Mother Angelcia Live Classic - 2012-07-03 - Romans 7:14

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yeah like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus glorious work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit lives in love lives in God and God loves but a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus we are all called to be great Saints don't miss the opportunity I missed some people down there hi well hello do you I'm glad you missed me last week I think you did yeah I was sick as a dog I'd say it went terrible and and I I don't even know why I was sick I think I know how I got sick we we have a little exercise at home at the monastery it's called obedience and just a minor exercise every night and and so the Mother Abbess gets up there and and she tells anything important that happened and we were talking about penance for for Lent and I said you know every day of my religious life I always got a cross on Ash Wednesday one time I broke my wrist I mean it just seems like everybody in heaven was waiting for me on Ash Wednesday see and I said strange as it is this Ash Wednesday I did get across I said I almost feel cheated I will say Christ before I say that again now I won't but anyway that night I got so sick I tell you and I would sick all week and I thought why you open your big mouth but I realized it was the right thing to do if I dear Lord cannot ask a religious for some little pennant for salvation of souls who can he ask he's got to be able to ask me and all my sisters before he asked anybody after that I was miserable yet but I felt better in as much as I I had something to give see we have to realize that tonight I would like to make you all feel good that's unusual for me because I had the reputation of making everybody as miserable as possible and I'd like to do that I really I intend to do that I feel that's my special mission why because you know act right you're gonna get fat you're always goofing off you don't pray the so many of you have lost their feet many of you don't think of God at all I got reason to try and make you miserable and make you understand that Jesus loves you you don't treat people that love you like that and so for that reason you know I want you to be good I want to be holy holy holy I remember the time I was asked to go to France to Paris la marea and give a talk one time and I was petrified and I don't get that way often because I know they were there from people there from five six different countries and and I thought why I walked in this big tent and there were different translators and I thought that's great they'll all hear me in their own language and I got up there and this woman got up and stood next to me and I said hello she's hello I said are you you here for some reason and she said yes I'm going to translate felis oh no she said yes I said what language are you going to translate she's I'm going to translate from English to French oh great she said if you just say a little bit and then I'll follow you in French and then you wait nice and I'll wait all right well I was afraid I don't prepare anything ever I was afraid that by the time she translated I'd forget what I just said and then I I oh I was petrified I said I'm gonna make a first-class fool out of myself up here I thought okay Lord if you want me to be a fool up there I'll be one but to my surprise I got a standing ovation I don't know what she said but they liked it whatever she said well I went back to eat my canned spaghetti and I thought I was through and this man came up to me and he said to the people would like to hear another talk just after noon I just really said yes I said I don't have anything else to say that I don't believe that so just be ready okay he said beside that there's a hundred and fifty Germans that just came from the Iron Curtain and they would like to pray for them it's okay it was hot always so hot and before I went to this place I had asked the Lord I said Lord I'm gonna give you an opportunity you'll never get again I said lord I wish that you would heal everybody while I'm talking and just heal them spiritually and physically and the whole thing this is your chance well nothing happened absolutely nothing but the Lord said to be Angelica speak to them with love well I I was more confused after that because I didn't know how you speak with love best sheets of people who don't speak your language and who don't speak their it so I was really confused when those 150 came out we went under a shady tree and I knew what he meant I knew what he meant I didn't speak their language they didn't speak mine they just came up to me and I prayed with them and over them and I hugged them and they all cry everyone and I knew what the Lord meant I didn't have to speak their language they didn't have to speak mine I loved them and they needed that they needed that and one of the Communist soldiers came up to me he looked as lonely and depressed as everyone else did and and he came and I hugged him prayed for him and the biggest cheers I ever saw came down from his eyes and then the last girl was scared she was afraid and she was staring into space and I looked at her and I said Lord make her cry I knew that somehow she had to cry and so I took her by the hands and I prayed for her and I prayed with her and suddenly she began to cry and she hung on to me and she cried and cried and cried and the Lord said to me she was raped love her much I did the best I could and there she was suddenly I kissed her on the cheek she looked at me and she smiled for the first time and five years and I learned a lot