Mother Angelcia Live Classics - 2013-04-14 - Fortitude

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yeah like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus glorious work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in God and God lives what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network was built the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus that we are all called to be great Saints don't miss Kappa Church well welcome this is our family night Tuesday night and you have a great crowd here of our family from all over and I always wish you know when these nights come along and we got so many here that I could just hug everybody but you just don't have the time you know and so but hey baby know that look right you know I love you and and that's what's important after all so we just have a good time being together that's all we need and I just want to say we're going to continue our little talk on the seven gifts most people don't have this foggiest idea what the seven gifts are now we talk about careers all the time but careers are for other people when the spirit the Spirit gives us seven gets four of which are for daily work how to live with your neighbor that's a good one huh how God is your father how we have to have fortitude we're gonna take that tonight and then council I have to discern I would suppose of all the gifts here one of the most needed to fear the Lord we have no fear of God we don't we think he's some great man up there with a long beard he always looks old I can I get old I never understood why we did it in the new church he's got this beautiful picture of the Eternal Father he's beautiful but we see when we say father we think of old I don't know why a lot of fathers here that are not old it could be very young and be a father's I don't know why I saw a picture of the Trinity that I've always thought of but never saw but it finally saw and they all looked alike when Jesus said he who sees me he said she's the father oh so you know I don't just all look at the father with this long beard but we have to imagine him in some way and we always make him look like he's getting old he better not that we're all in trouble yeah but he looks like Jesus Jesus looked like the father and the spirit too so we have the beacon of the Spirit I was telling and reminding the other sisters a couple of weeks ago one time when I was writing the books as years ago and I was dead tired just dead tired and so I went to bed and I fell asleep but you ever get so tired you feel like your body's going through the mattress ever say feel that way somehow you feel something between you and the mattress is missing you know you're just kind of anyway I woke up oh it must have been sometime between midnight and 2:00 o'clock and I saw it's clear as day this cameo this round looked like a frame and and I looked in there I knew it was immediately because he looked just like Jesus but didn't have a beard and I looked at him and I said hi hi sir no when I woke up in the morning I thought why did I do that I just went back to sleep and he never came back again never and I thought well he has to understand me I mean he knows me but from him it looks just like Jesus and the father looks like Jesus Jesus looks like the father I want to give you a new reality of the Trinity there's not one old one kind of medium and we don't know what the spirit looks like to see we had three persons not two persons in the Dove we have three persons see and and that's what we have to realize that when the spirit the love that exists that is between father and son is so powerful a person well when that person comes into our heart when we're baptized well some of you out there having baptize your children the priest said to my mother when she brought me to the the fount why didn't she wait she could have walked you but you know how Italians are they have to wait for Kumari to come and cranberries are coming if everybody isn't there then they waits and waits and waits but one that spirit comes he brings all these awesome gifts and that's what sweetie I need to fear the Lord some of your teenagers act like there is no God and I don't blame you maybe you've never been told there is a God and He has Saints we can do and things we can't why well it's like if you bought a car try to put sand in your carburetor never try it well ever try to put sand in your carburetor well you say no it wouldn't run well the book says you don't put sand in your carburetor you don't mind that oh you don't care oh yeah that's smart but when God says don't do this oh you're all upset you say oh he had no right to tell me what to do oh he does I Got News for you just like the auto tomorrow at automotive industry has a right to say and they even tell you what kind of gasoline they put a red mark here and it's just like kindergarten you will put up your gas think tank and there is a red mark on the new Quran looking for the red mark in your gas station that right you do because they want to be sure you put the right gasoline in there see somebody has to tell you what to do every five minutes did you ever notice that you pay a lot of money go to doctors these days are you wait are you away and you wait by the time you get in you got shingles or you feel like you got shingles you know you're just planning edging all along and they don't care you get in there and by the time you get in sometimes they say well what can I do it for you I got a headache a headache yeah from waiting five hours out there but you don't say that you see but we all have rules and regulations are you a yellow lighter no no I'm talking about yeah you do there is a red light and there is a yellow light there is a green light why do you think they're there and you all go through the yellow light why it's almost something in your heart that says go you tell me you almost made it I see people gone through yellow lights all the time and you got a lot of time you're way back here and you know all of a sudden and that red lights gonna come