Top 10 Warrior Cats OC's | OCB2 Round 1

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[Music] hello everyone this is Akira and welcome to round one of warrior cats OC battle - if you are unfamiliar with warrior cats OC battle I chose 10 o'seas most from your submissions and now it is your responsibility to bow on your favorite from my 10 to decide which eight cats will advance to round two of this six round contest so let's get started our first OC was created by dappled does her OC is lion tuft he makes up for his lack of confidence with his kindness when he lost half of his front leg to a box trap lion paw found himself unable to complete warrior training however he was able to find a place in Sun clan by providing emotional support to his clan mates he received the warrior name lion Tufts after thistles star noticed his special talent for helping other cats feel better emotionally I chose lion tough because he made the most out of his life despite not being able to service plan and the way he thought he would he shows that clan life is not just about being strong it is about being able to support others when times get rough our next OC comes from breezy burn way her OC is Raven frost well she may seem cold and heartless she is a loyal and ambitious cat who can be a great friend once you get to know her when Rose blaze stole Raven Frost Mouse during their warrior assessment she and Raven Frost became rivals however upon the death of Raven Frost mother flower Fang Raven Frost was surprised to find that Rose blaze was ready to comfort her the truth was that Rose blaze really cared for Raven Frost and only acted the way she did to get her attention the two cats develop feelings for each other which are awkward at first because they're both she cats but they eventually learned to embrace their love I chose Raven Frost because her story is very sweet and it teaches you not to judge others until you know the reasons behind their actions our next OC was me by Heather she makes animations on our YouTube channel rocking cat productions and she just started a comic on her TV in our her OC is Falcon Lane he is a calm cat who has trouble making decisions as an apprentice he always relied on his mentor Thunderstrike to make all the tough decisions for him soon after falconwing became a warrior thunder stripe died and Falcon wing had no one to help him make these hard choices lizard by Falcon wings friend started disappearing from cam Falcon wing investigates and finds out that lizard bite is conspiring with a rogue group to attack his clan falconwing is concerned by this but he does not tell some clan because he is afraid of sacrificing his friendship with Blizzard Bay however the Rogues eventually do attack the cam and falconwing must kill lizard by to save olive song falconwing teaches us that ignoring your problems does not make them go away he also teaches us to speak up when you are worried about something falconwing should have voiced his suspicions about lizard bite before it was too late next up from Tiger meow we have mah stone mas stone is a loving cat who sometimes has trouble expressing her feelings mas stone had wanted desperately to be a medicine guy she valued their importance and skills however she was never able to learn herbs properly or connect to StarClan her failure eventually led to the death of a cat and she had no choice but to become a warrior her story is really simple but I really liked the message behind it sometimes what you want is not the same as what is meant to be and part of life is realizing when something isn't working now and coming to accept it last OC battle I didn't really give proper representation to the quote unquote edgy o'seas the truth is these characters represent a huge percentage of warrior cat Sosa's and can actually be pretty great when given proper development one of these Aussies goes by the name of Swift strike in ties over three years of development from her creator little pause steps she started out as a silly and playful cat but she became corrupted over time it all started with her training ivory claw had trained her harshly and left her as a cold and skilled warrior these skills would quickly be put to use as rogues would often attack her clan she eventually earned her warrior name fighting them off alongside a she cat named spotted pal these two grew very close and developed love for each other then in another battle against rogues spotted Pelt was taken from swift strike after that battle swift strike was changed she mourns over spotted pal until her clan has to fight swift strike before they can start the barrier then she is left in heated arguments whenever she interacts with any cat it all leads up to swift strike killing her leader and fleeing from her clan she turns to a life of murder against random cats and hates herself for it she earns the name of spilled blood during this time she eventually finds herself in the dark forest but she is unable to accept her fate and she runs until she makes it to star clan to be with spotted cow of course she has deep regret in her heart and the star clan cats do not forgive her but she is able to be eased into a peaceful existence where she can be with spotted pal and got a cat similar to her through his troubles Swift strikes story shows us the consequences of grief and I really like the moral swift strike teaches us to push forward and become a better version of yourself even when your mistakes may never be forgiven next we have red claw from inspector