Luke 12:46 | Mother Angelica Live Classics

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don’t miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) (applause) Mother: Well, we just Mother: Well, we just have wonderful, wonderful family today, and I’m family today, and I’m always happy to see our always happy to see our extended family coming here extended family coming here because it gives you because it gives you an idea of who’s out there an idea of who’s out there listening. listening. And some of them have And some of them have perseverance, I tell you. perseverance, I tell you. They get up at 1, 2 o’clock They get up at 1, 2 o’clock in the morning and listen. in the morning and listen. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, (all laugh) (all laugh) but anyway, they do it. but anyway, they do it. I’m happy they do. I’m happy they do. It shows that in the heart It shows that in the heart of everyone there’s a of everyone there’s a hunger for God. hunger for God. And we may not know it’s And we may not know it’s a hunger for God but we do, a hunger for God but we do, we hunger for God. we hunger for God. We hunger for peace, for We hunger for peace, for joy, for serenity, of all joy, for serenity, of all those wonderful things that those wonderful things that we’ll have in Heaven. we’ll have in Heaven. We long for it here, and if We long for it here, and if this network is able to do this network is able to do that even a little bit, that even a little bit, it’s, it’s worth all it’s, it’s worth all the effort. the effort. Tonight I don’t know what Tonight I don’t know what we’re going to talk about. we’re going to talk about. I picked out a few things, I picked out a few things, unless somebody else has unless somebody else has something else in mind. something else in mind. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) You don’t have anything You don’t have anything in mind. in mind. Okay. Okay. If you do, just let me know. If you do, just let me know. Since we never prepare Since we never prepare anything, it wouldn’t anything, it wouldn’t matter (laughs) what we matter (laughs) what we talked about, as long as talked about, as long as we talk about God. we talk about God. You know, in St. Luke’s You know, in St. Luke’s Gospel, our Dear Lord Gospel, our Dear Lord tells us some secrets. tells us some secrets. You know, Our Lady’s always You know, Our Lady’s always telling secrets to the telling secrets to the little kids and they little kids and they won’t tell, I tell you, won’t tell, I tell you, they won’t tell anybody. they won’t tell anybody. It’s amazing how Our Lady It’s amazing how Our Lady loves to tell secrets. loves to tell secrets. Well I’m sure Our Lord told Well I’m sure Our Lord told secrets but these He told to secrets but these He told to everybody--and it’s amazing everybody--and it’s amazing how few people know it even how few people know it even though He told us. though He told us. He said, "See that you are He said, "See that you are dressed for action." dressed for action." Of course today we’d be Of course today we’d be happy if they’re dressed, happy if they’re dressed, let alone... let alone... (all laugh) (all laugh) We’re grateful for We’re grateful for small things today, small things today, you know. you know. "For action and have your "For action and have your lamps lit." lamps lit." Why? Why? "Be like men waiting for "Be like men waiting for their Master to return from their Master to return from the Wedding Feast." the Wedding Feast." We have to wait. We have to wait. See, today we are not ready. See, today we are not ready. In fact, we don’t want In fact, we don’t want to be ready. to be ready. Now, He says the reason you Now, He says the reason you want to get ready and stay want to get ready and stay ready is to open the door as ready is to open the door as soon as the Master knocks. soon as the Master knocks. Are you ready? Are you ready? I hope you’re ready. I hope you’re ready. You don’t know. You don’t know. We don’t know when the We don’t know when the Master’s going to knock. Master’s going to knock. See, we’re so bent on See, we’re so bent on this world. this world. Well, I can see that. Well, I can see that. I mean, this is where we’re I mean, this is where we’re born, this is where we live. born, this is where we live. And so God is up here. And so God is up here. We’re waiting for that day We’re waiting for that day we meet Him but it’s kind of we meet Him but it’s kind of far away. far away. See, we have what the Church See, we have what the Church calls the Church militant, calls the Church militant, that’s this one; and the that’s this one; and the Church up there, triumphant, Church up there, triumphant, and there’s people there. and there’s people there. Do you know I found out Do you know I found out today that Padre Pio, today that Padre Pio, Blessed Padre Pio just Blessed Padre Pio just put in an eye where put in an eye where there wasn’t one? there wasn’t one? Yeah. Yeah. This young man had his eye This young man had his eye taken out because it was, taken out because it was, something wrong with it, and something wrong with it, and he went to see the doctor he went to see the doctor about the other eye and he about the other eye and he said to the doctor, "I want said to the doctor, "I want you to see this eye." you to see this eye." He said, "You’re crazy. He said, "You’re crazy. I took that one out." I took that one out." He said, "No you didn’t. He said, "No you didn’t. Padre Pio put it back." Padre Pio put it back." Wouldn’t that shake a Wouldn’t that shake a doctor up, huh? doctor up, huh? Oh boy. Oh boy. