General Milley Defends Calls He Made to China Behind Former President's Back | EWTN News Nightly

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earlier this week a report emerged that the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff made a call to one of china's military leaders regarding then-president donald trump general mark milley told the chinese military that he would warn them if the president tried to launch a strike today he defended his actions saying the calls were within his duties and responsibilities former president trump has called millie the favorite general of beijing and the taliban and many republicans are accusing the general of treason joining me now to discuss this and more is john schweppe director of policy and government affairs at the american principles project john welcome back great to see you uh first off i'd like to get your take on general milly's comments at the situation overall well he actually referred to it as a perfect phone call which you might remember a certain former president got impeached over a perfect phone call but this is much more serious i mean we're talking about a foreign power frankly an enemy of the united states and uh him colluding with them uh so you know i think a lot of republicans are are calling for his head over this you're going to see this the scandal continue to develop but you know the thing is for all these people who have served uh and who are currently serving to see this coming from military leadership is is really disappointing and dismaying yeah john another thing i want to talk about we mentioned this earlier breaking this afternoon the pentagon announced that that drone strike that it conducted on august mistakenly killed 10 civilians including seven children rather than isis k members that the military was originally of course targeting i want to get your thoughts on this tragic development yeah it's it's stunning i mean this level of incompetence we're not used to seeing this from our military i think this is you know the military is widely respected in this country but you know we saw it with the withdrawal from afghanistan leaving americans behind and now we're seeing it again there needs to be an investigation there needs to be accountability here and you know this is the kind of consistent thing we've been seeing now uh under this administration specifically but there seems to be no accountability whatsoever and you know we're talking about seven children uh 10 civilians here truly awful and you know we need to know who knew what when yeah and on a different note the pentagon also announced today that the d.c national guard has been deployed as a precaution for tomorrow's justice for j6 rally that's in support for those currently being held in jail for charges related to the january 6 insurrection that said john what more do we know about those people and their situation many of them still sitting in jail well julie kelly with american greatness has done some great reporting on this you know we really need to make sure that these people are are having their rights respected their constitutional rights um and and that they're getting a speedy trial and right now that doesn't appear to be happening and so uh you know we hope obviously with the rally tomorrow it's always a little bit scary with with something like this we want to make sure it's peaceful and all of that but you know it is important and i do hope that uh you know at least some media coverage of this highlights the the plight of some of these people who are in jail many of whom didn't even enter the capitol yeah and john we have probably uh about a minute or so left but i want to get to this something a lot of people are talking about today as well the wall street journal is reporting that mexican drug cartels had actually been using facebook to recruit hitmen among other things and of course there was that other report this week uh that facebook knew that its instagram platform was actually toxic for teen girls i want to get your take on that as well and also what if anything should be done to kind of reel in social media companies well part of the problem here is that the us government has granted facebook uh an immunity from civil liability so if the doj doesn't take care of this if law enforcement doesn't handle it there's not available for their part in this type of thing well john always appreciate your analysis and coming on john schweppe director of policy and government affairs at the american principles project thank you again thank you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 182
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Keywords: enn14946, enn_spot, ytsync-en
Id: u2frVPx66FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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