Motorcycle Adventure - Australia

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motorcycle adventure dirt bike tv is proudly supported by adventure spec in england rally raid products giant loop in the united states adventure moto adventure rider magazine in australia [Music] so there's nothing hugely spectacular about this motorcycle adventure i'm about to take you on just a couple of mates getting out and riding some lovely country in new south wales australia we all know motorcycle adventure is great soul food we're in adventureland have a look down there and many of you can't get your bike out of the garage at the moment so this is my invitation to you to come along with us on this ride soak up the scenery share some laughs and adventure with us and for those new to our sport pick up some tips and tricks he's the proprietor of sean chonky to us mate you gave us rain and then it's cleared up yeah as as i suspected we would just get the tail end of that rain and hang out at mcdonald's for breakfast and here we are worked out perfect nugget you look well prepared shrugged up like a little eskimo i am where's your fluoresce shirt she's hidden under there oh it's about six layers in i don't have the fancy clean gear so i've got like six footy jumpers on keep them warm though you look like a reflective tennis ball safety nugget this is safety enough safety nugget i was just dying out the uh 701 i think he's we've hit the dirt now so i think he's going to come into his element yeah yeah that's the last we'll see i know there'll be a bit of roosting going on i'm expecting big things out of you i'll see what i can do yeah we got the video out so and oink's with us yeah mate look at this he hasn't been for a ride for a long time not a fan of the side car position though he's pretty vulnerable yeah we've got a sidecar racing going on i bet he won't be that clean by the time we're finished he'll need a bath every night you know he's lived with me for 30 years he's not that clean oh no you know when things are going weird because shops have got no suzuki they're even now to suzuki nice and soft in this ride we're catching up with sean for his shonky tour of new south wales we're away for a week and hope to cover a couple of thousand kilometers we're doing a lazy loop of new south wales a sampler if you like from the hills of the great dividing range its western slopes and out onto the plains and back the first day sees us riding through a rain-soaked nunes national park just a few short months ago this bushland was burned to a crisp and the damage was so severe it is likely to take this bushland years to recover and now we're riding in muddy conditions with tracks chopped up by four-wheel drives the only consolation is we get a great view of the rock formations that line this track [Music] like [Music] [Music] i'm looking [Music] i'm gonna let my own so [Music] the muddy conditions threw out some challenges and frankly i thought nugget and i had bitten off more than we could chew there's nothing worse than entering unknown deep water when you don't know how to de-water your bike [Music] nice bloody i know i've got cross running in there oh lily went over let's go [Music] [Music] so many songs [Music] i'm gonna our first overnighter was at the historical gold mining town of hilland the first day's ride had given us an indication the drought in our country was breaking but we needed to head further west to confirm that view we arrived at hill end in the late afternoon and the boys made a beeline for the pub for some bench racing lubricated with a couple of beers sean what's today what have we got on uh today we're going to go down the bridal track we're going to try to cross i think it's not sure it's the macquarie or the churron down there we're going to try to cross that uh if we can cross that we'll head out to orange parks and then the goal is to get to hillston yeah well it's interesting last night i could hear the river flowing that's what i'm worried about so we'll see what backup plan is we do the whole bridal track and we break it up from there after all it is an adventure day very true it's not raining no stunning day blossoms are out you're surrounded by beautiful blossoms blossom yeah look there's a blossom see there's a blossom there's a hairy ass blossom [Music] the hill end bridal track is one of the most iconic motorcycle adventure trails in new south wales for me it holds a nostalgic memory as one of the first truly adventurous motorcycle tracks i rode with 1000 foot drops close to the unfenced edge of the track and a decent crossing of the churron river in the valley first records of it are found in the 1850s but at that stage it was only suitable for horses gold was discovered in hill end around the same time and by 1870 the track was improved and could take horse-drawn carts to this day it still to me has that old world feel and that's what attracts me to it we're in adventureland have a look down there we've got crossing down here that john wants to do i'm just looking at it it's pretty gnarly today seems like a lot of water more water than the other side can't see that happening shawn's plan was to cross the river here and make our way directly to orange [Music] mark's going down for a look very discerning look [Music] i reckon that's way too deep you can't see anything either yeah it's an interesting crossing you've got to do it in a horseshoe over there looks fine this bit bothers me that'll be a big whirlpool in there they'll suck you in [Music] 100. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah well getting the drain up puts a whole new perspective on the bridal trail you know it was made by convicts and when you think about it [Music] it was great to be basked in sunshine as we headed towards west wylong just soaking up the intense green of the countryside finally the weather had been good to our farmers but storm clouds were brewing as we were completing the final hundred kilometers into west wyalong we were about to get smashed by a very decent storm [Music] we're chasing the storm and the storm's chasing [Music] trying to skirt around it but i think we're going to get wet the uh i've seen some lightning strikes now i saw a couple just over there hopefully we'll cruise around it alex is taller than us so we'll be right yeah that's exactly right i've never known what happens to a bike rider if he gets hit by lightning on the run i guess we'll find out the um completely changes the atmosphere of the country doesn't it look at that it's beautiful out here there's a storm of brewing [Music] rosie's on the ground yeah trying to get me wet with pants on here you look like a small child who's crapped his pants and i can understand why i reckon i'm about to we've had a few lightning strikes pretty close looks fairly grim out there mark's taking any stride i got all my wet weather gear on because i don't have any but like shawn said it's going to be wet weather gear in a couple of minutes oh dave what is that at your feet what's going on we've been a monumental storm it's absolutely bucketed now this farmer has let us uh come into his shed he's gone now anyway i was in his driveway and it's absolutely bucking him down and i go straight into a hole and the bike drops into the water and i hit his car and i smack into his car door and uh mate look it's just insane the place has gone insane we've lost shawn shawn's got to head to the other guys but we couldn't see i don't know five meters in front of us it was just crazy have a look here now it's just easing off that was just insane this is uh water just flowing into the shed give me the shirt yeah hey mark what do you think of this adventure riding mate this is unbelievable like when you're riding along and you just feel the water going in through the top of your boots it's the best feeling we're lucky that farmer let us stay hey unbelievable unbelievable wait look at it out there what a beautiful day after the storm everything's so fresh and clean hey mark how far are we away too far too far [Music] a bit of lightning in the distance there it's well past us though he's gonna ride off into the sunset i'm literally riding off into the sunset okay [Music] here we are in our sunny dormer here's where's young mark down here i've got a camera i've come down and where are we mark we're in oh dave i'm half naked excuse me jesus just keep your legs last time i saw you were on a tractor your ankles in water i'm loving it today the sun's out yeah look at that the sun's shining it's dry and it's dry no precipitation got to be happy look at that sheepskin that'll be dry in a couple of months i'm even putting on a dry pair of socks this morning oh the new socks yeah i'll put new sock down hopefully they're going to go into dry boots because they've been stuffed with new newspaper all evening [Music] like some information on this beautiful fish yeah so the tower bit where it um pivots basically it's a thousand tons more weighs more than two seven four sevens and if the winds pick up more than 35 k's an hour they have to turn horizontally how about that for some facts god mate you're full of it yeah while we're here how's that dr going you might have some information on that the dr a bit of information on the dr it uh it doesn't stop it doesn't steer and it won't pull the skin off our ice pudding but it's doing everything that's been asked to do and it's keeping up with the bigger bike so far so we're going well are you falling in love with it not quite okay the seat's comfortable okay so you wouldn't marry it into adventure but it'll be a good reliable partner if you're looking for something long term dr but you may not invest emotionally in it no i don't think so no no it's one that i could kick to the curb quite easily [Laughter] there's a good assortment of bikes on this ride we've got dave on his kdm we're going to have a talk to him later on in his 990 he's done a lot of things on that and then he got sean over here the scraper he's still in the race another t7 and back there see that backside sticking out yeah that one there yeah that's mark he's got a husseburg five five seventy five seventy but all you could cut across navigation going on yeah what did we do before these things we got lost i think we had maps yeah bits of paper yeah i've heard of those multifunction if you shut yourself you could wipe your bum on it can't wipe your bum on an iphone uh you can well you can i wouldn't recommend it [Music] [Music] alrighty the track goes straight ahead so i can see it in the distance and it comes back in yeah all right well come on let's make a move make a decision after all it is an adventure [Music] it's been an easy day's riding and we've headed to just a couple of hundred kilometers northwest of the town called mendurin it's got a pub a police station and an abandoned courthouse and not much more and hasn't changed much since it was founded in 1866 the population at that time was 24 and by the looks of things it hasn't grown too much from then this is our first free camp on the banks of the castle ray river and time to test our support truck and our camping skills for some it's the first time they've put up a tent what's wrong with your ass mark what's wrong with his ass what's wrong with restless towards the end of the day i just come over here yeah i don't think i need to think though so yeah you got the the muffin seat you're really i do but you know like you you think that is comfortable but then by the end of the day you land up back here somewhere and i must show you like you know you get all these automatic oil yeah yeah chain lube things yeah i noticed that wait this one does it automatically it's a big it starts about up here somewhere right and then it just you know chain lube all day it feels like it does your panniers at the same time slick panniers this bike does everything so rosie you got your bike and yourself under a tree here so yeah you want to just smash it up that mate you