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I love to shake up I love to shake up doctors, scientists, doctors, scientists, very smart people. very smart people. I like to shake them up. I like to shake them up. Why? Why? I think they need it, I think they need it, ’cause we can’t put ’cause we can’t put everything we have in this everything we have in this life, in this world. life, in this world. Now, it’s one thing to cure Now, it’s one thing to cure an eye, it’s another one an eye, it’s another one to put a new one in its to put a new one in its place, don’t you think? place, don’t you think? I’d get excited. I’d get excited. I’d canonize him tomorrow, I’d canonize him tomorrow, but I don’t have anything but I don’t have anything to say about it. to say about it. But just imagine, a But just imagine, a brand-new eye. brand-new eye. What a man, huh? What a man, huh? What a great man. What a great man. So I hope. So I hope. And you know what else And you know what else I found out? I found out? I get all kind of news. I get all kind of news. What else I found out is What else I found out is that Pope John XXIII is that Pope John XXIII is totally incorrupt. totally incorrupt. (audience oohs and aahs) (audience oohs and aahs) Now, everybody’s mad at him Now, everybody’s mad at him because of Vatican II, because of Vatican II, but that poor man didn’t but that poor man didn’t do anything wrong. do anything wrong. It’s the people that It’s the people that came after him. came after him. But he did the right thing. But he did the right thing. I wish I could find some of I wish I could find some of the Vatican documents, the Vatican documents, because they’re beautiful. because they’re beautiful. Now the people who interpret Now the people who interpret them--<i> mezza-mezza</i> . them--<i> mezza-mezza</i> . I mean, they’re different. I mean, they’re different. But see, I think it’s But see, I think it’s wonderful. wonderful. I bet they were surprised, I bet they were surprised, huh? huh? Padre Pio, there was nothing Padre Pio, there was nothing left of him, and everybody left of him, and everybody else I know except Pius X. else I know except Pius X. But John, little roly-poly But John, little roly-poly John XXIII, John XXIII, (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) he was a great Pope. he was a great Pope. He was always sincere, holy, He was always sincere, holy, and truthful, and so now and truthful, and so now his whole body. his whole body. And he wasn’t embalmed. And he wasn’t embalmed. No, he wasn’t embalmed. No, he wasn’t embalmed. Now they’re going to Now they’re going to embalm him. embalm him. I said, "Why? I said, "Why? "Leave him alone. "Leave him alone. "You’re going to ruin the "You’re going to ruin the whole thing putting all that whole thing putting all that stuff in there." stuff in there." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Anyway, put wax on his face Anyway, put wax on his face or something else, you know. or something else, you know. But I think it’s awesome. But I think it’s awesome. I get excited over those I get excited over those kind of things. kind of things. But you see, these things But you see, these things prove to you and I there is prove to you and I there is another life, yeah. another life, yeah. But we’ll go out, you know, But we’ll go out, you know, at 4 or 5:00 in the morning at 4 or 5:00 in the morning and be in danger of being and be in danger of being knocked over by a car, knocked over by a car, for exercise. for exercise. I think that’s strange. I think that’s strange. Or we buy one of these Or we buy one of these artificial steps. artificial steps. They’re cheap. They’re cheap. You can wear yourself out You can wear yourself out on those. on those. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) You go up one, then you go You go up one, then you go up the other, and you keep up the other, and you keep going this way, then you, going this way, then you, then you’re all out of breath, then you’re all out of breath, then you go have a cup of then you go have a cup of coffee with three teaspoons coffee with three teaspoons of sugar. of sugar. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) But we believe in being But we believe in being prepared, prepared. prepared, prepared. You want good health, You want good health, that’s fine. that’s fine. You want exercise, fine, You want exercise, fine, but what are you doing for but what are you doing for the place that never ends? the place that never ends? You say, "Are you believing You say, "Are you believing in that?" in that?" Yeah, because the Yeah, because the alternative (chuckles) alternative (chuckles) is hell. is hell. I could have said I could have said "miserable". "miserable". That would have been right. That would have been right. I could have said "hot". I could have said "hot". That would have been more That would have been more right, but hell, see. right, but hell, see. "But I don’t believe "But I don’t believe in hell." in hell." Oh, too bad for you, Oh, too bad for you, sweetheart. sweetheart. I hate for you to find out I hate for you to find out the wrong way. the wrong way. I mean, you could be there I mean, you could be there and find out. and find out. There’s no coming back. There’s no coming back. We do prepare. We do prepare. You know, America is You know, America is terribly, terribly terribly, terribly diet-conscious. diet-conscious. At Lent we think we’re so At Lent we think we’re so heroic to give up a couple heroic to give up a couple of candy bars, but to lose of candy bars, but to lose some weight, oh, you’ll do some weight, oh, you’ll do anything. anything. At 78 pretty soon, I figure, At 78 pretty soon, I figure, who cares. who cares. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) At 78 I’m not going At 78 I’m not going to go on a diet. to go on a diet. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I’ve made it this far. I’ve made it this far. I’ve eaten a lot of I’ve eaten a lot of spaghetti. spaghetti. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) It hasn’t hurt me a bit. It hasn’t hurt me a bit. The doctors keep saying, The doctors keep saying, "You’re in wonderful "You’re in wonderful condition." condition." Well, I’ll just have some Well, I’ll just have some more spaghetti. more spaghetti. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I don’t, I don’t understand, I don’t, I don’t understand, you see. you see. I understand people I understand people have to go on diets. have to go on diets. I don’t understand why we I don’t understand why we cannot go on a fast or we cannot go on a fast or we cannot give something up for cannot give something up for Jesus, for poor sinners, for Jesus, for poor sinners, for poor souls, or to get myself ready for the day He says, ready for the day He says, "Come, it’s time." "Come, it’s time." Now what? Now what? Now what? Now what? See, here He says See, here He says you got to be ready. you got to be ready. "Happy are those servants "Happy are those servants whom the Master finds awake whom the Master finds awake when He comes," awake. when He comes," awake. You want to be awake. You want to be awake. People, we’re all funny. People, we’re all funny. You know, we stay up You know, we stay up late at night. late at night. Some people