Mother Angelica Live Classics - Ephesians 3 and 4 - Mother Angelica - 05-10-2011

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like a live brought to you from the Eternal Word television studios in Birmingham see in you the love the compassion of Jesus glorious work of all to praise God in his kingdom moved by the spirit lives in love lives in God God what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus we are all called to be great Saints don't miss the opportunity well thank you and I have to share with you what I did over the weekend a lot of people right team we want to know what did you do over the weekend well this weekend was extremely interesting we were in South Dakota and we're in Mitchell South Dakota and Alexandria South Dakota and so far South Dakota but I was very impressed you know people told me oh gosh what are you gonna do in South Dakota that's so flat well I don't know what flat has to do with it but it is a flurry flat state but it does have mountains not rushmore where all the president's faces are in the stone but when i found there it was awesome i found such catholicity that i didn't believe it and you know there we had the conference there and there were people from every state of the union except Hawaii I was very impressed with the farmers they were just wonderful wonderful people very hospitable very kind and you when you walked in you met them you thought you knew him for a hundred years you know that kind of friendliness so I was very impressed also impressed with a beautiful group of sisters there Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Guadalupe and all of you young people out there that are looking for a good solid order and an order that is out there working with the people and for the people and still have a beautiful prayer life I would recommend these here in Mitchell South Dakota and they're there beautiful sisters we stayed with them three days and they have a beautiful chapel and they really love the Eucharist they love our lady so if some of you feel you have an active order and working in the hospital or taking care of the ages or kind of a kind lessons homes whatever I would write to them because they need sisters but they're wonderful so that was my trip and Bishop / Carlton was very wonderful very very wonderful and a very good Orthodox Bishop so you made it made you feel like you're in Catholic City again you know and it was it was great so if you're passing through stop by and see father Fox or the sisters and just breathe in that fresh air of South Dakota well tonight some people made a kind of nice complaint I lost my marker only God knows what you're going to hear tonight now she's writing down Ephesians okay but Ephesians isn't mighty long thank you well we're who here's a market thank you many people have written and said we don't like gifts on your Tuesday night show well I'm very I think that's account that complaint is a compliment and I'm very grateful for it but sometimes there are very good people around and I can't find a place for him for maybe a year and so I've been trying not to do that but I'm glad you want me to by myself okay we're going to look at Ephesians third chapter and fourth if you have your scripture with you because I think and I I was convinced of that talking to the people at the conference it was a family conference and there were four offered at this time there were 400 children from ages 6 7 to 12 or 14 400 of them made a conference of their own for three solid days and I don't know who's teaching them but they're doing a very good job I walked in one day when they were sitting there and I told my elephant story and they were wrapped you know and I said now every time you do something nice for your mother or I said then you make the elephant fall and I said then you say three cheers for Jesus and so I said I let the kids come up you know I said no what did you do I watched my mother dishes oh boy at the big one and then what did you do I cleaned the car but these are little tykes about that big you and I said what you do for your mother I took out the garbage mister go that was not a nice job brother no but you took it out right yeah so I said everybody three chairs for Jesus you've never heard such a it was thunderous you know from these four hundred kitties it can change you know I got a lot of crews out there because these little kids love Jesus a lot of teenagers were there because this was a conference for the whole family and if you if you want to really do something wonderful in your diocese have a family conference where all the little ones could go and the teenagers can go and these little boys would come up about this big and one came up to me hug my knees and I said I and he said I think you're very good I said well thank you thank you I wanted to say tell God that but I did think it understand another little girl with beautiful blond hair came up to me and she said I could hear at first cuz she's so small you know I want to be a nun I said well when you grow up you come see me then I thought Overlord at 74 I wanted to share you know but I bet your tongue and I was surprised these little tights little boys and some of them were maybe nine years old nine 10 and I said where you are being would you go a piece of a priest and I realized when he said it or the way he said that he meant it you know he really meant it it wasn't and undecided it wasn't it was very definite very serious I want to be a priest so God if you're discouraged something God is working wonders in secret and sometimes it's hard to bring it out from under the rocks but it's there it's there now we're going to the Ephesians because I'm not too sure some of us know and if we did know the world the world not the physical world that's beautiful although it's