Mother Angelica Live Classics - Suffering and Other Things - Mother Angelica - 03-15-2011

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yeah like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham you see in you the love the compassion of Jesus warriors work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit one lives in love lives in God and God what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus loves you we're all called to be great Saints don't miss the opportunity well hi I'm back haha I bet and I miss you I really did I don't particularly want to talk about pain tonight although I think it just a little bit okay I don't think some of us realize then when I dear Lord blesses us with something like I've had for the night the last three four four weeks or five weeks it's a blessing and the reason we don't realize it is Padre Pio said if we realize the power of suffering any kind you could just have a simple headache we would covet it well I don't know anybody that covets it but is it true it's a truth you see because pain suffering even if you worry about your children these are all crosses and there are many of these today many people get in divorces after 3035 years it's it's hard well but you see if I can bear it patiently if I can bear it for Sol C then it has eternal consequences that means for all eternity I will merit another degree of glory another career of knowledge of God another degree of merit another degree of being able to see God face to face awesome awesome so you have to remember any cross you have is going to go into eternity and give you a greater vision of God you know the great Saint Teresa of Avila said that she would suffer to the end of time if she could have one more degree of glory in the kingdom see so we really have to know for sure and some people cross is loneliness loneliness I mean people are people in convalescent homes that nobody visits people in apartments specially big city apartments all of this is suffering you know I don't have to be physical pain it could be heart pain that you're lonely it can be mental pain see so any pain at all has eternal consequence that means I'm going to for all eternity see God more clearly I'm going to understand God in a better way so we shouldn't be disheartened when our dear Lord does things of you were not too too happy about think for a minute the great God thought about it but my name on it boom but you see had the think of me in this very special way and he trusts me trust you he trusts me to bear it like him hey so not only do I have to have trusting God I have to he'd have trust in me he's everything of that huh God trusts you when he gives you a cross he trusts you that jerk on the Barrett patiently and lovingly what a grace that the Great God who made all things trust me and so let's think of that part of the pain in our life you know we we always have pain and we have annoyances like right now I have a little annoyance say what I got a blow my note I gotta blow my nose and you're not supposed to blow your nose on television you're just not supposed to do it and I got a wrinkled old handkerchief must be in my pocket a week so what do I do I can't pretend I don't have it if I do is drip drip drip so what do I do well if God trusts me that everybody knows I think you trust me to use my head good she see I was easy didn't cost you anything did it now some people on television have a breakdown over blowing their nose well who cares for goodness sake you got a note so you got to blow it sometime so this is what the Hebrews say the first chapter it says she's talking about Jesus now he is the radiant light of God's glory Oh awesome the radiant light of God's glory and he loves me he loves you see nobody would be lonely because the great God loves you we don't know that I was surprised when we first came to Birmingham at 38 years ago that I I saw people good Catholics - who didn't know God loved them personally as if no one else existed now he said I understand there's six billion people in the world mm-hmm I'm a speck of sand on the seashore no no mm-hmm because God is God He loves you is if there wasn't another person in the world because he's God see if I think or two things at one time something's going to go you know I mean I'm going to make a mistake I I can't think of two things that one I can't give I can't give that total attention I can't you can't eat it and you can't love two people the same way you love to other people okay you can't you love some people one way you love your husband different than your children you love your children different than your friends and you love friends different than acquaintances so I see we're all mixed up because we're not able to love like God loves he's asked is true but you know what it means he says I love you you must love each other well that's wonderful but how does God love me he loves me as I am oh we computer imperfect I loves me well do I love everybody weak beauty and imperfect I don't say anybody gonna whoopee-doo because we don't just say we don't but we should we should because I have to love my neighbor where he is and as he is and I can't make him over only God you do that and we'd be so much happier if we loved everybody see we don't know why people do think we don't know their their culture their education their IQ I'm glad nobody knows my IQ it was 90 that pit three low isn't it somewhere I mean it's pretty down there I remember the day I took that test I was bored I don't remember answering half of it because I thought this is stupid I turned out to be the stupid one see but that's okay that's okay the world tells you you have to be always on top and and the Lord says no pleasure and a humble bless it are the humble see because it's so different I do Lord in this wonderful book it says everything different than the world see the world said you have to be famous and you have to do this you have to do that and the Lord said are you humble do you love me huh do you love me and Jesus ever say that to you you say oh no he don't talk to me oh yes he does you may not like what he's saying but he talks everybody talks to everybody and then there are people that's the other night we went because my leg was swelling and we didn't know what was wrong with it so we had to go emergency and and see