Animating in Krita: Transform Mask

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[Music] [Applause] so this is the animation workspace in Creator and I'm going to just make a very simple object in here and we are going to use this shape on this object this drawing we're going to use the transform tool to move it about but we want to animate that so we need two things we need to see the animation curves so we need to go to settings Dockers and load the animation curves window which appears behind the animation timeline then in my paint layer 1 where the object lives I need to add a transform mask that's my transform mask and with my transform mask active I'm going to set a keyframe it sets a keyframe on position scale rotate and shear now I'm going to go to a different frame Prime 12 for instance with my transform tool and move my object somewhere else and as you can see framing everything with the frame or button it automatically put a new keyframe there Auto keyframe is on by default so if I then go to frame 24 and move him over here and maybe rotate him a little and also scale him now I've got an animation if I play that it will first play the first hundred frames so I want to quickly and that's now under the three lines here limit my animation to say 48 so I'm going to rewind and play and you see that animates all the animation is Linear by default so maybe we want the mill keyframes to be spline so I can grab this keyframe and I can make it a beige curve and I can just pull out whoops make a J curve and I can just pull out the tangent and I want the other side also to be Vijay curve but after that I have to do the previous one so I'm going to make this one a by J curve as well go to this Frame and now I can also pull out the handle on this side so now it's smoothly interpolated and it's doing this in only the position I can actually turn off all the channels I do not want to look at so I'm animating my position X I can zoom in on that and this is my position why I'm going to turn that one on and I can also zoom in on that and see that's still pretty linear so let's take this keyframe make it a BJ pull out the handle and make it also nicely smooth and I can also take this one and pull out the handle the other way and make it a nice ease in and ease out and on my rotation I should be able to do the same thing so I'm going to turn off all the other ones I don't need I'm just going to look at my rotation zoom in on it and there's my rotation I apparently rotated it in z which is weird but I did it so I wrote it around its Center so I'm going to zoom in on that and this keyframe also needs to be a nice Vision which I can put out to make it so you make the first the beginning of the curve keyframe and the whole Curve will become a busier from that point till the next keyframe so now it's much smoother so that's how you can animate elements using a transfer mask but now I want to change my drawing so say I'm at frame 12 and I actually want to give me a little nose so I'm going to take my paint tool and if I draw a note here it doesn't work I'm going to do that why does that not work because the drawing has been transformed over to that point but it still exists in the original position so if I draw here I have to be in my paint layer if I draw here you see it it appears over there because the thing has moved so I want to temporarily turn off my transform mask with the little eye now I can draw a little nose in there termite transform mark back on and the nose will also transform had I been clever enough to draw the nose on frame one I draw the nose on frame 40 what 45 so my nose appears wherever I put that keyframe up if I want to note here as well I need to draw one here as well I need to turn off the layer mask draw a nose oops that's the background and now there will be a nose and it switches to a different nose point yay so you can animate your the objects that you're transforming after the fact but you just need to turn off your display layer to draw on the original object now I want to also color him I forgot to color him you can try painting within the lines which is really hard you can paint below but then you have to do it at once because the second thing below will become below the previous pane below so but if I add a paint layer and put it below the original paint layer I can color in my object s in my mouth okay okay so say this is the color I wanted and I don't care about the lines because the lines are actually on top now of course if I play this with the transform layer visible foreign doesn't move with the object so how do I get the two drawings to move together I can take these two and group them so in that list they are in a group together it's actually Ctrl G to do that or right click on the layers and say group so they're now grouped well they now transform together no they're still not transformed together why because a transform Mark mask is still on paint layer 1. if I drag that transformer mask to be on the group now they will move together so to have multiple paint layers move together they have to be in a group and The Masks should be on the group not on the individual paint layers so this way you can move your animated drawings around on the canvas in critter [Applause]
Channel: Wobbe Koning
Views: 7,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KgUNxszaqMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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