Mother Angelica Live Classics - 2012-05-15 - St Paul and the Folded Tent - Mother Angelica

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like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus glorious work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in God and God lives but a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus do we are all called to be great Saints don't miss the opportunity well I just have a wonderful group of family here tonight and what I really want to do is to say a prayer tonight for all those in the whole country suffering from hurricanes tornadoes floods droughts fires it's an amazing phenomenon there's hardly a place in this country that isn't suffering from something from the weather and so with hurricane shores and I've heard it pronounced a thousand ways one says Georgie another said George another said George and so whatever it is it's out there and it's dangerous but we have to put our shoes ourselves in the shoes of all those people who have no home tonight where it's pouring down rain where they have no other and not much seats and we're in our comfortable home which is where God its basis and we thank him for that but we need always to remember those in our country Goods and beds together suffer for whatever reason God has ordained it huh and so I'd like to say a little prayer and if you and we'll end with a Hail Mary to our sweet mother to help these people regain or keep their faith that's the important thing is that we can always build and will always get something to eat and we'll get water and all those things can be replaced but if you start losing faith that's what's so important so we're going to say a little prayer before we start our program tonight Lord God you know things you know when we sit and when we stand and not a drop of rain has fallen you do not know it Lord we also know Lord that for all our many sins in this country are like a gratitude our lack of love for thee we deserve whatever we get Lord we are weak human beings there are many Lords who do not understand when they lose faith there are many who have lost loved ones grant that they may have courage and strength give courage and strength to everyone there more than all the cities and countries that suffer from any kind of calamity please look to the Lord and though many times we do not understand grant I trust in thee may never falter that our love for thee may never waver and that our trust and faith in thy wondrous Providence will always be strong grant eternal rest to those who have died those who are injured give strength and courage so that their heart and mind ever look up to the girl also suffered for our sake Oh Lord we bless you we praise your holy name and we love you we ask thy guidance you know married for the great Saint Joseph pray for us well thank you for helping me out you know we we don't understand I think there's nothing quite a few people understand perhaps but I think the majority have a hard time understanding the cross tragedies like we have now and all the things that come to us the seem to us anyway to be unfair you hear people say all the time why do these things happen to me I go to church every Sunday I go to communion I'd go to confession I'm really a good person why do you things happened to me never say that yeah everybody not in their head do well don't think there's not for us so much is the country who knows huh our own salvation our purgatory on earth the strengthening of our faith our will to love God no matter what no matter what happens everybody here wants to be loved I know I've heard so many times and letters and phone calls where men will leave their wives when they find out they have cancer it's unbelievable and and nobody wants I think it's very cruel and if anybody's out there has done that recently and I'll make a bet there is one you better go home you married for better or worse and if you're only there for the better then God may treat you the same way think about it your wife loves you your children loves it you can't get away from pain you make yourself miserable and so I would encourage any of you listening tonight if you run away from your obligations on any in any way then I would think about it you can't run you can't because you're the one in the end that destroys yourself so many places you can run so many things you could do so many ways you can distract yourself but down in here you're not getting better you're getting worse you know it you're sitting there listening to me tonight and you're saying she's talking to me you're absolutely right I am talking to you go back do your duty it be a man not a coward then the Lord will bless you with strength and courage I just wanted to share with you a little bit from st. Paul you know we always are scandalized by tragedies our lady was not no one will ever tell me that if you saw your son there was a good young man who did good to everybody and he's beaten up and killed by a group of ruffians nobody would tell me you would understand the thing you'd say it why that's right one of the many many many reasons I love our lady she never said why never if her son suffered she was really to suffer with him see and if you look at all the saints when I get done tonight you're gonna say who wants to be one yeah you do you want to be a thing you're not here like a little gray no see on the sand on the shore you're here to be a safe and you know they say in the latter days when ever that it could be today who don't I do think our Lord's patience if you read the Old Testament you find our Lord's patience kind of worn out a little bit you chip neck people I'm gonna fix you up these are my words not his but it means to say then he goes round town my rotten they were pretty bad they used to sacrifice their children to the gods the pagan gods oh don't wait today hmm are we sacrificing millions of children today for the pagan god of pleasure trying to run away from reality responsibility never I don't think in the history of mankind has mankind