Master The Magnetic Timeline In Final Cut Pro

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hey friends dylan bates here your final cut bro today we have an incredibly in-depth tutorial looking at how to utilize the magnetic timeline within final cut pro to its maximum potential this is going to be a tutorial that is hopefully going to approach all skill levels so from beginner to advanced i'm sure you will find some information in here that'll hopefully be useful to you and speed up your editing a bit if you already know some of the basics of editing you can actually look down below and there are time codes and that will help you jump around the video to sections that you might want to understand better and uh and hopefully speed things up for you in watching this long video the format for this video will be that i will start off in the main timeline section and show you some basic features for navigating that and then i am going to go from left to right with all of these tools here and just show you how to use each function so with all that being said let's get started so i have this really basic timeline here and i'm going to show you some of the tools for navigating the timeline one of the most important things i think is the use of using jk and l now these are all keys that are going to help you play through your timelines l and spacebar are essentially the same key if you push l just like the spacebar that is going to play your clip if you push the j key it'll play everything in reverse now if you use the k key it will actually stop the video and likewise if you do k and l it will play forward in slow motion or the same thing going in reverse k and j if you push the l or j key multiple times it will actually speed up the playback speed so if i push this you can see how fast it's going same thing with j the next thing we'll cover is getting around frame by frame so if you use the arrow keys you'll actually jump back a frame or forward a frame just depending on the arrow key you push and if you push shift while doing that you will jump ahead 10 frames or back 10 frames this next tool is one of the tools i use the most frequently let's say we select an edit here it'll create that yellow line and if we push the comma and period keys it will actually adjust it by one frame so we can make simple one frame edits and find the exact moment that we want it to make the cut so that is comma to go left period to go right and if you push shift while you do that you'll actually jump 10 frames the next thing i really quickly want to show you is how to work with these stems that pop up and that's just saying this clip is attached to whatever is here on the timeline now they can be very useful because let's say i want to keep this clip with the given b-roll i can just click and drag and it'll leave it attached however if i want to move this clip and have this clip attached over here instead we can simply do that by pushing option command and then clicking on that clip and you'll notice that the stem actually moved over here to wherever i clicked so we can just quickly move that around as necessary and now when i move this clip it will be attached to this piece of b-roll but this will be its own entity in tandem with that if we want to move this clip but we don't want the above b-roll to be shifted we can actually push the tilde key and you'll see how that creates that orange indicator icon and that's essentially one of these stems being crossed out so if you push the tilde key which is in the top left hand corner of your keyboard you can click and drag and now this clip will remain in place but these clips will be shifted around so you can just very quickly and easily make the necessary edits without worrying about where this b-roll is going okay so i think we've covered most of the basics for getting around the timeline so the very first thing we are going to take a look at moving from the timeline is actually you can enable or disable the timeline up here and you can do that also with command control 2. and so if you just want to look purely at your video you can disable it and then you can re-enable it later moving right along to the index the index is a tool that i don't see editors using enough but is actually incredibly useful so i'm actually going to jump to another project um just so you can get a better idea of how the index is working okay so we have the index here as you can see it has every clip registered within this index and this can make it really easy for finding specific moments so let's say that there is a particular moment and you know it's got a big whoosh sound you could just type in woosh and look i've got all these whoosh sounds here we can click it and it will jump the playhead to that moment and that works with essentially anything that is labeled on the timeline so it's very easy to get around that wing also at the bottom you can click the video audio or titles version so that you can only see those items on the timeline and you will notice this line this gray line here and that actually represents a marker so any place that there is a marker which is like this blue item here that is where you will see it in the index one other thing you can do here is you can right click on these columns here and you can actually add additional columns if that helps you moving on to the tags the tags are very useful if you happen to keyword everything now unfortunately for this video i did not but i can show you how it works really quickly so let me pull something off i've got this clip labeled ocean and if i put that on because it had the keyword which i'll have another tutorial on adding keywords and such it will add it into the tags here so you can very easily find your keyword moment now also you can have final cut pro find faces and such and if you do that you can actually select that from down