Mother In Law Demands I Obey WIFE DUTIES & Make More Babies - Evil MIL Ruined My Life Stories

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reddit what was the worst case of your mother-in-law trying to teach you I 25 years old female gave birth to my twins boy and girl 4 years ago and another boy 2 years ago my husband 26 years old and I moved out of his mother's house before my second son was born after months of me begging him to move my mother-in-law and I have a rocky relationship when I first heard of dating her son we had a good relationship we would go out together with a few other relatives every month for a girls day out it was fun and she was supportive of my relationship with her son when we got engaged her true colors started to show she tried to take control of the wedding planning even though I had asked her multiple times not to she ripped my wedding dress on purpose two weeks before the wedding because she didn't like the dress and we had to reschedule the wedding since she didn't want it on her cat's birthday which she had given away a year before and clearly didn't like I didn't say anything and throughout the entire wedding preparation I was constantly berated by my mother-in-law because my parents were paying for the large venue she made me feel bad and eventually I decided to pay for the venue myself despite my parents and fiancee insisting they'd pay fast forward a year I'm pregnant with my twins and my mother-in-law is hoping for a girl no big deal right well two weeks ago mother-in-law was over and was cooking with my daughter I don't mind since my daughter was being supervised and my mother-in-law is a good cook but my son twin wanted to help cook my mother-in-law said that he wasn't allowed to and that it was a woman's job my son asked for what she meant and she said his job as a man was to work and provide for his family and that his wife was meant to look after the kids I was furious and immediately took my twins upstairs I confronted my mother-in-law and she said she was planning to teach my daughter her job as a woman since she found out the gender of the twins I was disgusted to say the least if my daughter wants to be a housewife when she gets older that's fine but I don't want her grandmother shoving into her head that she has to do that and it's her job as a woman she told me over and over again that it's my daughter's job and that if I won't do my job as a woman which in her words is to give birth and look after the children that she'll make sure my daughter does she then told me that I'm a horrible parent slash woman that I didn't deserve her son that the only thing that I've done right is give birth to her grandchildren and that she'd have my husband divorce me and get full custody of the kids I kicked her out and told her to never come back as she wasn't welcomed my husband is conflicted and told me we should have discussed me kicking mother-in-law out when he came home from work my husband came home and took the twins to preschool when he came back home I asked him if we could talk about what had happened he said he believed what I said happened he was very quiet throughout the whole conversation I told him I didn't agree with her views and that I didn't want her around any of the kids I then proceeded to tell him pretty much everything she's done he asked me why I hadn't told him sooner and I told him I wanted to avoid all the drama I asked him if he thought it was all right what she said we talked about other things involving his mother as well he shook his head I then told him that if he wanted to go and talk to his mother about this he could but he shook his head again I was confused until he said I've already spoken to her he explained she wouldn't change her views nor would she apologize to me so he told her he no longer wanted to have contact with her I was relieved when he said that he didn't have a temper with me at all but I still had to recommend anger-management classes he was kind of iffy about it so before he could agree or disagree I instead just recommended therapy which was part of the plan he agreed and he also agreed to marriage counseling my mother-in-law did try to contact me a few months ago but I blocked her number when I was first pregnant with my little one my sister wanted to host my baby shower my dear husband asked sister-in-law if she also wanted to help with planning just yes mom paying and she did she got put in charge of food my sister was in charge of venue and decorating sister-in-law apparently asked just no mother-in-law to help as she was swamped with school and just no mother-in-law took over ordering what she wanted of course what she wanted was Italian now this would be fine except I have a severe gluten allergy and the catering place she ordered from did not have gluten-free options my sister was furious and told my just yes mom who promptly said about making gluten-free lasagna for me crisis averted right well mother-in-law is friends with several horse friends who also know dear husband one of whom bakes they offered to bake the cake which was sweet but mother-in-law never told them I had a severe allergy why would I eat cake at my own baby shower right my sister went out and bought a gluten-free cake one that was decorated to fit our Fox theme the other cake had horses so to recap mother-in-law ordered food and arranged a cake for my baby shower that had I eaten any would have placed little one in serious jeopardy at the time I thought all of this was just thoughtlessness her doing things that made sense solely from her perspective a few days ago my Esso brought up that he had to tell mother-in-law not to poison my food apparently she didn't believe I actually had an allergy and was joking that she'd sprinkle some in just to see my reaction my Esso told her that if she did that we'd move across the country and go permanently no contact he also asked her how she'd react if he started joking about putting cyanide into her horses food which actually got her to stop and think now I'm honestly wondering if the baby shower food situation was less about selfishness and more about punishing me through my allergy a few weeks ago my wife and I welcomed our firstborn daughter she's the first child for both my wife and me and those nine months were honestly the happiest time in our lives now she's here and it's a huge responsibility and joy at the same time and then there's mother-in-law who obviously is out of her mind my mother-in-law has a weird mindset that she has had for whole life she believes that men are not responsible for their children and shouldn't participate in their