Mother Angelica Live - 2012-12-10 - The Eucharist

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yeah like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus warriors work of all to praise God in his kingdom - by this period one lives in love lives in God and God but a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus we are all called to be great Saints don't miss the opportunity well family here we are it's always wonderful to be with you on Tuesday night it's our family night tonight we share our thoughts our desires our crosses and remember that from this moment until this hour is over you can call ask your questions if I don't know me out plenty of priests around here that can answer them and express your needs maybe you have a doubt of the Eucharist maybe someone has confused you about it whatever it is that we're going to talk about tonight you know I'm surprised how many people have written how much they like my our habit our have it and some hate I hate to tell you but I could care less if you hate it because he if you hate it that I did I'm very happy about that because it tells me there's something in your heart it's not quite right I don't expect everybody like it you don't even like them the hat or the dress your mother bought last week so we're not going to always like what other people wear but we must release take time to listen to the symbolism and the witness and the state statement we hope we're witness we definitely want and do make a statement now I've been surprised how many have said to me we love the mobsters and some have said why you wear that thing well let me just explain it a little bit our life our monastery our order it is an order was founded years and years ago founded the same year that the Pope declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception so that's over a hundred years ago our order was founded for one reason for perpetual adoration of the Holy Eucharist the Blessed sac they say why well the founder s'en founder who happen to be a Capuchin monk decided that the world needed reparation for its awesome indifference towards the Eucharist now what do we mean Perpetual Adoration well that means that there is a sister in our Chapel all day every hour this is exchanged and they're there at one hour at night an hour and a half for the express reason a praying for you do you realize how many people die in their sleep you realize how many people have terrible accidents our murdered killed how how many people plan all kinds of terrible things that night do you realize how many sacrilegious there are against the bottle or it's wonderful presence huh how many receive him unworthily how many chapels are broken into and Tabernacles and the the best sacraments can everywhere all over the world how and so many of our churches is kind of hidden like hi and go seek you know we're gonna go in this church now and look for the Lord and so for all of that we make reparation we try to repair for those who don't believe any longer there among the many priests religious bishops all over the world laypeople we say Jesus were sorry we believe we hope we love we praise you in this wondrous presence you know we we will not believe that God would do such a thing would be huh but would you become a piece of bread for anybody you know no I wouldn't I don't know anybody I love enough to say I would by some wondrous miracle come down and a little a piece of bread like that I couldn't do that most of all I would I would have found it hard to remain in such a small space if I had created the whole world and I held it in my hands the whole universe with all its galaxies and milky ways and Cray's ours and dark holes and all the rest of it if I ever if I knew every star by name and I knew every creature that ever will be creator ever had been created every was ever on this earth and I knew also it be hair that fell from their head I wonder what God does with all those that don't have any hair he must count something else you know I mean anyway if I had all of that power huh and then I had humiliated myself to be in the womb of ever so holy a virgin but still what a comedown for a great holy God's second person of the Trinity created by whom all things were made and without him nothing was made if I had done all that and then I had come into a world that did not know me I'd walk down the street nobody knew who I was or cared and even if I performed a miracle they would only run after me because of the miracle not because of me and then I had chosen twelve apostles and one of them was a traitor and one denied me I know all that ahead of time say then I went my whole life doing good more good I did the more he hated me well then I would see this time when they would not only hate me but they would put me to death the most awesomely gruesome way and then I'd look down from the cross and see not even a handful after all the good I did they would be my mother and a ex-prostitute become Saint and young man named John all those I had loved and given so much to weren't there they ran away I didn't all of that I don't think I would have done something else besides you know I would have thought well that's enough don't you think wings you thought that was enough but you know he promised he would be with us to the end of time he's the booty that I'm going to sell you another Paraclete and he