here and it'll say hey this this has a wide shot or a close-up shot whatever it does along with you can find all your markers keywords um your to-do items which i'll get into a little bit later and your chapters and all of that moving on to the roles now i actually have an incredibly in-depth tutorial on rolls but i will just give you a quick overview of how they work because they are extremely useful so the rules allow you to enable or disable a massive amount of items all at once that's one of the main features so let's say i want to just listen to this with just the music i can disable both my dialogue and effects and now just my music is selected and if you want to watch that tutorial i'll put it up here in the corner along with that you can sort these so let's say we want the effects to take priority you can slide those up to the top or you can have your dialogue at the top and you'll notice how some of these are actually larger than others so if i push this button here that will minimize the other items and allow you to just focus on what you are working with which can be extremely useful and if you push shift you can have multiples of those or if you just want to get rid of it all together you just disable them by clicking on them and then audio lanes this is one of my favorite features audio lanes are super super useful because they allow you to essentially organize your clips by item so if i disable audio lanes i'll show you why this is useful so i've got this dialog track here and it's kind of sorted right now because i have it in a compound clip but if i cut this you'll see how it pushes everything to the top and now i've got sound effects up here and dialogue and then all the music's over here and i really like to have things as organized as possible so i can just make quick decisions so if you push show audio lanes it will automatically push everything into these singular lanes right here and that just makes it much easier to see what you are editing on so that basically wraps it up for roles and uh i'll undo my changes here and then we can keep on going oh and undo is command z if you didn't know and redo is command shift z command z undo command shift c is redo i'm gonna just delete everything to show you these next features okay so moving right along we are going to be taking a look at these insert methods for our clips and this is going to affect anything that's up here in this browser and push it down to the timeline and they each have associated uh keyboard shortcuts as well okay so the first item here is the connect clip now when i place this you'll notice it placed it above the magnetic timeline and it created a gap clip gap clips are very useful they are just a completely empty clip you can't add any effects to them or anything they're just a completely transparent clip that allows you to space stuff apart so if i want to drag that there i can and nothing else will be affected you can actually insert a gap clip with option w or if you want to not use keyboard shortcuts you can come up to edit and you can go down to insert generator gap and that will create a gap clip for you i'm going to place this on the timeline just by clicking and dragging it down there the next item is the insert item and that is found with w so this one's q this is w now if i do w i select this drone shot here and watch where the playhead is if i click this insert button essentially what this has done it has created a cut and then it has taken the clip put it in between the two items and push this clip to the right side e or append clip this will place whatever clip you have selected at the very end so i have this shot of my wife at the beach and if i push e or if i click this button it will place the clip at the very end of the timeline in the magnetic portion which is the gray dark gray section here so that's super useful let's say i just have like a ton of stuff i need to get on the timeline i select this e e e boom and suddenly i've got five extra clips on the timeline very easily the last item here is the overwrite clip so let's say that i have this clip of my wife walking and i just want to not push it to the side but actually overwrite the item if you push d or you can click this button here that will overwrite the clip on the timeline another super useful feature of this is this down arrow if you click that you can actually select video only or audio only and you can also achieve that with shift one two or three and this will make it so rather than having an audio element if i put this on the timeline you'll notice that there is no audio now and that is very useful for when you have a ton of b-roll and you don't want any of the audio on your timeline or if you want just the audio from a clip we can push shift 3 or we can click this down arrow and then if i push d again now this has just added the audio now it should be noted that when we have just the audio video um or whatever selected this is going to apply to all of these so if i push q you'll see how it added the audio on the outside of the timeline or w it'll insert it so it works for all of these and that is a very very useful little feature to have and it's also good to know how to disable it if you accidentally do enable it okay so we've got all of those items off of our agenda let's keep moving on to the tools and the tools are so so powerful the first tool is the select tool and this works just like any other program you can click and drag your clips around and uh it's very very easy and if you want to take a clip off of the timeline at the end you can actually do that you can click and drag above the timeline and that will create a gap clip automatically for you the trim tool the trim tool is actually one of the features that surprisingly i managed to use the most i don't i don't know how but the trim tool that is accessed with t or you can just