upbringing at all her reasoning behind all this Bowl is that the concept of a family between male and female is something that humans have made and it doesn't occur in nature whenever you try to question her about it she's like look at the animal kingdom in most species females are the ones who care for the Cubs not males males don't care what's happening to the Cubs and even try to harm them humans are no different I didn't make it up it's just the way nature works so basically she means that children don't need fathers and she raised my wife by those same principles my wife grew up without her dad and she was 16 years old when she saw her dad for the first time because mother in law's simply didn't let him inside the house when he wanted to see his daughter she threatened him with police and courts and whatnot if he dares as much as approach the house my wife met him when she was a teenager already they met in secrecy and all their meetings happened in secret for mother-in-law before that she was growing with mother-in-law and her grandmother when she was telling me this I was shocked and obviously mother-in-law had thought she's going to repeat this upbringing with her granddaughter when our girl was born my wife was mostly resting for the rest of the day because the birth didn't go very easy and I was the one to take care of our newborn fortunately she seems to be quite a calm baby doesn't cry very much when we were still in the hospital at one moment both my wife and the baby were sleeping and mother-in-law walked into the postpartum room she saw me holding my daughter and was like put her down put her down I was like whoa mom in law first of all lower your voice can't you see everyone here is asleep and secondly why should I put her down I'm the father of this baby what's your problem mother-in-law was acting as if her granddaughter was being held by a tiger or something as if I could rip her apart at any moment my wife woke up from mother-in-law's screeching quite irritated because she was still in a bit of pain and asked mother-in-law what was going on mother-in-law said look what's happening while you're lying there like a dead fish he's handling the child the child should be with you okay mom and lot I understand that you could probably run a marathon right after giving birth but most women feel tired after such work my wife was like what do you mean he's handling the child of course he is he's the father after all let him bond with his child and you go away now we're at home and doing very well however mother-in-law came to visit us this morning and seemingly for the last time as soon as she came into the house she was like you're still here why are you here and then she turned to my wife like why are you allowing him to be here haven't I taught you anything about living with men I said okay mom in law what's your problem really have you forgotten that your daughter and I are married where are you expecting me to go we're a family and I'm not going anywhere mother-in-law insisted that girls who are exposed to their father's grow up to be violent rude and non feminine because those are the qualities of men honestly I'm not sure if there has ever been a man who hurt or left mother-in-law and that's why she thinks this way about all men now but regardless she's not going to be in charge in my house so I told her to turn around and walk out the door because what does she think she's going to do I'm the father of this girl my name is on the birth certificate she cannot take my child away from me this is my house this is my family and she's not going to command around here not happening I don't think I even want her to see our daughter as she might try to tell her dad is this unnatural monster who inveigled his way in the female family when he should be gone mother-in-law thinks she has a say in my family she doesn't and I'll make her understand it one way or another I cooked a turkey dinner for my family and some of hers on Christmas Eve I offered her leftovers multiple times but she kept saying she'd come get them later to make it easier she complained because I didn't have Tupperware to give her I offered to make up plates and cover them with foil she didn't like that so she sent father-in-law to their house to get some plastic baggies when he SPAC she starts packing up all of the food i said husband and i were gonna have leftovers - let me help you split that up i busted me on that turkey and i'm gonna have some leftovers so then she starts backpedaling and saying you're the one who asked father-in-law for the Baggies I'm just helping you pack it up I offered her some leftovers a few more times she refuses and says that she doesn't want to be a bother she said she just come by later to pick them up because that would be easier I told her it'd be way easier to just make a few plates up now but she said that I was wrong whatever Christmas morning I took a nap after presents and missed a few calls from her so she started calling my husband evidently her sister who was hosting dinner got the flu so they had to cancel she wanted to come take all of my leftovers to make a real Christmas dinner for herself her boyfriend her niece and the nieces husband I had a fair amount of food leftovers but that would have been all of it so I said no then mother-in-law starts arguing with me through the husband my mom says you promised her the leftovers you were there I told her she could make a few plates not take everything she said my cousin is crying because she's not getting a Christmas dinner your cousin is a grown adult they can go out to eat or your mom can cook them something my mom says the stores are all closed but spoiled cousin wants a turkey dinner she said she offered to cook but spoiled cousin is upset they weren't even going to have Turkey your aunt was going to do ham she says you're just gonna throw the food out anyway she says you're ruining my cousin's Christmas dinner we were having it for dinner tomorrow if they truly will starve otherwise fine but if they just don't want to cook or go out then they can figure it out or try to order Chinese food the diner is open and so is the nice sushi place this cousin in question not the daughter of the sick aunt is an adult in her 20s who lives on her own if it were a little kid I might have felt more generous I worked really hard on that dinner and I'm gonna enjoy the leftovers myself I was willing to share some just not all of it which seems to escape just no mother-in-law thankfully my husband is on the same page the craziest part the sick aunt sent out a text a few days earlier warning everyone she had the