Mother Angelica Live 5-08-12 - Psalms 139

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gallica live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus warriors work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit lives in love lives in God and God but a wonderful thing is our church this whole network was built the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus that beautiful we are all called to be great Saints don't miss the aperture well welcome if my veil seems suddenly to sprout out and cover my face tonight it's because I was very unmotivated afternoon I passed this place and we're coming into Birmingham and I love cappuccino and I figured know if I had a cup of glass of cappuccino I would be just very happy that I get rid of this headache so we went in and I got it and when I said oh brother this is so good I went like this but it wasn't got in my mouth it was all the way down and brother's looking at me and laughing and and I said oh no I didn't really need this cup you know I just know I not only had the cup I got this collar all messed up my habit was full of coffee so the sad story is that I took all the pins out of my veil and any minute in the middle of this whole program it may just fold out so if suddenly I become obliterated from the screen that you know exactly what happened it was not an act of God it was an act of Angelica who couldn't wait to get her cappuccino so here we are no matter how we look so now I just want to talk to you tonight about the Psalms I don't think Catholics and read the sign y'all read the Psalms yeah hmm well the sobs they're beautiful prayers that's so often we miss and this is one of my favorite Psalms and I just like to go over it with you tonight and just they either have a praying time just to give our shows that peace that no one else can give no one else but God if you don't have peace in your soul tonight why don't you kneel down and ask why why hey I got a lot of troubles yeah we all do it's because mostly it's because we do not see Jesus in everything we don't see the father or the son or the Holy Spirit and so I'm going to read you itself and they will comment on it this is Psalm 139 and sometimes we get so accustomed to pray for things don't you first thing you had told Jesus I need this I need that and then we go our way see I don't think your mom and dad would like you to do that if you got up in the mind and said mom I need a clean shirt so you tonight then you'd come back and say I need this I need that she's getting kind of tired so what you see so I would like to praise God tonight I'd like you to listen and follow me I get yourself in a position where I don't think of anything and I don't you think of anything I don't want the thick of your problems your age you're paid nothing just pretend you're all by yourself and you're talking to John all by yourself just try that and I'm going to repeat these and kind of make the little commentary your honor it says Yahweh you examined me and know me you know when I'm standing when I'm sitting now can you imagine that you don't pay attention anybody that's standing or sitting you're just happy they're there and quiet but he knows and it's such a little thing you know you examined me and know me some of your doing thank God knows you you're not a surprise to God he decided you would be before time began you read my thoughts from far away Wow new that happened too when our Lord called on the Apostles that's annual I think and he said to the other party said here's a man without guile and he heard him and he said how do you know me and Jesus looked at him and said when you were under the fig tree I saw you Wow I want you to think of that when you walked in your living room and sat in that chair or that sofa God knew you did it and saw you do it I mean that's the kind of attention you get from God so all this sin that you commit in the dark you ain't hiding from anybody and especially God you can rob a safe in the dark but it is bright as the noonday Sun to him because it says here you read my thoughts from far away whether I walk or lie down you are watching whether all you people feel lonesome in apartment houses listen to that huh you know every detail of my conduct no secrets from God you know sometimes you come home from work and you're tired and you think well I'll just lie down on a sofa for a few minutes and rest he sees you he knows you and he loves you see we don't have that kind of love do we we don't have the kind of love that loves everything a person does that's good and sorry for everything a person does that's not too good we don't have that kind love neither could wait because we don't have that attention you can't give your attention tomorrow one thing insight you can't and so we can't love like God loves and that's why it's to me it's so ungrateful for all of us to ignore this awesome God that knows all of these things about me with love in his heart oh hey Joey it says a word is not even on my tongue before you know all about it oh do you ever say something fast you just won the Patriots are afterwards no never do that I mean you just thought why did I do that why do you say that yeah we all do don't one time a woman asked me if I liked your hat this years ago when they wore heads and before I could think I said oh I think it's ugly I wanted to bite my tongue because I could have said uh-huh say anything but I can but it came so I was thinking ugly see and I said it went a terrible thing but see God he knows it's not even on my tongue and he knows it they make you feel uneasy good Yahweh before you know all about it close behind and close in front you fence me around oh wow you know if we knew this one little truth about God you never be lonely again he fences me in he's in front of me he's in back of me he's beside me see these kind of truth about recall attributes of God the truth God is he doesn't possess these things he is these things God is love and we possess love God is goodness and what we possess goodness God is merciful we possess mercy but he got is all of it all of it and and since you shielded me with your hand it's like many times in our lives and we don't know it one day we will when something was going to happen to you and God put his hand there shielded you he shielded you but you didn't know it and we need to thank God for that we need to thank God for all the things that he does for us that we don't know I remember one time after my spinal operation so many years I