select it from this menu so if i use the trim tool you can see how i can select that edit now we have a few features just like at the beginning if we use comma and period we can shift this edit by singular frames which is very useful for precision editing you can also push shift and do the same thing also with the trim tool we can click and drag and you will see how it gives you a preview up there in the viewer another amazing feature of the trim tool is i can click anywhere on a selected clip and if i drag it it will shift the first frame and the last frame so that you can see exactly where it's starting and exactly where it is ending so i really really like that feature also if you select the clip you just click it once you can use the comma and period keys and you can slide it by singular frames or again with shift you can do it by 10 frames the last thing with the trim tool is if you double click any edit this will push you into the precision editor and the precision editor is very nice because you can find the exact moment that you want a clip to end and it shows you how much further the clip has you can actually skim along here and you can just click where you want it to end and it will push the edit that direction and we can start here or we can click and drag just like that and uh yeah moving on to the position tool the position tool is great especially if you're somebody who really hates the magnetic timeline because the position tool acts a little bit more like a a layer based editor or whatever they call those so the position the position tool anywhere you move a clip will overwrite another clip so if i drag this over here it will just overwrite that clip and it will create gap clips automatically so again we can also just click and drag this clip along the timeline and that will create this gap for us so if you like to work in a way that's where nothing's getting shifted around and pushed to the left you can use the position tool for that likewise you can also click and drag any of the edges here and it will automatically create a gap clip for you very very useful in a lot of circumstances the range selection tool i really like the range selection tool if you push r that will give you the range selector and you can click and drag on any clip um i'll actually add another clip really quick you can also duplicate a clip if you push option click and drag that will duplicate it up there okay so the range selection tool you can click on any clip here and that will create a range now ranges are really great because let's say i know that i want exactly this portion of a video deleted so i can delete that and it will automatically clean up everything for you and again push it to the left now another amazing feature is the audio capabilities so you'll see i've got this audio bar here and i can drag this down and it automatically created those keyframes for me so that i didn't have to push option in four different spots and then set the keyframes it's just a really fast way of adding some keyframes for you the last feature of the range selection tool that i really really like is if you want to just export a portion of the video use your range selector go to your share menu up here and you can export it however you want except for the master file version so if you just do export file um that is going to export the entire video i do not know why other than it's just labeled as the master file so just keep that in mind the next feature in our tool set is the blade tool and the blade tool is probably the tool you will be using the most when you are first editing you can get that with b or you can click and select it from this menu the blade tool is it works just like you would expect so you click on a clip it creates a cut create another cut you can delete that clip you can do whatever you need to with those edits now you will notice this section here has a dotted line and that means that this clip to this clip is just a continuation it's the same clip so you won't even see a frame difference however if i shift this you'll see that they are now more of a solid line and that is to indicate that there is a full edit happening here and so that's just a very quick way to see a visual indication of if an edit is still there you can actually get rid of an edit if it's a continuation with this dotted line by clicking on an edit and just pushing delete and that will get rid of that you can also make a cut by pushing command b if that's faster and it will cut it wherever your playhead is moving right along to the zoom tool now i do not use the zoom tool very much but it can be useful the zoom tool wherever you click and drag over it will zoom the timeline to fit that portion in your screen so you'll see how it zoomed in and now i have all these edits here and let's say i just want to really focus on these edits you can very easily do that with the zoom tool and that is accessed with z so yeah you can just click and drag over a section and that will zoom in the hand tool is essentially like in if you use adobe software let's say i'm super zoomed in here and you don't have like a side scroll wheel or you don't have like a magic mouse or anything you can click and drag on your timeline and that will allow you to navigate using the hand tool which is found with h this also works up here in the viewer so if i have the hand tool i can click and drag and move around very easily in the zoomed section okay i think we just nailed all of the tools so each of their respective keyboard shortcuts are found here and if anything i recommend that you learn at least these shortcuts they are going to save you so much time rather than having to come up here find the tool you need select it and so on and so forth okay so the next feature is these little arrows here and you'll see how this arrow is highlighted white now that means that i