you know and I as a kid or you said acid rain I'd say what we used to use rainwater to wash our hair with make tits up but we never heard of acid rain or polluted rain or you know you go in some of the cities even a smaller city and you see the beautiful cloth and you see this dark brownish mark you know then underneath you see some more white Gaza the world that God made we are having done well with but it's still good I'm still beautiful but we ourselves are the greatest thing and God has created the greatest and you know I talked to people and that's not at the conference but I've talked to people who didn't know that living together was a mortal sin before marriage they didn't know that nobody told him and nobody said that taking drugs and drinking so that your body your soul and your family is so disrupted it's sinful they didn't know they didn't know that when we're so disobedient and rebellious against God's his his vicar and the scriptures that you can commit a grievous sin and people don't know this one girl said to me I never knew that I said well it's a three-yard i I know you didn't but it is to grievious it and so is dawned on me in the last few weeks that we don't know what we're doing wrong but it's one thing we don't know as to what great holiness for culture see we just think oh we just happened to be we're one of four five billion people in the world Oh none of that is right or true Ephesians is a very wonderful book I've got just kind of hit here there in the first chapter it says before the world was made forget that no world no stars no planets nothing only God in His heaven but later it created angels but before the world began he told you if you knew that you wouldn't give it so many sins you wouldn't get so drugged up at you were unconscious or you wouldn't drink so much that you're out of it you don't even know where you are or who you are but teachers you before time began and he chose us in Jesus you know I've often thought and I've told her such as this a lot they probably get tired here at me but they don't say anything I keep saying before the world began you were known by God loved by God and he decided that you would be in this age and then he decided you would become a spouse of Christ son of the Most High God you know if you woke up that in the morning what would bother you you know you admire say that everybody has their favorite Saint Saint Jude st. Teresa the little flower say I asked the little girl the weekend I sit down what's your name sweetheart she said Teresa boy said your name after little flower and she straightened up like an arrow and she says no I said Who she said the big tree saw I said oh excuse me I hope the big Teresa doesn't mind being called a big treat sir you know that reminds me of something has nothing to do with Ephesians what I came here the first time I was 35 years ago and we we had dedications May 20th 1982 and and somebody from Birmingham wrote an article about the new monastery and the first sentence said Mother Angelica a large woman said boy what an introduction well it bothered me for about five seconds and I thought oh well what's the difference so I've often wondered about the little big trees in the little streets now before the world was made he chose us a Christ let me substitute the word us for you because it's the same he chose you before time began Wow why did he choose you every why was I born ever ask yourself that's a terrible thing to add yourself you ought to be so happy you were born because you have a chance to see God anyway it says here he chose you to be holy and spotless now st. Paul is talking not to religious or priests or the bosses he's talking to people like you you read st. Paul he's talking too late people he is not talking to priests or religious to be holy and spotless and to live through love how in his if you had that sentence typewritten and put it on your mirror in the morning so instead of looking at yourself with all your wrinkles and gray hair and all the bags under your eyes look at this first C and say it will say it's the first chapter of Ephesians fourth verse he made loved you chose you before time again to be wholly spotless and to live through love in his presence how how often do we live in the presence of God I wonder sometimes because most people are always thinking of God up here and he is there but it isn't Studio you unless you have some terrible mortal sin on your soul as he and I want to explain that to all of you who think sin is fun when you sin grievously you say to God move I'm busy and he moved that means he will come out of you and stay there watching you hoping we will repent and go to confession and become the man or a woman he wants you to be now venial sins don't throw him out but you know that when you go to communion in the mornings if you say Jesus I offer this Communion to take away all my venial sins you got to come out of that church wonderful clean you could do that every morning or at least every Sunday so now we know that why God created us you say well that's wonderful in that nope never happened to me it isn't something that happens it's something that already is when you were born and you were baptized the Father Son and Holy Spirit began to dwell in you you became their temple and when you go into our church we've tried it small you're all disappointed when you walk in right because on television at you that's it but you see I look massive on television but I'm not I don't think but anyway you see when you go in there we tried to make it as beautiful as possible we try to have the most beautiful vestments we can find the most beautiful chalices and ciborium we can find now we drink without a plastic cups and bed but not Jesus see you don't drink your precious blood out of breath but out of something