Mother Angelica Live Classics - God Knows Us As We Really Are - Mother Angelica - 02-22-2011

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: Well, hi everybody. We've got a great group here tonight. We always have. And our prayer intention, don't forget, we're praying for a ban on all embryonic stem cell research, because they've had terrible, terrible results on what they've done so far. And you know, God knows us and He created us in such an awesome way. You know, I was in the doctor's office not too long ago and I saw a chart of the eye. It's amazing how the eye is formed and how complicated it is, you know. And God is so awesome in creating us, I don't know why they think He needs any help, you know. (audience laughs) You just wonder sometime if they intend to find something and say, "Well, You didn't do this right." And it would be terrible to do that, you see, but this is the age we live in. And I just pray our Lord kind of gives them light. A little shaking up wouldn't hurt. I think we all need a little shaking up. And that's what we want to pray for this month. With all of us praying, and you know, maybe it won't pass. Well, we're going to take-- I just asked everybody here, "What do we talk about?" And this wonderful young priest said, "God." Well, that's the best thing we could talk about, is God. And God knows us. 2 Corinthians 5:11 says, "God knows us for what we really are." Oh. (chuckles) It's always a surprise to us when somebody tells you, "Why did you do that?" And we object to that knowledge with, "I didn't do it." "Well, I saw you do it." "No, it wasn't me." We just don't go for self-knowledge, okay. You know, if you were taking a part in a play--and I never did that--but I would imagine if you were taking a part, you would want to know who this person is, what was his personality, how did he think, in order to do the same thing. I don't think any actor can go and do, put himself in a part. He has to take on. Well, that's Christianity. You and I must take on Jesus. I know we're kind of far away, but we shouldn't be. As St. Paul says here, "I hope that your conscience is you know that God knows you." That's why you can't hide. You know, so many people do things in the dark. Who are you kidding? (chuckles) God sees you. (chuckles) Always, just like a big television set to Him. You're not hiding anything. Just like a little kid, you know, hiding behind a door. Now, he says here, "From now on, therefore, we do not judge anyone by the standards of the flesh." I think one of the things that we do the easiest is judge. Do you think so, huh? Yeah, we judge a lot. You can see somebody. Say somebody's walking down the street and he just hurt his ankle. And he's kind of limping a little bit, and you're going to say, "Hah! Look how drunk he is." (audience chuckles) And he's not drunk at all. The poor guy sprained his ankle. And we do that constantly. It's like all of you feel, you know, there's a great big billboard on the way coming here. And it says to parents, "Your child's head isn't as hard as you think it is. Make him wear a helmet." Well, I think that was a smart ad, because we're always judging people and then we come out wrong. And Our Dear Lord said two things. He said, "Do not judge and you will not be judged." Now wouldn't that be awesome if we could die and say to God, "I never judged anyone?" Anybody here say that? (audience chuckles) Boy, there's not one person lifting up his hand, because we judge. Are you leaving me or something? Oh. (chuckles) Hi. These brand new things never work, you know. That's so funny about the television business. You spend so much money on things and these great big giants like I'm facing right…not him, this machine. (audience chuckles) (Mother chuckles) They just don't work, you know. So we just have to be patient with it. Now, "For anyone who is in Jesus is a new creation." Are you new? Mm-mm? You don't know what it means? Well, let me tell you. It means that you think like Jesus and you act like Jesus. Well, that shouldn't be hard. All of you that go to Communion, even if you go once a week, and especially if you go every day, you should be able to act like Jesus. And you say, "Well, I don't know how to act like Jesus." Well, it doesn't mean you act like God, but He is God. What do you do if you feel angry? What you do when you feel angry? Mm-mm, nobody wants to say. What do you do? You blow, right? This is your chance to tell somebody what you're thinking, and it's not very good, but you've been waiting a long time. Well now, see, if you were to say, "I don't want to do that. I want to be like Jesus…" You know, Jesus had to take a lot. He'd be talking to a crowd and the Pharisees were out there to get Him, trip Him up. "Is it right to give to pay taxes to Caesar?" They wanted to trip Him. It's one