Mother Angelcia Live - 1998-06-09 - Mary's Trust: Corpus Christi

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: We just got another great group of family tonight. On the way down I thought, what will I talk about? So one 12 year-old said, "Mary," and I said, "Okay." Then somebody else said, "Corpus Christi," which is Sunday and I thought, "Well, we'll just put these 2 things together." How do you like that? Now, if you have another idea, raise your hand and we'll... (all laugh) I thought maybe if we're going to talk about Our Lady we need to talk about Our Lady's trust. I think if there's one thing we need in the world today above all other things is trust, trust, trust. Most of us don't know what trust is. We think trust is hope. Well, hope, human hope is very faulty. For example, you'll say, "Well, I hope my kids turn out right." (audience laughs) Which means, (makes noise). (audience laughs) Is that right? "I hope he graduates," which means you don't think he's going to. (audience laughs) "I hope my husband's being faithful," oh. (audience laughs) I hope. Now, we'll look at men and they'll say, "Oh, I hope for once she doesn't burn the roast, (audience laughs) just once, Lord." Or "I hope we don't have another scene tonight." So we're always on a level of human hope, always ready to question, to doubt, which means you don't trust anybody. So now, we're going to look at supernatural hope. Oh, that's different but that's the basis of trust. I have to trust God because He's worthy of trust. I remember the Denver Conference, you know, where our Holy Father was. The liberals had one of these strange litanies. One of these strange litanies said, "O God Taker of Risks." I said, "He's a taker for risks? I mean, what are we going to do if He's taking a risk?" (audience laughs) I mean, if God is taking a risk, we're all in trouble. But God doesn't take any risks because to God all things are present-- no future, no past. It's all right there. Now, we have to have enough trust. Who do we trust in? God. I wanted to read you just a few things from Our Lady's life given in the Scriptures. Of course, the first one is when the angel Gabriel came to Her and changed Her entire life. I don't know of anybody that would want to change their entire life just because the Lord asks. We all know that poor Zachariah was not impressed with an angel asked, telling him some wonderful things were going to happen. He was finally going to have a son and he would be great before the Lord and his name would be John. All these wonderful things and Zachariah said, "Well, how can I be sure?" (laughs) I mean, he's talking to an angel. He's talking to one of the 7 angels that stand before the throne of God and he says, "How could I be sure?" If I was an angel, I'd have taken one of my wings and swatted him. (audience laughs) I would have swatted him. (audience laughs) "What do you mean you can be sure? I'm telling you from the Lord God Himself." And what He said is, "I'm an old man," as if he couldn't see that. "My wife is getting on in her years," as if He didn't know that. (audience laughs) Now, that was a total lack of trust, absolute, absolute. He didn't believe the Lord God had the power and the angel struck him deaf and dumb. What a relief for Elizabeth. (audience laughs) What a relief. He must have been a real grouch. (audience laughs) I bet he would look at Elizabeth sometimes and say, "It's your fault. (audience laughs) It's all your fault." And I'll bet many times she looked at him and said, "Will you shut up?" (audience laughs) So now he comes from the temple and he's silent. Whoopee! (audience laughs) Then he tells her this great thing. I'll make a bet she believed. She had what? Trust. Now, when Gabriel, the same angel, goes to Our Lady, She has trust. She says, "Be it done to Me according to Thy Word." She didn't know what it said. He said, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will cover you with His shadow"-- total trust. I think if we look in our lives today, sometime examine your conscience. It won't hurt you. So help me, it will not hurt you to examine your conscience. We're so filled with goodies today. You have to be good to yourself, I'm okay, you're okay. No, sometimes you're not okay and nobody else is okay. Life stinks and it stinks and there's nothing you can do about it. (audience laughs) I mean, there is nothing and we don't want to admit that because we don't want to admit we don't have total control over everything. And you don't have total control. That is where trust comes in. If you had total control, you'd be the Lord God Almighty. I'm going to say something nobody will understand and that's okay. (audience laughs) It'll make you think. The most beautiful thing to me about Christianity, about the Gospel, is this total uncertainty. You don't always know. I think it's wonderful. When we began this network, we started with $200 and no knowledge. I didn't know a television from a tube or a wire or anything. We started in this thing and with no knowledge and I can remember everybody said, "Now, you need a director." I said, "I don't even have a studio. I need a director?" (audience laughs) "These people are highly paid. Where are you going to get money