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hello Nina here welcome to a unusual video of mine in this video it is quite different from the rest of my videos in this video though I want to share with you guys how to animate and CR which totally lot ask from someone yearo if you don't know what CA is K is um in artart software which is also pretty much what I used to animate my characters with like here are think samples of it which is good because if you are like me who is broke and can't afford those softwares that are out of your budget then cre might be the best free choice of software where you can start to practice animation with or even create a full animation so without further Ado let's get to the [Music] tutorial so first open your crit up and you can uh open a new file here by clicking this and you can choose the size of your canvas by changing the numbers right here for my videos or animation videos I always have the size of my canvas 920 then 1080 this gives my videos a more high quality so when you open CA you are great by this kind of setup okay so to start animating you need an animation timeline it is where your animation curse either that is a frame by frame animation or even a twin animation so go to setting Dockers and then click animation timeline and this thing will supposed to pop up on your screen to create the first frame for your animation simply right click the very first box here and click create black flying frame if you can see the Box being highlighted like this then that means that you are ready to start drawing in the canvas for my line art I select the ink to fine liner which is this brush right here so the animation example that we're going to use today is the same old bouncing ball it is mostly used for beginners though so draw a circle or even an oval whatever your preferences at least it jumps so now that I had drew a circle on the first frame you might notice that the first frame is now solid that means that this Frame is not empty now to create another frame you repeat what you did to the first frame select the second frame right click again and then click create blank now you have another empty frame to draw on to activate the onion skin or where you can see the drawing you did in the previous frame move your mouse to the layers area and click on this light bulb thingy when you click that it will light up like this to adjust the opacity of it simply click on this onion shape symbol right here and this thing on the left will pop up you can just it however you [Music] like okay so now that we see what we drew on the previous frame let's draw the second animation for the bouncing ball and just like that you now have two frames okay now that that is done the bouncing ball is still not yet complete we still have to draw the next frames to really create the bouncing bow so let's do that right now the thing about animation is that when creating an animation is just repeat draw and repeat but you add twists in every progress okay now that the first half is done let's play to see if there are weird Shenanigans in the first frames and to adjust the frame rate you go to the three bars right here next to the onion and you can adjust the setting however you like but I mostly have it at 10 frame rate now the next thing that I have to do is copy and paste the frames now what do I mean by that you see I'm a lazy person and I know that you are too so I don't want to draw next to frames where the bowl goes down again because I know that it is already here so I select the frame next to the last frame so to copy it right click again but this time click on copy frame now we go to the last frame and paste it right click and paste frames now you have the same copy I repeat that to the other frames until the first frame that I had draw on taada it is now finished the bouncy ball is finally bouncing Perfecto you can also add colors just add a layer and put that under the lineer layer and repeat the process again just right click create blank frame and then start putting colors youing the bucket [Music] frame and that is how you animate on CR it's nothing that too complicated you really have to get use it first so that you can Master it and then the more you animate on it the more you noral tricks you can use so yeah that's the tutorial that I did for the Creator um I hope that that was um a bit understanding because my English is really broken and this is my first time doing a tutorial so I don't really know how to explain it but I hope that this got a help and I hope to maybe see you guys in another tutorial [Music] [Music] video
Channel: NinanO
Views: 7,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: empz7TzwYdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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