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ladies and gentlemen a chess world record was broken today and i am here to share this absolutely fascinating and wild story with all of you we've just finished watching the world chess championship and we've seen live viewership be at fifty thousand eighty thousand a hundred thousand and all the recaps afterward getting their views but do you know that the most watched chess match live of all time is between dela kipas and irin sukander that infamous match during the indonesian drama which had about 1.3 million live viewers that was broken today and nearly doubled by none other than spanish mystery chess player rey enigma i have put a link in the description to to his channel i'm so hyped i can barely speak i'm not even editing that part out who played in spain's got talent today in a final versus a surprise guest that surprise guest was anatoly karpov we're getting vibes of mikhail which is the reference to karpov playing the three-year-old kid live on russian television rey enigma had to do a final challenge against the mystery guests because he's a mystery himself and play against anatoly karpov in a three-minute blitz game and if karpov beat him then he would have to reveal his identity this was the and and of course links to the description will be in the description to all this stuff will be there um it's obviously in spanish the main commentary so you have to understand it a little bit but rey enigma begins the blitz game with one t4 and apparently early measurements i've spoken to rey enigma about this i have confirmed that live viewership was about two and a half million this is the first broadcasted game on television like this i think ever so i mean chess has been on live tv but not like this so knight f6 knight two f3 e6 e3 b6 and rey enigma likes to play the uh kali system uh with knight f3 bishop d3 very solid it's kind of like a meme but it's also a solid opening uh and it's it's hypothesized that the playing strength of rey is probably around gm strength but nobody really knows who it is there are many guesses c5 which is a standard way to strike back on the flank we have c3 bishop e7 queen e2 so the point of queen e2 is that you don't want to commit the king too early you you want to see what's happening with the black position um karpov decides to take so he clarifies the situation with the pawns we we now have a pawn structure that um is is uh could potentially arise out of an exchange karo khan so e4 c6 d4 d5 edc d meaning that white no longer has an e pawn black no longer has a c pawn um in some situations this is like a potential like reverse carlsbad um where a side has dba and no c pawn um and that can also happen in certain queen's gambit situations so karpov is going to try to expand on this side of the board with a and b uh and try to hit at this structure with rook c8 etc rey might try to create an attack on this side of the board like that castles castles d6 and karpov here sets up something that um i don't know if it's any time i see four pawns on the sixth rank like this i just call it the hedgehog and the hedgehog is just a very spiky and difficult to crack pawn structure it can arise in certain sicilians where you know we have c takes on d4 like you know in sicilian positions so it's a hedgehog structure and it's very karpovian i mean karpov is like the master at putting the pieces on the right squares and restricting your opponent's movement and playing against their plans but this is a three-minute game there's a live three-minute game so you gotta make quick moves and be solid we have a4 preventing the move b5 karpa finishes his development h3 just kind of a pass-by move rookie eight and karpov kind of has his setup he has every single piece on just the right square before he can begin operations now it seems as though rey is playing a little bit hesitant maybe like not com you know i mean you're playing a freaking blitz game against anatoly karpov on live television and you didn't know he was going to be your opponent i mean i can kind of see where the jitters come in we have bishop g5 um uh and uh we have h6 and now a very common maneuver in any type of hedgehog is knight to d5 inviting the trade of dark squared bishop so black actually really wants this trade black wants this trade because there are certain dark squares up for grabs in the white position especially after you play h3 because if you play g3 you weaken this and you also weaken the pawn is the position better for black absolutely not i'm just saying karpov has just achieved step one but remember i told you he wants to expand on that side of the board which it might be a good idea now for white to just preemptively bring the knight back to e3 fighting against this and this when white doesn't do that instead kind of just rotating this night around maybe we're going back toward the middle um at the end of the day you're making fast moves that are solid that are not committing to too much right you're playing knight after d2 with potential ideas to transfer the knight somewhere else etc etc carbo brings the knight back to d5 and a couple moves later he has successfully achieved b5 and he is now doing something called taking over the initiative karbov has made no empty move i mean every move that he's made has been a slow and steady improvement of his position um but now the position has to open up right so rey takes on b5 takes on b5 and now has the option to move his knight or take the rook and then move his knight what he should have done is he should have not played rook takes rook he should keep the tension of the rooks and put his knight on a3 going for knight takes b5 at that point black would probably play the move b4 uh and white can still go knight b5 and it's just a very very tense position there