of those situations that no matter what He said, He was finished. And what did Jesus do? Oh, He was smart, but He didn't get mad. He didn't get angry. He said, "Whose coin is this? Show me a coin," He said. "Whose image is this?" He said, "Caesar's." "Well then give it to Caesar. What's God's, give to God." Well, that's what you call smart. You see… Am I going to Australia? Yeah. See, I always like to tell God, "You're so smart." Did you ever say that to God? "You're so smart." He is total intelligence. He knows everything. But see, He acted as God-man. He acted in a very special way, always with love. And you say, "Well, when He beat up those moneychangers, that didn't look too loving," but it was. It was. He was trying to impress upon their mind what they were doing, exchanging money in the temple. Now, if somebody did that in our temple, I'd throw them out. I hope I'd be nice. I hope I would say, "Would you mind moving out?" I probably would, I'd say, "Either you move out or I will push you out." (audience laughs) I know myself. I would try to do it lovingly. But you know, Our Dear Lord knew that there was a time for anger. And the reason He did it is because they were using the Father's house to exchange money. And you see, that's what St. Paul is saying here. He is saying, "You'll be a new creation. The old creation has gone." Oh, how many of us can say that? Can we say today… Now, some of us have been Catholic or Christian for how many years? Well, you don't want to even tell me. But what are you saying? We're saying here that as long as we have been Christians, we haven't changed a bit. Well, we can start now. It's what you are when you die that's important. You see, you can start being sweet. I know your family may wonder what's wrong with you. "Is he sick?" "No." "Why is he so nice? Did anybody ever say that to you? (audience chuckles) "Something wrong with you?" You know, when I was a young sister, and it's ages ago, the custom in the monastery was to put your hands under your scapular when you're walking down the hall. I just couldn't do it. I mean, I tried and I tried. And every week I got corrected for that and I'd try again. And one day I thought, "Now, this is ridiculous. "You entered this monastery willingly. "You know what the obligations were going to be. "Why can't you do this small thing?" I did it. I walked down those halls with my hands under my scapular. And the Mother Abbess called me and she said, "Are you sick?" (audience laughs) I said, "No, Reverend Mother." "What's wrong with you?" I said, "I'm fine." "Well, you don't look fine." I said, "Well, Reverend Mother, I'm fine. "I don't know what else to say." "Why are you keeping your hands under your scapular?" I said, "Well, you're supposed to do that, aren't you?" "Well, I've been wishing for years you did it, but somehow you don't look right." (audience laughs) She said, "You make me nervous." And I said, "Well, what do you want me to do?" She said, "Well, just do what you always do." She said, "At least you look better." (audience laughs) And sometimes you can't win. What am I doing here? I'm making you nervous, right? Okay. This floor manager here is... What are you? Floor Director? Floor something. I can never figure out what to do with this. You know it just keeps going this way, like a clock. I've had thoughts, but oh, well. So now you see we're not a new creation. I always tell my Sisters there's one thing you should do in religious life and if that's all you did, you'd be wonderful. And they'd say, "What? What's this secret?" And I would say, "On your mirror put, 'Mind your own business.'" (audience chuckles) They'd say, "That's it?" That's it. You do that, you'll be saints tomorrow. Isn't that true? Rash judgment comes from not minding your own business. This whole world would change, if you did mind your own business. Gossip wouldn't be, you see. Can you imagine every woman in this world not gossiping for a week? (audience chuckles) You can't imagine that, huh? Uh-huh. You see, all these men are shaking their heads. And all these women can't even imagine it. "A whole week? What would I talk about?" Well, you could talk about Jesus. "Jesus? Oh well, what else?" The weather. "That's it?" You see, we get so accustomed to imperfections. Now, I'm not talking about grievous sins now. You all know what a grievous sin is. That's what St. Paul is talking about here. See, it's all God's work, he says. We are ambassadors. Do you know what an ambassador is? An ambassador is an example of a country. He has to think like that country. He has to portray the spirit of that country. He has to be that country in another world, in another country. Well, you and I are ambassadors for Jesus. And the days of the first Christians, in some places they couldn't even talk about Jesus. So how did you get so many converts? Example--somebody forgives a grievous offense. But today, "Are you crazy? "What's wrong with you? It's an eye for an eye." That's the only part of Scripture most people know. