Motion Tweening Animation In Krita 5 - No joke! It's Real!

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hello there how are you doing i've been watching a lot of friends lately what can i do i have a surprise for you kids if you're new here i usually make the foreign okay this is the the one thing that a lot of people have been waiting for and finally i don't know what's this um finally this is a reality let's just play this okay this this is real it's streaming animation if you're completing you you're like what is she talking about well we can do well we can do training animation it's like i think that's big i i said i did i think that's huge i mean this did he use that one i don't think he haven't used it so we can do three animation increasing i'm going to show you how you can do that obviously let's get into this [Music] so i have my pin so this is critical for you crystal five you can download that from there like build up on their website i am on windows 10 i think and i'm using a huion tablet so faster yet i'm gonna stop this because now i'm not gonna find it annoying i keep playing this all over again um now how to to do 3d imagine well uh first of all when i tried this kind of uh it didn't work out i i made my animation i tried to move with the person's screen and they did not want to work the main reason for that is that you need to follow a specific thing to in order to make a string your whole animation and that is to put your animation layer in half in my case this is my animation ball over here and your transformation um mask these two into a clue it's not that complicated so i'm gonna basically redo this all over here for you to see so um i can hide this i can actually delete this i and i have my this is my line okay so we're not gonna touch this we're we're gonna create a new layer we're gonna double click on that we're gonna call ball boiler i guess and we're gonna basically we're gonna come here on the frame zero the new frame here i'm gonna grab my brush and i'm gonna draw a ball and see i know uh and then i'm gonna animate his own twos so i'll go to a new frame over here check my onion skin i'm gonna make the bulb squash like this on this frame i'm going to make the ball show like a bit oh my god joe amazing animation happening over here oh no it's not the best animation but the idea is to show you how you can um clean your frame by hand animation so uh relax okay relax so base so i'm gonna pro i'm gonna go through the animation that i have i'm gonna check this on your skin so i'm gonna so basically the bowl is jumping uh this is the best animation that you see uh here on youtube i guarantee you this oh boy so we have our animation yeah the frames great what we need to do now is we need to add uh a um first name a mask a transformation mask layer but we need to do that on the ball itself so you're going to click on your animation layer in my case my ball animation there right button there you can go to add and then you're going to go and add a transform mask which will add this transparent transform spread it is a mask on this layer on your bowler so we're gonna animate the position of that mask but before we do that we need to make sure that our bowler and our mask layer they're connected but we need to put them into a group in order our training animation to work that was the part i was missing so a line button on that and go to group and then click now we're gonna have a group this will be called group one in your case in my case it's review because i already did this once so we're gonna have a group uh layer in which we have our animation layer which is our bowl layer and we have our transfer transform mask layer so now we can go and animate this ball position see my bump oh yeah we're gonna animate on our transformers how to animate our transformers you might feel that you're gonna create more frames here you're gonna move no no no no we don't do anything in our animation timeline i wanna burp again anyway he didn't hear that because i cut that we're gonna do our animation on our transform a mask well we need to have another another timeline if you will if you really why i'm talking about this i don't know we're gonna have another timeline this timeline is for traditional animation free by frame we need to have our animation curves which they come from uh if you go to settings if you go to dockers and here they are i have opened them so that's why they have a tick it's over here this little this little docker here if i move it it will i think by default it will come on the bottom but this is what we are looking for and we need in order to animate our transformation mask so i'm going to put this next to my timeline there we go so it's easy it's easier for me to switch between two so i am over here now it's a bit scary but it's not okay okay make sure you are on your transform mask layer make sure you're on the beginning of that transformation layer which is frame 0 from in most cases right and from this button we are going to make a keyframe yes now it happens it has a couple of keyframes based on the axis and the y's of uh so you can scale this you can move this around and where what we need to do is to go to let's say this frame move away your your marker to your frame and go to your transform tool and the moment you click the transform tool you notice it already creates a couple of keyframes so now i can move this animation and i can move this to come over here so if i go back and if i play this and then as it alexis though it's a bit very fast right so that's one the other thing is if i stop this if we actually go through the frames it jumps and then lands and then it stays the same which is kind of weird why this is happening is if i go to my animation timeline you will notice because we're still on the transformer layer you'll notice in here we have this keyframe but on the ball layer we notice that our keyframe this is our last keyframe here and it takes this keyframe throughout the animation so if you want to make your animation repeat uh if you're making a walking animation i will show you in a second with the walking animation you will like this area here to be repeated with the previous keyframes that you have here so what you can do is to hit control and start selecting your keyframes like this and button and then copy keyframes and then you know keep spacing even and come here and we're going to paste them over here so now if i go back replay it's a bit too fast i know but it's pretty animation kids we have it finally we live long enough to see this yay anyway i'm going to show you my walking animation hey it's this is a character yeah now in order to make this work cause as you know since here i have a group with this character in this group if i open it i have the the lines i have the highlights and i have the power all the separate animated layers i don't want to have that because in order to make the um the 3d animation in order to change the scale to change the position i need to have all this on one layer and then and then we're going to repeat the process that we did with the ball so what i can do is i can duplicate my layer control and shape hide my original style layers and group i can duplicate the group control and e on the documentation group so we can merge everything to become one layer so here we go we're almost there these are my keyframes on that uh and now i can hit the right button here i can add a transform mask and we're almost there except that i need to uh put this layer and this transformation into one group i'm putting on that layer and then you have to group group right here quick loop and now both of these layers in one group so now if i go to transform a mask layer if i go to the first frame and if i go to animation curves i can add my first keyframe right and over here let's say maybe here yeah i will grab my transform tool and i will move this over here all right or maybe we can move it out of the screen and if i go back to the beginning position if i move this off the screen again if i go through the frames it should work oh man okay let's just put this here my husky friend over here okay so as you notice if you put your animation uh off the screen does not take the position for that that's interesting uh and let's just play this let's see he's walking but we have the same problem as the one with the ball it takes all the frames and the moment the animation ends on one frame it it just stays on that particular frame so i'm going to start this go to my animation timeline go to my bare uh and i spit now i spit on stuff i'm going to go to my animation with the bear layer right so as you notice here this is my animation if i double click on that and call this copy let's say copy so you can see it here on your animation timeline uh i can just copy the keyframes so they can repeat uh copy of the clone it's up to you how you want to use this function but uh yeah and i'm gonna copy maybe this keyframe and now if i play this it's working it's working and it's there isn't there this printing image he changes the position is yeah congratulations great stuff hopefully you got the idea how to do the three animation obviously you can change not just the position but you can also change the um the scale go back to your transformation mask because that's where you can make those changes and go to animation curves and if you want with your um small tool right and now let's say i can make the bear or make the bear bigger here it changes a little bit but oops and here you can make the the bigger the bears more like this i'm just trying to play around to see the difference okay so i'm gonna play this today it's becoming bigger oh he's changing his uh position because of the the curse that we have here not position um scale there we go i thought that was cool hopefully this was helpful to you leave a like because that apparently helps subscribe if you're new here i make those kind of videos once in a while and yeah yeah i'll stay healthy stay happy and i'll see you in the next one bye you
Channel: Munkaa
Views: 52,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krita animation tutorial, munkaa, tweening tutorial, new feautures, krita 5 animation, Motion Tweening Animation In Krita, motion tween animate cc, krita tweening tutorial
Id: 0aVHRfys3z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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