Mother Angelica Live - ROAD TO EMMAUS - 5/16/2000

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[music] Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. [music] <i>Mother: See in you, the love,</i> <i>the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all,</i> <i>to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in</i> <i>love lives in God,</i> <i>and God lives in him.</i> [music] <i>What a wonderful</i> <i>thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network</i> <i>is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization</i> <i>is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called</i> <i>to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: Hi. Audience: Hi. Mother: Oh, you say that nice. (all chuckle) Well, we got such a wonderful, wonderful group tonight and it's so awesome to, just to be with, meet everybody. I just wish I had longer arms but God didn't make me that way. But are y'all happy? Audience: Yes. Mother: Yeah, you're enjoying the Lord, huh? Audience: Yes. Mother: Wonderful, wonderful. Well, this month you know EWTN's special intention is greater devotion to Our Lady and it's hard for me to understand why everybody doesn't have great love for Our Lady because She suffered with Her Son for you and I and we have to be grateful, you know. Somebody sent me a book on all the Marian Shrines in Italy. I'm amazed at how many shrines they have in Italy! And this one man just hated, hated Our Lady. He took his 3 children to the park in order that he could write a speech against Our Lady and against the Church. And so all of a sudden he can't find his son. So they're looking and looking and they find his son in a cave and he's transfixed. He's folding his hands--and the children were never allowed to practice the faith or have Holy Communion or even Baptism. But he doesn't know what to do. He tried to lift him up and he wasn't going to be lifted. He was like lead! So he goes out and he tells his 2 daughters, and so they go and all of a sudden they're kneeling and their hands are folded and they all 3 kept saying, "Beautiful Lady! Beautiful Lady!" Well, he is getting a little bit queasy. And I love that when, (group chuckles) when smart-alecks get told by Our Lady, you know. All of a sudden he's on his knees and he's looking at this Beautiful Woman. And do you know what She said to him? Wow, what a Gal! She says, "You stop all this persecution." Boy, that would have gotten me, you know. And She told him all kinds of things about the Lord, about Herself and She's known as Our Lady of Revelation. And She explained how Her Son came to Her after She had died and Jesus and the angels came and lifted Her up body and soul into Heaven. Oh wow! So see, we all have a chance. Even if you hate Our Lady, just keep praying and we'll pray for you and maybe you'll get shocked out of your shoes. (group chuckles) Wouldn't that be great? I like that. I know you've all heard and probably a thousand times of the disciples going to Emmaus, the grumpy, the grumpies. Do you know the grumpies? Yeah, grumpy Catholics, they're all around. And we're all grumpy sometimes but these were unusual. Now, it said, "That very same day 2 of them," you notice they didn't want to say who they were, hah, chicken! "were on the way to a village called Emmaus, 7 miles from Jerusalem." Now, that's quite a bit. Let's see from here to the mall is 4 miles, you got to add almost 3 more miles. That's pretty much to grumble the whole way. (group chuckles) I mean, if you can grumble for 7 miles, that's a lot. Now, women wouldn't do that. They would just cry (group chuckles) for 7 miles. (group laughs) "And they were talking together about all that had happened," none of which they liked. Do you ever get in that kind of mood--something you wanted to happen just turned the opposite? So now, as they talked this over, this is awesome. They're talking and you can see these 2 men walking kind of slovenly, you know, kind of indifferent, disappointed, heartsick, they are meandering around and Jesus came up and walked by their side. Ah-ha. Now, don't you wish the Lord would do that? Well, how do you know He hasn't? They didn't know. Can you imagine being with somebody 3 years and he comes up and walks beside you and you don't recognize Him? Do you know why? Their minds were closed, see, their mind was closed. That's why we don't recognize Jesus in our daily life. He's there. "Oh, He doesn't talk to me." Oh yes, He does! You just don't like what He's saying. (group chuckles) Isn't that the truth? You don't like what He's saying. You want everything you want right now. Somehow, when you say it southernly, it means more, you know, (drawls) "Right now I want it." I pray for patience right now! (group chuckles) Well, I haven't got it yet. So all of you who are struggling, it'll come. Now, they're talking and grumbling along and Jesus, He said, "Something prevented them from recognizing Him." What do you think that was, huh? Lack of faith. You see, sometimes in our life we get so oriented and self-centered in one thing that we don't recognize the Lord or His Will or His Presence or His Love. We just don't recognize anything. We're just closed and when your mind is closed, your heart closes. They go together. There they are walking