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." You know what I meant. That was an act of charity. What it meant was if you stole my cow, the worst I could do to you is to steal your cow. It didn't mean you popped him on the head and gave him a black eye. It was a tooth for a tooth. That kept people halfway decent. You know what St. Paul says? "We prove we are servants of God by great fortitude in times of suffering." Oh, we haven't changed a bit in all 2000 years. I haven't met one person who did what Our Lord asked us to do. "Dance for joy when people say all manner of evil against you." Anybody here ever dance for joy? You did? Oh, really? You're in an unusual individual. I couldn't, because I can't even dance. I'd have to do something else. You see, we don't realize that the purpose of our earthly sojourn is to become holy. And what is holiness? Holiness is pain, suffering, humiliation--and sometimes it's joy, happiness. Now, who cannot have joy with a banana split? (audience chuckles) But give me spaghetti that's sour--ooh! Sour tomato sauce or sour pickles--well, pickles are sour. Unless you're German, you don't go for sour things, you see. I don't happen to be German, but to me eating a pickle is like putting sandpaper between your teeth. And I see people eating pickles like a candy bar, crunch. They don't even wince. I mean, their eyes don't water. I look at them with amazement. You know that hot stuff? My sisters love hot stuff--oh, Lord--and I never understood eating hot stuff, because you don't taste any food. You just taste hot stuff. And, oh Lord, they'd put it on--I know I saw one put it on an apple. I said, "Oh, God, on an apple." Hot stuff, and they say it's good for you but I don't know how it goes from here down to here. And it doesn't seem... They seem very healthy. There's probably not a germ or virus or bacteria would dare (audience chuckles) enter their stomach. They just look at hot stuff coming down. And then I'll say something about hot stuff and I put it on my tongue and I'm going, (gasps) "Give me water! Give me water!" And they look at me like, "What's wrong with you?" Well, what's that got to do with the subject? Nothing! (audience laughs) I just thought of it. (laughs) Okay, so we want to be a saint? Then you have to have fortitude in time of suffering, in time of hardship and distress. Hardship--we all have hardships. It isn't so much where you live or what you're deprived of. It's what you have to bear consistently. Consistently have to bear. It could be a toe ache. Something consistent--could be a person, but I would imagine the person that bugs you the most, you also bug them the most. There has to be something there between you. But you know, if you had analyzed why you don't like this person or that person, it's usually something small. "I don't like the way they part their hair." So what! "I don't like the colors they wear." You wouldn't love anybody if you went by those standards. I have to love you for you, just as you are. And what does he say? St. Paul says when he was flogged and sent to prison and mobbed and sleepless and starving, (chuckles) you're supposed to bear that patiently and lovingly. Is that easy? No. It's very hard. But St. Paul says, "We prove…." Now, we need to prove we are God's servants--oh, listen to the first thing--"by our purity." Purity? What's that? Chastity. Whores--that's the condition we are in today. That's our condition. You could ask anybody to give me a definition of chastity and they'd say, "Huh? Oh, is that still around?" (chuckles) Yeah, it is up there. It has to be down here. What else? Our knowledge--you know we have a knowledge of a lot of things. Sometimes the most brilliant are the most ignorant. Anybody who thought of this stem cell business and killing babies when they're about to be born, or abortion, has no knowledge. It's not book knowledge. I can memorize this entire Bible, but it doesn't mean I would understand it. I might quote at you chapter and verse, but if I don't live it, if I don't understand, what good is it? You have to be very brilliant to do the things that we do. I don't know what they intend to do when they finally go some Mars, they think they're going to go and land up there. Well, you don't have enough people now, between abortion and birth control. We're all old. And you're getting older, and the ones behind you are just about there. And that's out of the whole world. So now how do you figure that we need to go to Mars or some other planet, when we're killing everybody off here, all this birth control? That is the dumbest statement I ever heard. I've traveled for miles and miles and miles and there's not a house. You see, I call that a lack of knowledge. Now, we say knowledge is wonderful. Yeah, what kind of knowledge? What do you know that's going to benefit mankind? What do you know that's going to give honor and glory to the Most High God? If you don't know that, and all you know is how to destroy and how to play God, then you're ignorant. You can have a lot of book knowledge and you can have a scientist mind that the world has never seen before. I'm all for science, but not when you want to push God over. Whoa boy, I' m staying away from you. You're on dangerous ground. That's ignorance. You see we lack acknowledge. As St. Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians, "Patience." Oh, that's my big fault. I like everything done yesterday. I think God has used that imperfection in me. You probably wouldn't have all this stuff. Why? Because I can't stand God wanting something that's not being done. If God says, "Build me a temple," then we're going to begin. So we don't have any money. That's not the point. He said build, we build. God is not obliged, like a contractor or an architect that shows you a plan. I don't know anybody here can tell me that before you have reached this part of your life, God showed you a plan. Nobody, hmm, because He doesn't. We need faith, hope, trust, if we go moment by moment, day after day. That's it. So we cannot expect God to give us that assurance. There's some kind of book out that describes--a new book, I don't remember the name of it, but it promised you health, wealth and wisdom. Pttth! You give me a passage in this Book, anywhere that says "Blessed are those who are healthy, wealthy and wise." Ah, you know that, huh? Then why do you read a stupid book that promises you that? Hey, you're way back. You can't do that. This is not what we're here for. And I hear say good old St. Paul, he said "We have to have a spirit of holiness." What is that? It means that I am careful of what I say. You see, some people think that they have to express everything in their mind. Well, you're going to let everybody know how dumb you are if you do that because there has to come a time when you don't know. Silence makes you look wise. Because if we say here that I want a spirit of holiness, then I know I'm going to be prudent and not tactlessness. Maybe somebody is wearing something, a color perhaps that you don't like, and some people think I am obliged to tell the truth. I don't think you are. Just shut up. (audience laughs) Who cares whether you like green or don't like green? If someone you love is wearing green, give them a hug. You don't have to say what you think. You say, "Well, I couldn't say it's lovely." Yeah you can. For them it's lovely. For you it's ugly. And maybe it would be ugly on you. And some people insist on wearing the colors that just don't match. And then some others don't wear hardly anything. You have to imagine what they're wearing, because the top half is naked and the bottom half is naked. And you wonder what's wrong with you. You know, I saw--I think I told you a couple of weeks ago, we were going into a medical building and this woman comes out in a very, a kind of bathing suit, I suppose. And I thought, "Do they have a pool in this building?" (audience laughs) And she looked quite comfortable in it. Coming out of a doctors' building. I can't imagine they require you to wear a bathing suit to get examined, you know. I said, "What is she doing in a doctor's building with a bathing… "There's not a drop of water anywhere." Now, she got in her car and drove-in a bathing suit. (audience chuckles) You see, she knows that's funny. You know, I think maybe women do that to attract attention, but you don't get the right kind. And you know, I don't know, you ought to look in a full-length mirror and see how you look before you do that. Why? We're talking here about purity. You see, what you do is you're responsible for tempting men to impurity when you go around half-dressed. And you say, "Well, that's their problem." No! It's yours, and it's your responsibility. Don't you think the Lord's going to forget it! I think you have--somebody has to tell you that when you wear a bikini on the beach, you are tempting every man on that beach. And God only knows, he may go out and rape an innocent girl because of you. Oh, I'm putting a scare into you? Well, I intend to scare the hell out of you. (audience chuckles) Why? Because you are doing something radically wrong. And you bring out the First Amendment, or the Fifth Amendment--I don't know which amendment it is. You know, "You can do what you please, as you please, when you please." It doesn't say that. And I don't think you can. You have no right. Nobody has a right to put anyone else in danger in any way. So some