will teach you all things and then one day he said come to me all you are burden and I will refresh you I was just wondering with that man joy that means to pray I am sure does but to me and I guess that's why the Lord gave me this vocation they meant to go to him in the Eucharist come to me he knew he would be here it's not that Holy Sacrifice to the mess he comes I marvel I marvel at that the power of priesthood Wow what a wonderful thing what a wonderful power to be able to the power of the Holy Spirit to bring down the loss of God oh you can't imagine how it would been wonderful wouldn't it if if people would have flocked joy are the people would have said where is he where is he and other people with that I'm ill and I'm sick and I got to see Jesus or others that didn't know that God would go to Christians who are supposed to know him and said you have something that I would like that I want where is Jesus I think he would have expected that the dawn through the centuries no matter what happened to us we would go to Jesus no matter how bad things were no matter how depressed or desolate through anything else if the whole world fell apart we would go to Jesus because in His infinite wisdom and love he had come and stayed with us as he promised and every child had been told our God is with us and he'd say we're come and see just like it didn't--his his day master where do you live he said come and see if someone asks you today where where do you live where does this Jesus live that you talk about love could you say come and see well you should be able to come and see well I want to read you what he said not what I say there's some awesomely beautifully sarcastic articles being written about me they are really funny you know I made they're so sarcastic that I look at that I said wow I didn't know that one man said mother is a heretic I said to the sisters do I look like a heretic they said no what this one looked like I said I don't know I don't know what a heretic looks like another one was very kind and gentle and said mother is very ill we need to pray for her sweetheart I have never felt better in my entire life now besides being called a heretic which I kind of enjoyed in a way I've always wondered what it meant to be a heretic now that I am one and then I realize now how could someone call me a heretic well I thought what I believe in the Holy Roman Catholic Church and all the other churches that our union with it the Chaldeans I have a real thing for the kaldane Church and a Melkite merry night and all rest of them I believe everything they work wrists my love by here I miss my crucifix but I love him and I want to see him always well I believe in all the sacraments and their power oh they're so powerful I believe in prayer and piety I believe in devotions and possessions processions and I believe in the cross the crucifix confession the matter conception I go down I believe all of those things it's I've been really trying to find a good good dose of interior scrutiny is good for the soul you know I mean you got to look deep in your heart sometime and say well maybe I am a heretic well as I examine what the Catholic Church teaches the Roman Catholic Church I couldn't find anywhere where I was a heretic and I finally figured it out in the church the Catholic Church here in America and other places in the world they have done away with all those truths or don't believe in the Eucharist we don't believe in confession you kind of tell everybody you're sorry put a rock at the end of a cross I bet the angels say these people have rocks in their heads hear them put these rocks on because that gets rid of your sins and then you get welcomed by the elders whoever they are and I believe in the real thing same ilk OPA vehicle me amok see my fault my part my most grievous fault so since I don't believe everything on this side of the fence on that side of the fence I magic praise your Jesus on this side offense I believe with all my heart everything the church teaches I hope and pray I'm a faithful daughter of that church the Eucharist which is our identity as Catholics and you know what I would like you to do I would like you to read your scriptures another a little caustic thing being said is that I am giving my opinion to you oh please don't ever take my opinion for anything that would be foolish because Jesus himself said the opinions of men mean nothing to me that must make the feminine is happy but see that the PISA men mean nothing to me is it well don't let my opinion mean anything to you don't take a ping don't live by opinion because opinions change live by the truth I would like you tonight before you go to bed or tomorrow to read the entire sixth chapter of John the entire sixth chapter believe what the Church teaches about the real presence of Jesus body blood soul and divinity real that's what you believe I am going to read a little bit to you we have all kind of encyclicals here that I decided not to read Because are kind of heavy but they're wonderful one is called instruction concerning though your gristick mystery says some wonderful things in here talks about needling it talks about the ciborium the patent how it should be made what is it what we should do the practice of genuflecting before the Blessed Sacrament is a sign of adoration there's a lot of wonderful things in here but I don't have