are morning Some people are morning people, some people are people, some people are night people. night people. But you see, if you’re a But you see, if you’re a night person, you’ve got to night person, you’ve got to get up in the morning and if get up in the morning and if you’re a morning person, you’re a morning person, you’ve got to go to bed you’ve got to go to bed at night. at night. See, we’re all mixed up. See, we’re all mixed up. We’re all awake all around We’re all awake all around 7:00, awake, we’re awake in 7:00, awake, we’re awake in the evening and then we’re the evening and then we’re ready to go. ready to go. But all of a sudden you’ve But all of a sudden you’ve got to get up in the morning got to get up in the morning and you can’t. and you can’t. And see, this And see, this contradicts this. contradicts this. I have to be where I am I have to be where I am when I need to be there-- when I need to be there-- much more when I’m facing much more when I’m facing God face to face. God face to face. In this book that I want you In this book that I want you to read is an account of an to read is an account of an atheist who died, and he atheist who died, and he said goodbye to his wife-- said goodbye to his wife-- he would never see her again he would never see her again and all that stuff. and all that stuff. And all of a sudden he felt And all of a sudden he felt himself leaving his body and himself leaving his body and looking down on this table looking down on this table and the doctors are working and the doctors are working on his heart and he saw it on his heart and he saw it and he tried to talk to and he tried to talk to his wife and she didn’t his wife and she didn’t hear him. hear him. And all of a sudden And all of a sudden everything he thought was, everything he thought was, wasn’t. wasn’t. There he was looking down There he was looking down on his dead body. on his dead body. Now what do you do? Now what do you do? I mean, everything he I mean, everything he thought, everything he thought, everything he preached, everything he said preached, everything he said was suddenly wrong. was suddenly wrong. Ooh, wow! Ooh, wow! Then he heard these two people Then he heard these two people talking about him in the talking about him in the hallway, so he goes out. hallway, so he goes out. Of course, nobody, nobody Of course, nobody, nobody knows. knows. People are walking through People are walking through him and walking in front of him and walking in front of him and he doesn’t see him and he doesn’t see anybody. anybody. They don’t see him. They don’t see him. He does but they don’t. He does but they don’t. And he heard one say to And he heard one say to the other, "Well, he’s the other, "Well, he’s not ready." not ready." He goes out and there He goes out and there they are, ready. they are, ready. "Come." "Come." And then he gets And then he gets very foggy. very foggy. I would have got the hint. I would have got the hint. Foggy. Foggy. He didn’t believe in He didn’t believe in anything, so he didn’t anything, so he didn’t believe in the fog, believe in the fog, but there he was, it got but there he was, it got more and more foggy. more and more foggy. And these people started And these people started getting mean to him, started getting mean to him, started insulting him and scratching insulting him and scratching him, and he thought, him, and he thought, "There’s something wrong." "There’s something wrong." And what’s he do? And what’s he do? Oh, just in time, he said, Oh, just in time, he said, "Oh God, help me," and those "Oh God, help me," and those two ran, couldn’t even stand two ran, couldn’t even stand the name God. the name God. Then he said, "Jesus, save Then he said, "Jesus, save me," and the first thing you me," and the first thing you knowm he started going back knowm he started going back in his body. in his body. For an atheist, that had to For an atheist, that had to be a shock. be a shock. But see, you and I know But see, you and I know better. better. You cannot be shocked You cannot be shocked at that point. at that point. What happened if he didn’t What happened if he didn’t have that grace to say have that grace to say "God help me"? "God help me"? And that’s why Our Lord is And that’s why Our Lord is telling us here in Luke, telling us here in Luke, Luke, let’s see, Luke, let’s see, where are we? where are we? 12, yeah, 35. 12, yeah, 35. He said, "I tell you He said, "I tell you solemnly he will put on an solemnly he will put on an apron, sit them down at apron, sit them down at table, and wait on them." table, and wait on them." Can you imagine, the Lord Can you imagine, the Lord sees you come in and He puts sees you come in and He puts an apron on? (sighs) an apron on? (sighs) I mean, who wants to think I mean, who wants to think of food at that point? of food at that point? The Lord’s Italian really, The Lord’s Italian really, I knew it all along. I knew it all along. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) "If He finds you waiting," "If He finds you waiting," see, if He finds you ready, see, if He finds you ready, if He knows you know where if He knows you know where your last destiny is-- your last destiny is-- it’s not here, it’s not here, "He’ll put an apron on "He’ll put an apron on and sit down, sit you down and sit down, sit you down and wait on you. and wait on you. "It may be in the second watch "It may be in the second watch He comes, or the third, but He comes, or the third, but happy are those who find happy are those who find themselves ready." themselves ready." Are you ready? Are you ready? You’re still horsing around You’re still horsing around out there aren’t you, huh? out there aren’t you, huh? I remember one time--how am I remember one time--how am I going to say this, huh? I going to say this, huh? I saw this individual and I saw this individual and I said to him, "Are you I said to him, "Are you being good?" being good?" And I said, "Remember, And I said, "Remember, you’re married." you’re married." And he said to me, "Well, And he said to me, "Well, I look at the menu." I look at the menu." I said, "You better not, I said, "You better not, ’cause you may be looking at ’cause you may be looking at a menu and the Lord says, a menu and the Lord says, ’Come,’ and you’re going to ’Come,’ and you’re going to have a hot plate forever." have a hot plate forever." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) What are you going What are you going to do then? to do then? You think you’re going to You think you’re going to say, "Oh, I changed my say, "Oh, I changed my mind"? mind"? No, you’re not. No, you’re not. Well anyway, Our Dear Lord Well anyway, Our Dear Lord is willing to wait. is willing to wait. He said, "Even if you come He said, "Even if you come in the second watch or the in the second watch or the third watch, happy you’ll third watch, happy you’ll be when you’re ready." be when you’re ready." How many of you are ready How many of you are ready right now to die? right now to die? You are? You are? Two. Two. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I don’t see anybody else I don’t see anybody else around. around. All these holy nuns are, All these holy nuns are, yeah, okay. yeah, okay. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) You’re ready. You’re ready. You’re young. You’re young. Well, good for you. Well, good for you. We’re all ready. We’re all ready. No, we’re not. No, we’re not. But are we, and why not? But are we, and why not? You know, I didn’t think I You know, I didn’t think I was ready when I had that was ready when I had that death experience, but let me death experience, but let me tell you a little secret. tell you a little secret. All of a sudden you’re All of a sudden you’re ready--or you don’t have ready--or you don’t have a choice. a choice. Boy, that was fast, fast. Boy, that was fast, fast. See, the Lord said no. See, the Lord said no. He wasn’t ready for me. He wasn’t ready for me. (all laugh) (all laugh) Oh dear Jesus! (laughs) Oh dear Jesus! (laughs) I think all the angels I think all the angels in Heaven said, "Couldn’t in Heaven said, "Couldn’t we wait a little bit we wait a little bit for that one?" for that one?" (all laugh) (all laugh) Anyway, He says, "You may Anyway, He says, "You may be quite sure that if be quite sure that if the householder had known the householder had known at what hour the burglar at what hour the burglar would come he would not would come he would not have let anyone break have let anyone break through the wall of his through the wall of his house." house." We don’t know. We don’t know. "You too must stand ready, "You too must stand ready, because the Son of Man because the Son of Man is coming in an hour you is coming in an hour you do not expect." That’s already happening That’s already happening in the world. in the world. In India they had that In India they had that terrible, terrible, terrible terrible, terrible, terrible earthquake, pretty bad. earthquake, pretty bad. You know, it happened in You know, it happened in India a few weeks ago, a sheep India a few weeks ago, a sheep was born that had a man’s head. was born that had a man’s head. Somebody’s experimenting, Somebody’s experimenting, and it died at birth. and it died at birth. What are we doing? What are we doing? We murder real babies and We murder real babies and then we experiment. then we experiment. One scientist experimented One scientist experimented with a human cell with a with a human cell with a pig--a pig. pig--a pig. To me that’s the greatest To me that’s the greatest abomination and insult you abomination and insult you could possibly give to God. could possibly give to God. They call it They call it experimentation. experimentation. They call it "looking for They call it "looking for the good of other people the good of other people with other diseases". with other diseases". They’re saying we don’t have They’re saying we don’t have enough people, and so we enough people, and so we need workers. need workers. Well, if you’d let the Well, if you’d let the people be born, we’d have people be born, we’d have enough, wouldn’t we? enough, wouldn’t we? Oh, we would. Oh, we would. We’re doing the kind of We’re doing the kind of things that Lucifer did and things that Lucifer did and that’s why I think we all that’s why I think we all need to be ready. need to be ready. You say, "Oh, I’m not going You say, "Oh, I’m not going to listen to your program to listen to your program anymore." anymore." You won’t listen to anyone You won’t listen to anyone that’s telling you the that’s telling you the truth, that says, "Wake up," truth, that says, "Wake up," ’cause you don’t and I ’cause you don’t and I don’t know the hour. don’t know the hour. I don’t think the Eternal I don’t think the Eternal Father’s going to wait Father’s going to wait much longer. much longer. I don’t think He’s going I don’t think He’s going to just blow up the to just blow up the whole world. whole world. No, I think we need to wake No, I think we need to wake up though, and say, when we up though, and say, when we have the arrogance and the have the arrogance and the pride and the coldness to pride and the coldness to experiment with pigs, pigs experiment with pigs, pigs and take something made to and take something made to the image and likeness the image and likeness of God.. of God.. You and I are made to the You and I are made to the image and likeness of God, image and likeness of God, and that’s awesome--and no and that’s awesome--and no other creature, no matter other creature, no matter how powerful, how great, how how powerful, how great, how beautiful, how wonderful is beautiful, how wonderful is made to that image, just you made to that image, just you and I, a human being. and I, a human being. I can remember and imagine I can remember and imagine and reason and accomplish, and reason and accomplish, like God. like God. I can create and produce I can create and produce like the Father. like the Father. I can love like Jesus. I can love like Jesus. I can. I can. It’s, "Through Him that all It’s, "Through Him that all things were created," things were created," St. John says in the Prologue. St. John says in the Prologue. It was a spirit that went It was a spirit that went over the water and then over the water and then everything came to be. everything came to be. And so my will can And so my will can accomplish, your will accomplish, your will accomplish. accomplish. You can’t mix that You can’t mix that with a pig. with a pig. Is there something wrong Is there something wrong with you? with you? You don’t even know anymore You don’t even know anymore that you’re doing something that you’re doing something terribly, terribly wrong. terribly, terribly wrong. We do everything out of We do everything out of compassion for some disease. compassion for some disease. Then you commit murder and Then you commit murder and sacrilege to help that sacrilege