of you may think it's a style. What is a style? And who decides what you wear next year? Well, you have dresses all with little ducks on them. They come from a duck farm? (audience chuckles) Where did it come that everybody wears ducks this year? The next year everybody wears brown. The next year they had little bears. Everything is a bear. You go in any store and there's bears everywhere. You see, somebody stayed up at night. They don't care if you buy foolishly. They're just making money. This year you wear bears. The next year you wear ducks. The next year you wear something else. We'll see what else he says. "A love free of affectation." Oh, isn't that interesting, huh? Do you know what that is? (chuckles) Oh, it's terrible. It means--to be affected, it means to pretend and act nice and loving and kind, when you're not. It's not a virtue either. Let's see if I could think of some affectatious thing. Okay, here comes somebody you don't particularly like, but here comes affectation. "Darling, I've never saw you so good." What did you say? That kid knows more than any an adult I've seen. It's pretend, and you know it too. You know, "I've never seen you so beautiful." Huh? She may be beautiful, it's the way you say it. Affectation, pretending, and not for a good reason, because you know what happens when you meet another friend and that friend says, "Have you seen so-and-so lately?" And she says, "Oh yeah, gosh, I just saw her. She looked terrible." (audience laughs) You see, an affectation is a little lie, if there is such a thing as a little lie. It's a lie. And you say, "Well, am I going to say, 'You look so ugly this morning?'" No, just say hello. That's all. Just say, "Hello, how are you?" Ordinary stuff, but don't pretend and then turn around and say, "Ooh, gosh, she looks terrible. "She had a green hat, a yellow shirt and purple boots." Mm-mm. All that's affectation. Let's see what else he says. "Kindness." (chuckles) Kindness, what is kindness? Kindness is love. It's not lovey-dovey, but it's a kind, it's a gesture of love. It's not a word. It's not something you say. If a boy would open a door for a girl, that would be kindness--also miraculous. (audience laughs) I mean, the girl would probably be just stand there and wonder what happened. But that's an act of kindness. If you're on a date and you go to a restaurant, he should go behind you and put the chair out and then put it under you. You're lucky you even got a chair. Worse, when he pays his check and you pay yours. Boy, I'm glad I never had a date, because that wouldn't have worked with me at all. (audience chuckles) I would have looked at him and said, "Pay, you slob." (audience laughs) But I couldn't do that, no way, because we lack kindness. See, kindness. We just don't think anymore of anybody doing something very simple, opening a door. Did you ever think of opening doors… All you kids go around and open a door, you open a door faster, and slam it. There's no ever reason to slam a door. It's a lack of kindness. We're not kind today. Oh, we need to be. We need to work on it. And now St. Paul says, "We are saintly by being armed with the weapons of truth in the right hand and in the left." You need always... You know, there is such a fear of telling the truth today. I don't know why that is, unless it's the old demon, because we're afraid to admit we're Catholic. We will not tell the truth. I've heard stories today about people who go to Confession and ask if this is right and that's right. "Yeah, yeah, its okay. You go by your conscience." Be terrible if one day you're in hell with the person who told you that and you're both there together and you say to him, "You're the reason I'm here." And he said, "No, I was afraid of this one. He's the reason I'm here." You can go all through hell and blame somebody for your lack of truth, which is a lack of honesty and courage. It takes courage today to be honest and to be truthful, to admit the truths of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Now, I've heard people say they were told that the Magisterium is out of date. Tell it to God when you meet Him. Go ahead. It's not out of date. And there's no truth, no doctrine, no dogma has been changed. But you can tell people they can do all the things they're doing, but down in here, you know, all of you that find, go and find a priest who's going to tell you what you want to hear, down here you know it's wrong. And you use him as an excuse to commit sin after sin after sin. You can't do that. You can't. I know you will. I wouldn't. Now he says, "Prepared for honor or disgrace." (chuckle) Honor or disgrace. You get the impression that St. Paul loved Jesus so much that was the only thing he was after and nothing else mattered. You really get that impression here. "For blame or praise." We