MOTHER ANGELICA LIVE - 3-13-12 - Conscience

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yeah like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus glorious work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in God and God lives what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus do we are all called to be great Saints don't miss the aperture well thank you we just have a wonderful group tonight they're all family you know the Holy Father has been talking a lot about family and more of these prophecies that I read and get every day I didn't know there were so many mystics in the whole world but they keep writing and I keep reading I didn't figure they can't all be wrong you know there may be one or two but they can't all be wrong but I admire the Lord's patience and patience comes from love and so tonight I felt that maybe we need to talk about your conscience you think that's a good idea yeah I don't think most people know what conscience is all about they quoted a lot I have to do that because it's my conscience oh very good you know but what do you think when they're going to do you think can't be a good conscience it can't be an enlightening conscience so look let's look tonight at conscience first of all God gives is a gift it's a gift and God gives us a conscience before we have the usery's it's something inside of us it's like a voice you know everybody said oh I wish the Lord could speak to me he does all that time you don't listen you listen do you ever know you shouldn't do something okay and you do it anyway all of a sudden this isn't I don't think you should have done that and your conscience is body and you do it anyway and what happened guilt see we don't consider our conscience a gift from God we use it a lot well I could do it against my conscience well let's see tonight whether you have an enlightened conscience that's what's important so first of all God himself and that wonderful God gives each one of us a gift and it's a warning gift that warns you I don't think I should go with those people something wrong even children young children before the use of reason will have a conscience and and they know and you're surprised sometimes that the thing they say or the things they do so let's start off with the gifts your conscience is a gift from God a very wonderful gift and the spirit speaks through your conscience many many many many many times and you know that there's something wrong about this and when you're a baby you don't even know so you may be three I know when I was three years old I think I've said this on the air but it's probably alive engineer my my grandmother that's my father's mother I didn't like my mother and my grandmother could take all the bones out of his chicken and put it in the oven and you slice it but who knew how to take bones out of a raw chicken but she was very angry that my mother couldn't do it for her son and so she my mother was putting the chicken in a they're in the stove I can empty the stove right now I can see with a white stove into a head oven here and the burners here and I looked at her like three years old I can't get over that I looked at my grandma and I said oh shut up your all time talk talk talk my mother was so happy somebody defended her that she you know she picked me up and she just gave me all kind of kisses I don't know I did something good but you know I might I did I felt that my conscience that I didn't do something good say I knew I did something wrong did mother sure what it was but I I was so mad at her for are always yelling at my mother that I said that and after I said it my mother was hugging me but I am doing here mm-hmm and nobody would have said I had to do sir reason if I had any reason I never shut up but I didn't so that's a god-given gift and only God can give you that I never heard anybody in my whole life say thank you Lord for my conscious well where do you think you got it did you ever hear anybody say yeah thank you Lord for my conscious you don't even know what it is it's an invisible reality you we should go away though you don't want it to go away it's a wonderful thing to have so we start out with that it's a gift it's a gift ain't no eyes you're older you all have that experience don't you you know you just somebody comes up to you and you've never seen before that somebody says back off back off maybe you won't why what comes in curiosity hmm we used that old saying you know curiosity killed the cat and satisfaction body back give me or that you didn't all you all these on here that you Jimmy yeah I use that for every mistake I ever made but the curiosity doesn't know it bring it back and make you fall deeply so now the guy gave us his gift he warned it is a warning gift and it's a it recognizes truth also your conscience recognizes truth how many times in the last 10 15 20 25 30 40 years we'll start with 1960 nothing was told to you about a doctrine and but you know it's not true you ever had that experience huh yeah y'all I did y'all did you think well I'm not sure I don't remember my catechism but something in here huh do you ever have it it's not right that's not right and somebody saw you know I don't know the high you know is not right here right here but see that's your conscience it was enlightened at one time stayed there and as a result when something contrary to what's true she comes to you you you feel unease