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findell little black magic and that's cast iron our most requested tips stick around [Music] thank y'all for dropping by you know we did a video my top five cast iron tips well my gosh you think was giving away money because that thing got 256 thousand views on the youtuber deal we're going to give you five tips on a whole bunch of questions that people have been asking us about cast iron stick around cuz we send a letter go I can count to five I promise when I get this question a lot no matter where I'm at hiking can you boil water and cast iron ore can you make beans in cast iron well you can but they don't come out right you know ken I was bowling some beans in my cast iron and they turn black I didn't burn them and they wasn't black beans when I started there's navy beans they'll even taste bad because when you're bowling over 212 degrees and that's hot enough that you continue boiling you're going to turn some of your seasoning loose that you have in your Dutcher it's going to give you a black oily film sort on top and it don't taste real good now if I'm going to cook soup and I cook a lot of it I'm going whoa I'm sorry that's going to use an old bean pot just enameled I've used them Oh Teflon bottom pans Navy aluminum pots you can get by with them because they're not seasoned now people always ask well can't you catch your Bowl stuff in them sure when you're cooking casseroles and stuff like that you're bringing stuff to a bowl but it's not strictly just a water base tip number two say I heard you couldn't cook no barbecue sauce you couldn't cook chili or you couldn't cook no debate of a products in cast-iron it's hard on it it is hard on it the acid and anything that's in food is hard on cast iron citric acid out of couplers barbecue sauce baked based meals something like that tomato base it eats at your seasoning it begins to turn it loose it begins to decay around it you'll see it go to flaking in places but even though it's hard on your cast iron you can still cook that in your cast iron what do you got to do make sure when you're through with it that you clean it properly I'm talking good hot water make sure there in any of that residue left from any of that tomato base any barbecue sauce then we're going to dry it out over heat surface and we're going to re season it every time that's not just if you're cooking this tomato based acid based stuff but every time you use it so remember you can cook those things in it it's a little hard on your seasoning but just remember to clean and Reese's and well my number 3 tip folks and we've talked about this before in some videos but this is a good time of year to bring it out it's February and it's still cold in my country and that's pre warming cast iron now this stuff is cold right now it's probably 40 degrees in here I wouldn't just set it on fire and go to cooking III warming I'm going to set it over there by heat source that being old Bertha and I'm going to rotate it round and right till it gets to be body temperature then I know it's safe to cook any and you get to cooking it in it you can't just set it out there in the snow to cool it off you'll end up having two hands instead of one graduating you in and gradually cool your cast iron number four I'm going to grab this little wordplay skillet it's a good iron if you can find some of it this has been in my family for a long long time people ask me this I've got my skillet seasoned really well it's got a shine just like yours kit so I go to fry a piece of meat or something in there it sticks well one thing you got to remember you're taking a cold piece of meat and putting in something that's not as hot as it maybe needs to be let that meat warm up just a little before you use it I'm not saying give it an iron I'm just saying great other frigerator let it warm a little make sure your cast iron is hot before you go to cooking it that way when that meat hits that it's not just cooking take a whole people actually say what what is serious you know when you sear a piece of meat what are you doing locking in the flavor you're shutting the door on both sides of that steak or whatever you're searing to keep that moisture in to keep that flavor now when I get ready to sear something especially if I'm in the house or something like this I'll take this little skillet I'm going to preheat that oven to 450 degrees I'm going to slide that rascal in there I'm going to let it go 15 maybe 20 25 minutes because I want it to be good and hot I'm gonna light the burner and put it on high I'm gonna slap that skillet on there I didn't lose no heat in fact I'm hotter than that burner might have got it right now just a little dab of all right then you can't put it in there too first because you're going to scorch it then I will sear that meat you can't preheat this or a Dutch oven if you're going to start to cook bread in it because when you preheat that then you put that bread in there it's not rising it's cooking my folks grim rope here number five probably the thing that I believe in the most I never put something in my cast-iron that I'd be afraid to put in my mouth so that goes with how I take care of rust how I seize them and how I clean look on the Google thing there is lots of ways it'll tell you to take care of rust and one of the popular ones that's out there is get you some of that their oven cleaner spray it in here you tie it up in a trash bag I'll tell you something do you gargle with that stuff now that stuff is not good for you I promise you and the reason for that folks is cast iron has pores in it when it gets hot enough it's going to absorb that stuff in there what's it going to do later turn it loose I don't like other than clear I like food so let's talk a little about seasoning I'm a natural kind of guy as you can tell them that's really beautiful and hence them all the time but I like to use natural break natural based products in here olive oil flaxseed oil some of the best now I've used regular oil for years I did now you can buy this stuff in a two but some of them sportingly good stories called preseason all at once just squirt a little in there wipe it around in there and you're good to go look on the label folks it'll say right down there at the bottom all them chemical names it's got in there inside do not ingest I think that's a proper way for saying don't eat it so can't eat it don't put it in there I seen my mother take this skillet and put it in a dishwasher and I would cringe and I'd say mama you ain't supposed to do that you know it's hard on cast iron you know what should tell me don't argue with your mama but I finally got her convinced because I left kept letting her do this time after time after time again what happened went to eat in the way the season I don't ingest so I don't eat so welcome to take it back one time I said a bad word in school and mama made me some soap and that cured it I don't want soap in my cast-iron it'll taste like soap sometimes but also it's going to take away it's your seasoning that you've got built up so there's a lot of debate there's people out there that tell me I wash mine with soap every time I use it hey I'm just telling you this has worked for me for 40-something years of cast iron if I can't eat it ain't put it in there and seeing as how I like y'all and y'all seem like good people it's not one of them deals where it's 1995 and if you call now you get something from free I'm going to give you a bonus anyway what are you cooking cast-iron if you got a new piece and you got it refinished bacon if you'll fry bacon in that thing at first many fry potatoes in there it helps build that season because cast does love some starch and that Taylor is going to give it so you got something you're working on you had to be seasons start back frying bacon in there I like mine about half crispy two eggs and some hashbrowns some holler at me thank y'all for dropping by we appreciate it more than ever I promise you we don't take it for granted I ask you to click that little button down there at the bottom that says subscribe you'll be getting a lot of YouTube videos but also a lot of recipes a lot of great information thanking god bless you [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 510,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cast iron, cast iron skillet, dutch oven, lodge cast iron, grilling, camp cooking, outdoor cooking, cowboy, cowboy recipes, food network, chopped, cast iron recipes
Id: nrZ-o4B8UBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2017
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