have another timeline selected so if i push back this will push us into my other timeline and that can be really useful for jumping back and forth between multiple timelines and if i had multiples you can click and hold on this turtles and you can see all the alternate timelines i have here so very useful for just navigating by clicking and holding and uh and getting exactly where you need to and if i want to i could actually you know copy a clip from this timeline and with command c command v to paste it in this video this next feature here is this down arrow next to the name of our timeline if i click that we can duplicate our project we can reveal the project in our browser which will just highlight whatever the project is up here we can see the project properties which will be up here in the upper right hand corner which it just totally glitched out so it didn't work but command j there it is and we can modify our resolution and uh if you haven't actually added any clips to the timeline you can change the frame rate rendering all of that okay we're gonna hop up here really quickly and look at the read time editor and i say really quickly but the retime editor can get a little bit complicated so let me find some slow-mo clips because that's gonna showcase this the best okay so with the retime editor we can click this little speedometer looking thing we can slow down our clips so this will slow it to 50 and we can also speed it up eight times we can reset a clip just by pushing shift n and that will reset the uh speed of a clip the hold feature is essentially like a freeze frame so you'll see it just pauses here and we can extend that out as long as we need or shorten it the next feature is the blade speed and blade speed is really useful for creating speed ramps so let's say that at this exact moment i would like the slow mode to kick in we will just select blade speed or you can do shift b you can select your uh speed indication here and we can set this to 50 super useful for creating uh speed ramps and then like let's say that we want it to stop speed ramping right here and now we slow this down and then it will speed back up perfect and i'm going to have a much more in-depth tutorial with speed ramps and all that stuff down the road the next feature is the custom item and we can select if we want to reverse a clip we can set it forward we can set exactly how slow or fast it is so let's say i want to do 50 percent or 100 speed now you'll notice that this ripple box is unchecked if we check that and then i do 50 this will actually extend the clip out as long as it would be slowed at 50 so it's double the length that it was originally or if we set this to 100 and then i set rip uncheck ripple and we'll do 25 you'll notice it's the exact same length that is super useful if you have an exact amount of time that you have a slow-mo clip that you need so keep that in mind you can also set your exact duration so if i want to set this to one second and zero frames and then we'll just push enter that will speed it up to exactly the amount of time it needs to be for that length so if we also hop back in here into custom we've got the automatic speed and i love the automatic speed because automatic speed will set it to the native frame rate of whatever it was shot so i actually shot this at 120 frames per second and we are on a 24p timeline so this will set it to 20 and that is extremely useful actually created a custom shortcut tutorial on how to do that for setting automatic speed so if i select this clip and do option b this loaded down to 40 because it's a 60 frame per second clip and this clip is 120 frames per second very very very useful so you do have a few other features that are just going to be a whole tutorial in themselves we've got the rewind feature which can be useful for doing little back and forth clips and and whatnot so that's up to you to kind of mess with those this jump cut at markers is really cool but can get a little bit complicated so another tutorial coming for that one video quality now video quality is exceptionally useful um i have let me find a clip that's not actually i think these are all slo-mo this one isn't video quality i'll push command-r that'll give me the re-timing and i can click and drag this clip way out and if i play this back you'll see how choppy it is so if we want to fix that we can actually go to our video quality here and set it to frame blending or optical flow nine times out of ten you're going to be using optical flow and that is just going to analyze it and it will create frames so that it actually has a very very smooth motion to it so now if i play this back the slow motion is very very smooth compared to what it was before so extremely useful very time consuming and taxing on your system so just keep that in mind but i almost always use optical flow if i'm doing any slow-mo that's not natively shot in the frame rate i'm going for some of the last features i'm going to show you in this little menu here is if you actually select this we can preserve the pitch now if i slow this down it'll give us that option i believe so you'll see this preserve pitch and essentially final cut does some calculations and figures out how to keep the sound at the same pitch that it was so if i play this back you can hear me sound like an idiot oh yeah [Music] so so we can disable preserve pitch and now this is going to be played back in slow motion oh yeah that's beautiful perfect now i sound awesome my poor wife okay moving on speed transitions so speed transitions you'll see there's this little transition here if i select that and go to speed transitions disable that now it will just right at this point make a cut essentially and the speed will go right into normal speed so there's no transition um so typically you're going to want to leave this enabled but it is there so you'll