itself killed so many children out of worship to a pagan gods of comforts and selfishness but ever I cannot see the blood of all these children down drains and toilets murdered and torn to pieces in the most terrible way I can't see that our Lord standing by much longer read the Old Testament great book kinda scary but what we're doing to the young barn is scary too isn't it huh yeah we do a lot of things we shouldn't do but I want to prove to you tonight that say Paul had a lot of problems that we have today and he was a good man a holy man didn't start out that way but I like to Saints and I like all their faults and weaknesses I want to see how God's octa tongue why because when I get it I feel better no Jew sure you know I know Saint Paul had such a hard time makes me feel pretty good he was kind of great thing but he wanted to boast a little bit he says this is fourth Corinthians he says has anybody given you some special right what do you have that was not given to you oh all you arrogant people out there did you hear that st. Paul wasn't their loads and he didn't know it he didn't have a degree nobody called him dr. Paul he got it from the Lord he was a manual hated the new Christian God and all the Christian people went with him and all of a sudden he gets converted but what did the Lord do blinded him he said why do you persecute me well he had to think a little bit now here st. Paul and he says if it was given you how can you boast is the way we're not isn't that what we do when we're so proud huh you know you gotta watch for human truth I taught it to their brothers it's less than the other last Friday and they looked at me like oh here comes the heresy no you make truth or tripped you up let's say that I had a talent for painting I don't I can't make a straight line with a ruler but say the Lord suddenly gave me a talent to be another Michelangelo missus Angelo that don't even sound right does it that was a dumb statement but anyway that I had although this script and I painted a beautiful mural and you came up to me and said mother that is beautiful and I'd say yeah it is well the truth is I do have the talent the truth is I did paint it and the truth is I it is beautiful so you say well what's wrong with that if I do not give credit to the one who gave me the talent and I don't know it and understand that truth as supernatural truth I'm going to get arrogant so then I attribute anything I have to me I can't do that so I have to add supernatural truth to human truth those of you that are arrogant have not done that yet through the end and all of all things well you're not and you're gonna rot into maggots like everybody else how you like that you're gonna smell the high head that's why they bury you six feet underground you think it's because they just like to bury people six feet no it's because your smells are bed they gotta bury your six feet that's an honest-to-goodness truth isn't it so where's your arrogance gonna be there oh you could say I got more magnet than anybody else you could do something stupid like that it would be kind of gross wouldn't it huh but you see it's so futile to be arrogant about a talent that's what's a pawn so if it was given to you why you both you got to use it but you can never forget who gave it to you how you received it you see and so they bothers they say that is it that you have everything you want that you're rich already in possession of your kingdom it seems to me God has put us apostles at the end of this parade ah now you're going to see what Paul suffered this will make you feel good you know the greatest humiliation that Paul ever had mentioned it several times in the scriptures you know what it was he was let down in the middle of the night and a basket hmm never forgot it what a humiliation for this strong little guy they said he was very short are you short people ought to rejoice I think all you've had people need me Joyce - because Saint Anthony was fat Thomas Aquinas oh what a what a brain huh now everybody said he had dropsy you know it kind of gripes me all the saints that were fat had dropsy how'd they get it I think it had that you say too much I thought I bet Thomas Aquinas with a brain working day and night with this pic why I think it would be such a Grace and a burden had that kind of mind but he wrote forgotten the Lord said to him one day Thomas you have well written well of me but he had his crosses like everybody else you know what one of the month he was scared to death of lightening later and when there was a terrible lightning storm he would open up the tabernacle and put his head in it and talk to Jesus she was so scared and then encouraging huh wonderful which reminds me of the little boy it says that's what nothing to do with that I was saying I just came to my mind and since it's his family night it doesn't really matter where we go does it no okay this little boy refused to eat is prunes and his mother threatened them and said okay God's going to be very angry with you if you don't eat your fruits and he just sat there she's alright God's very angry with you go to bed and he went to bed he didn't care he was naughty disproves and so in the melon I came a terrible terrible terrible electrical storm and his mother went in to see how he was scared and he was standing with the win at the window with the curtains pulled back watching the lightning and the rain and she heard and say oh that's fuss over two prunes I told you had nothing to do with the subject you'll catch long in the middle of the night somewhere okay so now Paul is very very conscious of the fact that too many is a nobody he said we've been put on show in front of the whole universe here we are fools for the sake of Christ you are celebrities we're nobodies to this day we go without food without drink without clothes we're beaten and have no homes we work for a living with our own hand it was a tentmaker when we're cursed we answer with a blessing when we're hounded we put up with it we're insulted and we answer politely