forget then this one was shaking me for some treatments and she was talking talking in the hospital was here and we're here and she's about to turn in to the hospital and all of a sudden in front of on the side where I was passenger she with the radiator of a big bus I could feel the heat because she didn't look on the side of her when she started turning had that bus driver turned so fast they went up on the sidewalk that's the only way I was saved we'd have both been killed run over by a bus but see don't God said his head there and that's happened to all of you at some point in your life may not been a car me I've been a bus maybe it was just something or someone and it says here shilling me with your hand such knowledge is beyond my understanding a Heights to which my mind cannot attain see God's love for you that's why you gotta be good you can't offend somebody that loves you this much say we can't do then we gotta stop offending God you know this is not right it's just ungrateful see these two paragraphs if you memorize them or just read them off and you would know how much he loves you and you would never want to offend him today we offend God like it was nothing we don't keep the commandments we lie and cheat we do not everybody but enough souls that are in danger but see if you know this in anything that the psalmist says where could I go to escape your spirit nowhere but isn't it wonderful to have somebody that loves you that much always present he's not going on vacation he's not gonna leave you he's never let you down he's always there and the psalmist says where can I go where could i free from your presence you know when I was a young sister I was kind of honored well I still am I guess and Reverend Mother were teaching us how to meditate you know and she said you place yourself and the presence of God and I would think to myself well I can't get out of his presence is everywhere the smart nervous see the smart novice to suddenly entered the order and knew all these things it was stupid you know really stupid but it's true where can I go from his friend you can't see if we knew these little things even though we may be alone and ever even though people abandon us and your children don't pay attention to you you have God you have God and it says if I climb the heavens you are there and there too if I lie in soil anywhere nothing would exist if God were to stop thinking of me at this moment you would see a great big grease spot on this chair so it should see he has to think of you every moment for you to exist they say well why you telling us all that because I want you to know God I want you to know his love this is a great time if I flew to the point of sunrise but um I didn't want to do that never see the sunrise well you sure have I hope too many people are doing the ground you when they get up they're mad they have to go to work and they're looking at the car nobody looked at the sunrise but this man said it fly flew to the point of the sunrise or westward across the sea your hand but still be guiding me and your right hand holding me that awful if you could have been wonderful if you could think of that first thing in the morning I bet you wouldn't want to tell me your thoughts first they and I might see you have an opportunity to speak to God first thing in the morning if I ask darkness to cover me and light become nights around me that darkness would not be dark to You Lord Yahweh a night would be as light this day oh what a mind this man had one of mine that he not only could plumb the depths of the beauty and the existence of God and God's love but his that penetrated his mind you see penetrated his mind and allowed him to ask these kind of questions and to come to these conclusions but for you and I were just too busy for God too busy about things that pass may never come back again too busy and now let's see what else he says it was you who created my inner most self you know one of the saddest moments of my life I've had a lot of sad moments but this was not so much the kind of sadness you have when something happens or it's disappointing but this woman came she had the most beautiful little girl I don't know about ages but oh she was maybe this tall just a little tight blue eyes and blond hair and what beautiful smile and I said oh what a beautiful smile eyes I didn't know you had a young daughter that woman looked at me and said she was an accident I looked at that young girl young young little girl she put her head down I thought what a terrible terrible terrible thing to say to a child oh she was an accident you see how cool we get how cool we are and that terrible I've often wondered what happened to that little girl maybe she's listening oh no I'm sure she'd never forgot whether mother said the worst of verbal abuse the worst then when you compare all that the psalmist says about the Lord God's loving you thinking of you creating you you created my inmost self that's not an accident not an accident and you put me together in my mother's womb could you hear that oh you cruel abortionist did you hear that did you hear that that knife that that's soft water hits the Lord God Himself who is putting that child together hear that and you argue when does life begin we're in trouble no for all these mysteries I thank you for the wonder of myself for the wonder of your works there would never be another abortion clinic they would never be arguing and making it a law to be able to tear apart a child God is praying together oh please all of you think what you're doing think think you can't do that then don't be wondering don't be wondering when things begin to go wrong because they will we cannot treat God like that we can't interfere you ought to take your Bible and if you don't have one by one most important book you need right now and these days let's go on and sit up yeah you're some more here it says you know me through and through why I just got know you through and through you learn her like from having watched my bones take shape oh what a horrible horrible horrible thing that force it has to be how horrible you know me through and through for having watched my bones take shape and when I was being formed in secret knitted together in the limbo of my mother's wool isn't that the most awesome paragraph you know doctors are running through their doctor books to say when does life begin oh how we had some hem and haw we don't like God's way of doing things so that if you can decide this point there's nothing