and people call us in they write us letters and they say is what I just heard true no I knew it I did this one woman how did you do it I don't know I don't remember but in here it said I wasn't true hmm how do many times you if you're going to confession and you know you were doing something wrong and somebody said to on the other side oh that's okay long as you love what happens in here you know that is not true a lot of people will come to you and say hey there's still a few cents out of the cash register you need it they got a lot of it that's okay what happens in here nothing up here it's in your heart says no that's not true that's not something wrong here so it not only warns you but it recognizes truth how could you remember a catechism that you had in the first second third fourth and fifth grade I was very bad in algebra I know square was there's some something else was that and I thought it was all stupid but I wasn't too hard at anything else did it so I had one teacher look at me with an expression that said why do you go to school anywhere I I didn't know what was grow around her in a circle so I couldn't figure it out then one day this teacher comes up with a a tablecloth and she says to the class you cannot put a tablecloth on the table unless you know algebra I said to myself I thought I was done I'd been putting a tablecloth on the table since I was six years old she looked at me and said you don't understand I said I sure don't so I start put it on but I swear one side was lower than the other but see your conscience is a grand tool keeps you out of trouble and then warns you but it's also able to accept truth now and want to accept the truth sits there like a jewel in your heart in your mind and then when it when it's like a jewel anything that comes near it should take it away or rob it from you you know right away you know there's something wrong that's the first element of consciousness that gift from God now how do I make my conscience grow and grow right growing a good way well that's ice water and everybody tells me not to take it but it's or anything it helps me as I sweat anyway so now how do we make it grow well the church gives us a catechism has all the truth in it then he gives the church our mother gives us Saints great Saints then the church gives us dogmas things we would have never dreamed of like the Eucharist I would have ever dreamed that in the Word of God after he came here was not accepted was hated and just 12 men that acts of apostles says were ignorant late men then that make you feel good ignorant layman and they weren't around him or with one just John and his mother and an ex-prostitute who became a saint batting average are not too good according to the world wonder when you read that your your faith is accepted your faith is accepted by your intimate it says this is right because the church teaches it well now you see because the church teaches it your conscience accepts it you don't mind my asthma's acting up it act up I get excited when I talk about God what if I get a piece of Cosmo you're about you've got good eyes thank you any more on it no I don't have any on my nose do I we do everything where do I do here oh right here goes here this it's not a fly it's a microphone I get letters in the mail that say why is that fly continually on your color I have a temptation of saying it's my pet but I don't have that I don't have the homes to do it but anyway so I have to read I have to be taught what is right and wrong that's why when people say today that holding about the churches being is rats judging when they tell you that this or that is a grave grave sin to whom you're registering you the church cannot rest judge it is the voice of God the voice of God so if you're kept you have to believe that it's a doctrine or it's a dogma so your conscience your your faith accepts it and your conscience holds it for you like a gym and maybe years later I've had people come out to me and maybe they were told that the Eucharist was just a temporary on the altar or it was a symbol a static present yeah you don't know what they call it all of a sudden that jewel like a light begins to go something touches you you notice it and in your mind and heart you say oh it's not right and maybe years and years have passed and nobody's tested you nobody's asked or said something that you know was not wrong when I was a kid everybody believed in the Holy Eucharist in real presence but see once you're taught your mind even though you may only use 2% of it your mind has the capability of a books as high as the Empire State Building we don't use it all these creases are not sharp appear you know but that conscience tells you this is wrong and people will call us up and say you know so-and-so said this to me and I just think it's wrong and we'd say you're right it was it you're it was wrong it is wrong I knew it that's your conscience that you learned some and that's why reading is so important for you see we have we have done ourselves an injustice because we we use our mind like the sponge we put we sit there in front of television you eat your dinner there your breakfast there and you hate to get up to get through your coffee because you might miss something and if you're listening to a soap opera you're stuck in the mud pretty much they have the same story for year in and year out you could write it yourself they have all