what was wrong with it and he was a terrible terrible accident terrible accident on the outside on the lawn of the emergency room was a little little pot I think whatever it was and it was that much of blood in it and I thought wow I prayed for that person then during the night because it was sudden see but when they if they died and I'm almost sure they would have they saw God face to face this is that awesome huh that you could see him face-to-face and then we'll know that he is the radiant light of God's glory and the perfect copy of his nature hmm that's the God who loves me and loves you if you woke up in the morning and try try for the rest of Lent okay try to say oh he loves me he loves me oh that's a grace isn't it huh don't you like that he loves me a reminder of the truth it's not imaginary he loves me and he loves with a love no one else has for you we all want to be loved exclusively yeah we do that's why there's jealousy in the world it's kind of stupid to jealousy but we all want to be loved special and exclusively and you are by God you are by God love special and it says here he sustains the universe by his powerful command oh oh wow he loves me this powerful God loves me that that's a meditation for ever because most people feel unloved and you know a bad part of it they don't love themselves how's that that's a commandment the second commandment is that I love you as I love me well if you don't love you then who do your love well you ever think of that hmm if you say all I have a great sitter well enjoyed the crowd we're all great sinning you know you say well I had an abortion and I I can't forgive myself but if God forgave you and you went to confession why don't you forgive yourself oh it's not that easy why you talking yourself out of God's grace there's no sin in the world greater than his mercy there's a few more wonderful things here it says everyday as long as this today it lasts well it's but is it 2,000 years I'm having a hard time put $2,000 you I keep more in 1999 and it's gone and it says where well die here keep encouraging one another so that none of you is hardened by the lure of fit say the greatest catastrophe in the world is sittin it's nothing nothing else because sin can have eternal consequences sea forever ever ever ever ever and because everything is so short to us you know it can you believe it this is April I mean I don't know whether it's me or what but it seems like time is passing so fast you agree with that but anyway so we had to help one another instead of saying something nasty about somebody say something nice I said that throw a woman not too long ago sure but if you live with my husband your couldn't fight a night well maybe if I ask let me say the same thing we can always be nice we can always be loving and that's what st. Paul is saying because we shall remain co-heirs with Jesus only if we keep a grasp of our first confidence some of you may be converts do you remember when you first got the faith you know you are so enthused and then you went and told a Catholic been Catholic since they were born and they say Oh what why aren't you in thews yeah about what don't you want to hit him on the head about what don't you know I think I do if what you have in mind well if you look at that new comfort oh you gotta take him out he's so cute hi sweetheart bye anyway you see we that we've been born into the church many of us we have to have the same enthusiasm why aren't you in throws over the Eucharist huh you can't have Jesus with you you can go in any Chapel any Catholic chapel and find him find him well somewhere you'll find him but you're finding and and you can always sit there you know why because he's waiting for you is see we can't imagine God waiting for you me or you it's only because we don't know how much he loves us here tonight you were waiting for me and I was waiting for you I wanted to to come and say hi and I said Lord don't make me cry because I'd if I start crying I'll never stop but I was happy to see you really happy but I'm a poor creature if I'm is true and you miss me that's love but why can't we do that with everybody especially your children your loved ones your husband your wife well you've been married say 50 years well y'all know each other by that time I mean there's nothing you can either one of you do this you don't haven't done before or you know about you know I gave a talk one time down in Florida Clearwater in fact and that week we had so many letters from women and men which they they were married 30 years 35 years it made me kind of mad and so during my talk which I never prepare but I don't know what's coming up and so I said to them you know we got all these letters this week of people who are leaving their spouse after 25 30 35 years and I said I just want you man to know that your bald head is no morning sunrise hi thought father bertolucci was going to fall out his and I don't know it made me say that you know that the people were hysterical just hysterical and I looked around with quite a few men with ballhead and then I wanted to say there's no fool like an old fool but I said instead there's no goat like an old coat and and this this woman came up to me afterwards she's all better you're so funny you're better than Bob Hope I said I like Bob Hope his wife are good dear friends of ours I hope he's not listening but at that point I didn't want to be Bob Hope see and and you know what I didn't give a talk for a whole year I thought I flipped and flopped all over the place because I didn't want to I wanted them to get the point and so a year later a woman stopped over at the monastery and she said oh do you remember Clearwater I said and I said some other things beside that I told him about the woman who came to me and said her two children had spoken to each other for two years I said why he said well their grandma died and she was very wealthy she left half to each one yeah I did I buy it I wouldn't bother me if she left happened somebody else got the other half no no you don't understand I said well I guess I don't she said they're arguing over oh god what was it a commode I said a commode she said yep I said I come on come on she said yes said you don't understand I said I sure don't she said inlaid it's inlay and inlaid come on can you imagine being in hell and