enough to give you but I might read you the sixth chapter of John to some of it because I want you to share the truth and to know the truth I want you to go I want every Catholic listening to me who really believes in the Eucharist and if you're not a Catholic that's okay I like you to go into any Catholic Church some of your churches are closed all week and you can't get there - maybe Wednesday night or Sunday you go - I just said therefore you gotta find the Lord I'm to say but once you find the tabernacle I just want to remember this I am The Living bread which has come down from heaven and anyone who eats this bread will live forever and the bread I give is my flesh not somebody says well that means the crucifixion yeah yeah by that here he goes a little further and the Jews began to question them whether they caught on real quick that's the you pick you go to one tree she says no it's not there it's just a symbol oh yeah we go another church they says it's only they're doing metal oh yeah yeah okay it has to be some truth here see we had to for what what is it well that you said they started arguing amongst each other said how can this man give us his flesh to eat they caught on to choose a stop no I tell you solemnly he said if you don't eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you will not have life in you see and here eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in him isn't that a most wonderful thing you know I was telling to such as the other day the two things that we can do the Angels cannot do this wonderful marvelous powerful and to let your beings the smallest angel would make Einstein look like I don't know what yum they cannot do two things you and I could do they will never never never ever receive the Eucharist these most worthy beings these most powerful beings these most pure beings so they have never offended God I I can't imagine ever having offended God I I wish I could say that I'm sure you wish you could say that never once said no to God they've never done that you talk about purity you can't even imagine the purity of the Angels tomorrow we got a wonderful guest on angels but they will never receive the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus can you imagine that and you and I pour unbelieving sinners that we are they will never like a priest be able to bring down to the power of the Spirit that wondrous change that transubstantiation they'll never do that another thing they'll never do that you and I can do is suffer don't never do that they'll never be martyrs or white martyrs or blood martyrs they'll never dies - proclaiming the word they'll never be able to suffer persecution or or any kind of hurts or suffering or pain they'll never have cancer they'll never have anything at all that they can offer to God as a sacrifice it's not an awesome thing huh and our Lord says these marvelous words to you and I pour human beings sinful ever striving to somebody gets so hard to be virtue was on any level well whoever eats me will draw light from me and anyone who eats this bread will live forever this is it says he taught this doctrine at Capernaum and after hearing it many walked away well things have been changed I wish they had we have a call hello good evening mother good evening where are you from New York City and what is your question first I'd like to tell you you have the best show on television thank you there's a lot of garbage on TV and every show should be as a meaningful choice my question is I have a friend who was Christian and he says that Jesus is not present in the Eucharist he says the Bible tells the truth and in the Bible it says do this and remembrance of me it's just a symbol of remembrance how do I tell him he's wrong what Bibles you use Jimmy what Bible is he using um Christians I don't know what Bible they use he said it's the same one is mine I can't believe that if he says this maybe he's got one of these inclusive language sakes you know that they don't know what they're saying let me say what it says it doesn't say that a symbol it says a doctrine and you see you don't give the Lord much credit for honesty if you don't believe the sixth chapter of John why I do Lord if he was speaking of a symbol would not injustice allow people to walk away ignorant of truth I am the way I am the truth and I am the life do this in remembrance of me now he is obliged because He is God he is obliged to tell me all the truth otherwise how would I be responsible for my actions how would he judge me if I didn't have a chance to know the truth so he can't he can't judge my conscience if it's not enlightened and so if it was a symbol like I am the vine you are the branches that's obviously a symbol if it was speaking of a symbol then he used the wrong words unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood now when these people left him if since he is God he is the truth and the way and the life then he would be obliged to say don't walk away let me explain it to you the under common sense level and the common sense level is a wrong to faith it's an increase I common sense return with the Lord God who has promised me that he would be the way the truth and the life and he says here unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you will not draw a life from me and whoever does eat my flesh and drink my blood draws lives who he is