see that one there yeah it's a widowmaker so i'll put the dr under there and yeah hopefully something happens your partnership may be prematurely ended i don't think so i think the tree will break mate on this this is unbreakable cool if you want something reliable there you go and i've got to say i've got to give it up for uh around uh you come over here today give that a clean yeah we're doing paid promotion the bike is faultless it's uh that's the job it's living up to everything it's meant to do so very happy with it so if you're looking for a uh like adventure bike uh get under these guys and uh how much is it for how much is that this one cost me 1100 bucks for 10 days god that's all right now all i've got to do is turn it and return it clean that's all right okay so all maintenance everything done so what they've done they've they've given this whole block of full service before i picked it up yep uh it's all the brakes and everything's all done yeah uh all i need to do is return it clean and full of fuel and that's 300 or 10 days oh that's good value that's excellent value yeah yeah john we we're doing it pretty tough aren't we you know we're in the wilderness and we've got dave and russ with us supported trip it's tough they've been looking after us too haven't they yeah earning their keep i think yeah that's about the size of it well they found us a good camping spot i noticed you're down there i can see you way down there on the yeah i try to get the furthest away you do mark's getting all cuddly next to me see his little orange tent there the bikes traveled from london down the whole length of africa but has the tent uh the tent as well yes this is your setup almost this is your africa setup and this ten dollar primer stool has also done the job right down with me and pretty much everything here um took you from london to the bottom of everything including the rider yeah that's amazing yeah he must have must be bringing back memories it is yeah it's been a while since i've had it all out i'm all together so it's good it's good to have it back in action yeah a couple of money alex that tent looks uh very new second time first time right okay hey but i got it i looked over and as i finished mine you were finishing yours yeah i i looked over and i thought oh he knows what he's doing it's been a while but yeah yeah and that's you say 700 now it's done what about 1800 cases over 2000 today yeah we did a few didn't we how's it going thank you awesome yeah yeah it's funny how some of my size you know bikes sometimes can be hard for me to fit on but a couple little mods to it just most of the suspension and the right tyres and the rally suit and i'm just loving it yeah that's good mate it's good yeah it looks very familiar a very good color there's sean he had a little bit of a foopy right talk about it too much but he just went and did some grinding and look over the horizon i look over here's my little buddy it's mark's adventure tent every time he moves it's just so much noise i don't know what he's got i reckon he's got listen to that wait it's i've never heard such a noisy camp you're not a happy camp you're a noisy camper no i'm a happy camper what are you sleeping on a pack of the chips yeah a pack of crisps and it just squeaked what the hell's going on in there quite what goes on oh yeah it's parachute material that's what it is uh i've been keeping your seat warm alex i've got a complaint about that's too big don't argue with him he'd just pick you up and dunk in the fight morning day three so what do you got in store for us the original uh the second or third plan that we're up to now is head to kuna bara brand and then we're going to try to do the pillager or explore as much as we can of the pillager and then we're going to head up to burn junction and i've promised everyone some hot spring baths to soothe their aches and pains yeah most of and russ has been looking after us that dinner you cooked last night mate spectacular well that's good that's good what does that say happy vloggers happy life oh kinda and dave's nearly over he's um kovid about halfway there i think now i've just got to deal with the pneumonia and i'll be right yeah caving day yeah good day we've got covered dave we've got drain day yep straight from the potts point hotspot yeah that's right it is so we've got we're at crossroads we don't know where to go literally look a little bit of an argument but at the end of the day here's our fearless he's the shanky tourist leader following him yeah we're going to go the chunkiest way possible i think all right what it is dave these guys have got six seven hundred dollar garmin gps right telling them that this track doesn't go through right i've downloaded a free app yeah that tells us this track goes through all right there's a lot at stake here boys yep let's see what happens on the other side oh it's a 700 bet i think 14 because it's 2 700. [Music] [Music] so [Music] love me all night long [Music] she most welcome to my loving home [Music] little girl she lives upon through windows [Music] well who was vindicated hey yeah no cost no cost software six thousand dollars worth of software i'm not convinced yet no i think he did all right i was very happy with that thank you dave i'll see what i can do for us today i must confess though i'm starting to suffer uh fuel anxiety on the t7 i think alex is two he's got his arms folded bit worried a little bit that's half the fun isn't it yeah i've got it's 1106 so i've still got 50 minutes of riding to go will we make it i reckon alex will we've been i've been short shifting and trying to ride as conservative as possible that will be right and despite your immense hulk we both went on to reserve at the same time exactly the same time yeah so you must be a conservative rider sometimes rosie's up the back there he's loving it we're becoming one together now got to watch that rosie oh don't tell me the honda's falling a bit he needs a yamaha i need to stop crashing