Dishonored: Very Accurate Story Recap

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dishonored is the greatest game of all time because when a guy shoots at you you can stop time catch his bullet in midair load it into your pistol and shoot him with his own bullet in dishonored you play as corvo attano a disembodied pair of arms who's tasked with taking month-long voyages around the world delivering mail while simultaneously guarding the empress 24 7 which seems a little counterintuitive but the important thing is that he's back just in time to play hide and seek with young lady emily fun fact in this tutorial sequence emily represents the average gamer's skill level which is why the developers felt the need to add baby mode of sorry i mean dark vision into the game after destroying emily at hide and seek corvo heads up to talk with the rest of the main characters corvo two days early full of surprises as usual here jessamine got a letter for you dear mr rotano this is an automatically generated receipt for your monthly ten dollar payment to the patreon page dishonored sfm animations 18 plus only oh sorry wrong letter my bad oh oh no assassins dowd and his boys kill the empress kidnap emily then teleport away and the guards think corvo killed the empress but really it was the secret society of bald men but what they don't know is that there's yet another secret society planning on busting corvo out of jail you should eat corvo this meal comes from a friend uh these grapes will help you escape this bread may save your head i'm giving you the key oh with a blade in hand and a guard with his back turned to him corvo was faced with his first moral dilemma you see dishonored has a thing called the chaos system where the choice between killing and not killing kinda matters a lot of people seem to think that since using a lethal playstyle gets you a different 30 second cutscene at the end of the game and that means the game is punishing them for having fun but what does having a high chaos rating actually do let's see you get the better version of the final level uh there's like five zombies at this one part cersei lannister dies and emily makes a sick ass drawing of your mask i don't know guys i'm not seeing any downsides here but sadly thanks to some spin-off books which aren't very good and some comics which are okay there's an established canon for this game and it doesn't involve a lot of killing anyways corvo chokes out the entire prison and then uses a bomb to blast his way out of jail and into the dumb wall sewers where he finds the first of many opportunities for ironic kills try to make a lot of noise when you die emerging from the sewers corvo meets samuel beechworth the only decent person in the entire universe corvo then heads back to the hound pits pub where he meets up with the loyalist conspiracy which consists of lord pendleton admiral havelock and like five maids hello corvo we're lucky to have you any questions uh yeah just one why does this whole place feel laid out like a mission like are you guys planning on betraying me later or we can continue this later corvo also meets piero a brilliant inventor who can turn coins into sleep darts what is my purpose you craft boot stealth upgrade too oh my god soon it will be time for corvo's first mission but first he catches a quick nap in which he's visited by the outsider a bore deity who talks like this and gives people superpowers for the lulls and hopes he'll do something interesting with him he gives corvo a sick tattoo and also the heart of his dead lover hello my love it's so nice to be reunited with you oh yeah hey jessamine so listen i kinda already have all the rune locations memorized this is like my 90th playthrough so not really going to be using you a whole lot wait no corvo i can give you useful information about the world and npcs alright then give me one piece of information i don't already know um uh i can feel a great age ending yeah goodbye corvo wakes up and discovers he now has the ability to teleport possess people freeze time summon rats and shoot tornadoes not too bad for a quick afternoon snooze the last time i fell asleep at work i got fired yeah that's right i used to have a real job before i made youtube videos i used to drive school buses corvo gets his mission briefing and then sets sail to the distillery district home of the office of high overseer thaddeus campbell the hardest part about this mission is refraining from just killing every guard since they're just asking for it hey did you beat up those starving orphans like i asked you to wasn't it funny when the wall of light disintegrated that innocent old man sorry man i don't think we can gather for whiskey and cigars tonight corvo meets a creepy old lady named granny rags who wants him to deal with some goons that have been giving her trouble so he does and then she's like oh thank you for dealing with those ruffians dearie now can you please go poison the cure for the plague dooming thousands to a slow and painful death uh i am gonna pass on that one when corvo arrives at the overseer's base he frees teague martin who you can already tell is going to be a sucky character because his name is teague i was reading in the archive about the heretics brand it sounds painful have you ever seen the rope really you don't want me to tell you about it no are you sure you don't even want to know how it know for the last time dude i do not want to talk about the heretics brand change the topic all right uh say have you ever noticed how our building has a convenient ledge that a teleporting assassin who is currently standing on a streetlight above us could use to i don't know infiltrate campbell's meeting room and smash the glass of tivian red so that campbell takes kern out to his private chamber corvo takes this letter m shaped branding iron and marks campbell's face with a scarlet letter which means his religious pals will never speak to him again and now teague can be in control of the church