that trip I learned more than I had that any talk I ever gave anywhere because I realized that people today especially today especially as adults we have so many things to be mad about not to forgive we have so many things in our memory that we did right or wrong we're afraid of the future somebody said all the you know stock market went down right so I started it's supposed to be a long enough you know it's a kind of merry-go-round maybe if we put our confidence in the Lord he take better care you think so I do but see we're so involved to so many things that pass and then I come along every Tuesday Wednesday make you miserable by saying you are supposed to be holy now you know you're not know some of you are bad shape tell me you out there listening to me or getting a little queasy and your stomach well you ought to be queasy you're not doing right I'm the only grandmother gonna tell you that because you need to know heaven is so awesome it's a wonderful you can't afford to risk not getting there you can't afford it the other place I can tell you you really don't want to go you say well I have all these faults and weaknesses and imperfections yeah well let me give you some good news they think are - I want to read to you a little bit about st. Paul hmm I got the wrong one yeah oh well here it is it is a typical Catholic thing to do there's not to know your scriptures and I had a scripture class one time years ago had there to be about 50 came every Monday and and I noticed I was gone to one place in scripture to the other and everybody was gone right away they knew where to go except to women and I said you know turn to I think it was st. Paul Corinthians 5 and they were in Ezekiel Ezekiel and I kind of looked like that and I said are you Catholic and they both looked at me and said how'd you know I said well I got a little hint when you went to Ezekiel and I asked for Corinthians I died I got a little hint and she laughed so in the seventh chapter of Corinthians 14th st. Paul admits she is human just like you and I it you know st. Paul was a very short man there's nothing wrong with being short except somebody called him a half a pint that's in the good book I didn't say that and he got upset about it he was a terrible speaker very boring see how do you know that well the place he was speaking a with on the second floor and this kid was sitting on the windowsill that's the only place to sit and as Paul went on and on and on and on the kids are straight we say we're all but a lot of people fall asleep during sermons yeah they snip this one fell out the window he killed himself I mean what are you gonna do you know but Paul didn't think that way he was upset because he interrupted his sermon he ran down those steps he looked at him spattered all over for all over the ground he said son get up and he did raised him from the dead went up and droned somewhere but by that time everybody was awake Paul persecutor of Christians hater of the faith pursue kut'r to the point where he would bring the men put him in jail and have murdered your kill - whatever Paul now one day he was going to do the same thing and the Lord struck him by lightning he knocked him off his horse isn't that something huh will it be wonderful if our Lord did that today huh yeah just not chop your horse you say I don't know how to ride a horse you're a horse up here cuz you do things that are stupid endanger your soul that's what he was doing he thought you're doing the right thing a lot of people are sincerely wrong but they're sincere like this to Joseph and I where we got on one of these planes where you can go in two directions we got on the I thought what's gone right place I was on my way to Miami I thought and no I wasn't that's where I went but that's where I wasn't going there and we were eating and the pilot comes on says good afternoon ladies and gentlemen we'll be in Miami and now and I have me I said Joseph did he say Miami she said yes the mother I said we're not going to Miami she said well we are now so I did believe it and I called the stewardess and I said we're just plain going she said Miami I said but we're not going to Miami I can't open the door why such a Joseph and I were sincere we were sincere we got on that plane thinking we were going to Miami know we're somewhere else wasn't mine but we landed in Miami then I had a call the people who are waiting a different side of the city altogether and say hi is it where are you and Miami Miami it's okay okay you can come and get me and they did but the thing that struck me was that we were sincere but we were wrong are you that way are you sincerely wrong let's listen to st. Paul and see the realist he's having a hard day now you don't think a man who could write all of this and be so enlightened and so holy we have a hard day he says the law as we all know is spiritual but I am unspiritual not isn't that well how many of you would say that don't hold your hand up how many of you would admit you are not a nun spiritual individual I have been sold as a slave to sin oh he's had a hard day I cannot understand my own behavior have you ever gotten to that point now why did I do that stupid thing you never said that you haven't lived if you haven't he said I can't understand my own behavior I failed to carry out the things I want to do and I find myself doing the very things that I hate did you ever do that hmm I see a few more heads gone yeah I did when I act against my own will oh but then his will was too good that means I have a self that acknowledges the Lord's good you know the law it's good and so the thing behaving in me