Mother Angelica Live Classics - Psalms 50

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother Angelica: Well, hi. I hope you had a good weekend. Did you have a good weekend? Well, I'm happy you're here. My producer liked the idea of me having those Psalms oh, a week or so ago, so she gave me this big Bible. And I opened it up and guess what it says-- Psalm 50, which is I think one of the Psalms we read. No, we read 134 or something like that. This Psalm is something we need today. Psalm 50 is a repentant Psalm, you know. Today nobody--well, I can't say nobody--but we're not repentant 'cause we don't think we do anything wrong. How are you going to repent if you don't feel you committed any sin? A lot of people tell me that. I said to somebody not too long ago, "When's the last time you went to Confession?" He said, "I don't need to go." I said, "Oh really? Oh! Why not?" "Because I don't do anything wrong." I said, "Well, I know you do things wrong. "So if I know, I know God knows. "You're the only one ignorant. "You do things wrong. We all do." But I couldn't convince him that he had anything on his conscience to go to Confession about. Well, it says right here that, "May God come and not be deaf to us. Before Him." Oh, boy, I don't think my producer knew what she was opening up to-- ".is a divine fire. "Around Him is a raging storm." You know, a lot of people call, a lot of people write to me, and what do they want to know? They're afraid and they're getting more afraid as they go along. They're afraid of chastisement. They're afraid of maybe the Lord coming and showing each one of us how we stand before Him. It's kind of scary, don't you think? But I don't think we should be afraid. Those of you who know Jesus and are very trying hard to be like Jesus and trying very hard to be good Catholics, good Christians, I don't think we need to be afraid. You know, I don't think what we understand is that God has a right. We have--aren't we preaching rights these days? Everybody has their right today. Dogs have their rights. Kiddies can sue their parents now--isn't that cute. Everybody has rights. Well, how come I haven't heard one person say anything about God having rights? Have you heard anybody have any sermons lately about God having rights? Why? Do you think God has rights? Oh, I think you're pretty funny if you don't think he has rights. He created you. He decided you would be before there was a star or a blade of grass, anything. He created you, sent His Son to die for you to what? So you can enter the Kingdom, this eternal joy and happiness. Are you saying He doesn't have a right over you? Oh come on! I heard a woman not too long ago say, "God has no right to punish us." Really, you think that? Oh, you got to be kidding. He has every right. He has waited many years in great patience with all of us over things that don't make sense. For example, in England they're paying millions of dollars to clone a human being. I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't doing it right here in Birmingham. I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised. Now, we murder in the womb over a million babies a year just here in this hemisphere. Does that make sense to you, that you clone an individual and then you murder little ones who are created by God? Do you know what the battle is? The battle is not scientific. The battle is to control human beings, to control the world. The battle is the first battle that ever was-- between satan and God and so, satan has decided he wants to be the ruler. He wants to be the ruler and he's doing a good job. He has a lot of people on his side. Are you one? I hope not. And this doesn't make sense either. For example, we kill the young and then we create out of God knows what and add insult to injury. They have to take something out of somebody else, you know, in order to make this creature. It costs $400 to get rid of a baby. It costs millions of dollars to create a clone. I don't think we know how mixed up we are. We don't know that. And when this passage here from Psalm 50 says, (heavy sigh) "Before Him is a devouring fire and a raging storm." From the time of Adam- no, the time of Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah--all the way up to now, now, I think there have been altogether, probably more but great chastisements, six of them. And Our Lord destroyed the entire Roman Empire because it was so evil. Now, you say, "God does not have a right to do that." Yeah, you are His creation. If I created this book and I printed it and I made this cover and I did everything about it, I did every single thing. Say it was an ordinary book--I did it. Okay, I have a right then to do with this as I please. Do I? Do you think I have? Yeah, it's mine. Now, you're telling me that when God sees so much sin, so much sin He has a right to wipe it out. You say, "Oh, that's terrible." Are we not terrible? You know, the Roman Empire is--Oh Lord, I lost my place. No, I didn't. The Roman Empire was very good in the beginning. They were honest. It was a point of pride to be a Roman citizen--and you remember St. Paul used that. They were flogging him and he says, "Hey, you're flogging a citizen of Rome!" and oh boy, did they stop and hurry. That was terrible! And the