and you and you feel so good about it just feel like you did something wonderful but it's kind of stupid because what happens if the men on the other side decided he was gone you say well he's waiting for the green light but somebody has to tell you what to do and so does God okay and once we know we don't want to offend him and that's fear of the Lord do you have fear Lord or do go headlong into anything everything now piety we went through that I have to love you and you have to love me and I said to say have to but we share the same father the same eternal father breathed the soul to you and me we're all different out there I saw a pair of trends or it's so I liked it there were a little button if they ever switch buttons you didn't know who they were they like many things alike still they were different very different in many ways and today we want to talk about fortitude because we all need it we all need I don't know what you know about dusty Rhodes you know anything about dusty Rhodes if you've never been in a dusty road come to Birmingham sometime when we go out to the farm I will show you it's like these storms you have in West is dust storms you know how it swirls like a thread of you where every time a bus or go on the bus couldn't get through there every time a car goes there a big truck your tiniest dust everybody hates it but no matter how slow you go there's that dusty so we reach the inevitable we all have to put up with it what do we need for the church for Detroit and that's what we want to talk to you some of you are very ill and you don't know whether you'll get well or not some of you are terminal you already know that the doctors have told you that and so you know but what do you need 42 it we need that courage to accept God's will that's the hardest thing sometimes we know God's will and some people say to me how do you know God's will I said well if it's happening it's got to be that simple it's not knowing God's will that's hard it's doing it that's hard we all have strong wills we all have strong wills and the purpose of religious life is to temper your strong will so you do the will of someone else we call a superior or a bizarre Prioress whatever who represents God to you and you do that's the same with your mother and father all but we don't always do that with our mother and father all right we like 42 it's a courage not just like courage that you have that you could do something difficult but fortitude is inside the heart see and it's an endurance that you're able to be ever snow some people have an awesome gift of enduring pain suffering and in terrible terrible crisis a friend of mine I think it was a newspaper boy he drove up to deliver the paper and back down off by time our little four year old was there and he was killed well they had to have a lot of fortitude shorted the young boy he didn't know he could is here what is it there that you need to accept and endure the that's where so many of you lose your faith why well the roof of my house is leaking well I go fix it why get disheartened a lot of things don't need fortitude they need common sense common sense somebody who can't drink hot things I can't drink hot things because it burns my tongue well then if I eat some drink something hot like I did the other day I'd stupid but I need for two to acknowledge that that was the dumbest thing I ever did because I know one time I burned my tongue real bad so it wasn't healing wasn't here I met the doctor he looked at me said you have a geographic tongue I said a what he said Dravot geographic choice oh what's that mean she said it changes every day it's my tongue changes every day he said yes today it's sore on one side tomorrow sore on the other side he said look that it looks just like a map I said well what do you do about it he said nothing I said nothing for it he said no no why did I come here I thought you had something like a gardener with to do something with he said no that's it I said how long is it gonna last she said till you die see when you got to pay for that that's one you need fortitude in the truth right now fortitude is what courage and suffering perseverance in doing good and prudence I had a woman tell me one time she was 9 foot ceilings in her house and the light went out well she got a letter and she took off the cover of light and it started to fall when she said I use faith to say that I said huh I used faith to save it and I said well didn't it break it to pieces it broke I would faith got to do with it if you drop something from nine feet it's gonna shatter well I thought if I believed faith has nothing to do with a falling item if it's balling it's gonna hit something see we misused because right then you need common sense all you need to do is say it slipped and there it is all over the floor now what you go buy a new one at all see we we don't need faith when something like that is happening I need the fortitude to admit that I did a dumb thing you know it's very hard for some people extremely hard to admit they did something stupid but it takes your mentallity true and perseverance in doing good you ever get discouraged because you don't seem to be changing huh you've been this way since you're what five years old you've been spoutin since you're 5 I told my poor my father's mother my father's mother was a very gourmet cook it used to take the the bones out of a chicken raw and then you cooked it then you just slice it up quite an art well my mother could do it so we had that they had a stove I can see that stove yet and my mother had the stove down you know ready to put her chicken in the oven and my grandmother was letting her have it because she didn't debone it and I was three and I could see it I looked it up at my grandmother and I said oh shut up you all-time Talk Talk I was three but I still do that I got mad at one of the workmen yesterday and I let him have it then he let me have it and but I had the last word but what I'm still working on a lot of times I think I'm able to keep my mouth shut but it