have we got that we're at green acres don't worry millennials you won't know what that is but the older bikes will and ladies green acres is the place to be now here comes a well-prepared bloke see that listeners look at that he's got more cable ties there than a pheasant what's your problem i i just want to completely repair the bike with a hundred cable ties while you there can you put a couple on his shoulder yeah dave what's going on alex has failed the earplug test does he yeah so we're just going to do a bit of trackside surgery here so firstly you had the cable ties and now you've got the tweezers we're doing we're going to do this under local okay can you reach that high that's my next question yeah uh could someone give me a food swim while you're down there all right stay very still jesus i'm not moving my people here you're good there he is it's a boy had it all just have a nice relaxing day and then yeah give us a buzz in the morning if you haven't yet thanks thanks you should be right yeah just fix it fix the bill up with actually here again reduced our fuel anxiety alex see we don't have it anymore but sean's got some plans i think it's a smart move to fill up while we can and you can see it feel it we need that fuel because we're heading into an isolated area known as the pilliga scrub which is over 5 000 square kilometers of semi-arid woodland the red to yellow soil originates from jurassic sandstone which as the name suggests is very bloody old 50 million years to be exact most of the tracks are flat open and fast flowing and riders have a temptation to let the bike have its head but soft patches of sand and washouts ensure riders are kept on their toes [Music] see foreign [Music] [Music] well i don't wear noses so shiny shoes and i just do the best i can [Music] well i just want to take that little girl in i won't need [Music] how'd you find the pillager oh um they should rename it stoney squiggly road maybe shut my pants a few times all right i saw rosie wiggling his bum like he was craig denier of dancing with the stars yeah you're not wrong she was getting a bit loose in there and a couple of sandy sections and uh high speed and uh yeah and here comes the place at one stage and here comes young alex alex what do you think of the pillager i'm going to call myself mr death wobbles from now on some good tank slappers i'm glad i'm not the only one but hey i'm here that was good fun till later what's going on all right so we've just come through the pillager and we're here at the town of pilliga just over there is one hot springs and we're going to head up to burn junction about 40 k's and camp at another hot springs right dave yes um it was hard to get a good look at it at that speed i'll be honest um but i enjoy the straight roads straight sandy roads the bike does well on there so nice to have it flat hot springs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with our faces peppered in pilliga sand our late afternoon arrival at the artesian bore baths at burn junction was a welcome treat the boar maintains a constant temperature of 41.5 degrees celsius and we spent the evening soaking our cares away but cooling down with the odd can of great northern day five and this is the cleanest i've seen rosie little hubba bubba's going well our support group our support group russell and dave well set up wheat bix mark's doing it hard he's 40s eastern suburbs coffee maker straight out of uh rush cutters bay man loves a good espresso in the morning there's something yuppy about that mark i just but then again you've earned your brownie points but then again you'd really like one of these wouldn't you no i don't drink coffee oh damn but you know what you redeem yourself riding a husseburg on this ride covered in oil yeah self-loathing self-lubing yeah we're gonna have a look at that today oh yeah we are gonna have a look at that shortly we'll be pulling her apart let's see what we can do all right just behind us here we've got some hot springs uh a bore that comes up at about 38 degrees celsius uh quite warm and uh very relaxing after a good day's ride and i might even have a dip before we start today actually yeah well it's the cleanest i've seen the group yes i'm the hygiene specialist yesterday that's right yes you are you're going around sniffing everyone i'm telling you that the unwashed are not welcome near you dave's bike's ridden the length of africa and he looks like he's in africa again on this plane so dave you standing atop that small hill you look like you're in the african safana and i thought you're going to get taken by a lion or something i was having a bit of a flashback and i got nervous and came back yeah i know it's got that feel to it hasn't it i think i've got more chances of dying of pneumonia than being taken by a lion at the moment but yeah i know with it's good you're having kobe you've infected everywhere we've been so it's going well i know i'm really spreading it around it's great there's so many people there's campsites get better my friend thank you but wow look at that view what's happening mark oh well we're trying to fix the the exxon valdez yeah basically and the hustlers we've been losing a bit of oil and um tell me what what do you got i can see it well i've taken the chain off and uh taken the sprocket off yeah pulled the bush out cleaned the seal up actually going to put a 50 knot instead of holding a good idea and try that and try to keep up with dave yeah and uh we'll see how we go i think that'll do the job yeah hopefully i wish i would have come over earlier and seen you looking too busy flying drones well rosie was right we had another swim in those baths before heading out onto the western plains and by the look at that drone shot it's flatter than a cricket pitch in every direction as far as the eye can see the good thing is the farmers have had rain and the crops are growing strongly for the first time in years sean is turning us east towards home and by the end of the day