we are treated like the scum of the earth to this day we are the scum of the earth that's a BA and so we wonder sometim are the thing that happened to us the will of God is it his permitting will or ordaining well I had one in his only mine please don't look for it in a book I called it his teaching will I don't know if there is such a thing I call it that because it makes sense to me God permits many things in my life but it has a greater good in mind if I listen he loves us see that's what we don't understand when you're cold I didn't and I was a kid when I was cold and hungry I didn't understand I didn't understand that God loved me I couldn't equate the hunger and the thirst with God but you know as I look back I wouldn't trade those awful days for anything in the world you know why because it makes me compassionate for all of you in the same book makes me compassion is for single-parent families and the kids nobody knows what it means to be a child of a single parent unless you have one or have been one you don't understand millions of them today a million I was only one of my school but today they're all over I know and that God's permitting will taught me something I would never never learn in any book never you can't learn in books you can learn other people's experiences you can explain pain you can explain suffering you can explain that rottenness of the world and on justice of it all but you don't know until you go through it you see that's the difference I would trade it because our Lord now give me compassion compassion many people like myself than my poor mother or on a survival course that they will know God they don't think about God to think about what do you how do you survive today it's rather cold and different type of life but that's all you got nobody cares they got their own problems and then you see you make a big mistake you don't turn to the only one they can give you hope and love and peace that's God's permitting will he wants to do that he wants to do that for it's all before I saw he loves me he loves you those who may be visiting in a shelter somewhere tonight we have many fans and many many much many people that are family and and for that equal listen with the pounding of the waves and the rain is a sound of his voice it says I love you you won't understand it's okay it's hard to understand in the midst of pain we trust and our faith raises us above what I feel what I think and even sometimes what I say because he does love us I think any other day you know I have a lot of worries frustrations you name it we got it I don't care what I did and I said Lord how do you how do you overcome all the things that life brings us all in one day what what do we do and the Lord enlighten me and let me understand that you don't do anything you'll become more and more aware the greatest gift of all he loves me and in some time all the frustrations and worries and all the other things that everyday brings to each one of us no matter who you are whether you're very wealthy or very poor we're on the same boat we have to put up with ourselves we have to put up with other people and but if we could just for a moment recall helps me and those of you in shelters tonight where you just before you say anything else just sit there and say he loves me and think of st. Paul he was thrown in the ocean a couple times and almost died it's not that we don't do anything when the Sun shines next week and it will and a warm breeze comes along and it will and you look around and everything is shattered and it will be so the fact that you love through will make you build again you'll all work together and first thing you know it'll be even better than it was or you do something but you can't do anything unless there's something in here it tells you in spite of it all and because of it all he loves you he loves you you love more and you trust more in the midst of of chaos and this nation as you know is in chaos been that way a long time catching up with us though catching up and so we cannot we cannot ever become discouraged no matter what happens because st. Paul sisters were earthenware jars cracked pot he didn't want to say it that way but isn't that what he meant we're a bunch of crackpots he said it nice you know I don't know how to say things nice I wasn't brought up that way if you're brought up in an Italian family yeah some of your honor you say it like it is my grandpa was I mean how did you know a real Italian grandpa you wouldn't always say something nice but we all know I knew he loved me and if Peters said something nice nice I'd have worried about him one time he said to me in Italian although I love my child I thought are you okay grandpa yeah what's the matter wanna see I didn't want to remind him what he usually said but see that was his way of loving he didn't know how those are those cracks in our pot that we hope would feel and we hope nobody would see but they're there we're not always perfect but we keep trying huh I don't believe people are destined to fail I don't believe that we talk about a born loser nobody's born a loser you just don't do things and even if you fail so what's wrong with failing you know I've learned my best lessons from the Lord when I failed I find success hard to take if you always run that danger of attributing success to yourself and that's the big life and you don't know if you buy the big eye or not sometimes you might that's a worry for me it is but in failure you always learn something you feel humbled and you are it did something very stupid but all of a sudden you feel clean inside all of us do that well here's a ball again we are earthenware jar that hold this what treasure to make it clear that's just what I'm saying huh that such an overwhelming power comes from God and not from us all of your suffering from this storm or floods whatever now is your time to give courage to those around you now here's some more a st. Paul huh let's look at it we are in difficulties on all sides ever feel that way huh yeah how