these people they're always fighting they're always sneaking up and on each other they're always committing a doctor this man's after this wife everybody knows that now they're all tired of it and they knock him off knock him up he gets killed in an airplane or or he gets some kind of rare disease and he's out of it and I feel sorry for these people because they have a job for about a year or two and all of a sudden they get killed on television and what do you do is the story ended no some other guy comes in oh you know he's gonna die at some point how do you get anybody off of a soap opera you kill them or they disappeared all the priests are looking after them and then they don't find me you so you forget who they were now what could possibly help you with the conscience like that when the people you listen to have absolutely no conscience you're not going to learn anything you're not going to learn anything your conscience begins to become a weak sponge a weak sponge then it dries up because you're not feeding at any new knowledge that's true true knowledge you read murder mysteries what you want to do that is there anything good in it and you go to bed you finally find I'd whodunit well now you know who did it what's the mean to you she wouldn't it be nice if you read a nice spiritual book and you learned about the attributes of God oh excuse me you know I read one of these a tape with all of the citrus listen to it very interesting a man who died and yeah it was on the operating table where a bad heart and he died on the table and he saw himself coming up and he looked down and he saw this man he did not with him he saw this man he saw the doctor doctor pushing on his heart and then finally he walked around to the front and he said that's me I'm dead most of us would like to know what it means what does it feel to be dead well so all of a sudden he starts going through that dark tunnel that's right what when I had my experience and there's Jesus there's Jesus he was so excited he said and there was an invisible wall remember I told you that I saw that get visible wall and then he said he was talking but he didn't he didn't move his lips and he could hear Jesus though he had no ears and they were talking back and forth and he said the Jew very simple man he said you know Jesus I don't understand the word eternity and he said the Lord smiled at it I said well look there so he said he turned his head his soul Willie and he saw a horizon huge way out there just went on endless endless endless endless and then the Lord said to him that's a grain of sand in time and eternity oh he said he couldn't stand it he said my head ached we did have a head it was just so there and he was so excited and he said well let's go and all of a sudden he could feel just remember I told you my soul was going in and out three times well his head was going back and forth back and forth first he was here and then he was there and then he was there and then he was there and finally he woke up and he was still on the operating table and he was so mad and he said where am I he said well your heart's all fixed up why did you bring me back he said well we did that's what you wanted no go back and put me where I was if I didn't want to leave that place oh wow see that's what we forfeit when we don't treat our conscience right you run the risk of losing your soul forever it's not gonna die your soul never died have you noticed in the gospel I Lord only call those dead who were lost because when he went to cure the girl little girl they were weeping and wailing and he said be quiet she's only asleep when they laughed at him they knew she was dead he only called people went to heaven after they died asleep but the Damned he called dead it's one boy a young man he was called by Jesus to be an apostle and he said I have to go bury my father you know what Jesus said let the dead bury their own dead who is father didn't make it you see if you don't read the gospel you don't read spiritual draw spiritual books how are you gonna know that you're even with God are you gonna know what you should do it not to you want to know how to pray now there were a lot of illiterate Saints that's why they made such beautiful stained-glass windows because the people couldn't read angela Foligno stood at a stained-glass window and she was so taken up by the scene on it she started going into ecstasy and she rose halfway up the church because she was so enthralled at the beauty and what did window was telling her so you gotta feed your conscience if somebody says something to you that's not right whether it's a religious truth there are natural truths or ordinary truths if somebody is you're looking at beads and somebody says it's chicken that has nothing to do with your country it's just stupid beans or beans and they're beans they're never chicken but you see that's not has nothing to do with your conscience that's something very simple something your mind can work out now you've been given a gift and you have learned a lot from the church some good books now what happens well how can you how can you educate your conscience so it's always good for you and good to you the third thing you do is you learn by personal experience hmm boy isn't that a good one you go around with this crowd and before you know you know you're in the wrong place hard to get out but that conscience keeps prodding you go get