even to pay for one director?" I said, "I don't know." "Well, you need engineers. Where are you going to find them?" I said, "I don't know." So by the time they realized I didn't know anything, (audience laughs) they thought the whole thing was foolish. So one day a woman called and she said her husband was a director and he had retired, could we use them? I said, "Oh hey, there's this famous director." So he came and he brought 3 kinds of rugs--a green rug, a beige rug and a red rug. I came in, the studio--it was way over there--I said to him, "What is that?" He said, "It's 3 rugs " I said, "I can see that," (audience laughs) "But what is it?" He said, "It's for a set." I said, "A set?" He said, "Yes." I said, "You just put it on the floor and you've got a set?" (audience laughs) He said, "No." I said, "Well, what do you put on the rugs?" (audience laughs) He said, "I've got to think about it." (audience laughs) I says, "Oh." My wheels started working and I thought, "I'm paying him to think." (audience laughs) So one day I walk in the front door and he's like this and he's got a big chart on the, on the wall. It was all in squares and it has, "Theology"--it had every word you could think of about religion and he's sitting there looking at it. I said, "What are you doing?" He says, "I'm thinking." (audience laughs) I said, "What about?" He said, "I've got to figure out all the programs we need and the kind." I said, "Okay." So I come back 2 hours later and he's still there. He's got one word on this big thing. I said, "What does that mean?" He said, "History." I said, "Oh, and what are you doing?" He said, "I'm thinking." (audience laughs) I said, "Okay." So I come back at 5:00 and he's still there in the same chair looking at this blank wall, except for one word on it. I said, "What are you doing?" He said, "I'm thinking." (audience laughs) I said, "You're fired." (audience laughs) He said, "What?" I said, "You're fired." (audience laughs) He said, "You can't do that." I said, "I just did it." (audience laughs) I figured I knew I didn't know anything, (audience laughs) but it didn't cost anybody any money. (audience laughs) But here was one who didn't know any more than I did and I was paying him. (audience laughs) Did that make sense to you? Audience: No. Mother Angelica: No. It didn't make sense to me either see. Now, you say, "Mother, you didn't trust him." You're right. (audience laughs) I did not trust him. Anybody that has to sit 8 hours before a blank wall and nothing comes out of his thinking should go. That's definite proof that it is beyond the case of hope. (audience laughs) I could sit there all day. I'd have the same result because I didn't know anything. So there are times in our daily life when we have to admit there's something wrong. But this is times we work with people, we work with things and many times we try something, it doesn't work. There's just something wrong. But that has nothing to do with the kind of trust we are talking about here. We're talking about trust in God and trust in God can never fail. You have to know, as Our Lady knew here when She said, "Be it done to Me according to Thy Word." She was absolutely trusting God. She didn't know anything. She didn't know how it would be, She didn't understand. But She said "yes," yes to God and hope is always a kind of mystery, mystery. Faith is an intellectual assent to truth. I know we had the Feast of the Holy Trinity last Sunday and I know there are 3 Persons in One God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But There are not gods; there's only One God. You say, "Well, I don't understand that." Well, there's only one of me sitting here but inside of me are 3 things just like God, the image of God--my memory, my intellect and my will, and none of them are alike. You don't remember with your intellect, do you? Did you ever remember with your reason? Try it, there's nothing there. You can't do that. You remember with your memory, right? You imagine with your imagination. But it's different than your reasoning, isn't it? Totally different but it's only one of you. (laughs) "Thank God there's only one of me!" (laughs) "Oh thank God." Now, I have a will and my will is not my intellect and my will is not my memory, is it? Somebody had to tell you if you weren't here before, "Hey, that's a great place, and Mother's even more fun live." (all laugh) Okay, so you said, "Yeah, that's great. " So you thought, "Well, I can go. I've got the money, I have the time." That's your intellect. But until you got on that bus or in that car, nothing happened, did it? It was just a memory, just a good idea. So you had to do something, and here you are. But there are not 3 of you, is there? There's only one of you. That's how you're made to the image of the Trinity. There's only one God but Three Divine Persons. That's awesome. I can trust that God. I don't need to know the end of the road. You don't need to know the end of the road. Faith to me is a vision. I know you're going to say, "Oh boy, here she goes." Faith is a vision because you see something nobody else sees. For example, if Jesus said, "Where there are 2 of you together and you agree," (laughs) must have been phenomenal for 2 people to