is knight takes c3 it looks like and this actually looks very scary because the queen is hitting everybody she's pissed off and she's coming to collect the money that you rented that that you she loaned you and you haven't paid back so queen takes c3 is a problem and you have to be very sure before you enter this that it's okay it's barely okay white needs to play only moves um rey does it like this where okay well now now knight takes e3 is obviously not a concern except it is knight takes c3 is actually completely winning for black knight c3 is an insane move um if you pin the knight to the queen uh i just move the knight and i check you so i sack the knight and then i get my queen in here and that's game over uh and if you take the knight well again the queen hits everybody and maybe not the knight but these three pieces um and the queen's just too far away the white queen just can't defend everybody so black is gonna get in and and black is much better knight c3 is a dynamite track karpov misses it it's he you know given the the setting in which that they are playing it's easy to miss stuff like this the crowd i mean it's just crazy it's live tv i mean it's a three-minute game you know you're not playing you're not playing a world championship match obviously all world champions will see this car buff is just playing the easy moves we're okay too get this get this then get this get this get in here white's position is really tough to defend but rey is defending it i mean 91 and he's keeping up with karpov on the clock he's not allowing the heat of the moment to kind of overtake right um his whole identity is at stake i mean this is the final of spain's got talent this is crazy um his whole identity is at stake if he loses this game so he can't lose got a winner draw bishop c6 carp of the defense uh and now ray plays knight to e4 that was the first time i ever said rey during this whole video with an american accent it pops back in ray enigma queen takes e4 and we have an opportunity to go to h7 and deliver a mate knight to f6 stops mate and attacks the queen two ways queen comes back position's still solid karpov still looking at taking over the uh the long-term initiative with threats over here very difficult for white to do anything he moves his knight this loses the defender but this is a horrible move that is not a move you want to play because you drastically weaken your dark squares knight to e3 is still played the rook is still over there pressuring everything however white is about to play bishop b1 and ask the rook where the hell is going and i think it's overstated it's welcome i took a grown kid you know 21 22 dropped out of college no real prospects living in the parents house kind of like projecting here a little bit or maybe describing some situations that you guys are having hey life is long never too late to reinvent yourself knight to e3 b4 karpov is still coming in with the queen side initiative rey says it's my turn to take over the initiative and take over the initiative he does because in this position he has the opportunity to slap in the move d5 and all of a sudden karpo's rook here is not looking very intimidating at all and rey is going to crack open the center he takes d5 is met with knight takes d5 and if bishop d5 it's mate use the sacrifices the dharma and now 98 rookie 8 is made you just rip it all open and it's checkmate the kali bishop the kali system with the kali bishop covering the checkmate so d5 is juicy of course karpov is not going to blunder this but d5 is the best move rey plays bishop back to b1 the rook's gotta go again here d5 is good but it's less good because now the rook is back defending the ranks of the king the eighth rank right ray plays rook d1 b3 and now we have d5 okay he accomplishes d5 but in a slightly less powerful fashion now karpov has to deal with the incoming assault what does he do chop chop bishop to b5 hitting the queen asking where it's going not allowing it to group up with the bishop maybe queen f3 queen f5 knight knight g4 is an idea man i'm so excited like nothing is functioning i'm like holding in a burp i like can't breathe i also haven't even had coffee it's nine in the morning i'm recording this game i was just so hyped about it so i barely slept queen f3 bishop d7 preventing knight g4 very important move because for example if something like this like i'm just saying worst case scenario i mean white wins white wins that's the plan queen f5 bishop b1 kaboom all the way to h7 removing the defender and white is going to win karpov isn't gonna allow that he plays bishop to d7 rey still plays knight g for the problem with this big positional mistake after chomp chop i always say don't trade a bishop for a knight unless there's a good reason this case the good reason the dark squares for white are lost you will never win the battle on the light squares this dude fights on the light squares did i say dark swears light squares you're never going to win the battle on the dark squares anymore because this is a light squirt bishop this knight fights on both colors and you can't get in you're never gonna get rid of that knight because your pawns are also doubled right and here comes karpov oh oh my goodness the man i mean the soviet machine has made this his bread and butter type of position the queen hits everybody here comes bishop 2f5 we have rookie king h2 and now corp of miss is a tactical win very tough to spot but here he can play g6 and the pawn on g4 has got to go if you take on g6 looking to take back on f6 that is an opportunity but the night chops and that's why you had to activate your queen and then you would take the bishop you will be able to win the night yes but at the end there is this move and all of white's hopes and dreams collapse as the rook gets in on the second rank