along, griping about Our Lord, oh, about this Messiah. Oh, wait till you hear this, you won't believe it but I bet we've done it. Now, here is the Lord. I mean, He's brave, "'What matters are you discussing as you walk along?' They stopped short." Now, can you imagine? Do you know what that means? Here there are 2 of them and there's this stranger walking next to Him and he said, "What are you discussing?" They stopped boom, right there and look at Him and said--oh what did they say? "Their faces were downcast." Looking like, hah. "What are you discussing?" Hah. Well, "One of them, Cleopas, said, 'You must be the only person around here who doesn't know the things that have happened these last few days.'" Sourpuss. (group chuckles) And you want to hear what Jesus said! "What things?" See, if I were there, I'd never said that. I'd have taken both heads and punched them together. (group laughs) I mean, Our Lord has such patience, you know. He said, "All about Jesus of Nazareth..." And he has to say it impatient. They didn't know who this Man was. They were grumbling and He says, "What happened?" "…Who proved He was a great Prophet." Oh, now, here's their first mistake. You mean you could be with Jesus 3 years and just think He was a prophet? That's not too good, is it? How long have you been a Catholic? How long have you been a Catholic, hah, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years, 60 years? (group chuckles) Go on up? audience: Yes. Mother: 70 years, okay, you're there. Woman: 80. Mother: 80! (group laughs) You're 80?! You don't have a wrinkle! What did you do with them? Woman: I never stayed in the sun. Mother: You never stayed in the sun. I don't know, I've seen a lot of people not stay in the sun, they got wrinkles. Well, God bless you. Look at that! See, I'm 3 years away. I'll just see how I look when I'm 80. (all laugh) Well, now here they are. They call Him a Prophet. Well, that's all right. I mean, a prophet is a good holy man. But see, they missed the boat. Let's see what other insulting things they say. They said, "He proved He was a Prophet by the things He said and did in the sight of God and all the people and how our chief priests and leaders handed Him over to be sentenced to death and had Him crucified." Now, wouldn't you think they would kind of think a little bit? These are men who studied the Scriptures! You know, it's amazing--you can study this Book and not know a thing, especially if you study it with your own mind in the book, your own interpretation, your own life. It's like the man who was committing adultery and his wife caught him. And when she approached him with it he quoted Scripture! I looked amazed and I said to her, "What did he quote?" She said, "He quoted the woman taken in adultery." And the Lord said, "Has no one condemned thee? Neither will I." (group laughs) That's pretty good! (group laughs) By golly, I mean, you can't beat it. He knows his Scripture! I said, "Go tell him he put the period in the wrong place." It also continued to say, "Go and sin no more." You see, we can take the Scripture, if we're not reading it to be like Jesus and to learn more about this God/Man and how wonderful He is. Even in our pain and everything else, we're not going to, we're not ever really know this Book. And these people didn't. They should have. Well, now they're getting worse. They're not getting any better--right next to, walking with Jesus and they're getting worse! "Our own hope," ah now, they had some kind of hope, God bless them. "Our own hope has been…" Ah now they're in the past. They had hope, they don't have any hope now. "…that He would be the one to set Israel free." Ah now we got a secret here. You know, I gave a commencement talk last Friday. I didn't think the talk was too hot; I wasn't sure they did, either (group chuckles) because I told them, "Look, it's okay to fail." Did you ever hear a commencement talk where they told you it was okay to fail? You did? No. Yeah. "I said, "It's okay if you go from paycheck to paycheck. "If you got Jesus in your heart you got everything. "What do you want to run after money for? "Why do you want to break your head after things that are of the world? "It doesn't pay. "You're like a dog going after his own tail--you just stay in the same place." Anyway, that's what happened to these men. They didn't know what they were doing. They were 3 years with Jesus. They saw Him do the most unbelievable miracles. They saw Him walk on the water, feed 5000 people, not counting children and women --women weren't counted then. They were the only ones at the foot of the cross, though. Anyway, they didn't catch on because they wanted a Messiah that was going to deliver Israel. Now, when you pray to Our Lord, are you really asking Him for what you think you need? Is that what you're doing? Or are you asking for something different? See, they were disappointed. Every time He preformed some miracle they thought, "Ah, now is the time!" Then they saw the people, you know, putting all kinds of palms in front of Him, you know, "Hail, King of the Jews!" And after that He got crucified! See, we don't think the way God thinks. They didn't think the way was crucifixion. He could have yelled down from Heaven in one booming voice and said, "I forgive you, you poor