back onto the western slopes of the great dividing range right camping here everyone's getting ready get going gotta clean your teeth before you start though pretty hot today they're all looking for shade under that little tree they can't all fit day five we're heading out in a roundabout way we're heading to we wall [Music] you can see the boys right into the distance we're on those big planes out there we walk just amazing vista unfortunately mark's fix of his bike wasn't as permanent as he thought it would be so we're in the middle of africa no where are we feels like the middle of africa what's happened mate what's happened look i spent two hours this morning doing the new bush everything on the counter shaft seal cleaning her up because she's been leaking for the last day or so yeah and um bloody shouldn't have i should have left all the dirt in there now that i've taken it out it's ten times worse come and have a look though oh god oh well look on the bright side you clean detroit the chain is really clean that's a lot of oil yeah so we're going to go back and uh put her in the trailer and see if we can find a town that may have some sort of seal bush kit or something rather the chances of that will you run around the campsite tonight nude if i find one if you find one yes yeah i will run around the campfire [Music] like we're in the serengeti plains dave yeah that's kind of familiar hey no antelope i can't see any giraffes no um but sometimes they do hide behind the trees so let's see if we can find a tree there oh yeah there's a few in the distance yeah i think shawn's convinced even after two second for the broken wing it's a lot easier to push around ah i was just saying to alex if the africa twin and this came out at the same time i'll probably be on a different bike just from the size and weight yeah it's interesting died this is the beauty of a supported ride well you know we'll carry anything we'll make sure everything's picked up guaranteed so rosie's left his shorts and towel behind and now we're gonna load the hussetberg into the back of the trailer and tonight we'll have an auction for the towel and the shorts you know the great thing is if we had to push this bike anywhere it's a long way to a city what is it about japanese reliability alex so what's left one ktm one honda two t7s and a little dr i'll do a little cuff for you yeah so so dave's been coughing too much on the trip so we've blocked him so he's in the covered safety cage his new name is [Applause] [Music] yeah he goes the lift of shame a little bit of violin music [Applause] you know yeah it is isn't it there's a whole bunch of people behind the rhinoceros trying to load it in yeah if it doesn't get angry [Applause] mark's determined to fix it what do you reckon what he saw what are his odds i think probably one in change you are generous i think he finds a bearing he's got his heart set on getting a factory kit which is there's no chance he wants to go to the narrow right who's the yeah yeah look at this i don't wonder where that is but um my theory is if he goes to a bearing shop and gives them the dimensions of that seal they'll have something yeah oh gee yeah one in tinder so i'll give him ten percent chance of getting going i give him 0.01 well okay they're not that far off from each other they both work out to him not finishing their ride on their bike while we continued the ride on some stunning twin trail mark and the support crew headed into narrabri looking for some oil seals at we wore we fueled up met some very enthusiastic locals and then had tea and cake do you reckon you reckon she loves me or hates me just wants to fly with you does she give her a patch do you reckon without losing my hand you know like dressed like [Music] well there you go i want to play you're right yeah in the back streets of we wore we found this stunning little coffee shop uh oasis in wework it is a little secret hey we couldn't well we're so scatterers we're so secret we didn't even know where it was right sean's shonky tours have excelled himself hasn't he hey what a place so he's rosie he's um the hardened adventurer what are you what are you sipping on there oh that's a latte and what's this cake yeah this is a hummingbird cake all right and this where are we we wore or are we in eastern sydney where we were actually yes there's no no surf around but uh we've got all the other luxuries here yeah look at this our lead rider is a cake eater as well this is a tough gig one thing i forgot to mention was that since that storm shawn's planned route had been abandoned and he was basically making it up as he went the west and western slopes of new south wales are littered with amazing trails and tracks and the dividends of keeping off the main roads and going a little bit out of our way was enormous and provided some brilliant riding but not only that it added to the adventure because you were never quite sure of what was around the corner or where you would end up how good is this it's amazing it's so beautiful stunning isn't it oh i love it i really want to we'll do another trip like over a weekend get back up here because it's i'd love to camp in those mountains or yeah i mean it's a long way to come for two days but oh no it's stunning it's not that far it's probably about six hours it's really nice anyway let's let's get going lunchtime [Music] so [Music] do [Music] i wonder what that's gonna do or have i been lucky sean and it's just sitting there and yeah i reckon you can pull that out and be fine wow god dr sean you want me to pull this out i want you to pull it out doc it's gonna hurt all right it's gonna hurt have you got something to bite on i'll just bite down how bad is this how bad is it [Music] i think i've got a flat tire could i not have a flat tire stick your finger put some sit on it she's not bleeding yeah no no how could that be have you got any air in the tire dave [Laughter] so when you pulled it it wasn't down like that no it was so it was