takes for the truth it takes a lot of it you can count to ten you can count to 20 you could turn it to 40 and here it's still there still there see but you got to have fortitude to say look what's the difference you know what's the problem here I don't need to spout right now so we need 42 so let's see what 42 it gifts for ado it gives me the power that's the power from the spirit to persevere in doing good you know a lot of us have some wonderful ideas I know some of you charismatic years ago in the 60s and 70s 80s early eighties oh you got the Holy Spirit or he would thought you got it you avoid his head and you were just going while you felt good and you could do anything well here comes dryness what's that dryness is a gift from God I call to give some time right when you don't feel like pray when you want to pray with all your heart but just nothing there it's like dry bones like a the sand in a desert and we lament we say oh I did something terrible No one of the greatest gifts in our prayer life that God gives us is dryness then I can love him for himself I'm not loving him because I feel good I'm not loving because he answered a prayer of mine I'm not loving him for any other reason except he is worth and worthy of all love so if I am dry or I have consolation shouldn't matter to us he it shouldn't matter at all if you continue it with him when you can love him and give him what he asked at the present moment but that takes fortitude you can't do that consistently you know being a saint I think it's easy it's accepting your daily chores your daily crosses crosses and maybe there's no other cross except that your husband just retired right and he follows you from room to room to room I'll take that one for a while so I love it more than what's your problem but not from room to room to room why you don't have fortitude why don't you say sweetheart why don't you go sit on the porch you need the air then he says we don't have a porch you need fortitude what are you going to say next go sit on a rock no now how about the women well women that retire can be a pain in neck too why because your energy level goes down you should do a lot of things you used to do you should go swimming you should go here there and everywhere and now you're oh I'm tired now you're both retired and now all you do is sit there being tired see the purpose of retiring is not to watch your arteries get hard it's the purpose of retiring is to enjoy the fruits of your labor not that you're gonna live it up but that you can pray more you can talk to each other more you can do a lot of little things like walked around the block walk together that's the purpose of retiring it isn't a goal from one country to another all you do is get more tired I see people come home from a vacation that looked absolutely wretched got bags under their eyes say where were you vacation where did you go to the beach what Beach and Hawaii oh no wonder you're tired nothing wrong with the light I'm gonna get all these letters now saying what's wrong with Hawaii nothing nothing wrong with her life but no wonder you're tired you probably could go about 50 miles from your home he had the same thing cheaper I make a bet but that doesn't appeal to you because it doesn't take as much time and there's just something about traveling that you expect to be miserable oh I went to so-and-so and I went maybe to a holy place and what happened Oh God it was terrible what was terrible we prayed all day what's wrong with that well I got so tired that only proves you never prayed before but see on a trip you need fortitude if you go on a trip with 40 people I may hear came about but none of you oh boy 80 and one you need to stop though busted and the bus driver he's got to stop it you're gonna wait until that that I'm thirsty top I'm hungry top we're going to stop at the next stop at a restaurant when is that 40 minutes already minutes what it does it take for the truth hmm all your school teachers you know how hard it is huh how hard it is to teach today you don't know if they got a gun in their pocket or not so everything takes for the truth all you people go to where you call them hairdressers wait on that would you call I know this the stuff they put on your hair has to smell I mean pretty bad to curl your hair I think anything is strong enough to curl your hair she's pretty smelly it used to be when I would had all these things sticking out of your hair and like this you look like somebody came from outer space and I said to my mother after she forced me into that chair how long is it gonna last she said maybe a month or two I got to go through this every two months she said yes I said oh terrible but you do that takes fortitude if you're 16 for the rest of your life you're going to have to do that isn't that terrible they why they started to it 42 to be kind when you don't feel like being kind oh that's the hardest thing huh fortitude when I don't feel like being lovely you get up in the morning not a good time to get up in the morning some people are morning people some people are night people the night people don't get peppy to a nighttime when you're about ready to go to bed there Pepe why don't we go out and do something for Richard just plain for the truth because you got to get dressed and go out to please your husband or your life takes love compassion and 42 and that's consistent to be polite all you youngsters don't know what politeness is hardly any more some of you are of court but some of you you'll go through a door and that's some little old lady behind you to fend for herself that you don't want to be loving in kind over a long period of time but we don't know if we have a long period of time I never in my wildest dreams ever thought of being 76 I thought that was really terribly old takes 42 a lot of furniture now here's another thing I can accept a headache but comfortably knowing it'll be better tomorrow but what happens if it's cancer or a brain tumor what happens then what happens when a doctor says you have maybe six