sinner." That would have been sufficient, but it wasn't. He had to send His Son to redeem you and I but they missed the whole boat! And this is not all. Now, they're not finished with poor Jesus walking by their side! This is not all. They're really griping. "Two whole days," now listen to this, "have gone by since it all happened and some women," ah, poor guys, some women, "from our group have astounded us." Now, can you believe what you're listening to? How did these women astound Him? "They went to the tomb in the early morning and when they did not find the Body..." Now, He already told them twice, at least twice that He would go to Jerusalem, He would be, He would suffer terribly, He would be crowned with thorns, He would be crucified, on the 3rd day rise. Don't you think you'd remember some of that? I mean, wouldn't it stick in your head if you know you were going to lose Him and all of a sudden He tells you the good news--He's going to rise on the 3rd day? Not if women tell you about it. (group chuckles) Only, maybe Peter but not women, emotional women. Well, "And when they did not find the Body," something wrong with that, "they came back to tell us they had a vision." Oh, what a terrible thing to accuse a woman of having "a vision of angels who declared He was alive." Now, can you believe these 2 or 3 men? You know, it's awesome that Our Dear Lord would appear to them. Oh, I'd have done something to them, but I wouldn't have been that gentle to walk beside them. See, they were told He had risen and they were told that He was alive, by who? Angels. Now, apparently they didn't believe in angels or they thought the women were emotional and imagined angels. But you see, if your heart was full of love, don't you think you would have gone to the tomb instead of going to Emmaus? That's the opposite direction buddy. The tomb is there! You're going there! Now, isn't that strange? But I bet we do the same thing, we do the same thing. Somehow in our lives when our Lord does not give us what we want or we don't recognize His hand, His Will, His Presence, His Goodness, His Mercy, what do we do? We go the opposite direction. See, we're always going the wrong direction. Here's Jesus and we're going that way. Well, I was wondering when they'd be finished but they got some more. Would you believe it? I mean, the Lord has to have infinite patience. I wouldn't have taken anything anymore back here. I would have just said, "Look, you dummies, when are you going to learn, huh?" Well, now they have one more, one more thing that you really would like to do something to them. "Now some of our friends," now they're not talking about enemies--they're talking about friends, "went to the tomb and found everything," now listen to this, "everything exactly as the women had reported." What do you want, huh? Today, they say, "Give me a break!" (group laughs) "But Him, they didn't say anything." You know, it really shows how hard of heart we are. How many times have we been told that Jesus is really truly present in the Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity? How many times? Or worse, have you been told, "Oh no, He's only there during Mass," or, "It's a symbol?" See, we're no different than these disciples gone to Emmaus. How many times have you, some of you out there listening to me now are some pretty big sinners. I mean, you're carrying a load, a big load and you don't want to go to Confession. How many times have you felt in your heart, "I need to go to Confession." But what do you do? You go take a drink. That is not going to save you. That's going to pull you down further. See, how many times has Our Lord manifested His Presence, His Goodness, His Love by awakening your conscience? Well, no. What are you going to do? You're going to a movie. You're going to do something else. You don't want to have a change of lifestyle. You're accustomed to this sin and you don't want to give it up. But aren't you like these disciples going to Emmaus? Haven't they told you there is a Hell? Oh, they haven't? Oh, let me tell you, there is a hell! And if somebody looks at you and says "Go to hell," it's not a compliment. (group laughs) It's not a compliment! See, they wish you the worst. But see, we look at these apostles, whatever they were, disciples and we can't believe how hard they are and how stubborn. And they're told the whole thing! He did--He rose, the women saw Him, the angel said He rose. Because they didn't see Him, they won't believe it. Well, my friends, when you stop and think sometimes what our Holy Mother Church has been going through, Her woundedness, I think there's a lot of Catholics and Christians who don't believe a lot of things the Lord is very specific in. "Unless..." do you know that word?