is not myself oh but sin living in me isn't that interesting huh he's not excusing himself at all what you do you do even though you want to do better you don't seem to be doing better so what is it in you I use getting a friend are you you got two souls or something now you only got one and it's going one or two places we heard there's no other place unless you're talking about purgatory I know you don't believe it but once you get there the first thing you're gonna say it was true you're right it's true and so he says I know of nothing good living in me that is in my unspiritual self so he calls there's a part of him that is not like Jesus and that's what he's saying he's saying there's a part in him that doesn't do what his will wants him to do or that he knows he know he knew he knew that you should be kind and loving and charitable and understanding but he wasn't always he knew that inside of him was a part of his human nature he didn't allow God to rule he would not allow God to take over Paul totally and completely something in him he says he said I know the thing living in me it's been my unspiritual self but though the will to do what is good is it me there you go the will to do what's good is in all of you the performance is a hitch is not oh wow you ever catch yourself doing the very thing that very morning you would say you wouldn't do hmm I carry out the sinful things I don't want to do hmm and when I act against my will it is not my true self but sin that lives in me and we all have that same tendency you want to know where you are your own Stroman 7:14 I said Corinthians well I did the Catholic thing what do you expect watch me get a lot of letters oh boy but you see we all have that I remember when I was a junior professor what that mean that means I have temporary violence I had after 56 years yeah you know a lot of time has passed but I remember this day I don't have a reputation of being very patient I really tried I just don't succeed that's the problem that's why this is one of my favorite passages in in in Romans and I I said to the Lord before I left my bedroom which we used to call cells I said Lord I'm gonna be patient today come hell or high water I was fully convinced when I left my room that I was going to do just that by 9 o'clock came hell and high water I was on patient and that's what st. Paul is talking about there's that something in him that he had not arrived yet at that point that no matter what our dear Lord permitted in the present moment he was ready for it it takes time to do that it takes a will to do that and it takes presence of mind before we blowers that God has permitted this that's the rest what we don't like well if he's permitted and why do I have to take it well if it's happening sweetheart you gotta take it that's that simple what are you gonna do it's all off a cliff or something it's there you gotta handle it could I have blamed somebody for my active impatience no I had an opportunity that I'd changed into something else that happened to Philip Neri Philip Barry also had a hot temper and he very very repentant about it and and he spent three hours before the Blessed Sacrament pleading with our Lord to make him patient and not angry and he left the chapel and he met with a sacristy you know the met the brother who takes care of the linens and in the chalices and ciborium sand keeps them clean well this brother didn't keep him clean and he saw him coming oh he got so bad he went and gave it to him then he remembered his prayer so he read back to the chapel guess who he is angry with now the Lord he says Lord didn't I pray here for three hours for patience now look what happened and the Lord said to him Philip you have prayed for patience I have multiplied the opportunities in which you can be patient oh that sent him off I tell you and we ask the question well if the Lord knows I have a fault like that why does he make me impatient he doesn't make you impatient you do I do you see virtuous is a worker I am a patient then God has to supply me with opportunities to be patient how are you going to be patient if you don't have the opportunity to not be patient I have to have that opportunity I'm not going to be patient when I wake up in the morning you see why not because that's raining and I wanted to plant trees and that's seven days I haven't planted a twig what am I supposed to do I'm supposed to say Lord I know the you know that I want to plant trees it's okay maybe tomorrow wouldn't that be different then blaming God because it rained again and again and again somebody hurts your feelings and what do you say well you have two things you can't say you can say I'll never talk to that person again I didn't do anything to her or you can say well maybe she didn't see me I'm sure she didn't mean it she this is that unspiritual self in us I know well I told us on the air at least 20 times and my producers probably saying 21 but two girls didn't talk to each other for a couple of years and I I just their mother came to me and said my two daughters haven't spoken to each other for two years it's a boy what happened so my mother was very wealthy she died so so she left half of her money to each of them might I take it why they mad well they're very angry over what was it no well I like her that that yeah see they've heard her sewn up so many times they all know it I come out I come on said yes you me a commode come on she's just I had a hard time figuring out why you'd be mad over a cup oh it was in late then in late come on oh that's different an enraged combo can you imagine the two of them in hell and somebody