months well it takes for Detroit if you don't feel you have that kind of order to it please pray for it I gave you a lot of examples of fortitude tonight because I think that's how we learn what we need and fortitude means patience and perseverance and I'm just going to read you that and we'll go for phone call to be persevere when I must wait for the conversion of a friend isn't that hard huh when somebody you know needs conversion that it just doesn't seem to happen for the return of health mine and others for the recognition of a job well done how many times do you say to someone you love maybe who just moved along and say hey that was a great job here it's all self centered or your wife makes a nice pie you're tired you have a hard time at work and you don't even notice what's for dessert pie I'd hit you right on the head with that pie the arrival of loved ones the settlement of a dispute forgiveness of a friend the reconciliation with an enemy the cessation of pain the control of my own weakness the time when all men will be brothers don't we all wait for that huh and the journey's end we will all have attorneys in then I need the gift of fortitude so in your daily life my friends and family when things get too hard that you think you can't go on another day another second ask the spirit to increase within your heart and mind and soul the gift of fortitude it doesn't mean all of a sudden you're going to feel courageous it doesn't mean you're persevere keep going think about it maybe what you need to pray for fortitude we have a call hello hello mother hey where are you from New York oh good now what is your question my mother in the book of Mark chapter 11 verse 24 Jesus says I give you my word if you were ready to believe that you'll receive whatever you ask for in prayer it shall be done for you now what do we do when you do already to receive it and you pray on it and it doesn't happen mmm God answered your prayer he said no you know we don't look at no answer as an answer huh or just isn't ready sometimes we pray for a conversion but we have to realize before I do learn even God converts or give people the grace is always there they don't answer it takes time for a person to admit they're in trouble and they need time for that will that is so set against God sometimes to turn takes time and that's fortitude you can always ask for something with courage and constant constant prayer is fine but not ah not nervous prayer yell alright I need this Lord I need it I need it I need it I need it now yeah I hope you weren't brain for patience I need it now see we have to have that you know what we took a couple weeks ago was the gift of fear the Lord was feeling of fear what doesn't mean we're scared to death or shaking in our boots it means I love my father in heaven and I've asked him for something I I could drop it he heard me the first time some people have some grave moral problems and they really want to stop they really want to quit they really want to change but their wills are weak why because they have been giving in all these years takes time whatever you're asking for ask it once a day we'll do that just once a day then go about your business loving him praising him thanking him and then if he says yes or no know for sure he is going to do the very very best for you hey we have a father in heaven that is capable of anything everything but there are some things that God say he can't do but if I do Lord puts a square peg in a round hole there's still a square peg it's just in a round hole he doesn't make the square peg round right but some of us are in that position we expect him to put a square peg in a round hole well he will what's the square peg some people have square heads they just don't answer they're just not ready to change their lives whatever you're asking for keep asking in a loving way and just say Lord I leave it to you I I can't do anything about this situation all right I need conversion I'm not making headway but you're trying you're making it way you're trying you want to change you know you should change those are all graces from God so maybe we were being answered and you don't know it but in either case please keep praying but not with impatience if I know he loves me and I think you know he loves you if whatever you're asking for is his will fine if it isn't fine too we have another call hello yes hello yes I would like to ask you one question mm-hmm I would like to know how do the sisters receive with serenity is it through years of prayer and meditation while serenity comes to everyone through that assurance you have of knowing for sure so we know a lot of things but we're not sure everybody said yeah I know God loves me but do you really know that is it a conviction in your heart that comes to your mind when your need when something happened when there's a tragedy does it fill that hole I think serenity comes to all of us when we accept the will of God with joy and not the kind of joy that's happy happy the kind of assurance that comes I know I don't like what's happening but it's okay somehow for some reason God put his stamp of approval he there permits it or or veins it's either way if I accept it with love then I think serenity is either there or around the corner because most of us are always kind of unhappy over everything for some reason if it's raining we wanted to be sunshine if it's sunshine we wanted to rain if it's if I can be happy or joyful with the present moment which means what content content with the present moment then serenity of soul will be nice try it sometime try to see Jesus when only father Francis passed a leper one day he he just he just ran away fast he'd you know kind of got his horse to go as fast as he could and then he stopped and he said wait a minute what am i doing to be backed up and he got off of his horse and gave the leper his coat and kissed him and he said he felt such freedom and I am NOT saying we should do that but the acceptance of God's will at that moment lifted his soul high because he overcame