very precious see at least gold and why because this God you can't treat God like you treat yourself or somebody else so that's because that's his house but how do you treat your house you're a house you're a temple of God they Paul says if you do not believe that you're a temple or a spirit you don't have that faith see this is very bad he said here in the second chapter the first the last part he said he gave you a spirit of wisdom and perception see if when you believe what's here you believe in a real presence of Jesus you believe in our deities attribute our car our architects and all the wondrous things of her and all the beautiful things in the church when you're believing confession oh well what is that that spirit gives you wisdom and perception so you can believe what you do not see but I think you can see sin and you can see holiness see because the eyes change the face changes you think so many people in grievious sin they look so dissipated and I look it's like it's like marring the front of a temple now it's a beautiful picture of Our Lady that our lady must have put down in Florida on this building and people from all over have been gone there hundreds and thousands it's right next to an abortion clinic I understand I'm not sure that but somebody went during the night and put something on it I don't know didn't ruin all of it but it just kind of did something to the glass and I thought I wish everybody saw it before and after because that's what happens to your soul when you are in constant sin and don't give me that stuff about oh you can do what I want oh yeah sure but you look like somebody came from Mars sin destroys see you say well this guy is pretty bad look how he looks pretty good I'll give him a couple of years him a couple of years till his livers shrinks up because he's got so he he he pickled it or his lungs rink up because he's got so many like nicotine in there he can't breathe sin is always something that destroys I could never build and so you were given a spirit to bring you to full knowledge of Jesus and and he says may he enlighten the eyes of your mind oh that's a beautiful thing huh would it be nice if when we got up in the morning we would say Jesus enlighten my eyes see the eyes of my mind today so I think like Jesus hmm we got to think like Jesus today what do you think about when you get up I don't want to know what is your first thought in the morning do I have to get up well if you want to eat do you have to get up what what is your it's always silently always but mostly on self oh I got addict boy I feel terrible I mean it's or maybe it's a neighbor next door or somebody you hate you wake up with that hatred in your heart already see God didn't bring us here to wake up with hateful thoughts or sexual thoughts or lustful thoughts or thoughts that destroy us such and I were in airports was 9:30 no it was about quarter to 9:00 yesterday morning and so you know being Italian you gotta have breakfast and so we did eat breakfast with the sisters we had a long wait and so we went and got something I'm not just I forgot what it was a cup of coffee whatever and I looked just a hit and it was a very young girl having a drink at nine o'clock and I prayed for it because I said Lord sure the way you know sorry the way I didn't want to embarrass her but I just prayed and if you're like that did you go to have a drink at eight o'clock you're in bad trouble what why do you want to put acid on this beautiful beautiful image of Jesus huh why he's called you to be holy so you can see and he promised you what the Saints inherited okay no matter what state you have devotion true there's no reason why you can't be like it so all I can fastest say it's a very different fact it you know and I got a real bad call I like to sit up and bed and read the live the Saints while I'm eating bonbons it's a little humbling but a secret now he says here he sits here where is it here you are no longer aliens now why did what does he mean by aliens people who don't know the Lord you're no longer aliens you are citizens with all the saints and a part of God's household mm Wow let me address all single parents tonight and children of single parents single parent families remember that one sentence will you do that you belong to God's household and if you're missing a mother or a father there are a lot of us like myself I think remembering that God is your father and if your mother is and what she should be or you want her to be our ladies your mother Jesus is your brother the Spirit is your dearest friend I think of that and I think it will make it ease it's not going to take the pop of the way you know the best of Homes the holiest of all is that problem but I we become holiest with the cross but he's telling us here that we are part of God's household that's why we need to be loving to each other because we share the same father we are brothers and sisters we really are and you never treat a brother or sister me nor nasty you don't swear at them you don't shouldn't there's a you if you go to communion if you're a Catholic and you go to communion every day your mouth should be the purest why because you share the very blood of Jesus you share the body and blood and if you go out for mass and begin to swear begin to lie and cheat in your business that's a sacrilege but really a lot of you do that you come out of church and nobody would drink nobody you deal with nobody you see and some of the members your family are all they don't know what to say you come home as grouchy as can be you're yelling at everybody and they have to wonder what does it mean to go to Mass and Holy Communion every morning when you end up like this you are a walking sermon I am a walking sermon but so are you because people don't care what you say you can forget