 toppings you could make whatever the hell you wanted to make in other words which was freaking [Music] amazing what about you guys you guys anybody in here make homemade pizza yes Legacy homemade pizza indeed I have I I used to make it all the time seems like such a production to me though like are you making the dough or you buy the dough and just kind of spread it out much faster the mix yeah buy that powder mix and just add water to the dough mix and then yep fast this way wow you get your marinara I assume and get your toppings get your cheese that does sound kind of easy I've never thought I never even considered making my own pizza to be honest be careful you'll get addicted to it I'm already addicted to Pizza Man my father Pizza Oven yeah I'll make a whole new add-on room for a Pizza Kitchen Oh no just throw it in your backyard easy yeah n hell dude my redneck neighbors be climbing over the damn fence what you cooking my [Music] car see then they just make it for you they all bring the beer boy give me a slice that might not be a bad idea have them bring like the side like bring potato salad bring your own bring your own I'll make the pizza you feel targeted well you know you haven't been targeted yet cuz I haven't even started talking about pineapple on Pizza which is absolutely the correct way to make pizza by the [Music] way rimsey feels targeted oh can we ban him anyone who likes pineapple pizza is like I'm school I'm schooling him on the back end he's having multiple conversations going right now I do I'm disgusted right now don't Now's the Time he won't notice he says wow it's okay don't worry he likes what what was it pickles on his pizza cheese and pickles chees in Che pickles iall that's what he likes he showed me the pictures I saw them think his reasoning was it's like a cheese pickles it's like a cheese Burger ask him he'll tell you he loves that stuff I'm I'm watching chat he's in he's in chat T like pickles on Pizza though hamburger Pizza is pretty good man pickles and cheese and no no that's it no no no no just pickles and cheese on the pizza I didn't say there was burger [Laughter] meat I mean see I'm one of those people I don't like pickles on my sandwich so I don't like I don't like pickles on my burger so I like I like a sweet pickle on the side I used to eat that all the time with my uh my breakfast like eggs and sausage and whatever and I'll have like a couple sweet [Music] pickles pickles on grilled cheese are good too this man just wants to to eat pickles that's all he wants to do just buy yourself a jar of pickles and chug it that's what you want grimsy Mayo spread what even are you I think he's lying there's nobody does that nobody would do that he would do it he would do it all right yes these guys are lacking clothes they're going to move out soon cuz we don't have any clothes to give them we could H we could do a manager in here and see if anybody bring can sell us clothes real quick let's let's try that let's try that CU once you have a manager in your Trading Post and these other cities that're out here can send uh Messengers to you and then they'll say hey we have this to trade and we're looking to buy this so but if if I don't have a manager in here then they'll they'll never come and I can't send out if I don't have a manager favorite doughnut shop or homemade D I got to go with homemade man I've actually made donuts a lot um this goes back to not the grandma I was talking about before the way she said flours this my other grandma on my dad's side would make homemade everything she was like this freaking you know what I mean like typical housewife Grandma that her job was to cook and clean the house and do all this you know like take care of the kids and all that the old old old school right so she would make everything so she made uh donuts with me all the time when I was growing up she made her own uh she made her own um Cole SLA which is I've never found it's equal anywhere I've ever gone um she made her own eggnog she made I mean if she was making biscuits she'd make it from scratch I mean it's it's like she made her own pasta it was amazing going over there dude CU you were going to eat some good every single time dude yeah see now we have a a a manager here a messenger from diri is visiting us so we'll click on that and we'll see this is what they offer on the left they offer salt lime so we'll be able to get our lime from them leather iron iron ore pigs cows horse flower salow which is like a pig product dried fish and potato and they want charcoal they want 10,000 charal they want wheat shoes buckwhat chicken egg sunflower oil clothes so they can't sell us clo they want the same thing we do shoes and clothes uh honey if we click on that it tell us how much we have stored how much they want they want apples this is the uh hilka is like moonshine in English Okay can't really sell them anything except maybe oh we have 15,000 charcoal in stores so we okay 10,817 deal come in here 10,817 charcoal and we want to hire a worker to load the cart when they get in here and people are going to start loading this place up with charcoal so what were we so we're going to make 540 coins and 8 54 $ 4.85 worth of coins just for selling that charcoal which we have way more than we would ever need to start with very nice family's moving out it's these guys over here yep they didn't have any clothes I I would probably move out at that point too to be honest with you if I can't buy clothes anywhere and I'm wearing these raggedy ass you know clothes that are just like falling apart I would probably leave too leave town I don't blame them I'm not blaming anybody but uh you know we're going to replace them anyway and we're just going to forget that they ever [Music] existed all right so we have 7600 of that 10,000 charcoal in