himself see and sometimes to bring serenity to my soul I have to forgive I have to forget sometime I have to really respond to the present moment rather than react to the present moment I think if we all try that we should have that serenity and serenity if I had to put serenity in one word I would say trusts perfect trusts we have another call hello hi how are you good how are you I know what is your question I have a husband who I've been praying for his conversion for about two years the rosary Divine Mercy chaplet and it just things just keep getting worse and I understand why God won't change him so we could have a happy family because my four-year-old daughter suffering because he walked out again and I just can't understand why God won't change him to keep praying for it like wouldn't he want us to be a happy family instead of being this way yeah well it's very hard very hard but perseverance again see that's part of fortitude huh perseverance is part of fortitude I have to keep on doing the same thing no matter how I feel we're going to mess up once in a while but at the same time I keep trying see I don't Lord once efforts he knows where I'm not always going to be successful effort and so when somebody leaves like that or that takes a lot of courage and a lot of strength don't ever don't ever feel that it's hopeless and you know when I became a religious and I used to pray for my father once in a while because I didn't know him that long that much but still he did come and and see me in the monastery he cried and told me to tell my mother he was sorry a long time just to come to that a long time when I found out he died I called the hospital and I said did a John Rizzo I'm in the hospital said yes he was dead on arrival well my dear father had not been to Mass I think that maybe when he was married that's it but I know when he came to see me he was sorry it sincerely sorry and I said well that anybody annoyed timmer she said well you know she said that was a strange thing she said I was on duty at the time and a priest came along in a brown habit said brown habit suggests and anointed him well I was jumped out of my skin a prayer answered at death she so never give up pain sometimes our prayers are only answered at death and I really feel he was why because there was not a priest in my city of a Canton Ohio and the bran happened anywhere I don't know who anointed him because he was already dead so he couldn't go to confession hey but somewhere along the line you see what seems so hopeless what's filled with hope and I prayed for him I was pretty sure it'd be a purgatory so how do you know why I don't who knows where anybody is by considering whoever the priest was God sent him for a reason so never lose hope on anybody just don't expect it to be done in your time that was such a surprise to meet I guess my prayer was not as filled with trust as I should have been I don't know but it happened God heard me years ago and he never forgets me so please don't stop whatever you praying for a conversion is the hardest as I said the people are getting the graces you're praying for they don't listen and Italian we say cordial or stuff simply means hard head we had one of the patriarchs here not too long ago well yeah it was a couple years ago I guess and he was on the show that's one of the Eastern Churches and after the show he said to me what was your father's nationality I said calibrate oh he said tester doula I said yeah tester do it up which skin means hard head and he was talking to me he wasn't talking to my father he was talking to me when he said Tesla doula so see there's something why did I say that there's nothing to do with the subject at hand anyway whatever the reason sometimes it takes time just don't stop don't get discouraged or disheartened God has his time and unfortunately God's so often has to wait for us to say yes that's what so to me I always felt kind of sad about it because he's God why should he have to wait for us to say yes sir whether he's asking for huh don't seem right does it so if we put our minds and a heart on saying yes to God whenever he asks us to do things that are very difficult tonight I came here to the show and I found somebody in my chair who was that that one from chair to chair and that those old kitty stories I was that what was it huh go okay and Goldilocks there it was so I I looked at my time hmm come up here sweetheart and you come up here come on there we go see down here we are together you you want to say something to the people hmm huh okay can you say I love you hey I like you kind of scary up here isn't it are you scared huh yeah you want to give me a smooch it's not gonna work either can I give you a smooch yeah oh boy how's that are you happy to be up here yeah you want to say something to the people hmm what a want to say say hi didn't went in say hi hmm well I'm stuck I used are you happy to be here huh you're happy to be here yeah you know my name No you know in the beginning of my network we used to have one of these way you call telephone that never worked for us but we had one one time and thumb tied just got the sisters it because I was running out of words and I got the sisters in I thought I'd ask him questions and I said to Regina now why did you become a Franciscan and she said seriously I didn't know we were Franciscan for two years I don't want to die write that in there I said you didn't know you were Franciscan for two years nope yeah so you're gonna say a word you look very beautiful huh you like it up here no can you can you go back to your mama you're not gonna fall are you that's a nice thought that's gonna help brother kind of help you there you go well thank you brothers moving his fingers up and down I'll see you again tomorrow night Vina Oh
Channel: EWTN
Views: 27,903
Rating: 4.8541665 out of 5
Id: yf-2gACPF7c
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Length: 53min 24sec (3204 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2013
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