yay corvo's next mission is to eliminate lord pendleton's brothers who are in the most to get 14 year old boys who are watching e3 to buy our game type level ever a brothel during this boat ride i should probably elaborate on the rat plague some more uh basically there's a plague going around the city spread by rats of course that makes his victims only able to end their sentences with the phrase tuya good luck to you i know emily must mean a lot to you a gang leader named slackjaw offers to make the pendletons disappear without killing them but i mean how is he gonna do that he can't even leave his distillery no this mission is best left to corvo because it's fun to try and make one pendleton kill the other one also emily is there and once you unlock her bedroom she somehow effortlessly non-lethal ghosts her way back to samuel she must have been using dark vision or something filthy casual anton sokolov is the target of the next mission remember corvo before i can pick you up you'll need to disable those searchlights on top of the bridge uh samuel it's broad daylight i think they're gonna spot you no matter what just do it okay fine i'm doing it but i don't see the point corvo kidnapped sokolov and uses a little psychological torture to get him to talk hey sokolove did you know arcane studios made a half-life game really that sounds wonderful when can i play it that's the thing they never released it what no no no how could you do this to me now it's time for the mission that video essays are made of corvo attends a masquerade party at the boyle estate with the goal of killing lady boyle but there are three lady boyles at the party so he has to figure out which one's the real one a weird stalker guy offers to help you out if you agree to knock out lady boyle and deliver her to him so he can take her away to his creepy dungeon for the rest of her life yeah you know what i think i'm just gonna kill her corvo no scopes this dude then returns to samuel's boat wait there are tall boys here i don't care how pacifist you are nobody can pass up an opportunity to do the cool tallboy takedown animation finally it's time to take down the lord regent himself and put emily back on the throne canonically what happens is that corvo finds the lord regen's confession tape he made for some reason where he says the plague was his fault plays it over the city-wide radio network so that everybody hears it and then guards arrest him which is poetic justice i guess but it's so boring i think it's way more fun to just light him on fire corvo returns to the hound pits bar and celebrates with his bestest friends ever oh boy oh man what a party i can't believe those guys haven't tried to betray me at all there it is don't worry corvo i only gave you half the poison that means that when you wake up you'll only have half your health uh samuel i don't think that's how poison works oh would you look at that corvo wakes up on a boat drifting through the flooded district and gets captured by dowd and his gas mask goons i know a great deal bodyguard oh yeah then what number am i thinking of ow the highly trained magical assassins decide that keeping their prisoner who was also a highly trained magical assassin inside of a hole was just a dilapidated wooden pallet covering him is a good idea it's not do you hear something i'm sure it's nothing corvo slices and dices his way to dowd beats him in a swordfight by using an automatic pistol and then has to make the toughest choice of his entire life i have one more surprise for you i asked for my life yeah right dude what possible story could you tell me that would make me sympathize with you i mean how much time do you have two hours later so then i switched the paintings and trapped her i'm sorry i've been talking for a long time do you have anything to drink uh sure here we go thanks idiot crap on his way back to the hound pits corvo runs into granny rags trying to cook slack jaw but it turns out she's the one who gets burned now the hound pits pub is crawling with guards so you just gotta take it slow be careful tall boy oh hey corvo good news we created a device that can knock out all the guards so none of them have to die hmm he doesn't look like he's been knocked out yeah i mean that must have been you guys pylon malfunctioning or something i'm gonna leave now man corvo you were doing so well you almost got the low chaos version of this mission what happened well i got poisoned and there was this thing with dowd and then there were tall boys and hang on wait weren't you the guy who poisoned me uh gotta go hey teague don't not don't don't not don't not don't don't not shoot yourself ha you can't tell me what to do corvo pendleton dies without doing anything because he sucks and then admiral havelock goes crazy and wants to jump off the cliff with emily did you know that emily has unique dialogue here if you possess havelock is that magic can i run now pretty cool huh or you can just shoot him and with that corvo puts emily back on the throne and everything is fine and nothing bad ever happens to them ever again thus ends the tale of corvo itano the legendary assassin who single-handedly saved the empire but also he could teleport and freeze time so it's not really that impressive when you think about it oh hey corvo i was just talking about how cool and great you are uh say you wouldn't happen to have a good way to end this video would you [Music] [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: oboeshoesgames
Views: 30,352
Rating: 4.9852495 out of 5
Keywords: dishonored, dishonored story explained, dishonored storyline, dishonored story recap, dishonored 2, oboe shoes games, oboe shoes games borderlands, oboe shoes borderlands, oboe shoes dishonored, funny, story recap, dishonored high chaos ending, dishonored ending, dishonored ending song, dishonored ending low chaos, corvo attano
Id: _S2AZ-BuYto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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