here but we wanted to make this temporary yeah want to keep putting charcoal in there good I guess okay here comes family to move in here yep the vosi family perfect and this guy is bringing charcoal and he's got to load up this cart here hopefully he loads it up before they leave and give up because if if they get tired of waiting they'll just leave and then you can't sell that that amount of charcoal where you going oh hell no I'll fire him hire somebody new come on hire somebody [Music] new damn that guy needs a [Music] muffler well yeah they see they got tired of waiting so we're not going to make all our money now because the manager here's the funny thing the manager of this place doesn't do he doesn't load things he doesn't go fill orders he doesn't unload carts he doesn't load carts he doesn't do a goddamn thing but sit on his ass and Order people around that's all he does the typical manager so yeah they're getting tired of waiting I would too I mean we're trying to hire somebody but nobody's available so we're going to we're going to fire one of these guys get in there okay get in there and and make us some money we're almost making as much bring the basic monthly wage down a little bit more is we're we're really close to making more money than we're having in expenses so if we can get that into the positive we now we're - 21191 -23 so if we can get that into the positive then we won't really need to trade anything out we won't have to we can but we won't have to rely on [Music] that and that would be ideal for obvious reasons or we selling fish out here yet we are not so let's do oh yeah we [Music] are are we storing fish yet no but we are now okay good good good okay Yak sheret married yaroslava over here and these are their their cousins so you've got their parents up here and their cousins over here so the game actually keeps track of family trees which is amazing and then doesn't allow close family members to marry inside the village which to be honest is absolutely insane to me like all these little little little little tiny detail things that this guy thought of developing this game you know you're talking about just one guy doing this okay so it's it's pretty amazing to me to be honest we get anything no we still don't have a we still don't have a worker here why not why not whatever it's whatever we'll figure it out eventually oh yeah see our boats need repair so we need this guy bring him in full and August we're at just at the start of August now so we should get somebody hopefully hired in here ah daachi is is visiting now guys over here it's the same guys I think yeah it's the same guys so we already let him down with the charcoal so we won't worry about it all right we're getting the Harvest in very very nice this is Sunflower oh yeah okay these are all black and ripe are [Music] wheat very very nice okay another family is going to move out for lack of clothing we're working on it we're getting there we got a couple more things to do then we're starting on that production um excited about that we got to have one more house finished up here there we go almost done with this house and we have we'll have another family hopefully moving in right [Music] away get some of these jobs filled family's moving out lack of clothing so we'll have two new ones coming [Music] in these are all the old families that have been in the in the town since the beginning really that are starting to complain about clothes and shoes being worn out and they don't have any any new ones to buy to wear which is really unfortunate they were the founders of the village and they're the ones that are going to be moving out first if we don't solve this problem so not the best situation to be in those are going to be the old families you know we want to keep them around for as long as we can you know so we got a new family moving in moving [Music] in right here the makid family they got three kids wow they're all teenagers looks like oh maybe we'll have a new marriage in town right away move right in marry somebody no problem right all right we have a lot of our oil Workshop did we did we do that yet yeah we did it's right here we need to get we need to get something going on here right right away sell some Sunflower Oil we're maxed out I noticed we're full on our sunflower storage 1250 out of 1250 so we need to start producing that and we're about to we just need to hire somebody in there this house was completed no job jobs available we can solve that by going to the fishing dock and adding in a third guy there [Music] go we've only had one death so far this whole time time perasa sheret it was old granny that moved in with the cheret family I remember she was like 80 years old when they moved in a new family so these guys here the galagan family I can say that name they've got one child very very nice so we got our our graner and then our warehouse and then we're going to start on our clothing production chain and you guys will see intimately how that all interlocks with with one another there and and works together to get that done got plenty of hay in storage looks like for our cows oh yeah 6200 and it's still coming in we're going to max out here this season looks like yeah we're going to max out very nice 7,000 in storage now it does rot away very slowly but once we get our Cow Shed built we're going to um we're going to definitely be using that a lot makes you want to get the song of songs of six game I don't think I've heard of that one I may have and just forgot about it I mean it sounds Vaguely Familiar but's been trying to push that bull crap onto me don't fall for it I can't I can't place [Music] it he says it's an infectious game so maybe you should get it that that no no no that could mean a lot of things is it a space game is it ostra in space