sort of do that exactly like that yeah you're kidding [Music] well shawn's navigation wasn't too far wrong during the afternoon the western slopes of the great dividing range emerged from the horizon the next focus was finding a home for the night and luck was on our side with a cracking campsite beside a small river not far from lake keeper all right we're trying to find a camping spot yeah look there's a flat bit there it's it's grassier to be quieter than under the bridge oh they're coming anyway i reckon maybe they're broken yeah yeah so we're free camping just out of um keep it damn and it's a nice river just over here uh but i don't think i'll be swimming in that it's a bit burry uh so the sensible ones have decided to camp on the on the main track but some of the other guys the green adventurers have gone into the thickness it'll be interesting how they go in the morning picking up birds this is camp life you've got two davids there the david on the right is getting sliced from the david on the left and custard over here this is a very expensive we're at this expensive tourist caravan park accommodation all right mate what's going on what are we doing tomorrow tomorrow we're going to head to the plan is to head through tamworth nundell and camp at sheba dam right but with everything on this trip that could go out the window at any moment so do you reckon mark is going to be successful in fixing his buy i have faith in mike i think he'll be now he's got the parts yeah i knew he'd get the parts i have faith in him the bike will be running tomorrow yeah i'll wait for tomorrow's uh adventure so we're free camping where are we got no idea somewhere near the naomi river which is probably the namoy river yes get my jacket inside out so you're going to get this bike going or what it's not a question it's not even a question because i practiced this morning i've done it once before already yeah no we'll be good to go in the morning there's lots of lubrication there already so it's just falling out it's worth lube i'll tell you a chain all right look forward to that rosie rosie's there looks like a little gobble doc frozen up she's cold tonight dave i've got my thermals on and uh thankfully he found his wood earlier on so we've got a nice good little fire going here and it's all warm alex is loving his t7 still going good rosie's loving it too yeah yeah better he could touch the ground but i could still eroded good all right well camping life see beautiful [Music] ah take two i think yesterday i was at this exact same or not same spot but in the same scenario and it didn't work so we made our way to tamworth yesterday in the cow support vehicle yeah went around to a bearing shop to get a particular seal went to ktm shop to get a specific o-ring and today we're going to have another crack at it and i'm quietly confident because dave said i couldn't do it i gave you a 0.01 dave was much more generous he gave you 10 percent gave me mate alex gave you i know sean gave you 50 okay you know there's problems when you're taking the ball down the oil's just pouring he's gone past his tent mark what's the goal are you up you reckon you got it test ride coming up all right i'll be back in five all right let's see how we go we'll see this losing any fluid mark's going out to see testy seal no good day holy it's niagara falls mate look at these blinkers while we're at it good old courserberg ktm blinkers the best you can get i know what's happened dave what's happening i think i forgot to tighten these two screws all right and off now go out again oh no clutch oil has he got the husseburg over the line oh he's thumbs up he's thumbs up he's back he's back in the camp that was a cracking campsite last night [Music] a bit chilly but as you can see it's lovely we had the river there on our right hand side yeah we really enjoyed ourselves [Music] do and i don't think i can walk these roads [Music] anymore [Music] it's gonna be a cold cold night take me off they're predicting snow at the [Music] barrington we got all day so we can take it out the movement starts snowing and take me off [Music] is [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] won't you take me out [Music] but i think i can walk these roads take me out [Music] won't you take me there [Music] [Applause] [Music] take me over [Music] i wanna [Music] so i came around the corner up there and masked my fields going like this you just going around the corner and saying the drive side is just imploded oh no no what are we gonna do i'm ridable after all it is an adventure and look at this this is adventureland dave my god hey it's so sad mike will never get to see this you might get to sleep in the back of the car the moment i saw that that husselburg i thought it was trouble it's been sitting in somebody's shed for so many years and no one's been riding it you know a bearing or a seal and we had both of them yes and now he's been denied adventureland so we're 29 k's from our destination yeah the support crew will be there at some point i think the plan is i'll ride in yeah meet the support crew send them out here and we'll pick up mark while wait at the pub well we can all write in leave mark to the dingoes and and they'll finish them off all right a or b who's for eight b b [Laughter] mark we've all voted and we think we should all go to the pub and leave you out here for the dingoes to get you what do you reckon if you're watching this mark if you're watching this mark we do care about you yeah we do we just had a little vote that was all all right let's see what's plan c so plan c we go to the bar take two come on get it out racing all right so plan c we're gonna go down to the pub yeah we're gonna park the bikes up pick up a six-pack jump in the support crew and come back and get mark right okay we'll be right face by time we get there and struggle to get his bike on the trail and we'll give him a good bit of encouragement when we get there too all right bloody temperamental hustle burgs