spin de she is a true cynic who was always avoiding responsibilities and keeping to herself as a result many cats don't bother interacting with her and even spread rumors about how difficult she can be however there is one cat wolf stripe who managed to find his way into her life when Red Claws brother dies wolf stripe is upset that red claw doesn't show much emotion however wolf stripe later finds out that red claw dig care and he is able to help her through it they later become mates and wolf stripe and red claw each get their turn as leader this story is really sweet because while red claw never really show much emotion she is able to find a cat who cared about her and she is able to adjust her attitude to find happiness even if she never changes herself completely now we have a villain character created by spotted fire 23 who actually makes some pretty good art anyways his OC is poison Fang poison Fang grew up believing a prophecy about a cat destined for greatness was meant for him he trained in the dark forest to live up to this image and he eventually becomes deputy when shallow star grew weak he abused his power to lead River clan into unnecessary battles and poison thing is killed when he refuses to step down from his position he is reborn possessing the body of scopa which he uses to wreak havoc against River clan overall he is a really cool villain and it is really interesting seeing how his false expectations led to the destruction of his honour from the small Warrior Cats youtuber I like cats we have the OC pine claw she was a very aggressive kid mostly due to the fact that she didn't receive much attention after becoming the warrior she lost her mother in a rockslide which was caused accidentally by Sparrow hard being the aggressive cat she is she decided to attack Sparrow heart for revenge and she accidentally kills Sparrow hard no cat knows she did this except silver tail so she poisoned silver tail to keep her from spilling the truth but then Snow Wis turbines out Empire flaw is exile she spent the rest of her life regretting her mistakes and struggling to live without her clan I chose pine claw because her story shows the dangers of solving problems with aggression also it shows that you cannot run from your mistakes in her attempt to cover up her mistake of accidentally killing Sparrow hard she makes a much larger mistake of purposely killing silver tail which ultimately is unforgivable our ninth OC comes from catalyst ian goes by the name of puddle Thorne puddle Thorne had always wanted to be a medicine cat but behind this he desired blood battle and glory he managed to repress this ambition in order to become a medicine cat however when his mentor toad freckle died he was thrown into emotional disorder that made the dark auras cat start visiting his dreams he rejected them at first but the dark forest cats threatened to hurt his family so he started to listen to them the dark chorus was able to use petal thorns ambitions to turn him into a heartless killer but authority been chilly realized that his family was never in danger and he is slowly able to return the sanity and shut the dark forest ow however he still lives in fear of his crimes being discovered I really like petal thorn because while he does make several bad decisions in his life he eventually does have his line of thinking exposed as wrong he does suffer the consequences from his mistakes and he does fight back the behavior that set him down the path towards evil last mo certainly not least we have Yin Pau created by Hawk tau n now Yin pas isn't your average OC she is part of a 600 plus page comic saga that Hawk Talon has been working on for eight years [Music] specifically we will be looking at her appearance in Hawk talent v comic yin and yang which is a remake of her first comic of the same name anyways the yin and yang comic is about yin paw and her sister yang paw a great calamity is on the verge of breaking out and they are the yin and yang prophesized to stop it however as Yin posh struggles in her Warrior Training she finds herself in a situation that might end with her being the cause of that interrelationship with yang po is at stake the comic goes on to be about the blurred lines between right and wrong and the importance of family farm I would love to tell you more about this comic but I would rather not spoil it you should really read the comic yourself using the link in the description you won't be disappointed and doles so Hawk talent just started her sixth comment kingdom come so you can catch up on the entire saga and still have more to look forward to so that concludes our top ten o seas it is now your responsibility to vote for your favorite the top 8 o'seas will advance to round 2 and the bottom two won't be eliminated yet but let's just say they will have a 90% chance of being eliminated you may only vote once for one cat if you are in the top 10 you are not allowed to vote but 10 votes will be added to your total if you leave a comment on this video using your YouTube account voting will continue until this video is 48 hours old the results of the voting will be revealed in round 2 [Music]
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 79,485
Rating: 4.9162703 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, oc, original character, character, top ten, reading, erin hunter, bright guardian akira, analysis, animation
Id: RAH0KUtr6A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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