the life he is the way and so they walked ready what did they say this is in tolerable language do you think the truth the ultimate awesome truth that we call God would allow intolerable language if they misunderstood and they thought this is intolerable then he was obliged as God because when they walked away they incurred culpability see don't don't give don't accuse our Lord of being unfair and I just and he says here how could anyone accept this that your friend can't accept it so he misinterprets it because he cannot accept it what's the difference now what does the Lord say Jesus was aware that his followers were complaining what they say does this upset you this would have been the prime time to say let me explain it what if you were to see the Son of Man ascend where he was before in other words if this miracle upset you will you accept his resurrection will you accept his ascension were you accept that He is God and guy can do whatever he pleases it is a spirit that gives life the flesh see when we think on the fleshy way we can't give anything there are some of you do not believe jesus knew from the outset who would not believe and the one who would betray him and he said this is why I told you that no one could come to me unless the father allows him if I have trouble with the Eucharist or you have trouble of the Eucharist as the Eternal Father to give you that faith then jesus said now this imagine here is a crowd the Lord has given this awesome doctrine awesome the crowd leaves one by one suddenly our dear Lord is alone with just about twelve apostles all by himself twelve men at this point again he should have said they all walked away before I could explain that this is Juliette simple you know what he said what about you do you want to go away too would he have asked the twelve men he chose to to begin a whole new church to go away when he was at a point of giving his entire life for the redemption of man would he have sacrificed his apostles and all they were to teach and all the places that were to go he was willing to do all of that and Peter said go Peter Lord who was she who shall we go to you have the message of eternal life that we believe that you are the Holy One of God what does Peter say Peters say I don't understand Lord I don't understand but I know one thing and if you have any questions a problem with the Eucharist this is the one thing you don't know and that's the whole basis of your problem with the Eucharist I you have the message of eternal life that we believe did he understand what our Lord said no way no way anybody could understand but the the ones who left knew exactly what he meant they were to eat his flesh and drink his blood they walked away it was the same the resurrection after he died after they crucified him they went to Pilate and said this man said he would rise on the third day they remembered the Apostles forgot hey that's amazing the Apostles forgot and the Pharisees remembered they'd put a guard there otherwise his apostles will come and steer them and say rose father then you see it's the same thing here see we don't understand how it is we don't understand how it that's sudden wafer because the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus but Peter says we know you are the Holy One we believe our Lord said I said have either chosen you twelve gets one of you as a devil hard stuff this is before the Last Supper this is a component not Jerusalem so I think sometimes you see we only read a part of the Bible if you take the Bible Bible out of context then you could make it say almost anything that's why I want you to read this entire chapter jesus said it I believe we have another call hello hello mother where are you from I'm calling from a Chicago area okay how about just thinking how anyone could call you a heretic when it's so obvious that this is the Holy Spirit will guide it prompts everything you say that you won't think I'm a heretic I know our Lord is so wonderful yes yes he is I'm calling you you know I never I don't want to interrupt your question but I never understood what the Lord said when on time is it when they when they persecute you and they say all manner of evil against you dance for joy I don't want to do that but you know when I got this terrible article in a in a church bulletin besides and then he says be careful what you watch on television don't watch Mother Angelica you got the newest piece Department and that a horrible thing then you got all this crummy things you can't even watch an ad you got violence sex alcohol drugs all on television be careful what you watch on TV I'll even on the index there is no index yet but I'm first one on it be careful your kids don't watch Mother Angelica well I thought that was funny if I wasn't crippled I would have danced for joy because it was so stupid to me of all the things you shouldn't watch it's Mother Angelica well that kind of church I don't want to belong to and that kind of church in that kind of church I would not be welcome now what is your question sweetheart I was crawling because our priest and we pray for him an awful lot and irritate believes that he's been fooled he states that we should stand during the consecration because it is a more traditional way of celebrating the Eucharist and that too to kneel how far did you go back when he says more divinity doesn't say he