yeah yeah unbelievable where's the suzuki dr mate sitting down there old faithful has lived up to everything that's been thrown at it all week that's right not a problem at all but yeah as if you'd write a hustle burger yeah well we're going to talk about this later on at the pub we're going to have a debrief about the bike so i'm looking forward to your resume so there goes our captain he's he's just leaving leaving one of our line out in the bush with the dingos mark there's a pattern forming here what's happened now we'll start it from yesterday we start off like this yes that's right crying i believe there's a photo from yesterday yes then this morning we changed the oil seal everything like this today now unfortunately again what's double worse than that though this is a this is this is well i must tell you check front so it's four o'clock the sun's setting i've had this brilliant run through this valley here yeah it's stunning speed top speed or legal and uh just the last up hill going around the corners i've sort of filled a bit of a wobble and i thought oh flat tire pulled over had a look and um well i think she's a bit she's a bit more than a wobble oh my god she's a little bit more than just your standard wobble that's a womble but i will say i checked front and rear before i left rear were fine front were no good replace those donna i think the 20 water crossings we just did may have something to do with it the hulsa berg has had its last puff it's going in the trailer crazy do you want to do a piece to camera about the reliability of the dr as in the background the husterberg's being loaded into the trailer there you go is it but the the older reliable they are you still not miss a beat all i've done is i've moved the train twice the entire week that's the only maintenance i've done still on the original air filter six days in on a seven day ride uh it hasn't has so much has had a flat tyre it uh it just cranks up every morning serves like a kitten and uh rides all day all night here it comes there it comes we spent our last night at moon and flats no camping for us as it was cold and wet and snowing in the barrington in the morning time to say our thank yous and goodbyes and reflect on our mounts and how they performed on sean's shonky adventure rosie i've got a question for you so you've been away for a week how would you rate that how would you rate your experience out of ten um first adventure right yeah um and i've got to say it's been a fantastic i'd say good eight out of ten yeah uh we've had good good crew with us uh good riding um some up and down with the weather but overall it's been a great experience and uh no doubt about it i'll be looking at doing them again in the future so eight out of ten that's really interesting because i i'm giving it eight out of ten so when we think of the cost of the bike the bikes aren't really in this are they it's it's just the it's the experience it's the mate ship it's getting out and and having a good good time with with people i mean i'm on the least capable bike here and i reckon i'm having the most fun and that's that's the point i try to get across to people you know everyone's caught up in this thing oh you gotta have the best bike you have the best suspension gotta have the best engine that's crap isn't it it's absolutely crap i mean look at the tyres i'm using yeah yeah it's slipping and sliding all over the place and uh i've had my heart in my mouth more times than i'd like to within a week but uh here we are we've kept it up right and you've had the same experience as us absolutely it's been great and it's cost me absolutely nothing what do i think is the amount of money that everyone else here has probably put into maintenance prior to the ride and then what they'll put into maintenance after the ride is probably what it cost me to get this for the week yeah and all i have to do is hand it back clean yeah so you can do it on a shoestring budget for sure yeah yeah mate valuable lessons there rosie where are we at moon and flat in flight getting ready for the ride home yeah god look at it top accommodation we've done all right yeah yeah it was warm warm everyone's sleeping yeah look at this accommodation mark might have missed the final day but i think he's considering the temperature outside mark i think you've done all right i've pulled a rabbit out on the hat this morning let me tell you it is freezing out it's snowing on barrington and razie and i have to do the ride home yep yeah i've got the neck walker on ready to go i've never been happier to see a set of wheel bearings let's go all all's well that ends well hey you've taken this bike the length of africa and then you've taken on sean's shonky adventure yeah i don't know which was more challenging to be honest yeah i do but don't lie but you still got the bike so it must do everything you want yeah it does i've got you know i've got everything sort of where i want it now and it um all my little tips and tricks and yeah yeah it's set up well i notice you when you know like you're just basically taking all your gear yourself aren't you yeah i'm sort of used to it now so i don't i don't really know how to split it all up it all kind of comes everything works together you know it's all a package so yeah um i wouldn't know how to use it but it's well set up like the bike looks from behind in front looks really well balanced and yeah yeah and you're comfortable on it and you seem to you know you can certainly clip along on the thing yeah i don't really notice the um you know when the luggage is on i don't really i'm not really aware of it bites feels good it's well balanced i've got heavier springs up front but other than that i haven't really had to do much to it um obviously i've got a lot of weight in the tanks when they're full yeah but i've got to be honest i really don't feel the luggage that much when it's behind me well certainly one of the the bikes to take on this adventure it's done well yeah mark if