flu and probably wouldn't be well in time to host dinner so mother-in-law had plenty of time to make a back-up plan and spoiled cousin definitely should have checked before driving in from out of town plus spoiled cousin has her own family in town I don't get why she had to make it mother-in-law's problem my now husband and I were together for four years when he proposed at that point I had never met his mother Esso had told me all about mother-in-law and how she is a die-hard super hyper Christian whilst we are both atheists religion doesn't bother me and I am happy for people who have their own beliefs just don't push them on me Essos father left his mother when she was pregnant I'm not sure he even knew she was expecting Esso has been very low contact for about six years now and the reason is because she always has to be with her son at all times until he was 12 he wasn't allowed the bathroom door closed and she used to sit on the top step and talk to him whilst he was on the toilet until he left school at 18 she walked him into school and straight to reception every day and collected him there too she tried to do this with college but when he got his driver's license at 19 behind her back saving up his own money because she wouldn't allow him he used to leave the house make up early just to avoid the situation Esso was never allowed to close his bedroom door when he was 22 Esso needed a ride to the doctor to have a prostate check due to some issues and his mother took him she refused to stay in the car and then tried to come into the doctor's room with him and then broke down crying when he wouldn't allow her to he was never allowed to friends houses and had a cell phone so he could text and update every hour on the hour when SLE was 25 he had saved enough money to move out and it was then he cut down contact s oatmeal of this but then after our engagement he asked if I wanted to meet her I agreed to meet mother-in-law and told him that I wouldn't judge her based on what I had been told but I would make up my own mind after our meeting the day comes to meet mother-in-law we meet in a cafe in town mother-in-law doesn't know our address for obvious reasons I walk up to her and say hi there it's so nice to meet you mother-in-law smiles at me and says hi so you're the woman my son is going to marry tell me dear are you a virgin I was gobsmacked I had no idea what to say and I eventually came up with I don't feel comfortable discussing that with you throughout the whole meeting mother-in-law spoke about church about how she was devastated that her son had left her how much she had missed him and she tried to dig into my intimate history she explained that it was okay for her to ask as a mother she needed to make sure that her son was making the right decision she then went on the topic of the honeymoon she asked if we would like to stay at her place which we declined she asked if she could come with us and we declined she said that was okay that wherever we went she would just book the hotel room next to us and keep out of our way SOT firmly that she was not invited on our honeymoon and mother-in-law started welling up tears slid down her cheeks and she blew her nose loudly people were now looking over a so asked her why she felt like she needed to be part of such an intimate vacation and she looked me dead in the eyes and said I need to check the bedsheets for blood in the morning to make sure her hymen was intact on your wedding night Esso stared at her for what seemed like hours then grabbed my hand threw money on the table and said that we were leaving boy he didn't have to tell me twice anyway we got married the honeymoon was just the two of us thankfully mother-in-law found out from a distant relative who is friends with an aunt of a friend of mine that we are expecting our first little one this August I have fed lies to people I don't trust and I think mother-in-law thinks I will be delivering at a certain hospital which I won't be how my amazing husband came from that woman and made it to adulthood without being totally messed up is nothing short of a miracle thanks for eating yesterday we were out shopping and had just parked our car when mother-in-law called dear husband saying both she and father-in-law were not well she has high blood pressure and related issues and father-in-law has high fever both are averse to allopathic treatment so instead they are getting alternative plant-based meds and it is not curing them fast enough dear husband asks her to go to a good clinic and see a proper doctor to get immediate relief she starts whining loudly that grandma and la father-in-law's 90 year old mother has been admitted in the hospital with a blood clot and the entire family is taking turns to care for her but she my mother-in-law doesn't have anybody to even take her to the hospital as the only person who cares about her is father-in-law and he is sick also mother-in-law didn't visit Grandma and LA as she is not in good terms with anyone she is now screaming over phone and I can hear her saying we are staying here alone and have nobody for us you dear husband and your wife me should come and take me to the doctor and look after me her we are currently staying miles and oceans away from her and she expects us to leave everything and go for her beck and call now dear husband said do you expect me to throw away my job to come be with you she backed tracks a bit saying she doesn't want to fight and had called just to hear his voice I somehow knew this was going to happen now that our house that dear husband is building in his hometown is nearing completion she expects me to leave dear husband here and go back to Asia along with dear daughter stay at the new home along with father and mother in-laws and be her personal maid and caretaker she had previously mentioned this a few times when we had gone to her home to meet her and she constantly says things like how it is common that it is daughter-in-laws duty to remain home to take care of the elderly parents in-law allowing the son to go abroad and earn money for the family I am also concerned that she is purposefully letting her health go so that she gets me where she wants [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 35,639
Rating: 4.906383 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, reddit mother in law, reddit mil, worst mother in law, reddit family, reddit wife duties, reddit pregnancy, mother in law baby, reddit marriage, reddit drama, ask gurl, evil mother in law
Id: Hu2qO9yA6xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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