see how it does that slow ramp into the normal speed anyway i think that covers all of the retime editor stuff there's a lot in there but hopefully that can get you started on making some really cool slow motion videos let's move on over here to the time code the time code is cool you can actually click on it and if you say i want to be right at the 10 second mark you can push enter and now this will jump the playhead to exactly 10 seconds so that's super useful if you are working with a client and they're like hey at this exact moment at 10 22 on the frames um this person threw up and we want to get rid of that in our shot so you can just uh click on the time code type in your time codes exactly and find exactly what they're talking about you can also do that with control p and uh do that same thing so 14 seconds and this is gonna work off of like a uh frames so this number here indicates the frames and this number here indicates the amount of seconds minutes and hours the next feature is super super cool so we've got these audio waves here and if you click on those you'll see how it pops up some audio here and we can actually increase the size of that so you can really see it you can actually see what your levels are playing at so it's beautiful you'll see how this is around negative three decibels here and you can actually see the highest it got the highest value that it got up here at the top negative 3 and negative 11. so whoops i clicked them and they went away so um that's just something really simple to note if you are peaking let's say i do this i'm going to lower the sound on this um in the edit but if i play this you'll see how it peaked out at eight decibels and on the right channel it was one decibel so that's just super simple to know oh okay i need to drop this um you know quite a bit by at least eight decibels or more and uh and then you can play that back and see exactly where it's falling so yeah that's just a quick indication really like the audio levels here and if you have a video that has like four channels or something then four channels will actually pop up here i'm going to disable the audio here by clicking on it again there is this full screen button which just puts the whole um video in full screen okay so the first feature here is the skimming and that is just the video you'll see how it's been skimming this whole time and that's super useful for just finding an exact moment that you want in a clip you can push command b do your whole thing but if you want to disable that you can push s or you can click on that button and it will no longer skim you can also if we have skimming enabled if you push shift s or push this little button here this will give you audio skimming so you can just jump through very very quickly and find the audio moments that you need the next feature is the solo clip so let's say that i have um this ocean clip and i just want to hear the audio from my oh yeah that's beautiful so if i select that clip and i push the solo item which is also achieved with option s you can play this and just the audio from this clip will come through but let me enable the audio and now they are both playing so just super simple headphones means solo the next feature is the snapping feature which you can achieve with n or you can click this button and will lock your clips so you can very very easily find okay i want to line these clips up you just bring it there and it'll lock it to it very very quickly and this will work with any edit that's happening on the timeline if we disable it you'll see how i try and get there and now it just is free flowing so you can utilize those as much as you need how you need them this next button actually lets you kind of manipulate your timeline in a way that you can see it a little bit more uh visually so if we click this we have a few options we've got our zooming which we can do with command minus or plus or you can just do it right there you can also set how much of the audio waves is shared as shown in comparison to the video so if i go all the way to the left here it's just going to be audio waves with no visual indication of what the clip is if i go all the way to the right here almost all the way to the right it's just going to be video and if you want just a really minimalist looking thing you can click that button and it'll just be by their names so depending on how you like to edit you can set that accordingly sometimes when i'm working directly with audio i'll just jump on over to make the audio waves larger and then this next slider lets you set the scale of each clip so that can be really useful if you're working directly with audio and you just want a really big indication of how the audio waves are working these next buttons um angles if you click that this will show you if you have a multi-cam clip which i don't right now but if you had a multi-cam clip it would show you which camera is being shown and then um so if you have angle a angle b angle c it'll it'll have that all labeled very easily for you to see clip rolls clip rolls just adds so these are all video rolls if i had a title roll i'll push ctrl t that'll create a title you can see titles there so that's just up to you if that's useful and uh yeah lane headers lane headers aren't super useful but if you need them sometimes you need them so you can do show audio lanes and you'll see how this name here dialog appears now if i disable it the dialog word goes away so it's not super useful if you know your color indicators but it can be useful in some circumstances alrighty i think that wraps up that button let's take a quick look at effects effects are really fun so you obviously have all of your effects all of your video effects are lined up also with your audio effects so if you want just video effects you can click anywhere under this video uh category here and you'll