that would be nice I would buy I would play the out of that game ostra in space hell yeah Amish in space space Amish six build in the universe dude I I I've got to have a space Amish game now that that has to be a thing somebody's thought thought of that and done it right the Amish are tired of this planet they've moved to space they hitch to ride cuz they don't drive anywhere they can't build their own ride they H the ride on spacex's latest Mission and now it's Amish in [Music] space Oh Boy come on I've already I've already built the the logos of the game for you somebody in chat make that game you guys I've already I've already given you the synopsis okay all you got to do is make it right you have the you have the idea go do it messenger from deri can we we have a worker now maybe we can sell charcoal they only need 5,000 5448 deal I mean yeah I'm you know what I'm with grim on this this is a infectious game all right now we we have our warehouse done we don't need any extra maybe we need extra for wheat let's do that that doesn't mean it's a good game though well yeah infection does play some pretty shitty ass games let's be honest here hey now but he plays some really good games too so you know it's like he just he's that guy that just plays everything you don't he's the guy with the music list the playlist on his iPad that doesn't make any sense cuz cuz it's everything right there's no genre thing that he's got going on it's just every thing he's that guy with video games [Music] okay I guess I could see that yeah I know what I said about Rim World it look like hot piece of trash okay watching videos but Rim World in fact this is like the one and only time you were right about anything grimsy Rim World in fact is the way you said it was the best game ever made it could use a graphics tweak okay I'm not you know if you could get down and dirty and if it's like a 3D World yeah it'd be much better but it's still a badass game so for our Cow Shed once it gets completed here we're going to have an option to let the cows graze on a phow field if there is one available since I know for sure there are some years that are going to roll around where we don't have any field not in use be grazed on so we're going to have to build a little uh fenced in area area for for the cows on those years they'll they'll have to go in there but uh now I don't think yet and I expect this is going to come with the the amount of little details this guy puts into the game uh but I don't think yet having cattle graze your Farmland if it's phow increases this nutrient count but it could I don't know but I don't think it does but I would expect that's going to happen at some point with this developer because that's just kind of that's just kind of his hiso you know is putting these little details that are just makes it perfect and you can't believe he actually thought of that right into the game so I would not be surprised if it's it's either there already and I just don't know about it or it's coming in a future patch you know we're up to 74 population our income is way higher than our expenses right now but it's not anywhere near what I thought it was going to be are we selling charcoal we sold we sold about half of it all right the Cow Shed is done so we want to do that increase that to 500 because this it says Max 500 we want to always have as much hay as we can in there 3 500 water as well then we want to hire women only reasons that I went over in the last stream of [Music] this we want hired all year round to take care of the animals so we'll see if uh if we get a Trader come in soon we can buy cattle we'll start Hing a worker in here but the uh the villagers the laborers have already filled this up with stuff they're supposed [Music] to it already has a worker we don't want a worker yet we have a little bit of charcoal left to sell let's keep let's keep like 8,000 in [Music] here at all times because charcoal we probably be able to sell that all the time as long as it's a number below 8,000 they'll just keep filling it back up again oh here we go balaka Kia they do have cattle so we're going to buy um we're going to buy let's say 10 cows and two bowls 480 that's going to put us in the red but that's okay there's like a credit system in this game for some Reon for some reason so now we need a worker in here okay uh use fow field if available there's that check box and then excuse me add pasture we're going to have to do that for sure because they may not have a place to graze otherwise we're just going to put one out here kind of like [Music] so like that that and they'll have their own little pasture if they need it but they will prefer uh to go on one of the field lands if it's phow what is this a sheep farm we're going to do the same thing with them we'll have their own little uh little uh graze area if they don't have a phow field get our sheep coming in next should be the slaughter house yeah CU we'll need to uh if we want to make any leather we'll need hide and we'll need a slaughter house to slaughter the animals and make hide see there's our we given a loan of 1,000 Aras that's that's new okay used to you just go in the red and you would be no wow that's brand new so now we have we have a loan now so let's see loan 1,000 so we'll have to pay that back I guess yeah we might have to raise some rent here uh basic monthly wage 150 Laborer's wage manager should get paid a little bit more than than than labors I would assume so hopefully that keeps us in the black and we can pay that loan off all right let's see where these cows go here we're defrosting okay they're coming out here to a fow field nice there's our [Music] cows what's the game I play when you ride on a horse in mine it's uh worm W RM worm's not very streamable though absolutely not streamable actually