quotes them literate just with us said and he says it if we're going to be huh where to stand and give praise rather than to ignore the host and it just makes you cry but how do you answer them and still you're praying for them you want to keep your church going and you're praying for this priests because we know the Lord called them and they responded and they've been lied to by Satan what what do you say to them you can't agree because it's wrong it's so funny about these liberals but they call us traditional and there's a big mortal sin what to do if your traditional there's something just that you need some help you know I mean you're just seal and and they tell me now that I've gone backwards by wearing this habit and yet they go to the fourth century and tell you to stay in you know what I just said no I just said don't you they go back to the fourth century and say now we stand because of the fourth century they stood hey I'm going forward this habit is going forward if you're all back in the fourth century because they stood they stood because they were being persecuted first second third century and even then we don't know if they stood how can tell me buddy tell me that in the third century they stood for the Eucharist I mean you got some kind of brain maybe a mystic you are huh you got some vision that see all these people standing in the third fourth century how can you stand how can you stand when the third person of the tree the Holy Spirit comes down into the hands of a priest in that awesome moment when he changes that bread into the body blood soul and divinity of you how can you stand you know somebody told me that they stood because if they went to the see the president United States they would stand so would i but but the President of the United States wheat heart is not God that may be a revelation he's not God you see I kneel not to a man I kneel to God if I nail to a man I would be an idolatry you see that's the hurt I want you to go to make a visit this week because to me it's such an active I will not serve the Luciferian sin is everywhere you see you have to look back if you want to see what our sweet love being liberal brothers have done to us over 30 years very slowly they introduce inclusive language you never knew it very slowly they changed prayers that lost their beauty and their sense of Awesomeness and mystery all of a sudden they take away all that we belong to the Latin Rite but there it's a sin dev lat why don't you change rights very slowly they have taken everything away slowly there's a car lady away the rosary way the statues away now you go in some of these new churches it's a hall one church has a big mirror in the front when you walk in you see yourself you see everybody twice you see the person next to you and then you see them over there in the mirror happy happy happy then nothing in there but this huge beer we're community Oh wonderful a sinless community because you don't need to go to confession you don't have any sense the Eucharist well you know it's just a symbol or using hottie Tottie hymns I'm telling you they rock them a role that's not God now that's not good when you take the awesomeness away from God that he deserves that majesty and mystery once you take that away I hate to say this but I'm going to I'm I mean I since I'm a heretic I might as well say this there must be at least one good Holy Catholic Church in your area a church that believes in the Eucharist and believes you should kneel you know I wonder who makes that phone call okay boys today we take away the dealers and from coast to coast they start ripping up the dealers today we do this this week we do that ah every nasty articled everybody has sent me all say the same thing you know what I think somebody called up and say boys this is what we're going to do to ruin her credibility we got to get rid of this gap so in the newspapers we'll say she's a heretic she's not a Catholic she's not till doesn't believe in the bishops she doesn't believe in the Vatican she's a priest master a what I never bashed two priests in my life now let's all say that and all of that happens in every newspaper and every column that in in in diocesan papers in in in bulletins and you know I've been getting bored lately because all the nasty things I say are all the same why don't you come up with something else I think that's what happened to the nailers I don't know they must have a big club somewhere called the future club the future Church of America it has nothing in it you can do what you please as you please when you place we are pluralistic we believe that everybody can do what they want to do except just less they're nuts well you know I just I have hard time with all this because not oh yeah somebody else said I was angry Oh angry shouldn't I be angry shouldn't you be angry shouldn't you be angry when our Lord's precious body blood soul and divinity is ridiculed by his own and you see so many other sheep Cornette wrong direction shouldn't you be angry when the rosaries ridiculed in our ladies with you shouldn't you be angry what everything you hold is beautiful and holy is suddenly that's the way and you're looked upon as a heretic shouldn't you be angry when good holy faithful orthodox traditional priests are ridiculed and sent to psychiatrists or sent to colleges to be reprogrammed yeah I'm angry you're right