How I Animate A Scene in Krita

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what do you mean hey guys welcome back to spike i'm kai and today we are back once again taking a look at some animation it's been a long time since we've done an animation on the uh on the channel here and today we're gonna be doing the animation you just saw yes it unintentionally looks like you know rick and morty or bob's burgers are one of those adult cartoons but it's it just so happens my style fits that exact look it just looked okay i wasn't doing that on purpose it just happened to be that way all right so um we're gonna go ahead the first thing we're do is always just a sketch i'm just making a sketch um we are in animation mode at the top right you see a little box up in the the corner um you just hit that and then go to animation so that's what we're in right now um so yeah we just hit that and now we're in the animation uh section i'm just making a quick sketch as you can see just i'm literally doing with my mouse that's why it's so rough i'm literally drawing this with my mouse so if you don't have a tablet don't feel bad because i literally did all this with my mouse today um it did take me a good hour but i was like fumbling around it so i would say that it probably only took me about maybe a half an hour 35 minutes um to get this entire animation done of course 35 minutes is still a long time for that one shot you saw in the beginning but um like i said i was just chilling and vibing just you know making something real quick but so i'm moving on to line art here as you can see i am using very thin lines because i love that look i love the thin line look for animation so that's what we're doing here kind of just going over my line art and just uh creating those lines like that on a different layer of course on a different layer then the sketch of course um and we're just going ahead and just getting all this down we're not gonna do the color until after the animation because i find it's easier to do the the color afterwards so you don't have to keep deleting any color uh frames so that's that i'm using the circle tool the path tool to get this all the way that i want it um it's very smart to to to work smart not hard don't you don't have to draw this freehand use the tools that are available in the program that you're using so i put real quick i just put those eyebrows on a different layer so i drew the eyebrows on a different layer because i know that i'm going to animate those eyebrows separately and i'm going to do the same thing with the adam's apple here on the neck as well i created a new layer that's separate from the rest of the line art because i know i'm going to animate those and i just want to do it on a different layer just because you can do it on the same layer but i just want to do it on a different layer just because um so at this point i'm trying to think what i really want to do uh and i actually made an audio file which is um which is just me saying uh what i said in the beginning uh what do you mean i believe it is and uh we're gonna just animate over that the lip sync over top of that so it's always easier to lip sync once you have the audio of course a lot of companies in a lot of places do it before and then the actors line it up i don't think that's as great personally i just don't like it and i think it's less fun so we're gonna go ahead and lip sync the we're gonna go ahead and animate over the over the audio that i've made um so when doing lip sync you just literally you can talk and say it yourself and then just see how you move your mouth um and then animate the mouth to go that way now keep in mind you don't have to have a lot of frames to get across what you're saying um it's it's very simple it's very easy to go overboard and add too many frames i'm actually on 12 frames per second right now i'm animating on 12 frames per second because i like the way it looks better so i'm on 12 frames per second and i am not going to add a frame for every single what are you doing i'm not going to do that what we're going to do is we're going to get the big chunk so i'm going to get what and then ah for r and then do for the for the sound like that and then we're going to keep going with those so the big big pieces that you hear is what i'm going to animate i'm not going to animate all that in between stuff like what are you i'm not gonna do that um so uh once we have that down uh i go ahead and just continue of course duplicate you can duplicate any uh pieces that you any amount that you can use again so for instance what are you do wing i used um uh what for what in an r again so what an r is the same exact one which is his mouth kind of open with the tongue and then um and the teeth up at the top so i duplicated that and i just moved it over to the other one right now we're animating the eyebrows making them go up and then down and then the same thing with the atoms apple as well i thought the adam's apple was a cool touch to make that move because i don't think i've seen that before in a cartoon i don't know though um and then i decided to make his eyes blink at the end here so we're going to just erase his eyelids as i people sorry then add some a single line for eyelids and then bring the pupil back and then make more eyelids there and i wound up getting rid of all this i only have one where his eyes are closed and then back open because i wanted to be really snappy really snappy blink instead of having multiple frames for it so yeah just keep that in mind always play back your animation and see what you don't like because going through it frame by frame you can definitely see that there's like a a inconsistency with what you think it's gonna look like rather than what it actually looks like so keep that in mind and once again we're here i have a new frame i have a new layer underneath all of our line art layers which is called color and i'm just gonna go ahead and color paint paint bucket over top of all of this um and then we're just gonna go ahead and fill all these in on every single frame and it's super easy to do um i love animating we're gonna do a lot more animation tutorials on the channel very soon but this is it for today i hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed it super simple i'll see you guys in the next one but until then bye bye what do you mean
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 84,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation, krita, lipsync, krita lipsync, krita animated head talking, krita animated talking head
Id: QveC3AE7Fm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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