actually milk perfect we have another uh we have another Gran here with nothing in it yet [Music] all [Music] right uh another family is looking to leave because they have no clothes and it takes a while to get there [Music] you're only saying gold milk's not super good grimsy because you sell cow milk okay You Haul cow milk and cow cream milk cream so you want people to drink cow milk okay that's why everybody knows why yeah freaking milk pimp damn milk pimp hell yeah we've got 1,200 sunflower oil in storage let's go ahead and sell that cuz we have more sunflowers as well make some money that way we will definitely make this a temporary stock that way we don't keep trying to fill up 12200 worth of sunflower oil in the Traders Market margarine um yeah I'm going with regular unsalted butter man [Music] sticks not that tub of but the sticks of unsalted [Music] butter all right we should be making more than so we can bring we'll bring the house rent down a little bit and our Market's price down a little bit cuz it looks like we're way overshooting our expenses right now see what that looks like after April these guys are moving out dang it but immediately we have a new couple married 31-year-old Roman 19-year-old [Music] Oxana we working on our sheepy sheeps here looks like we got a nice crop going [Music] here for this population this is just about the right size Fields we'll probably have to expand a little bit later on favorite type of cheese probably mozzarel yeah we're we're way overshooting our our income or our expenses here so that's good in a way but we don't want to we don't want it to be at the sacrifice of our citizenry because then we'll have to start giving them financial help but this family is freaking loaded 121 141 for these guys Jesus yeah I think 181 the bondar family they're stacked to the ceiling oh my God 163 1 15 yeah these guys were not hurting for money for a long time they were living good so we're going to say we're okay and until people start running out out of cash then we'll we'll tweak a little bit more but I think right now we're going to say we're good because these some of these families are just wow did the stream crash let's see no just uh reload your page like it looks like it froze on rumbles in but my I haven't had an interruption or anything yeah reloaded Rumble is working yeah thank you for telling [Music] me thanks for letting me know ninja cuz you know if it did crash I might have not noticed it right away so appreciate it think my auto subscription just renewed see so they offer chicken warm clothes buy some more I think we buy some warm clothes let's buy 40 bucks yeah see we're not making like in super overabundance of anything very nice uh we got 1,000 flax let's sell all of it 1192 cuz we don't have any chickens yet your stream's still down on Rumble no reload the page I'm watching them change and move around really yeah mine's not showing up at all yeah that's yeah the only thing on there is playing the video yeah that's what it was what the hell yeah buffer still kicking yeah [Music] dream's still going yeah I haven't done anything now it's it's it dropped the link between buffer and Rumble it looks [Music] like let me check logs that kicks it again yeah it should need to add a little note to the [Music] [Music] shoot uh [Music] okay it should be up again yeah it shows live it still says seven oh here we go okay I think we're back [Music] wow so the stream never stopped it was just rumble's stream stopped for some [Music] reason anyway so what I just uh I'm going make a note to make like a little button to restart the restream or you know the destination if it happens again that way you don't have to stop all together start yeah yeah [Music] yeah well ninja thank you thanks for the heads up man something was going on when he said that you know how the stream kind of froze and we refreshed and it was okay I think something something was going on then maybe on rumble's end somehow yeah cuz I mean you stayed running the whole time on [Music] Buffer [Music] yep all right anyway here we go we're back at it anyway oh that hemp it has no nutrients whatsoever to grow we not going to get much of that but that's okay I don't think we needed a lot of that at the moment anyway got we have some in storage and we're not really using it yet so that's fine once we get to the uh I think it's the Weaver's Workshop they start using uh hemp to make textiles and then they can use textiles to do the the clothing and all this stuff selling milk out here War clo sunflower oil milk we were not selling milk oh yeah uh let's put let's put milk over here let's see here milk over here where's it at milk do garlic over [Music] here there we go that way we go with the same theme of this lady right here working this stall is like the most popular stall in the village she has all the good right she's got all the ters the flower the milk and the buckwheat we are back yes don't know what happened but it was rumble's fault that's all I know okay we got a sheep farm now so we can buy sheep if they have them they do let's buy some sheep let's do um 10 sheep and two Rams just like we did the cows deal hire some lady in here me hire women thank you no workers to take care of animals why not we running out of women now too all right we need some more houses first before we complete any more of this production [Music] [Music] line and pause for a second [Music] here going need to bring these guys up here there we go have to work the houses first cuz we don't have people to take care of our animals which is a big problem they're just going to the sheep that we just bought are just going to starve and die of thirst we don't have people okay new family settling in town where are they going oh to the shoe place yep the people that didn't have shoes