out of here get out of here you're gonna be in trouble big trouble get out that's your conscious tool it warns you it helps you accept truth holds it tight so if somebody comes to you with something contrary you could say no it's not right and then you learn by personal experience Padre Pio said that curiosity was the most evil thing in the world right but surprised at that I would have said immorality I would have said four thousand different things lukewarmness like a truth lying deceit this is hard to take apart sometimes I think they don't really want you to open it's like pills pills you have to have a degree in physics to open a pill box I see this is a wonderful thing it's tight they never meant for anybody to open because here can you open it yeah well you know he did it thank you takes a man to open a pill anyway now we're down to the experience part and you know I don't think there's one person here who does not regret something something you did in your past life now what does your conscience do after you do something you shouldn't have makes you feel oh yeah with you that way huh oh you can call yourself names you can do this that the other thing you can you know guilt now that guilt is a good guilt you say why are you being good because it makes you want to go to confession okay then you get cleaned up God forgets it you start over all because of your conscience it's a wonderful wonderful gift from God and we don't ever pay attention to how many times in your life have you paid any attention to your conscience have you ever said thank you conscience you're so good to me there's a psychiatrist out there saying she's nuts I don't mean you could be eaten cold nuts on television good I don't hear but you listen to what I'm saying now there is good guilt bad guilt is when you can't forgive yourself and you live with it your whole life you don't trust Jesus forgiveness that's bad guilt and that's our fault not his and so you have three elements three elements to your conscience a gift you enhance it by reading by listening to the church listening to the Holy Father reading good books and be careful the books you read are not there to rob you of your conscience or your faith see because at that point then your conscience goes haywire like a to wires that are shorted they go everywhere I never see a wire hit by lightning boy had falls and it goes everywhere I saw a man whose wire hit the hip top of his car and stayed there you never saw any bye so nervous in your life he was as white as a sheet he didn't know what to do he was horn a wheel like that like he was driving and he wasn't because I wouldn't go around with that wire on my route but I think sometimes that's how our conscience goes over and over we keep saying no you're wrong I can do this I can lie I can't cheat I can deceive I can do somebody in it's not that bad and your conscience says no no and all of a sudden it gets large itis and it can't talk anymore and you don't hear it anymore and then it dies nothing bothers you anyone the worst evil in the world doesn't bother you there was tragedy the worst killing abortion doesn't bother anybody anymore a few people I'm sure Lord give somebody that realization that this nation commits murder every minute of the day and calls it compassion that doesn't your conscience say there's something wrong and don't you need to say if you've done if you've had an abortion go to confession and tell Jesus your side and it all disappears and your conscience is free again and your conscience is free to tell you what to do and what not to do why do you think there were so many martyrs in the first 300 years of the church unbelievable martyrs like st. Lawrence cooked on a griddle hmm unbelievable well why do you do that because it was against his enlightened common conscience to worship an idol Peter and Paul we're not gonna worship Nero we worship the One God well where they do it lost their heads and Peter was crucified upside down he asked for it imagine it he asked cuz he didn't feel worthy to die in the same way our Lord did so he was crucified upside down this way his brother was crucified like a cross that way but what gave these people strength their conscience was so strong that this was right and they loved the Lord so much and they were so grateful for all he did for them you see if your conscience is not clean and clear and strong and filled with truth what are you doing a persecution what are you doing somebody is smarter than you comes up to you and says oh that's changed we don't believe that anymore that was for the ignorance we just say well I'm ignorant because I believe it but your conscious has to know you see you can't you can't live with an unenlightened conscious what's that going to work cuz there come a time I think I think they talk so much about this and that in the new world order in the new world Church and what do you do if someone came up to you and said and to me also what will we do when it says put away your church and join this one or you don't eat you can't buy groceries you can't do anything oh now let's think this over huh is your conscience strong enough to say I can't do that do we have to understand some people throw their conscience down like a rag they think that whatever they do and whenever and however is their business it's their choice and nothing matters but there's retribution around the corner because