but a little plasm here we just take it out know who don't you know me through and through for having watched my bones take shape when I was being formed in secret knitted together in the limbo of my mother's war you had scrutinized my every action you know how babies kick and remove he's good nice all were recorded in your book just imagine this book and guys looking at your little body being formed and you're kicked and he says one came from a thirty-one little kick from job scrutinized oh my days were listed and determined all now here come euthanasia this one's true or we won't give them medicine too expensive hmm mine days were listed then when he was watching my bones knit together and I don't give a hoot what doctor said they think different we can't help you're ignorant of God and his ways but you better sharpen up because that's the way it is look here all my days were recorded in your book by days listed listed how many and determined even it's awesome even before the first of them occurred let's see what it says before you were born as you were coming out of your mother's womb God began to list your days before that where they do today partial birth abortion put a scissors or a knife in the back of that little child's head and suck out his brains oh don't you worry about earthquakes and tornadoes at all when you manage he does that I guarantee guarantee the Lord Yahweh who knows all things will not stand for it very long we don't know what we're doing we don't know what we're doing before God determined even before first of them one of them occurred you shut it off but you know what you're doing God has determined this child shall be God is determined what his eyes are like and what color and his hair got his determined his personality got it determined the whole thing and determine how many days he would live and the moment he would die and you you say no don't do that see I really don't feel we know are you so wonder why why does I dear Lord forgive all of his persecutors and then excuse them Father they don't know what they told well it's true that's true we don't know what we but woe to all of us who were supposed to teach you and didn't whoa to us now here's what else it says God how hard it is to grasp your thoughts how impossible to count them I could no more count them than I could count the sand I can't count the thoughts of God I can't like a little warm in an apple pick up my head and say God you can't do this and you can't do that and the author says suppose I could you would still be with me God examined me and know my heart probe me and know my thoughts make sure I do not follow pernicious ways that I do not believe the great lies that are told to all your manatee today but guide me in the way that is everlasting ever the best thing this song should be in every home today because life is such small value eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die well there's a there's a little thing missing here tomorrow you're judged that's what's missing and you see I think that's why our lady cries and these statues cry and I'm supposed some bum a little bit fakie but not all of them why Duke Thatcher's cry why they don't understand how we can be so cool to the God who created us loved us NORs before time began knows before thought is in my on my tongue knows when I sit and when I stand watches over me as a loving mother loves me forgives me has compassion towards me how a God who sent his son to suffer such a terrible death and rise from the dead when he rose to save me all of that then much much more how can we offend him I think that's why they cry how you know we've had Christianity 2001 years when you look at the past and all of the good and evil when you look at our largest resurrection and life and so beautiful in the gospel and all you just have to wonder why maybe it's because they were so gullible you know we don't think do we we don't look at a bomb and go over it and and pray for just little puppets you know guided by groups in New York to Chicago California and all these other strange countries and places that all make decisions what you're going to wear next year just your everybody where it's brown okay everybody wears brown this year you color part of your hair green and the other part yellow everybody goes for green and yellow this year we wear shoes that have five inches of heels and no toes so we all wear heels that 5 inches high and no Thornton which is palpable I know why I Lord called a sheep they're dumb and smelly I mean we just don't catch on I don't catch Allah no I I I want you to read by a Bible by a book of Psalm this might this book I've had since I was a novice how many years ago I can't even remember 55 56 still a good book by one just for Psalm 150 39 139 if you're having doubt tonight about having an abortion would you read this Psalm first please if you're thinking of it would you just just once just read this son one three night that's all I'm asking you read this would be terrible thing to destroy like a baby that God decided should be I have a call hello hi hi mother yes I'm flirty my name is Cathy yes and I'm from Pennsylvania and my mother died about 10 months ago huh and I'm very despondent and despair over her death I can't accept it because she was the joy of my life and I we were always together and I was her caregiver and I can't forgive myself I feel like I've could have done more for her and I blame myself for her death and I God forgive me actually blaming God for taking her from me and my question is why do you why do you blame yourself for her death thing because I thought I could have done so much more for her I did I did the best I could for her but I just sit and dwell and think of what I could have done yeah and I can't forgive myself for that and I also blame God for taking her from me and I am ashamed of that I'm losing my faith and my question is do we have any recommendations on how I could regain my faith and try to forgive myself for some of the thoughts I have well sweetheart in the first time in the first place I don't think anyone you love diets that you don't blame yourself for something you know it's a common ordinary thing that happens to all of us you always wish well I I wish I would have done this I wish we do i T this is because we forget this psalm him when it says he decides when you live and when you die your mother was created by God she bore you she had a time to live that's common to every human being was ever created there is