to help that disease. disease. You can’t do it. You can’t do it. You can’t do that. You can’t do that. That doesn’t make any sense That doesn’t make any sense at all. at all. You know, I think we all You know, I think we all need to understand and not need to understand and not just take it for granted, just take it for granted, "Oh well, one day they’ll "Oh well, one day they’ll do it." do it." I hope not. I hope not. I don’t want to be in a I don’t want to be in a world that has people world that has people walking around with human walking around with human faces and pig bodies. faces and pig bodies. I don’t want to be in a I don’t want to be in a world where people make you world where people make you to use you and then do away to use you and then do away with you. with you. I want to be in a world I want to be in a world where there’s a God that where there’s a God that created me out of love and created me out of love and does all kind of things for does all kind of things for me out of love, and even me out of love, and even sometimes has to punish me sometimes has to punish me out of love so I can be with out of love so I can be with Him forever, always, Him forever, always, out of love. out of love. Who wants to be used like a Who wants to be used like a broom in a corner somewhere? broom in a corner somewhere? It doesn’t make sense, It doesn’t make sense, does it? does it? What’s amazing is that What’s amazing is that nobody, we say, "Oh my, nobody, we say, "Oh my, that’s such a terrible that’s such a terrible thing, cloning." thing, cloning." Yeah, it is. I know this one man that I know this one man that spent $100,000 on his dog spent $100,000 on his dog when he died--I mean the when he died--I mean the dog died-- dog died-- (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) just so he could clone his just so he could clone his dog and have another one dog and have another one just like him. just like him. I don’t know. (heavy sigh) I don’t know. (heavy sigh) It gets to be so ridiculous, It gets to be so ridiculous, that you see, we don’t need that you see, we don’t need God anymore, do we? God anymore, do we? The worst thing is that you The worst thing is that you can reason yourself into it. can reason yourself into it. Isn’t that a shame, huh? Isn’t that a shame, huh? Say, "Well, it doesn’t Say, "Well, it doesn’t concern me." concern me." Oh, yeah. (chuckles) Oh, yeah. (chuckles) Well, it does, ’cause those Well, it does, ’cause those who murder children and who murder children and babies murder old people too. babies murder old people too. Why? Why? ’Cause it’s sensible? ’Cause it’s sensible? I read about a woman that I read about a woman that had 20 cases of medicine, had 20 cases of medicine, 20 cases. 20 cases. What is she going to What is she going to do with it? do with it? She’s saving it in case She’s saving it in case she can’t get it anymore. she can’t get it anymore. You won’t be around anyway You won’t be around anyway if you take all that. if you take all that. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) See, it creates fear. See, it creates fear. It creates a lack of trust It creates a lack of trust in God. in God. See, all of these kinds of See, all of these kinds of new things are not being new things are not being "ready". "ready". It’s being scared. It’s being scared. (laughs) Ah. (laughs) Ah. You know, I don’t think You know, I don’t think people like these scientists people like these scientists go to Heaven. go to Heaven. Oh, what a judgment. Oh, what a judgment. Well I just, I don’t feel Well I just, I don’t feel that way, because you can’t that way, because you can’t love God if you want love God if you want something He makes a part something He makes a part of an animal He made. of an animal He made. But see, because we’re not But see, because we’re not ready, because we really ready, because we really don’t believe there don’t believe there is a Heaven. is a Heaven. But there is a Heaven. But there is a Heaven. Our Lord said that. Our Lord said that. You know, the Apostles got You know, the Apostles got kind of scared, so you know kind of scared, so you know what they said? what they said? They said, "Lord, You mean They said, "Lord, You mean this parable for us or this parable for us or for everyone?" for everyone?" And the Lord said, "What And the Lord said, "What sort of steward is faithful sort of steward is faithful and wise enough for the and wise enough for the Master to place him over Master to place him over His household? His household? "Happy the servant if his "Happy the servant if his Master arrives finding him Master arrives finding him employed." employed." Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But he said, "As for the But he said, "As for the servant who says to himself, servant who says to himself, ’My Master’s taking his ’My Master’s taking his time,’ and sets about time,’ and sets about beating his manservants beating his manservants and maids and eating and and maids and eating and drinking and getting drunk." drinking and getting drunk." Oh, sound familiar? Oh, sound familiar? Ha-ha. Ha-ha. ".Then his Master will come ".Then his Master will come on a day he does not expect on a day he does not expect it and in an hour he does it and in an hour he does not know, cut him off and not know, cut him off and send him to the same fate as send him to the same fate as the unfaithful one." the unfaithful one." See, you can’t get away See, you can’t get away with it. with it. What am I asking you What am I asking you to do, huh? to do, huh? I’m asking you to pray, I’m asking you to pray, pray, pray for your pray, pray for your families, pray for yourself, families, pray for yourself, pray for the world, pray for pray for the world, pray for poor sinners. poor sinners. Just say three Hail Marys Just say three Hail Marys every day or say your every day or say your Rosary every day, see. Rosary every day, see. We need to pray for We need to pray for each other. each other. We need to love each other. We need to love each other. We need to know we’re all We need to know we’re all in some kind of danger. in some kind of danger. We have to be ready. We have to be ready. (laughs) Here’s a part. (laughs) Here’s a part. You know, a lot of people You know, a lot of people say, "Well, there’s no say, "Well, there’s no Purgatory and nothing in Purgatory and nothing in Purgatory--nothing in Purgatory--nothing in Scripture." Scripture." A lot of places in A lot of places in Scripture talk about Scripture talk about Purgatory, and Our Lord’s on Purgatory, and Our Lord’s on this same subject where He this same subject where He said, "The servant who knows said, "The servant who knows what his master wants," now, what his master wants," now, you know what your Master you know what your Master wants, okay, "but he hasn’t wants, okay, "but he hasn’t even started to carry out even started to carry out his wishes, will receive his wishes, will receive very many strokes of the very many strokes of the lash." lash." He didn’t say he was He didn’t say he was condemned to Hell. condemned to Hell. That little place called That little place called Purgatory, that little Purgatory, that little hot place. hot place. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So now you examine yourself. So now you examine yourself. This is Lent. This is Lent. You’re supposed to be a You’re supposed to be a little miserable in Lent, little miserable in Lent, and I am the one to make and I am the one to make you feel that way. you feel that way. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) See, you know what the See, you know what the Lord wants from you. Lord wants from you. You know He wants you to You know He wants you to go back to Mass. go back to Mass. You know that He wants you You know that He wants you to go to Confession. to go to Confession. You know that you should You know that you should stop drinking, drugs, stop drinking, drugs, adultery, and all the adultery, and all the rest of it. rest of it. You know that, but you’re You know that, but you’re waiting--you’re young, waiting--you’re young, you got time. you got time. Well, the Lord said, "You Well, the Lord said, "You don’t know that, do you?" don’t know that, do you?" Time to stop. Time to stop. So that’s the one who hasn’t So that’s the one who hasn’t even begun to change. even begun to change. Now, here’s another one, "The Now, here’s another one, "The one who did not know," now, one who did not know," now, this is going to gripe you, this is going to gripe you, "but deserves to be beaten "but deserves to be beaten for what he’s done will for what he’s done will receive fewer strokes." receive fewer strokes." Oh, don’t you wish you Oh, don’t you wish you didn’t know. didn’t know. (all laugh) (all laugh) Don’t you wish! Don’t you wish! This will shake you up. This will shake you up. "But when a man has had a "But when a man has had a great deal given him." great deal given him." Has God given you a lot? Has God given you a lot? Has He given you a good job, Has He given you a good job, a good family, a good a good family, a good everything, and you haven’t everything, and you haven’t even begun to give Him even begun to give Him anything back? anything back? ".A great deal then will be ".A great deal then will be demanded of Him." demanded of Him." So you’re not giving now-- So you’re not giving now-- and I’m not talking and I’m not talking about money. about money. I’m talking about yourself, I’m talking about yourself, your love, your peace, your love, your peace, your joy, your goodness. your joy, your goodness. See, that’s what you’ve See, that’s what you’ve got to give. got to give. And then He says something I And then He says something I think about a lot ’cause I think about a lot ’cause I think I’m under this think I’m under this category. category. "And when a man has had a "And when a man has had a great deal given him on great deal given him on trust," meaning more than trust," meaning more than you need for yourself, you need for yourself, "even more will be "even more will be expected of him." expected of him." That’s me. That’s me. I’ve been given a lot I’ve been given a lot on trust, more than I need on trust, more than I need for myself. for myself. Then when I face God, even Then when I face God, even more will be expected, see. more will be expected, see. And you’ve got to look at And you’ve got to look at yourself. yourself. As long as I have breath in As long as I have breath in me I must speak to you of me I must speak to you of God and His love and His God and His love and His mercy and His goodness and mercy and His goodness and His power and His awesome, His power and His awesome, awesome omnipotence and awesome omnipotence and majesty. majesty. I must. I must. I cannot for a moment ever I cannot for a moment ever let anyone leave us without let anyone leave us without saying at least once, "Jesus saying at least once, "Jesus loves you." loves you." Do you love Him, huh? Do you love Him, huh? Love demands love. Love demands love. We cannot afford to listen We cannot afford to listen to the world ’cause the to the world ’cause the world doesn’t tell the world doesn’t tell the truth. truth. The Lord said in John’s The Lord said in John’s Gospel, "The Father has Gospel, "The Father has nothing in common with nothing in common with the world." the world." Well, and then He said Well, and then He said also, "Be careful when the also, "Be careful when the world speaks well of you." world speaks well of you." (chuckles) We think that’s (chuckles) We think that’s wonderful, isn’t it? wonderful, isn’t it? You know, so many people-- You know, so many people-- I’ve known a few very I’ve known a few very poor and they were happy, poor and they were happy, and then they had some and then they had some talent and God blessed them talent and God blessed them and their talent grew and and their talent grew and grew and they got more and grew and they got more and more wealthy and more and more wealthy and more and more dissipated, and more more dissipated, and more and more immoral, and then and more immoral, and then they died in sin. they died in sin. What a shame to use the very What a shame to use the very talents that God gives us to talents that God gives us to lose our souls. lose our souls. Isn’t that awful, huh? Isn’t that awful, huh? Well, I’ll just tell you Well, I’ll just tell you once more, we must always once more, we must always get our souls ready. get our souls ready. Why? Why? Because we’re going to a Because we’re going to a better place. better place. We’re going to see Him We’re going to see Him face to face one day, and face to face one day, and that alone would be worth it, that alone would be worth it, just to see Him once. just to see Him once. I think Purgatory would I think Purgatory would be worth that. be worth that. And you know where And you know where you’re going. you’re going. You don’t have to