somebody say to you what are you here for and they say an inlaid come up I said oh and invade come over what do you know about that well you go home and tell your two daughter that Mother Angelica said they should take turns putting their head it seemed like the perfect solutions for me now we do silly things like that but this woman came and she said mother I remembered every word you said I said you're dead she said and you know it changed my life as your kitty should know I began to laugh at myself I began to love myself and I began to love my neighbor we're all imperfect once I realized that I found others easier to love well that made me feel better as they are given more at all but you see my friends we spend we waste a lot of time in our lifetime being angry over nothing's nothingness and that's why when when st. Paul talks about the radiance of the light of Jesus or he talks about God through whom all things exist through whom everything exists should make perfect through what suffering see it always go back in this circle circle you and I are in a world and it's not in good shape we got to get back to God he's the only peacemaker he's the only one that can make your heart and head work together you know some people are head and simple hearts have to be together both together what is the only one so when there's something wrong in your family don't look at anything else except why don't we love each other because we don't allow our own weaknesses to exist we won't ever baby perfect perfect to be perfect is to love love everyone and to be tender yeah but tender it it's a nice work I've been using it a lot because I can be compassionate not necessarily tender tender a quiet tenderness with my neighbor even if you heard her organ recital 20 times you know and you've heard about her gallbladder her kidney liver you've heard at least five times in the past week in fact you could tell her what's wrong with her but if we could tenderly listen like we heard it for the first time would that be wonderful huh would it be wonderful if you talked about it about your emphysema or something well they know you got empathy my you can't breathe wouldn't it be nice if somebody really listened with real interests that's tender love get back to nitty-gritty you're hungry you got up late you're in a hurry to go to work your wife is in a hurry to feed you and she burns the eggs now what I mean who could be tender over burned eight you can say oh that's all right sweetie I'll Ike burn things one of my sisters the other day she was bringing my lunch and I was on a way to call Lisa liquid diet again you know it is just so many liquids you could drink I mean then they don't feel you happen and so funny I was told I could have a we have a toast okay so I would wait for that toys and a tape a bird she said mother I'm sorry I thought oh don't worry about that three night I like bird dogs you say when that was the truth well I am going to like it why because she made it for me with love burden is about the charcoal is good for you it's not gonna hurt you busy if you yell and scream over it what do you do you hurt somebody deeply in here that's where Jesus lives in here why over burn toes that don't make any sense be tender about it say well it's okay sweetheart I don't mind burnt oh I'm fine I'm not better and that better but by God can't you do anything but burnt oh why not tell me what good it does and some people are deeply hurt over little things little things I have to be a big thing see that's part of Christianity and that's why st. Paul says we because we remain co-heirs with great only if we keep a grasp on our first job hmm you read the book of Revelation some hmm it's at done here someplace let them except for the the Christians of Philadelphia not our Philadelphia but the other it says write to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus and say here is a message of the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand Wow and that that is a sign of the glory of God we know I know how you work hard and how much you put up with and I know you cannot stand wicked man how you tested the imposters and who called themselves apostles and proved there were liars one of the favorite words in Scripture I know do you have patience and have suffered for my name nevertheless I have a complaint you have less love now than you used to oh they did all these wonderful things but somehow they lost their first love well before the great feast of Easter and before we begin to see the terrible pain it costs our dear Lord to save you and me ask yourself have I lost my first love who was that first love Jesus that's the first love my first love never lasts it you see now he has the words of smearin he says here's a message for the first and the last I know the trials you've had and how poor you are and the slanderous accusations that they made against you but I do not be do not be afraid of the suffering that are coming that reminds me of things of Avila that was so kind of say one day she was so depressed over something had happened when her cousin or niece or somebody refused the letter in a monastery when she was sitting at table just sitting there and the plate was in front of her and I learned appeared to her and he took a fork a knife and he began to cut up her food a knife pute as sweet when you looked there he said the daughter be of good cheer worse things are coming upon it I glad I wasn't there now in Fergana he said I have one or two complaints to make some of you are followers of bottom and commit adultery not too good a woman came out to you one time she said her husband her kids found her husband with another woman I said well did you talk to him she said yes I said well what do you say she said he quoted Scripture he quoted scripture again as you might tell me what he quoted no he quoted the woman taken in adultery hmm how you do that but he said Lord said to has no one condemned the woman neither will I yeah well he put the period in the wrong place it also says go and sin no more you see we even miss you scripture to make things we do right and they're wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong if somebody out there is committing adultery I know you are you're better straight not buddy course the Lord may call you don't have a chance not