agree, "I'll be in your midst." Well, there are more people than 2 here. So we know that Jesus is here, He's really and truly here. "Well, what makes you say that?" Somebody coming in and says that He's here? "Where, where, where, where?" Because they don't have faith. Faith is a kind of vision, isn't it? You see things nobody else sees, see. So it's what happened to Zachariah. He didn't see. He saw an angel but it didn't impress him one little bit. I would have been shaking in my boots! I would have listened to everything he said. I think most of you here would have. You wouldn't have questioned an--I wouldn't dare question an angel. You might get it. Well, he did get it. (audience laughs) He got it. I bet those people when he came out of that big temple, he couldn't say a word and they thought, (breathes) (audience laughs) "I bet he said no when he should have said yes." (all laugh) But he lacked trust; Our Lady had trust and faith, She sees something in, in an occasion like that. She saw and Zechariah didn't. That's one of the things we have to make a difference in our life. We have to see the difference between human hope and supernatural hope. My hope is in the Lord. How do I know this network is going to go on for another year? I don't know. Ask me next year, (audience laughs) then we'll both know. You don't always know. We don't have any savings or stocks and bonds. You send me stocks and tomorrow morning I'm going to sell it. (all laugh) Tomorrow morning I'm going to sell it. (audience laughs) Why? I don't want any savings. You've got to worry about it. I know you need it. You all need savings. If you didn't have it, you couldn't send anything to me. (audience laughs) But I shouldn't to have that, you see, because I have to trust in the Lord God. I could work my fingers to the bone and not be able to pay for this place but what do I have? I know Our Lord wants it, I know Our Lord has kept it in existence, I know He will continue. Do I know how? I don't know how. Do I have to know how? Why would I have to know how? What a pain that would be. Hope says, "Look, I don't know how many people this network's supposed to reach." I don't care if it's one person in the midst of a jungle. It's okay. If that's what God wanted when He built this place and kept it going, it's okay. We have to put ourselves in the arms of Jesus and say, "Lord, it's okay," and that's exactly what Our Lady did. It was not only faith-- because faith many times is darkness. It was not only hope-- because sometimes we hope we don't see. But our trust is in the Lord. All of that is up to Him. If we could learn that one lesson and you know the Wedding of Cana was awesome. Here is a wedding, and they're already celebrating 7 days. That's a lot of celebration. Can you imagine celebrating for 7 days over a wedding? (audience laughs) I mean, that's lot of celebration and a lot of wine. I would suppose by the 7th day they didn't know what the wine tasted like. (audience laughs) The steward said something like that. He says, "You know, most people, they serve the best wine and then the worst wine later when nobody knows what they're drinking." That's my little addition. It's not in the Scripture. (audience laughs) So I said, "Well, what happens?" But they didn't totally run out of wine until the Apostles appeared. It says, "Jesus and His Apostles came to the wedding and they ran out of wine." (audience laughs) I mean, that's what it says. (audience laughs) I am not making it up. That's exactly what it says, "At the Wedding of Cana they ran out of wine." Well, Our Lady could have said, "Well, thank God. (audience laughs) Now everybody can go home." (audience laughs) But She didn't say that. She felt the embarrassment of the couple who didn't have the kind of money that they needed to have a 7-days celebration. So, Jesus comes in and She says, "They have no wine." Now, it seems to me a lot of people don't understand this whole passage. We're talking about trust now, aren't we? If you remember, it was Our Lady's "Fiat." She had to say, "Be it done to Me according to Thy will," and then the Incarnation--the Most High God sent His Son, the Eternal Word became Man, the Word was made Flesh. What a, (breathes) what an awesome gift. So Mary had to do something. At the [Annunciation] Our, Lady's "yes," at that yes the Word was made Flesh. Well, now here They're at a wedding and there is no wine. She tells Her Son, and what does He say? "What is it to Thee and to Me?" Now, a lot of people think that was a kind of correction. It was not a correction. Our Lady's "yes" brought Him down. Our Lady's "Do whatever He tells you" brought forth that first miracle. That miracle made everybody aware this was not an ordinary man. Suddenly these servants had 30 gallons of water in every jug. I got a beautiful picture that the crew gave me for Christmas. It's awesome. It shows the wedding and it shows this servant pouring water and it's turned to wine. His face is like; he's shocked. That was not a correction for Our Lady. That was, "You must begin My public life." What is it? It's not a question; it's a reminder. "What is it now? "What is it to you? "What's it going to mean to Me? "When I do something about this wine, this