Mothwing is NOT STUPID! | Warrior Cats

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[Music] in the warrior cats books it is completely undeniable that StarClan does exist they visit clan cats very frequently they give leaders the power of having nine lives they help fight the dark forest yet the river clan medicine cat lost wing completely denies the existence of these cats even when she is presented with clear evidence she sort of has her own faulty perception of reality that is adjusted to explain a world without star clans influence however her denial of star clans existence does not make her a bad medicine cat and it definitely doesn't make her stupid no her beliefs are actually understandable respectable reasonable and even useful more on that later for now let's start with a little explanation on how her lack of star clan believes started which is made pretty clear in the books Mullen was born outside the clans and never felt too connected to their culture her mother abandoned her in River clan and she was left with Hawk Ross as her only source of emotional support which was definitely not a good thing Hawk cross created a bull sign to make her the medicine cat of River clan upon learning that the sign was false mouth Wayne felt so betrayed that she started to view the entirety of star clans influence as fake furthermore Hawk cross was abusing her position making her interpret both signs to sway River clans decisions which ultimately gave moth wing a negative connotation of star clans messages as a whole so that's what we know however that still doesn't explain why she continued to deny the evidence in both misty stars leadership ceremony and the dark horse attack mouthing admits that something is in fact going on yet she still doesn't believe in stark land now I mostly see this as a way of retaining the message behind moth wings character which is about respecting the beliefs of others if moth wing was to be converted after being exposed to the truth it would definitely undermine this moral moth wing doesn't believe in the influence of StarClan because she doesn't want to believe and nothing should change that I mean think about her personal life and her mother Sasha moth wing will most likely never see Sasha again she left River clan a long time ago now most of the time when cats lose their parents in the plans they can cope with their sadness by knowing that they will see them again in star clam one day mouth wing however cannot live with this luxury since Sasha isn't a clan cat and never cared much for clan life and culture according to clan beliefs moth wing would never see her again it's actually really unfair that moth wing has to live in a society that celebrates their ancestors only for her ancestors to not be part of that Sasha being completely disconnected entire star and Hawk bras being evil of course moth wing did decide against leaving River clan to be with Sasha but that doesn't mean she didn't care about her also she does get genuinely upset when she learns that Hawk cross is working with the dark forest it's not the lack of evidence that stops moth wings from believing in star clan the truth is math wing feels that StarClan is discriminating against her her mother and all the other non-believers so what does math wing do well she denies everything she sees cats and her dreams denied leaf bull has knowledge of the future denied it doesn't matter how much evidence there is for StarClan existing StarClan has betrayed moth wing moth wing doesn't want to celebrate ancestors that have no connection to her and she doesn't like the idea of every clan having that when it is impossible for her however moth wings denial of star clans influence only marks the beginning of her struggles she could never really explain to other cats why she doesn't believe in star clan because that would make her come off as extremely selfish as a result she can never make any of the cat she interacts with truly understand her even if they respect her believes and when cats don't understand her they will try to convert her to believing in star clan they will see her as an outcast and they will be appalled by the fact that she calls herself a medicine cat so math wing keeps her beliefs secret her perception of reality is unheard of for the most part putting her in the unlucky minority of cats yet she eventually finds one cat she can trust with her secret leaf pool leaf pool is confused by moth wings logic at first but she eventually comes to accept that it's just the way mouths wing is leave Paul's tolerance of moth wings believes is absolutely huge for the first time mouth wing has a cat that she can share her insecurities with and leave pool is the perfect cat for this she was always helping mouth lean whenever she was struggling with medicine cat responsibilities they're just the perfect care I can totally understand why people ship them together how can you not the next cat to significantly improve the quality of moth wings live is willow shine she is very effective in communication with StarClan which makes it easier for moth wing to be a medicine cat the way she is even if leaf pool still needs to help with willow shines training moth wing is relieved of the huge pressure that came from her clans expectations of course she doesn't quite get away scot-free misty star isn't exactly happy when she finds out that mas wing lied to her she even flied out bors's mouseling to retire until misty star realizes she absolutely needs moth wings skills even though moth wing isn't the full package of what is expected from a medicine cat it is undeniable that her knowledge of healing is a gift although that's not to say that moth wings only purpose is healing no she is so much more than that in fact her mindset actually becomes a huge asset going into the battle with the dark Boris the time leading up to the dark forest battle marked the first time in the series in which star clan is completely wrong the ancestors advocated for the clans to separate in these dark times willows shine in the other medicine cats decided to blindly follow star clan mouths wing however with her lack of faith refuses to see this as the correct course of action her ability to have an open mind is actually what convinces Jay better to eventually change his perspective on the situation mas wing is the voice of reason with the severity of the situation mas wing actually didn't cling to her beliefs like the rest of the clan cats she is able to discuss the possibility of the dark chorus fully believing what Jay brother tells her in addition she is able to see a burning read as a potential sign from star clan she even tells Jay better that she will know he has found what he was looking for if the fire goes out this month wing is very different from the mouth wing that was convinced that leaf will subconsciously learned the location of a random herb she's not ignorant at all she can see what is in front of her so why why why does moth wing go back to the Nile once the dark forest battle is over only recognizing that something happened well to restate what I already said moth wing doesn't want to believe she's willing to open up and consider star claims ideas in desperate times but in the end she would rather use her own judgment she never fell a deep connection to the spirit casts it's just who she and she won't let any cat change that and that's why moth wing is such an amazing character she stands by her beliefs even though they're different and even though they're despised she stands by her beliefs even though other cats IRA's stupid because they don't understand all that matters is that there are cats who accept her for who she is and that she is allowed to be proud of her believes so mouth winks character is really about tolerating the beliefs of others specifically beliefs that simply don't make sense to you moth wings lack of belief in StarClan turned out to be harmless and even a little helpful in the end yeah so many cats discriminated against her along the way simply because they didn't understand her it's okay if you don't understand why someone acts a certain way or believes and certain things people who are different from you are not always stupid or wrong or mislead sometimes they're just different and completely harmless mouth wing just wanted to help her clan and live a happy life she better leave pool misty star and Willow shine all had to realize this and come to terms with the cat that moth wing is what I'm saying is respect the mouse wings in your life you might not be able to understand them but they have reasons why they are the way they are and they're good people if you give them the chance to be also sorry to break the mood but I have a couple side notes before I end the video first I would like to know that the context of moth wings character that I just described makes moth wing and leaf pool the perfect ship the morale behind moth wings character is supporting the harmless beliefs of minorities which can easily be applied to that type of relationship also don't worry about whether or not math wing will go to StarClan she is fine the fact that she so strongly believes against the influence of StarClan shows that she has come to terms with the fact that she might not have an afterlife but don't worry about that because cats who don't fully believe in StarClan have been shown to still have an afterlife as long as they have held connections to living cats Jake and Raven paw are both great examples of this as long as Mothe wing cares about leaf bull and her clan mates she will be able to see them after she dies again her beliefs aren't wrong they're just different let me know your opinions on Mothe wing in the comments you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 81,718
Rating: 4.9098392 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, analysis, animation, books, reasing, erin hunter, mothwing, leafpool, mothpool, hawkfrost, sasha, bright guardian akira
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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