--"Unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood you shall not have life in you." Well, we, we just explain that away. That's what they're doing. They're explaining away the divinity of Jesus. The truths we have are so beautiful. You were baptized and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwelt in you. Wow! What a grace, what a gift. Every time you go to Confession, you're all clean. Every time you go to Communion, there's more of God, the whole Trinity in you, lives in you! We all know that but we don't realize it, otherwise, our lives would change, change. See, we're not any better than these disciples who were told it all, it was all explained to them, the vision was verified. Now, this is the part I like the most, "And Jesus said to them, "You foolish men." (laughs) I knew it was coming. It had to come--"so slow to believe in the full message of the prophet." Do you as a Catholic believe the full message of the Church or do you pick and choose what you like? You can't do that. If you commit adultery, it's a mortal sin and if you died at that moment, you're not going up, sweetheart, you're going down. Why? Because you have rejected God. Don't say, "I'm human." We all know that. You don't look like a monkey. You may act like a monkey but you don't look like a monkey. Well, that's not an excuse! You can't do that. "Well, other people do it." But see, you're not going to die at the same time. You're going to be all by your little lonesome facing the Lord God and you're not going to explain everything. See, He's going to tell you what you did and what you judgment is--very simple. "Oh, Mother Angelica, you scare people." I hope I can scare you! I'm planning on it! (group chuckles) Because here's what Jesus said to these 2 men that were so hard of heart. I mean, if you really believed in the Eucharist-- I know all of you do, that's why you're here. Some of you out there used to believe. I don't know what happened, but you can't go by somebody else. You got to go by what the Church says and what Jesus said. Because here He's telling them. He said, "So slow to believe the fullness. "Was it not ordained ordained that the Christ should suffer and enter into His glory?" Is it not ordained that you and I suffer, that we, too, one day may enter into our glory, His glory? Why are we so surprised that we suffer and those we love suffer? I can't change unless that fire of God's love and purification takes away all the rust and imperfections and frailties so I look like Jesus. "Then starting with Moses and going through all the prophets, He explained to them the passages through the Scripture about Himself." Oh now, now something's going to happen, watch! "When they drew near to the village to which they were going, He made as if to go on." I think that's the sweetest thing. See, He didn't want to go on. He just pretended. Now, here they all 3 were walking down the road and He's just explaining everything to them and they're getting grace upon grace and they feel wonderful! It's true! So He keeps going. All of a sudden He's about 5 feet ahead of them and they're, "Wait! Wait! Wait!" And He looks around. He wants to be called back! If you feel Jesus has left you, no, no, you have left Him. And He calls you, calls you back. But here He is, "and they pressed Him to stay," like they say, He'd say, "No, I have to go on." "Oh, come on, come on!" They never even asked His name. Can you believe that? Wouldn't you think if somebody, oh, got so excited over all this you'd say, "Oh, who are you?" And they said, "Oh, come on, please stay." "No, I really got to go, you know, I have some people to see." Yeah, He sure did! (group chuckles) And they said, "Oh please stay with us!" Now, this is not in the scriptures, so don't look for it. (group chuckles) I have my own rendition. And so, "They pressed Him to stay. "Now, it's evening and the day's almost over." See, there's no daylight time here. You know, I always wonder who made up daylight time. You get up in the dark, you go to bed and it's sunshiny yet, and it just gets mixed up, you know. And it's something about the farmers, but the farmers, I don't think it matters to them. I don't think your crops grow any higher because it's daylight time. You don't go out in the farm and say, "Okay boys, it's daylight. Grow faster!" I don't know why we do things like that but anyway, they didn't do that. When it started getting dark, that was it. Now, they were at table in this little inn. Now, guess how they recognized Him. They began to get suspicious when He started explaining everything to them. That was light. See, their faith was beginning to grow. But what made them recognize Him? Oh, this is awesome. "He took the bread and said the blessing and He broke it and handed it to them." They remembered the Last Supper and they said, "Ah, here He is." "Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him and He vanished." All of a sudden He was sitting there with this bread in His Hand and He broke it and gave it to each one of them, then He was gone! Do we recognize Jesus when we receive Communion? You know, I hope one day all the beautiful ceremonies and all the beautiful things we did come back. We need it so bad. Our poor bodies are so oriented to vision, to hearing, to speaking and if we don't see, we lose track. We're so oriented towards television and radio and everything you know that we're not aware of the mystery of the Mass. You hear a lot of people say, "Well, I don't get anything out of it." Well, you're not supposed to get anything out of it. You're supposed to see what God did and does for you-- His suffering, His death. That's why at our monastery we face east. They say, "Oh, we're going into that again." Well, the priest and the people face the Lord. He's the Savior. It makes sense. Oh, we're