many felt that know what's going to happen today difficulties on all sides but never cornered hey that's the secret huh that's where you are now your difficulties on all sides but never cornered he said we see no answer to our problems now this is one of the greatest Saints of the 1st centuries he saw no answer to his problem how many of you have gotten at that point some of you are here because you don't have an answer to your problem you say well I'll go these can't get worse he had the same thing we see no answer to our problems but we never despair that's trust that we have been persecuted but never deserted we're knocked down and never killed wherever we may be we carry in our body the death of Jesus and while we're still alive were consigned to our death every day for the sake of Jesus that's what you have to think about huh got to keep your eyes focused on the Lord you know when a nation leaves the Lord everybody suffers for it everybody does when the world leaves the Lord the world will suffer good and bad indifferent we all suffer with our brothers and sisters is because Jesus does need that you know sometimes a parent has to chastise a child but sometimes the parent cries more than the child they really don't want to do it sometimes that's the only way we learn you know you know I had a kind of strange affliction when I was a young kid I call an affliction because nobody understood it it wasn't physical I hope it wasn't mental or spiritual I don't know what it was but I couldn't read a word but I read the whole page everybody's done don't you know for example my I'd come home from school and my mother would say read this page and I'd read that whole page like that and then she'd say to me what's this word and it was like Greek to me and I look at it and I'd say I don't know what you mean you don't know I don't know read this page boom the entire page what's this word I don't know why yeah baby I don't know I don't don't read it's words that I can't okay read the page I read the whole page boy one night I got it POW bike we read one word you know what my mother did god bless her she got to Jewish friends of hers there were teachers and they took me and they made little pieces of paper about this big and they put little they cut out little squares she and they would make me go word by word I thought somebody was taking my brain and going this way it was so hard for me to do that but you know my mother cried I think not only did she cry because she thought I was so stupid but she cried because she felt obliged to do this I don't know what I had I must have had some disease or something but I remember when those two teachers would grit me and they'd give me one line with all these little slits in them I I could feel my brain turning this way pretty that way it was terrible but I wasn't a punishment I learned that years later it was something she felt obliged to do for me I said we don't understand God's ways we don't understand why he does these things or permits these things whatever it's there and I have to suffer so through it all you and I must trust that no matter what no matter what God either ordained sets or wills that permits it permits it no matter what there is something very good I can't think of anything in my life that I had to suffer through that God hasn't brought but brought brought unbelievable good and and if you look in your life you'll find exactly the same and then he gives himself and I give you hopefully more courage tonight because he says for we know that when this tent my body in your body that we live in on earth is folded up that's a beautiful thing and my body on earth and your body on earth is folded up there is a house built by God for us and that's that's the one thing you and I have to think about in our sometimes miserable existence that when this tent is folded up there is a house built by God's for us and everlasting home not made of human hands in the heaven think of it our dear Lord said it to the Apostles because I go to prepare a place for you there are many mansions Oh God is up there preparing a place for you and I women are notorious for always wanting a bigger house a better house a mansion mansions on earth are fine four five six through ten years all of a sudden piece of plaster took down the window doesn't work water starts coming in the house where it doesn't belong everything happens to it you buy a new car take it around the block you lost $1,000 to now you lose almost five five thousand dollars by taking the car out of a showroom that's terrible see all of these things are passing and so sometimes in my life things are disrupted and we just don't like it but this one sentence ought to give us courage the other night you know last week we went through the little thing of when you die though I don't always come for the funeral but they're always there when the will is read even your enemies are curious I wonder what she did with it all why didn't I get my share and why did somebody get more than I did but did they've already gone through your chest of drawers your car your garage your attic and the very hems of your draperies you're laughing but this woman said my mother was loaded but we never knew where she kept it and so one of the family they almost tore the whole house apart I bet she's up there looking down gone you know where they found it they cut the hems off the drapery because they looked a little heavier than they should be and there it was now I'm sure that poor soul thought she did the perfect way of perfect act of misery for the whole family and you're not doing too hot than that grapes so the whole thing is where am I when it's all said and done when my tent just fold it up where am I going yeah I think that because this life is short I'm 75 and I it's hard for me to believe I'm 75 that's really because I feel the same as when I was 30 or 25 you know I mean I don't feel any different I make as many people miserable as I can I haven't raised that much I hope I will before he he folds up my 10 