Prefect didn't want anybody to know that he did it. It was something to be proud of. But it decayed, it decayed. Caligula, the great mental emperor was so wicked that he had affairs with his own sister. When she became pregnant, he cut her open, took out the baby and killed it. He was an emperor, the most wicked, the most immoral, the most dishonest and the whole empire became that way, the entire empire. What happened? You say, "Oh, God did something." Well, He did but before He did anything, the empire rotted like an old apple. It rotted away from the immorality, the dishonesty, the wickedness, the murders, just rotted away. And then, suddenly it's gone. See, you have to realize we create our own chastisement. That's what I think. We don't treat each other nice. I went through a building today, I mean the doorway and there was a nice young man coming my way and I thought he would at least open the door. It almost slammed me in the face! If I wasn't a nun, I would have turned around.. (group laughs) I keep saying to myself, "Angelica, remember you're a nun." He would have gotten some lip he never expected. I thought, "They don't understand. "Nobody tells them that to be polite is a virtue, a virtue." Why can't you be polite? Is that too hard? We always take the easy way out. We murder children. We believe in assisted suicide. We believe in all the things that are against God. And so now, we have great things. You know, I've been reading some of the approved prophesies, the approved prophesies. La Salette is one. I don't hear about La Salette. It's approved. Nobody wants to tell you. Do you know why? Because it's tough. Our Lady told a lady everything that was going to happen from the later 1800's to today. If you read the prophesies of La Salette, you will see every single thing that has happened--the First World War, the Second World War, how men will look like women and women will look like men, how the economy would fall apart, how people would hate each other, how faith would dwindle to practically nothing, that priests would fight against priests, bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal. At Fatima, Our Lady says at the very end, (heavy sigh) She said, "Many countries or nations will be annihilated." You know what that means? No body tells you that and you know why? Because it's scary. I'd rather scare you now and wake you up and get your soul right. And see, I don't call that love and I don't call it charity. I think it's cruelty to say there's a tornado coming or an earthquake will be here tomorrow at noon--I hope it won't--but anyway, if I knew it because I don't want to hurt your feelings. I want to save your life. I'm not interested in this life. I'm interested in you going to Heaven. I'm not your friend. I'm not your grandmother. Everybody says I'm everybody's grandmother. I don't care what you call me. I can be your 5th or 8th grandmother. It don't bother me. "Well, you're always giving us hell." That's what I want to give you. That's why I'm here. That's my main job. My main job is to make you as miserable as possible so you turn your life around because all these predictions are coming true. Everything Our Lady said at Fatima to this moment in this hour have all come true --the people would lose faith. And at La Salette, people would lose faith. At La Salette there was a strange kind of vision because these two children were kind of playing and they were playing house, this little boy and girl and they decided to build a paradise, a house that was like paradise. And they took sand and little bricks and stones and they began to build a house. All of a sudden, a wind comes up, a big wind and they got kind of chilly and they went to look for the cows and the cattle they were keeping and they were way, way down. They ran there and then all of a sudden they saw a light. Now, these children couldn't read or write and they were, they knew their Catechism and that's about it. And what happened? Well, the light got brighter. They looked. Inside a brighter light was a figure of a Woman and as She came closer, they realized it was a Very, Very Beautiful Woman. And the first thing She said was, "Don't be afraid." Everybody in Heaven is telling us, "Don't be afraid." If you love Jesus you don't need to be afraid. Well, She told them a couple of secrets. Our Lady loves to tell secrets. If Our Lady appeared to you, I would first ask, "Did She give you a secret?" I mean, that's Her favorite thing is giving secrets. That makes everybody curious. Well, it was years before Melanie told her secrets. The first thing she said that the people in that area - she lived in France, worked on Sunday. They swore a lot. They danced a lot. They never went to Mass and they never cared about anything or anybody. And so, that year the potato crop went way down. And so She told the children, next year your potatoes and your wheat will be like sand in your hand. And the little boy didn't know what She meant and She looked at him and She said, "Yes, you know what I mean. "Do you remember last year when your dad took you to this house and the man there showed your dad, your father the potatoes that turned like sand?" And the little boy remembered and he said, "Oh yeah, I remember!" "That's how we'll be next year and there will be a great famine because you do not keep the Sabbath. "You do not go to Mass, you work all day, you dance all night and you offend God very much." Well, I can tell you, these little kids didn't quite know but everybody around then did know. Now, you're saying, "Do you mean to tell me that they were threatened with famine because they didn't keep Sunday holy?" Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. That's what happened. Now, would you like to put that little thing next to what we're doing? You want to put it through all the abortion, all the-- oh, I cannot imagine taking a baby out of a womb and taking out his brains. I wanted to show that on television. Everybody, "Oh no, no! "That's a terrible thing to show! "You're going to offend the children!" Well, by golly, let me tell you, sweetheart, you're offending God. You're offending your neighbor by doing such a horrible, horrible thing. You know what's so bad? You don't even care about it. You don't think it's horrible. You don't think it's horrible. You see, today our children are not children anymore. First and 2nd grade you're on computers. Who is our God? Well, your god is whoever's in front of you all the time. Is it rock and roll? Is it metal music? Is it computers? What's in front of us all the time? It isn't the Lord. You say, "Well, so what?" Well, I just say so what is that the very earth, the very earth is going to begin to rebel, rebel. Those poor people in India, (heavy sigh) I'm not saying they're more wicked thank anybody else. No, the very earth can no longer stand. It happened on Calvary. As Our Lord was dying and He died, there was an earthquake, a storm that they never saw before. It's strange that my producer, I'm sure says, "Before him is a devouring flame." "Are you saying God sent this punishment over these 2000 years?" Yes, I am saying that-- not because He wants to. He wants--I think this is a wakeup time. It's wakeup time! It's time to turn this whole thing around. It's time to repent. It's time to go to Confession. If you hate someone, go and apologize. Go and say, "I'm sorry." Don't have all these excuses, these excuses, "I hate that person. I'll never say I'm sorry." You'll be together in Hell. What are you going to do then? Would you find yourself in Hell and you look around and guess who is there. (group chuckles) How would you like that one? And then you're told by Lucifer himself, "That is your buddy forever." Don't you think it's a better idea to apologize now? If he wants to go there, it's his business, it's his choice. God doesn't put anyone in Hell. You put yourself in Hell. God is not going to send us a chastisement. We are creating it. I hear persons tell me over and over, "Now, I don't go out at night." Why? "I'm afraid." Of what? "My neighbor. "I don't know what these kids are going to do if I'm alone in a car." My grandmother never had a lock on her door. Did your grandmothers when you were young? You would never have thought of a lock on your door. Why? What would you want a lock on your door for? I tell you, we got not only locks, whew! we got three or four locks, then you put stuff on your windows. Why? Because you're afraid. Why are you afraid? Because the heart of man has turned evil. You say, "Every man is evil?" Of course not. We just have chosen the wrong path and the wrong master. We've chosen the wrong master. One day Our Lady promised at Fatima that She would be victorious and She would send the enemy down to his own region and then we'd have peace. That's what I look forward to. Both Fatima and La Salette, Our Lady, Our Lady--don't look at the seers--they've been approved by the Church. What do you want? Our Lady has said, the Mother of God has said, "The Father will destroy nations." Well, that's not nice to talk. Will the just suffer with the sinner? Yeah, you will. You will, I will. If there's a famine, we're all going to be hungry. If there's a fire, we're all going to feel the heat. I'm not here to scare you. I'm here to warn you, and I'm here to say, "Change your life. "Change your life around, because when God works, it's very sudden." You know, we don't really know how many people have suffered in India. (heavy sigh) We don't know and I think the only thing that can keep our hope up is to be humble of heart and say, "We deserve it, Lord. "We have not followed Your Commandments. "We have murdered the young and we call it choice." Whose choice? Satan's choice. You say, "Oh, you're going to make all these people feel bad." I don't want to make you feel bad. I want you to go to Confession and get that sin of abortion off your mind and your heart and go back to Jesus. But nobody can stand around and do nothing about it! You've got to pray! Our Dear Lord created this nation good and people have fought for it and died for it. We've made it a cesspool of evil. You say, "Well, I'm not listening to you anymore." I don't care. I want you to listen to that one thing and change your life around. The only thing that can help all of us is the cross, is the cross. Our Dear Lord is showing us, if you look back, if you look back say 50 years ago and you'll see--sure, you're going to see earthquakes and you're going to see tornadoes and hurricanes and the whole bit. That's part of life. But