it they look and see it's like a thousand words of pictures of thousand words and so he says here he says do not forget what you were and he goes on and says all the terrible thing to the people who were you are part of a building that has apostles and prophets for foundations and Jesus is the cornerstone and you are to grow how in one holy temple that's a lot to lay on you tonight but see you're called to be holy and I know some of you are so disheartened over things I was gonna pick them up pray for liberals pray for those who have want to destroy the church see I think what you need to do if you're really in trouble now the first action you need to do is go to confession if you're already good that means you have no big sins on your soul you need to pray a little more you need to go to a few Chris as much as you can as often as you can and you need to be kind to people you need to be loving to people you need to have compassion not misdirected capatch but real compassion for the elderly for the sick you can prove today that we have no compassion because boy somebody slaughtered these cough drop I think they take a hammer go anyway oh god where was it isn't it strange how the mind changes like that you can have the holiest thought and all of a sudden a cough drop just set you off okay we're no longer aliens right I did that it's thought that Gordon and I don't know I know what happened I won't die anyway I said to him where was I everybody yelling where I was but I it was so many people I couldn't hear what they were saying anyway no no so I'm gonna go to confession but you want to be so nice to people it shouldn't be hard to be nice to people why is it so hard you say well people are obnoxious well your people you're also people some time at night examine your how critical were you today of other people you see where they're doing things wrong I didn't say that I didn't ask you what they're doing I asked you how critical your well I already find fault with the truth ooh wait a minute do you have to tell everybody in a neighborhood the truth see some of you are funny you don't want to go to confession but you tell the whole neighborhood what you did don't you find that kind of strange huh I think I never did understand that you tell your good friend on the on the phone where you can breathe it's like going by the megaphone all over the knee you know she's gonna tell somebody always can you keep a secret forget it they can't keep a secret because you can't keep a secret find out how many times you have gossip it's about somebody now you say well it's a kind of risky to act like a Christian oh I feel sorry for you go ahead cuz they're not too many acting like that be different now you tell I'm in a business world no you're in the business world but you're not on the business world if you become of the business world I'd go sell hot dogs on a street corner because what does it mean or what does it matter if you gain the whole world st. Paul says it lose your soul if you get all the money in the world and then you lose it all but you lose God you can't dig it with your goodness gracious I forgot this Tuesday nights and we have a call ready well let me just say one thing we have to grow into the holy temple of God Wow well we have a call hello hi Mother Angelica hi I just want to say God bless you I think you're just phenomenal you gave me so much strength thank you um the first thing I just want to make a quick comment I am a single mother yeah and I wanted to tell you cuz you asked a question what's the first thing you think of when you wake up and it's funny because two days ago I woke up singing glory to God in the highest praise God doesn't one I'm talking to my guardian angel I notice like that I've got two questions the first one was was the Blessed Virgin tempted or did Jesus prevent it and my second one is which is better prayer during the day while you're driving and while you're easily distracted or is it better to pray a quiet time set daily I'll hang up and you can answer them well god bless dear welcome to well I think you you can pray both ways I would keep my eyes on the road though but you couldn't you can pray especially during traffic that's what I liked about thought the core there was no traffic even I could learn to drive in South Dakota but you pray it both times but not concentrated prayer while you're driving you can just say a Hail Mary you can watch where we go from here to the farm we say a rosary but it just say little things like Lord don't let me honk my horn at this slow driver in front of me or Lord why do you put so many these big trucks that look like they're five miles long on the highway or Lord why does everybody pass me up and look meaning at me this little things you know those are those are things you wouldn't think of praying about that's where I mentioned them what was her first question I don't know I don't think anybody can say so but I would imagine she was tempted but never sinned we know that our dear Lord was tempted in the desert he was sent by the Holy Spirit to be tempted so I would imagine our lady would have had to say but not the kind we have for example you get that it sound sensible to me you don't have the same temptations that a nine-year-old would have or a five-year-old or a three-year-old I hadn't I know about three-year-olds because I remember the first booboo I made my mother's mother-in-law but something else now that and I might I'm a nun I can't tell you what something else she was but anyway she was a character and she used to be able to take the bones out of a chicken and you never know it I mean the chicken looked like a chicken you know but if you picked up the leg you want the crutch there's nothing in there to stop you from crunching well she was very angry at my mother