but still we have our struggles and so you and I have to keep that in a mind what is it that he loves me that he has a mansion prepared for me it may be in the midst of all the water and all the destruction everywhere and most of all we should lament the destruction of human beings in the womb never had a chance that we should cry about and I think they've got their little mansion what about yours where are you going you're going somewhere you are definitely going somewhere there are three places you could go you can go to purgatory you can go to heaven or you can go to hell hey I'm sorry you said well I don't believe in God yeah truth does not depend on your a little mind believing facts are facts ed they don't change because you don't believe we are doctor run yelled run on last week she was a riot but she was also full of truths and she talked about the student who didn't believe in God believe we came from apes I could never say it like Alice could say it I'm going to try and have her on so she can do it once more but she reminded that a young girl that she believes and she believed that since she came from France to see his French that her great great great great great somebody or other may have been too quick the king of France I'm very holy man she said I like to think of that Louis the ninth and he said you when you think of your past your parents all you'll see is an 8 going from tree to tree I thought it was hysterical but it was a truth you know I remember very little of what I learned in school but every day when I wake up I can see that ape going from tree to tree and I thought God made me to know love and serve him well finally I am finished so we have a call hello hi hmm yoo-hoo there was definitely somebody there hmm well there's something you can't do on television it waits television goes on well we'll see if we can't get them there's a new collar ok there we hello oh hello ah where are you from I'm from San Antonio ok when they get water what is your question yeah I had a question about the Blessed Sacrament oh yeah and about it worth captain that uh - turn yet and it's covered up during John covered up during the mass I was kind of wondering why amen give me that again guys covered up during the mass and and it's uncovered when the mass is over yes when you have mass such the when when Jesus comes down and and the priest says those awesome words and and bread and wine is turned into the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus we're not permitted to have the pencil sacrament expose our Chapel for example in fact our order is totally dedicated to the best Sacrament exposed on the altar you see and the Blessed Sacrament cannot be exposed when we are about to enter into the sacrifice of the man's sick so we don't see the end result of the math which is the body and blood soul and divinity of Jesus we see now again Calvary and Calvary is that every met our dear Lord you know there was an old spiritual it says were you there when they crucified my Lord well the awesome thing is that you and I as Catholics are there in the mind of the Father all things are present all things are present is no past no future everything is now so when you and I go to Mass we are at Calvary the one sacrifice to see and and so we we don't have the resurrection present that it comes and Holy Communion you and I receive the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus it's an awesome gift from the father awesome awesome gift unfortunately we don't always appreciate it we have one more call hello hello Mother Angelica yeah where are you from New Jersey why is your question my first question is did the Roman Catholic Church implement the Mary as co-redeemer yet no no I wish they would I personally think this is of my opinion the lawyers say I have to say that they're afraid I get in trouble every time I say something so I have to it's my opinion I think if I lady was declared as a Dogma the co-redemptrix media tricks and advocate I think the world would change so fast we wouldn't know what happened because that's the last marian dogma that's needed I think it's needed to say to our lady we're so grateful that you stood beneath the cross and offered your son for us we're so grateful sweet mother that you intercede for us the true a real mother and you pray for us we're so grateful sweet mother that you not only intercede for us that like a good mother many gifts come from you given to you by your son she says see whatever we call her media tricks of all grace because whatever we get she gets from Jesus huh she can't give it to us herself but it comes from Jesus and so the dogma to me makes sense a lot of people think it's not the time when is their time to do anything you you can't do anything everybody approves up everybody say we would lose the entire Protestant faith - we'd never have any kind of unity if we declared her assumed into heaven well we did it nobody had a nervous breakdown we had a nervous breakdown over that made sense to me you can't wait for people to approve I would love to see it I may not in my lifetime somebody will go mmm I think it'll be done either this century or the beginning of the next I may be wrong but it's okay you can have your opinion and I wish she is because I think our dear Lord you know way back in Genesis the Lord promised she would crush the head of Satan well I think it's a great time to crush it I think there's no greater time I talked to our lady every day and I say sweet mother why are you waiting for you're the greatest woman ever lived ever created by God how are you gonna let this monster roam the earth well I don't know God dog god bless you and like the Irish say may you live a thousand years by now you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 11,848
Rating: 4.848485 out of 5
Keywords: EWTN, Mother Angelica, St. Paul and the Folded Tent, Mother Angelica Live Classics, Catholic, MA902700
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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