also a time we must go home and so sweetheart there's nothing we can do about that because we're going to a better place say if you could see where your mother is if she's in heaven at this point even if she were in purgatory she's happier why because she has seen God and that joy is so awesome see and that's why you have to stop thinking of yourself and your loneliness you did your mother well and now she's with her God as you will be and I will be and every one of us will be you see God does not create figments of wind and imagination when he decided to create there's a human being there that has a destiny a time to live a time to die and that determines her happiness in heaven the amount of love she had and all the trials she bore with patience or all they are waiting for is a crown of glory everlasting glory you have to think of truth and you see it's a little hard you know you can't go over somebody's death like that you can't but neither can you lose your faith in the Lord God Yahweh see you have to protect your faith by believing understanding the truth and what is the truth the truth is your mother is happy no more pain no more suffering no more worry no more frustration no more tears she has seen God and that has the fulfillment of our whole existence so yeah sure you have to think of the truth if the taste is not a figment of imagination it's in a sense to truth that that's what's wrong with the world today we don't want the truth we went half-truths faked the truth we want anything that makes me want to do it I want to do but don't know please don't lose your faith you want to be with your mother in heaven one day and don't blame God he created her out of nothing put her together in her mother's womb as he put you together in her womb and had a place for her in his kingdom so because you love your mother you want to talk to her and pray to her and pray for her but most of all rejoice that she has found real true everlasting happiness nothing can ever take it away now if you think of that because it's true then you feel good we have another call hello hello mother where are you from South Carolina and with your grant what's your question how do you get closer to God and feel his presence I don't know if my faith is weak or doing it right or what we all hope we're doing it right however see you cannot get out of his presence that's why I read this Psalm tonight God is always present to us always we are not present to him always why that we're busy we got a lot of things to do we get distracted by the world by politic by food by education a little bit so just go around in a like a whirling dervish you know it's very difficult for us to concentrate on God but we must that's what prayer is for no in our poor human nature busy as you get older you got an ache a new ache every morning a new pain every night all the young ones get on your nerves and all the old ones are reminders that you're on your way also so life in itself is pretty miserable you see so we can't kind of pull up some wonderful feelings about love love is not a feeling that everyone - right all these girls and these boys they're so in love and they go around just that the other thing and a month or two later mmm car where they marry him Lord where did I get her from why is that you're just lovey dovey three months ago what happened that car hit you what what happened the feelings went you can't go around being hotty totty alright you get tired you got to be normal and mature nobody can have a real happy happy feeling all the time you can't you know you just don't have it in you would get tired sometimes you know used to have fiestas and and and the parts you uncle or people would come from all over make indulgence I was smiling all day my ears hurt my ears move backwards when I smile don't ask me out I don't know but they do if I smile my ears just push right back I don't know why but I might use for hurting at night see we're not made just to be joyful and feel good we're made to be human and sometimes we feel good sometimes we feel God but we don't have to have to worry at all when we don't feel God you make yourself present to God through prayer silence helping your neighbor you make God present to you by the same way if you help somebody it's a little little thing in there it seems like oh that was wonderful if you smile at someone that's depressed that's talking to God if you give somebody a cup of cold water he sees it and rewards you see it's not a matter of feelings if you hadn't fine rejoice it's a matter of loving when you love someone you're always present dryness now is not a failure dryness is one foot up on the ladder of holiness because that's when you prove you love God for himself and not for what he does for you but he does everything for us everything we can't move without his help can't so I wouldn't worry about dryness you know we have little thing it's gone around see be kind to your neighbor today wonderful try being kind to God just say I praise you like I thank you lord I thank you for my Joy's in my sorrows I thank you for the times you said yes to me and the times you said no I thank you for my life and one day I shall thank you for my death I thank you for loving me I thank you for calling me I thank you for your beauty for your goodness for your compassionate mercy towards me I thank you for all you are for all your attributes your glory your wonders your goodness your immensity your majesty your holiness and I thank you because it's all mine see a little flower used to say that everything he has his mind she says when everything I have is his you see that's how we want to talk to God I figure I don't like to gripe to him very much you too great than when I was younger now I'm catching on I'll catch up he don't need my grapes he needs my Thanksgiving he needs my love he needs my compassion for his pain try that try that when you pray I think that gives him honor and glory it makes him feel good that's what we want to do huh and all over the world where tragedy hits suddenly and even for that let us thank God you say well it's pretty hard yeah but remember eternity is very very long and that's what you're here for so we'll see you tomorrow night and love God today you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 25,381
Rating: 4.8600001 out of 5
Keywords: MALC, 2699, 08, 12, 640x480, Catholic, MA902699
Id: WAagSmjwIK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2012
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