water, this, this problem, it's going to make the whole world; it's going to begin My mission. What is it to you and Me?" She knew what it meant. That's why we got an answer that doesn't seem, you don't know what it meant. So She said, "Do whatever He tells you." He said, "Fill the jugs with water," water! "Now draw out," He said, "and bring to the steward." Now, these servants were pagans. They didn't know Who This was. They probably began to giggle like, "Hey, You're going to ask me to give him water?" All of a sudden it was wine, and the steward said to the bridegroom, "Hey," (laughs) "what's wrong with you?" --my own rendition. (audience laughs) "What's wrong with you? "Everybody gives the worst wine at the end when they don't know what they're drinking. You gave the best wine now." Our Lady had total trust. She knew what it meant and She did what She had to do. She began because as soon as He performed that miracle, the miracle just went through that village like wildfire! "Did you hear? "This Man must be a Prophet. "Is He the Messiah? He turned gallons of water into wine." See what happened? And Our Dear Lord said to Our Lady, "You begin now. If You really want Me to do something, My mission will begin," and She did. So if you look at Our Lady-- and you know what amazes me about Her is that at the death of Jesus on the cross, She did not have a place to lay His dead Body--had no place to lay His Body. She must have prayed. She must have said, "Lord Father, we have done Your will. Your Son is dead and I don't have a place to put Him." And suddenly here comes Nicodemus, a former coward who went to the Lord at night so nobody would see him. He said, "I have a tomb. "It's brand new. We'll put Him there." Talk about trust. That's real trust, isn't it? Our Lady knew He was going to die. She knew the Scriptures and They talked together for 30 years before the public life began, 30 years. She knew. She didn't go out at the local, what were they, caves, whatever, by cave? She trusted in the Lord. Now, you can't trust in the Lord when you die. If you don't have a little 6x6, you're going to be in trouble. But Our Lady is an Example of Trust. How many times have you prayed for something and nothing happens, and suddenly like that it was all there? Did you have that idea? Haven't you all had that experience? And you're so surprised because you lost trust long ago. So Our Lady is Trust. Her acts of trust teach us something. Now, that Wedding of Cana was an example of the Eucharist. Our Lord turned all of those jugs of water into wine and He didn't say anything, did you notice? He said, "Fill the jugs with water. Now, now draw it out and give it to the steward." He didn't put His hands on the jugs; He didn't say, "Now, I want you to turn it into wine." Nothing. He said, "Fill them and give them." Awesome! Our God is Awesome! Now, in the Eucharist we turn wine, see, into Blood, Bread into Flesh. "He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood," has what? "Life everlasting." You would never throw that wine now turned into the Blood of Jesus down the sink if you believed and knew what It was. You would never take a Host out of your mouth or from your dirty hand with bubble gum in your mouth and stick it under a, a pew if you knew what It was. He said it. If you look in the 6th Chapter of St. John-- we had this the other day, but there's such a lack of faith today. Why? Because our faith is no longer a vision and an acceptance as truth what He said and He cannot lie. There is only one liar, and that's satan. One day the Lord was talking to the Pharisees and He said, "You're like your father who was a liar from the beginning." Ooh, wow. The Lord God is Truth. "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." Now, when Jesus Son of the Most High God, says, "Anyone who eats this Bread will live forever. "It is My Flesh for the life of the world. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood will live forever." And they all left Him. Isn't this strange? Nobody left at the Wedding of Cana. There was a change, a total change of water into wine. There's a total change-- what was bread and wine is now Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Eternal Word. If you don't believe that and Sunday is Corpus Christi, I wonder how many processions there will be in this country. In Mexico they stay up all night, Peru, in South America, they stay up all night and they cover the road where the procession will go with awesome designs of flowers. They're everywhere. Wherever Our Lord, wherever the Blessed Sacrament is going to go, they, they have stayed up for a day and a night making the most intricate designs out of flowers that everybody's going to walk on. The first one is Jesus. That's what we call faith. And the hope is there because that hope knows and that hope is true, Spiritual hope, the gift of hope, supernatural hope tells me it's true, it is true faith and I can live by that truth. Not only do I know it's true - that's faith--I can live by it--that's hope. I can kneel at that Presence. I can kneel. I can prostrate at that Presence because He said so. Now, Sunday is Corpus Christi. We're going to have a procession here. You say, "Well, how many people are you