because my mother couldn't do it you know my mother was a great cook but she cleaned the chicken and she did whatever you do it should put it in the oven she was griping at her for not doing it right and I was might like the stove was here my grandmother was here and my mother here and I was underneath here you know and I looked up at my grandmother and I said oh shut up y'all time talk talk three years old and I didn't know anything about temptation but gee that showed my character already my mother my mother brought lifted me up and gave me a kiss because it was years before I knew I did something wrong you know but it was wrong but I didn't know it but you see our lady had to be tempted in other ways then a child would be tempted or now some of the Mystics and you got a watch for sheree today there are a lot of books out to say this is a good book she saw our lady she died and but what they say is dealer logically not right you got to watch it but anyway there are a couple of good books that you could read marry big readers one called City of God but anyway they are in those books they were called there are some kinds of temptations that our lady would had and certainly it wouldn't be hard for us to realize she could have but she didn't ever give in if you saw your son crucified unjustly what would you do well she didn't do any of that she stood there she didn't quit she didn't you fall over in a dead faint she didn't yell and scream she stood there and not only accepts it's our her son sufferings but United her terrible pain to our Lord she that's why the church says he has some that quote read em tricks meaning not along with it's just with not instead of but with and she had to suffer that in fact she suffered something on the cross on Calvary our Lord business of her and that is when the Centurion his heart that sword had to go through hers because they couldn't leave him alone even when he was dead how would you feel as a mother huh so she did suffer tremendously and all that suffering all the suffering you're suffering my suffering is always at least most of the time an occasion to fall into offending the Lord by being bitter angry about it being mad at God because they took your father your husband your child all of these things can be occasions of her great temptations but our lady never sick humped but we cannot say for sure she had any temptations we have another call hello hi my name is Karen not long ago I got real close to the Lord I just I was alone a lot and I read his word and I prayed and I wanted to know him so much and his love just filled my heart and it fill the emptiness inside and I got to know who he was it was so incredible and I remember one thing though I went to this kind of like the Church of the street and they were saying that in order to get to Jesus you have to go through Mary and I remember the scripture that said whosoever comes to me I will in no wise cast out that's wondering where the origin of praying to Mary came from and how that all started because I didn't understand well when our when our dear Lord told the Apostles to wait after penny and at the spirit with calm they prayed with Our Lady and the Apostles received the Holy Spirit in the presence and with our lady and she too was full of grace as Saint Gabriel said she was she too received the Holy Spirit the customer going to her lady started in the first century because if you love a man you ought to know his mother now earthly mother sometime you don't care annoying you know but that's not the way our lady is she's the most perfect woman God made to make up for Eve and when you go to Mary Mary goes to Jesus it's like when you were kids and you went to your dad and you said dad can I have a bike get a bike no way hmm hey mom could you kind of ask dad if buy me a bike I need it I need a bike I could go to church and I could even make a little money at selling papers and all of us said he comes on Mondays got a bike that true all your women that have children then they after you that's all it is sweetheart it isn't that you can't go to Jesus of course you can Mary is our mother he gave her to you well you can always go to your mother nobody said you could only go to your father and after that you're a dead duck I'm gonna be dead for sure but see you can't go to your father but then sometimes you go to your mother to get something from your father let me tell you something our lady our lady's role is not to answer your prayer alone she can't do anything alone she has to have it from chest whatever power she has come from Jesus why are you afraid to st. Anthony for something your loss ask Jesus Jesus I lost my pen why are you praising Anthony give him something to do for goodness sakes it's a steak don't you like to be asked for things sure so the Saints are are there to ask them for things you can ask a lady I Lord loves to fool you too asks one of its creatures for things same as in the the 21st chapter of John he told the Apostles we're to protect the net he told him how he put the fish in the net and then he said bringing the fish you have got wait were you talking about crime syndicates oh do you think he did it all but even Jesus used them as someone who did something but he did it all and that's the way to with our Lady thing he loves for you to call upon his mother he likes that so when you call upon Mary you please him when you call to him you please Mary there's no jealousy in heaven I go to our lady I don't have to worry because I gave her everything I have in time in eternity when I die and the Lord says what have you done not much Lord I really don't have anything oh I took it up here - I'll have anything so well Lord I gave it to your mother oh you did yeah come right in that's where he's gonna say there's nothing we do matters except