that's the only thing you ever said was right I am very angry and all you out there should be the same you should start somewhere along the line to say enough is enough to answer your question I have a habit of going to California by way of New York but yes pray for him but don't jeopardize your soul by allowing it you know there is occasions of sin there's also occasions where you could lose your faith where people so doubts but remember what our Lord said here will you also go away he didn't change his mind I'm very sorry some of you have changed yours I would like all of us to say Lord to whom shall we go we have the words of eternal life we have another call hello hello mother where are you from I'm from Fort Myers and what is your question before I say my question I must say mother what does role need is a more a lot more heretics like you ha ha ha thank you mother um I just started in the Catholic school yes as they thank God I've been praying that I get in and I did and yesterday we celebrated Mass with our Bishop because he was visiting and I was either glad that our Bishop was going to be there and then when it came time for that awesome presence to come down into that tiny little host no one kneeled I was shocked what do I do mother how old are you hey I'm 14 thank God since you believe in the real presence and I it does my heart good to feel that a fortune year old boy like you does believe with all your heart I would kneel no one can stop you from kneeling you see that's that's Jesus you're not an equal you're you're a son of God you kneel because he's God you see you you know pressures like that you don't know how to answer makes you hard when a cry because he comes and we just stand there as if ho-hum what's next when you look in the past and the Saints they would go into ecstasy at that real present when our Lord appeared to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque he wanted to prostrate you know that means it means to go down your stomach with your head on the ground and your arms stretched out before his holy presence and you Chryst's prostrate you read the lives of Saint after Saint after saying and the Lord told them prostrate yourself when the angel appeared to the children of Fatima did they all stand as he had the the chalice and the horse there he came down I am Michael he said and say Michael came down and prostrating himself on the ground before the real presence the very angels of God prostrate themselves that real presence you'll be persecuted VI you be called a heretic that's the best club you could ever belong to because you Billy I don't know it says many are calling and asking of a priest or priests who are present who distributes the host what about that well I think it's somewhere in the documents it says if if there are a lot of people you can have Eucharistic ministers but the priests should not be sitting down why do you like laypeople distribute communion that's his job but you see all of those things many of them are wrong I don't like to fight skirmishes when there's a big battle to fight yeah the battle for me is that you're Chris there are many many things wrong in the church standing is one of them but for you see who really have a faith in that real present you kneel that they throw you out like they did one woman go to another the one you kneel say Lord I love I adore a praise and I bless you I think it's obvious tonight that if we want this world to be saved from awesome awesome chastisement you can call it what you want purification whatever for all the abortions do you realize all the abortions that happen on that awesome January 2nd so many years ago all those people would be 21 there would have been doctors and lawyers well for that and all the permissiveness on TV all the evil in the whole world do you think God is mocked no he's not I beg you tonight to go to your church this week and pray to Jesus in the Eucharist and ask that one tooth Lord not just to have mercy on the world I let it go on and it's awesome evil ways all the good can save it if all the good in this world of all those who believe in Jesus of all those that are Christian even those denominations that don't believe in the Eucharist if we all got together and prayed at least mentally in sackcloth and ashes with hearts that are our repentance and hearts that are sorry that the Lord God and wondrous Majesty is so offended maybe he would have mercy upon it regardless of that we need as Catholics who believe in that real presence to make reparation whether or not there are floods and hurricanes and tornados and earthquakes not for that reason do we love him and not for that reason do we ask for pardon but for our sins mine and yours do we make reparation are in differences let us look at the Lukas when you go to see him and say I Jesus I'm here I believe I believe in every word you said Lord I have no one to go to except you yuuup ramas if I come to your own holy presence with my burdens you will ease them and you were promised to feed me my daily bread say that were you and tell them most of all I love you Jesus see you tomorrow you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 22,692
Rating: 4.8395414 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 6sec (3426 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2012
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