be worried You don’t have to be worried if you’ll be saved or not if you’ll be saved or not and if you’ll mess it up and if you’ll mess it up before you die. before you die. You’re ready. You’re ready. And we all need to get up in And we all need to get up in the morning and go to bed at the morning and go to bed at night with the realization, night with the realization, "I’m ready, Lord, "I’m ready, Lord, I’m ready." I’m ready." We have a call. We have a call. Hello. Female caller #1: Hi, Female caller #1: Hi, Mother. Mother. Mother Angelica: Hi, where Mother Angelica: Hi, where are you from? are you from? Caller #1: Pittsburgh. Caller #1: Pittsburgh. Mother Angelica: What is Mother Angelica: What is your question, honey? your question, honey? Female caller #1: I was just Female caller #1: I was just wondering, that if my wondering, that if my grandmother is such a grandmother is such a spiritual person, why is she spiritual person, why is she in so much constant pain? in so much constant pain? Mother Angelica: Well, it’s Mother Angelica: Well, it’s perhaps because your grandma perhaps because your grandma is a deeply spiritual person is a deeply spiritual person that she has constant pain. that she has constant pain. You say, "Well, why is that?" You say, "Well, why is that?" Well, isn’t that what Well, isn’t that what Jesus did? Jesus did? He was not only a good He was not only a good Person and not only a holy Person and not only a holy Person but the Infinite God, Person but the Infinite God, God Himself, and He had to God Himself, and He had to suffer His entire life. suffer His entire life. Being a child. Being a child. You see, we don’t understand You see, we don’t understand what it means to be God what it means to be God so we cannot understand so we cannot understand what it would mean for God what it would mean for God to become a child, dependent to become a child, dependent upon Mary and Joseph. upon Mary and Joseph. You say, "Well, that’s not You say, "Well, that’s not too bad." too bad." Wait a minute now. Wait a minute now. You know, He had to depend You know, He had to depend on them. on them. He had to learn how to walk. He had to learn how to walk. The God who made us to walk, The God who made us to walk, who created us from nothing who created us from nothing had to learn to walk. had to learn to walk. We can’t imagine that. We can’t imagine that. But He was Holy and God But He was Holy and God Himself, and yet He had Himself, and yet He had to do that. to do that. Why? Why? For us, to suffer for you For us, to suffer for you and I so we could live with and I so we could live with Him in His Kingdom. Him in His Kingdom. And so you and I have lost And so you and I have lost sight of the value of sight of the value of suffering. suffering. It’s valuable because It’s valuable because it changes us. it changes us. Even little things, Even little things, like lettuce. like lettuce. You say "Lettuce?" Yeah, lettuce. Yeah, lettuce. Did you ever wash--eat Did you ever wash--eat lettuce, put salad and lettuce, put salad and cucumbers and tomatoes cucumbers and tomatoes and not wash it? and not wash it? Oh, and spinach-- Oh, and spinach-- (audience laughs) (audience laughs) --you wash and wash. --you wash and wash. You look and you say, You look and you say, is it worth it? is it worth it? You start out with that much You start out with that much spinach and it goes "whoosh" spinach and it goes "whoosh" and you got all that, and and you got all that, and there’s still sand in it. there’s still sand in it. And that’s spinach. And that’s spinach. How much more? How much more? When I’m given a body and When I’m given a body and I’m destined for this I’m destined for this awesome place we call awesome place we call Heaven, so different than Heaven, so different than this place, where I have this place, where I have to be like the Master. to be like the Master. I have to be like Him. I have to be like Him. It means, then, It means, then, I have to change. I have to change. Where I was impatient, Where I was impatient, I have to be patient now. I have to be patient now. And that’s a suffering that And that’s a suffering that I will have as I get older, I will have as I get older, more pain and more more pain and more everything, where parts of everything, where parts of your body begin to wear down your body begin to wear down and wear out. and wear out. Why? Why? Because you’re getting ready Because you’re getting ready for new baggage, for a new for new baggage, for a new trip, for a new face. trip, for a new face. It’s doesn’t cost anything, It’s doesn’t cost anything, either. either. You know how much it cost You know how much it cost for people to get an for people to get an overhaul? overhaul? (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And then they don’t look And then they don’t look the same. the same. They’re pulled way up like They’re pulled way up like this, you know, and they this, you know, and they put it down like that. put it down like that. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) You don’t look like yourself. You don’t look like yourself. You know, everybody knows, You know, everybody knows, "Oh, she had a facelift." "Oh, she had a facelift." Your whole face looks like Your whole face looks like sandpaper. sandpaper. And you go through all of And you go through all of that--and that’s suffering, that--and that’s suffering, it’s painful--for just a it’s painful--for just a new face. new face. How much more when you’ve How much more when you’ve got a whole new soul. got a whole new soul. Not a new one, but your soul Not a new one, but your soul is renewed and beautiful. is renewed and beautiful. So beautiful is one soul So beautiful is one soul that’s holy that all the that’s holy that all the suns in the world, all the suns in the world, all the moons and all the stars moons and all the stars cannot compare with the cannot compare with the beauty of one holy soul. beauty of one holy soul. Wow! Wow! And because we’ve lost sight And because we’ve lost sight of that necessity in this of that necessity in this life, (sighs) we don’t life, (sighs) we don’t always understand, honey, always understand, honey, that it’s necessary. that it’s necessary. If Jesus had it and Mary had If Jesus had it and Mary had it and Joseph had it and it and Joseph had it and everybody else, then it’s everybody else, then it’s right and holy--because we’re right and holy--because we’re talking about an eternal talking