you notice something. There were very.. Of all the terrible things that have happened the last 10 years, there were very few things where people were killed or died because of it, very few. The news said today, there were 30,000 dead in one city in India. Maybe they're suffering for all of us. And don't judge God please. Whatever He does is for our good. Those who suffer will receive a martyr's crown. You say, "What?" Yeah, I think so. If you're suffering for something you didn't do because someone else did it. If this President or any President declared war on some nation, you're all going to war. The whole nation has to go. You've experienced war. We've experienced our soldiers going in for freedom, for somebody's freedom and come back disfigured and limbs lost for our country, for you, for me. May they be blessed forever. Well, you accept that. You have to! And why do we go to save other people's freedom? We may have to suffer for our own freedom. You know, for some reason, I never try to make people laugh. I felt very, very bad one day when somebody came up to me and said, "You're better than Bob Hope." And I said, "Oh!" And I like Bob Hope. I have nothing against Bob Hope and I love his wife but I don't want to be a comedian. You know? I really don't! But the Lord does it and if He does it and you're happy and you remember what I said because you laughed about it, glory alleluia! But I wouldn't love you at all if I didn't tell you what's on my heart and what I'm afraid is going to happen, begin to happen. You say, "Oh yeah, Mother, you've been warning us for 20 years, 30 years, 40 years." You're right (heavy sigh) but the Lord is showing now --suffer, they will. Suffer, we will because we have taken the good things of God and made them rot. AIDS has grown almost over 14,000 a day in the whole world. You can ignore it, my friends, but this is wakeup time. It's wakeup time. You're going to see a lot of things happening. It's the voice of God saying, "Come back!" You know what's so wonderful about Our Lord to warning us about things like this is that it can be stopped if we prayed enough. Many disasters have just been held up or mitigated because the people prayed. This is a global network. I'm asking all of you to pray that whatever purification we all need-- and don't tell me we don't need it! I mean, you have to know we need it! And maybe our humility before God, maybe we could say from our hearts, "Lord, I have sinned against You. "I have sinned against Heaven and I have sinned against the earth. "I have sinned against the people on earth. "I no longer call You My Father. "I no longer keep Your law. "I have strayed from Your path. "I'm on another path that is not of God." Maybe if we could all do that, maybe if we could stop fighting for the choice to murder. What do you think you're doing in an abortion? You're killing a human being-- and I don't understand that either. I really don't. You can kill a man that's 50 years old. You can't kill a baby. You're okay. You can go to the chair for the other, but you don't have any obligations if you kill a little baby! God Who is Truth, He can't take that because you take the sun and the moon and the stars and the waterfalls and the beauty of nature and you corrupt it, we corrupt it. You go in some cities like Los Angeles, New York, you can't breathe there are so many cars and trucks. You say, "Well, that's how we live now. What are you supposed to do?" I don't know what you're supposed to do. All I know is God created this different than it is now, different. Yeah, we got ecologists going around watching everything that we don't do and we do do. I haven't heard anybody say, "Cry! "Cry because God's will is not done," because we kind of flaunt ourselves in front of God. You know, I heard a little joke--I didn't think it was so funny but they did-- about a scientist who went to God and said, "Look, we can clone people. "We can do everything. We don't need You." And God said, "Really?" He said, "No, we don't need You. "We can clone people now and we can make our own society. "And if a person wants their child to have blonde hair and blue eyes, we know how to do it. "We know how you did it all these years. And we can and we will do it!" So God listens to it, arrogant that we are, and says, "Go ahead." And the scientist said, "Well, I need some dirt." "Oh really?" He said, The Lord said, "That happens to be Mine." (group chuckles) I think it says it well. Oh, you can do all your cloning--and this one man kept his dog frozen so that when it's perfected he can have his dog back. Oh really? How many millions of dollars are we going to spend for that one? (heavy sigh) I'm not trying to be a prophet. I'm not trying to do anything. All I'm trying to do is to warn you--it's just beginning. If something happens where you live, I want you to be ready. If God decides you're in this group, He will reward you for dying early. God is Wonderful. God is Holy. God is Just. God is Providential. God is Omnipotent. God is Omnipresent. God is Imminent. God is God. He is not punishing us. We have turned the world upside down and the whole universe was created by God, maintained by God-- as you and I--and we need to repent. I don't know for sure how many listen. I know we're global. I