they've got oh they've got basically two sets of families here they got her parents and then them we basically got two male workers and two female oh wait are these two female Marco and okay Marco and R so we should have at least one female here to work in here two I mean I'm sorry these jobs should be [Music] filled [Music] hopefully or we're going to have some dead sheep pretty soon we don't want that we do to speed this up [Music] somehow got four Builders doing the house and that's really the only way is just to get more people so now we [Music] [Music] [Music] wait [Music] our sheep have no food and no water man man unfortunate we really needed take care of those sheep but I don't think they're going to survive we're in August now they should be in a in a field grazing though no they don't they don't have a they don't have a field okay use fow field of available and we need to add a pasture I forgot about that [Music] go now hopefully well they might need somebody to actually work there and take them out there Shepherd build [Music] faster oh it's it's harvest season so we're we're pulling all the spare help we have straight to the farm oh man at least these at least the cows have food and water I mean that's the only saving grace we have there this is kind of a weird thing because this guy is going to go down his rows whether there's stuff growing there or not and try to pick you know if they can be done with this already this one guy could have went boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and been done cuz the field didn't grow very well and save all this time of them walking every possible place I don't know how you would code that though man that would be I think that sounds kind of wacko to code but what do I know I'm not a coder so there's nothing left and he's still got to walk this whole path here before he can go back I just think that should be changed a little bit all right house is done somebody move in quick and hopefully it's not a married couple we need a new family we need new [Music] hands there we go yep nice this should be four working age people I think 16 in this game you're considered an adult you can get married 1700s you know um so these are both working oh no 17-year-old is still playing around so she's still considered a child okay so he's a laborer he's unemployed go employ yourself lady all right we got somebody working the cows we need somebody working the Sheep come on got food and water there now at least that's something they're not going to starve at least holy crap another messenger I don't think we have anything to trade or buy right now so this will look [Music] lot of sunflower oil [Music] still they're selling [Music] lime iron how much do we we don't have any stored let's just buy this iron real quick that way we have plenty and we don't have to worry about this going down for too long oh is somebody working here now good look at [Music] that perfect sheep milk is not distinguished from from cow milk by the way grimsy it's the same milk everybody even the Amish people in this game know that exactly the same nothing different at all Absol freaking lutely all right we're not in such a panic about workers now that's good now we're going to have wool being produced here it's some point during the year we need to store that somewhere so where's our warehouse that's [Music] empty well we don't have any wool so it's not even on the list yet [Music] look look at our little sheepies there you go he we're bringing in the iron now very good worker here [Music] school's got three students looks like the teacher's kid graduated good very nice good for him now he can be a Shepherd maybe animals are going in for the winter it's beginning of November excellent oh well yeah maybe the first of next year perhaps [Music] polar charcoal for a steak I me isn't that the same thing that's the same thing my my guy right might give back me up here or am I dumb [Music] nobody's got my back car once famously said you're an idiot I am coal and charcoal is different yeah charcoal is a compressed variant of coal so it's already you know coal that's been compressed down which will burn longer and coal is just you know rip it out of the ground it's loose it'll burn quick it'll burn super quick whereas charcoal will burn slower and longer and more hotter coal is a mineral and charcoal is from wood the [Music] brain that sounds about right too I knew that okay I knew that I just forgot I knew that for a [Music] minute I don't want to talk about it okay okay so this family is hurting for money a little money icon above there they got 10 cents to their name they got a lot of garlic to sell they can sell that garlic to us right and then they're producing some apples they're probably just eating those I gu some marrow make a nice broth will you well if if if it's okay so now that I remember that I knew that um about charcoal and coal I'm going to have to go with charcoal now see that now they got 50 cents to their name he works in construction she works in a warehouse if they got two kids yeah no problem these guys don't have any clothes they're going to move out wish I could help you putting up another house very nice get more workers more hands for the farm exactly grimsy now that no one has told me about that and I definitely remembered it all by myself now I prefer charcoal but you get it you get it guys have 10 cents again sell your garlic bro where are we where are we buying garlic at can they not not there there's garlic so we have seven garlic we bought from somebody we could buy a lot more you sell us a lot more garlic my dude you have more than 10 cents your name you know all I'm saying the P shenko family moved in very nice um these guys moved out somewhere right here no jobs available now there's a job available a