only see video and then if you want to just audio you can click under this audio category you can also search through your effects so if we just want to download my handheld plug-in we can click that and drag it on you can also select a clip and double-click it and that will apply the effect to the clip and then we can just clear that selection by pushing this x this button here will actually enable or disable this sidebar so if that's something you like better you can do that too okay the transitions transitions they have a few extra things we can get into here so with transitions uh let's get into my glitch transitions here there we go we'll just drag that on there again you can search here for it so with transitions you can just drag them onto any clip just like that you can also push option click and drag and that will duplicate a transition you can extend the length of the clip if you uh drag out these white little white bars here and that's just saying this is where that clip ends so you can move that around if you want to extend the length of the transition you just reach a little lower underneath the white bars click and drag and that will let you extend that out as long as you need also if you right click on a transition you can go show precision editor or control e and you can set the transition as long as you need um this can just be an easy way to tell where the transition's ending and where the next clip's beginning okay so that is transitions in a nutshell okay we have gotten all of the tools along here now we are going to take a look at some of the right click menus right click menus are awesome so if we select all these clips we can right click and do new compound clip this is essentially nesting in adobe products so if you come from there you can very easily see how this has created essentially another clip of all of those clips so you can get in to edit it by clicking on this uh this little white icon here or light blue i should say and then you can edit anything within this compound clip and then you can back out with this arrow here very very easily also any effects you apply to this clip will apply to all the items that are within the compound clip if you want to get everything out of the compound clip you can push command shift g or you can go up to clip break apart clip items and that will replace it exactly how it was it should be noted though that if you had any effects on the compound clip those will not be applied to the clips that were inside so you're gonna have to redo your effects if you do that okay the next thing change duration now i actually really like change duration um let's see if i can show you how this works okay so actually i'll duplicate this item here get rid of that okay so the change duration now if i push ctrl d or if i right click on an item i can set exactly how long i want and this is again going to work with the frames seconds minutes hours so if i want this to be one second long i just type in one zero zero and that will set it as one second this can be extremely useful if you are creating a time lapse i unfortunately don't have like a a time lapse thing on here but let's say that this is chopped up so i'll just do command b and i want all these to be one frame long you just push ctrl d set it to one enter and now we have a bunch of one frame items so that's just a super fast way to set the duration of a clip detach audio i definitely don't recommend you do this frequently but sometimes you need to detach audio for whatever reason uh this is more destructive and it's very hard to re-link stuff unless you create a compound clip so i don't recommend you do this unless you need to you can also disable audio if you select a clip come up to the audio here we can disable it there but if you want to completely disconnect it from the clip you can right click detach audio or control shift s i believe that will separate the audio and now the audio is its own entity and this will have no audio elements paired with it but there are better ways if you say want this audio to be playing underneath another clip there are much better ways to do that so let's go ahead and undo that with command z command shift c there we go to redo renaming clip is exactly what it sounds like it'll rename it here on the timeline but not up here in the viewer so wife is bae so this will rename it in the timeline but it will not rename it in the browser if you want to rename it in the browser you have to rename it up here before you drag it to the timeline disable now i use this all the time v will disable a clip so it's just a very quick way if you need to hide something you can select it push v or you can right click to disable audio rules i have an entire tutorial on audio and video rolls actually mostly audio rolls so i'm just going to link you to that and you can watch that video rolls um you can assign let's say if this was a title you could assign it as a video role and if i disabled video roles now this clip would be disabled so um just like audio rolls just slightly different expand audio this is what i would do before detaching audio if you can so if we expand it we'll right click expand audio and we drag this out you'll see how i can actually have this audio continue on after this clip has been cut up here and let's say if i expand these two and i push t i can actually make a j or l cut very easily just by sliding these very quickly select that control s now you would think that this would just push that clip aside so if i push ctrl s you can actually see how it hides what the audio is doing and it just makes your timeline very clean to work with expand audio components uh let me re let me create something that showcases this very quickly so we'll just duplicate that we'll set the audio rolls on this to music set these as a compound clip okay so within this compound clip we have