going to have?" I don't know, maybe 20 and maybe 2000, who knows?" The important thing is that He knows. He knows. This whole city will be blessed. Those even in sin will get many graces of light to reform. Why? Because our priests are going to carry Him around the grounds. What's the average person going to see? A monstrance, a host and a lot of people. But what are you going to see Sunday? What do you see when, when he raises that Host and says, "This is My Body?" What do you see? You see a host. Is that what you see? No. We bow, we kneel in adoration for what we really see--Jesus. In the life of St. Anthony there was a man who had no faith. He was an atheist. St. Anthony was having a sermon on the Eucharist and this man got kind of smart-aleck and he said, "I don't believe." St. Anthony said, "Okay, you don't believe." Ah, look at this. It unraveled in a strange way. This little black piece of tape is put here so it doesn't do what it just did, (audience laughs) and it got loose. It's supposed to stay right here. It's one of those things they tell you always works, (audience laughs) but it doesn't. Anyway, so this man said to St. Anthony, "Well I'll prove to you that there is no God in that piece of bread." He said, "I will not feed my donkey a week and I will put some hay on the ground and you come with your Host and we'll see what he does." Anthony said, "Okay." So the crowds were there --most of them unbelievers. St. Anthony came with the monstrance, with a Host; the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus and the man brought the donkey in, and there was the hay. The donkey hasn't been fed for a week and the donkey came and ignored the hay and went up where Anthony was holding the Blessed Sacrament and knelt down. He stayed there. Isn't it a shame that the holy ones of God have to perform miracles before our poor minds believe, that we've lost trust in the words of God; "Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood will have life everlasting." Today we have all kinds of strange things going on. Where is your faith and where is your hope? Jesus said it; it is. I believe it and my hope tells me not only that it is true--that's faith--but I can live by it, I can worship, I can adore and I can trust that He knows and He loves me. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: From Florida. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Well, talking about Our Lady, She was born without Original Sin. Mother: Right. Caller: And She carried. Mother: She was--hold on. She was conceived without Original Sin. There's a difference. Caller: Yes. Mother: Okay. Caller: Thank you. Mother: Okay. Caller: She was conceived and She carried the Body of Our Lord within Her. Mother Angelica: Right. Caller: Did She die or; when Fr. Mitch Pacwa does the rosary in the Holy Land, he goes into the church of Our Lady of Dormition, which is Her falling asleep. I hate to think of Our Lady as having died. Mother: Well, I think She would want to follow Our Dear Lord, Her Son in everything. You remember when Our Lord went to see the centurions, the daughter of one of the high people in the synagogue and Jairus said, "My daughter is dead." He said, "No use to come, Lord. She died; she's dead." Then Our Lord went and all the people were in a professional, a mourning-- they were screaming and yelling and crying. He said, "Why all this din?" He said, "She is not dead, she's asleep." Well, they all knew she was dead. So He goes in and she was dead, dead. He says, "Rise." At Lazarus' tomb, He said, "Lazarus, come forth," and wow they were… Martha had to be real smart and explain the technicalities of death. She said, "Master, he's been dead 4 days. He stinks." (audience laughs) It's amazing to me how we try to explain everything to God, (audience laughs) everything. (audience laughs) "He stinks." The Lord didn't pay attention, though. So we are constantly looking at Our Lady as if She did not die. Well, in the eyes of the Lord, She didn't die, She was asleep. Physically though, Her heart stopped and She was dead but She imitated Her Son to the end. He was in the tomb 3 days and She was dead 3 days. But Our Lord never looked at death only as sleep because there's a transition. My soul is what's alive here and carries my body along and my body is a means of practicing virtue in becoming holy. So Our Lady followed Her Son. So the Dormition does mean sleep, but Our Lord always looked at death as sleep. When He said somebody was dead, He was talking about the lower region. That's what He called dead. Now, are those in Hell dead? No, they're very much alive. Their soul is alive. One day--many of you don't think of this horrible thing --one day when the General Resurrection happens--and some of you say, "Oh, you believe in that?" (laughs) When you're there with the rest of us, you'll believe, (audience laughs) Some of you are going to say, "Mother Angelica told me about this, (audience laughs) and I didn't believe." But now those in Hell will also take on their own bodies--ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly--the worst ugliness you could ever imagine according to their terrible sins. They'll look awful-- and forever. Some of you listening to me tonight that just keeping goofing off--you get drunk, you're on drugs, you're gay or whatever you are, you commit adultery--you're all those terrible things, it's like there's nothing ahead of you. Well, let me tell you, if you lose your soul and you're condemned to Hell or you condemn yourself to Hell, when the General Resurrection comes along, are you going to be ugly looking forever! And those in the Kingdom Lord will look so beautiful. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #2: Hi, Mother. Mother: Hi, where are you from? Caller: I'm from Massachusetts. My name's Marie. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Actually, I had a comment. You talked about faith and trust, and I just want to tell you quickly about what's happened in our family. Mother: Good. Caller: In 19-- end of 1994, um, after having 4 children and my 2nd child was severely disabled, my husband and I decided it would be a good idea to have a vasectomy because we thought our plate was full. My husband was a non-Catholic and I was a non-practicing Catholic. In '96, (tearfully) in '96 I went back to the Church by the grace of God and my husband converted. And we, by watching your show this last year and by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit and Padre Pio my husband just has his vasectomy reversed and we did this only to tell God that we are very sorry for what we did, for offending Him and we didn't realize how evil it was. So the doctor picked the date and the date just happened to be the Feast of the Ascension this past month. We, we offered it back up to God. We couldn't have picked a better date to say, "God, we're very sorry. You are the Author of Life," and I'm pregnant. I'm going to be with my 5th child and even though we have great joy in our house, we're elated; we'll be married 10 years next month, we feel like we're on our honeymoon. There is not much support because of our decision. We have a lot of people very upset with us for what we've done. I just want people to know that we have faith and trust in God. It's not always going to be easy. There's going to be some crosses to go with it, just like the saints, the Apostles and everybody else and if you could just say a prayer because we don't know what's wrong with our 2nd child. We really are putting a lot of trust in God that this child will be healthy or else let God heal the one that we've got that's already disabled, one or the other. I don't care which. (laughs) Mother Angelica: Well, "Thank You Jesus." Well, we're going to say a prayer for you, and you can trust the Lord. You already have a miracle. That's what's so awesome-- you already have a miracle. Where there is life, there is God, there is God and that's what you have to remember. What is quality of life? Some people are perfect in every way but they sin more and more every day. Is that quality of life? No. Quality of life are those that are crippled and handicapped and they're the ones that have real quality of life because they don't sin, they don't sin. They're always with God. Nobody will know until the Kingdom when they're all perfect that what their handicaps did to save the world. So I congratulate you. You just hang in there and our sisters will pray for you. That seems to be our community's special gift from God. We're all celibates but we're great in praying that you have a baby. (all laugh) I know this woman came to me one day and she said they were married 11 years and they wanted a baby and so forth. I said, "Well, don't worry about it. We'll pray for you," and we did and she had twins. (audience laughs) They were all, they were wonderful. They've had I think 6 children now. I don't know why God gave us that particular gift but I think it's wonderful. We all have to know, my friends, that we are here for a short time, a very short time. I was thinking the other day, I'm 75. (audience laughs) Did you see that old guy was here last week, he was 85 and he proposed. He said, "Will you marry me?" And I said, "Uhnuh." (all laugh) I said, "I'm already married." He looked at me and he said, "Oh, too bad," (audience laughs) But when I got back upstairs, I realized that in 10 short years I will be 85, and I thought, "Awesome!" I said, "Lord, "Let me move as much as I can move, make as much problems for other people that I can make!" (all laugh) And let me be a thorn in everybody's side as long as they know Jesus, they're repentant, go to Confession. Come back to Jesus. Come back to the Church. Come back to the Lord. While I'm here--I only got one minute, for some reason we're about oh, 100,000 a month now short. Since we don't have anything stashed away, that 100,000 can in 3, 4, 5 months can become a real tragedy. So all I'm asking is that those who are giving all the time, thank you, thank you, thank you a million times. And those who haven't given, may you not sleep tonight. (audience laughs) And those of you that have a lot, may you not sleep a week. (audience laughs) Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 34,107
Rating: 4.8635392 out of 5
Keywords: MALC, 2703, 12, 640x480, Catholic, MA902703
Id: EOgerR_n40I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2012
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