whatever we do it's you got to pay for it you all know that if you eat a juicy steak that has onions on it can just imagine that now why do you say that at this time of night and I got I said by the way I have to remind myself to tell you that I'm not against entertainment I don't care if you watch just right through my kind watch the right kind of entertainment if you go you're watching television you go to bed you feel kooky all over your poor conscience is crying it wants to be fed just like you do so it can be there for you like a watchman you hear something wrong or you're asked to do something wrong you can say no I will not because you're kind to say no no that's not good for you it's like a little angel but it is not an angel but it's yourself your conscience God has planted it in you as a dear dear gifts now we have a call hello yes thank you mother for taking my call I wanted to ask how does one deal with scrupulous 'ti well scrupulosity there's a lack of trust than the mercy of God see it's really a lack of understanding of His mercy but it is also a lack of forgiveness of yourself of what you did you can't live with the reality that you did something that wrong one time I was standing in line you know how you used to do for confession and I was in lying like for an hour and finally this woman comes out and she doesn't reach two pews and she's right back in there I didn't have too much to go to confession for until she went in and out four times I had more to say than you could think to finally I heard father's say will you leave this confessional and give somebody else a chance it was loud enough and she was just come I say oh thank you sweetheart there is a nice view over there by and I slammed the door I had quite a bit to say why why you always let the rest of us wait out there for three hours he said could you have any patience I don't know they would dry I didn't I don't know why he's dead that idea oh well we have another call hello hello mother hi hi I'm Mary Ann from Chicago Illinois good and I love you very much thank you and I wouldn't have even called now but I've been introduced to you the last two years and I haven't gone to church for 40 years except this last year or two and mother I'm asking you by forgiveness I was like influenced by other people around me and I made mistakes and I didn't feel I was really working with a choice I just like responded emotionally what do I do about that I look back now I'm 65 I don't think how could I have done this you know I look back nice to the things I did how could Christ forgive me for their mother I don't understand it I want to go on confession I'm afraid oh don't you don't me mother yeah don't be afraid ever never never be afraid of confession because the priest in there has heard everything you could possibly stay a million times he's not there to judge you he is there to give you absolution and whatever you've done you have to know I'm going to tell you this because it happened to me and I've know I've told it on the air once or twice but most lot of people aren't there when you tell it I like to see the ocean I love the ocean and if I ever I used to give a lot of talk now I don't but I was in the Pacific near the Pacific Ocean I had about an hour's time and I asked like my host if they take me to the ocean and they did you have to know at that time I had braces and crutches and and so a night that I'd love to call the waves to me everybody looks like mmm and but I don't care cuz I like to do that they're my father's waves and if I call him he doesn't care so I got at the ocean pretty close today I'm not really close to the edge but pretty close my night is looking like that ice is car you can do better than that come on and everybody looking at me no but I think I looked as bad as they did with practically nothing on so I stand in there you know I might say come on come on oh you can do better the neck all of a sudden a wave came I mean a big wave big wave and I looked at it no way I couldn't move I was just having fun I didn't think he heard me so here comes this giant weight and people around me are saying I was standing there hero comes now walk to my knee and a drop of the ocean fell on my hand the Sun was shining and I looked at it and then with like a little rainbow this round and so colorful and I said oh I shouldn't have that and I I went that way and threw it back in the ocean and the Lord said to me did you see that drop I said yes heart he said you see the ocean I said yes he said well that drop for all your sins and weaknesses and imperfections and the ocean is my mercy and he said if you look for that drop would you find it I said no he said if you looked and looked for it would you find it no Lord and then he said then why do you keep looking why do you keep looking well I learned something and I hope you learned something don't look anymore alert identify any of the past is dead and the future unborn he wants you to live in this present moment should be free to say that your sins are greater than his mercy he's God was mercy is infinite and your sins are finite our sins hurt God they're pretty bad sometime but you can never have more sins and God has more mercy never never never and all of you there haven't been confessed because you're afraid of what that's the enemy who doesn't want you to be forgiven so then your conscience will be free again free you'll be free