two different audio types we have our music and our video now if i right click on this clip and expand audio components now we can see the music side of the audio and the video side this is very helpful if you have multi-tracked audio so you can select any of these clips push v that'll disable it you can set the uh volume independently super useful in some cases we will just collapse those video animation i love video animation okay so if we go to our video animator up here we are just going to do a simple scale on this so the scale is happening but let's say oh i don't like where the scale ends i want it to end at the very end of the clip so we can right click show video animation and now you can see these little keyframes happening here so we can slide these around very very easily for a really fast animation or if we want it over the entirety of the clip you can totally do that now another feature you can do let's say that we have our scale here but we also have a rotation happening so we'll just push that and it rotates by eight degrees okay so now we have this rotation happening but all we see are these white indicators and we don't know what is what so you can click this little down arrow and change it to rotation and now you can adjust these points the others are blacked out so you can actually do anything with them and that just makes it very easy to know what you are moving in the animation factor so you could also change like the x scale and now we can make it stretch out really crazily and uh and you can just go crazy with your animation so that's just something to note the same thing happens with the uh audio animation if you had uh like a reverb effect or something animate on you could do the same stuff that we did with the video animation lift from storyline so let's say that you want this clip to not be in the primary storyline where it's just constantly getting pushed to the left you can right click lift from storyline or control option up and that'll push it up and now it's its own thing and it should be noted that'll create a gap clip automatically which is very useful now what you can also do is let's say you want these clips on the primary storyline both of these you can right click and overwrite to primary storyline and those will automatically be pushed down also you should see that the audio that was happening here is expanded out so um so this can be super useful if you have like a full interview and you really want all of your clips down on the timeline but you have all the b-roll and all that stuff you can actually just right-click overwrite to primary storyline suddenly your video is only one single layer and it's just a lot cleaner to work with and all your interview clips would maintain their audio throughout so that's just a really fast way to clean up your timeline reveal in browser revealing in browser is just what it sounds like so let's say i select this clip so if i push shift f this will show me in the browser up here that this is that selected portion the last thing on here i want to show you is going to be markers so markers are very handy especially if you have a client who had like a lot of edits they want to change or if you have stuff you want to get to but you don't want to forget it you can write it down on a notepad or something or you can do it directly in final cut so let's just push m and that is going to create this blue marker you can edit a marker by double clicking on it or you can right click and do modify and we'll just call this epic shot portion or something like that and then let's say i have a to do item we can push m right click it and set as a to do item that'll change it to orange and then we can say color grade this section and then over here let's say that we're creating a dvd if i push m if we push m again that will give us this little modifier box we can set this as a chapter point so we have our marker to do item chapter point we can say um the adventure begins and then let's say that we want to change the thumbnail of that chapter we can drag this out and this will set the thumbnail to exactly wherever we put the marker so that's useful if you are making dvds now if we jump over here to our tags here we can actually see these markers happening so we have our marker here and then okay i need to get through all my to-do items we'll just change this to the to-do item section now i can create another one here fly away okay so now i've got these two um these two to-do items so i got a color grade and then i can color grade this man that looks amazing that that's some incredible work and then i can just mark that as completed by double clicking on it now it turns green which is really handy to know what you've done and then oh okay i made her fly away completed we're done and now those items are off of the to-do list here so super useful for just navigating your timeline and finding exact moments that you need to do quickly okay this tutorial has been more than long enough and i hope that there is some insight in here that will help you become a better editor to better tell your stories and to make better videos so thank you guys so much for watching and uh you guys know how youtube works you do the subscribe and like thing you know i'm not going to preach to you so you do that if you want to do that and i will see you next week [Music]
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 6,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, final cut pro x, tutorial, magnetic timeline, easy, beginner, magnetic timeline for dummies, complete guide to the magnetic timeline, how to use the magnetic timeline, master the magnetic timeline, how to use, complete begginer, beginner to pro, pro, editing, video editing, video, 4k, 2021
Id: Fnu6FiZ_Vd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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