child has been born to the federic federic family they got two kids now they're busy one every couple years what we like to see it's just squirt them on out favorite source of [Music] water um well water out in the rural area I guess probably be the best water you could get depends on how close you are to the Farms though if you're if you're too close to the farms you don't want to drink it have some trouble you have some stomach trouble all right optimize Rams livestock was if if there's more than three Rams they're going to slaughter the oldest one so that's we want that to happen we we don't want that to happen with the bulls until we have uh we turn six of them into oxen we only have two right now so we don't want to do [Laughter] that that's true you do count as my favorite brain cell or second second brain cell probably my favorite too I don't like mine it lets me down too often you [Music] [Music] know [Music] all right getting ready to kick into [Music] February I do in fact have a windmill next to trees but as you notice as you notice the wind is clearly blow blowing bowing from this way right into the trees see from back here which is making the windmill function effectively okay these guys have no money again now they have money now they have 10 cents I'm not going to say they're all employed both of them are employed okay they have a $3 monthly [Music] income they should be okay that's what we figured out now our income is a little bit better than our expenses so that's what we that's exactly where we want it just barely better than slaughter house is constructed Slaughter cows sheep and pigs we don't have horses so you know there you go we're going to hire somebody in there there goes a worker uh we're not really going to slaughter anything anytime soon soon in fact so maybe we just don't hire him ah congratulations you're hired 5 seconds later that changed my mind out here fired I think I've had one of those job interviews before just like that [Music] right we are at the end of February things are starting to defrost a little bit snow's starting to melt which is another amazing detail of this game these guys are going to move out soon oh they have three [Music] kids oh no come on man are you selling clothes oh we we still have can we buy worm clothes some point Didn't we do that I'm pretty sure we did that we bought warm clothes from somebody like a hundred of them right where' they go not in here in their store [Music] pretty sure I don't have them set up over here [Music] anywhere [Music] Warehouse what happened to the warm clothes the hell guys you you got to I don't know what to tell you you got all you got 160 garlic that you could sell to the town okay right I'll give you some financial help this one time there you go got $5 more than enough new family settling in our [Music] town I click that and I see okay oh nice right there the ver verbit family verbitski verbitsky there we go we figured it out at the [Music] end yeah I mean look at that he he's a laborer she's a laborer they're making $4 a month now how can they be making more than somebody with an actual job wait a minute here maybe these guys are are on this they're making $3 a month a dollar less and they have actual jobs hang on Labor's wage $2 bring that down that's not okay no no that's not okay that because people with actual jobs in town should should be making more than a general a general laborer does come on now what am I doing here right newborn Ram okay so the next Ram that's born this guy is getting slaughtered we have it optimize on and do we have anybody working here no let's let's go ahead and bring him in because you know it's going to happen eventually and we have two still two blls we've had nothing but cows born which is nice but we need some Bulls protect and protect that way no matter what they don't get slaughtered if we breach this cuz a livestock limit is 20 so if we get 21 they're going to slaughter the oldest cow and we don't want them to slaughter our bull we need them uh desperately to turn into oxen for the farm oh the sherts had a child there you go the sheret boy this is the third generation sheret in our town third generation right there [Music] VOD excellent warm clothes I'm buying 100 100 deal okay bring them black we could sell that we can sell 1192 we don't have any chickens 1192 flax make it a one time deal only there you go so now we have wool there we go so we need to put wool in here there you have it and then once the fing Mill gets built which is it's on it's next on the docket here uh here's our Tannery [Music] actually we're not going to have anybody in there until they start slaughtering a lot of animals what else did we have we had our slaughterhouse or Tannery and I think that's it I think the fully Mill being next that's going to process our wool go and they're storing the wool in here now good so this will be a closer Trek they're going to store the wool over here and they're going to bring the wool from here down to the fing Mill and then right back into here is going to be our a broad cloth whenever it it's produced for the first time we'll see it on the list another family is moving out no [Music] shoes these guys are broke again they're making $2 a month wait a minute how did their income go down when I brought the the house rent down but I brought the monthly wage down uh laborers wage down maybe it was the basic monthly wage so they make now they make three again okay where's our labors they make [Music] three so that we we bring this down a little bit and now these guys make 260 and these guys didn't change okay there we go so laborers definitely shouldn't make more or the same as dos with uh you know actual jobs in town child has been born there we go this is also a third generation Town bzen bahiri you're same person [Music] again are they buying charcoal no there's the other one this is mfus the cifi or [Music] whatever person right Farm's looking okay imp oh man this is has no nutrients left same thing here okay I I think I know what's going on here so I need to do a fourth one of these let me switch this during season okay I have to wait till it's winter time I think I need to add another two fields and cycle them again so we're always have AOW uh run on on every year yeah and then the nutrients would be much higher I think oh we got a new bowl one month old protect that little bastard okay very [Music] good three students still our Primary School learning them learning them all that stuff rolls or biscuits man I saw that earlier and I I forgot about it I got distracted rolls or biscuits I'm going to go biscuits all day of the week man every day of the week twice on Sunday all day of the week Jesus every day of the week and twice on [Music] Sunday I moved out and another one moved in very good we got to get these clothes going so we got the um buling Mills getting there looks like they're building two boats look at that oh no they're making some kind of mechanism now God with with with gears and everything gravy or sauce man it depends man I'm not going to have gravy on my spaghetti you know I'm going to have sauce on my spaghetti I'm not going to have sauce on my mashed potatoes I'm going to have gravy to both the answer is why not [Music] both and I kind of wanted to do some hell divers tonight but kind of balls deep in ostr right now boys damn we're in it this game is so relaxing man it really is it's a nice transition from from Hell divers you know a nice uh respit think she's about done see doing some more stuff here here we go there it is the fing Mill is done we need to bring in 5,000 wool which we don't have that much going to hire somebody ideally going hire a couple ladies in [Music] there and it looks like it's going to be waterbased so we're going to probably depends on water so we're going to take them off when it's frozen see here no wool for broad cloth production well it's we're getting there okay we're bringing it okay calm down there we go we got our two ladies working [Music] here excellent that we're making broad cloth already it's a beautiful thing now when our Weaver's Workshop gets done we'll start you know hammering in what we need to make clothes one thing we didn't put in there is a Shoemaker shop I know there's a uh guy visiting but we don't need to talk to him right now well there it is right there and over here somewhere May right here yeah right there little Sho maker shop tucked in the corner there we need leather for that and we're pretty far off from getting leather we'll get there eventually once we uh water some Critters oh yeah he's got some hides actually so let's let's store those H we can sell that here beef mutton okay what about Tallow guess we don't sell that it probably turns into something else but we got meat beef and mutton now our slaughter house got meat muffin or cupcake man I'm going uh I'm going [Music] muffin nice blueberry muffin can't beat it can't beat it with a stick okay we're almost done with plant the harvesting season so we'll be able to switch out our ster we're going to add a couple fields in while we're thinking about it probably over here like a good a place is any F this far [Music] back [Music] got our two new fields that we're going to mess with here should be able to do that now so we have yeah so they they've all been rotated now so we have buckwheat potato phow [Music] another pause this for a second we'll slow it down to one this one here needs to be hemp blackx Alo sunflower FX phow sunflower y bow eat the other one [Music] be wheat start with a wheat buck wheat potato wheat buck wheat potato hello that should do it that should get us where our nutrients are okay again in our fields and uh they're they're going to have a really real bad problem this next [Music] season why is this soil exhausted nothing's been planted there uh anyway we won't ask that question I guess got our our two BS here we have we have four now protect him as well could turn these two into oxen now and build our first plow we'll do that ax ox and now the carpentry guy let's check out our new child born okay so our carpentry guy he's going to build a plow and he's going to go get these two oxen and yeah he's bringing one over now he's going to hook them up to this plow and they're they're forever going to be hooked up to that plow for the rest of their freaking miserable [Music] lives he must be yeah he's taking a rest he's over here Taylor's Workshop okay so [Music] this takes [Music] hemp [Music] this takes textile broad cloth and sheep skin just set that up for later broad cost over here we need some salt so the next next Trader that comes into town need to buy some salt off of them we can build a salt works we probably should I just need Stone and we can start producing our own salt but for right now I think we're just going to have to buy some real quick and get it in there's a Trader right there so let's put this in here somewhere looks [Music] okay they're not offering salt so missed the boat on that one they want salt let's sell our th sunflower oil we have more we can just [Music] make somebody else is going to move out due to clothing I know I know for clothing thing was [Music] it where did it go thought it was over here somewhere a Weaver's Workshop there we go we just just need they're going to make [Music] textiles we're only hiring ladies here buddy sorry hemping flax okay an ox di oh no here's what I forgot I forgot the supply for oxin was disabled which means they didn't have anything to eat or drink and The Oxen died so I just wasted those two bulls oh oh no Green Goblin or Joker man Joker every day