know we're around. I know we're everywhere. (heavy sigh) I know this book says it right. I know that all the prophesies Our Dear Lady-- do you realize that She's been coming down for over 200 years begging us to change, begging us to say the rosary. And I know some prophecies are way out wacko and some statues are fake but She has cried, cried for us. If the Mother of God warns us, as She did in La Salette... If I read you La Salette's warning, all of you would faint in order; clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk, to back there. Well, why ain't I reading it? Because I forgot it--that's the only reason now you're not hearing the worst. But you know, everyone of you know in your heart something has to change or we'll be eating each other up. We'll be so unkind and unloving because that's what we are. We're animal and then God breathed the soul into my body and I became part spiritual, part animal. We're the dumbest when it comes to animals. We used to raise goats. Boy, they're smelly and we used to raise sheep and they're more smelly. I used to wonder, "Why did God call us sheep? Did we smell that bad?" Because they're kind of dumb. They are. We're not acting any better but an animal doesn't kill its own. I think they're smarter than we are. But you look at animals and God created all of them. He knows each one but He has a right, as you have rights. But remember, God Himself gave you rights. You have no rights outside God gave it to you by giving you a free will. You can say "yes" or "no" even to God. I want to know why you're saying "yes" to satan instead of God. All of you people have said "yes" to satan. I can tell you where you're going and I can tell you it's absolute eternal pain and misery! That's your reward from your master. Choose! Choose God Who created you, Who loves you. (heavy sigh) I don't know what else to say. I don't know. We all want the best and we all want God to be nice and fatherly and couldn't we just forget this whole thing? Yeah, when you change He will. He'll be more than happy to forget the whole thing. But when we take something beautiful as this world is beautiful and we make it ugly, ugly and filled with abominable diseases, now, what would you do if that was your creation and you created it beautiful and you created it so beautiful? What would you do if it went astray? What would you do if it got rotten? What would you do if everybody forgot you--didn't even want to hear your name-- and you couldn't say a prayer without becoming a spy or an enemy? What would you do? Before you call God unjust, figure out who, which one of us is unjust, which one of us deserves punishment. But it's not punishment. If God does anything, He's going to make the earth clean again and beautiful, peaceful. Will you be able to walk the streets without fear? Oh you may not have all the gadgets we have. We've got a gadget for everything. I feel sorry for California. I mean, what do they do in the middle of traffic? Can you imagine California traffic and there are no lights? (chuckles) It's kind of funny but I don't think they think it's funny. What happens if the whole country goes black every 4 hours at different parts of the world? What are you going to do? Are you going to fall apart? No, you're not going to fall apart. We're going to strike our breasts and say, "Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa." That's what we'll do. We have a call. Hello? Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother? Mother Angelica: Where are you from? Female Caller #1: I'm from Virginia. Mother Angelica: And what is your question? Female Caller #1: Well, my question is I've noticed that with this earthquake in India from the news that the people seem very simple and they seem to be very family-oriented just from what I could tell. And I sense that maybe God has allowed these simple people to lose their lives because if we had lost our lives like that over here in the U.S., a lot of souls I think would be headed in the wrong direction. And I sat here and wondered, "Why am I here so comfortable and these simple people are suffering so much?" Mother Angelica: Right. Female Caller #1: And I just sense that they're suffering for our sins and God is giving us time to repent over here in the more materialistic world. Mother Angelica: I think you're inspired. I really do. I thank God that you called because that's a real inspiration. Now, these people who die unjustly just to give us a lesson, I think will have a great, great high degree of glory in Heaven--higher than they would have had cause God is Just and Provident and He's Our Father. He doesn't want--He doesn't want to purify us. Now I thank you, I thank you for the light you have given all of us. I couldn't have done better. But you really explained it well. It could change and even if we are some way purified, it may not be as bad. I'm in a wonderful position and a very serious responsibility I have is to warn you. I don't like to do this. I really don't. I'd rather it be funny tonight but it's not fun time. (heavy sigh) It's time to pray very much and to ask Our Dear Lord to save souls. It's His world, remember that. We occupy it. We've been sent here to become holy and help save the world with our prayers and our sacrifices. The