goes up to them and said what are you in for and they say an inlaid that would be embarrassing and I said oh well tell them Mother Angelica said they should take turns putting her head in it I mean it's whole silly see the party in us it is greedy the party in us you and I that is ambitious or jealous or unloving or unkind or impatient whatever it is that part of me is unspiritual it doesn't have a part of me shouldn't we've all been up here in this lured for years most of us many of us don't you think we'd catch on don't you think you would say all this is foolishness this is not the real me the me that God created and had in mind I'm not allowing to grow that's what Paul is telling us here in Romans 7 he says I want to do good but I do with evil in my inmost self I dearly love God's will my body test something else that's what you fight when you want to be holy you know what God wants from you and you do the opposite it's Paul saying it's okay no no no it's never okay he's lamenting that he doesn't have hold of life of his love for God that his knowledge of God and he lives like ho-hum what's the difference a big difference a big difference well he said I'm a prisoner inside my own body but we all huh but that is not what God wants he wants us to be like His Son Jesus was it easy for Jesus oh I don't think so it's very difficult if you're giving a talk to a large group of people and you know there are some in that group who hate your guts he knew that you knew that but he kept on talking he kept on giving them the truth he never stopped doing what the father wanted him to do see that's what you and I have to do no matter what no matter who likes it or doesn't like it you and I must do the Father's will like Jesus we have a car hello hello hi where are you from Modesto California mother wonderful what's your question oh praise Jesus I got through to you I thank you mother talking about impatience I guess I'm being impatient I go before the Blessed Sacrament at the adoration chaplain at st. Joseph's parish here in Modesto I have a 42 year old daughter who's bipolar and I visit asking a lot you know to help her go to this trying time but I sit there like you tell us all the time just sit sometimes and just listen and I guess maybe a year old woman to date your whole person I keep thinking I'm gonna really hear voices but I I know I'm not but yes I have feel I sit there and my mind wanders to everything else outside of the chapel my worries my children everything then I try to focus and I just have this just I know I'm there and he's happy I'm there but I just don't have the feeling like I'm there we had to join the rest of the world - see in the spiritual life in prayer life for one day - anyone who wants to be closer to Jesus who wants their know Jesus who wants to love Jesus who wants to be holy those are wonderful desires and planted by the Holy Spirit we get and even have those without God's we're a big fat hole in a doughnut without God so now we have to know that I have to love God for himself although if you sat down in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament every time you went there why would you go you would go to be consoled we say oh it feels so good every time I'm in front about the sacrament I'm going back well sure you're going back because you felt good Jesus wants you to love him for himself alone Jesus loved the Father intensely from the first moment he stood before Pilate he stood before Herod the hypocrite the liar the deceiver he wouldn't even answer him he stood there before the Father when Pilate said answer me don't you know I can crucify you or release you when Jesus looks at him said no you have no power over me except it is given to you from above my father would give me legions of angels by aciem but now this is your time pilots at all you're a kid too you have said it with our Lord went that far to accept the Father's will so all the problems that you have outside those church doors all the frustrations and the heartaches and the disappointments are all part of a plan and a hand of God to make you holy to make you holy by accepting it with love is it easy oh ho no heaven does not come cheap only hell does she remember that heaven does not come cheap only help death and so next time you stand there or kneel before the better sacrament say hi Jesus I'm I'm here I don't have much to say in fact I don't know what to say you mind if I just sit here I just want to be with you I don't expect anything I don't particularly want anything I just would like to be here if you don't mind I think that kind of prayer would be so pleasing to God so please God because you're there for him see you're not thinking of yourself at all and you're doing that that's the beautiful part of what of your question you are doing that be happy with that don't think that he's angry with you oh goodness no we can't judge God by our South we get angry over nothing he doesn't do that he loves you you're depending on feeling sick well you could have a good pot of spaghetti and have a good feeling I would but that's not God you see feeling good I don't think he felt good at all this season and when he said Father forgive them they don't know what they do oh hey boy all of you that have a hard time forgiving read that not only did he forgive those who crucified Him he excused them hmm think about it you're okay just go and sit there we have another call hello hello hi honey Mother Angelica yeah I love you very much thank you I love you too mother you were saying tonight that you were in France one time yeah and you were talking about the girl that was