of the week man constant there no there's no comparison Green Goblins nothing imagine a guy who's going to use one of those little buzz hand rings on you and then shoot you in the chest laughing his ass off cuz he got you with the buzz buzz hand shake can't with that that's that's crazy on a whole another level all right family's moving out I we have to replace them they didn't have any clothes like I said man I'm not blaming them I would move out too this right These Guys these guys can't manage their money they're they're trying to do too much they got all this garlic and they're not selling it I'm not helping them again okay all right we're just getting into the heart of November 1728 we're getting our salt Works down putting it together we're going to be self-sufficient one of these days okay we got a messenger here let's see if they're selling they're selling salt let's get a get 1,000 salt let's get it's only 100 so let's get 2,000 200 and then we'll set up uh set up a storage for that when it gets here just for some reason the warehous is you can't just select whatever you actually have to have it which is kind of weird you know what I mean uh broad cloth will store that here now we're going to need another Warehouse I think that's our last one we were filling up yep and another Warehouse we'll just kind of spread them out I think that's fine spread out the warehouses all over all over the place we could actually squeeze him right here that would be better look at that right inside there still need 18,000 wood th000 Stone do we have a thousand Stone in storage yeah here he is yeah we got plenty tons of it got piles of it piles of rocks and upon [Music] rocks the wood that's a lot of wood see how the uh Lumberjacks are doing they have 10,000 in in they've made already so I think we're doing just fine [Music] there I can't believe I let those oxen die [Music] dude [Music] that's ridiculous like we need some more water now too put another Well out here by the [Music] fields listen pea doesn't exist yet okay oh yeah everybody's hurting for water now so we definitely need we actually need this right now make another one in fact over here front of their house let's do that one [Music] first we need this to happen immediately go they're pretty quick to build so pretty good now it has to fill up to I think a 100 water before somebody will take take something out of it say this is not for production the the farm area will start taking from this if if we don't do that if we don't deselect for production so now all the water that's coming this well is only going to be for the citizens nobody else all right the other one got built where did they get built can't remember oh right over here we have quite a few Wells scattered about hopefully we'll be able to keep up now quite a number if they go with water for too long they're just they're out of here you know what I mean let's let's you're closing in on a month without water yeah you're not having it so again I'm not blaming them not blaming them what we can do is we can put uh little platform out here just have it out have it out there that way the Farmland area can come out here to get water as well cuz they don't need drinking water they can get out of the the lake when it's when it's not frozen over that is they only need 1,000 more wood here all resour resources are collected and uh we're ready to rock roll with the construction [Music] here let's check it out see how salt works works then I think once salt Works go goes goes up man we're probably going to call it on Austra for tonight this was uh probably twice as long of an aostra stream as I was expecting to do but we just kind of got sucked in man we got balls deep and I really love this game you know I I think it's a great quality management [Music] Sim um I think even in its in its Alpha state is probably the best one you're going to find anywhere so uh if you haven't checked it out I'm not sponsored by this guy or anything but just check it out if you hav it and if you're into those types of uh games it's a really good one how this salt wor goes here I don't know what this is all about this to like the grinder Real Salt in here and it just like big ass grind wheel smashes it maybe very very intricate construction on this building so you can tell it's it's in this was in patch number three and uh you you can tell it's it's a later addition to the game because it's so intricate so many pieces going into that construction be poor but have all your friends and family or be rich but have a loyal select few well you only really have a loyal select few anyway okay so I'm going to take uh be rich and have a loyal select for you CU that's all you get anyway no matter what charcoal water hey wheat and barley oh we need uh we need horses for this to [Music] work so we're not even going to yeah we're not even going to have this functioning for a while because we're not going to have horses for a little bit what a waste of time and Human Resources wow they're bringing all this stuff here I I want them to empty everything out actually we'll keep the charcoal there that's fine but we don't want the water we want the hay let's make it [Music] empty take all that stuff back to where you found it all right so I want to thank you guys for tuning in um had the little Rumble hiccup in the middle there but uh we kept going and a lot of you guys stuck around very much appreciate that uh if you liked what uh what you saw here today you know what to do down below and uh we're going to let it go from there
Channel: Lothens TV
Views: 216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fsu0qyLFt0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 45sec (11265 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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