going to get letters tomorrow! (group chuckles) It still makes sense, though. Well, do you know what happened to these 2 men? "They said to each other, 'Did not our hearts burn within us?'" Isn't it strange that our hearts do not burn within us when we receive Communion? Don't you think that's strange? That's the purpose of having some kind of gesture of reverence. We go and we receive the Trinity, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. Do our hearts burn within us? The first thing they got after they recognized Jesus was enlightenment. Now, they can see. Maybe that's what we should pray for, "Jesus let me see. "Sweet Mother, let me see what I receive when I go to Communion, when I go to a Church Temple that's got Our Lord exposed like this one, the other one, many others in the world. Let me see!" "Now, they set out that instant..." They didn't even eat--I bet they ate the bread though. "…And they found the 11 assembled." Boy, they went there a lot faster than they went to Emmaus! "They said, 'Yes, it's true, the Lord has risen and appeared..." to who? Simon. If someone denied you, oh at the most critical moment of your life would you have appeared to him first? Ah, you can shake your head. I know it's "no." I don't think anybody would, would take most time, have to talk and say, "Why'd you do that? See, Jesus wanted to be sure Peter understood. You know, one time Peter used to make statements that weren't all true--I mean, he thought they were but they weren't. And the Lord said to him, "Once you are converted, convert your brothers." In other words, Peter had to know himself before he could help anybody and he got to know himself. "He appeared to Simon and they told their story of what happened on the road and how they recognized Him in the breaking of bread." The next time you go to any church that has the Blessed Sacrament exposed, walk in quietly expecting, expecting! And when you see Him, look up and say, "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." Oh, I think you'll get something, yeah, you'll get wonderful things. "Let me see You, Lord." Oh, it doesn't mean you're going to see Him physically because even the disciples going to Emmaus saw Him physically but didn't recognize Him. But you can see Him in your heart, in your neighbor, in God's Will in your life. We can see Him in a thousand ways, a thousands ways. Well, if you want to read this when you get home, read the 24th Chapter of Luke. Luke 24. Oh, there are a lot of things here. One thing He says to the apostles when He appeared to them, He said, "Why are you so agitated and why do these doubts rise in your mind?" Now, wouldn't you think if you saw one so mutilated in death and all of a sudden they're facing you face-to-face? How do you think you'd feel? Scared to death, right? But He said, "Why? Why are you so agitated?" Because, you see, He wants our faith to be so deep and our trust so awesome that we wouldn't be agitated and we wouldn't be surprised. He said He'd rise. These are wonderful chapters, the 24th Chapter of Luke is awesome (heavy sigh) because then we know what God expects from us. We have a call. Hello? Hi. Male Caller #1: Hello? Mother: Hey, where are you from? Male Caller #1: New Jersey. Mother: Wonderful! What's your question? Male Caller #1: I heard that God plans your life when you're in your mother's womb, and if that's true, why do we have to pray? (all laugh) Mother: That's a good question--and it is a question. You see, God has a plan for all of us, a plan for holiness, a specific kind of holiness for each one of us. It's very, very different, very different. And in that plan His Will, His Divine Will, like the Commandments, you, we have to keep these. There are the precepts of the Church, there are the teachings of the Church, there are laws and we have to keep these. But I have a will that God gave me. This is what He asks from us but we don't always want to do it. God has given us the great gift of free will, meaning I have the power to say "no" even to God. That's pretty much, isn't it? So you see, God doesn't say, "Here you are. "Here's all the grace you need." And then you're going to go through life and you're going to come out like a cookie in the oven this way. You know, if you put the oven too high, that cookie isn't going anywhere. So if you live your life the wrong way and too high, your little cookie's going to get too hot (group laughs) and you're going down! Now, you can't blame God for that. He had something else from you and you said "no." So you can't say…. There are 2 things Our Dear Lord said. He said at one point, "Your Father knows you have need of all these things." Then one time He said, "Ask, knock." What are we supposed to do? Both. We have to have the trust that our Dear Lord knows exactly what we need and He's going to give us that. Now, if we keep saying "no" to Him, see, then I'm not going to get it. I have to ask. I have to ask for grace. I have to ask for patience. I have to ask for goodness. I have to ask, I want to go to Heaven but and I have to act like I want to go to Heaven. Some people think that you can commit all the sins you want and go to Heaven. That don't make sense. If you beat up your mother every day, I can tell you you're not going to Heaven. And the law