all like praise. We don't want to be blamed for something, especially if we didn't do it. "Taken for impostors while we are genuine." I want to thank all of you that are telling the people in your parish not to give to EWTN. (chuckle) You know why I'm thanking you? Because they're getting mad and they're doubling. So whatever you're trying to do, it's not working. Now, "taken for impostors, obscure, yet famous," famous. What does it mean to be famous? I don't know. You say, "Oh Mother, you're famous." (heavy sigh) I'd be infamous if we didn't pay our debts. (audience chuckles) I mean, this famous business is not for nuns and priests. You can't be famous. I do my duty. I love you. I want you to get to Heaven. And if so many lies going around, that I'm afraid you might not make it if you believe them. We're going to go for a question. "Dying," he says, "And yet we live, rumored we're executed and we're not even sentenced." I got that on the phone not too long ago. I answered the phone and she said, "Is it true?" I said, "What?" "Is it true?" I said, "What?" "Mother died?" I said, "No." (audience laughs) "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Are you telling me the truth?" I said, "Mother is telling you the truth." "You're Mother?" I said, "Yes, I am Mother. "I'm standing right here, I have a phone at my ear and I'm talking to you." "Ah! I'm talking to you?" I said, "Yes, you're talking to me." "Oh, thank God!" I said, "Thank you." (audience laughs) Mother: So being famous is not that hot. Why? Because there's rumors start. "Thought most miserable, but we rejoice." Boy I'll tell you this is some kind of guy. "Taken for paupers that we make others rich, people who have nothing, but we have everything." We have a call. Hello? Hi! Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother? Mother: Yeah. Caller #1: This is Jackie. I'm in Mississippi. Mother: Uh-huh. Caller #1: I have a question for you. Mother: Good. Caller #1: Do you believe that satan sends the trials and tribulations and tests, or that they're sent by God? But we ask in the Lord's Prayer to lead us not into evil, in temptation. So does satan send the trials and tribulations and the tests? Or does God send them to hurt us? Mother: Satan tempts us and God permits it. There's a big difference. When God allowed us free will and poor Adam and Eve flopped and fell flat on their face, we inherited all that. We have free will. Then automatically you have the ability to make wrong choices. That's the whole point. And so God allows that because He gave you free will. But not to have free would be terrible. Then I'd never know, do I really love God? The devil tempts us and Our Dear Lord allows it so that we can overcome him. You know, in the Scriptures it says, "The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert to be tempted." Temptation, I think today the devil doesn't have to do too much. Billboards do it. Television does it, books, magazines--I mean, there's temptations everywhere. The devil will always do his best to tempt you into sin until you get to that place where you love sin. That's what he wants. He wants you down there with him. And not because he loves. He hates you. Remember, when you do what the enemy tempts you to do, he does it out of pure hatred. What God permits is He gives you grace. He gives you knowledge. He gives you light to overcome temptation. He does! God does not leave us alone. Neither does He leave us in a vacuum. If He allows the enemy to tempt, it's only for our good. So we rise above that we make a choice in favor of God, in favor of His commandments, in favor of His laws. And then you win and the enemy loses. And that's why our Lord said one time, "There is rejoicing in Heaven when one sinner repents." That's why the enemy tempts us not to repent. So to answer your question, the devil will tempt us. God is always there. Your angel is always there. Pray to your angel and God will bring good out of it when you are victorious. And if you're not victorious, you got another way--humility of heart. "I'm sorry Lord," repentance and Confession. You see, God has not left us orphaned. We have another call. Hello? Female Caller #2: Hello. Mother: Hey! Where you from? Caller #2: I'm from Syracuse, New York. My name is Carol. Mother: Good! Caller #2: The question that I have concerns the destruction of little human embryos in stem cell research. The question is, those little souls, do they go direct to God, whether they're baptized or not? Mother: Well you know, that's a question--I'm not too sure anybody can answer it. In the old days they had a nice solution to people that were not baptized, and that was… What is it? Audience: Limbo. Mother: (chuckles) Limbo, okay. So, and that's a nice thought. It's supposed to be a place of perfect happiness. You know, I don't