a very common end-game principle and all the pawns get captured karpov misses the move g6 and plays the move rook to e5 rook to d3 queen c5 the pieces are dancing the b3 pawn is one but black is going to be winning the d-pawn in a moment he plays knight takes d5 rook to d3 he's got to move his queen somewhere where the knight is gonna be safe right so he gives a check we have queen g3 and here knight to f4 attacking the rook and rey misses a win a winning move on the spot both players less than a minute on the clock making every move within one second literally your brain sees a move and plays it he plays rook two f3 which is a very natural move rookie three and rey would have beaten anatoly carp of queen to b5 but the queen is overloaded it can't guard both things anymore chop on e8 chop the knight you're up a bishop you're going to beat anatoly karpov you're going to beat magnus carlsen you're going to beat alpha 0 in that position because it's just so hopeless for black so rook to f3 he misses his opportunity knight e6 and now we have an end game you know what i would have done here chop this just get rid of the knight rook and four looking forward just trust yourself all right trust yourself you go b4 rook b3 behind the pawn make a draw you're not going to lose but he doesn't do it right he doesn't do it and now that allows karpov to begin look at this dark square play every piece card professor is on the dark square except the king but every single piece because the light square bishop has no battle and now the game is slowly cut look at karpov's king oh my gosh have you guys ever seen the clip of carp of entering against mish uh misha oyster puff the clip of where he plays the three old it's like the wide white carpet that's what he's doing karpov is king walking he is doing a gorilla strut all the way down the board king c5 king before the entire identity of the player with the white pieces is at stake the king has arrived and ladies and gentlemen disaster strikes as in a mad time scramble rey enigma gets his rook trapped the rook is trapped on d2 this is crazy now at any point at this point you just resigned but you can't you don't want to unmask yourself in front of millions of viewers you have to try to keep on playing this part of the video is probably going to offend some people because people are very you know oh you must resign when you are lost and then they're gonna you know but just bear with me okay so rook to e2 he sac carp of sees it crazy cup of season one mover and now rey is just trying to win on time it's very close maybe 15 seconds each it's about who makes the move faster and who is more of a rascal all right because you can you know grab his hand at the clock hey rook a2 if you want to watch this by the way it's on youtube i told you a link is in the description after this he pushes his pawns here comes karpa very important here by karpov to take all the pawns karpov needs to win all the pawns because if he loses on time and white has sufficient checkmating material even one pawn because he can turn into a queen he wins so carp is making sure he's not even gonna lose right well karpov should be probably promoting a queen of his own car but dances around and there it goes here comes karpov but ray very cleverly holding on for a little bit longer this is not a good move at this point i would have probably played king d2 king d2 probably because you just need to win the bishop first but now it's going to take karpov a lot longer to get a queen ray is running he's running he's running he's running karpov also in a mad dash trying to beat him on the clock five seconds each five seconds each and on move 84 of this game anatoly karpov lost on time by two or three seconds and rey enigma survives doesn't lose the game it is a draw due to insufficient checkmating material and the players shook hands and the identity was preserved wow oh my gosh i was nervous watching this clip i understand everything about the game of chess like i'm not watching spain's got talent like oh my god i've never seen chess before this is absolutely fascinating but i was nervous i was like oh no i don't want to know who rey enigma is probably five people in the world know who it is probably just his friends or something maybe he will at some point unmask but uh what he's doing in chess is absolutely fascinating in spain spain does have a very rich chess culture um and um you know the one of the main broadcasters i'm forgetting his name but one of the main hosts of got talent was even telling him that you know thank you for um for doing this because you've helped me uh you know kind of connect with with my own kid you know we were playing some chess together and i've gotten a lot of messages like that so anything for popularizing chess i mean this is so awesome and um yeah i told her enigma i would cover his game uh and i tried to make the commentary as exciting as possible you all should definitely watch the clips and uh he's making an english channel but most of his content is in spanish right now links to all that will be in the description i hope you enjoyed i recorded this on a saturday so please have a great rest of your weekend shout out to mr ray enigma for answering all my questions in twitter dms and uh maybe we will do a collab in the future maybe in new york maybe in spain probably in new york though that's all see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 293,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, rey enigma, rey enigma anatoli karpov, rey enigma ajedrez, ajedrez rey enigma, anatoli karpov, anatoly karpov, spains got talent, spain's got talent final, spain's got talent rey enigma, rey enigma spains got talent
Id: blQIZq86dMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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