a chance so you better wake up fast because that's why I said I have something against true another complaint is that you are encouraging the woman Jezebel who claims to be a prophetess by her teaching she is luring myself servants to commit adultery or another one hmm hmm he says revive Fitz's from the purge Church of Sardis hmm hold on he said and repent because if you do not wake up I shall come like a thief in the night who do you say mother you're just trying to scare us you're absolutely right I didn't - scary hell out of you but that's where you're going I want you to go there I don't want anybody go there but I gotta be truthful even though I love you I have to be truthful and say hey that's not right you got to change hmm now the Church of Philadelphia came out real good now there's another little thirst come along I know all about you II said you are neither hot or cold I wish you were one or the other but since you are neither because you are lukewarm I will spit you out of my mouth I hate to tell you but this is the Lord God talk yeah I don't think he believes all the stories you've been told wherever and we should examine ourselves with good honesty am I look or do I just kind of glide along hope for the best you can't be that way today isn't it true huh you have to fight for the faith you have to be willing to stand tall and stand alone that's that's what the faith is today and we do this you see lukewarmness comes from a lack of love well we have calls but you believe it and I just want you tonight to know I missed you very much and from all the letters and cards I know you miss me when I'm back and we're going to go on a little wobbly but that'll pass like everything else it will be together and we'll share the light the Lord gives us so now we have a call hello hello mother oh we're you fun my name is Steven I'm from Boston Massachusetts and where is your question oh it's nice to see you back thank you here my question is about suffering when you speak of suffering you say to thank the Lord from the suffering I understand that as I can use suffering to share in our words suffering and offered up to him but when people say that you should thank the Lord for suffering how do we know em and are we to believe that suffering is given directly from the Lord how do we know it's not from nature or from our bad behaviors if you have a sweetheart it's from him it's either his permitting well or his ordaining will his permitting will permits a lot of things sometimes you're right we do make our own mistakes well then we use that sickness or or trial as a penance for making that mistake you see we have to turn things around nothing happens in the world nothing that does God doesn't foresee and allow permit or ordain it doesn't look down and say well that's he now I take a good cold or fluid do you good he doesn't do that but if you go out and you're already feeling bad and you go out and cold weather wet weather and you get more wet more cold you're going to have flu or something now you can't blame God on it you guys there why did you give me the flu you didn't you gave yourself the flu by being careless but that flu that sickness whatever it is you can give to the Lord in reparation for your own sin the sins of the world the sins of your family the sins in your parish see everything our dear Lord listen I look what you're going to see next week the suffering of Jesus is unbelievable and the father sent his son for that purpose to redeem us Jesus knew every suffering every part of it there was not a surprise he told us a process they didn't want to believe him and so he suffered from injustice of the king he suffered from Oh terrible from pilots there was an unjust sentence he just he says well let's beat him up a little bit and that'll satisfy the people what a terrible injustice but see he suffered from all the things man can do cruelty can you imagine because he lays he raised Lazarus from the dead at that point they were determined to kill him now they make any sense that's what jealousy does they didn't want that kind of redeemer there were a king you can deliver him from wrong but he wasn't so we can never suffer from injustice when we saw him suffer from injustice what an unfair and then have somebody come up and lie about him they knew what he meant when he said in three days I will build this temple again he knew because they wouldn't have put soldiers there they didn't know they deliberately killed him and hope that would be it but was it it wasn't you and I were redeemed by what the worst kind of pain suffered by who the son of God and for that reason it doesn't matter if you if a sinful life gives you a big cross then you accept it as your penance you can turn it to good and then it doesn't matter if I cut my finger because then I can finger cuts from paper they're the worst kind oh they smart they burn they do it me this paper well I did it but I can say Jesus I give you this little cut here it's really painful I'd give it to you myself I gave years ago 1942 and I made them the consecration to Our Lady de Montfort I give her everything then I feel don't need to worry about it I give her everything and that she can give it to whoever she wants to see you can do that they have to worry did I do it did they do it did he do it hey what's the difference you got it if your nose running it's running what are you going to do about you have to blame God just give it to him lord I give you my runny nose why not I mean it's miserable we can give that anything we have to be as children little children they said because they inherit the kingdom of God well they don't be afraid to give him everything everything even good things hmm I like cherry pie I like lemon pie I like yogurt in bananas mixed together everybody got yuck I like I think they're real good now if the sisters out of their own heart and love for me give me one of these I'm grateful and I say thank you Jesus hey we would like Jesus friend Michelle gave it to you because he inspired her to give it to me I thank her to see everything you happen shows all day long for her good see try that we have another car hello hello hi mother Oh I just wanted to say we love you first of all and my grandmother my grandmother just recently passed away and it's kind of hard right now it and if everything