How to Animate in Krita - 2D Animation Tutorial ( My animation process + tips ) | TutsByKai

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so you want to do a little bit of animation hey guys one - Mike I'm Kai and today we are back and I love I love this program because it's so versatile and the animation features are absolutely amazing I've done countless animations up here at the top right hand corner you can see we have this little box if I click that box it'll drop down the workspaces and animation will be right there there so we just choose animation you see this timeline will pop up down here will turn this little this little light bulb on if you can see if I draw a couple lines and I move to frame six that's a keyframe six delete all that and then draw again you can see we have the onion skinning now working we can we can modify the onions getting by hitting this little button right here so this this would be good we'll do like a thumbs up that'll be good that'd be cool all right so we'll start in the zero frame will go to thorine right now I'm not worried about timing we're just gonna get the all these down and worry about it a little bit but not too much I'm gonna go ahead and create a duplicate frame right so there's nothing on that it's Hollow I don't usually like to draw and then go backwards and fill in the frames but I think we'll do something like that today all right so just something like that just something simple sketchy so I'm gonna drag this to say frame 30 now on frame 3 we need to we need to figure out how to get from from nothing to this now we can go ahead and in the middle we can do this a little differently we can grab this frame right click the frame next to it and it create duplicate frame to duplicate that and then we'll just move that somewhere in the middle right about frame 15 now we can use this little tool right heel tool right here rather well grab this and this is how we can resize and scale around and our our our lair but instead of resizing and I want to go ahead and just rotate it a little bit we'll rotate it will drop it down here right so we have that arm kind of going like that now I want to take this a bit further and we'll go to our lasso tool right here we'll grab our lasso tool and we'll cut this at the wrist so I want our wrist to bend a little bit so we'll grab well select all that move it down and it was good all right so then we'll just fix up that that gap right there it doesn't have to be perfect we're not gonna we're not line arting right now we're just sketching out the animation and you got to remember Meishan is super quick so all these frames that we're doing here they're not gonna be they don't have to be perfect you know on the middle of both of these we want to go in the middle of the red and the green which is kind of gonna indicate where our hand is gonna lay the next frame want to keep the dimensions pretty much the same here and I want its arm to get thicker or less thick you can see we have a very very rough animation you see it's not very not very smooth doesn't have a lot of quality to it in between right here on frameless it's done I 1011 on frame 11 I kind of want to go ahead in between these as well since I want this to look like it's going super fast I don't want to just draw in a regular thumb like this I kind of want to do like a little bit of whooshing line so we'll go ahead and just drag those down like that give the illusion of motion which looks good go ahead and do that we'll go backwards now this is still kind of slow so we'll go ahead and we will fix up these keyframes here now so we'll go ahead pull that one maybe around there some of these we're gonna have to put right up next to each other and some of these we won't need it all so I don't mean this this frame right here at all we can get rid out one delete it we don't need it it's like it's a fluff frame we don't even need that and we'll move these over I kind of want is arm to kind of pop up a little bit and then the thumb that pop out really quick super rough right now you can see let's go ahead and get rid of this armor here cuz it's too different than the others here so we'll go ahead and just get rid of that because we don't even need it we don't even need that one now we look for places where we can fix this up really quickly so right around here I think I can do a little bit of an in-between here and bridge these together a bit better so we'll go ahead and delete that in between three and five here so one frame four go ahead and we'll just kind of gap these together I kind of want to be a little bit more down here though still all right so you can see we have this hand here which once again you know kind of pops up like that I don't want this frame right here I kind of just want it to pop up and then when it pops up we'll have a nice kick back to that so instead of his I'm just stopping right there we'll go ahead it will erase his thumb and we'll kind of move it backwards a little bit and then we'll grab this guy right here we'll copy this copy a clipboard 12 and then we'll put that on 15 and we'll paste it so now his uh his thumb kind of does this little jiggle back thing but it moves all together which is not what I want so we'll go ahead and on this frame we will cut his thumb in half here by using the last little cut that right there rotate it move it backwards so it looks like his thumbs kind of moving in segments which is I mean obviously cuz you got joints and stuff and now it's snapping back to quick so we'll go ahead and pull that frame right there take a look at it all right so I think we need to spread these out right here a little bit I want to get a little bit more physics on this piece right here as well so when his arm kind of pulls up like that I want his let's go ahead and duplicate this we'll right-click create duplicate frame right there so right here on frame six I want to grab his wrist once more and we're rotated downwards like that and well now we play this you can see it looks a bit better now on frame nine I wanted the same thing but in the opposite direction we'll grab his wrist we'll rotate it pull it up a little bit and then of course we're about to fix his wrist right here as well all right so if we scrub through this now when his thumb pops out only the same thing so we will go ahead and grab his wrist on the frame after his thumb initially pops out rotate it just a bit in this frame we're gonna have to put it somewhere around there as well so it comes back down so doesn't look strange it just pops around select all that and move it up a little bit you get a little bit in between those red and green alright so this is a super rough animation right now but you can see how we can do some pretty nice things with this which is pretty sweet so let's go ahead and play this so that looks pretty good I'll go ahead and I think this this jerks a little bit too much right here so we'll go ahead and on this frame we can turn onions getting on and fix that it's a bit too much of a jerk right there so we rotate that move it up a little bit to match all right and then right here we gotta go to frame about 20 maybe uh-huh and one more thing I kind of want to settle his arm on frame 19 back down to a more relaxed kind of state so grab his wrist rotate it down just a wee bit his thumb as well something like that and then his entire arm will select it rotate it and we'll try and keep this pivot point the same down here because his arm is rotating from his elbow so it wouldn't like you know look like this his arm wouldn't go up like that so we needed to rotate it down a little bit and try and make sure we have that edge pretty much still with that edge where that elbow would Bend all right so that's gonna be it super quick and super easy rough animation today we can add as many more frames as we'd like and of course we'd get all of those all of that to make it more smooth and stuff like that we can bump the frame rate up like I said to make it more smooth you can even go all the way up to 60 really but yeah it looks pretty good right there we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna call it quits for today's animation store we'll be back with some more animation because I love animation it's super cool and it's so much fun to do and watch it come together so I'll see you guys in the next tutorial I hope you guys enjoyed it but until then [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 281,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation, 2d animation, krita animation, animated, krita animation tutorial, 2d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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