Bluestar's BIG Mistake | Warrior Cats

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a lot of people like to criticize Bluestar's life decisions and honestly they are pretty questionable whether it's seeking love with oak heart and River clan while the perfect thrush boat was sitting in thunder clam or giving up kits to fulfill her ambition to lead Thunder clan however I personally see blue stars like decisions as a bit more complicated than that by the way this video was recommended by Jackie cap for wing the grey stripe art contest that I had on warriors amino and speaking of amino this video was sponsored by amino aminos an app that has several communities surrounding your many interests and fandoms including warriors you can chat share or roleplay and more all with fans of these books I use the app all the time in fact I'm holding a challenge there right now it's drawing Warrior Cats literally for example here is my drawing of spider leg with actual spider legs my favorite submissions will be shown in a warrior cat challenge video on this channel and if you're number one you can request a video for me to make just like da ki cat did for this video be sure to submit your art before February 20th anyways to get to this challenge you need to click the link in the description or pinned comment to download the free amino app for iOS or Android or you can just search Amino on your App Store once you're in the amino app you can search for warriors and once you join the warriors community find the place that says all members and search for bright guardian Akira I look forward to seeing you there Luo star and oak are one of the original forbidden romance stories created two parallel gray stripe and silver stream yet this forbidden romance is easily one of the least developed with only a couple interactions between the two cats before a single night meeting that led to kids the result well let's just say that people don't ship blue star an oak cart very often instead people look to thrush pelt the original bumble stripe except the rush pail is nice and patient when Dublin's interest in bubble start aided bumble strut just got super desperate and when bumble start found out that Dublin had Tiger stars kids he just got bitter meanwhile thrush kilt is more embarrassed and gentle with his love towards blue fur and he actually feels compassion when he learns that she has kids with another cat in his relationship with blue fur he actually cares more about the relationship than he does about kids yet blufor never loved thrush pal she never even pretended that she did but he was still there for her when she needed him the rush Pelt is just a genuinely nice dude so why did blue star choose okar well blue start didn't really choose okar I'll explain more later let's take a cart out of the picture for a second there's a big reason why blue star refused thrush pelts love she didn't want kids that's way too much commitment he would distract her from her goal of becoming thunder clans leader blue fur never wanted a meetin kits not what thrush Pelt and not without card when blue fur became mates with oak heart / thrush pal she was never recognizing oak her as a more suitable partner it just so happened that in the action of her rejecting both made choices she fell short of overcoming the temptation she felt around oak card to use blue star stops to explain this she simply felt more excitement around oak art now we could just say haha blue fur only likes oak heart because he's super high but I believe that blue firs attraction to oak car is a bit more complicated than that Luber lived a life of laws mainly her sister and her mother to add to this she has to suffer quite a bit of emotional abuse from thistle claw and she spends so much time worrying about is potential to destroy ThunderClan if he is to be given any amount of power there are several points in the book in which she recognizes that the only thing keeping her going is her role and ThunderClan specifically her role in becoming deputy so thistle claw can she can't afford to be a mother because the time and effort that goes into raising kids would get in their way she had no room in her life for a relationship with brush pail and honestly it's pretty easy for her to reject him the rush pote was already a warrior when blufor was born so they really didn't grow up together I just don't think they have chemistry when it comes to ThunderClan cats I actually think that ROS tail is blue for his best companion outside of our family members as she did grow up alongside blue fur of course when blue fur got together with oak hurt it was a bit harder for her to hold on to her mindset that she never wanted kids so what made oak heart different well it's just the fact that blue fur didn't properly understand him it's easy for her to reject thrush belt because she knew him her entire life but o-r ended up being more of a mystery that left her intrigued with thrush belt blue fur could more easily rationalize her rejection of him maybe she thought thrush belt was too clingy and desperate or maybe she thought he was too boring and compliant however blue fur could not do the same with okar she didn't know this guy all she saw was the super brave and competent Tom known for being one of River clans best warriors her perception of him was built more superficially she was able to fall in love with the way he presented himself his good looks and his charisma blue fur never wanted a mate and she spent her entire life convincing herself that the Katzen ThunderClan would not make suitable Oh cart caught her off-guard blufor made herself so unfamiliar to love that once she started feeling things for oak car she couldn't resist taking his offer to meet with him at poor trees thought one life-changing night after that night Bluebird finally managed to beat her temptation and carry on with her plan to be deputy however this night was not easily forgotten because this night would be the night that gave her kids this is where thrush Pelt comes back in the focus at the time every cat and ThunderClan especially Rosedale had become well aware of thrush pelts crush on blue fur so when it becomes obvious that blue fur is pregnant Rose tail gets the rumour going that thrush Pelle is the father just to be clear Rose tail is the sweetest cat ever when she approached blue fur regarding her thoughts blue fur didn't really deny it rose tail only spilled this false assumption around because she was getting genuinely happy for her friend anyways this rumour reaches thrush Pal and thrush Pelt obviously knows that the kits aren't his but instead getting frustrated or sad he reaches out with his support saying that he is okay with letting ThunderClan believe that he is the father blue fur does decide against telling cats this but she never denies thrush pelts involvement and her kits so every cat and ThunderClan bully believes thrush Pelle is the father and thrush Pelle assumes that role perfectly he loves her kids as though they were his own then comes blue firs big decision a new deputy but Thunderman was going to be chosen within the next moon and this deputy was almost certain to be sensed our successor as leader of thunder clan this'll claw really thought he was going to become that deputy and blue fur had absolutely every reason to believe that Bissell claw would destroy Thunder clan with this aggressive behavior this will claw even outright says at one point that he wants to line the river clan border with the blood of the enemy so yeah there's definitely reason to be worried blufor knows that she is the one cat in the clan who would be chosen above any other was her mentor and he has let blue fur know that he was considering the deputy position for her but blue fur can't be chosen for deputy if she's still raising kids in this desperate attempt to save ThunderClan blue fur sends her kids over to Oh carton River clan who was more than willing to accept them in this process musket unfortunately dies due to cold weather blue first sacrifice ends up having the planned outcome she becomes deputy and leader leader of Thunder clan however some star reveals to her that he was never planning on choosing thistle Claw for deputy at all it seems like her sacrifice was a waste in some ways and the simple talk would have had the same effect blue fur could have even potentially negotiated Sun star choosing a senior warrior for deputy who could retire to the elder stand when blue fur was done raising her kids instead Bluebird made a massive sacrifice not only because of the loss of Mosca and the grief he caused herself but also the grief she caused her clan well thrush Pelton Rose tale were not blue fur skin they were still massively excited for blue fur to have kids blue fur ended up lying about the three cats being eaten by a fox and that's sort of crushing to hear blue fur took her largest problem and solved it in such a destructive and desperate way in my opinion that was her biggest mistake this will claws abuse affected her so deeply that she couldn't think clearly and she was hyper focused on thinking she was the only cat who could save ThunderClan by becoming leader blue fur ended up missing now I'm pursuing friendships with two of the nicest cats and the entire series thrush Pelt and ROS tail she shut herself out from relationships and ThunderClan and she was only able to find comfort in her overly idealistic perspective of okar she was so lost in her destiny and in goose feathers prophecy she was never able to focus on her happiness bluestar lived her life with great honor and sacrifice but in the end she could have been a little smarter [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 109,244
Rating: 4.9476166 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, bluestar, analysis, animation, erin hunter, reading, books
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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