is God's will and everything is already written why do we pray to change events in our life and why do we have a freedom of choice because you have freedom of choice a God really chooses the time we die we should he should he created it if your grandmother died and you loved her very much give that pain to him but God has a right to decide when you're born and when you die but you see heeey you have no choice in life or death you have a choice to do God's will you have a choice to go with him or against him because that freedom God could never create clones the mechanical people who all we did what he went that is that that's not God because he's generous and he wants us to have that wonderful freedom of will see so I can do evil but I can do good I have to choose so there are many things God gives us the right to do or not to do but my will should be so United to God's will I wouldn't want to do anything he didn't want why would you now if you do something that's a God's against God's will Bessy morally you can look what he's done he can you can get forgiven you can begin again you can say I'm sorry I disappointed you Lord I went against your will by it being immoral because our Lord has given us so much to repent no the Angels had one test that's it oh I'm glad we don't have one test whew I don't think any was sort of made it but we because of Jesus because of his death in his resurrection and his love we have many chances for even when I go I can come back but the will is a gift for God to give me for your world as a gift because he has free will but his will is always also always wise always could always forgiving and always compassionate and so although God gave us a will otherwise what would we be like you wouldn't want somebody that hatch to love you would you anybody here want to be forced to love nobody you couldn't you couldn't and so God gives us free life rejoice we can love him or not love him but who would want to unless you're really stuck and evil that's another thing people do all God I don't believe in hell God never put anybody in hell you're right you never did man goes to hell because he wants to doesn't want to be with God doesn't want to be he loves evil okay so when God gave you free will he gave you an awesome gift and awesome gifts just you be sure you keep saying yes to him and not know and remember your grandmother to be a grandmother you have to get you up in your years don't you I think yeah I cheese in heaven rejoice and don't worry about her she's okay rejoice that she will see God and rejoice forever and ever no more pain no more disappointment no more tears Wow we have another call hello how am i right god bless you you've meant so much to me in my life and drawing closer to Jesus thank you so much my question was kind of two parts the more I get closer to God the more I see my fault and I feel like I don't know it there there must be a fine line I don't want to be scrupulous you know but then again I don't want to be complacent in my faith and I want to get like printer indulgences from myself and or for loved ones in purgatory but then I wonder well if I'll make you know a venial sin but weapon I'm impatient with someone then can I not receive that indulgence for that person I use group use I don't know sometimes I'm wondering if I'm being overly something-or-other I'm not sure I'm not sure that's why I wanted to ask you what you thought mother well remember we're all impatient we're all everything that's the consequences of original sin have you ever noticed children that may be 1 2 years old and all of a sudden other baby comes along what happened they don't like it they're jealous sad little kids jealous uh-huh it comes out you see it's all there it comes out now it'll get over it see we're all imperfect but we need to try not to offend God I don't think because I like cherry pie God's offended he gave somebody the grace to make a good one hard to make cherry pie with a God for you but you see if you make a good one that's a grip from God so you don't need to be scrupulous about that if you're impatient with someone you might try love I read not too long ago that this woman's son got under a car and she ran over and she lifted up that car to get him out did she have strength before no where'd she get it because that the next day she tried to lift the fender as you couldn't love so when you're impatient and you have all these faults and weaknesses no say god I don't want them and I love you help me to overcome and go your way and peace now if you have some Grievous sin that's different go to confession what we do if the Lord didn't give us confession Oh we'd be in a mess but see he's been so good to us and so generous with us that even when we goof off he's there to help but I got a picture was given me by the the network has Peter sinking in that water and I know it's reaching way over there and pulling him up he does that with you he does it with me he does it with everyone so trust the Lord and you need to give a little book on his mercy by Sister Faustina I'm sure if you went to a good Catholic bookstore you could find one get that book and read it it will calm your heart your mind well you know it's almost time I have enjoyed being with you and you know what I'm going to do you sure do because last month our money was cut in half mmm kinda bad we don't have any question whatever that is in other words if we miss one month we don't have anything back here for its if so please okay if you can't be generous will you do that I know this network is brought to you by you I think it's the only network in the world it's up to you by you this is your network and I'm here for you and all the people are here for you and so all I want to know is I love you but remember please and be generous on cards without you there is no EWTN well a week outside we've got 30 seconds and when brother does this he's not trying to fight that means we have 30 seconds and it doesn't take long to say I love you bye now you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 169,042
Rating: 4.8466697 out of 5
Keywords: EWTN, Catholic, Mother Angelica Live Classics, Mother Angelica, Family Night, Suffering, MA902639
Id: UMqka3XgHuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2011
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