think anybody even here, most of the things, "Oh, I wish I was in Heaven. I wish I was dead." Oh, you're just chickening out, that's all. You just don't like the problems you have. You don't like the temptations. You don't like the suffering. And so you cop out by saying, "Oh, I wish there were dead." Well, if a doctor told you, you'd be sweating all over the place. (audience laughs) You know, I mean it's just a fakey thing. If you were here and the weather was perfect, the food was absolutely wonderful, you didn't have to work, you didn't have to slave over--there was no heat or cold, everything was perfect--I don't think one person here would wish to go to Heaven. What makes you want to go anywhere? Misery. (audience chuckles) And, "I wish I were younger." Well, you're not. So you got to live with it. You know, I mean I think limbo would have been and maybe is--there's no doctrine about it, so you can have your own opinion. I would think, though, that aborted children and these others have to be some kind of martyr. I don't know. Because it's the law of God that they don't want to obey. No matter what reason you give for abortion, it's the law of God. "I will not serve. "I will not have this baby. "I want to be healed and I don't care what it costs." You see, it's a selfishness that's unbounded. Well, I would think though, in my poor opinion, is that all these test-tube babies and all, they just wait until they die, as God calls them. Because no matter what you do with it, it's sinful. You see, you can't move either way. And the devil has the world in a position where it's either/or, but it is not good. So I feel those test-tube babies are just waiting. They would be waiting until they die and God calls them. We just like to play God. And I think God is very generous. If He's generous with some poor sinner, I think He's generous with those people. I wouldn't be surprised if when they die, and all aborted children, were in Heaven. You'd say, "Well how do you know that?" I don't know that. I know God is good. I also know that they were unjustly treated. And I also know that I think they're little martyrs. You see, so I would say I think they're in Heaven, whether they have a martyr's crown or not. Well I think we had a good example in the Holy Innocents. The Holy Innocents didn't know Jesus. They didn't willfully say, "I want to die for Jesus." They may have gotten the light, I don't know. But we have on the 28th of December the Feast of the Holy Innocents. And certainly these are holy innocents, all of them. We have another call. Hello? Hi. Female Caller #3: Hello? Mother: Where are you from? Caller #3: I'm from Rhode Island. Mother: And your name is Beverly. Caller #3: Yes, Mother it is. Mother: Wonderful, and what is your question? Caller #3: Mother, how do I keep patience and kindness and love in my heart when I work with someone who is like slacking off and deliberately being abusive and not sharing their part of the load? And no matter how I try to be kind and understanding and helpful, this person is really making me physically ill, because I know that I'm trying to do my job and this person is not willing to work with me. Mother: It's hard. It's hard. If you're talking about your husband, that's doubly hard. (audience chuckles) I would suppose that you need to pray very hard. I think if it's affecting you to a point where you can't sleep, you can't do this or that or anything, when your relationship becomes evil, I think you need to go to a good priest who understands your particular situation and get some good advice. Because I don't think God made us to be doormats. And I know women and men sometimes take a lot and they are heroic. I think it's a point of heroism and sainthood for some women to put up with so many things. I think we have to put up with what we have to put up with. But I think if it becomes dangerous and the fruit is evil, you need to get some good advice and see what you can do about it. And it's that way in so many places. There was a girl not too long ago that was kidnapped and made a prostitute, and she tried so hard to escape. They caught her escaping and they killed her. Only God can judge that. It wasn't her fault at all. And there things happening today that are unbelievable. But we must all trust and pray--and pray and pray and pray. And we can be sure of one thing. God is a loving, compassionate and just judge. And He does not judge like we do. Well, it's time to go. I got 5 seconds, and I can say I love you. Bye now! (applause) ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 173,502
Rating: 4.7865114 out of 5
Keywords: EWTN, Mother Angelica Live Classics, Mother Angelica, Catholic, MA902636
Id: JoGzocrTSiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2011
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