and let me say this say yeah your little boys working in the garden and he finds a beautiful he paid the dish a dish well around it and it's metal he cannot go on metal but oh it's so dark and black brown and green he comes in and he polishes it and all of a sudden it turned out to be bronze sure it's just glowing well that's how I figure it is when I go to our lady I think I got this old beat-up dish you know so when I say a prayer to Jesus I say it's sweet mother we apology a little bit I want to talk to your son hmm that's not better and then when you give it to Mary never polish you up a little bit and then you talk to Jesus you're beautiful okay we have another call hello hello where are you from and what is your question well mother I have a hard time going to confession it seems when I get in there my mind goes blank now since Vatican 2 we were told you don't have to go to confession if you don't have a mortal sin but I was wondering is it a mortal fear not to go to confession at least once a year don't you believe anybody who tells you you don't have to go to confession I wish I could be virtuous at this moment that I get so upset when somebody when somebody tells another person you don't need to go to confession unless why does he take a bath every day he's not dirty you can't get that dirty in one day that you have to take a bath to get away the dirt away why do you go cause you stink if you don't that's why you take a bath every day it's not because you're dirty you can't get dirty or 24 hours you got a suit on you got a dress on what to get dirty that's why confession is it's a bath you need to get rid of this video scent but most of all we need strength energy courage to make this temple holy holy this is that you have to go to confession at least once a month it is wrong if you don't go to confession at least once a year you don't make your Easter duties but don't listen to anybody that tells you that what you can't do let me tell you what you could do I hope when you go to confess you have nothing but being your sins not unless it's not nothing but we goodness if we do things all the time but it's taking a bet to tell that priest who told you you don't have to go to confession to ask him not to take a bath for at least six months better yet better yet tell him if you have to go to confession once here ask him not to take a bath for one solid year see what all that order and dust does to him and to everybody else around you go to confession as often as you wish and and say this father say all your venial sins if he shut you up say father you just made me a sin again goodbye did I put my fist through that screen but anything but anyway what I would do is say this say all your dissent I was this or that whatever and for all the mortal sins of my entire life I'm sorry see that means you're including everything you remember or everything you don't remember but you're asking forgiveness for mortal sins of your past this means now confession he can't say no to that not because you want to recall everything because once you go it's washed away but we say that and you can't say that go to a priest was a priest of God and knows that the dust of venial sin can cover the soul don't let anybody if woe to the one who refuses anyone to go to confession I wouldn't want to be in his place a judgement because the Lord will say to him I do not know you for you world would never forgive in my name beware if any priest is listening to me please don't ever refuse a penitent confession and maybe it's a small small sin in your eyes it is not a small thing in their eyes and if they're striving for holiness just like you take a bath every day all they're doing is the same thing on a spiritual level so I hope that you all understand please go to confession I go once a week once a week and I hope I never have a biggie on my soul but that isn't where I go I want to be like Jesus and that's where you were a temple of the Holy Spirit because they're a temple of the Holy Spirit let me take a bath that's up next time you take a shower say is this really necessary I mean why waste to soak the water I mean I took a bath yesterday I took a bath a month ago I took a bath a year ago please go to confession and keep taking your baths but I would say that if a priest says I you don't need to go professor month a year and say father then when you begin taking a bath once a year I'll go to confession once here so let me just give you a little reminder this net worth constantly needs the shower of your gifts that's pretty good we are concelear needs why because our expenses have almost no they didn't double but they went up about 25% because of this transponders we have people are being converted everywhere and coming back to the church everywhere I need you very badly in order to keep this network going and when things go down we have no question nothing to keep us up again I hope you don't mind that I have to keep asking but that's the only thing I have and you're the only ones I have so please be generous with us at the end of the month or the middle of the month a man said the other day I put you before my dad's electric I said thank you Jesus whatever wherever we are in your bills counted of bill well I can't think of anything else nicer but we need your help in order to continue this network we have 200 employees and if you don't get the phone call right away please be patient we're trying very hard well I love you and I will see you again tomorrow night with a wonderful guests bye you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 29,509
Rating: 4.7610388 out of 5
Keywords: ewtn, Mother Angelica Live Classics, Family Night, Catholic, MA902647
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2011
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