would punish you, not God's law but human laws would say, "Hey, wait a minute! You can't do that." So God has given us free will. Why? Nobody wants to be forced to love. You don't want somebody forced to love you. You'd be like clones. I read somewhere somebody had his dog frozen. They called him a dog lover, I called him a nut. (group laughs) He had him frozen so that 100 years from now... Who's going to know? I'd like to know where he's going to be 100 years from now-- (group chuckles) that he could have a replica, a clone of this dog. Well, he's not going to be there. And who wants a frozen dog? (group chuckles) You can buy 100 puppies and have a new dog. See, those kinds of things don't make sense. Where was it I read not too long ago, in a Geographic, I think it was. It's a pretty good work. All you people at Geographic ought to give me a little donation. (group chuckles) Anyway, they found this man somewhere in, I forgot where they were, on some high mountain and, frozen, a million years. Gosh, I don't know how long it was, long, long time. Well, I thought it was very funny when he thawed out he didn't come to life cause they're freezing all these people and then 100 years ago when the doctor who froze them is dead they're going to treat him like this guy up on the mountain. (group chuckles) When he thaws out he's going to (makes noise), he's going to water the whole place. (group laughs) I mean, there's no place for him to go but into water. Now, see, we do dumb things like this. Why'd I tell him that, anybody know? I forgot where I was aiming at but anyway, I was aiming at something. But see, you can't decide your own life, you can't. Every day we humbly ask Jesus, "Lord, lead me, tell me what You want and give me the grace to do it." That's it, just very simple. But there's no predestination--these go to Heaven, these go to Hell and we don't know about these. Well, that's not God. That's, that's false. God made you to know, love and serve Him. I think we can take one more call. Hello? Hi. Yoo hoo. Female Caller #1: Hello, hello. Mother: Oh, hi. Where are you from? Female Caller #1: I'm from Kentucky. Mother: Good, you're not far from us. What is it you want to ask? Female Caller #1: I'd like to know if people of other faiths lose their souls because they do not eat the Body and Blood like Jesus says in the Bible, "Unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood you will not have everlasting life." Mother: Yeah. Well, God judges you by your light. There's a beautiful passage here in St. Luke's Gospel. I probably am not going to find it. I'm going to act like a good Catholic (group laughs) and not find it. Let's see. "I've got to find it, Lord. You're going to humiliate me before all these million…" Oh, is this it? Yeah! Yeah! (laughs) Okay, Luke 12. "The servant who knows what his master wants but has not even started to carry out those wishes will receive many strokes of the lash. "The one who did not know," now, this is the question you asked--these people don't know. "The one who did not know but deserves to be beaten for what he has done will receive fewer strokes." There was a heresy at one time that you had to be Catholic, otherwise you didn't go to Heaven. That's not what the Church teaches. All people are saved by the merits of Jesus and the grace in the Church, but they don't have to be Catholic. We hope they're all Catholic but many people are of different religion, no religion, they don't know. Nobody has told them about Jesus! So they're going to be judged only by what they know, what they've been told and the graces they have, you see. So you know, Our Dear Lord said, "There are other people that we must save and will enter the Kingdom." And so we want everybody, Jesus and the Church wants everybody to go to Heaven and you will be judged… I will be judged. Like this little boy, I don't know what God has destined him to be. Maybe he's going to be a Pope one day, who knows. I don't know but my judgment will be very different than his. Why? Because I will be judged by the graces I have by everything He's given me to share with you. I'll be judged like this little guy here. "When a man has had a great deal given him on trust, even more will be expected." That's for priests and religious, bishops, cardinals, popes, everybody who's given more than they need so they can share with you. They're going to have a terrible responsibility. So you have to understand God is going to judge you according to your light, your knowledge and whether anybody has even told you. Now, there are a lot of complications in there and we only have 45 seconds. (group chuckles) I got the hard question last but I can only say, "To whom is given a great deal, a great deal is expected. "But if you don't have a great deal and you don't know God will judge you by what you are and who you are." I've got 5, 6 seconds, 5 seconds to say, please be generous. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow night. (applause) [music]
Channel: EWTN
Views: 14,361
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television, Road, Mother Angelica (Organization Founder), Film (Media Genre), MA902754
Id: 6dWVboaTYRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 16 2014
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