you had your time again would the husterberg come with us or what look if i didn't have a bike yeah it would come again yeah let's go and probably change the rear wheel bearings right but uh but is it a good idea i'm still torn they're just too many bikes here we've got 90s t7s you know downwind um on the trip uh still putting along so you're a kind of a a a curious adventure rider you're just you're on that cusp you've still got young kids so it's it's too early to ride adventure bikes full time yet until they leave the nest i'm a lost adventure right at the stage all right i'm torn between my normal riding family uh going out with your mates for a week but that's the thing i mean i didn't start adventure right until my kids were 18. right it's just it just takes up too much time i may just have to wait a few more years you know what can you do final day of shawn shonkey adventure mate what a trip thanks so much for taking us uh my pleasure dave it's come come off good not exactly to plan but i think everyone's had a good time mate i i think those non-to plan adventures are better yeah i was actually getting in the groove of it waking up in the morning and working out where we want to go and how we want to get there and a bit of a team effort and it worked well mate i've got you there scratching it on your iphone and working out tracks on the run like we had some pearl tracks yeah and sometimes just a case of seeing a good track and then having a quick look where it goes and thinking it gets to where we want to go and taking the chance and they most of them turned out really well there's some crackers in that and yesterday was great it's good to see mark do the 20 creek crossings yep i was happy that he got it sorted and he got to do the best bit of the ride yes it was fun yeah well done mark well mate thanks a lot and now africa twin if you had your time again would you get another one uh my fx twins not exactly standard so i've no i've set it up to suit me and the writing i like to do and as it's set up now i would definitely use that bike for this ride again and any other adventure ride you've got long legs you can go fast you can do the tight stuff it seems to do everything pretty well yeah it's got a bit more range now and suits my style of stand up riding a bit better now so yeah yeah we certainly skip along on it new tyres lasted yeah those motors adventurers that's a motors adventurer yeah i get 10 000 k's out of them and i don't baby them no i i've witnessed that so that's 2 000 k's of spinning there literally no that's not a bad uh not bad run out of a tyre i'm certainly not getting that out of the pirelli yeah no 700 your first big rider you only had what a couple hundred k's on 800 on the start so it's uh yeah i've clicked over a few more than that now so you're a happy camper do you like the thing i'm loving it yeah just now feeling comfortable on the bike i think you even saw it yesterday and uh felt like a little enduro bike throwing around some of those corners and yeah getting the back end out sliding around and then just then cruising around looking all the scenery and everything yeah it's a good bike isn't it it was a great bike for this trip i'd have to say i'm a bit of a fan of the t7 for this sort of work yeah well i don't have a lot to compare it to but i'm very happy camper you know my size and weight it is just perfect yeah just looking there you've got some decent bar extenders on yeah i try to avoid putting them on at first but if you stand just keeping a lot more comfortable position no you look uh very comfortable so uh that's good yeah and um how your tyres going so what do you have on the back here i've got a motor as well mine's a rally zed so it's a little bit more off-road orientated right new the big bike i wanted to make sure i had much grip as possible yeah but it's been great like it all let loose when you want it if you get up it enough but it keeps the grip on everything we've done yeah i'm very happy no it seems um seems like it's worn pretty well this is the um rally scorpion pirelli i've got to say it's worn a bit more than i expected um yeah greg gager says to me that once it gets to about this level it stays like that for a long time but we'll we'll see how we go so we've only done shawn what it's only been on this trip so i've only done 2 000 2 000 and it's certainly worn so amazing grip i've been really happy with the grip but i that's a lot of tie a lot of cost uh to be turning over tyres so yeah i like it but i don't know if that's a permanent sort of tie for me i might spy on myself every now and again oh yes um gotta thank rice and dave russ and dave they've been support crew brilliant they'll be more than support crew so gourmet breakfast gourmet dinner um making space in the car two days in a row people awake no phenomenal and uh they're invited anytime yeah thanks so much guys it's brilliant thank you good bunch of blokes thanks you've had a great time so beautiful back to hill in namibia namibia next [Music] [Music] that's all for the sake of warmth yes it's bloody cold in there a huge thank you to blues musician tom richardson for allowing mad tv to use music tracks from his tom richardson live album including sega lenequa evolution wherever i roam and young woman blues for many years mad tv have showcased tom's music he's released a number of albums and new material that are definitely worth a listen the latest being promise of the light and pockets now for those new to mad tv we have a huge library of motorcycle adventure documentaries both international national bike tests and reviews chris birch extreme videos and most recently documentaries from world extreme endurance writer nick sanders
Channel: Motorcycle Adventure Dirtbike TV
Views: 412,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VibxiELQxPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 31sec (4711 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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