don't let the enemy tie you up like her and then not don't let him do that you go to confession and when you go out you forget because God forgets and he doesn't want you to be constantly while around and all these sins they're gone they're dead you've probably gone to confession with them over and over and over that scrupulosity it's not a virtue it's not you militsiya it's a lack of trust and then of course you have to have purpose of amendment if you go to confession today and you don't intend to change but your confessions not valid if you're going to do the same thing tomorrow that you just did and then ask forgiveness with no purpose of amendment now if you go to confession and you really want to change and you fall through some weakness you have been forgiven but we gotta stop playing games with sin and stop playing games with confession it's the most awesome sacrament next to the Eucharist all our sacraments are wonderful but next to the Eucharist and we have Jesus himself body blood soul divinity and there's where your conscience is going to come in when you believe that with your whole heart mind soul and strength and somebody caller says it's not that you stay away but your conscience will tell you that's wrong see God Deborah lies oh that's terrible all you need to do is read chapter 6 of John's Gospel so you think of that huh and we'll pray for you we have another call hello hello where are you from I'm from Oregon and what is your question well mother first of all I'd like to praise Jesus for you and for the network I've learned so much from you mother and I received so much consolation from the different ministries on EWTN and I'd like to ask our Lord to bless all of you at EWTN well thank you thank you very much did you have a question hello yes hello you have a question yes I have a question I'd like to know how does our conscience speak to us on subjects where the church hasn't given us a definite position for example I have a young daughter who's a beautiful devout Catholic and she's currently dating a non Catholic and my question is could God be using her to draw this other young soul to himself into the church or should she be guarded in that position and not date him well that's kind of a high question because you don't know her you don't know him at least I don't but you see you it's not that you can't marry a non Catholic the church airsoft will be present there providing neither one have some obstacles but you got to be concerned sometimes that are you going to be able to raise your children Catholic are you going to be really happy and United in your heart and mind and thought when he believes one thing and you believe something else see it's very difficult because if you go to master by yourself then he goes to his church by himself you think you can't sure because you don't believe the same thing so I think you better pray over that and she needs to pray and he needs to pray it I think if he talked to somebody and he really understood the church and all her beauty I can't imagine anybody not wanting to be Catholic if he understood see that's your job in my job to make people understand that's why you want to read this you want to read the Catechism a beautiful book and that way you know then if you somebody could share with or answer his question see maybe that hasn't been done yet and maybe he would change if he knew the truth see so I think there has to be a little instruction there and you have to if the children are not raised Catholic it's going to make it very I know a lot of my good friends married other non-genomic of the denomination men or women and they worked out fine but they're all admit it was very hard so I I would really look at it because it's not something that you want to get into if it's not going to cause a happy marriage say for example if you a friend of mine married a Muslim but she had to become a Muslim in order to marry him say so she lost her faith completely so I think you you really have to investigate to see is her faith going to be enhanced if not that you can't do that see it's not ever the best thing to do it happens but what's going to happen when the children come it's a difficult thing it's a difficult thing when two religions meet and they they're not going to get on well I don't think especially with the Catholic Church I don't think they're going to get along very well well I only got two minutes and I I was supposed to show you something well it's just typical after she gave it to me and she it's where you're right that's one smart policeman now and he's a friend - this is our lady potential health it's not free it's not free I think it's 50 cents might as well be free huh it's 50 cents but you can't put 50 cents in the envelope cuz it's gonna make her envelope heavier you're going to end up with 65 or 70 cents you my age would give it to me and then be a dollar not worth the dollar it's only worth 50 cents this is a dollar did I say 50 cent I just changed my mind well I love you and right for this it's a great prayer beneath it here and don't forget I love you and I'll see you tomorrow night bye now you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 36,252
Rating: 4.8606558 out of 5
Keywords: conscience, truth, voice, nun, Catholic, Guilt, MA902691
Id: cH7Bm7mK_uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2012
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