raped and you said God told you that the girl was right you really talk to God like I'm talking to you yeah I do don't you you don't talk to God like that you you're going she wanted to be sure she heard right everybody talks God like that I think si prayer is is not just praying something you already know like the rosary that's that's awesome it's wonderful it's a mini Scripture the rosaries of many scriptures the most beautiful prayer enough to the maths Divine Office but the Lord wants me and you to speak to him heart-to-heart oh he doesn't always answer me but sometimes he says no and then I say you really mean that oh there was a pretty good thing no okay it's a bitter religious life how many years 1944 all you mathematicians gonna figure that out I'd like to talk to him because I don't always get the answer I want but then the answer I get is always right you say oh that's dangerous well we give it the best answers especially if he says you shouldn't have done that I talk to God like I talked to you or he doesn't always answer he doesn't have to and sometimes I don't know what he would like me to do then I wait that's all neither do I expect him to do what he's done when we started this global network with $200 and no knowledge I thought we were just going to build a little studio to make some tapes not in a million million years that I ever think he would build this and more and more more I remember going to the Holy Father a few years ago with a beautiful booklet the vice president's made on all of the footprints that means where this satellite goes and where that satellite go is it and I said and and we're going to be in Africa and then I turned the page and the Holy Father said and then when I said and then he will be in South America and he said and then and I said then we'll be all over the East Jerusalem and all those places and he said and then and I really kept saying and then until I reached every continent patted me on the head made us sign the cross on my forehead with the other hand and at that moment I felt I could have conquered the world and I never forget he kept saying and then and I knew that God wanted to do things I never even thought of and sometimes my friend it's best if you just tell them what you what's on your mind and then drop it his Providence rises before the dawn remember that his Providence rises before the dawn we have another call hello oh hi where are you from you new jersey good what's your grace my question is that I lost my wife four years ago and I never said the rosary and my life now I said three four times a day and I don't get no answers so why should I keep praying imagine what you be if you did stop pray you can't use God sweetheart like a thing you get something from you know do you ever go to Las Vegas I hope not but I went there at a convention a cable convention one time it got off of the airplane and and they were slot machines all the way whoo way out you know without all of them these old ladies they got off that plan shot at those slot machine I thought they got one foot in the grave and one foot on a slot machine well let me tell you what's this got to do with the question right well the question is why don't I get an answer when I pray God is not a slot machine you don't go to God sweetheart just to get something you go to Jesus to give something say to him next time you go Jesus you know I miss my wife a lot I come to you for comfort go to our lady she's a woman she lost her son like you lost your wife if your wife could talk to you now she tell you don't grieve for me take care of yourself stay with Jesus and Mary will see again the fruit of their love friend your husband your wife still loves you she waits for you to go there and she waits until God's will that's why you're waiting a little bit don't be discouraged God always always always gives us what we need when we need it why don't you go to Chapel or your bedroom or in your living room and just talk to him have you ever said I love you Lord he needs your comfort there are statues and crucifixes all over the world crying what are they trying to tell us that playing games what are they trying to tell us they're trying to tell us how sorrowful they are that we waste so much time so much time that we sin you know what I believe I believe it this whole world this whole world the world itself with all the tornadoes and floods and volcanoes earthquakes I think the world is disgusted with the evil upon it we kill babies before they're born and as they're being born we kill them by taking out their brains and giving them to doctors at nine hundred dollars apiece for people who have brain diseases well I think nature itself is going too much the blood upon it is too much the next time you pray think about that and say Lord I'm sorry I'm sorry Lord we've lost our way all of us we've lost our way well I hope that helps you a little bit why because I think there are more things to pray for right now than your loneliness there are priests religious that need prayers there are children young children that need prayers there's the elderly that need prayers we all need bread next time you go and pray I can tell you for sure there's a lot to pray for and you can do it well our time is up I'll be with you again to my night in the meantime remember God loves your Diner
Channel: EWTN
Views: 12,283
Rating: 4.7720208 out of 5
Keywords: Mother Angelica, nun, Catholic, MA902480
Id: J-9-eSWA4_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 13sec (3313 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2012
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