angel that came to La Salette, the angel that came at Fatima said, "Pray! Pray! Pray! "Penance! Penance! Penance." Well, we're too busy having a good time. Penance, what's penance? Well, we're going to learn. We're going to learn. I guess what I want to tell you is, no matter what happens or how bad it is; we have to thank God for loving us that much. If you had a son or daughter that had cancer and only a very serious painful operation will give him a chance to live, you'd do it. You would take his little hand and bring him to the doctor and you would take his little hand and bring him to the hospital and you would watch him be put to sleep. Why? Just to have more pain than he has now. You know that. Why do you do it then? To save his life. It's the same with God. We all need a drastic operation. We all need something that will make us kneel and say, "I'm sorry, Lord. I didn't understand." We have another call. Hello. Male Caller #1: Hello, Mother? Mother Angelica: Yes. Male Caller #1: Yes, this is Larry from Concord, New Hampshire. Mother Angelica: Wonderful. Male Caller #1: I'm calling as a follow-up to the beautiful question that was asked by the lady prior to my call. Mother Angelica: Right. Male Caller #1: A dear friend of mine, Louis Kaczmarek was the former escort of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Mother Angelica: Uh-huh. Male Caller #1: .said in one of his comments that was profound that "we were all born to be saints." And my question to you is, why is it so difficult for us to strive to sainthood, to be like saints? In other words, we don't have to have a halo around our head, just live our life according to God's Will. Why is it such a struggle worldwide for us to live that way? Mother Angelica: I think it's because for years now, for years--at least 100 years, more than 100 years-- we have progressively become anti-God and anti-goodness. There have been various kinds of people, nations, Communism, Fascism and all the other "isms" whose one desire is to destroy, destroy mankind, to destroy your rights, to destroy your need for God. And so they have substituted other things-- materialism, entertainment, television. You can't even turn it on-- pornography. It didn't come overnight. It's been coming for about 110-120 years. And suddenly you're in this mass of evil. You're in it. You can't go 5 miles without a pornography billboard. You can't open a magazine. You can't do anything and the ads on television are worse than the programs. You can't live in this atmosphere without observing it. You're like a sponge. Even if you're left in some woods past the Sahara desert --which, my friends, is a part of somebody else's chastisement-- (heavy sigh) you can't. You see, that's the evil and the world is so strong. That's why your kids in high school, you're good parents but they're subjected to the worst, to the worst. And it's worldwide, worldwide. It just happened a little at a time. The New World Order, is that good? No, it's not good. It's evil. The One World Religion, is that good? It's evil! But some of you will buy it. You'll buy it because you don't love the Lord enough to fight against it. Change, will you do that? We don't need to put up with this. Neither does God. The world belongs to God. You belong to God. I belong to God. All of nature belongs to God. He has a right. He alone has a right to wipe it away. He can do that justly. Now, we may not know Him. (heavy sigh) He loves us enough to say, "Enough." I want you to remember that. He has a right to say, "Enough. Enough." You have a right to say, "I'll do what I please." And you have a right to say, "I'm sorry, Lord. "Forgive me. I didn't understand." I don't intend or need or want to be a prophet but I think because I love you, because you've been good to this network, because you've kept it going, because you're the ones that have helped us through thick and thin, I have a duty, I have a duty to say, "Family, please change your life around. "Change it. "You can. "Come Home to Jesus. Come home." Let's be good and kind and think of each other and love each other and love each other and say, "Lord, we're sorry. "We've been taught the wrong thing all these years." Yeah, even our Catechism, I think it's coming back but I see kids and I see elderly people and I see young people and good people who don't even know the Hail Mary. Our Mother, given to us by Her Son on Calvary, when She says things, we ignore. When She says things that we don't pay any attention to, when She cries over us, I would watch it, I'd be careful and I'd change my life. I'm going to say a little prayer. I only got a minute, right? You're probably glad. "Lord God, I am one with all the others, Lord, a sinner. "We all are. "We have not done right before You. "And though I have warned the world, Lord, I want You to give them hope. "I want You to make them repentant. "I want this country to be great again. "I want the world to serve You well. "I want Heaven and all the angels to rejoice in all the sinners that repent. "I want You to be pleased with Your creation. "My time is up, Lord. "Tend to my prayer. Amen." (applause)
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: ma9, ma902705, ytsync-en
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.