about an eternal reward. We have another question. We have another question. Hello. Hello. Male caller #1: Hello. Male caller #1: Hello. Mother Angelica: Yeah, where Mother Angelica: Yeah, where are you from? are you from? Male caller #1: From Male caller #1: From Pennsylvania, Mother. Pennsylvania, Mother. Mother Angelica: Good, and Mother Angelica: Good, and what’s your question? what’s your question? Male caller #1: I just Male caller #1: I just wondered if you could wondered if you could explain the difference explain the difference between just the fear of between just the fear of natural death and the fear natural death and the fear of the Lord, in light of of the Lord, in light of what the Holy Father is what the Holy Father is always saying about, always saying about, "Be not afraid." "Be not afraid." Mother Angelica: When our Mother Angelica: When our Holy Father says, "Do not be Holy Father says, "Do not be afraid," that does not give afraid," that does not give us license to goof off, us license to goof off, like, "Oh don’t be afraid. like, "Oh don’t be afraid. "God understands, you know, "God understands, you know, it’s okay everybody, it’s okay everybody, don’t be afraid." don’t be afraid." Uh-uh. Uh-uh. That isn’t what He’s That isn’t what He’s talking about. talking about. What He’s talking about is What He’s talking about is "Do not be afraid of the "Do not be afraid of the consequences that we must consequences that we must pay for from our sins." pay for from our sins." We all know that We all know that Our Dear Lord has to Our Dear Lord has to intervene in history. intervene in history. We’re going from bad We’re going from bad to worse. to worse. I mean, you don’t have I mean, you don’t have to be bright. to be bright. We all know that. We all know that. How many of you first thing How many of you first thing tomorrow morning are going tomorrow morning are going to look at the stock market? to look at the stock market? It went up, wonderful. It went up, wonderful. It went down, oh! It went down, oh! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Every day you do that. Every day you do that. It’s a wonder you don’t It’s a wonder you don’t have a heart attack. have a heart attack. Well, the problem is that Well, the problem is that we’re not supposed to be we’re not supposed to be afraid of those kinds of afraid of those kinds of things. things. We’re not supposed to be We’re not supposed to be afraid. afraid. We are to trust in God to We are to trust in God to the point, it don’t matter the point, it don’t matter what happens. what happens. Humility tells us we Humility tells us we deserve it. deserve it. Love tells us He will take care of us, that He has care of us, that He has providence. providence. His providence rises His providence rises before the dawn. before the dawn. His mercy will always His mercy will always forgive us. forgive us. And that’s what our And that’s what our Holy Father means by, Holy Father means by, "Don’t be afraid." "Don’t be afraid." Don’t be afraid to fight Don’t be afraid to fight against abortion. against abortion. How many times are we afraid How many times are we afraid ’cause we don’t want people ’cause we don’t want people to think ill of us? to think ill of us? (makes noise) (makes noise) (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I could care less what you I could care less what you think of me. think of me. Who cares? Who cares? You’re not going to be there You’re not going to be there when I die. when I die. The Lord will say to me, The Lord will say to me, "Angelica, did you tell them "Angelica, did you tell them the truth?" the truth?" What happens if I say, What happens if I say, "Well, no Lord, you know, I "Well, no Lord, you know, I didn’t want to hurt their didn’t want to hurt their feelings, you know. feelings, you know. "I feel sorry for them. "I feel sorry for them. "I mean, they’re really under "I mean, they’re really under grave temptation and they grave temptation and they really don’t know what really don’t know what they’re doing, and.." they’re doing, and.." "Oh, really. "Oh, really. I sent you to tell them." I sent you to tell them." I don’t want to hear that. I don’t want to hear that. Even if He said to me, Even if He said to me, "Angelica, you know, you’re "Angelica, you know, you’re a little hard on them," I’d a little hard on them," I’d say, "Well, Lord, that’s say, "Well, Lord, that’s because I love them." because I love them." "I’ll give you two days "I’ll give you two days in Purgatory." in Purgatory." I don’t mind going to I don’t mind going to Purgatory for two days Purgatory for two days for you all. for you all. If you got up there, If you got up there, I wouldn’t care. I wouldn’t care. But there is a wonderful But there is a wonderful gift from the Spirit, called gift from the Spirit, called the Fear of the Lord. the Fear of the Lord. It has nothing to do with It has nothing to do with being scared. being scared. It has to do with being It has to do with being loving. loving. I don’t want to hurt my I don’t want to hurt my Father. Father. We cannot accuse God of We cannot accuse God of being afraid to correct us. being afraid to correct us. Then I would have to Then I would have to question His love for me. question His love for me. He would, He would, He has He would, He would, He has to correct us, because He to correct us, because He loves us. loves us. Oh, you can’t get upset Oh, you can’t get upset over that. over that. No, you can’t get upset No, you can’t get upset over death. over death. Why? Why? Because we’re going to see Because we’re going to see Him face to face. Him face to face. I think it’s wonderful. I think it’s wonderful. So you see, if the stock So you see, if the stock market goes down or up, market goes down or up, don’t worry about it. don’t worry about it. If it’s down, it will be up. If it’s down, it will be up. If it’s up, it will be down. If it’s up, it will be down. That’s life. That’s life. Watch, rather, where your Watch, rather, where your love of God is. love of God is. We know where His love We know where His love is for you. is for you. So shape up or ship out. So shape up or ship out. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) ’Bye. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 4,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ma9, ma902682, ytsync-en
Id: 8xtDGbMo-qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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